
where can i get her vids?
Still can't believe her newest weigh-in hasn't been posted yet.
Personnally I'm waiting for better vids I don't give a shit about weigh ins
She posts one video and then months go by barren...
Here you go.

596.8, in case it goes down.


Almost 600 already? How the hell is she gaining so fast?
I guess that's totally possible if youre addicted to food and have a good feeder in real life. Plus of course dozens of simps throwing money at you, allowing you to pig out 24/7.
Yeah I mean she’s getting rewarded with constant attention, money and sex. And positive attention too like people telling her how sexy and beautiful she is all day etc. But combined with like u said the food addiction makes it basically a guarantee that she’s gona balloon as these are the optimal conditions for weight gain. Plus she seems to be comfortable in her body, ie no insecurity or voice in back of her head wanting to lose weight.
Is this not single then?
She, not this.
Thanks a lot legend, much appreciated.
Damn only in her early 20s and fatter than Boberry and other gainers who spent their entire careers getting fatter (Plump princess, Foxxie Roxxie, Juicy Jackie, etc.) really outstanding stuff
Damn, imagine her getting in that sedan now, she was barely able to close the door then... Also that ottoman from her intial videos, she is going to fill it out nicely...
She is becoming Lacey Hodder…
All women should be Lacey Hodder
Lacey had a hundred pounds on her and was built a bit differently. Very differently I would say. Almost impossible to beat her arms though! Haley has much more elegant (if now also elephantine) physique; she’s 600 lbs and frankly proportioned like a super model only sized up a few dozen times. Her lower half alone is beyond incredibly shapely!
I didn’t mean that she looks so much like Lacey Hodder as much as she is turning into the eating machine that was Lacey Hodder.
Although she has lost a fuck ton of weight, Lacey is still looking extremely cute and gorgeous nowadays. I really like her IG vids in where she talks. Her cheek dimples are the best
She packed on nearly 100 pounds in a year. The same year Adeline did 100 pounds in 10 months. She could easily be near 700 by 2024 if she continues this path, and that would be absolutely marvelous to see. 23 years old and 700 pounds… god
Right? Maybe even over that point as she starts to slow down even more.

Hopefully she keeps her proportions. She's fantastically well distributed, practically made to gain.
Eh i just dont want that mishaoen part of her belly to get worse. Mayble itll even out Lmao.
5'10" and already almost 600 pounds

Damn, she's quite a titan
Right?? She is reallly huuuugee, it must be a little intimidating to be un front of her

I guess here are the most naiv people online at this place...
If you subtrahed 200 from that number, you might come pretty close to the truth.
Oh the KiLlOgRaMmE retard again, only a matter of time you found your way to this thread too you mouth breathing, bottom feeding, fucking mental midget.
I'm Jewish and have read full-on Nazi posts on this site praying for the extermination of my people and yet there's no one here I'd rather see dead than Mr. Kilogram.
So many retards on here delusional about size and weight, she looks like's her weight for her height, her thigh circumfrerence is already over 40 inches, i.e larger than a chick who'd weigh at least 200 pounds.

Unlike Blobeline her weight distribution, age and height works for her than against her, she probably could reach it quite soon
Rofl why there is so much dust flying in front of the camera?

I'm not the kilograme guy, she's huge and built like a two-door fridge and believe the weight. but why take the scale out of screen. I'm a skeptic guy and hate those kind of things.
15 years old kids as you should be not allowed to enter such place as here. As you are too dumb and simple minded to understand the contend, but insulting adult people which are some levels superior in mind to you.
I estimate she looks like 170Kg in my view.
Though this is just my opinion, but that number would be very large as well and SSBBW propotions.
But up to a quarter tone would mean narrowly imobility at least, from what she is far away.

By the way here was few week ago posted a video of Avery, where she went to the Heart Attack Grill on her scooter. At that local was she together with this vehicle on the scale at the door, which showed 447lb in the display.
So when this number is her and the scooter, she habe to be below 200 kilo...(pretending to be immobile as well), not 600lbs.
On the other hand, we've seen Boberry's scale readings at 600+ lbs, and have measurement videos from the same time period.

I think Hayley is indeed the size she claims to be.
Please do not engage the incredulous kraut who literally cannot believe that there are women who routinely weigh more than 500lbs in America, their posts are extremely tiresome
Yeah its tiresome but I can relate to him. Its very difficult for us Europeans to wrap our head around how massive a 500 or 600 pound girl is. 350 lbs is considered super morbidly obese by our standards and even girls around that weight are incredibly rare (at least in my country).

Just to give you some food for thought, soemone like Haley would never fit into your average European car... and I'm obviously talking about the rear seat. One of her legs would probably completely fill up the front seat.
My gf is roughly built like Hayley, hourglass/pear, also similar height 1.8m (5' 11") and at her peak around 150kg (330lbs) she looked nowhere near as big as Hayley.

Sadly, at the start of the pandemic she lost it all.

Well…no wonder she looked nowhere near as big as Haley since Hayley is nearing double her size.

Also…pity about her losing the weight…my ex blew up from 312-444 before calling it quits.

Kilotrill, since we have pictures (and video, and multiple weigh ins) of Haley and not your "gf", the burden of proof is on you that she is "built similarly but looked nowhere near as big as Haley".

Til then, she's believable and you need to go touch ass.
it's not that hard to believe. I live in (Northern) Europe and i've seen/know girls built like Hayley in her earliest posts
Stupid spotted.

I'm replying the guy pointing out that hayley looks like 170kg, stating that someone similar to her around 150kg looked way smaller.

All good with trying to be an e-thug, but don't be a retard.
Either you are the greatest troll of all time or just genuinely mentally challenged. I strongly suspect the latter.

It's morally wrong to pick on the handicapped so i won't do that anymore. I do however, strongly advise you to permanently log off the internet. It's in the best interest of all parties involved.
Would love to see a measuring vid, especially curious about her thighs, word humongous won't be able to describe it irl...
I hope she doesn’t bonk out like Jae: If you look at Jae’s trajectory she went from 300 to 600 in really no time but the flatlined.
Jae has kids. Kids require you to be somewhat active, even if you're stuffing your face at the same time. That's likely why her gains stalled.
Yeah, but this gets me wondering at the same time. What the hell does BigCutie Jazz do then?
She claims to have a kid of her own....
I don't claim to know much about Jazz's personal life, but I know Jae is more or less a single parent and has been doing sex work for a WHILE. Jazz has only been around two years, maybe. Again, don't know Jazz's circumstances but I can't speak for why she got so huge, but Jae has been gaining to build her brand. They're two different people with different circumstances who both happen to be huge. What works for one might not work for the other.

I believe she might also have reached a yet another plateau.

At certain points, due to various and hard to locate reasons weight gain would stop. Despite continued persistence of behaviour patterns and food consumption amount and habits that provided weight gain before the plateau.

My ex-wife had at least two three plateaus while we were together and I observer this with two other girlfriends.
When "on" weight plateau weight would not change even if you pig out extensively.

Breaking through the plateau takes special approach. It may happen accidentally by trying to achieve different results. I.E. My ex wife broke through plateaus by trying diets and practices to loose weight. It may seem logical to try to loose weight when your weight no longer grows despite enjoying your meals like a big girl. But it will not work and provide a different result of hefty gaining instead.

I did not discover any prominent factor or cause for those plateaus they all had. But there must be some.
I don’t think Jae really gets any help she doesn’t pay for.
Jazz doesn’t seem like the type to leave her kids with her mom/sister either, but who knows. I think she’s in some kind of 3 way relationship so maybe someone vaguely related to that helps, or maybe her family does help her / she really just does do it it all on her own *shrugs*
So you trust that all these scales show the exact numbers and can't be manipulated?

I have another suprise for you; women not only lying about their weight, but also often about their age...

170Kg is actual for her height morbidly obese and a BMI of over 40, maybe 50.
>>71355 Do you know that this post: >>71368
was not by me, pounds-troll?

So either you call another person this way, or for you is it everyone who uses the metric system!
I never claimed that she is 150Kg (although it would not surprise me), but around 170 kilos, could be 10 more or less.
And I always maintained it is my opinion, so I have nothing to prove.
In most countries are marriges or 15 years old people and younger not allowed (maybe in few US states and India)...
I know you have some...
Just to be clear, the only reason you're fighting this is because YOU don't think it's plausible. The rest of us are comparing to other models who have breached that weight and think she's being truthful. I don't think Hayley has been dishonest since she hasn't been so entrenched with the community enough to think about tampering with scales. Otherwise she could have started much lower and "gained" along the way.

You're not winning anyone over here.
holy shit can someone please put some lead in this fuckers skull. i have never in my life wanted someone dead more than you

I don't even be liking the mafka using the word Contend. Keep my name out ya mouff
Well I assume you just don't have much experiences with big women (in real life), which means the majority here, so that most are not able to estimate how big are 150Kg are really!

So lets compare her with other models; that number which was now alleged here was the highest weight of Zsalynn too and about of Summer (of Bigcuties). These women were a lt larger than her, almost twice her size.

Another point is, as I maintained last week already, I met some women which were fatter than her or similar; like in 2016 in Hamburg the Yugoslavian women which was about 1dm taller than her (1,85m) weighted when 180Kg, had about equal buttocks/ hips, just as thighs, but a much larger tummy.

And as sombody means 170 is like 150 kilogramme; that is a big difference; 20Kg is the average weight of a 7 years old child. It is more than a German shepards dogs weights.
You should burn in hell, as you are a subhuman.
(67 KB, 1270x720, principaldowney.jpg)
Mr.>>71610, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Idc about your so-called real life experience!
Just take at look at some the women here at ~ 400lbs aka ~170kg and look at their size compared to Hayley. And then ask yourself how much Hayley would probably weigh...
You do realize Haley's 5'10" right? She's a enormous woman and she is absolutely 600 lb. All the women for comparing her to are all upper body heavy women. Haley carries it all in her lower body and that can really fuck with your head I get it. You're not very smart but she is absolutely 600 lb and you can go fuck yourself.
>used decimeter in height measuring

Are you AndyGermany? The utter randomness of it all... the best fragment was "like in 2016 in Hamburg the Yugoslavian women"... holy hell
>>71617 Good point:
So then she weight probably just 140Kg, as most women which are really 170 or more kilogramme look much bigger than her.
Nope some have huge legs as well. For instance did weight Teighlor at her higest 250Kg, but she was overall very large, much fatter in every part than Hayley, including the legs, as there were rolls over rolls.

As I pointed that woman I met was much bigger, also in height about 10cm. She just weighted 180Kg, according to her. Even if she weighted 200, is Hayley clearly smaller than her.
I know you just what to promote her contend to sell it.
So this was a cheap and really stupid try to trick us.

With 270Kg you are immobile pretty much.
No I not even know who Andy shall be. Maybe was it her former boyfriend, who put a kniefe into her tummy (I've seen the scares, as I mentioned) and put boiled whater on her vagina.
But she refused to report him, who brought her flowers to the hospitale she said, when she was kept in a wellchair.
You don't have too worry as your intelligence quotient can't get lower as it is. Though you are too primitive to hold a conversation.
I'm not trying to promote anything. You're just a retard. Kill Yourself
By calling the 170kg poster out on his real life experience. I was hoping to make my point clear that I do very much believe that Hayley weighs 600lbs. That's why I posted the link to a playlist with smaller fat women who have no interest to low about their highest weights and who look noticably smaller than Hayley.
You are either legitimately retarded, or a glorious shit poster. Anyways 150kg is only 330 pounds notable models who weigh around that off the top of my head would be Kayla Paolini, Mochi Baby, Lauren Lush, etc. Its huge but nowhere near as big as Hayley is whose single thigh is about the size of a woman weighing around 250lbs+ in circumference.

She is very much around that weight and looks it for her height , people on here either have a warped sense of weight or a legitimately stupid and don't understand how much different weight is on a person who is nearly 6 feet tall versus being around 5 and half feet tall.
Everyone on this thread is retarded. EVERYONE.
But you're on this thread. Well to the potato farm.
Well I made a typo. Off to go kill myself.
yes aGFoYWhhIG5v
How do I even access with this
Just decode it once ;)
I use a secret agent decoder ring
same 😉
Brittard you are a mongolide and I will enjoy to cuf your skin from your body and let your eat by rats!
You are either a fake who want to make us buy fhe lies or have a small brain:
150Kg is more than that and it is very huge.
I am actual attaracted to Hayley, but I prefer the truth/ reality to some fantasy-number. I undrrstand you guy have a number-fetish and live your fantasy, as this is rather a role-play for you. But I like to have it in real life and my opinion is, she weights clearly bellow 200 kilogramme; you won't change this with further lies!

Summer had larger legs, similar sized buttocks and taller and not to mentiom had a huge tummy hanging low, so was overall much fatter, but weight at her biggest around 270Kg.
By the way are 1,75m not very tall, it is just an average height, what Hayley has.
Really tall would be 1,90m.But as you are kids, you might be below 1,65m, so for you is that possible giantic...

Hey there miscalculating dude!
You came here to post ridiculously incorrect numbers again, didn't you?

My ex-wife was around 190 kg at 175 cm. She was way way smaller than Hayley.

Hayley is NOT below 200 kg. 200 kg is NOT as much as you are trying to make it sound.

Maybe you only had two fat girlfriends or so and they all were not comfortable revealing their real weight, telling you half the amount every time they told you their weight. Maybe this.

Better be this or you are just trolling the community by naming ridiculously low weight estimates and trying to prove it.
I wonder how you could marry or if it was illegal (with 15)🤨🤫

You don't know what 200Kg are; one full grown tiger weights 200Kg! Them are much bigger than humans usual (with 3m lenght).

You had obviously never met any fat women.
I had rather 60 - 70, than two.
You are trolling, as you guys never meet any women, but you live just your fantasy in a virutual world!

There are very few women which weight 300Kg, that is pretty rarely (far under thousand).
And probably less than 10 currently, which weight over 400 kilogramme in the world
>>71817 Wtf are you talking about, stupid nutter? If you are going to be here every morning posting cryptic intimidation massages the least you can do is use google translate so that I can get really scared about what you saw when you "stalked" me yesturday. I was with a 15 yo? So what? What are you, gay?

Can someone ban this autistic Kraut? JFC
The point is you have to understand your mother can not be your wife...!
Maybe to you have wet dreams of your grandmother, but don't mix this up with real or normal sexuality...
>>71822 Thanks. I'll keep that in mind, nutter. Don't go getting angry now and raping somebody tonight, you stupid idiot.
Ypu insult here everybody as autistoc, even you don't know what it is (as it is not a sickness),
But youself are an autist, that might be the case you name anybody so (you might possible believe this, that only yourself are not one).🤨
Well you have an Ödipus complex, so you might rap your mother and want to kill your father (as you regard whom as rival) to get in the bed of you mother and nona.
>>71824 I wish to tear your heart out while you're still breathing and eat that shit. I wish to dismember you limb from limb and send the body parts to your family. If I ever find out who it is in this condo that is spying on me or following me around, and posting pics to taunt me, it's going to make the headlines.
>>71826 You're a joke. An All-American failure, and you should've stayed in whatever 3rd world country your parents were born in.
Nothing like that!
But you should wish a new doll on your birthday or a shep which willing to not protect itself.

>Nothing like that!
Incomplete sentence much? Brain too tired to tell me what it is like? On my birthday I am going to wish for your death, or my own, because somebody has got to go, and I will not continue living next to you filthy mongrels. I know that doll means device. a device that's been hacked. I've read enough. You fail to realize that I don't give a fuck about you and that the only reason I want yo know who you are is so that I can cause onto you the same pain that you've caused onto me for 14 years. Whatever you stole I will be justly rewarded eventually by God. But for your invasion of my privacy I wish war.
Well if that is what you want, then I wish you the death too..
It's funny, not sure if you recognized it, but you complain about incomplete sentences, when youself write here just total nonsense, which was no reply nor contend but sick. Are you get psychiatric treatment currently?
>>71830 Sheep protecting itself? From what? The winter colds? An imaginary wolf? Your lies are those of an imbecile. Tall tales that only a fool would pretend to believe. The only thing any sheep needs protecting from is other herds of sheep because sheeps aren't sheeps in this tale and humans are latinos and latinos are nutters. The government is homosexual, and I could do a better job than all of these nerds combined at "guarding a sheep". Go suck a BBC with your dirty nutter mouth.

nutter shut the fuck up and go jerk your brother off or something.
Sheeps have to be protected from your hilbilly-tails, which you like to put in these from behind.
No I go to sleep with your sister and mother, although you hole might be softer and wider than theirs.
>>71838 Yeah, and that right there is exactly why you're most likely going to hell. For being such a stupid immigrant that you couldn't even succeed in something as basic as minding your own fucking business.

Get a load of this, everybody. This nutter is trying to explain to me how fucking sheep is wrong thing to do, and why all sheep needs protection from me, and luckily for all the sheeps in the world he's here, and he's just the guy to protection properly.

Fucking idiot. Go suck a BBC.
>>71839 Bro. When was the last time you did anything correctly?
I'm just saying. You have the right to do your own thing as you see fit, and live your life, and start a sheep family, but as far as "protecting all the sheep" goes I hate to tell you that I just don't think your qualified for the job. You're just not. There's terrorism in the streets and you're talking about sheep like a jackass for some still unknown reason instead of chopping heads of terrorists. It's that simple. There's a line you do not cross because what it means is war.
Wtf am i even reading lmao
Ikr...? Wtf even happend to this thread :/ Could just scrap it at this point honestly...
we wouldn't have to scrap threads constantly if the mods would do their fucking jobs and keep them clean
I insist with this, and yes, with "EVERYONE" I'm including myself for reading this active volcano of autism.
I hate these retards. They turn every thread into a mega autistic argument.
You can just tell they've never been even close to a woman.
Nah, it’s just you and that faggot metro metric mongoloid.
It’s not cryptic his squinty eyes and brown skin just make him illiterate and unable to type properly.
It is maybe just you retarded Tomcat, who has here multiple ID's.🤫

Well I guess some here possible believe these numbers, because most of the fat-fetish-models lie about their weights, that you are already used to trust such fake-numbers and take them without any doubt.

But others here are doing just role-play and know that it is not real.

Others here don't belong here. Whatever I do or don't do is no excise for anything that you do against me. I thought this was understood by everybody save for literal retards!

Oh. My back. I didn't know I couldn't say the word "retard". That was very wrong of me. Very improper.
Anons who hate off-topic banter think that removing it will stimulate uploads, but she doesn't put out anything so what do you expect?

Have you ever heard of something called entrapment and ever wondered why it's illegal? Or are you actually stupid?
did you accidentally reply to the wrong comment?
Finally, some new content in the thread.

You, sir, are the kind of person we need around here.
She has the cutest fricken face it’s incredible, she seems like such a sweet person.
Man i can only imagine the beautiful farts this chick must drop
I never did anything against you!
Maybe you just have paranoid schizophrenia or you are really autistic..
Waooo! Thats a big girl! One chair for each leg... Amazing
Thanks for sharing tho
The Bugatti of feedees.
She must have a lot of straight! Right?
I mean look at her arms!! They are huuge! She must be very strong!!
>>72153 She should be able to pick you up without difficulty, twink.
What's her onlyfans
She doesn't have one that we know of. Just her Curvage account.
New vid on her site fellas, a chocolate eating one...not the expected measuring one :'(
The Big Big Muscle Mommy Ginger Bunny ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ
Can anyone shares her recent video the chocolate eating?
her humongous ass suffocating my face while she strapped me down and farted on me
I guess when your dick is tiny you try to find pleasure in other activities than clapping them cheeks
there doesn't seem to be any vid on her site though....
She’s speeding towards blobdom like a German drives on the autobahn.
You’re not "superior in mind" over anyone ITT
>20Kg is the average weight of a 7 years old child.
>the average 7 year old is 45 pounds
Stop posting you have brain damage.
I love when I can detect Germans online, even way before I read "Hamburg".
You seems to be one of the wrestling-fans which believe anything in pro wrestling is real and no show...
Some guys here act like 200kg or even 300 kilo are nothing.
Well you can't have brain-damage at least, as you need a brain for this!
On her insta she posted a picture from a plane. Couldn't see it clearly, but imagine having to fit that body into those seats
Warum so arschverletzt?
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
they even drew her lopsided gut hang.
Wenn du nicht augenblicklich deine Geschreibsel hier unterlässt und deine behinderte Schnauze zu machst, komme ich bei dir vorbei, schneide dir die Eier ab, übergìeße dich mit Benzin und lass dich brennen!
Und mein Englisch ist wohl besser als das was du in der Schule gerade lernst (wo du nicht mal fragen kannst ob du ein Fenster öffnen darfst)...

What is up with all the krauts sperging out recently
It's mostly the same guy. The retard with the kilogramme estimations. Told the fucker to go kill himself couple of times already but sadly he's still around.
I don’t get why he hasn’t been banned yet. All he does is derail threads and call people trolls when they don’t think someone like Hayley is 380 pounds
Man i love to see the reaction or comments of ramdom people who are not into ssbbw
(not that it's anything new, but) it's entertaining and more than just a little unsettling to see how pressed people get watching a video of a stranger just being themselves. yeah i get she's morbidly obese, but god damn lol.
referring especially to those comments like "she probably complains that she's tried everything" or blames her weight on other things. like damn, the judgment. not even white knigthing, i mean this generally, could it even be remotely possible that this person likes who they are and is comfortable in their own skin? sorry, rant over
As someone who barely uses any social media the fact that people can care so much about a stranger minding their business is insane.
I looked up that place, I think it's in Louisiana.
That shit is hot as fuck tho
These folks get to show concern, scorn, and superiority all at the same time, which helps soothe their angry, frustrated souls. Same crowd who used to watch those reality shows of people being shitty to each other.

I found that comment funny because not only has she not been dieting, she has been purposely gaining weight to get bigger and fatter. She supposedly wants to weigh 650 lbs. by year-end. That would blow the mind of the average person.
Over the past year or so, I've depressingly realized the average RW leaning person is barely more intelligent than the average liberal, which in turn renders the average person pretty darn dumb overall. It's like almost NOBODY these days employs critical thought, or even taking literally ten seconds (or less!) to check some bait they're spoonfed. We live in a society, etc. 🤡 Western Roman Empire in the 5th century moment.

>some people evil
This is more than some people evil.

I can forgive educated evil. Evil at least inspires good. Many smart evil men employed critical thought and helped the world turn. Apathy and ignorance are just poison.
>>73476 Well, I think your comment is poison, and I don't think evil as necessary, and you know what else? I deem you not necessary.

Dude I feel you. Thought the same thing reading those comments. I think I prefer the crazies on here to the condescending peeps on that side of twitter

Yeah... She's cute.
You’re so right. A lot of people on here have this weird bitterness towards fat women, especially recently. Idk if it’s sexual frustration or internalized fat phobia, but you can tell they’ve never talked to a pretty fat girl in real life. Idk why people can’t accept that some of these women just like being fat.

The fat girls who do not enjoy being fat are the ones not getting fucked for 1 reason or another. In my experience fat girls that get fucked even every once in a while are full of themselves and love their bodies. Without a monent's thought they see a man they like and they go in for the attack without wasting any time. It can be literal minutes after meeting and we're fucking in a dark maintenance closet. Sex is not a joke out here in the streets by any stretch if the imagination. Parties, drugs, and enjoying the finer things in life like skinny dipping. The only fat girls that lie and pretend are virgins and those types of girls are usually seen as nerds or "unreliable". Almost like you can't trust them because they're evil and finnicky. They have bad reputation.
Typical niggers who’ve just learned what negging is
Idk what it is but it just aggravates me when I see comments like on that tweet. And I don’t mean in a way that I’m offended or feel bad for her but just from the stupidity of people. Like people really believe being overweight will kill you at 30 with no other extenuating circumstances. Of course being 600 pounds seriously affects your health but why the fuck do people give a shit? I don’t care about any person I see in public, no matter what. Just not sure why people comment shit like “sad” or “why don’t people take care of themselves”…
Dunno why the thread got pruned, but she just confirmed on IG she was in New Orleans. Hence the Louisiana-based pizza restaurant.
what's her OF?
She's going viral on twitter
(288 KB, 1080x1852, Hayley.jpg)
Can anyone share her recent video?
I heard she eats two pizzas the size of a wagon wheel before breakfast.
>>73542 not for a good reason bro lol I hate when main accounts find out of ssbbw stuff we and the model get so much hate
Who is sharing her stuff?
I'm sure a sex tape with her and Igor Night will drop any day now
Yeah, because models who don't show nipples or do anything with their pussies on camera are famous for jumping straight into hardcore.
She could just be visiting New Orleans
Ian Miles Cheong
Poor Haley. I hope she doesn't let it bother
Shees im gonna be honest with you chief, that was the hottest thing ever. Plus Idk but the comments didn’t seem so mean compared a lot of what you see in other fat shaming spheres.
Haileys good nature and cuteness is undeniable even by the most hate filled faggots.
damn wheres this pic from
From her Twitter
Ian Miles Cheong has many times over been exposed for being a low-T false flaggot, so his opinion is irrelevant anyways.
Look at that waist to backfat and ass circumference ratio…insane.
yeah her body is weird, i wonder what her mom looks like.
He didn’t blow her up I’m pretty sure, he’s just one dude commenting on her vid (which blew up). She’s has a bunch of vids catch high 👀, besides boberry I think she’s the model who has had the most explosive content receptions, and repeatedly.
Bump for new videos.
LOL What?! “Weird” is not in the top 100 words that come to mind.
if you watch her turn to the side it looks really weird, like her ass disappears and clothes dont fit on her back properly.
need that measurement video boys
2023 measurements
Valentines vid
Thanks a ton, legend 🙌🏼
>arguing with some retard who’s brain and vocab are stuck in primary school
Is SHIG the sound of a boner's hurt feelings?
Could someone please compress the meassurement vid and reup?
I would be very gartefull as my internet would is very slow and it would take min. 1h to download. I've even tried downloadnig 2 times by now, but after a while it just gives me "authorization needed" error, which I guess has to do with the download taking too long :/
Thanks a ton! Downloaded first try in about 10mins.
88” hips and 54” thighs…jeezus.
Last time I heard a comeback so shitty was in elementary school BWAHAHAHAHAHA I’m typically a lurker but this is the dumbest shit I’ve had the misfortune of reading. This is either really convincing bait or you dropped out of middle school lmfao, no in between
You’re arguing with a tranny who doesn’t recognize the SHIGGY. Just ignored and it will 51% itself
Yawn, you're both either trying too hard or you care too much. Quit being retarded lmao

I gotta retard. Because retard's me.
Her thighs are larger than a 250 to 300 pound woman
>88” hips
Damn, posting in historic thread.
>54” thighs
Mon Dieu
>still low iq faggot posting
(4.3 MB, 720x1280, 3pmI9BG18lmuFWTW.mp4)
Wish we could see some furniture destroying content from her...
damn this video is hot as fuck wheres it from
Agreed very hot. Where is it from, and more importantly, does it have audio?

Backrest high butts bending brittle chairs would be my favorite thread.
Her shape is fucking real. The back fat is insane.
Lucky chair.
That arm fat is gorgeous i want to use it as a pillow
Can someone reup the latest vids (weigh in / measurements etc.) pleaaase? Thank you!
Don't have the latest measurements but here's the old and new weigh in+old measurements.

You need to stop squinting bro, her ass is like a wall and not as in being flat, but as in being a physical barrier of girl flesh. She walks around with her own bumper kek

I've seen this youtuber. He's a republican politician, right? Funny guy.
I mean yeah, her ass is wide as a double door fridge, but flat as a fridge door.
as a professional ass speculator and appreciator with a major in topography, I’m going to have to disagree, question your credentials, vision, and call you a retard.
Nah he's right. Get a new career, chump
Ppl finally notice she look weird
Is she from great britan or another one of those super inbred populations? Either way I’m all about her blocky muppet flesh.
I’ve noticed that with other Ssbbws like Jackie.Their asses are super wide,but they don’t poke out at all.Boberry is the only ssbbw model I can think of that has basically the perfect ass.
It's the end result of a woman who sits on her ass all day eating vs a woman who gets some exercise & movement in to build glutes. You get a fridge ass with the former and a round ass with the latter. They're both hot for different reasons, quit your bellyaching.
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if her ass is "flat" then how tf are we going to define porcelain's ass? you just completely butchered the term. my personal pet peeve is "manish" asses, trysta and beccabae have it, particularly from some angles.
you can hardly name a model who doesn't look weird in some way. boberry has that weird fold in one of her arms, jazz has the calves of athlete not to mention all the girls here look weird to the majority of the world just by the virtue of being very fat
What the fuck is wrong with you? Delete this please.
Do i want to ask what that site is? There's no way I'm clicking the link now
I'm so fucking scared 😱 DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK I AM SO SCARE
Illegal shit that you don't wanna see
Fuck off. Are you serious?
Just close this fucking thread already
I mean when they sit on it all day it ain't a surprise it get a lil flat
Her ass ain't flat just has a weird shape and besides the legs more than make up for it
That kind of SSBBW ass is more or less the result of getting so fat that the lower back and thighs start morphing together lmao.
wat is even being argued here...there is so much butt and butt adjacent chonk ;-;

There is...just so much. Why. Why complain ;-;
Dudes don’t understand anatomy and their eyes don’t work. Classic problem in the modern age with so many of the worlds under educated squinting at screens. Just look at boberry threads.
WWW was a mistake.
God she is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Her long hair is so hot
Public service announcement:

Some dickhole(s) been on a kitty-porn posting rampage, so think twice before clicking any no-context shady links. Y'all been warned...
Thanks for the heads up. what a loser.
I think you would literally be crushed and die if she slipped and fell on you.

What a hippo
Fun ways to die.
Best comment ever!
Also she seems pretty strong too... It's amazing
every tiktok until she turns
She reminds me of an ex of mine she was a very plump redhead but not as plump as her but she liked going to the Fair. I remember her trying a deep fried twinkie and she look really good in daisy dukes with her pudge hanging out.

Plump? This girl is bigger than Letakelsie at her heaviest. She’s probably around the same weight as Spanxbeluga at this point and shows no signs of slowing down.
what makes u say shes strong
cause his boner wants her to be
is there any new content on her site? Been a while.
Any re-up plz
Nah, just do the math. At her height of 5ft 10" her ideal weight according to BMI would be between 132 and 170lbs. So anything above 170 is basically fat. To make the math simpler let's say that she probably weighs 600lbs this point, which amounts to 600-170=430lbs of fat/extra body mass she has to move on every step. In my mind that in itself is pretty impressive and hot.
Same concept but even a smidge hotter imo was vanilla standing up and waddling at 900lbs.
But that is nonsense, you can subtrahed at least 200 of that.
Damn would be interesting to see a remake of that sedan vid now...
her body is round on all sides
May I get a re-upload please, kind sir?
She's definitely a strong woman. She's very mobile and active for someone who weighs 600+ lbs. Most of her strength goes to holding herself up and moving but there's a good amount of muscle under all that fat.
I love fat girls whose hair spreads out over their huge bodies
It’s also a very hard angle to identify any landmark body parts to put her ass In perspective
So you believe she is as big as Echo is? Really??
Echo is/was 800+ pounds. Haley has a way to go still.
Echo would be 5'6" if she could stand
Echo is narrowly twice her size.

No Echo claimed on Feabie not long ago, to weight around 280Kg. So at her highest was she maybe 320.
Hayley is probably between 150 and 200, possible 180 or 170. She could be around 200 kilo, but not much more (she is also not very tall).
Is it opposite day or was it echo you were referring to about not being that tall?
Go back to your native language board plz ty

Fuck me, now he is kicking it off in this thread. IP ban him already!!! Darf doch nicht wahr sein.

There’s no difference between acting retarded and being retarded
You have to know this...
As you might be an expert in it.
I'm surprised this thread isn't more popular. She's beautiful.

She doesn't want to make content besides 20 second videos on Twitter there isn't anything new to buy for months at a time
She probably got a BF that don't like her selling herself online.
bit too late for that
(2.5 MB, 1080x1920, instasaved-30-04-2023.mp4)
If you were wondering what she's doing instead of throwing us a bone:
This woman is so gorgeous, I can’t even
Her agility at her size even just moving around while sitting even seems more than Boberry. This woman is a true genetic anomaly.
I just noticed she turned off the comments on her TikToks. Guess she realized there's way more haters than fans on her vids.
She's just young. Wait a few years.
It's not she realized it, it was fine until that video of her eating pizza went viral and
Which vid of her eating pizza?
Imagine if she will do squashing videos with skinny girls...
I guess she dont want to be yall fetish porn E girl dudes.
Get better bait retard, Jesus Christ
Yeah imagine is all we can do lol...
Can't say I blame her
does anyone have a stash of her stuff ur willing to share? shes def one of my favourite ssbbws!
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just posted to twitter, she's gotta be over 600 by now (not that she had far to go)
I could see her mid year weigh in being 630+. Crazy she put on like 100 pounds last year and no signs of slowing, she could be Adeline or even MissT size within 18-24 months
I think we need someone to put together some comparisons
As far as I see…she doesn’t exist anymore.
I would only agree if she either made a statement about quitting modeling or just disappeared of the internet completely. But since she still posts on insta etc. I still see a shimmer of hope. All though seeing her visibly gain and not post any content is quite unsettling.... :/
You guys are panicking for no reason. Haley only makes content a few times a year anyway, she's more or less been bullied off TikTok thanks to that Clown World Twitter, so we weren't going to see much social media activity anyway. We're seeing some, she's still downright huge. She also knows this gets her some decent fun money, so it's not something she's going to walk away from that easily. Just keep the faith and be patient.
She is NOT a model. In case it wasn't obvious enough she started posting stuff online for fun and to boost her confidence and then later found out she could make some extra money out of it. It's not her job so don't expect her to be super active, she never has been. Maybe she'll change her mind in future bur overall it's still just a side gig.
Then you're clearly retarded
Bullied off tik tok?!
She's on vacation dumbfucks
She's been on vacation for 2 months? Dawg, that video of her eating pizza went viral and she shut off comments. Hasn't posted since. She'll come back but she hasn't posted since March.
She posted the super viral vid in February though…
Are you all single or something who gives a shit about chick's social media? She doesnt seem to want to be a fetish porn provider.
Stop acting retarded
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Chub rub might be a thing even for her calves... We still haven't seen a basic vid for her walking at any social site :-{
Bo has 4.1 million likes for 48 videos. Her most viral video got 67 million views. Hayley has 3.8 million likes for 11 videos. Her most viral video got 89 million views. The torch has been passed.
>Chub rub might be a thing even for her calves

damn, this was mindblowing
I think the second photo is a bit shrinked/ morphed in wideness, as it seems unproportional to the previous pictures.
Astoundingly pretty
I think part of the reason she has no interest to put content out is because she know it will get uploaded here and she doesn’t care to take her stuff down and probably seems it not worth it
Admit it, Hayley.
Because her output is meager and released at a slow pace there isn't much to share. Whenever she drops a vid all eyes are on that vid, if she would flood the market with content a lot of it would slip trough the cracks like it does with other models. I would strongly advice her to sign with BigCuties for some consistency.
Not gonna lie, seeing that ass jiggle would be fucking awesome
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can anyone reup Calico Bombshell plz?
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i love bbs and ssbbw and wanna meet them
you gonna post something or nah
and i mean nothing we can all find on coomer
Literally a hippo wth... she needs to take measurements head to toe. How is she not half immobile yet? Legend, so fat so young.
Damn, if only her content was as good as her twitter...
Just wondering where she buys her clothes. How big of a market is there of 7X underwear?
I imagine what goes through the mind of the sweatshop worker that makes 7X underwear.
ROFL!!! That has got to be one of the best comments ever.
Can she please like just do some more vids before she gets to 650, at least some sort of stuckage or doorway video, yeah that'd be nice
I’m so jealous of anyone who’s fucked this white whale
One wrong move or slip and you literally can get your pelvis shattered. You could even die. 450+ pounds of excess flesh isn't a joke that's literally an adult Black Bear, a very large one. Or a young female bison.
If she grab you between her thighs and squeeze she can easily break all you're ribs with no effort, it's amazing.. she look very strong aswell...
I kinda doubt she has yet, or at least not before her recent fame.
A lot of people in this community overestimate the desirability of huge women. The most attractive SSBBW I know IRL didn't lose her virginity until she was 25.
>she can easily break all you're ribs with no effort
based retard enjoying his retard headcanon
That's more likely due to her insecurities more than anything else any woman no matter what she looks like can have dudes wanting to smash if she's willing
Aaaaaaahhhhh she’s so hot I’m losing my mind AAAAAAHHHHH
She has an insanely hot body because fat, obviously. But there's just something about her face that's off putting. Can't quite think what but she doesn't do it for me
Can't peak for everyone, but I've yet to meet any SSBBWs irl, let alone fat girls into casual sex
I actually agree thanks anon. She is theoretically beyond excellent, and I'm sure she's sweet, but I just don't like that kind of girl-next-door farmgirl face that's also small and meek but seems insincere somehow. I also never was a fan of freckles. She already has some grandma vibes despite being so young too. Not ugly or anything but, I'd compare her to the similar unique hippo Udderlyadorable who I prefer her face though she's still slightly homely. That's me being all super nitpicky though. Face has always been #1 to me, like I wouldn't even be able to marry a butterface Mal Malloy.

Just curious: so who would you consider super-pretty then?
How old is she?
Lmao, tell me you don’t know anything about women without telling me you don’t know anything about women.
Also, does anyone know when I’m trying to share a spankbag video it now says auto ban triggered? Are they seriously cutting a way of sharing content?
I think she’s 22
>>wouldn’t date a butterface Mal Malloy but thinks udderly adorable has a nice face
Bruh. Udderly IS a butterface mal malloy
Niggas can't read but for context, I think a "super pretty" woman in general is like Elizabeth Debicki. And for a more traditional or "realistic" pretty that would pear well with a giant wobbly ass and thighs I think Phoebe Waller-Bridge's sharp features would contrast and complement ample curves very well. That's just off the top of my head

As for models I think my favorite along with curves + face combo would be Kitty Piggy. I just like strong features in general, which tend to be encouraged by a mix of high estrogen + relative high test for a woman.
You had absolutely no reason to out yourself yet you did anyways.
Pretty sure it’s inevitable she will get to 700
She's young enough that she'll probably be insulated from most health issues and she's got an appetite like no other, I think 700 is a good prediction. My guess is she'll stop when she can't find anymore cute outfits or if someone finds her and creeps her out.
she has the face of the "gingers do have souls" kid
>>85167 Niggers' were shadows. Clones, to be exact. If I remember correctly what I wrote down was "A body of emptyness". I was 14 years old. It was meant to be a demonic-like entity. Later on the horns became hair.
>until someone creeps her out
You’re right. Some creepy piece of shit with no self awareness is going to use the internet to ruin the best thing in a decade
Would like from the last photo a video, with more lights; that is incredible sexy!
>>85337 This fat bitch all she really needs' a real man to suck her tit properly sucked. You want to see her running through hoops down the street laughing and screaming and shit? and working out at the gym with a glimmery shine in her eyes? Find her a boyfriend that's not a stupid American nigger.
>>85361 I'll be waiting nigger

You are a retard of the highest caliber.

She probably doesn't lurk on here but yeah...
She got the Church potluck grandma/lunch lady arm, bro....

Enough blubber in that one appendage for 2 women to survive. Only in America? Coming soon to Yurop?
I miss the old posts of someone complaining about niggers where there was at least a black person with the woman. Now we have schizos screaming at shadows
Does anyone know how tall she is? A source would also be nice.
On her curvage it says 5' 10".
Thank you. I must have over looked that.
Keep your trauma to yourself fag, some of us like to live in the land of make believe we’re we can imagine she isn’t like every other heartless conniving soul sucking she devil out there.
Or you know she might actually just be a really cute girl who also happens to be super sweet! (And super fat)
Freckles are cute but I agree gingers should really invest in sunblock for their own sake, especially the cute ones like Hayley. skin cancer is no joke!

>Not a horse
That'll do it.
Her elbows are pretty pointy too. How is that even possible for a girl pushing 600? 2/10 Would not bang. Vote to exile this thread to /pointyelbows/ where it belongs.
Because she is 100Kg lighter than you expect.
How the fuck are you not banned yet
too fucking funny
Kek'd so hard I farted, though i imagine hers would actually kill you.
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With the amount of new fat on her face, chin, belly, and arms, she's gotta be at least 650 by this point. Looking at her latest videos on Twitter and tik tok, she's taken on a spherical shape from how big her belly has gotten.

As a side note, its jarring looking at her really old Instagram pics compared to now, the sheer amount of weight she's put on
Frankly it's unreal. She was already huge whens he started, and it's crazy just how much weight she's gained, and how fast she's gained it. By comparison she practically looks like a stick in those early photos!
Y'all should watch her newest tiktok, with the way she waddles she seriously has to be edging 650 or even surpassed. Reminds me of prime boberry since they have a similar shape but hailey is way taller
It’s crazy she was like ~500lbs at the beginning of 2022. Gained just about 100 last year and is likely up another 30-45+ so far. She could legit be 700 by 2024 and she’s still like 22. She could be something special here
Her, greedygirlmarie both have thr potential to be 700 lbs by the end of next year its crazy.
Oh man, she’s getting that powerful big girl waddle! She’s always had the cutest dainty sways and you can tell she’s still holding back, but she should really take up space and rock and roll around with a priceless beauty like hers, it would be way too mesmerizing! She’s so damn beautiful!
She already was barely fitting in the vid she released in 2022, can only imagine the interesting situation now 👀
Gotta be somewhere In the range of 620-650
She walks astonishingly well for a girl who is 100 pounds more than a quarter ton.
It’s an interesting / peculiar thing
Some ssbbws would absolutely be shy and embarrassed and think no one wants to fuck them
Some would have broken through that shyness and would be getting many DMs from feabie/fetlife/Instagram etc and getting pounded if they chose to
Most of society would think they are getting no dick at all
How much does greedygirlmarie weigh? And I didn't know that she was gaining? Also if she is gaining on purpose this would seem very strange considering she got small kid to take care of...(?)
But being in relationship with the German creep in Vegas I wouldn't be surprised either way...
Then they realise they’re being objectified by closeted deviants more than a massively fake titted influencer in Dubai
Sigh, I wish I could be objectified for being a woman, not for being fat.
she also looks so much happier in 2023
she's certainly embraced the life of being a super fat and knows she's considered a goddess by many out there

Social media isn't real life. You should be old enough to know that. Most things you see from any model will be carefully curated.

And maybe she is much happier. You may be right. But you can't trust it.
Shes not happy for being fat, shes happy for being internet famous, which is what girls have been striving to do since myspace. Why do you think people turned social media into a job?
absolutely wild
Maybe she's not happy being fat, but I don't think she hates it like some people are insisting. She's young, she's obviously a glutton, and she's able to find outfits she looks presentable in. If she hated her size we'd be seeing much less of her or more content from the neck up.
Maybe it's just the camera angle but tbh I think she looks better with short hair
I think it's quite obvious barring any personal issues she may not express publicly and are purely speculative that she loves being large and beautiful same as any girl would. Also she has a boyfriend and although it feels wrong to post because it's not any of my business, it makes sense that he either loves or is otherwise tolerant of her size and the way she looks.
Im not saying she dont like being fat im saying saying she likes the attention more, she is a girl.
she looks good from the front but wonky as hell at aall other angles.
Where is the 2020 video from?
She’s leaving SO MUCH money on the table by not making an OF, I get she got frustrated with her content getting pirated from curvage which is why she trickles out content but I mean she could easily make 70k a year doing OF
Serious question: How tf is she gaining so much so fast? Does she have some metabolic disease like Cushing's syndrome? How much could she possibly eat? I've tried gaining and it's literally a chore for me but I think that's because of chronic dehydration.

She has literally hundreds of thousands of excess calories on her body at just early 20s.absolutely bonkers to me
It’s really not that hard. It’s just food addiction and laziness. She probably pounds upwards of 6500 calories a day easily, without even trying. Add to that she doesn’t move around hardly at all that’s a recipe for rapid gaining
She must have quite the stretched stomach and taking huge dumps like 7 times a day then. Her body still looks unreal like my kind barely registers her girth. You'd expect that for gainers in their 40s at best. In awe at this lass.

I guess I'm still mystified by people with "food addiction" because all the buying and actual eating from sunrise to sunset seems tedious. I guess that's why a feeder (or in normie cases, an "enabler") is necessary to organize the process.
7… 7 times a day ☠️ she’s have constant hernia’s
I think Layla and Mochii both confirmed (and they both gained slower than her yet still a ton) they used the bathroom a LOT at their peak fattening periods. It depends but the waste has to go somewhere, as much as I wish it could convert to more fat.
yeah idk, like 100lbs in a year and she was already 500 in her very early 20s, like by the time shes 25 i wouldn’t be surprised at all if she was 800lbs or even more
>…& giantess pilled* camera angle
Great sense of humor, the “glowing eye raccoon caught raiding the dumpster” one was super funny too
Genetics is everything. Like why are Great Danes gigantic at 2 years old?
She converts food into growth way better than other people. After that it was luck that she could live a lifestyle of eating and drinking treats all day long.

If she started an OF/fansly, I would sub immediately, even if she was just posting fully-clothed vids like this stuff from her twitter. These short vids on her twitter are superior to her paid content on curvage.
It’s pictures like this that I get proud of this community. When everyone pulls together to influence a hot fat girl into gaining a few hundred pounds, really shows what good we can do.
I think her boyfriend is the influence, not you.
This has to be a photo shop wtf HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE she's literally a circus act and only recently could drink alcohol
Got a 'page does not exist' message from this. And I have to log in to see her main page, while she also doesn't appear on Twitter mirrors. Did she delete her Twitter or something?
Buddy, have you been living under a rock? Twitter restricts non-users from viewing tweets, especially from anything explicit. Nitter is essentially dead.
Another eating - stuffing vid on her page...
I knew an older woman who definitely had similar genetics--pale skin, light curly hair and everything large (except the boobs). I don't think she was ever purposely gaining like this, but the fact remains women with this potential are out there, even if rare.
She’s gotta be at 650 by now. Like she’s genuinely a machine. She seriously could be the one to go past Adeline and MissT territory.
She’s a timeless beauty. Should have a massive bust commissioned and other works, then found an art museum and fill it with her.
>”we” did it!
Least delusional Redditfag
I try not to be so online, yeah lol. Just surprised that the link seemed to just not exist and that you can't find her on twstalker anymore
It's so nice to see so much beautiful very white fat with no stupid fucking tatoos!
If she keeps on getting validation, we will start getting them. It is the keen a identifier for a trashy American women.
Agree 100% on the ink.
Good Ending: She becomes the world's fattest tradwife and ends up an immobile southern grand-mama. Like the grandmother from Duckman
Can we get some reups
It’s only a matter of time. They look so much worse on white skin but all women with sexy bodies eventually ruin them with tattoos. It’s a law of nature
Speaking from someone who has alot of tattoos myself I find ssbbws with tattoos very sexy and they have a kinky side so I don't get why so many people hate tattoos if you are looking for someone pure and innocent I doubt you will get that especially now days. I love ssbbws who have tattoos because they have so much more room to get them.
Jesus Christ, what happened during 2020?
Tattoos are disgusting.
The fact that anybody legitimately gives a shit about tattoos is hilarious to me
>>87250 That's what we're saying. You're brain's retarded. So retarded that you think a conversation about tattoo's funny. It leads me to wonder what other wrong or insane things you believe are also funny. What about death? Do you think the Holocaust's funny? Do you think war's funny? Don't bother answering only to reply with a joke. I'm sure that with your parents' money you'll be able to make a lot of money and big business with the other big men.
Have any of you read or at least are aware of, the Bell Curve and low time preference?

Tattoos only don't look trashy and gross and red flag in 2 scenarios:

>done by a truly top of the line artist more like an architect (very expensive)
>something small and extremely symbolic and harmonious, like a Cross under the armpit

Otherwise? Stay away unless she expresses deep regret for that phase.
>Have any of you read or at least are aware of, the Bell Curve
No, because none of what you said makes sense and also the Bell curve isn't even a thing, and you're nothing but a twat trying to sound like you know wtf you're talking about on an imageboard with a booty board because you want to troll us into thinking you're high IQ because you so badly want to be 1 of us, and this alleged high IQ somehow's supposed to make you worthy of our company, but it doesn't, and it's not going to get you pussy ever either. Believe me when I tell you this, nobody loves you right now.
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Reported for heckin ableism. You will never be a woman btw
>>87258 I'm so straight that I don't know what's ableism. And that how much I love pussy. Get that through your head. You're gay, but that doesn'tmean everybody else's gay. Ok? Go cry and be retarded elsewhere where maybe you won't have to do so much "reporting". Ever thought about that? Ever thought that maybe you're a useless whore and that's why people like me don't want you around? No. Of course you haven't. Your memes are as dull as your feeble mind, and I know because I happen to know the man who invented the internet meme. Go cry on a kite, baby boy, your generation's fucking up and nobody expects you to eventually fix it. Suck my fucking dick while its flacid.
I can think of one thing...
I need a weigh in… She’s fucking enormous
Dear lord have mercy
>she’s actually this beautiful
I might literally die
>>87445 What's wrong, dude? Never seen a girl topless before?
boberry has some heavy duty competition

Where are these pics from? I need more!
She's incredible, but Boberry is in a league of her own. Boberry is like the Shohei Ohtani of this fetish -- she is both huge and conventionally attractive.
If Haley was normal-sized she would be totally meh.

That is a matter of taste. I actually think Haley is prettier, especially without makeup (more so Boberry without makeup, as I don't think Haley ever wears much and Boberry has quite a bit on). I actually don't think Boberry is anything all that attractive (excluding a smoking bod, that is) where Haley is quite cute. So it's all a matter of perspective when saying who is the top dog.

Now if we could get an oiled wrestling match between the two, that could be an excellent way to determine who is the GOAT. :D
The most attractive thing about boberry is how confident she is in public. Like most models we only see in their homes but Mary is always out in public with no shame.
From her Twitter.
I see what you’re saying there, although I have to counter. Boberry might be the 2 way player that’s great at both things, but Hayley has a shot to be one of the greatest hitters of all time. 22 and already likely 650+, something Boberry never did in 15 years of modeling. No signs of slowing and could legit be one of the fattest chicks we’ve ever seen make content in the modern era
You Boberryfags are a special breed of retards to be honest. "League of her own" my ass, fucking simps. As if she doesn't heavily use makeup and shop her pics since forever lmao
He’s an angry little elf
lmaooo this is such a good comp. also hard agree
This is random…but has anyone ever seen this girl’s teeth? I’ve been trying to find a picture of her smiling with teeth showing and can’t find any. I can’t even find any videos where she shows them.

Does she even have teeth?!?!
literally the first posts made on this site when bbwchan found her were about her teeth and nobody ever saw them again.
Oh I missed that. My bad. Are they messed up or something?
You are simple minded; she is not even 200!
Yeah some asshole couldn’t shut up about how one of her teeth wasn’t quite right for him, so now no one gets to see her actually smile…ever.

This is why we can’t have nice things.
Boberry didn’t start w BC until 2011/2012?
She was 26 when she started (approximately) and Hayley basically got started at 21, we’ll see if people actually pay attention to hayley for the next 12 years, she doesn’t seem all in on this either she trickles out content, for some reason hasn’t made an onlyfans yet 🤷‍♂️
He spits facts you know..
It’s because there’s so many of them. Giving the third world and those with special needs access to the internet was a mistake.
>>87572 She can't wear a thong to a public beach without the cops getting called on her. That's for sure.
>She's a little bit on the heavy side
Yeah, I guess she’s a little big. Crazy beautiful though. Freaking coy smile in the first picture is mesmerizing, smokes the monalisa out of orbit in artistic merit.
her pose showing of those guns in the third pic is beyond Ms Olympia tier too.
>>87585 People in our great society aren't terrible or unfair, you're just wrong and..... racist. Haley's big and ugly soooo ugly! I hope she goes in a neon orange thong to a public beach and somebody calls the cops on her because of her huge fat butt she goes to jail.
Are these the first naked pics she has posted ever ?
Most stable chan user
>Dudes with asburgers
>probably watch pro wrestling
>ranking models in broken English, not even circle jerking in the right thread
>mods remove posts mocking them
>leave their off topic troll posts up outside of their designated shitting street
Janny, do not redeem!!!
Boberryfags have to be the cringiest fans in the world. Theyre all just like that one youtuber with 2k followers who rates fat models and looks/talks like a crack addict.
she's probably in the 550-600 range ...i know she's really fucking fat, but i've always found that being really tall and really fat can be deceiving weight wise. Some people are saying like 700 pounds which is just a ridiculous fantasy weight. She wouldn't be as mobile as she is if she weighed that much. I dated a girl that was 5'10 and if i posted a pic of her ppl would probably say she's 700 , but she was only like 560ish. I'd say at most she's just barely breaking 600, if even that.
Fans, of anything, are cringe.

Her teeth are fine, but she looks better hiding them.

As someone else pointed out, she looks good from the front, weird from every other angle.
Omg pics now you fucking poser u can’t say u dated 560 pounds and not post a picture
You know she has done weigh-ins, right?
Her first video was in january 2022 and she was 501, the most recent one is from january 2023 and she was 596. That's nearly 100 pounds gained in a year and she only keeps looking bigger. There's no way she's below 600 right now and that's lowballing.
I’ll take an awkward but nice weeb who’s willing to get massive and is decently pretty over a stuck up spoiled girl who openly hates her fat even if she is objectively hotter, any day of the week. Regardless, weeb fandom is much cringier than boberryfags. Just stating the facts.
You are being a hayleyfag, which is equally cringe.
Come to think of it we are all fags simping for some ssbbw model on a can full of like-minded creeps.
Unless anyone provides irl evidence of having fucked Hayley, Bobbery or some shit.... :/
Convinced you’re the same faggot on a one man quest to shit up the board. Every thread with the same autism, bitch tits tier negging and niggertry.
This is worse than my posts, and no, I rarely post, only when I read extreme cringe or share stuff. You seem obsessed.
I’ve never commented in Hayley’s thread before I just saw it was devolving into the standard boberry debate and wanted to give my two cents. Hayley’s fans are objectively worse and more annoying than boberry’s. Boberry is objectively hotter. I would personally prefer Hayley but only cause I can deal with weird zoomer weeb behavior more than I can deal with bitchy older millennial San Francisco bitchiness. I’m not a hayleyfag
I think Mary Boberry begun in 2008 or around that.
And you believe in the Eastern Bunny too?🤨
To gain that much means narrowly 1Kg in every week, which means you have to consume about 40 times as much calories in the last week than in the first one. If you get in one week less than in the previous, then you lose weight, as to keep it you have to get at least the same amount of kilo-joule.
To gain even 10 kilogramme in one year is a certain effort, as one kilo is normal.

She weight probably between 150 and 200 Kg. 250 is more than unlikely and fantasy (this is the weight of a grown tiger).
Someone left the door open.
I see the lb-guy!
Kill yourself
She stated in her like final video on her blog that it was 10 years with BC, that was Jan 2022 so I assume 2011 she started I don’t know if she did other modeling before that I can’t remember
Y'all need to stop comparing fat women like their fucking trading cards

Here is her newest vid fellow degens:
>>87687 Dude...... She has a bf
Wow, you’re so funny. You know it’s possible to preview a file before downloading, right? She’s not going to fuck you AND your dumb roblox-esque joke flopped
The only way she can be single is by choice but...receipts?

Why would you do something like this?
Maybe was she just not accurate or didn't remember it exactly, which means 12 or 13 years are around one decade for her.
She was possible also guest-model (like on Bonanza). Though the first pictures of her could be from 2009,but not later (rather 2008). I think it was just a little bit after Jae and few years upon Plump Princess, Destiny & Gaining Goddess. It was maybe around the time when Sable (Kim) retired, which was a SSBBW, in opposite to her, as Mary was just a BBW (slightly bigger than the first one), but tall.

Mary was a very popular BBW on some BBW-site like Dimensions and Curvage. Can't remember the name of it, but that's where she first posted her pictures. She was fat back then, but had lost a considerable amount of weight since her highschool graduation. Later on she regained, posted pictures of herself all over and finally started at BigCuties
>since her highschool graduation
Did she ever post any pictures from that time?
Thank you! Boberry gets plenty of attention as is, leave it in her overrated thread please
Imagine Haley at the beach in a yellow bikini.
Her twitter omfg
holy crap those were the best 50 seconds of my day, maybe week tbh

share it here? ain't no way I'm making a twitter account
Her size is beyond imaginable, that fridge was so dwarfed compared to her...
Hayley is a 11/10 body but "best I can do is post few seconds filmed in vertical mode" in content
Yeah, and one she posts doesn't really show much, sitting and eating mostly... I wonder how quickly she outgrows her clothes and what does she do with them...
She should hit 700 next year. We as a collective need to feed her and fatten our queen.
Beyond queen mode. She’s is so beautiful it’s crazy.
God damn all this talking someone post a vid already
For this you have to wait like 675 years...
Jup I know as secret, she weights acutal a million...😚
my god, that chin is amazing
Nope she hit like 26 next year!
Her proportions are insane, but her ass has a super weird shape, looks good with clothes tho.
10/10 would try to date

Yeah.... I made out with a big bitch once. I remember. Huge, milky boobs.
She has to do a video like jazz Cheetos video like where she being dominant with a guy
Look how much wider she is than her best buddy, the fridge. Imagine that it’s just full of hundreds of Dove bars.
Haylye is the next Boberry, in the she posts the most boring fucking content Ever, and only has a big ass,
Her ass is ugly its shaped like a wedge her legs make up for it though
Eh. Ass is pretty cute to me.
>third world boberry autist is in this thread now
>faggot who complains about huge girls ass being tall and wide is back
Dudes needs to kill himselfs frfr
>>88207 Third worlders speak English now? Are you sure? Who thought that was a good idea?
Can someone explain to me why the fuck this chick is drinking pickle juice on Instagram

Perhaps she likes pickles
I was thinking the same thing but I also like the thought that she’s such a dump truck, a good chug of pickle juice is just kind of some casual par for the course thing that goes on.
pickle juice is her weight gain secret. Don’t let the other girls know…otherwise her monopoly will end
It's the best cure I know of for muscle cramps. Debatable about hangovers, never helped me for that. The fact I'm almost 475 has nothing to do with pickle juice though, I drank it when I was 225 too.
It's a trendy thing since pickle shots became a thing. Now we just moved onto pickle juice straight.

Though I will say her side profile in that clip? She's goddamn gargantuan.
The way she fills out clothes is top fuckin tier.

I know we say some of these models are ballooning up, but damn...she's topping all the gains. That one recent video(on her IG) where she has on the red sleeveless top with the grey pants; I believe are the same pants she had on in another video, but with a long sleeve top. The second video was in March and she said the pants were too big. They look hella snug now.
Them gerkins be hells sweet doe frfr
Now I’m interested if she adds anything to it.
>What’s your recipe Haley?
Etc. does she… further, pickle it…? With her four loco stash or something.
She is abnormally cute.
and HUGE. Just saw that pickle video gah damn lol. Amazingly pretty. Amazingly amazing.
the most amazing thing is that they’re making sexy clothes in her size. 30 years ago she’s have to make due with a black tent.
I picture somebody whose worked at a clothing company for decades. Thinking 15 years ago we approved these larger sizes but we’re not goin to make any money. And now today we keep selling these, where are all these fat people coming from.
Obama era truly was the dimensional merge for America.
She posted on instagram "moments before disaster"... broken leg confirmed immobile?
U stupid bro? I think it's just her hair got caught in her glasses...
You want her to break a leg well over too much.
This leg-breaking desires blinded you. For many girls spilled ice-cream or distorted makeup is a disaster.
I bet it's the same sicko that wants to see these girls crush a small horse under their weight.
Old post she just stumbled rising from a kneeling position and plopped back down.
Poor hailey though! ToT ToT ToT

what the fuck is wrong with you
That would be so hot
In no way do I wish an injury on anybody. But we all remember what happened with Adeline’s knee injury. 100 pounds in 10 months and she started 2022 at 600. Hayley’s likely pushing 650 right now… just saying.
>…because of the implications
>*proceeds to spell it out*
we get it autismo sheesh
>>89383 They're laughing at you is what you don't understand. Jerzyfam's a biggot
She landed hard on the knee but I didn’t think she was hurt.
Now she is deflating... just saying.
So shes not immobile?
Adeline? It's in preparation for a surgery, iirc. Not weight loss, thankfully, but... Gall bladder springs to mind for some reason? Not even remotely positive, though, so don't quote me on it.

Back on topic, though... No I don't think Hayley is immobile yet, even with knee. But, we also haven't seen anything new since then, soooo... Wait and see, I guess?
Hayley simply said she hurt her knee and even posted a video of how it happened. She also posted videos and pictures of her standing and walking just fine after incident. Not sure how this thread went into this trajectory
Because there's people in this thread that want to see her gain 100 pounds while recovering from a knee injury like Adeline, which is insane. She's gaining that much on her own, people.
>>thread is in fetish board for hyper niche fetish for 600++ lb women
>>thread is about a 650 pound 22 year old girl whos gained over 100 pounds already
"idk why everyone wants to see her gain 100 more pounds thats so insane"
My point is she's on track to put on that much without the knee injury, asshat.
Autist who keeps spamming it and cries to mods if you call him a sperg
Speaking of which, how do you think she wipes her butt if at all?
It's called a bidet you american retard. The rest of the world uses them, but Yankees have some fascination with smearing sandpaper on their ass hole
calm down man, not that there's anything wrong with bidets but who even uses them? Arabs and 2-3 Southern European countries

Every woman I've been with that's over 300 pounds swears by them
Nah man, it’s all about the spray attachment in the shower. Bidets don’t work on the super fats, it just sprays poop into the folds around the vagina
That’s actually an incredibly arousing visual
Don’t you mean arse hole you inbred potato chips with burgers eating freak
>tfw /bbwalt/ scat faggots enter thread to complete the shitposting trifecta
Genocide soon.
You’re the gay one. Ima feeder, I care about what goes in and come out.
I bet you’re that gaywad scared of women’s vaginas in the other thread.
>literal shit eating fag tier cope and delusion
Girls want attention so badly that they would even take it from You people.
>(you) “people”
Never gone fishing have you? N
Any new content?
Could someone kindly reup the stuff that was shared here, i missed out on the sharing while it was good.
To bad she only posts 2 times a year
Guys pls revive this thread
Bump. Now with added content aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXVHdmNXQjlJMFA=
where can i put this code
If I go to the gym I get a pump if Hayley eats she gets a pump
Any chance of a reup?

It’s kind of irrelevant whether we want to see her gain another 100 pounds or not. It’s going to happen because she is an eating machine going at full wartime production.
any chance of a reup?
Where did you get these?

Her Twitter profile. It's like her Onlyfans
She’s so beautiful bros. I can’t take it. I’m going insane- SAVE ME HP LOVECRAFTS CAT~~~!
I can't believe she's only using one chair. Wish there was a rear view of this shot.
You can tell her ass is lifting her off the seat because its so big. Very nice
I believe BoBerry said once, that her fat ass acts like a build in booster seat...lol
it's been quite a while she posted anything on her content page...
For some reason I find her small tiktok clips better than her paid content. It's probably about angles etc.
it’s because you’re a cheap bastardz
(686 KB, 822x1240, IMG_5283.jpeg)
This girl is an absolute dump truck. Look at how wide she is compared with the path. Imagine the calories she needs to power down just to maintain that size.
(423 KB, 1536x2048, GingerBunnyH-1677738259214917632-20230708_105546-img2.jpg) (211 KB, 1080x1783, GingerBunnyH-1681252323178283009-20230718_033924-img1.jpg) (905 KB, 1536x2048, GingerBunnyH-1685450510889787392-20230729_174130-img1.jpg) (704 KB, 1536x2048, GingerBunnyH-1685450510889787392-20230729_174130-img2.jpg) (256 KB, 1080x1865, GingerBunnyH-1672080821195350016-20230622_201508-img1.jpg) (202 KB, 1080x1818, GingerBunnyH-1697786488308552117-20230901_184016-img1.jpg)
It's like she's going through some fat girl tour on Instagram.
Is she from Massachusetts?
I want to say Tennessee or Kentucky maybe one of those states in the south is middle area.
Knoxville, TN
you can see the Sunsphere in the background of some of those outdoor pics she posts
The fridge/kitchen maneuvering video was mind crushingly hot. Probably the hottest video of this decade so far
>BoBerryVIP shared this video

Mary BoBerry confirmed mean girl

Come on, we thought you were above this. Y'know, since you make enough money to attend the US Open on a whim.

Fuuuuuuck. I’m friends with her and she sent me this link in a text saying she though it looked like Haley. I had no idea it would link to her page. She doesn’t ever visit this site and has it blocked on her phone so she’ll never know I did this. Please don’t tell her. She’ll be so mad at me. 😞
(241 KB, 335x507, 6.PNG) (271 KB, 346x510, 7.PNG) (288 KB, 334x501, 8.PNG) (271 KB, 340x509, 9.PNG)
This sounds like a fucking LARP. This was probably just shared on her TikTok and you thought it looked like Hayley.
Nope, that link is direct from BoBerry. One way or another that was shared from her TikTok, either as a shared link or a DM.

The OP is either her and she did a tech oops, or him being friends with her enough to shittalk Hayley is the real deal. Either way, Mary's jealous of Hayley.
Ha. Bo is a cunt confirmed
It’s 100% bullshit lmao. Imagine just going out there and lying on the internet. For drama no less.
Pray the fake and gay away.
still remember her first weigh in when she said her belly wasn't big enough, now it's huge...
God, her belly has blown the fuck up... she really needs to do a weight update soon...
Retard detected
Which video is that?
Can someone re up all of her previous videos from curvage ?
>>93668 Yeah i almost don’t recognize her anymore, like she looks so much fatter then her old tiktok videos. Like i literally remember seeing her “im gonna suffocat every minute, my thighs… today” tiktok like 2 years ago and thinking she was big, now even her face looks different just from the exta chins lol.

Definitely like the change tho, shes gonna be super successful if she keeps this up!
Is this beautiful women single? Does anybody know?

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