

She’s gained a ton
She could be the next Boberry
yup. I do. thanks for asking.
Can you share what you have ? >>70629
I don't blame you, she's pretty hot. I wouldn't want to share either!
NOW THAT is one LUCKY DUDE right there in the first two pix !!!!
It's probably Stefan from Pearadise.
She lives with him and is probably cotributing to her gain.
From what I’ve seen on coomer her OF seems mid asf unless her good shit is ppv
She looks like he ass was attached upside-down.
not gonna lie i thought this chick legit had down syndrome with how her face looks
I bet you're back (and thus way uglier than her.)
What’s this girl’s name???
any hero have any vid pls i want to smash this bbw
Itsmariebabe on ig or greedygirlmarie on curvage >>70746
I second this, this girl is such a babe >>70829
Holy shit those girls are big. Marie weighs 560 now
do you have the weigh in?
Yeah and he’s ugly as fuck idk how these agencies find these guys but they pick the bottom of the barrel sometimes for the male models lmao

Serious questions to ponder:

1) Would you rather ugly, or would you rather look gay?

2) Would you rather ugly, or would you rather back?

Women have it easy!
Idk if I'm 100% right, but I'm pretty sure the ugly guy is her bf. Aka the ~50 yo German creepy FA living in Vegas who previously dated kasstheblast. And now dates her aka a 24 yo single mom.
He’s ugly all right but at least he knows what he likes.

Not only does he know what he likes, he goes for it AND GETS IT unlike some of you hateful incels on here. I admire the dude. Look at the girls he's pulled in the past!
I’m actually a bit worried… she’s fuсking terrifying and you’re all getting uptight about her boyfriend being an ugly bastard too? What did you expect?
>>70921 It's been two? He's 50 and although it's technically not what I would call elderly, it could be a lot qorse than being an ugly 50 year old with two bbws.
I think a lot of us would disagree, she’s fucking hot and huge but to each their own
>>70925 Meh. I like her body! Mostly her ass.

You keep being worried. Just say that you can't get past the cheeks!!
She's one of the prettiest SSBBW I have seen in a LONG time. Cute face, nice features and all. And from what I have seen on her and his Insta they live a life most of you haters can only dream of!! but go off.
>>70927 I agree. Too worried. Don't write at length about an American hoe on the internet. When you date Tiffany Amber Thiessen, then you can write a book about the great sex you had. Until then, keep it simple.
Do you seriously believe he pulled two chicks in his life? This man was a regular at bashes for years until he got cancelled. You've got to have a lot of charisma (and money) to do what he does.
WAY more than just two and always beautiful ones too. I went to the bashes too and he was with big cutie Eve for years, then with a tall amazon Puerto Rican beauty (sadly not into modeling) and since then he's had a house full of banging SSBBWs. I saw the cancel attempt too. Very obvious what was happening there. Someone went and didn't get what they wanted. Disgusting to say the least!
isn’t that like completely off guard I’m sure you wouldn’t look the best completely off guard weighing 500+ lbs walking up and downstairs I know I woundnt hahaha the video was 10/10 though, also who cares about the boyfriend she’s a hot fat chick isn’t that what we’re here for >>70963
He’s sexually assaulted dozens of women at bashes over the years and is banned from bashes that aren’t run by Olivier. So now he’s grooming younger women who aren’t in the community by shooting DMs to any obese 18 year old on tiktok like a fish fertilizing eggs.
Has he ever been charged with anything? Or is this just hearsay?
By sexually assaulted they mean things like touching someone's leg in a pool party or grabbing someone's belly in a hotel party. The guys a total dipshit weirdo but the woman complaining about him are the typical blue hair woke bitches doing it for internet points
Why does this girls threads always turn into a conversation about her boyfriend, give him his own thread I’m trying to find the hero of who drops some of this chicks content
Hold up. Sexual assault is no joke. The chick who's been so obnoxiously loud and obsessed with him has a rape fetish and she's a pretty ugly mid size BBW alright talking about herself as "disgusting and fat". No wonder someone like her would go off all over the internet because he rejected her lol.

I agree with >>71003 in they this guy here may have flirted or touched but that's not anywhere close to the vile claims. He was never charged with anything. He was the one who sued them for slander.
My man should have just not let these ratchet fake ass trash bitches close. I wouldn't touch any of them with a 10 foot pole.
Marie on the other hand is BABE and I wanna see more of her.

So STOP talking about her bf who clearly treats her nice and these fake ass wannabe rape bitches. They don't deserve the space here!
This about Marie, people!!
Do not fear the liar. The words of the liar have no power. They lie and teach eachother to lie? Monkey see, monkey do. They have no fear of God, and have no problem repeating something that isn't true if it's to their benefit. The utilize the lie as a tool for getting things their way and to manipulate others. Do not fear the liar. Let them speak.
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>is a BABE
lol. simps are literal retards.

Are you surprised though? People are JEALOUS of what he has accomplished and want some. When they can’t get any, they get nasty as fuck. Marie looks happy. Love her OF and whoever says it’s mid look in the mirror bruh!

So YOU are a retard then?
Send us a video of you and we can screenshot a couple random ass angles and see how you look, I bet it’s not great…

>She could be the next Boberry

Except Boberry is attractive
I think i'm going to buy some videos from her and notshare them here.
And nothing of value was lost.
Fuck me, this is painful. Stop with the excuses. She’s fucking hideous mate. Get over it.

You are literally the only person to think that.
The rest of the audience have a strong opinion about that she’s a really sexy girl with a cute face and quite a lot of potential.
He sued the women who accused him for libel and during the discovery phase the judge threw his case out.

You can dickride in peace and simp for a groomer.
Sexual assault can happen without any witnesses, but if he groomed chicks there got to be some screenshots. Sliding in the DMs still isn't harassment.
You should stick to facts. There was no discovery phase and no hearings, no trial. The judge obliged to the defendants request for anti-slapp which is a Nevada law that prevents persons deemed public figures to sue for slander, especially if the to be sued person really believes what they have spread. The closing document concludes that no sexual assault had taken place and that the term had been used in a colloquial sense. AKA he was not able to prove that it was libel and with the presented evidence the judge determined that no law had been broken. Read the documents and don't be another stupid follower.
You probably don't even know what grooming means. Educate yourself!
>>71141 Oh yeah I heard about those girls getting raped. I heard that she was seen trying to flee the scene to escape her attacker. I heard that he was seen at the scene of the crime and that he is a rapist. We're not sure though. That's just what we heard.
>>70624 you really should get your eyes checked out man
Yikes, if you really don’t like me then don’t watch my content or look at me Mr. Anonymous. As far as all the unnecessary conversation about my boyfriend I’m literally my own person and my content and my gaining has nothing to do with him so if we could please move along. I love the way I look so I could careless about any anonymous shit talkers. Also I hope you enjoy the free content hahaha
>>71151 Are you the girl that got raped? Or are you lying?
>>71151 I'm asking you because I've haven't met a girl that doesn't like sex. Only old ladies who are bitter don't.
>>71151 Do you like, at least like getting cullingulus? You're pussy pleasured orally? I'm pretty good at that I've been told.
Why did your boyfriend dye his hair rainbow and start acting like a total dufus? Was he faking it for tik tok views? or is he truly that lame?
Tell me you are a dumb as a knuckle retard without telling me. You can't even spell simple shit. Go back to school before you are trying to make sexual advances on a forum for pirated model content dude!
"Cunnilingus", mate.
"Your pussy"
You're really dense it seems.
And just admit that your 3 inches wouldn't do the job MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
He was the one who had his slander case thrown out during discovery because it turned out the women were telling the truth.
Oh God another retarded dumb ass!
No one said she look like Boberry…the point was that she was growing like Boberry. Ya get it genius?
Stefan, you ugly pink haired cretin, I’ve quite literally witnessed you molesting women who are visibly uncomfortable with you. You are a sick, perverted harasser. You might not be an actual rapist, but that doesn’t mean your behaviour isn’t disgusting and off-putting to women.

There’s a reason you have a poor reputation, and the only women you can pull are dog faced, intellectually handicapped looking, poverty stricken women like Marie.

Get a fucking life and stop arguing with people on the internet.
You made a Feabie post crying about this thread, you fucking retard. You clearly do care.
Imagine defending Stefan on Feabie of all places oml
Since when do ppl on the ssbbw board look at faces. Ive seen what yall post over the years, now you suddenly care about faces.

If anyone cares - there’s one of the legal documents relevant to Stefan’s claims.

I especially like the note that his legal defence was essentially “I can do whatever I went to these women, and it doesn’t become sexual assault unless I penetrate them.”

Except the document does say he sexually assaulted multiple women…

Stay safe, Marie. You’re a pig ugly retard, but you don’t deserve to get assaulted by a deranged German freak. I hope your kid makes it out of this unscathed.
there are some really fucking miscreants on this site.
>>71449 You're a nutter and a cretin. I don't need your sympathy or your support. Why don't you instead write a suicide note you fucking idiot.
Imagine bringing a child into an adult forum, that’s so gross, this is a website for pirated porn and sexual videos, don’t act like your concerned about her child when your the one involving him in this you sick freak.
You right here are a creepy stalky motherfucker stalking their Instagram for candid pictures of them living their (great!) life, to come here and crop out faces to body shame Marie.
You give sex offender vibes bruh!!
The kid (who I didn’t mention beyond the fact one exists) is regularly posted on the TikTok you fucking retards. He is fair game when he is being exploited for content. Also his moms a whore.

And as much as this forum is for pirated porn, it’s also for roasting fucking retards like the pair of you, and whatever poor, simple women you’ve recruited to the harem this week.

Is he making you all post in exchange for rent or what?
Shut up Savannah you just sound stupid and next time you talk shit anonymously make sure not to use your fucking Google account for court documents dumbass. This isn’t fucking TikTok this is a porn adult website so brining a kid up in general is fucking wierd you nasty bitch
Most obvious samefagging of all time. Hey Stefan, why are you so upset about your legal documents being posted? You wanted everyone to "educate yourself!!!" Also lol at someone so "liberal" telling someone to kill themselves. Classic pink haired retard sex offender behavior. No wonder most women are disgusted at the thought of you, except the extremely ugly low value women that you've acquired into your harem.

Don't talk that way about my mom. She's only 8, and already much more of a woman than your mom will ever be.
Did you have a stroke? Nothing you just said makes any sense. Did the hair dye fry your brain? Are you saying an 8 year old is a mom? Why are you now sexualizing a child? Lmao. Sex offender confirmed.
Well yes. She is much better than Bobbery face-wise.
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Hey Piggy aka Kimberly Ann Haueter.
Got yourself raped yet since you keep asking to get raped? Then again who would even rape a nasty retarded stupid piece of shit like you HAHAHAHAHA

What I said was that your mom is a filthy American whore..... So shut the fuck up.
"During my stay, there were was an instance where Wilhelmy caressed my stomach
in a sexual manner despite my discomfort. I did not consent to this touching."

I skimmed the legal document, and this is literally to only quote unquote allegation I read. "sexually carassing" a stomach barley qualifies as SA. Apparently the girls freezed after he touched them so they didn't voice their discomfort, but this was preceded by flirting. So he was too forward with these girls who thought entering a harem was a good idea, flirted and send nudes to them.
Stefan, I’m none of the people you’ve named. I know it’s incomprehensible to you, but people you don’t know do despise you.

You’re just embarrassing yourself. You’re rich. Go get some coke and take your rage out in Marie’s dirty asshole.

LOL she got banged by Rodney fucking Moore, that dude is infintly more creepy and objectifying than Stefan.
You are a pink haired degenerate freak with literally no standards, who is so quick to toss out insults to women when you make cult esque tiktok videos showing how "woke" you are. If anything, you are the personification of the retarded woke left ideology, right down to the being a sexual predator part. It's like you know how fucked up you are, and have to constantly put on a performance in a pathetic attempt to hide it.

Does your mom know how you treat women? I hope she's dead so she doesn't have to see the degenerate predator that you've become.
I am a man, nice try tho.
This thread and the women are INSANITY personified. I have seen all the files posted in a discord. Also read the court case. It all SCREAMS attention seeking poor me-too whores who never got the attention they wanted. Caressed belly SA? Nah. Jealous bitches. YES!
Just look at Alexandria big ass porkchop. A retarded failure in life mooched off that place for weeks. Yeah it was all posted.
These miserable cunts are fuckin lucky the guy never posted it all public.
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Talk about the one nasty whore who loves to be objectified and RAPED. Hope your nasty ass finally gets raped and treated the way you deserve you nasty ass dumpster trash fuck!
Listen retarded discord ugly fat women, I get that Stefan has your ID and is making you defend him on bbwchan of all places, but maybe you dumbasses should take a long hard look at what you're saying and posting. Is this really how you treat women? Lmao. Once again I doubt that gals even in this thread, as I am a man.
>giving a 50+ year old man a photo of your ID to join a discord based on creating a "safe space for fat women" and then go try to drag other fat women through the mud.
lol, lmao even. Sorry that you're ugly and retarded. Enjoy being whores in a harem, I guess.

I wonder how hard it would be to google Stefan Wilhelmy's name and find his address? :^)
Wtf is this thread

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