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I know what I’m about to post isn’t what this website is for but there’s literally no where else I can talk about this so I’m gonna ask it here. I fucking love fat bitches, I mean I’m on this website right now. But I also really want to know what if feels like to be a huge ass Ssbbw. If I could be that, I would take up that offer any day. Then I realized, I can experience that if I myself gain weight? Is that I could idea? Are there women that find fat men attractive just like we like fat women? It would be a fantasy to be a fucking huge pig along side my obese blob girlfriend. (Pic is required to make this post)
I mean yea BHM is a thing as well as mutual gaining. Only problem is finding someone who likes that. I think things like that are better answered over at /gen/
Oh alr thanks for the response. I’m fairly new to this site so I didn’t know there was a /gen/ where I could ask this question. Also, what does BHM stand for?

It stands for Big Handsome Man. There is also the term SSBHM (self-explanatory, I believe) but it is less frequent than Superchub.

Also, regarding your original point:

Mutual gaining is a thing. And many people, including myself find obese couples extremely arousing and appealing.
Also, it's not uncommon for fat girls to state they are into lovely obese folks on feabie. I personally knew quite in few with tastes like that in real life as well.

So, regardless of asinine comments, like this one:
odds are in fact in your favour.

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