
I spoke to her a while back in Feabs…she told me that she was hoping to get to 500 within a year.
Matched with her on bumble and talked for a bit then she ghosted me what a bitch tbh couldn’t even tell a guy to move on lol
Not that I want to defend ghosting, but that IS how dating on apps works. It's very impersonal and people forget to be civil. Sorry it happened, my dude.
Appreciate the kind words bro yeah your right I shouldn’t take it too personal I was just like DAMN SO CLOSE TO FUCKING THAT ASS LMAO
I would have ghosted you too.
Please join the 40%
The fuck? She asked if I saw a lot of cute animals at the clinic I work at why even get into detail about what I do don’t even reply in the first place
Yeah she acts like she is the shit but damn she’s ugly as hell
Jeez some of you incels are really angry. She’s sucking dick for a living. Is she really acting like she’s the shit? Maybe you guys are just creepier than the porn dudes she takes it from. Think about it.
Her body is incredible but like Massive Megan the faces she makes when shes getting smashed just ruin everything, its a shame
she kind of looks like she may be a psychopath. Learn from it and move on, don't get caught feeling bad about something like George Santos.
She's hot af but looks like she smells bad and should shower more often
Any videos?
Fuck that. She can keep it

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