
If she had a live in feeder she would eat herself to immobility. She’s basically admitted as much when I asked her how big she’d get if she had someone to keep her pantries fully stocked and she answered “infinity”.
I read that quick and thought you said to keep her panties fully stocked...LOL
To infinity.... and.... EXPLODE!
Could you imagine if she exploded... You'd get hit with a piece of turkey from 3 Christmases ago
Any of her content??
She’s a truckload. She just needs a feeder and she’s really blimp out
I mean once you’ve got that kind of discoloration going you might as well eat yourself to 700z
She has the right combo of size, body shape, fat distribution and jiggliness. She just needs to break 500 now.
does anyone have any of her squashing or smothering videos
She’s been fatter but she is still quite a lt of woman.
please re upp & more
(3.3 MB, 854x1518, s1.mp4) (3.2 MB, 854x1518, s2.mp4)
Her latest weigh in on coomer shows she’s near her biggest ever…if she had a feeder she’s easily get to 500 or more.
thanks for the heads up, forgot she was on coomer
lots of good content there
Did she ever mentioned her sister Luscious amazon? Is she ever going to make an appearance, she's taller than star, had a great fun on camera personality too...
Does she still hang out with Sarah Reign? I haven’t seen her stuff on here, but I recall the two of them being friends. At least when I saw them at bashes.
luscious amazon is not starstrucks sister. The sister went by "colleen/sexretary" or something like that and looks similar to starstruck.
Ok, so do you know what happened to luscious amazon, apparently the girl who made a lot of content with starstruck?
Amazon is the goat imo. Massive ass belly perfectly built
Luscious and Sarah both retired a long time ago. I unfortunately do not see Luscious anymore for many reasons. She is doing good as far as I know for those who do care. Sarah and I didn't live close together unfortunately so we just didn't keep up with each other. She is doing well too. I definitely miss content with Luscious and know it was so much more fun with her around. 😊
if it's really you i hope your sister is doing well and i wish she'd stuck with the modeling too
My sister is doing amazing! She helps run a business so she's too busy for videos. She was always nervous on camera so I don't think she liked it after trying it haha
Starstruck I’ve been a big fan of yours since the beginning…We all hope to enjoy purchasing your content for years to come and here’s to hoping that you keep getting bigger. 500 i definitely within your grasp.
i don't care if she gets bigger or not, hot fat girls are hot fat girls. my dick doesn't need a scouter from dbz to know whether or not someone's hot lol. besides, gaining and then losing some leads to a much softer jigglier body like hers is anyway. that's way better than someone who's 800 lbs and feels like a barrel
Can some hero please re-up
She’s amazing as is…but she could always be fatter and likely will be.
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She’s literally dripping with Fat. So hot.
She’s gained recently…look at her face and how low her belly hangs. Definitely the fattest she’s ever been.

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