
(136 KB, 863x685, 3464ewts.jpg) (141 KB, 879x907, confronto 2017-2022.jpg) (119 KB, 857x525, ergrsgsdf.jpg)
Sorry guys, but are there accessible videos of Ninjah out there? I think this girl is wonderfully absurd.

if there's already a thrad about her let me know I can't find it.. thanks

thank you very much...but is there anything else?

Squashing or other.. Anything about her.
Video or link pls?

How far apart are the first image from each other?
anyone have that squash vid was asstronomy?
My god what a body
Oh my GOD Pumpkin just go away and stop promoting your own shitty content, Ninjah is the only reason your clip site is making any money
dude I'm just a guy that likes how her belly looks, sorry for that

The heck is your problem with Pumpkin anyway?
Every time she's brought up someone yells exactly same thing. And that someone seems to be you.

What's your damn problem?

She's sexy and got a nice belly. Her content is good. Why every time this gem is mentioned we are hearing your pathetic cries?

I'm not that guy but this is *literally* a thread about ninjah and some braindead fucking retard just linked a bunch of previews of a different model without even fucking explaining why

Like if this was a "USSBBW with huge bellies" thread, and we just happened to be talking about ninjah, then sure, >>70728 would've been totally reasonable as an interjection. But it's not. It's a ninjah thread. So why don't you go fuck off back to retardville if you're going to ask that guy stupid-ass worthless retarded questions like "what's your damn problem?" HIS PROBLEM IS RETARDS.
I want her to start her fansly already, i pirate almost every bit of content I have but I have spent money on all of her stuff
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Slimmer guys have bigger boobs than her WTF rofl.

That’s what makes her vastly superior to most other models. Adeline and others unfortunately become tit-monsters. This gem did not. It’s unique and extremely appreciated.
yeah and I have more bitches than u stop projecting your insecurities bozo you got a total of zero tiddies
The hottest thing about Ninjah is just how into gaining she is, to the point where seems to be no limit. She is constantly eating. She is turned on by how big she is, even including aspects of becoming huge that normally would be considered negatives. Skin discoloration, stretch marks, the fact that she is having trouble fitting into small spaces, the fact that she is having trouble walking or doing just about anything... it's amazing. Every other model that acts enthused about gaining to immobility looks like a poser compared to Ninjah. I do hope she actually gets her Fansly going.

Only worry i have is i wonder how sustainable her lifestyle really is. She lives with family. If she gets to immobility, will they enable her? What she really needs is to live with a feeder who will also be caretaker, ensuring she keeps eating and helping keep her clean.
she uploaded a weigh in video available through snapchat

if anyone has the number 💯
This chick is literally one of the ugliest women in the history of anything

I hate all you worthless losers saying she is hot because “muh number on scale high” she looks like a man and is hideous

Anyone defending this chicks looks is massive cope
This. Anyone who finds this thing attractive either has a very low self esteem or has mental issue. Everybody in this thread need to consider suicide.

Can we have one fucking thread on this goddamn board without literal retards showing up and sperging out.
Damn I would immediately buy the stuff... Does someone know her snap?
Shaming people for being attracted to a certain body type on a SSBBW board...
You must be a troll
(18 KB, 640x360, kekk.jpg)
>guy calling others for projecting while mega projecting his insecurities himself

Sorry for the filesharing site used, here in poland ISP is terrible and block most popular sites, will try to find a variant and share again.

That site is terrible.
I think the link was also suspended.
Can anyone reup this on a not terrible website? Maybe like MAB or something?

in return here's some assorted videos of roxxie, luna, and jackie.

You really say that in a board where every woman posted is a disgusting unhealthy blob by objective definition, and also by any sane standard of attractiveness, huh? Quite bold.
Link doesn't work. Can you upload somewhere else?
I want to buy ninjah’s stuff but I despise pumpkin with every fibre of my being, any wins?

Did Pumpkin kill your hamster and gave you a wet willy or something?

Why in the world would you despise a fine fat girl?
I posted some images of pumpkin here and someone hated me saying that "I was the model pumkin". I shared my twitter to prove is wrong and now I see and there are no pumpkin photos or my link, why the hate?
because this isn't a fucking pumpkin thread. And she (you?) is notorious for obnoxiously self-advertising here all the time.

It's not hard to understand... we want NINJAH content.
dude I'm "fan-artfeeder" from deviantart XD also: yo hablo español, si tengo errores gramaticales es por que el ingles es mi segundo idioma
Me sorprende q nunca había un sitio de feederismo en español, a lo menos con historias y todo
The taboo act of fucking and being into huge fat ugly women that 99/100 find utterly repulsive is what turns lotsa people on
Long live ninjah
Fr. That's what I've always been saying. The fat ugly girls are the best for cumming. I love to get nasty with them. When it comes to sex I always say just shit on my dick, but the ugly girls shit is the stinkiest.

A fun fact for you:

There was not a single time within last 3 years on here that pumpkin was self-advertising.
There is like forth time you (or few people, but more likely you alone) were bitching about this non-existent problem and trying to put pumpkin down.

So what is your problem with her?
Bro she definitely has her, shit just gets deleted cuz nobody come to this thread to see that stupid ugly bitch we come to see Ninjah
Screenshots or that didn't happen.
Once again, what is your problem with her?
I actually give her 100% after c4s takes their cut, so you're not doing me any favors when you buy. I am only trying to give her a platform to sell to you guys until she gets her own stuff sorted.

>>72051 The truth is that I did put my own name in a big eaters thread one singular time to self-promote, and then "sperged out" in my defense like many naive models have here before. Problem is it was a genuine cringe episode and I'm an "ugly" easy target. So people who "hate me with every fibre of their being" for unrelated reasons like >>71865 >>71858 and former "friends" blow it up and don't let my 7 fans with bad taste or whatever post here without accusing them of being me. If people DON'T want to talk about me so bad, maybe just let them and not take bait about me?
This guy who says that all the people here are you is just an idiot ...I don't understand why he hates you

If you don't like the content, don't watch it, is that easy
hahahahahaha bro do you even know how severe suicide is?? You can think and say she's ugly as fuck but saying people who like her should commit suicide is fucking insane. Have a nice day, I reccomend taking a good walk with some (new) people.
The first observation was correct in my case lol, I want to work on that though and am interacting with a lot of new people
New weigh in out anyone have it
I've got it. I'll drop it tomorrow though because I'm busy today.
this chick legitimately checks off so many boxes for me but she doesn't make nearly enough content. she'd be an easy OF sub for me if she, y'know.......... HAD ONE
You are my hero!

Where did you even get that video?
She mentions that this isn't her all-time highest weight. Does anyone know what that was? Did she have any content at that time?

I would imagine it was very recent. When these SSBBWs blow up like this, the super high weights tend to fluctuate easily.
My weight also fluctuates depending on the time of the day and I'm not even 180 🤷‍♂️
I'm a fat dude (280ish lbs). My weight typically fluctuates 8 lbs between morning and night.
Can someone post a link to where I can buy her shit plz
PumpkinSSBBW's clip4sale. Seach it up yourself and don't forget you can upload the vids here . Her first 2 vids have leaked already, the clothes try-on one hasn't
I meant her snap
do you have any links of her exclusive content by chance?
Can some gentleman upload photos from previous thread?
I heard she once came whilst stuffing herself, but I've never seen any evidence.
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Hi guys, I'm re-uploading all the videos of Ninjah that I have. If anyone has Snap Compilation Pt1 and Tries On New Clothes please share :)

Where are her vids ?
Every single thing you say is completely invalid as you're the guy who uses the term "tit monster," meaning you are quite literally gay as you are not attracted to the natural feminine form, and also that you are completely not into this fetish at all as fatness is meant to accentuate, magnify, increase, grow, nurture the feminine form but you do not want that, you want flat chested which is the chest of male bodies. So all of your comments are invalid and completely null.
Looks like cellulitis in her folds. She's probably too lazy and dumb to do anything about it. Any money that will be what kills her

Look at this ss fine as they get Ninjha here. Her superior body shape allures the beholder far more than any average titmonster ever could. And she has nothing to do with masculinity. She's as far from it as it gets. She's glowing feminity but her boobs don't spoil the picture. Now try to recall Adeline's boobs or other titmonster's ones. Yeah, you could fool yourself by liking those globulars for the sheer mass of fat in those. But should you? Now think of Becca, Ninjha, others alike. Their boobs are superb. Easy to play with, still lovely fat and NOT ruining the whole picture.

P.S. Now think what it says about you, when you try to attack my other statements to avoid you are shittalking Pumpkin for no justifiable reason.
Even the average fat male has bigger tits than her rofl
your taste in women represent literally .0000001% of the male population that wants to fuck women.
You fucking rock. If I knew you in person I'd owe you a drink. On a completely sexist note: I'd leave my wife for this goddess. She is genuinely too huge for me to stop myself. Thank FUCK she's overseas.

Where is she now? Australia? Buh dum tish
Hottest ssbbw pic i have seen... Ever! Thats allmost 20 years of lurking bbw stuff on net...
Dude. You don’t like boobs. That’s fucking gay
you seriously have to be devoid of critical chromosomes to not have a pair of nice fat fucking tits not induce a boner
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She's seriously incredible! Like anyone that likes BIG girls... She's it... I mean hopefully still more to come but her and FatmissT have been some of the absolutely hottest ladies I've seen.

I hope they are inspirational.

"Not even her highest weight" fuck man
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Wow, thank you so much for the clothing video :D

Now we only need the Snap Compilation Pt1 and the videos of Ninjah with Astronomy to have all the videos of her. If anyone has them please share ^^
still not as big as Fat_Bratxoxo on feabie she's not weighed in since feb but if you look at her weight gain its astronomical, ninja is about 602, id wager fat brat is around 630 by now
She only post face pics - did you see her full body?
I love this hippo she is the dream. Lost everything I had though, any hero help me out, got the clothes try on and weigh in posted last
Also anyone know how to get direct access? What's her snap?
god i wish that were me
're up on this please anyone
please reupload
Hate doing this but could anyone re-up
Literally more lard than human~
What must her family think seeing her do this to her body
I doubt she cares, might even turn her on more.
Most women in this situation are not from a traditional family. The parents are either long gone, checked out, or also fucked up in some way.
The best part is watching her pack more and more into her massive body every day as her belly gets closer to the floor with every pound. She's literally exploding with fat as her entire body is covered with stretch marks + this hog truly loves and gets off on herself getting fatter.
How do I get this stuff? Heard she has a snap or something but no link
I'd love to see her become echo tier, perhaps bigger~
Usually the parents are also fat as fuck
Love that stretched out belly skin
I'm surprised at how little of her content is out there.
Was she sick of littlepumpkinssbbw taking her money or what
Took her long enough to realize it if that's the case. Not like anyone was going to her c4s for clips of anyone but Ninjah.
yeah I have zero idea what she is/was getting out of that partnership. I also can't help but wonder if she's already kind of in that "too fat to actually make content" tier. like don't you see a timeline where a year from now this clips4sale has 5 videos at most and two of them are those old ones from before it opened
I think she seems fatter than she really is. Her weigh in from early this year was only like 617. And yeah that’s big but not like Adeline of Fat MissT level. I think she’s gained so much so quick that it seems she’s past that point but I don’t think so, she could easily push out massive stuffing videos or other things
I've said it before and she's confirmed that I gave her every penny after the sites took their cut actually. Like I am chill with being "ugly," autistic, whatever but I'm not a shitty person. C4S gave her a ton of hassle with NZ tax shit earlier in the year so she needed a place to host her videos and see the potential of the earnings. I offered because she's a very good friend. It's over now though, can y'all please just shut the fuck up already. Leave me to my "6 fans" with no taste lmao

She's shorter than Adeline, and Tara is just obviously the most superobese blob her age in the ussbbw scene, period (massivelysweet is in the same tier but has a big time advantage to have gained that much).

617 seems right for Ninjah, having her not be the fattest girl on earth is a lot better than having her lie about her weight like some girls do when their body doesn't support fast gains anymore
Don't sperg out now
If you subrathed it -200, then you come close to the truth likely...

Massive Sweets weights according to her profile on Feabie about 260Kg; Ninjah is at least one quarter less, so she is in the lower 200s or around 190 kilo.
With 250 (a quarter tone) would she be bedbound and hardly able to walk (ljke Patty of My 600lb Life, which weighted just 240, but has possible a taller height than Ninjah).
Guys, shut the fuck up and just share content. Stop being so insecure in your own lives you feel the need to drag down every other model.
She got a clip store so just share the clips omfg
Yeah, this forum has been so hard to enjoy cuz every thread ends up devolving into the worst, most problematic and useless discourse ive ever read online... Like just share content and praise the existence of those amazing fat godessess, numbers literally do not matter, if u look it and u like it thats it, stfu already...
>I think she seems fatter than she really is. Her weigh in from early this year was only like 617
>only like 617

The fact that someone can unironically say “only 617” shows just how far standards creep has advanced over the last decade

FWIW 617 seems more or less right to me. That belly is fucking HUGE along every dimension - it is wide, long, and deep
>Complains about threads derailing.
>Proceeds to derail the thread repeating what other user said while adding zero value.
Congrats, you just did the same shit while adding an over used format to the mix. Retards lmfao
That might be caused as them have no imagination how such mass actual looks; maybe due to the many fake numbers and also that these guys/ freaks have no experience in seeing such women in real life, let alone meet these.
So they believe any absurd number, as they are used to get tricked over and over (have never checked it).
I can smell you through the screen you fucking kraut, please stop posting, nobody likes you.

Oh look we invoked the wrath of Kilogram Guy, the european who has never been with a fat girl in his life and just fantasy roleplays all day
Don't assume from yourself to someone else; though we know you habe not even seen a woman in real life and apparently can't divide such from a dragqueen...
>>82819 I've fucked women but only do you mean lesbian? I live in a fucked up sort of civilization seemingly on the brink of total collapse
Whoever is fucking or has fucked ninjah is a legend
Or is she lesbian
Not that anyone cares, but I'm feeling charitable today. Here's the door vid plus some new blobdeline content.

That German dude keeps trolling continuously
You are the real troll; as you defend these ridiculous high numbers here, where everybody with decent human sense have to doubt/ recognize these are not possible!

Ninjah is not as big as Massive Sweets (which is taller too)!
I estimate her weight of between 180 and 220 kilo; at least is she not heavier than 230.
There were recently some dudes which leaked the fake-numbers of Reenaye Starr, Rosie Jade and others. So thinking about if it is plausible might be not the worst advice, instead of denying anything which doesn't suit to your number-fetish!
(1.3 MB, 852x705, Food SPOTTED.PNG)
>POV you're a piece of cake about to be devoured.
I normally love blobs but she looks repulsive in a way that isn't even depravedly sexy. Like she stinks like feces and will die of sepsis. U know I'm right
God Damn! Her ass looks like it's going to swallow up that watermelon!
That's not even her. It literally says it's Adeline in the top corner lmao
You're not wrong, but have you considered the very important fact that the video is hot, regardless of who it is?
this chick needs a vore vid stat
Lol does she tho?
I'd rather see a stuffing video.
no she does not, every vore video "burp i ate and murdered someone"
Any more pics?
anyone got that new trying out clothes video she just made. not sure if its old or new
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>>83713 (Cross-thread)
How abour your foreign language skills?

Write the answer to my post in German. Use whole sentences. Refrain from using translation software. Make me laugh.
Fuck, she's 468lbs
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She lives with her family. They aided in this, it's not a surprise to them
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I don't think so, as her family is from New Zealand (which weights now their passengers on a scale st the airport in Auckland) or Samoa, she moved around 5 or 6 years to university and is maybe since few years in the USA.
Anybody have the new clothes video she looks huge my god 😍
Is this her now? Amazing content anon if these pictures are anything to go by
Fucking ninjah would be a dream come true
Everything but doggystyle would be off the table

Wow we're on day 7 of this still being up (guess it's the last day?) and what an amazing drop, thanks! I was on like a 2 week break from porn just cuz and this was the best possible thing to come back to lol
Thanks for sharing!
Who thinks a meeting between Ninjah and Miss T would be one of the greatest colabs ever?
SMDH, just missed it. I hate to be "that guy," but could we get a re-up?
In the same room they could be close to collapsing the entire universe because of the sheer mass buildup
I would love to see an eating contest between those two.
Repub the links please
Watching her stuffing would be awesome.
It would get pretty gassy after a short for the cameraman/attendees while but I’d love to see it
(150 KB, 1403x460, Ninjah cplis4sale.png)

Does anyone have this video?
She says she takes custom vid requests, I tried asking on feabie a month ago and just got ghosted. I was polite and respectful blah blah, and she looked at my profile so she obviously saw the message. At least I didnt get blocked ig. Anyone here had success in getting customs from her?
she's probably too lazy to do customs tbh
Would love it if someone could upload something not on her c4s
She is the real deal this one.
Anybody have an email or something for her a contact point?
I'm surprised, since she blocked me and I literally have never interacted with anyone over there. Like, at all.
yeah some of the girls on there just block people they dont like the look of if you check on their profile, including completely blank profiles
Can we get a re-up of anything really? Would love to see more of this whale.
Just be interesting and don't try to do any fat talk. Even compliments should be send without the expectation of anything back. Talk to her as you would any friend. Be funny and not weird. Gotta remember these ssbbw models gets 20+ messages a day. If you can't make yourself stand out from the rest then why would they reply?

It's the hard truth of it, sorry fellas
my brother in muhammad I am not trying to get with her, literally just want to pay for content. Thats what I told her, I want to pay for shit. Just annoying that she says to ask for content in her profile, then just ignores you. Be upfront and say you wont

Do we think that Iluvcupcakes should be there as well? That girl has the same potential as Ninjah en MissT. In Iluvcupcakes her belly already measured 93 inches when sitting
Reupload pliz!
Gone quiet on her c4s... She still active elsewhere?
>"common sense" is not a source
>"not being gay" is not a source
>"i made it up" is not a source
My guess right now she's trying to start up her fansly page or something. Just checked on her feabie profile and she mentioned that she sorted out the payment problems.

Is there a thread for her?
C4s has gone quiet she still active somewhere else?
check out EternallyDoomed, she's even bigger with a serious food addiction
pics or larping

She is still active on Feabie and I assume her Private Snapchat is, for whatever reason, still her priority. I wish she'd update her Clips4Sale. I'm not putting much faith in her Fansly account ever going live either.
She set up her Fansly and even told people not to subscribe until she had content. I don't think she's terribly interesting in making content, period. Yet, she knows there's absolutely a demand for her.

Someone's gotta let her know she can just gorge on camera and look natural and we'd still pay.
She has only face pics

I do find food addiction hot ngl
Any re-ups?
I'm gonna ne the oddball and ask for any vids where her tits are out. Huge girls with small tits are rare
Thank you for posting, is there any chance for a re up?
Whats going on with her, still nothing new on her c4s...
Anyone have a link to her snap if she still has that or better yet some free shit, pics vids anything
tryon vids, I have 2, idk if either one is what you are looking for but here you go

btw, first time poster, lmk if this works

thanks for sharing, both incredible videos.

ninjah is the real deal, and she makes incredible content. it's a shame there's so little of it
the truth is she entered into the scene too fat to reliably make content. she speed ran into her Jackie/ash/luna phase lmao
It would be great to see her doing a stuffing video.
She could be one of the few to make content at 700-800+. Starting out that fat means yeah, she’s already very lazy but if she continues to blow up and makes a few videos here and there I’ll take it.
I believe Ninjah makes consistent content, it's just on her private Snapchat, which of course is harder to deal with, especially anonymously. She must be making good money off of it. Eating and gaining weight appears to literally be her job.
Link to her snap?
Since i saw she was doing CuriousCat answers to anonymous questions, i made a CuriousCat and asked her to explain how her private Snapchat works, as if i know nothing about Snapchat (because i don't know much about it). She blocked me. Wtf
She is unfortunately pretty anti-customer, which is probably because she is genuinely a fat fetishist. She isn't as desperate to profit off of her obesity as many other models.
she blocked me because I looked at her profile on feabie lmao
Holy fuck you must be ugly then
Devil's Advocate, most women hate blank profiles. If you don't have a picture up, they get antagonistic.
Anyone got her chat vids?
Isn't Cat since some years deceased (like 2017 or 2018)? I exchanged messages with her on Feabie among others.

Have you considered that she might just be ignoring you because you’re fucking annoying?

Any reups? Burping videos?
Need more! Link to her snap? Info on where shw has gone or some unshared vids pls
Any updates here???
even snapchat or feabie updates would be good
Did she stop gaining?
Say it ain't so

What did she fall asleep? Is that why she stopped?
She literally posted today on Feabie that she has been doing stuffings all day. I think she is still gaining, just not posting a lot. I wish i could easily buy her content but she seems to only do Private Snapchat at this point.
I'm prepared to.pay but no idea where her Snapchat shit is, anyone for a link?
Wish she would do onlyfans it would be a hit if she did.
She's allergic to making money, I don't know what it is about her. Obviously the whole thing with her banking was resolved if she put out content on C4S.
I guess it's another one (not that we needed one) that she's not in this for the money or the attention. She truly wants to get as fat as she absolutely can.
still no link though for her snap

I recall her mentioning somewhere that the money/payment issue presented itself again and i guess Clips4Sale and Fansly aren't working for New Zealand. Too bad. I want her content.


You have to reach out to her for the Private Snapchat info. However she is quick with the block button if you are anonymous. It sucks.
Oh so the original point of this fetish?!
How does one reach out to her though?

Only way i know of is Feabie. Good luck.
since they post together, perhaps this is the place to see if anyone has the following of pumpkins clips:

her big ballooning belly is enticing, not to mention the FUPA below it that's the size of many girls guts.
Does anyone know how much she eats during her stuffings?
She seems to do them only for a few selected people on feabie but I would love to know at least how much she can put away.

But I
could someone reupload some stuff since the links dont work
could anyone reupload some stuff
Is there even a hint of new content from her? Only vid I don’t have is snap compilation.
I spoke to her recently, said she has loads of new content but still having trouble with c4s ect being from NZ. Said it will be fixed soon though...
Would love some snap chat stuff too if anyone has?
how'd you speak to her, and when
Tssk tskk tskkk tskkk feb. was supposed go. Got lazy lol its like baseball waiting for the perfect swing
weird question, be chill dude. Probs via feabie though
hard to contact someone when your not on there lol

Cry about it then. Fucking manchild
im not crying, im asking how the fuck to do it
I'll believe we'll get content from her only when I see it. In the meantime, I just hope she's eating lots.
does anyone have anything new
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>Dude gets weirdly defensive when people besides him want to talk to her
I'm not reading all this. Is there any new content or just autists arguing each other?
STFU. The way I see it, she'll never fit it a supercar anyway so why even brag about it? Plus, they don't make BigMacs the way they used to. The patties are much smaller now. Bruce Jenner didn't win the 1976 decathlon for your pansy ass to talk shit.
So yeah, it's just autists.

That was my first message in this threqd actually
Did she quit modeling?
She barely ever started. I'm a fan but she's always been wishy washy about this stuff.

She hasn't been on Feabie in 2 weeks which is unlike her. I'm kinda worried.

I think her long-distance feeder boyfriend broke up with her because he appears to have an IRL relationship with another gaining SSBBW. After that happened, Ninjah stopped posting pictures. I hope she comes back.
Given that she hardly ever posts anything, it's hard to see that we've lost anything.
He is borderline predatory. Definitely knows who and what type he is going after.
Thingster... that dude is a dickhead. No idea how he gets these gorgeous ladies charmed. Probably through manipulation / love bombing. Dude urged Ninjah to get massive then dropped her for JadeEatsRainbows
Because I got a big dick & they know im going fuck sooner or later
what has she posted on Feabie?
Well basing on this, she is likely heartbroken and is staying away for a while, retired and wants to lose weight, or y'know, worse..
At least based off his latest Feabie pic he has gotten fat aha. Dating an IRL feedee has its downsides aparently.

She technically has been on Feabie for months since the apparent breakup and she definitely still posted about wanting to get fatter but she stopped posting pictures (unless they're private ones) and hasn't been online nearly as much. And this latest break from Feabie is the longest i've ever seen for her. I hope she is OK. I definitely don't think she is wanting to lose weight but i no longer think she is going to stuff herself to immobility.
That breakup with thingster “online relationship” are ridiculous. I don’t get how they thought it was a viable thing to do lol
does anyone have any more vids to share?
I was on Feabie for a couple years and always got the worst vibes from that dude. Priscilla isn't like, a genius or anything but I was really surprised to learn she fell for his bullshit. Feel bad for her.
Dude’s a total creep, he’s publicly thirsting over every woman on the site while in relationships, and is a dick to other dudes
He is the one getting the fat pussies we wank to tho.

Guess those mentally unstable fat cows don't go after the average stable andy.
being in and online LDR with a girl from New Zealand doesn’t qualify as getting any kind of pussy in my book tbh
"Idgaf" 😂😂😂😂 I can see that
Who’s Priscilla? The whole fat community in the uk is toxic as fuck tho and feabie is just another place where people can be fake as fuck to get the likes and follows feeding their egos. Only a few on there that are decent people like 1%
Messaged her on snap, she's concentrating on customs lately. Jesus christ you concern faggots are annoying
then give out the snap name so we can commission a custom from her, is that so fucking hard
Wallstreet is holding back all stocks now you know
I know Thingster is apparently dating JadeEatsRainbows now, and in one of her curiouscat answers, she said they were monogamous, so, yeah, Thingster and Ninjah are done
If she said things were monogamous, that's a different story than HIM saying things are monogamous.
Fuck right its me I see it all
Priscilla as in sunny bombshell or is that ninjas name too?
What a clown he shoulda moved there and pumped her silly.
Soooooo about that Snapchat.....
It's a paid subscription homie
homie, tell me how to pay for it, name of the account, etc., and you shall make me a happy coomer
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From her IG... yeah this guys a fuckin mega creep. Jadeeatsrainbows aint necessary a looker herself but shes cute enough and pretty fat, in another pic (that i wont post) you can see cuts on her arms.... guy clearly targets the mentally ill&easily manipulated. Creep
>>narcissist hate when people find you appealing & it shows.
Jadeeatsrainbows is a mega cunt irl. Even online to boot.
Nah she ain’t. What she do to you turn you down 😂
I never tried actually ask her. She thought I was a faggit for not trying
I went on a date with her a long time ago, she was OK back then but those scarred up arms made me feel sick. Anyone who has self harmed is mentally ill and not for me.
We all have issues. They are probably from 10+ years ago now, I bet you're a different person than you were 10 years ago. That's life.
Nah, if someone judges someone for shit they did to themselves that long ago I bet anon never learned a thing in the past decade.
Thingster was a creepy fucking full on asshole at the last of the uk bbw meetups 2015-17 time.

Wouldn't participate in a round of drinks with people.

He would straight up 100% weirdo fire into conversations with women and announce his feeder aspirations and make them feel uncomfortable. Generally there was a good mix of guys there so there was always someone slightly older to tell him to wrap the creepy comments or fuck off.

He wasn't exactly candid about taking photos and got some good verbal abuse for it and be made to delete. The general rule was we let the girls take the photos, they'd whatsapp around what they were happy with, which seemed fair game.

Relentless attempts at trying it on with anyone that he'd get introduced as being 'that cu nt, there's always one' to anyone new and you'd have to keep an eye out for the quieter ones amongst us all.

We all had to leave him out of plans until he got the message, but he'd still turn up sometimes. We got him in the Facey-B jail a few times. He might be fine promoting himself as a feeder on feabie now, but he wasn't that confident enough to stand up to his friends comments back then, the spineless fucker.

There were some great nights, just bbws and guys that liked them having great nights out. It wasn't exactly about hooking up but it sometimes happened, this guy thought it was going to be a fuck fest.

He didn't know how to pace himself on a night out and often he was in a sorry state far too soon and let's just say alcohol wasn't his friend.

Poor Jade, honestly I'd say he's a bit predatory.

I can kinda confirm it, to be honest. I used to chat to her on kik years ago, after talking on feabie. I literally would not make it sexual in any way, didn't even discuss feederism. She'd send me photos, all safe for work, i'd tell her she was cute. We'd talk about how when she had her operation for whatever it was she had, she'd move back up to West Yorkshire where she's from, and we'd start dating. Then I got ghosted. This happened three times.

Cut to years later where I bring it up in a post on here, and she replies with a load of abuse and saying I was probably disrespectful. Ramona darling, I was nothing but fucking respectful, you were in the wrong. At least admit you were the issue
Truth she looks and acts like a prick
homie, would u please link Ninjah's subscription Snap for us all
She does petty shit to start problem lord I fucking hate it here man.
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She probably wouldnt accept tbh, i messaged her a few times on feabie before she finally replied and stuff. When she was with the other person she would usually take donations for stuffings and stuff and then give you the video at a discounted rate. Because she's like, one of the only really genuine people into it i've seen i'm kinda reluctant to post some stuff. But then again, she doesnt really update snap anymore. So here's two pictures. If shes really doing customs, order one.
Jesus isnt on bbwchan niether is the devil.
>This happened three times.
I am what you'd call a Feabie "regular" - not in the in-crowd or anything but I've been on there for years, made some cool friends, dated around - and I have always regarded the guy as scum, creepy, etc. He's what I imagine most bbwchan incel types are like. Just a completely unaware maladjusted dolt. I agree that it's surprising that Ninjah fell for his shit, but I can see where maybe feedist-centric dating is hard to come by in her part of the world (she was in a long-distance relationship with a trans girl in America before this) and her judgement can get a little clouded when she crushes on somebody.
My reading of these so called "long distance relationships" in this niche are usually just a person that gets to play the feeder game with almost no drawbacks from the lifestyle other than spending some money and minimal attention while getting some exclussive content; and the whale making benefit of free food, self steem boost, some attention, and probably the feel of feeling special for someone.

It's expected from the whale to get dumped the very moment the other person does something better with his life, or just gets bored of playing the feeder game.

>it's surprising that Ninjah fell for his shit
Don't expect great life choices from someone that's eating herself to death.
I was pretty active in meets around this time, but don't recall ever having met Thingster at any of these? Where were they held?
Joe biden support cannabis for your reelection votes stay woke
That last point is absolutely key, good point. Just sharing my perspective from my interactions with her. She's incredibly warm and friendly but has a take-no-shit side to her. She's known for blocking people just for looking at her profile, haha.
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Hello, any gentleman would have those previews vids of Ninjah??? (from Little Pumpkin SSBBW).

It been difficult to find her other vids anywhere at the browser for “free”, but hope anyone have a chance to upload here.

Thank you!
> I was pretty active in meets around this time, but don't recall ever having met Thingster
He was pretty antisocial, just came for the meat market. Had a couple memorable bathroom excursions with him to dive into some white powder. One time he was so geared up he made me crank his hog for another round of nose candies. Pretty ok dude but don’t trust him neither.
Erm, making people wank them off in the bogs for lines of coke is not an ok guy
Well, no one else seems to want to say it, but I'll fucking say it: Thanks, king. I appreciate the reup of nearly everything.
Idk why she obessed with me blew her bavk out one time & it was so smelly loved it ass everywhere
Any more snap pics to share? Is she governors than her c4s weigh in?
thank you, at least one person isnt just ranting
You refresh your instagram every hour to see if I pop up. Come on im ahead of the moves
I’ve been VERY involved in the UK meets for a long long time and I’ve never seen him at one or ever heard anything like that about him. Are you sure it’s the same guy?
Munches or the big meets like bgp and large n lovely ones? Might have not had to deal with one if he focused on only going to the other
I heard thingster got banned from meetups for sniffing women’s chairs when they got up…
three questions

how tall is she?

how much did she weigh in her last weigh in?

when was that weigh in?

thanks in advance to anyone who answers even one of those
Sure it was 630 last I heard but that must have been over a year ago now
So you want me to dox all of you? Let me know.
Is it really gay if you went out to a meetup to meet women and need to tend to a stiffy while hanging out with Charlie. Have you even been to a bash or a meetup?
Imagine trying to normalize plying someone with coke and then getting them to wank you off. Congrats, you just tried to normalize sexual assault
Drag that bitch into the floor
Where is she? She’s been MIA on Feabie. Can we confirm she’s alive?
How mant folks on that returned call? I smell private parts

She is definitely alive! I spoke to her a few days ago, she’s fine.

I heard he lures children into his ginger bread house

It's only gay if he makes you snort it off his boner
could you tell us how we could commission her for custosm
Thingster should be metoo’d over this but no one seems to care about the male victims here. I hope you’re doing better and not using any longer.
If you believe that easily, I’ve got some magic beans and a bridge I’d like to do you a deal on.

More truth in this than you think. He always gave off gay vibes. Got the impression if he wasn't into fat girls he'd be screwing guys.

He's a fucking weirdo. In all honesty that's why he had a virtual relationship with Ninjah, so he could get his kicks in bars with lots of guys in. He'll be away getting with guys once the weight becomes a burden and she no longer wants to gain.
Weird post.
anyone know how tall she is?
Can we all shut the fuck up about some creeper loser and instead talk about the girl? Ffs
Ninjah has been gone from Feabie for more than a month. I wonder why. I wish there were more places to find her.

Yeah, she seems averse to monetising. It's not like she's trying to be private about being gaining. She'd make bank and set herself up.
something new?

Umm where did this come from? This is awesome
Seriously though, whoever uploaded that video needs to spill the beans--is it new or old? Where did it come from, is it a custom or is she posting new content somewhere? If so, where?

bro she's WAY bigger than in that video now. She can't even stand that long anymore.

Well where is she? She hasn't been on Feabie in a month.
Make it two months.

Sixteen months since weigh in at 617. Nervous if proof show she’s ballooned
share with the rest of the class

Literally what are either of you two idiots talking about. We already have massively shared videos of her from 2022 where she's at least 100 pounds heavier than that ancient low-quality video. Are you guys just blind?
So there are no videos from 2024?
Hm, so nothing new - where was the one dude who claimed she’s way bigger now?

That was me and you're still an illiterate and/or blind retard

The video I was responding to was from like FOUR YEARS AGO and all I was saying is that IN THE MOST RECENT VIDEOS WE GOT, ALL OF WHICH HAVE BEEN SHARED HERE ALREADY she was much bigger than in THE VIDEO FROM FOUR YEARS AGO

Hope that clears things up, fucktard
That vid was from October 2023 lol smh… must be talking about a different vid. Anyway, chill, breath, touch some grass lol
Well she is back on feabie. No pics though. Supposedly will be in for a surprise based on private chat.
update? what's her feabie name
Are you for real? You can’t be that stupid.
sum of us r nt on feabie. have to pay, no?
nevermind. think I screwed up.
She is amazing. Thank you for sharing
Download limit bro. Wetransfer fucking ass now...
Download limit reached, can anyone repost?
Yeah 're up please it's maxed out
Repost on gofile please
Please re-up the Valentines Day one
What is the Valentine's video anyway? Is it good is she bigger?
Has she deleted her Feabie?
Probably blocked you. She does that at the drop of a hat. Some user reported her doing it despite never interacting with her at all.

Yep. She blocks you if you visit her profile and don't have your own profile picture. She is an Olympian-level blocker.

For whatever reason she is deeply offended at the concept of anonymous people on Feabie. Some of us are just here to jerk off to the fetish, Ninj. Sorry i won't become your internet friend.

She does seem to be extremely protective of her content. And i guess the Clips4Sale and Fansly thing couldn't end up happening due to payment issues with New Zealand. Same with why she won't make an OnlyFans. These sites need to get their shit together! I shouldn't have to become friends with every woman i jerk off to in order to pay them money for content.
So does anyone care to re up the valentine's day video or share how to buy it? Hell what even happens in it? Fatter than ever?

It was called Valentine's Day 2023. That was around when she did that weigh-in. She was a bit over 600 at the time. No fucking clue where she is at as of today. Only hint was she recently spent the night somewhere on what i assume is a twin bed, where she hung off both sides of the mattress simultaneously. Going to assume she's still in the 600's.
I think she replied to a flirt-message few years ago (maybe 2018 or 2019) friendly, but then I continued the conversation (maybe with a question) she promptly blocked me...

She was a couple of years before, like around 2017, when she lived still in New Zealand or Samoa, was she moderating the Feabie chat, possible on Discord
So frustrating. She is crazy hot and her gods are ace but I can't get any more than the usual ones that get floated about here, missed the valentine day one.... Happy to pay her for content but she seems to have an aversion to making money

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