
(132 KB, 393x699, bb6.jpg) (144 KB, 393x703, bb7.jpg) (171 KB, 429x639, bb9.jpg) (137 KB, 393x703, bb8.jpg) (204 KB, 393x701, bb10.jpg)
Last One Bumpblocked so lets start again :)

aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9hSUc3NFNWbzdQYg== Throwback 50 nuggets
She is so beautiful 😍
(344 KB, 1249x701, mb1.jpg) (312 KB, 1257x701, mb.jpg)
She Really is Like a Super Sized Human Doll :)
She is so huge! I imagine that i'm person must be a little intimidating
intimidating??? hahahah on person i can't hide my super erection by see that kind of monument of woman ;P
Anyone know if she has posted any content recently? Photo ir vídeo?... I don't see any news of her..
Hey why was I crying in this video? my English is not perfect...
>>67978 Because of her unbelievable natural beauty it's overwhelming even to her when she looks in the mirror she turns lesbian and falls in love with her own breasts and vagina.
(264 KB, 512x497, meds.png)
Here we go again...
>>68029 It was a joke. I didn't mean that she was literally in love with her own beautiful face, although who could blame her? She's probably the most beautiful fat girl ever on the internet!
My favourite drug, I will shove these sexy pills in my butthole and moan like a real princess!!
Typical start to a boberry thread
Anyone knows her Discord?
(375 KB, 721x406, vlcsnap-2023-01-11-15h30m16s838.png)
poor horsie, it can neither appreciate or consent
but a buff guy? trying to lift her, to walk while holding her, walk on all fours, trying to pretend he's not struggling while she snacks on donuts or whatever
Then he falls flat, she gasps in surprised and he cries in pain, having to admit that she's too heavy
I think that if Mary gets on a horse, camel or pony at first she would be worried but later she would not care and would laugh
WTF does she have in that suitcase? Her socks?
Christ this is a terrible way to start off her thread - Google Translate posting and crushing ponies yikes. I hate to say it, but Mary's starting to lose her luster. You got younger models breaking new weight goals more often and here we are wondering if her site even has any new updates, and I'm still turned off that anything worthwhile is easily an extra $40 when anyone else would be charging $10.

That being said, her VIP site's been up almost a year. Let's hear some reviews. I'd give it a 6/10 - she's gorgeous and we're seeing much different stuff than we did at her time at BigCuties, (Q&As, public stuff) but my god are the prices out of control. There's also that funny feeling that with all this traveling and fancy outings that she's got no intention of gaining weight again, but at least we got A number after the infamous Set 300. I'm only scoring low because of the droughts in between content - say what you will about BigCuties, we weren't waiting a month for just a handful of photos that could easily be on Instagram. She'll always be in my Top 3 beauty-wise but I think we're approaching the end of the ride here with what we can expect to see.
>but Mary's starting to lose her luster. You got younger models breaking new weight goals
sometimes this fetish is not all about constant weight gain, some just find her attractive. hence her Hype.
>That being said, her VIP site's been up almost a year.
her making this site was realy a good jump, even tho i loved her softcore content on Bigcuties, still i never checked her site out since release. its like OF with a few less steps.
>Let's hear some reviews. I'd give it a 6/10
just for the sake of MY review 2/10 - because its nice designed
>and we're seeing much different stuff than we did at her time at BigCuties
cant say anything about that except what people post here (those VIP batches) and there was nothing interesting inside, most videos around 10-30seconds... max video lenght was barely 3mins?
>but my god are the prices out of control
THATS my friend is/was the biggest cringe/mistake/greedy move ive ever seen a model do... Yeah those fanboys aka simps and those who just straight up love her buy that stuff, but cmon 49$ for a 5min cake eating video? The prices are realy laughable imo compared what most models with better content charge... yeah i get that shes that Kardashian kinda girl who enjoys her life and travels alot but still, not ok.
>She'll always be in my Top 3 beauty-wise
yeah beatuy wise shes high up in my tier, no doubt she had all that hype for years because of her face/looks. the combination of this angel like face + that huge butt with more than a few extra pounds, makes most man weak.
>but I think we're approaching the end of the ride here with what we can expect to see.
i think she will milk her website and fanbase as long as she can.
>i think she will milk her website and fanbase as long as she can.
And that's why I think we're at the end of the road here. I don't think she's going to do anything new that we haven't seen before.
Do you know anything about her, is she okay?
it's not mary you should be worrying about but the anon who selflessly uploaded the new updates until last month and even bought a ppv now and then for good measure.(some anons had the audacity to complain about him zipping it). the fact that some posters here are subscribed but chose to not upload underlines how we are dependent on a handful of generous regulars on this board.
>>68137 I always get hate for this, but Mary deserves much more appreciation and recognition than she has gotten. I feel that her growth was too slow, possibly because it may have been deliberate and controlled! I have reason to believe that was a mistake. Another "mistake" I feel was the control over the content that big cuties most likely enforces strictly. Usually control is not a good thing but that's because of incompetent individuals with ulterior interedts at heart. I feel as though had she done things sooner she would've been more succesful. Had she started sooner, gained weight faster, went off on her own before onlyfans (2016 or so), she would've been better off. There's no way to know the future (usually), but more often than not "the sooner the better" tends to be one of those facts of life.

She may have done well for herself money-wis, I don't know, but I am talking strictly about thecquality if her art here.
Can someone sends her recent stuff of her website?
Please!!! Someone?
BigCuties isn't nearly as strict about the content as you'd think - Mary is in the same camp as Sadie in which they seem a bit more reserved in diving into the fetish-style material and traditionally model. If BigCuties was keeping a tight leash then Mary has had nearly a year to spread her wings and go hog wild with doing what she wants to do, and she's done exactly that - Instagram vacation pics, the occasional short vid to show some movement to accompany, and anything that is meant to tantalize is behind another paywall. We're not going to see her do hardcore or even show her nipples, no real feedee roleplay, just very vanilla all told.

Also lol at the implication that her gain was controlled - she skyrocketed in weight to get to 620lbs and then fell off from there. If BC was trying to temper anyone's weight gain, why the hell would they have let Echo get out of control like that? Be serious.
speak for yourself all i need is to see her fat ass waddle around and i'm set
Heeloooo? Will any heros be as so kind to spare a little bit of videos for thy kind soul please??? It will be greatly appreciated for your service. Please heeerrooo I need you to save me today
What about that time when she charged a 100$ for her weigh in where she was 64lbs down! 100$ for a video is crazy
shut up just post shit
I think that belongs to bbwalt
Please share the vídeo or photos!!
Did she die in the storm or in the floods?
Genuine question: what do you guys think Boberrys peak membership was with BigCuties? She didn’t market herself on social media I mean the most promo she got was people pirating her content/ Reddit and here
(172 KB, 1253x705, m25.jpg)
Yup bigcuties when she was near and over 600 was her prime for sure
Prime BoBerry, but I think she was hitting her stride in the lead up to her 100th set. Once some people saw she was visibly growing I think that's when everyone was tuning in. Her arrival was already hype AF because she was one of those urban legends on here and 4chan, so the fact that Heather nabbed her was astounding.
on her arrival she was pretty saggy since she lost a lot of weight since her high school days she was 550 back then and when she started she was more than 100 lbs lighter and she is pretty tall so... but when she started climbing back over 500 for sure she was on a roll
She must hit 600 again asap
She's a babe. She reminds me of another early bbw with a similar skin tone. Can anybody guess who? My favorite vid is one of her popular ones, she is in a sunlight living room and lays down on the floor. I think she was butt naked in that vid.
Anyone have the set/video (282 - Fatty House Tour) that this pic is from?

In return, here is her heaviest weigh in (614 lbs)
Genuine question: in what kind of nuclear bunker do you live to still watch Boberry's old content when she literally made a new site instead?!

Oh wait I know the answer! The same fucking retarded people from Twitter and LGBTQ+Z, the same boomers and zoomers from Minecraft servers .. the ones that play Genshin Impact and like to dowload stuff for free, modding and hacking everything!
Do I need to know where you live or what you do?! NO!!
You posted cringe.
I literally posted the comment just to get a reaction like his lol
She aint going to get to 600 ever again... she into traveling and luxury living and not into eating herself to death.... thats the reality bro time to move on
she's not into eating herself to death?
oh nOoOoOoO
how will we ever go on
She said on her website "The video I included in the last post came out super small, so here it is bigger". (Her last post)
Was she referring to the last post on her website or not?
I love when she is on public stuff, you can SEE how big she really is
She should stop photoshopping

>She aint going to get to 600 ever again

Never say "never", dude. If you manage to be a 10/10 looking dude, your rich, and have a great personality I think you could have a shot at getting her to gain weight for you. She would have to leave the man or men she's with now and you would have to make her want to be with you but if you succeeded I am almost certain that she would not take an issue with gaining to 600 pounds if you asked her to.
She also looks amazing in casual clothes, like if the bingo wings don't get you, her massive butt will. And again, her natural beauty is just off the charts, her adorable face, even just her smile, she's an absolute knockout.
Basically this to a T. It's more than just her looks, but her personality and the way she acts as well. It's so rare this day to see such a huge woman have the mobility that she has. She is like the woman in many XWG that don't become human blobs, but in actual true form.
No wtf, 615lbs Boberry was peak Boberry. Although if she gets back up to 600 then she'd be sexier than what she was in 2019 imo because she'd have a great milf look
what confuses me about these constant comparison discussion is that the only thing she lost in the weight loss was her square head but everybody talking like theres some massive difference.
Brie? not the same skin-tone but can't think of anyone else.
Can anyone send these photos plus the latest videos recently posted?
All photos by her.

I how soft and fluffy her hair looks.
its never gonna be the same as it was. her belly is deflated, shes not going to be as young as she used to be, and her ass is shaped weird now. any weight she does gain back is going to be distributed to her wide putin havin ass ass.
There's 50 % off on her VIP page atm. Just sayin'...
Here's what we don't have yet. Guess I'll buy something, too.

62 - $49 - Eating cake
- 5:23 vid

58 - $44 - Sitting on and smashing a cake
- 4:33 vid

55 - $39 - Getting into this tiny purple dress
- 7:55 vid

48 - $49 - Eating a whole apple pie and washing it down with an entire can of whipped cream
- 9:21 vid

41 - $13 - More great shots from last night
- 26 pics

39 - $54 - Measurements
- vid

30 - $64 - Boyfriend roleplay; eating marshmallows in bed
- 8:58 vid

27 - $13 - Boobs, belly, and pigtails
- 1:06 vid

17 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Bath
- 1:50 vid

13 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me
- 1:10 vid

12 - 2022-01-14 - $29 - Black lingerie in bed
- 18 pics
sounds tempting. For how long will there be a sale?
>>68533 shut up dude you'd cream your pants if she made eye contact with you
>>68574 thank you. I have my eyes set on the "purple dress" vid. i'll upload it if I get it.
I’d love the bath video if anyone does get it.
Missing the last super small video of January 13, 2023

Her measurements vid would be appreciated
Hi! thanks for sharing guys! but anyone have the set Boyfriend roleplay; eating marshmallows in bed, Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me, and Eating a whole apple pie and washing it down with an entire can of whipped cream?
The best part of these comments are like "yes I appreciate to watch Boberry fat legs and fat rolls, but I melt in front of her like ice cream if I see her walking!" YEP IT'S FUNNY!!
You "guys" (and I hope not ladies, because I will be VERY concerned for your funeral) are supposed to like a person for what she does and not for how she "looks" or "appear" .. but that FOR YOUR prospective is retardment!

And then ...
Soo wait you're asking me that could make a woman "happier" and fatter than Boberry just by asking to do it?! Or we need a cloning machine to make a perfect CUSTOM size Boberry just for you?!

What the fuck is this?!
And you say that I'm retarded, what kind of mental desease you made up this time to heal the fat cancer inside your braincells?!
YEP YOU ARE FAKING DESEASES like Tiktok people and these fucking losers on Instagram.

I don't know what I was expecting but,
sorry guys Boberry is not 20 or 18 years old lady what is all of that bullshit of retardment?!
>>68621 I love this photo and I wish I knew a backstory. I worked as a photographer for a friend of mine who started a company and this photo looks like something I would've shot back then. well done.
dude you requested 100$ worth of vids like it's nothing. there's a sale, do your part or shut up.
58 - Sitting on and smashing a cake: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVVp5UkRsQ2EzZE5OM289
(139 KB, 772x629, boberry.jpg)
>Or we need a cloning machine to make a perfect CUSTOM size Boberry just for you?!
Oh god, I wish
Imagine a bobbery gf
Imagine a gf that can willingly take her curves
Imagine women injecting themselves boberry genes so that gene therapy can change their weight distribution so that all of their weight goes into their asses
I would burst into the svalbard global seed vault to make sure her DNA is preserved for future generations
Goodbye homo sapiens, all glory to homo boberris
Thanks a lot, very much appreciated!

I was up to buying "Eating a whole apple pie etc.", but reading that guy's >>68605 gall I'm really hesitant if I should.
Fwiw it sounds like you get more bang for your buck with the apple pie vid over the cake vid.
I don't know, the cake sitting video sounds pretty tantalising, too.

How about I buy the pie vid and s/o else buys one of the cake ones?
Man, I don't know why I thought the cake sitting vid hadn't been available yet when I just said a big thank you for it just a literal fifteen minutes before.

Maybe I should work less and sleep more.

Anyway, I bought the apple pie one and I'd appreciate the cake eating one.

Anyone has the Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me???
I purchased the Dress & Measurment vids...i'll upload them later on when i'm able to.
That will leave the GFE Marshmellow vid as the only substansial update to not have been shared yet..the sale ends in about 8 hours, any volunteers? $32
yeesh, the video quality is so poor for such an expensive video. thanks for buying it though
hoping someone returns the favour! today is our only change to get the Marshmellow for "cheap" vid until there's special occasion sale again.
Did anyone have this vídeo?
Now this is schizoposting I can get behind.
(175 KB, 665x485, thickums.png)
>only eats half of the cake
>apple pie is like 60% of the size of a standard pie and she lost half the footage of her eating it
>the audacity to charge like $50 for these videos
Right she said whole apple pie like that little slice wasnt a snack for a regular person at best. It’s actually mind blowing to me that she charges $50 for this mediocre trash and fools will pay for it without hesitation.
Chinese Elon Musk looking dude
Thanks very much!
And they tell me I'm retarded, look all the bullshits they say "imagine women injecting themself boberry genes" XD, then ...
dude what kind of wild imagination do you have?! Jesus Christ guys, if you are really into fat women why the heck you follow Boberry?!

Don't you see why they keep hating my comments?! Don't you understand now why they keep fighting eachother?!

Ps: bringing back Elon Musk LMAO
So this is the state of affairs post-anniversary:

Pt 1: https://we.tl/t-mEcjMUwok0

Pt 2: https://we.tl/t-NinWcwh7CI

Pt 3: https://we.tl/t-FIpuFfSun1

And here's what we're still missing:

41 - $13 - More great shots from last night
- 26 pics

30 - $64 - Boyfriend roleplay; eating marshmallows in bed
- 8:58 vid

27 - $13 - Boobs, belly, and pigtails
- 1:06 vid

17 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Bath
- 1:50 vid

13 - 2022-01-14 - $24 - Black lingerie pt 2 - hearing the bed struggle under me
- 1:10 vid

12 - 2022-01-14 - $29 - Black lingerie in bed
- 18 pics
(255 KB, 672x936, blessed_mother_save_us.jpg)
Boberry straight up giggle-squealing like a maniac in that cake eating vid is such a beautiful thing...
Thanks for sharing!
Why part she shown boob?
Really she finaly did?
Btw is she ever did
Does anyone have and/or would be willing to share the MEGA with all of Boberry's BigCuties content. I'm sure many people would love it if someone who has it could share it
rofl I love this site.
How's the weather in Mumbai today?
dunno about you but i am never did. Never have been did and never will be did neither.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Well kinda but nah..
This shit gave me a stroke
Nah but all jokes aside do any of you guys have the MEGA w/ the bigcuties content
He's tall or he has a big cock.

Well, that's why we're all here
Does anyone have her 310 set with the video?? i would appreciate it
The maids video included in Pt 2 won't play and appears blank or corrupted.
Now that's a shame, isn't it? And still, a great opportunity to stop whining, subscribe, download the uncorrupted file and provide us therewith.
Bro you are such a legend for this!! Thank You!
Please, don´t unsubscribe her website, then she posted a much better and sexy video and photos.
here you go

She announced a half price sale in honor of her site's anniversary. Maybe some kind soul with share the last missing updates?
Again? you can't see if she has a sale without having a sub, so why don't you buy one yourself to get the ball rollin?
And she doesn't have any photos or videos that aren't for sale elsewhere on her website?
1. I was not whining or complaining, I was making this known since I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.

2. If the point for some of us Is to collect the videos, I would think it fair to discuss that one that was crossed off the compiled list was messed up.

3. I have gratitude and props for posters as I can't afford to buy her high price videos. My advice is to not make assumptions, about people you don't know or in general. Tone with text is not always conveyed. Thank you for sharing bro and I'm sorry you're used to dealing with toxic people.
>>67858 (OP)
Are the bb678 pictures from a video?
Ok it’s been a few days since she posted this. Anyone have the full video?
Yeah that’s the preview. Do you have the full video?
What is this a Sears clothing section commercial? Nice drobes, girlfriend. (Is what I would say if I was a homosexual.) These new age hipsters think that colors are the secret to sexual arousal when literally 98% of humans just literally grab whatever and throw it on! HAHAHA! Nice going genius scientist mary boberry! Let me know how it works out for your master race! HAHAHA!!! Fucking dummies. Or should I say not-fucking dummies? HAHAHAHA!!!
(1.2 MB, 733x876, VAPnXY1.png)
Pants comparison with her house cleaner. Keep in mind those also look like they do some stretching too.
Wao! I didnt know that she has a house keeper!! Where did you get that photo?? Thats amazing!!
She posted this on her website this morning.
Menn! I will love to see more!!
god this so hot. I'd pay to do her laundry

Any chance for a reup?
must be too much physical exertion for her to even do her laundry by herself... hot
Or she's got the money to hire a maid/housekeeper. Either or.
I’d go with the latter.

Her housekeeper also must be 4’10” because the pants seem to go up to her neck

You're forgetting that those pants stretch outwards around massive hips and also go up and around a giant ass. The length doesn't accurately represent her height at all.
Anyone got more new stuff like these????
um heloooo heyyy how is everyone i juat need one teeny lil thing i need hero to post new content if anyone can post the new video or video of her eating cake and squaleeing it wil, be gratly appreciated and i sya gosd bless you and yolur family to akll the hero who will post content. HERO PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
Which video is that in?

The one where she eats a cake by a pool in a pink bikini.

It’s cute. I’ve watched it a few times and it puts a goofy fucking smile on my face every time.

Do you like smiling? Do you enjoy it?

da fuq is wrong with you ? he clearly holding them up...
I'm sorry to be a bother, but would you be able to share it, or at least say what set number it's in? I can't seem to find it in the mega file
Do you have the news stuffs of her website
Does anyone know where this clip is from? I found this on TikTok and I can’t tell if this is recent or not. She’s looking really huge here so if it’s recent I wouldn’t be surprised if she was nearing 600 again
That’s from when she went to Jamaica. She posted it on her website 7 months ago.
What? I never saw this + she looks fucking huge here for some reason
Thanks for sharing!
Do you know if these are from her VIP site?
Well... It must be!!! Right?
I'm not seeing it on there, chief. Unless it's one of the locked ones.
Hi ! Does anyone have her latest measurements video ? Thx
What is her website or webcampage?
As she repliedto questions in one of these recent videos, which were listed. So I am not certain if that was in a live video chat or via e-mail or private message to her (from customers or anyone)?
old shit, don't click.
Yup. 2 vids, 139 & 140
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing bro but can we please get that reuped but only with the new content 139 and 140? I understand if not
Is it possible to communicate with her/ ask question, without customer subscribe (to send messages/ e-mails to her)?
appreciave it Legend!

Why, of course! I'll just give you her phone number

... later.
But it also doesn't hurt to talk about her website. I subscribed and I have no problem talking to her.
In the email she does not answer
if u can talk to her on the website can yall ask her to actually make good shit. the cake sitting video was a step in the right direction but 90% of her vids since making the site have been pretty garbage and way more expensive than her big cuties vids. ask her to smother someone, crush shit with her ass, fart, literally anything besides just walking around and eating for the 900th time
We need a good squashing video!! With someone very skinny!!!
But when you have to pay every month?
Not yet or maybe years ago. But I want to ask her about the company on the journey and if she had to pay for the broken beds in her accomodations.

Broken beds from sex? You really think so?
No, from her large derriere
From her moving in it and size, during the trip in Spain (maybe Portugal too), as she said it were broken two of them in the video, but didn't mention sex.
She told that one were a serparted double-bed fixed together, while after one week did she fall through the middle, then she sleeped on her suitcase what she filled with a lot of her clothes.
The other one did break on the feet down, so she but her own stole under it, but that one she has always with herself when she go out to restaurants (if the chairs don't fit her).
Oh my god! He's having a stroke!
anyone got any new content or the BigCuties mega?
You can't have one, as you need a brain for that!

By the way would I like to ask her too, if she visited Bilbao (capital of Basquic country) or Zaragoza (possible fifth biggest city of Spain).
I was surprised she said, that San Sebstian shall be small.

I was around the same time or a little bit later at the Iberian country, but in the south (Catalunya, Andalusia and Lisbon).
what's the new content in this? if it's a couple 30 second clips I probably won't bother downloading the whole thing
From what I can see:
- 141 Updated welcome message (2:41)
- 142 Testing how far I can walk (8:26)
- 143 Help me pick a bikini for Hawaii (5:10)

I really enjoyed 142 and 143.
Especially the walking vid was fun to watch as this was always something I've wondered about.
Also this goes to show wh I'd much rather prefer a gf like boberry rather than Adeline, Echo etc. since Adeline would probably have to stop every couple steps and would not have even completed this distance.

Damn that walking video is great. Any time she’s walking it looks like she gets along great. But here she really didn’t go that far before tapping out. I mean she’s not Ash struggling to get across the living room (still an all-time vid, wish Ash would show up and do that again). But Bo definitely is winded easily.

But for 550lb people, she’s probably winning the Olympics.
Thank You King!! So she is on a trip again... this time in Hawaii...she live a life for real
Honolulu to be exact.
And damn she's definitely prioritizing nice hotels and short distance to the beach with her ~300€ per Night hotel right at the beach.
Ok did anyone else try to walk along to that video to see just how little that distance was for a regular person?
The simps are making it happen for her sending her macbooks n shit...hope for some good content while she there tho

Seems like the vids of her walking in airport or on trips that appear to be selection of the journey are actually video of her walking absolute max before taking a break. Either way, seeing those legs and hips move is pretty damn amazing.
Sorry to bother, can we have the new sets uploaded seperately from the big zip?
Anything from her peak weight?
Some of the hottest things from fat bitches for me are getting out of breath quickly, using the term “winded” (I swear only fat people say winded) and just soft and big legs and ass. In that new walking video we got all of that and it was great. Idk why but I love seeing Boberry winded cuz. It’s way more hot to see her out of breath than other models for some reason. Also, the fact that she literally can’t even walk 1/5 of a mile without needing a break is also weirdly sexy. I walk home from the gym which is about 2 miles and I don’t get tired at all. If she were to walk that distance she would need to take TWENTY breaks. So hot to think about lol
We ever figure out where these pictures came from? I wonder if they're from her BC Blog site
It's a vídeo, i think that is from her blog, but no one uploade it....

That’s from her website. She sent it to everyone in a mass message a few days after her birthday.
Shit, I guess I jumped in too late to get it then. Anybody happen to have it?
More time off than Santa
Who's fault is that, botty lover?
>I swear only fat people say winded
I haven't noticed any such trend and I doubt that one exists
Fat people just get winded easier so complain more. If you where really active especially around women you would hear it too. Catch breath/winded etc all comes up

I want to rub my eyes in her hair.
Could some gentleman upload the recent walking video alone?

Thank you
hmmm now it makes sense :) i hate when bitches play that single card to their subscribers to get more money...This honolulu trip makes so much sense now since is valentines day today... so you suckas sending her extra tips n macbooks.... shit and some gentleman is smashing the shit out this world size cheeks on that cute trip smh...
Just look at posts/photos above to see that she's clearly been in a relationship with the same dude for several years now.

Why wouldnt she play that angle? If she appears single, then more simps will shower her with gifts & subs, blissfully unaware that her guy is literally filiming the majority of her videos. Do people really believe she's doing this endeavor solo? Naive people here!
thats playing mindgames cause these fools are simping in hope that one day she will to them and they will have a chance to smash duh... since she might be single...but clearly she is not

You’re giving off strong incel vibes.

She’s not leading people on by pretending to be into them, and she doesn’t beg for gifts. Let her live her life. She’s literally an Internet personality.
cant stand fake people thats all my man... but in todays "social media cult" society everybody fakin'
To each their own, but I prefer the illusion. She’s selling a fantasy after all. Models who put their personal lives on the internet are way less attractive to me.

She isn’t being fake, man. She just isn’t sharing every detail of her life with strangers online.
So people asking her in livechat on her website is she single and the response is "yes i am" you call that being real bro... you confused sir
No shit. She's doing this for the money, not to make friends or find love.

Let's be real, if anyone on this board thinks they have a shot at being with her, you need to come back to reality. You're nothing to her, she doesn't know you exist, and you need to go outside and touch some grass.
I don’t think that actually happened. Even if it did, I still don’t care. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Good fucking Lord, who in their right mind believes she's doing anything other than selling a fantasy? If you're wondering if she's single and your immediate thought afterwards is "I have a shot!" you may as well empty out your wallet right then and there. Stop trying to get with models. You are paying to get your dick hard, not romance someone who is widely considered to be one of the best in the business.
She’s like 40 and deflating. It was a good ride.
I thought all fat people were supposed to die before 30. Anyway I'm fine with Boberry losing weight she's not in my prime age demographic anymore so its meh to me, regardless her fat would've started become less bouncy and more soggy.

Yup I love hearing fatties huffing and puffing from even the most basic task, good stuff.
Boberry filmed her whole family for a christmas or thanksgiving story, she isn't particularly secretive. Don't forget we know about her BF/orbiter because she chose to show scraps of him. Personally i'm more worried about the SD quality of her vids, why does no one ask her about that? it's feels like she's trying to hide something.
Muh prime. She isn't even odd looking, I wish everyone would stop telling their age cause strengthens prejudices.
*old looking
Sounds like you have no game. The guys she dates? They wouldn't be any different whether they frequented this board or not. Stop pretending everyone on this board is an ugly incel just because you are.

That said you're right in thinking that 99% of us would never get picked by her, but that's because she has a lot of suitors and isn't indicative of an association between using this board and not having game.
you BoBerry haters are weird af & have ZERO standards... all y'all weirdos do is beat off to the fat itself & pure numbers. If you like disgusting blobs, cool... just keep that energy in the disgusting blob threads & stay there. HERE, we appreciate probably the most unique SSBBW there has ever been & probably ever will be... tbh honest, I question why BoBerry isn't in the same position as someone like Tess Holliday who is honestly inferior looking & shaped.
I mean tess markets herself like main stream/ influencer more than boberry, surprised boberry hasn’t gone that route yet
True. Say what you will, Tess has put in a huge amount of work connecting to the right professionals to advance her (normal, legitimate) modeling career.
I need to see that
...less blabber and more blubber?
She said to have gotten suggested a journey to Hawaii by a friend, but this seems to be not a close one (rather someone who she just narrowly is acquainted with), therefore was she not sure to do this, as she had actual no plans to travel soon, but was going to stay at home.
Smells like cope. Who just casually suggests Hawaii to a regular friend?
Anyone have all vip sets ?

I do. Why do you ask?
hmmmm i wonder fucking why
Don't you know about her from Hawaii? Is she with her boyfriend?
News from her?
Can we get a reup of the 3 recent videos 141, 142, and 143? Thanks
It might be not so far from California (as it is from central Europe), the Iberian country-island is probably more far away from her.

I got in early 2012 invited by a woman tp northern Africa, which I only met once. That was because her friend also came together with a man to this, which was original supposed as womens holiday. Though I would have to had pay for it, but I denied (due to some tests).

LMAO!! It's like to watch little kids fighting each other, you guys are the main reason because Boberry doesn't give a shit anymore.
Seriously, touch the grass and get a life XD
(175 KB, 1443x1073, yesifuckingmadjamie.jpg)
>This fucking thread
Why does every single Boberry thread devolve into shitflinging and ESL's?
I'll tell you why: everything started from Bigcuties, then Tumblrr, later Twitter and then Instagram.

People are shitting theirself because Boberry changed and made her own site full of stupid sexy bullcrap, now they beg and cry like babies because they want to see her huge again.
And this fucking bullshit will restart again, why?
Because they don't want just Boberry, they want literally a fucking immortal blob of fat that keeps gaining weight and eat like a giant hyppo or a dinosaur.

So why it makes me laught?! Because they can't stop hyping up for nothing, they look like little children playing Roblox and watching Youtube videos.
Somebody questions if it is possible, that a casual mate would invite someone/ her to a vacation (at Hawaii), if you care to read the contend here...

Your schizoposting actually speaks to me. I think Boberry is fine just how she is. She is still huge as fuck.
My schizoposting .. you mean "my privacy" that YOU and all the fucking retarded people from the internet tried to destroy.

I do remember people saying "imagine being scammed from Boberry" then I will answer: imagine destroying internet with my stupid face laughting and yelling at your screen things like "YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! Ahahaha!!"

Yea exactly, you Walter White suckers!!
Eating drug pills and feeding me with poison.
You think I didn't know the mods here?

I always cum back!

I think you are both stupid and wrong, but I agree that this post is somewhat correct. Privacy is no longer a thing because there are individuals across the world that believe that human rights don't exist, as well as governments that believe that they have the right to not respect your privacy as long as they don't break any laws or as long as they don't get caught.

At the end of the day privacy issues are the responsibility of individual families, unfortunately, and it is their job to secure it. In the US it is the people's job to make sure that the government always respects privacy, including making sure that laws are passed that protect we, the people, from threat of organizations, governments, and companies. In other words, it is the parents duties and if they fail then the government will naturally become tyrannical through the course of time, consuming more powers for the government (or in some cases the wealthy elite depending on the country) and by taking away more rights.

Privacy plays a role in our constitutional rights, unfortunately the constitution is also what tells the govenrment what they can and can not do. The constitution makes it plain as day that it is up to the people to make sure that the government is upholding our rights, and it is a topic that can be heard daily in Washington tv news. Once a stupid law is passed it can take decades to fix it, if not longer. Only those that are there everyday know what is actually being discussed at the federal level and what isn't.
Does this chick do customs? Would pay serious coin for a fart vid
OMG! Thanks so much for the new content, Anon!

Ah, shoot! I had hoped it would go unnoticed among all the aspery and schizoposting.
US got around that a long time ago with 5 eyes. They just have other countries spy on their citizens then share the data. You'll have a file somewhere, we'll all have a file somewhere of every electronic interaction we've ever had. Welcome to the 21st century.
Thanks for sharing hero!
has anyone who subs to her site been able to do a private chat with her? if so someone pls tell her to make good content like crushing things with her ass and smothering instead of boring shit like brushing her hair and talking
That would be awesome!

Why would she? Theres no incentive. Simps eat up her boring videos, so why would she bother getting creative?
Boring videos or not is like everything else in life, Boberry is the sexiest and most beautiful Bigcutie model I've liked over these 13 years.
I meant 12 years
To be fair, the hair brushing video was super sexy. Her hair has always been beautiful and her arms looked really good up like that, but I can see why others thought it was boring. Too short too
I would like to know, if she visited the Moriza, one of the most influencing restaurant in Europe, located at San Sebstian.
Also I am curious if in that city have spoken the people just Castillano or some Basquic instead.
Is the Mega archive still maintained? Looking for the clip where she tries to squeeze through a trailer door. If anyone has the Mega link or can share that clip in particular it would be much appreciated!
Not a bad idea, she did do one of my customs for me and also posted it for everyone to see
Anybody have the video where she eats that donut burger in her car?
In that video she has taco bell for lunch and no donut burguer in her car?

yea if anyone has that mega I think we'd all appreciate it if someone shared it
It was an early BigCutie set.
There You go, anyone got any of her videos with Nadia?
Thanks, I appreciate this a lot, but I'm talking about the mega with ALL of her bigcuties content or at least most of it
She posted New content
>dat upskirt
There's no way I could keep cool if I saw that IRL.
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I think it's amazing and I get really excited comparing your size to the people around you.
Yes!! It's amazing seeing Mary around "normal people" or skinny people, you can see how big she really is!! Anyone got her recent stuff? Looks great
Does anyone have set 299 Joyride? Its not on the MEGA
Can we please just post the new vids, not the whole VIP zip file?
No, it helps forgo reup begging, only phoneshitters are annoyed by it.
Thank you for sharing the latest! I really appreciate the organiztion and naming of all these updates. I wish someone would go back and do that for Adeline or Roxxie updates as they're usually just gibberish titles.
can someone post the mega folder with all the bigcuties videos
truly doing the lord's work
oh yes pleas let this happen!
no way in hell shes gonna do a squashing video but if she does you''' be a god for making it happen
Its inane that she charges an arm and a leg for literally short blog videos, you could go watch a whole movie or sub another site for less than half what she charges for a video on average. But has to be offered more money to even think about making what the community wants. Obviously not my call since im not her but wow is that retarded.
What’s really insane is how whiny the people on this board are. I just checked and in the past two months she’s posted 22 posts but only charged for three of them. So that’s 19 posts in two months that didn’t cost anything more than the subscription price of $9.99.
This is good for those who don't want to pay more for videos and photos beyond the subscription.
You have to talk to her, convincing her to make good videos.
And good photos.
The content she’s not charging for is sub par yeah the subscription price is 9.99 but you get what you pay for

I don’t agree at all. I love her content.
Her content is top tier for what I like. Anyone have the new Hawaii lotion video?
Any news from her?

Are you asking for it? Or are you asking if anyone else has seen it?

She posted it on her site for free so everyone who’s a member has it. If you aren’t a member, how did you know it existed?
Some instagram account I follow posted a clip of it. Looks hot
What is a instagram account?
Hi can you please share pt. 1 and pt. 2
Only wish you held Roxxie insimilar esteem.
I can't seem to log in on her site anymore. Does anyone else have the same problem?
This woman likes gorillas!
What error happens when entering her website. I went to her website and there's no error, maybe it's because too many people want to enter.
"Invalid email or password."
And I've already reset my password.
Here you have.

I heard boberry likes gorillas. Is that true?
To which island is she travelling exactly?
She does. She created "Dicks out for Harambe"
Of course I did. I have been subscribed for months.
I would like to subscribe to her site but I can't. Do you know any VISA credit cards that are available for Europe and the USA?
Anviza, but their support (stuff/ worker are incompentend and have strong acents).
any update on this?
Can anyone reupload the content of her Website, pt. 3?
Can anyone reup pt 3 of her Website?
(185 KB, 900x1200, BoBerry47_prev_ff.jpg)
Can someone upload the BigCuties set 47? Please???

Thanks amigo!!!
Does anyone have set 177 with the pictures? I’d really appreciate if someone uploaded it, it’s one of my favorites.
The collab we never knew we needed, to be serious though I honestly never thought boberry would ever collab with Kass but I’m pleasantly surprised let’s see what they put out
Yeah she just seemed so lazy when approaching collabs in her Q&Q vids/streams. She promised to contact Sadie, but I guess that never happened.
What would be extra fun tough would be introducing her to Kasses usual friendgroup including BigCutie Jazz etc. As Kass should be about boberry's size it would be fun to see both someone smaller and someone bigger like Jazz.
Yeah I don’t get it why the Sadie collab didn’t happen, maybe boberry doesn’t want anything to make heather a single $ more
Imagine Boberry with Igor Night. That’s a dream come true.
she's very clearly not lazy she's a massive narcissist who has always been dodgy about collabs. "no one is on her level" so why bother. wouldn't be shocked if kass was paying her for the feature instead of it being a true collab
Idk man. My current theory is that she just makes more than enough money with her solo content and simps donating tons of money during her Livestreams an this sees no no need for change. Of course this itself would kind of help a narcissistic ego.

(1.2 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230308-204457_Instagram.png) (1.7 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230308-204530_Instagram.png)
Now wait a damn minute?!
Kass is just now driving up to lake Tahoe, and i believe Mary posted something about a vacation/trip she is taking also at the exact same spot, right? (i can't find the story on her if anymore :/)
So if I'm not mistaken the collab might be happening right now/very soon ;)
Or maybe she just doesn't want to do collabs
Not everyone in the plus size scene wants/needs to work with other models
Doesn't make her narcissistic
Mary is clearly NOT interested in the hard-core side, unlike a lot of the others, so why associate?
Why would she even consider it when she doesn't need to?
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It's real

Fucking God, it's very good
Idk want numbers those days are, but here's the mega for sets 151-300
i think u forgot to post the link
Let's just hope for some creative content e.g. not like most of Boberry's videos or the horrible Sadie-Roxxie 2min ass shaking collab. I believe that Kass used to advertise custom videos together with other models but sadly no such news this time.
It's amusing me that there us a whole stack of coombrains that are paying money to see her travel blog? Does she actually do shoots anymore or is it just shit like walking in a cabin or riding on a boat?


Thank you
God damnit
Here it is
Can anyone shares pt 1, pt 2 and pt 3 from her Website?
Kass looks like a goblin 🤦‍♂️
It's incredible how everyone looks smaller by Mary!! She is huge!
Please post more!
Pls can share the sets 300-350 to big cuties
New content finally dropped - anyone know if it's paid or we get some with the sub?

And if anyone has Kass's OF - updating the coomer would be much appreciated.
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I'm actually surprised at how stupid Kass is. I've never followed her and don't know much about her other than she lived with the creepy german rapey (allegedly) guy in vegas. Never wanked to her once. But holy god what a nightmare for Boberry to work with someone and have them turn out to be fully retarded by posting her weight publicly lmao. Also she does indeed look like a troll compared to Boberry
Boberry weights 553 lbs hight 5’8
Kass weight is 536 lbs hight 5’8
this is so weird, I have no idea why kass is the first girl boberry has collabed with in like years lmao
Mary Boberry has so many fans and people who admire her body. between Boberry and Kasstherblast, i prefer Boberry.
But I also like Kasstherblast, she has boberry body style.
kass doesn't look significantly smaller (or uglier, matter of taste anyway), the desperation of you stans is palpable.

which weigh-in are you basing the numbers from kass on? she surely gained some over the months and it looks like mary lost some after the europe trip
And has anyone got the Boberry´s content of her Website?
If Kass is being truthful, given their size discrepancy, Mary's fat is probably loose and plush due to her capping out at 620+ and losing over 70lbs. Kass is probably a firmer fat with less overall jiggle.
Have you just dreamed that? There is everything wrong; first Mary Boberry is a lot taller, like 25cm.
OMG i need more of this
Can anyone shares pt 3 from Boberry ´s Website?
Go take your meds Stef.
You claim she is stupid basing on what exactly?
No, your pathetic rant about posting someone's weight online is not a valid point to call someone stupid.
That is a fun fact. For once I don’t feel lied too.
lmao seriously...too many allegations against you my guy, just deal with your predator reality.
It's just tacky and unprofessional for a model to talk about someone else's weight in this business, even if that model is someone like Boberry who doesn't necessarily need the money. It's trashy like when models have their babies' cribs and toys in the background. I feel like from this one post alone I've learned everything I need to about Kass.
It's not entirely uncalled for. If you're a model in this scene your weight is proprietary information and is as good as gold, especially if you're gaining. To basically announce straight up numbers of a fellow content creator is taboo, but alluding to someone else's is a bit iffy.

I don't think Kass did anything wrong tbh but I can get why someone would think she crossed a line. That's Mary's info to divulge and sell, not Kass's. Now if you know one, you know the other.
As the saying goes... where there's smoke there's usually fire.

>allegations of predator

You just can't make up this kind of stupid. That's why the US had to be newborn. This is the beginning of the end, and we're spireling.

>If you're a model in this scene your weight is proprietary information

Like a mad dog eating itself.
Did Stefan get banned from the Vegas BBW Bash?

What does any of this have to do with the bash you retarded fuck?

Guillermo Riesgo you nasty ass fag! No one wants your disgusting cheese dick! Go fuck yourself and fuck that nasty ass pig that no one wants including her own dad!!

Where there is millenial, there is virtue signaler.

God damn you're a fine piece of shit right here. Sounds like you are the retard here. We all know here someone like you would never have a chance with any of the models you just bottom of the barrel scum that's why you hatin on here on this shit forum!!
what happened to all the hero who would post hot sexy and bbw video all the time now ot babu fighting for shitm where are the heroooo!!!!!
Hero I need u
I REALLY appreciate Boberry for only collabing w/ other beautiful models... not w/ ogres like Jae & others tend to do

YOU shut the fuck up, dick head!
Don't people realize that the best reply to stupid comments is no comment?
Unfortunately not — remember that a lot of people who browse this board don’t know how to act and probably have a lot of pent-up anger from getting picked on in high school, so arguments over nothing is a problem that’s never really going to go away. Just gotta dig through the chatter to get the goods.
Calm down you serial offender.


Are you talking about Stu, Olivier Laurin who runs the bash and has been accused of rape? Why do people still go to his fuck fest when there are real bashes all over the country where you don't get raped???

Ew. That is one nasty cunt right there. Who wants to touch that ????? Gross!!!
Aww, is someone upset the allegations of being a rapey prick are sticking? Is someone with a harem of desperate fat chicks not happy people think he's creepy? 😢

>Aww, is someone upset the allegations of being a rapey prick are sticking? Is someone with a harem of desperate fat chicks not happy people think he's creepy? 😢

What are you, retarded, or an asian communist? Wtf are you talking about and why are you virtue signaling/trying to bully a man through the internet? LMFAO
C'mon guys chill out. Please try not to get into any arguments. If anyone has the recent video, please upload, thanks

Ooh man you guys, you actually are understanding .. there is a lot about Boberry to say, about how many times she avoided to speak of her weird relationships, about what she has done in public and how many times she literally doxxed creeps on internet.
You guys think that she always got clean hands?! AHAHAHA you don't know.
can someone please share boberrys new content/ collab with kass
Boberry threads always go down the toilet.
She has a twitter account, Don't you want to follow her?
I cant seem to find this account, are you sure it exists? If so could you provide a link?
(58 KB, 548x767, wwv44s39xui61.jpg)
did Boberry ever respond to roxxies shit talking tumblr post about her? I doubt it but just wondering if I missed anything
Gods, that second picture of her is the picture of gluttony and I'm here for it
BoBerry doesn't respond to anything anyone says about her online. Roxxie came out swinging with that, Caitidee answered an IG question about her saying she's not what she seems, and I'm sure others have absolutely had their stories about her being a mean girl among all those saying she's a sweetheart. Mary's got nothing to gain and everything to lose by responding, but the silence to me is more of a "Yeah, so what if I am?" rather than rising above it and taking the high road. That and she also doesn't spend her life online, if her erratic posting schedule is anything to go off of.
Keanu reeves, I really like the actor but he's cute like Jesus Christ
It's a cult, you don't get it?!
Only the BEST one deserves to FUCK Boberry, you understand?
I hate women as much as the next guy but I imagine Boberry attracts the most insane autistes on the planet so I'm inclined to assume that some of those doxxes and whatever other "mistreatments by lady" were very well warranted. Like others said, she seems to touch grass quite often and doesn't seem the type to get caught up in internet drama
How can you have old boberry vidéos
anybody got her new updates or a pt 4
Plz upload part 3 any one have it

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