
(686 KB, 1536x2048, C0AD9ED5-4E60-45D3-BF2A-8E71AECFBCFA.jpeg)
Yo! Do y’all know this beautiful young lady in that pic? Let’s have a discussion about her, and share some pictures and videos
Yeah sex is good. Good luck to you, dude. Where did you meet her? Tinder?
Yeah dude.... Sex's good. If she told you that she's hot for you then you are as good as gold. You're golden. Make sure you cum inside her belly button.
Hell yeah! Probably I will do it for her 🥵🥵🥵
>>67833 It is only right. You must do it. Do not leave her hanging.
Anyone got that video of her eating the chocolate cake?
My fave is how she literally like clockwork will have a melt down over her weight gain, quit and talk shit on her Instagram about being used as a fetish
Just a few months and then you get a real freak show, especially tied to these people now she's working with.
Where can you even find that video?
She was cooking the sauce on Renee's Plateplanet
Man… I would love to see more of her thing below 🥵😈😍
Including her body ❤️❤️
Any new uploads for this thread???
*Do y’all have this video*
why don't you tell us where to find it??? can't share it if we can't buy it
I don’t know where that’s why I’m asking
You see when there is still normal underwear (panties) in what they fit, these can't be USSBBWs.
Holy fucking shit i used to date this girl LOL
I believe him. Your skepticism about anything relating to sex is pitiful and indicative of your life experience.
I have bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to interest you in
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Now we do eventually plan to share content in this, uh, content sharing thread, right? Yes? Hello? Does anyone have any of her video content to share?
Anyone who complains like this and doesn’t immediately share new content should shut the fuck up.

In other words, shut the fuck up.
why don't you be the hero this time and share it
I do share content, I just haven’t on this particular thread
Someone have it?

Stop roleplaying as multiple people, you're embarrassing yourself retard
Hard Times.
ok well someone's gotta buy that cake vid, I guess I will. it'll be up within the day
I saw that this video had been uploaded somewhere, any hero who wants to save the world around here?
it got deleted instantly, can you please reupload it on MAB?
I had missed in last day
I couldn’t upload the vid because of the file’s space, but now it’s all good
Was that the cake vid? Is a reup possible?

Thank you very much
id be scared out of my mind if my ssbbw ex got trending off OF.

It could be fun
Yo! Any updates in this thread???

omg it's actually here! Thanks so much!
Is this the one beefing with ivy and reneyee
Pretty sure, yeah
They JUST did a collab, what could they possibly be beefing over
Probably her hogging all the cake
lol nice

apparently she did a daily mail article, dont know why youd agree to do something with the daily mail of places, anyways she had reenayes cane in a picture. after being with them for few days when filming she never used a cane. so i guess they thought she was faking it too seem fatter and more sad looking. i mean to the average reader doesnt need to be sold that much on how big you are. ivy said her camera man hated filming with her too. so its a lot
She has apparently a flame war with Reneè Starr; she maintained on Feabie that people did some slender about her, that she disengaged, but then got engaged again on Twitter. She hint to her other social media, where she clearify her point of view and stated to know the truth, when she sleeps on her pillow.

It is a bit surprising to me, as she was cooking with Renaye on her Youtube channel (Planet of Plate) about two months ago.
Renee wanted the smoke then backed up and is playing victim

Do enjoy how rosie made it clear they all fake content lol
I'm inclined to believe Rosie here. Reenaye is absolutely the type of person to be jealous of a younger newcomer to the scene for getting clout when she's been living with mobility aids for some time now. Both her and Ivy were fucking dumb to start that fight when it's abundantly clear they're acting and faking things in their videos (I've got a bridge to sell you if you think Reenaye is actually 700lbs and constantly breaking bidets). Rosie might be a little awkward and much due to the 'tism, but Ivy has a goddamn empire built on bringing new girls into the fold and exploiting them for content. Fuck's sake, TexiMexiUSSBBW was on TikTok showing off her weight loss progress and they lazily tried to prop her up as a gainer feedee with Ivy pushing down on the scale for weigh-ins and editing out the fact that she never actually consumed any food in her stuffing videos. It almost behooves her and Reenaye to be bitchy to protect what standing they have left.

Shit, all this drama with Rosie makes me wonder about their relationship with PleasantlyPlump. Her videos are historically the most popular in Ivy's C4S store and has pretty much eaten herself to injury. Can't imagine how they must have manipulated her since she's a pretty docile thing.
Link to the Daily Mail article? This is a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of Ivy's empire.

Frankly, I don't know why anyone would voluntarily allow themselves to be profiled by the Daily Mail, but a lot of the dumber gainer models do it anyway.
For them, it’s just entertainment. It’s believable to have a ‘gainer feedee’ role played by someone who is 600, regardless of if they are losing weight in their personal life. The number of people who are happy gaining at that size is extremely few and usually not the ones going on about it in vids and socials… a number of them, no matter their public declarations, are really miserable and dislike their size.
THIS. Most (if not all) simps don't realize that your income prospects and self worth are GONE at that size, so unless you really truly enjoy being disabled, the fallacy of "watch me gain to immobility" is one of the only ways to pay the bills.

What's more mind blowing is the simps get butthurt when their favorite model goes WLS, as if they truly believed she would gain forever without it taking a major toll on health/money/life. They have a Cognitive disconnect on reality, but it guarantees more models will come onto the scene since the money will never stop flowing. Out with the old, in with the new
Reenaye Starris actual also producer/ webmaster and the boss of some models (like Heather Boyle and Jenny Lauren). Rosie Jade was in the video of her marriage (with some nephews/ children), so they seemed to be friends.
I wonder if the Planet for the Plate video got deleted...

Though I would estimate Reenaye of a weight of 170 - 220Kg and Rosie maybe the same. Ivy Davis looks a bit slimmer, but her face (double-chin) appears to have doubled in size since her start as feedee-model (with dark hair).

Vanilla Hippos pretend still to be a feedee when she participated already in My 600lb Life.
Also Victoria shall hate the fetish actual and did the contend only for the money, maybe Sunny too.
Zsalynn disliked it as well,when she came northern of 250Kg (if she really was).

Pleasently Plump had some years ago family trouble; her mother was psychic sick (insane) and attempt to murder her. Later did she create a crowd funding for her sister (which likely has cancer, maybe leukaemia) and promoted this on her social networks, like on Feabie.
The disconnect from reality is you people acting like the simps or even you people give a fuck about any of this. Turn down the parasocial and quit being retarded
It’s no different than being mad that Matt Damon is not spy/assassin Jason Bourne in real life or that actors gaining or losing weight for roles is not about money or entertainment. These ‘models’ are amateur actors - the fact that you pay is why they need money. It’s always the naive ones who get all hurt and mad that, behind the scenes, they aren’t thrilled acting out their online persona in real life.
Honestly, why caring about all this drama? Two famous ("famous") people don't like each other? Perfect, I don't care at all
You simps know that there's a schizo thread in every board for a reason? Please stop spreading lies. None of those things are real like spies and assassinations are so pre-ww2 and the governments loving entities that don't believe in witchcraft or demons because they're scientific minds.
She is still in the video on Youtube, where Reenaye and her were cooking and eating together, 3 months ago.🤔
yea i saw that shit about drama on Reneyee's mukbang IG page and was thinking weren't they just besties lol? I recall hearing about drama going down with Ivy/Violet and Kelly way back when they were roomies so who knows what to believe or what is even happening between the three.
TL;DR Rosie did an article with the daily mail / the sun where there are some direct quotes from her about how she used to use a cane but doesnt anymore. well in the picture that was featured in the article, Rosie was in Reenayes home posing with their cane. They took it as a stab at their disability because "i dont get to pick and choose when i'm disabled". and stated they think they were using their cane to gain followers / clout for being mentioned in a news article.

Reenaye commented under Rosie's tweet about the article calling her out, rosie immediately started issuing a public threat, 3 day saga of mostly dramatic blah blah on IG stories, and now Rosie is now on bad terms ivy / reenaye.

There's more, but thats the TLDW / R.
>>80011 Ohh yeah. I remember about that article. Wasn't there something else, though?
Then the issues got probably more public than it was first, because of their argument to each other.
So it was stupid of Reenaye to react, if she wanted to hide it. If she stayed silent about it, then this had favoured her matter more and give hopes to be forgotten soon. Now it is a lot more in the spotlight, due to the dispute.
Lmfao all this over a fucking cane. How boring can these hoes lives be.
Really boring because Rosie is now trying to Sue renaye
Rosie is in the right with Reenaye but holy shit is she so full of herself. I can't listen to her talk for more than a few minutes.
If someone broke a contract, then this should be done (as law-suit). But I am not sure, if both are American. You probably need some money to go to court.🤔
she puts up like over 25 30-sec i skip them all, like go get a life.

could you imagine sitting in the court for that case? feel bad for the lawyers and judge lol.

anyways anyone still got the cake clip? it got removed from the store.
Two vids were removed from Ivy's C4S, The Chocolate Cake Incident" and "Reenaye Starr & Rosie Jade: Fat Chat & Jiggles" Rosie also consecutively removed all "fetish" content from her OF.
Don't let Rosie fool you all. I know this ss woman personally and she is very arrogant. She had accused men of raping her many times in the past (including myself) when nothing happened or goes her way. She is user and probably got into some stuff with the people she shot scenes with. She already banished from ga and is burning bridges where ever she is now.
shit just got real..
Ahahahah called it

Ivys production team reminds me of Costco pizza making machines, like lets be real be real here... not interested in balloons or baby women. There is barely any fat bitch content.
Rosie needs to learn that less is more. I find her physically attractive, but now that I know she is batshit crazy (perhaps medically crazy) I have no interest in fapping to her shit, or ever considering buying any of it.
The most successful models are the ones who only let you in a little bit to who they really are. Part of the fantasy is shaping them in your head to someone you'd like to spend time with.
>>82309 Hate to break the shit you bud but this bbw's been around.
>Pretty arrogant

She thinks she's hot shit because of that pic of her in the purple two-piece has been floating around for a while. She's an absolute amateur and a drama queen. Ivy & Reenaye aren't above reproach or anything - we've all known about their deceptive business practices. But Rosie trying to take a stand and blow them up is just getting her scorched in the process.

Amen to that. The models with tempered online presences are so much better. Just stop posting your life everywhere and leave SOMETHING to the imagination.
I find it hilarious that out of HFG's Top 24 selling clips of all time, Ivy is in 6 of them. She owes so much to Pleasantly Plump (who is in HALF of those Top 24) to her success that it's not even funny. And now that PP is probably out of the game for good, she's relying on all this garbage filler content you've pointed out and cashing in on USSBBWs that were on TikTok trying to lose weight before she found them.

The three of them are pathetic, but Ivy takes the crown for the most desperate.
Do you mean Breathless_Fantasy alias Fat_Fantasy?
I think she works for Queen Kanklez, as some black USSBBWs (as Nicole James alias Mz Fluff) and Playhouse SSBBW).
I don’t know how to directly reply to my rapist, but hi Jamal. You know, funny, that time stamp was saved in that file. I remember the bed sheets too. You can deflect all the truth you need too. You and I both know about that case number. You absolute dumb fuck.

As for the rest of you, have fun fapping to my fetish content. As long as those bitches aren’t profitting, it doesn’t effect me. I’ll continue to mind my business. The cake was good. But I didn’t finish it. Just like in all of Ivys content. All of it. So. You might wanna throw it in an editor and keep the best part. Me.

And if that makes me arrogant? So be it. If my energy isn’t for you, there’s a lot of us fat bitches online.

Jamal, you fuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkked up my dude. Big time. You should have stayed silent to protect her. And the littles. I hope they are safe from you, you monsterous, evil man.

My IG story has alot of evidence and truth. IG Quirkyloverosee. I’m not saving it. So feel free to screen record and post. I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE.

And as I’ve said alot this week. I’m traumatized and non-manic. If I’m being painted as crazy, I don’t care. I’m confirmed by a team of doctors not to be. Are y’all?
Is it true that you smell like rotting shrimp?
Not only does Ivy owe Pleasantly Plump but she also owes Violet James and Kellie Kay too, the fact is Ivy has always ridden the coat tails of much better, prettier, models.
Literally most of their content is trash. Pleasantly plump and violet James are the only redeeming people there
this is all very entertaining and i hope you stay safe out there
Some busted ass creatures who less than 1% of the general population would find attractive (and even less than that would consider dating one of these wildebeests) it’s always the 2’s, 3’s & 4’s that start/stir the most drama since it’s the only way for them to garner attention or have anyone even bother looking their way… 🤷‍♂️
No one's defending Ivy or Reenaye here. We've all known about their business practices. We just think you're insufferable.
>>We just think you're insufferable.

This. Our community is tired of hearing about all of this drama. The three of you, really only you and Renayee, care. I'll say this nicely please stfu and go away. This drama has been so annoying and overplayed to death now.
"jamal" lol i mean what did you expect. no offence but that's what you get for trying to be one of those twitter bio fat white girls that puts BLM in their twitter bios and then fucks black guys like your pussy's making diversity hires.
>>82511 With a name like Jamal the only thing I expect from you's to be ugly as sin.
False rape claims are very rare. I'd imagine you did rape her.
They are popular if the accused one is a celebrate (like Tyson, Cosby, Türk, Hefner, Kachelmann), especially when previous ones exist (get hijaked on the train).
These are most likely fraud, when the act is supposed to be decades ago (sometimes narrowly a half century).
For me appears that only legit, if the report was done within 3 years.
Drama aside anybody have the chocolate cake video? Didn't download it when I should have

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