
She’s also 6 foot
So what’s the details? Does she have a feabie, onlyfans, or manyvids? Where’s the content?
What’s this they/he on the TikTok page?
Oh no
Sounds like they is (are?) retarded
Still hot tho judging from the op pic
She is a zoomer, what do you expect at this point.
being the same age as this girl it is like damn near impossible to find a woman at this size let alone one this hot. damn

Have you tried going outside? Obese bitches are everywhere. Its an epidemic
As someone with a 300lb girlfriend, and spent years finding one that wasn’t dumb, 450+ ones are quite rare.
>>67587 (OP)
I remember her, she's obsessed with some Minecraft youtuber and had to delete her account because of zoomer drama. Good to see she's only gotten hotter.
it's indeed super hard to find a morbidly obese woman who is not retarded
We cant all live in poor rural communities. I have to take field trips out the boonies to see girls who weigh more than 250.
All these bitches you are watching already are all retarted af fym lmao
You must be hanging around with retards. It has nothing to do with weight.

All morbidly obese girls I personally know are NOT retarded.

If its hard for you to find the not-retarded morbidly obese you might wan to consider changing your peers, neighbourhood, job and maybe location.
Especially if you find yourself surprisingly smart among your peers. That's your warning sign. Retards pull you down.

Then could you please give us an idea of where you are, what type of people, how you met them, what field do you work in etc. Cheers
Yoo dry spells can have you loosing sight of the truth. 1 in 4 American adults are obese… there fat bitches all over the place now are the all massive nah I’d say you have about 1 in 30 at that sweet spot so maybe you me find it hard to find the per landwale butt don’t be disheartened it’s only natural we play the long game I feel you can safely put 200 lbs on someone in 5yrs any faster and health might deteriorate but that can be hot too lol . And I’d say a lot of woman are weary of feeder’s because once she catches feelings it won’t matter anymore she will be in hog heaven all woman love to eat and do nothing you just gotta be ready to hold the bills down, learn to really cook, if find someone with a fast food addiction which really isn’t hard
Lol if you think it’s all fat girls that are dumb you might be stupid yourself lol there are a ton of stupid people walking around enjoying their lives in blissful ignorance such as yourself …
He who casting the first stone lol I digress
You had sex with her too? I remember the first time I smashed this hoe was okay could've been better, got better after like the 4th or 5th time
So what's up with the they/he pronouns?
>>68103 Businesses are entities and they are OBVIOUSLY not responsible for the improper use of a tool, household item, or product, etc, that they made.
Nah never got to
Idk. All I know is that they got hell of daddy issues.

Everywhere and epidemic? Who told you that, an unemployed fitness trainer or an unemployed nutritionist?

This is really not about every woman who is a little fat.
There aren't many really pretty young women in the world who weigh more than 350 pounds.

And because it's a business, there are ugly, old, stupid, trash women who try to make some dollars on the BBW scene. And it's an open secret which star on the scene has no teeth, which is mentally retarded, or which is a junkie...
Name off her?
You're gonna be pressed to find a 19 y/o 450 pounds chick even in the Mississippi swamps. Especially one that isn't gross. I've talked to a few her size so they definitely exist, but you have to look for them.
What was with her tiktok talking about her being billies snapchat?
>It has nothing to do with weight.
yes it absolutely has, its mostly dumb people who let themselves get _morbidly_ obese
>you might wan to consider changing your peers, neighbourhood, job and maybe location
the people around you should consider that
The ones who are stupid and morbidly obese get that way because they are stupid. There are plenty of educated, intelligent, or just not stupid girls out there that get morbidly obese due to family issues and trauma. I personally know a lot of fatties that have mad social anxiety and upbringing issues that porked up to 300lbs and they're far from dumb.
>family issues and trauma
there is a lot of newspeak, applying a trillion different labels and diagnoses "learning disability" on people nowadays to avoid outright saying a person is stupid (no matter what the cause)
either way, i didnt deny that there are intelligent morbidly obese women there, just that they are in a minority
>The ones who are stupid and morbidly obese get that way because they are stupid
i.e these are the majority
you are either braindead or in a highly educated field/location if all the fatties you know are intelligent in your opinion. how many do you know?
tell us more about you, anon
youre braindead if you think someone having a binge eating disorder or something from trauma is the same thing as a learning disability lmao
no retard, that was just an example
>applying a trillion different labels and diagnoses LIKE "learning disability"
>>68239 sounds like you have advice and I’ve got the time 😂
To get that big at 19, not only does she have to have the genes for it - and possibly be a few bricks short of a load - but also a family to facilitate her getting that fat / parents who don't care how fat she gets. Once you go out on your own, then how fat a woman gets is on her. But to be 450 by 19, she had to get started on that road when her parents were responsible for her. And much as I find her hot, if I had a daughter, not sure I would think it a good thing if she was that big so young.
How many retards here interrupted their wanks to bitch off about the IQ or pronouns of fat girls? Just stfu and post porn
How about the Hill family in California, called the crazy J's, particular Goofyjennyy?😉
You mean ugly jenny?
simple minded motherfuckers like you are the reason why this site has been hell,

>simple minded motherfuckers like you are the reason why this site has been hell,
Please tell me more nutter. By all means.

>a factually correct opinion
How old is this nutter? Geez. I am more interested in how being thin affects the humane brain. Do you think you can find a thesis online for that?

How does being thin or being muscular affect the human brain? Lmfaooo. Or how about different diets? Let's go deeper. How do different DIETS affect the human brain? That's very interesting. I hope you can find them and read them all so that you can summarize them for somebody who actually cares. Have fun not getting any pussy.
Oh. I almost forgot. Go master aryan race!
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poor shitposting, but i get what you're trying to say. the obese = stupid conclusion is not something you need to read a gorillion theses online for, thoughie. it is observable in daily life
the point is in picrel for those too retarded to read beyond the headline
time for some virtue sgnalling. being in the testosterone elite/loving fat women like WE do doesn't mean one has to agree with the fat acceptance movement or whatever and turn a blind eye to le heckin FAX (what is a fact? "a thing that is known or *proved to be true*")
(154 KB, 725x1075, 725-px-Catherine-in-the-Temple-.jpg)
Some of the chubbier women I know are also the smartest (however they happen to also be Nordic blood and other factors).

You all need to read Dr. Ray Peat's (RIP) research on the brain and blood glucose.

There's a world of difference between some sheboon with high time preference and poor impulse control to become obese vs. a soft aristocratic lady who takes care of a household and stress-eats. Life is complex.

>inb4 cope

Does God make mistakes?
Not sure about your “Nordic blood” reference there, but otherwise I’d agree. Some super high IQ women I’ve met, Ivy League degrees, you name it.

I mean, brain cells are modified fat cells, so…
I disagree with everyyjing all of you have to say and I have a record of not being wrong ever. Oh, and go back to college old dog.

Ah yes the "aryan" race, the fucking worst genes in the world.
I totally agree. Besides beautiful girls, hairy armpits, bodies, hair, skin, eyes, and delicious enourmous breasts she isn't the shit! In fact a lot of times I hate her! Her tiktok videos for example!
Gj triggering all the coloreds and queers rabbi
>soft aristocratic lady who takes care of a household
autistic fantasy, apart from that you're right
Does anyone know where to find this chick online?
BC needs to scoop this one up, do your thing Heather!
grow a brain
Nope Jenny Hill, she has a pretty face, huge belly belly (with underboobs) just as enormous arse. But her sisters are not so bad too, the mother is rather a bit ugly from the face.
But she is the most obese fluffy girl since Rashonda Perrio.
Her tiktok is @sevenjohnston, her OF is @s3v3nn, feel free to find her accounts and share her content
Not much actually lmao. Just spent way too much time on generic dating apps, tinder now, yubo when I was a teenager. Plus lots of time looking at random instagram/facebook profiles etc trying to find pics of fat girls, if I find one I shoot a message and especially if they are young and single the odds are actual pretty good that they'd like to get to know you as long as you message them first.
(150 KB, 1920x1080, bmi-vs-iq.png)
It's not as bad as you think. This was computed from the NLSY97. BMI and IQ are inversely correlated, but it's not bad enough to send anyone into the disability range. The trend is present for european, latin, and african groups.
I see a fair bit of fat women in higher education myself.
this is pretty revealing. though I remeber hearing somewhere that african american women are the most "educated" demographic in the US despite despite losing out to the other ethnic groups in the IQ department.
Like every other woman who isn't conventionally beautiful and is probably not at least moderately autistic, daddy issues explains the vast supermajority of women who abide by gender insanity. It really is that simple (otherwise they just tend to become bimbo whores). Every broken family is another crack in the Roman pillar. Abuse and trauma is real.

It's quite rare to find a case of a woman with dysphoria who's legitimately like some high IQ outcast and has some 2deep4u thesis against societal feminity.
Anyone got any of her stuff

OMBG! You can take the horse out of the plains, but you can't take the plains out of the horse.

You can lead the horse to water, but you can't force the horse to drink.
Oh damn, i know this chick. Like irl.
Dish, whaddya got on her? Anything that would interest people here?
It's probably true. If you fail a nigger they are going to scream racism until they get their way. There's no living with them.
>>73151 Then why did you even try, retard? You ruined it for every1
Said the white guy using the word ‘nigger’

Sometimes I wonder if the Dunning-Kruger effect specifically just describes race-bating retards

Don't worry, dude. He probably doesn't even really mean it in a negative connotation. Besides, don't worry because there will always be girls of every race that are fuckable and desired regardless of their skin color. Some things never change.

People like to pretend change is possible, but as things progress and our lives become increasingly difficult, with our societies under attack being made worse, there is always hope. Even after breast cancer, there is ass. Even after a huge black ass, there is white cum. So be loving, and stop worrying.
Can we get some content going plz
>this post
>complaining about dunning Kruger
Minorities and gays where a mistake

this is a fat fetish forum, not some political symposium, I've only known about this website for a few months and even I know there's a specific thread for this crap
>where a mistake
I’m not sure if you’re being ironic, or you’re just super low IQ

Couldn’t agree more.
>heh time to show off my third grade ed by correcting grammar on a site where you post with one hand on your dick
Fags n niggers where a mistake
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Would appricate some customs or any other content she's made. This is her entire only fans and i wish i was joking
$6 for a handful of pictures, some short videos, and the opportunity to request customs. Interesting strategy.

Thanks for biting the bullet, man.
>>67587 (OP)
I have only one question. Is. She. Single. Ready to shoot my shot, fuck it.
Think she has a boyfriend with looks of tiktok. Lucky bastard because I'd shag life out of her if I got chance
They’ve been on and off a lot. I think I saw her posting sad girl shit so I would assume they’re off right now
Such a shame she have a killer body but posts lame content on her of
reup pls
A lot of the most educated people are the least intelligent. It's an attempt to cope and compensate. I've seen so many cringe youtube videos of people trying to guess each other's IQ and they always use an educated retarded female to bait people.

I'd estimate that it starts to fall off pretty fast aa you get closer to 80 BMI. Most of the superfats I know feel like they're in the 80s of IQ. Obviously the white 60 BMI stat is an outlier, but I also think the spike down from 59 to 60 is no coincidence and the superfats are often really unintelligent.

I agree that conflating trauma and low IQ is retarded though. There are definitely genius superfats who just are rape victims.
Teighlor was supposed to have had an intelligent quotient of 143 (like Sharon Stone) at least.
A similar one has possible Susanne Eman (but I am not certain about it), maybe also over 140 or 135 (which has Kasparow).
Man if you talking about garry chess kasparov u gotta shut the fuck up that guy can pull a slick game but outside he's a fucking dumbass. Like its funny chess players are good at one thing but are straight retarded everywhere else. Hikaru that piece or shit did an on stream iq test once and hit like 90 thag shit is hilariously on point cause the same goes for him.
How is Hikaru a piece of shit?
What the hell is a Hikaru and what does it has to do with any of this?
My bad clicked the wrong thread.
holy shit it's george costanzas kid
Now this is some good old fashioned bbwchan skitzoposting.

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