
She looks amazing in a bikini. Also she has two 400 pound sisters so this girl is gonna grow. Plus she’s sweet and funny. If she lived near me I’d be dating her for sure
Saw her profile on feabie. Yeah, she's a chubby cutie, I really like her. But she does not seem to sell content or does she?
She used to have an onlyfans but I don’t know what happened to it. She will share content but you have to earn it.
wrong board
wrong board? How so?
bbw in /ssbbw I guess
She’s close enough and given her goals she’ll be there soon enough. I know she was over 360 at one point.

Thats not how this works. A girl isnt an SSBBW just because she hypothetically could become one at some point. Thats stupid.
350 is old school SSBBW. There are some that say it starts at 400…but that’s just semantics and certainly not something that it’s necessary to call out.
SSBBW is about eye test, not semantics. She doesn't pass it. It's still reasonably uncommon to see an SSBBW under 25ish. You can walk into any college bar in the Rust Belt and see dozens of girls with this build.
I agree with the others that this is the wrong board.
well if she's young and reasonably massive you could expect her to become SSBBW in the future 😊
Is 365 not ssbbw?
Every time this fucking conversation comes up, it's another prime example of why we need to use BMI as a standard to classify SSBBWs. If this girl is 365 but she's 6' tall, then we're left with arguments like >>67586. 365 IS by most metrics until we get enough saying she doesn't look like she belongs here.
You may want to date her but you wouldn't be dating her as it's highly unlikely she'd find you attractive in any way.

If these are the only pics of her and are recent, then she belongs on the BBW board. Not big enough now. Even if she has goals, until she's nearer those goals, BBW is what she is.
I've always used 50BMI - 55BMI as the marker for SSBBW. Anything in that range and they've achieved SSBBW status. 50 being more borderline and 55 being 'no arguments that's an SSBBW.'
Who the fuck cares whether she’s BBW or SSBBW. She’s close enough and that’s really all that needs to be said about this idiotic subject.

It's more than a letter. For many folks it's important that girl is fat enough. Everyone has their own minimum weight requirement.
Who gives a fuck? If you’re so offended by a chick who may not meet your personal definition of supersized then perhaps you should seek the help of a medical professional.
This entire argument is the reason why splitting the boards was a dumbass decision in the first place. For some reason after Banana put up the poll and it was voted to recombine the boards it still didn't happen. So this is where we are.

But this chick needs to be on BBW
356 is SSBBW case closed.
Usually 400lbs is the # used for ssbbw
It can be either. There is no official definition and in any case it’s just not a big enough difference to go on an on about.
Sorry but this lady is nowhere near SSBBW. SSBBW used to mean BIG! I think 5ft 6inch and under 400lb-550lb range is SSBBW. Taller than that then you'd have to increase the weight.
WTF is wrong with you people? To some, SSBBW starts at 350, some people believe it’s more. Who really gives a fuck though? Instead of posting more pics some of you snowflakes think that being right about proper classification matters. It doesn’t.
I’d say normally 356 is the cusp of ssbbw but that only exists below the height 5.5. I know as a seasoned fa that’s all grills start really looking fat upwards s of 450 regardless of height so I think the standard should be around 400 or when any measurement is I’ve 80 in around standing. I don’t think us as a community have truly defined ssbbw but my gut says it’s around 400 blouse that’s were everything changes.
Who gives a shit?
Why do you fucking retards keep using weight and not BMI that actually takes into account height. Honestly some of you shit stains are too fucking dumb.
Not many.
With a BMI of 40 you should be supersized, as it is obesity typ 2. Even with typ 1 might be an argument for it (maybe with 35).

But this girl here is apparently not higher than 30, she is most likely not heavier than 110Kg.
I had sex with women around 120 Kg, which were taller than her and appeared much fatter (though black one often). Some women which had the same shape weight just around 90 (200lbs) kilogramme.
Hey retards, stop ruining boards by bitching and moaning about your personal preferences. How much of this board is content and how much of it is knuckledragging mouth breathers whining? 356 is close enough so just post some fucking content and get over yourselves or go outside and meet some real people so you have a clearer idea of what’s important in life.
This young woman is not even fat/ obese, but just chubby/ thick.
Anyone who believe otherwise is apparently retarded or try to promote such contend (to get money).
So many morons who have never posted a pic or shared a file complaining about how to microcategorize fat chicks. Some of y’all need to get up off your mama’s couch and stop being so fucking precious. I mean really…who gives a fuck about this shit?
Yeah, I'm not too bothered about her weight category, but the thing is, there was so many people complaining about seeing super morbidly obese women on the board, that people asked for a seperate board to post SSBBW's.

Within that respect, then she should be on the BBW board, not here.
Ok. Until the owner/administrator of the board puts down strict categories based upon some definite criteria, the idea that a 350+ girl should be in the BBW category is just a matter of opinion and my opinion is that the traditional cutoff; 350 is perfectly valid. End of story.
Let’s stop being autistic and arguing over if she’s a fat fuck or not and get some content going ?
Amen to that.
She’s got the genes for it. She has two 400 pound sisters after all.
She definitely has the potential to get really big. Perfect body for gaining.
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Hi! I'm actually this girl! Someone sent me this link over on my Instagram. I'm so thankful for the support you guys have shown, thank you so much! If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them! I recently started gaining, i've gotten really in to it these last few months and i've stacked on the weight. Over the last 2-3 months i've put on about 30 pounds. I would love to keep going! I'm currently 367/ 5'3"/ and my BMI is 65!
Hey Bummer, you're doing great! Can really see the progress. Really glad you're enjoying yourself.

Is that guy right that you have have two 400lb sisters?

Well, I don't really have any questions at the moment. Followed you a long time feabie so this current development was awesome to see, so long may it continue!
>>68268 do you still live on the east coast lol
I do have two sisters, they are not in the 400's anymore. They are 393 and the other one is somewhere in the 290 range.
I do still live on the east coast! Just down south now.
>>68273 Out of all your fam who sucks the best dick?
I'm the only one with no kids, soooo I obviously swallow
>>68275 Your best friend is a lucky man.
You’re incredibly attractive! A few questions. How did you get into feederism? Do you have a goal weight in mind? Bonus question: how soon can i expect to subscribe to an OF or buy your content off curvage??
A friend recommended Feabie to me and it's been brainwashing me ever since!
My first goal is 400, but I would really love to go beyond that eventually!
My OnlyFans should be set up by sometime next week! You guys have shown me so much love that I have to make one now lol
Bummer..you are both beautiful and a nice person. Thanks so much for sharing…dang you’re too cute 🥰
You're so nice, thank you!
I'm glad my attention was brought to the post! I love interacting with you guys so much!
>>68289 What's your favorite dinner to prepare to eat after getting some really bomb dick or any other special occasion?
Well, there are like 3 answers there lol
1. Homemade mac and cheese
2. A REALLY good cheeseburger
3. Buffalo chicken pizza
>>68292 Thanks for answering? When was the last time you got some really bomb dick?
Well I have a very handy bedside dildo. So probably last night!
>>68296 I should've seen that coming. I feel like such a fool. I hope you two will be very happy together.
Nope! It's pink with a heart as the handle. It'll be in a lot of my upcoming content.
>>68300 Why do you only have one dildo? Does it make sense to have only one? And why do beautiful girls prefer dildos to real dicks?
>>68302 You realize if you wanted to keep getting rejected you could've just DM'd her so it wasn't public. Save some pussy for the rest of us bro bro
>>68303 I get that she's probably lesbian. I just don't understand why we can't masturbate together. My grandpa told me stories abouy fellas from the army doing circle jerks where they would jerk off infront of eachother.

I love watching girls masturbate. It's sort of my thing.
>>68304 Ahhh yes. The classic "assuming pretty girls are lesbian because they don't like my oddly specific dildo questions/circle jerk stories (?????) and am too lazy to read the feabie profile that clearly states she isnt" type of guy. You must be SO fun at parties
Sorry. You didn't have to be a dick.
>>68306 And you don't have to scare off friendly models with weird ass questions. See how that works?
>>68308 Ask yourself why would any anon on a bbw site intentionally scare of a big beautiful woman. You're a dick. Not me. I'm a "weird ass questions" asker.
go back to reddit
I honestly simply enjoy the simple pleasures of masturbating together with girls. I didn't think it would be a problem for her to answer my question and I didn't mean to sound like a crazed fan or pervert. I don't know anything about her or her feabie.
How can I arrange it so that I am subscriber #1 for your onlyfans.
I enjoy getting peed on on my dick by bbw and I don't enjoy masturbating alone. I would rather have the company of a beautiful girl.
Why is it that there are so many miscreants that cannot simply enjoy a gorgeous woman? It boggles the mind as to why we can unanimously celebrate the beauty that ma girl Bummer is bringing to the table. Is there a more beautiful object in Christendom than her?…I think not. Just enjoy me droogs.
I wasn't shooting for the stars here, mate. I wanted a friend to masturbate with on the low low.
Dunno what to say…she’s just so good looking and I love the pink slippers on those gorgeous legs…oof!!!
She has a similar body to HCammy. So gorgeous.z
>>68316 I'll make sure to give updates so you can get your spot in!
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As a thank you for all of the support, here are some pictures that haven't been posted anywhere yet!
lovely flab. would lick
Do you have some material with them (videos, pictures), especially at their highest weights?
Gorgeous body…and sooo cute😍😍
This pear has real potential. Hopefully she becomes a content machine and squashes any doubt that shes SSBBW material. If she follows in the footsteps of hayleythebignoodle then we're in good company, if the OF is just more thirst traps then at least we get another body positive baddie? *winces*
Just got done talking with her and she’s about to post her onlyfans today, she said her first video will be a stuffing in a cow outfit
She’s starting to get a nice tummy. Let’s hope it becomes a full fledged apron.
>>68613 Yeah? If she's horny why isn't she getting fucked by BBC? Or like a homeless man, or something?
maybe she doesn't want to get beaten up before and after the sex and end up with 6 mixed kids from 6 different guys that all say "finna". maybe that.
underrated comment
OMG she’s so friggen cute!!
we could ask you the same question and it would be less stupid than when you asked it
Well if you see promote some chubby girls as super morbidly obese women, then it is either one selling contend or a teenager with no experience buying anything what someone fake:
These first videos are girls which are not heavier than 70Kg, not 100.

The girl of this thread is clearly below 130Kg (not heavier than 285lb).

These models pretend much higher numbers to get more buys and you possible just want to believe these unrealistic stuff, as it is your fantasy. Go and try to have find women in the real world. If you have sometime in the future once sex, you might know what body fits to which weight.
What is it with these idiots. It’s clear that you’re over 350. Extra thick legs mean heavy girl. It’s that simple.
Dream girl!!!
I quite believe it. The camera may normally add 10lbs, but it subtracts 30lbs from SSBBWs.

Was there any recent weight milestone where you really *felt* the extra weight? My gf sadly went from 350 to 310 and the difference visibly is huge - I miss it - but she can walk a lot quicker, so at least that's handy for when we're going out
I think going from 330 to 350 was the biggest change I had seen. My tummy really started to round out, wasn't so flat anymore towards the top.I wouldn't say I really feel the weight any differently from when I was 300
How hard would you say it is to move around at your current weight? And what would you say are the hardest things to do?
I can’t wait until she turns into a bonafide sex blob.
OK now this girl is really packing on the pounds…she just hit 370 and you can definitely see it in her tummy and stretch marks. All the non-creeps (all three of you) have a duty to support her in any way you can.

Somebody come get this boomer. They think it’s our “duty” to support internet porn lmfao
You idiot. I just want her to make enough money from it so that she’ll keep posting.
can’t you finks just post some content?
What’s going on with this girl? She’s hot and getting fatter quickly. There really should be more going on here.
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You're right, I have been getting fatter. Here's the proof! I'll make sure I eat enough so no one can question me being on this board <3
OMG those legs!!!
Don’t know how much you’re intending to gain but we need someone to challenge Haley. Otherwise she’s going to waddle away with the crown.

That's the spirit! The pear-shaped physique is deceptive, but the scale shouldn't lie.


Sheesh the cellulite hips are great, but the calves are ballooning!


This. Haley has a big lead since she is almost 600 lbs, but a battle of the 21st century pears is in order.
Millennial pears are the shit.
Put a fuckin ring on it
Step 1: marry immediately
Step 2: breed, feed and fuck until half a ton
Where’d ya go?
Your grandpa was fucking gay dude.
she really made this thread, got her name out there, then abandoned it and went straight to twitter
lmao she needed rent money
She’s hot tho…so there’s that.
and she’s growing really quickly too.
I got her of and it’s pretty good, y’all are missing out

The purpose of this site is to share content…not to talk about the content you’re keeping to yourself….prick.

if you care that much, you pay for it and share it.
Prime what? Shapeless cellulite and C cups?
Simps here suck mid grade white girl cock.

Do you know where you are dude? It seems like you’re lost.

Totally agree. Even though she’s a bit breasty for my liking and could use some more weight. This girl has a nice future.

She could definitely use some more weight ..she’s only 370 something right now.
Coomer updated
her hips are dialed in.
She's got a really cute face.

She does…and girl be getting wydd.
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Hiii, thank you for your support still months later! I wanted to share some before and afters with you guys!I started off at about 330 and i've recently hit 395!
(8.7 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_4600.JPG)
Sorry for the separate post! The files are a bit too big
amaazing gain
She’s gorgeous…I love her❤️❤️
I mean, yeah... but... she is like, right there, you can tell her directly lol
I hope she’s set her sights on a minimum of 450. It’d be a shame if she stopped now.
That would mean to narrowly doubling her size...
If she can achieve this, then it would last several years.
She’s been gaining so well she could get to 400 by the end of Memorial Day weekend.
Genuinely what do get out of going on here and arguing with everybody? Even if you were right that secretly every model and content creator is lying about their weight, which is in itself an absurd fucking proposition, nobody wants to hear it from you. You really think you know better than 99% of this board on how fat bitches are? In fucking Germany? Ridiculous. You have walkable cities and regulations on junk food, you have no idea the depths of obesity to which people can sink.
You shit up every thread arguing with people with your shitty ESL grammar, and think you’re being clever. Is it some kind of superiority complex? Is that what it is? You once banged some chubby Slav and now you want to lord your crowning achievement over everyone?

Jesus Christ just shut the fuck up

Keep it up!

Your thighs and ass just keep growing and it's glorious!
Troll Level: Godlike
I have a lot more idea than you, as I had sex with more than 60 BBWs and at least 10 were SSBBWs (like Stacie/ Scarlet, one of the first Bigcuties, which lived in Southern Germany since maybe a decade), few of these were over 200Kg, some in the range of 165 - 190Kg, which looked way fatter than Lailani, Plump Princess and Rainy.

Not everybody is lying, but the majority, possibly even around 95%; as if you had followed I prooved my point by some comparisions; as the numbers of Ellie and Echo seems legit (also in the past of Teighlor or Lexy), maybe of Zsalynn (when she claimed to be around 240Kg) and Patty too.

I just don't like scamming, which happens here by some fantasy number-fethishes to the customers (which may have as little as you experiences). So if you not promoting contend or do role-play here (I prefer reality), then you should be thankfull that I do this for you and save your money!
Shall this be a SSBBW regarding to you?

In Germany are much fatter women than this and even the more in Czech Republic or France and Spain (though African partly)

You're awesome, and you're not back.
>>83389 Where are the largest and best looking most beautiful women in Europe? What about the largest breasts?
In the past used to have Lolo Ferrarie the largest breasts in Europe. But this French woman died about two decade ago, with about 36.

When I was asked on Thanksgiving Day at the Rock Church in Queen, which are the most beautiful women of the countries I visited, I said Spain (because of the Mediteran, Arab and African women). But Sweden, Portugal, Czech Republic, and France have some too.

Probably also Romania, Greece and Russia (which I haven't traveled to these yet). But at the first are many gypsies (which are also in other bigger cities,even at railway stations in Paris).
>>83400 I meant European women. I don't like African mediterrenean or arabian women.
Mediteran are mainly European, as about 10 European nations at around the Mediteran Sea.

In Northern Europe I visited on Sweden and Denmark.
But apparently, I would maintain, are Brits not the most beautiful people (they might be rather on the opposite end of the scale).
Polish women are pretty too, with darker hair than the Czech girls mainly.
>>83404 I saw a 10/10 Polish girl once but that was on cam. I want to know how sexy the fat bbw are in Poland.
But there are some scams too, like Geparke (Werona) and here "friend", boss Schwester Ewa, which is a rapper, but she was even in prison for trade in human beings.
The first had lost a lot of weight (but it is questional if she could be regarded as SSBBW, similar as Plump Princess), she cheated both the feederism and the mainstream social media (communities) and pretend both at the same time, losing and gaining weight.
By the way Lailani has also probably Polish heritage (or Croatian), as I have seen on her profile (maybe as camgirl) a red-white flag once.

So there might be something criminal in the nature of that countrys people (like of gypsies), that they fraud to anyone.
I honestly don't know if this is the best copypasta since the navy seal one or you are seriously a deranged retard
You might be right and seems to be superior to me🙄

Certainly all these girls weight over 1000lbs, Randalin, Plump Princess, Paris Hilton...🤔🧐

Though you have probably more experience than 60 - 70 BBW, where 1/6 were at least SSBBWs...🤨
So you think this little girl is heavier than Tyson Fury or Nikolay Valuev?🤔
In think yoj are an expert of retards, as your are it apparently or a scam...
You have no fucking clue about Germany Yankee-fool!
There are no regulations about food, apart of gen-manipulation is not in every way allowed, as chrom-chicken doesn't get sold...
Just scooters mainly doesn't exist at supermarkets, beside that there is nit much difference.
There are many fast food restaurants in bigger cities, but also in every town and most villages at least one kebab shop, they eat maybe different fast food, as döner, curry-sausage and grilled chicken (broiler) or bratwurst (roaster), but a lot obese people are anywhere.
The english in these 3 is the worst you've posted in a long time. Take a few weeks to refresh your skills and maybe you'll be able to convince people
The girl is about to pass 400 and this kraut jackass thinks she weighs just a tiny bit more than Enchantress.
I gotta purge mine someday
Any one have part 3 please 🥺🥺🥺?
>>83936 (Cross-thread)
Any coin that doesn't have a finite supply or isn't decentralized will not succeed in the world of crypto. I highly doubt Chinese shit coins are decentralized.
Why has this thread turned into a dumping ground for the mad ravings of the mentally deficient? Bumwagon deserves better.

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