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I think the last reenaye thread got locked so I'm starting a new on
Ngl never cared much for her is her stuff actually good ?
She's one of the only 600+ models doing hardcore if that's your thing. I like her stuff well enough, she's fucking massive
Jae does hardcore too and unlike Reenaye looks like a fun screw
>>66936 (OP)

Great body, great content, but i just hate her haor too much to enjoy it
Yes the hair is too masculine. We like big “women.” It’s like a women seeing Magic Mike and the men are striping in a leather skirt.
Reenaye is the ultimate fat goddess, just my opinion.
Dumb hair
Let’s get this rolling.

Post some recent goodness she’s put out.

She has an own Youtube channel now, about cooking meals (where she is sitting and someone is assisting with the camera).
Can anyone post her shower sex vid?
She looked on these videos not much fatter than she used to be about a decade ago, and seems like weight below 200Kg on these.

Well she has a Youtube-channel now and did recently a video with Rosie.
>>67655 can you please re uplaod?
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has she actually done a weigh in to confirm this 718 lb claim? I feel like she's lying out of her ass about her weight.
I think the same; as she is moving pretty easily and somehow agile, she might be half the weight which is pretended, but certainly below 250Kg.e
Most webmodels exagerrate their weight but fwiw, she doesn't look smaller than a few My 600 Lb Life folks who are 600-700. Weight is really hard to guess from a photo, or even IRL. Either way, just enjoy the fantasy.
yea i don't think she's even cracked 600, but 550-575 seems to be more realistic from what i'm seeing.

Its a model vs other model(s) conflict, not a model vs fan/wannabe-boyfriend conflict.
On My 600lb Life are some weights also extended, especially of the later seasons; there was a transgender fron Lafayette, whichs appears like rather 150Kg, not 300.
Also several in the last two, like that with Asian-black heritage (has polynesian eyes), which are clearly under 200Kg, but they pretend they would be over 250 kilogramme.
That is because the number of patients with such high numbers are limited and they fake this, by script (as on The Biggest Loser too) to gain more view and make it dramatic.

She looks like around 180Kg, in few videos, but these are likely over a year old.
any chance to re up?
Yeah, it’s also because they keep bringing on really tall patients, which is strange
Well 1,70m is for me rather average (for women).

Some oof these reality-figures are likely half the weight what is pretended or are at least 100Kg less.

Like f these models here too, but there are it even a lot more which fake the numbers, like more than half of them. Very few of these measurements appear for their body-shape legit (as Elli and in the past Teighlor).
Go jump off a bridge you degenerate. Every fucking thread you come in with your weight conspiracies. I bet you also think the moon is made of cheese.
>>68541 The moon's beautiful, and cheese delicious!
I bet you are under 20 years, as you are so simple minded and naive.
Shell I post here your contact data, as your name and your address?
I will do this, if you ever write here anything (to me)!
FFS, you again?

>there was a transgender fron Lafayette, whichs appears like rather 150Kg

"Appears." So you're guessing, as opposed to a scale in a medical office, which is pretty absolute. Not to mention many of us from the US know what 300+lb women look like because we've dated or married them. These are not 300lb women.

You live in Norway, right? Very high suicide rate? Maybe jump on that trend.
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It's very obvious which posts have actually watched any of her content past 2019.

>She looked on these videos not much fatter than she used to be about a decade ago
If you're blind, maybe.
>and seems like weight below 200Kg on these.
I can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely retarded. Personally, my money's on the latter.

>as she is moving pretty easily and somehow agile
She can barely even stand you muppet. She literally put her couch right next to her front door as a buffer so she can get a chair with wheels and scoot on that. The last time she's even stood up was in her Christmas video, and even then you could tell she was out of breath after a few seconds.

Even in her goddamn YT videos she's almost exclusively chairbound. There's baseless theories and then there's this blatant misinformation.

I dunno if it's exact, but she's definitely around that area. She confirmed that she's getting a livestock scale, since her 700+ scale wont read her measurements anymore. Those things aren't exactly cheap either, so it's clearly a last resort investment.
so many beggars, why not buy it? im all for free porn but for highly specific stuff like this you gotta pay for some of it.
That was not 2019, the first picture was from 2010!
Try to fool someone else, you are too dumb to do it on me!
There is not much difference of her from like 2017 to now, in body shape, except that she razored the hair on one side (has blue recently).

You have really no idea how a human with 300Kg appear.. She is not even close to that and she could easily sit on the thin man.
If she would be anything close to that number, then her butt would have covered that boy, but we could still see most of his body, including the lap, where she was sitting.

Do you really trust all these women, that they want to get immobile/ bedritten and like fattening health-trouple, as they allege?
Open your eye, they are acting to make money!
Like most sex-workers do, what they are, and they would say anything to get richer, gain followers/ customers and likes. For most is it just a buisness, simple as that and therefore they just lie about their weight and they what we want to here or what they are suppose that we like. I hope this is a wake-up call for somebodies here...
Everybody here knows that some models like Lailani lie about weight, but the thing is that you come up with the most ridiculous weight estimations. You'd come in the thread of a humongously massive landwhale and be like 'sHe iS oNlY 65 kiLoGrAmMe hurrr durrrrrr'
You are just not able to estimate what weight suits to the bodies, as you have apparently no experience in reallife (with these):
180KgKg is pretty big, that is super morbidly obese mainly. Most of these women have an average height, except Mary Boberry, which is also not taller than 1,85m, which is the height of a man (not extraordinary).
You know the wrestler André The Giant, who was famous for his size? He mostly weighted less than 200 kilos, but never close to 300. That one was about 2,10m tall.
But you acting like you believe someone who is barely a BBW can weight over 250Kg.

By the way if you know Geparke, she did a gastric surgery, according to a video of her new TikTok account. So she was/ is constantly lying about her lifestyle to both communities (Feabie and TikTok/ Instagram) and her friend the Polish rapper & gangster Schwester Ewa supported her in it.
PSA: Anyone who writes huge paragraphs is wasting their time. At the most, only two people will read your message. In the years I've been active on this site I have never read a single paragraph message. I scroll to the bottom, look for links, and if there aren't any I leave the page.

Do what you want but you are actively wasting your life writing messages like that.
>That was not 2019, the first picture was from 2010!
Yeah, because the original post was literally claiming she hasn't changed much in a decade. I know this hard for you, but do try and keep up, Shortbus.

>Do you really trust all these women, that they want to get immobile/ bedritten and like fattening health-trouple, as they allege?
I'd trust them over some braindead ESL who has literally zero evidence outside of his own delusions.
What are you like 50? Do you listen to 50 cent? Why aren't you married and with family?
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Yeah too bad your an idiot nutter and butt ugly, you're butt ugly nutter
So I assume you was witz her/ him together to that medical office, to be able to judge about this right?
Digital scales are easy to manipiulate, like you guys, and even the analog ones have to be adjusted to be accurate, what should be overviewed.
But you likely know this and you are just trolling to sell your contend in making fools of us...

No no way, I am not from there, I only did a cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line, but not to Scandinavia and it is an American company.
But you can follow that trend from South Korea/ Japan, which was in the past i Hungary too (when it was socialistic) and the GDR, so do us a favour and use your axt against your head.
That picture was rather from 2008 or 2007, as you know!
She had a totally different hairdoo, which she used to have over a decade ago, when you search for her first pictures!!
So yes she appears bigger than 15 years ago...
Nope, the first was claiming she didn't appear much bigger since 3 - 6 years.

But when she started she was not supersized, just a BBW.

I trust my eyes more than any fictional pretending (utopic numbers). But everyone whos own...
anyone got the shower fuck vids ? or the making out with suby vids ?
Does anybody have the special effects expansion video she did on Lacee Angel's C4S as a guest?
Holy shit these weight schizo theories are annoying
Does anyone have any videos where she is declining in mobility? Like her walking up the stairs or putting groceries away?
Jup she did, said laying in the bed that she's almost immobile, if you understand English (listened to hear what she said):
Stepping up stairs is more than just mobility in my view, as even such with limited can't do that usual.

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