
(39 KB, 386x600, sorx.JPG)
A bit surprised there wasn't a tread for her. One of the hottest girls in the scene in the last years in my book with an impressive gain, despite her as far as I know never making any content besides a few short clips such as this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTfcUoVl7eI

However seems like her content has been nuked from stufferdb, tiktok and much of her content is deleted from Feabie sadly. Anyone know what happened to her?
She’s on TikTok, not making content or anything, just a regular page. @sorchaax and her insta is linked from there but private
the best part? that pic is old AF? She's much bigger now
that underbelly in the white shirt is hot AF
everything she puts in her mouth turns to fat.
>>66827 (OP)
She’s so fucking hot. Definitely a favorite of all time. I’ll never have a shot at her, but one can beat his duck like it owes him money.
she has private photos on feabie but I can't get in unfortunately
Does she post statuses or anything? Activity or online at all?
She’s just looking for a bf who will take care of her. She talks a lot about how many times she’s been scammed to treated badly by boys. At the same time, she has a bottomless appetite for takeout. Surely if she met a feeder she’d be immobile in a year.
You lot might think I’m bullshitting but She lives in my town in the West Midlands (UK) and goes to this specific club quite frequently. We’ve bumped into eachother twice over the Christmas break and she’s genuinely turning into a blob. She’s 3x the size of all her clubbing mates and I genuinely think her mates are enabling her cuz they all go get her food once she gets tired and needs a rest.
Wolverhampton right? I remember seeing this on her TikTok
The girl is hot af I swear I'd try to date her if I lived nearby
Try your luck champ
I spoke to her on Feabie a while ago for a bit, the girl is dumb as a brick. You’ll find out quickly why she’s been single for so long.
She’s single because she is needy, suspicious and really fucking fat. Most guys don’t want to date an almost immobile blob. I would but I live in the USA and am not a wolves fan. Go gunners.
Yeah I don’t see how you can marry this girl or have a long term relationship she seems literally retarded

Here’s hoping she finds some feeder who just speed runs her to immobility tho
Remember that she gained all this weight without a feeder living at her mum’s. With a feeder, she’s be 600+ in no time.
Shame she doesn’t create content and seems like her socials are all private. Insane body
I think last time she was posted here someone claimed she lived with her grandparents and they basically did everything for her.
I remember seeing that too, I think that was on her tumblr before she purged it.

Most fat girls don't live with a feeder. That's not really unique
If I was 25 again and lived in England I would absolutely shoot my shot with her. Hopefully she isn’t as insufferable as some have suggested, but then again, I could tolerate quite a bit for a chance with a body like that. Good lord.

Just date a morbidky obese bitch in your country then muthafuka
She blew herself up in the last few years. Looks even bigger now in the TikTok’s even though they’re likely designed to not show off her body. I hope she would try to make content someday.
>>66827 (OP)

Is it common for UK girls to be blobs like this?
So what are the platforms on which we can currently find her ?
Yes, for some reason the UK ssbbws are more blobby, like ladybrads and sweetaspeaches
I remember reading somewhere that she had basically no muscle mass so she's really struggling to move her arms and similar.
Unsure how that's different from other women her size thought.
From looking at her feabie, curious cat, tictok, etc. seems all she wants is a decent lad to make her immobile. Doesn’t have much luck with guys and doesn’t want to rely so heavily on her friends/family. It’s easy for blokes to say I want to make you immobile but if they aren’t willing to put in the effort then what’s the point of trying with them. She needs someone in the midlands to look after her and do as she pleases. At the end of the day she’s fat as fuck and wants to get bigger but is also just a girl wanting a decent bloke who doesn’t use her.

That's the thing. Its all well and good to say you want an immobile wife, but i'm sure 99% of dudes who talk about that shit would get sick of wiping shit and sweat out of some useless blob's crack after a week
I remember seeing in 2019 that she was 20yo and already 180kg (according to her). If this statement was true, then she must be 210 or 220kg nowadays, maybe even more... and this is very exciting imo
I'd wipe her shit with my tongue if my immobile wife was as hot as her

Sure you would, pal
Pictures of the immobile wife for comparison
sorry I meant if she was my immobile wife
anyone have her private folder stuff from feabie?
Why is that so hot to me lmao
Is she on any social media other than Feabie? If so, what is her name there?

she has an insta but its private and your profile must meet certain requirements to see it i suppose (i tried and heard of another fella who tried but we both weren't accepted 😭)

she has a tiktok as well but the videos she posts aren't anything you'd actually watch if she wasn't good looking
she's obviously really fucking fat and probably gaining, but i think she plays up to the whole immobility thing more than she actually wants it. if you read her shit on feabie etc, she makes out like she can barely get out of bed, but her insta regularly has pictures of her clubbing with friends etc.

i get the impression of a girl who just let herself get very overweight but isnt truly happy that way
I got a completely different read. She’s a food addict and wants a bf to accept her as a super obese blob. So far she hasn’t found that…but I don’t have any doubt that if she found her dream guy she would balloon.
Yep plenty of fat bitches to go round
this girl’s ass is a 4/10
Her belly is a 9.8/10 tho
Crazy that she isn’t making videos
She’s literally the biggest idiot ever. She has no brain. I’ve looked though her Facebook and she left school when she was like 15. Talking to her is essentially impossible because she doesn’t understand any metaphors or expressions. You need to use incredibly rudimentary terminology simply to hold down a conversation, and her accent is horrid to try to understand. It’s safe to say she is the biggest idiot ever. Still hot tho.
Honestly who cares if she can talk at all. She’s just a trophy wife after all.
If you go through her Curiouscat all her replies are her asking what something means. Girl is fully retarded.

Nominate her in the dumbest models thread
Good! A shapeable body and soul.
You guys want a philosophy major…i just want a fat blob to stick my dick into.
This girl is good at one thing and one thing only; getting fatter. She’s world class at that shit.
Good job, Sherlock. Any person this fat and happy with it has some kind of retardation, anyone can tell that.

We are here for the fats.
Exactly lmao.
I've only met one girl 300++ pounds that genuinely seemed smart. And for me she seemed way to intelligent to be that big, turns out she grew up in an extremely abusive violent family, used food as a coping mechanism and as soon as she escaped at 19 she quickly went on a diet and got a proper gym routine and dropped weight hella fast.
Can fat people like her tuck in their Belly at this point, just a thought that came through my mind
You mean like suck it in?
Where can I find her CuriousCat? I want to read what this dumb cow has to say.

To a certain extent. If you look really close or better yet maintain a somewhat tight comfortable hold on their bellies you might be able to see or sense the motion.
Do not expect it to be significant or noticeable change in their appearance. That tucking is the movement of their abdominal wall. It's still there. But once it's hidden behind many inches of glorious flab its movement will have and less impact on the other side(outer skin) of that marvellous fat.
Also their abdominal wall could at that point be altered in one way or another.
That's a weirdo opinion. You are backing up an outdate claim that is simply not true anymore. (I admit it could be true at some point back in early 20-ies century or so)

It probably has more to do with people you interact with rather than their weight.

Only two out of a dozen morbidly obese girls I've intereacted with to a certain level of relationships didn't have bachelor's degree or weren't getting one at the moment. One had bachelor's one, masters one and considered getting Phd. And none of them could be called dumb either. Even though some were a bit weird.

Don't get me wrong though. I aint gonna go claiming every obese girl is guaranteed to be smart. I knew a guy from work who always had surprisingly dumb bimbos for girlfriends and/or lovers. Some were quite chubby. One was even fat enough for my standards.

But just don't correlate the weight with the wits, see?
>>67648 (Cross-thread) Why not? I've seen more fat doctors than skinny doctors. Some doctors even smoke cigarettes! Can you believe that!? The audacity.
The strength of the correlations between weight and socioeconomic status as well as between socioeconomic status and intelligence means that obesity must be correlated to some extent with unintelligence.

But it's quite clear that, as evinced by the mental midgets on this website and others, fat fetishism also correlates with unintelligence. So none of us should get too high and mighty.
It's linked on her feabie

That was strangely arrousing
Does anyone have any of her content??
If someone had her content, they would of already uploaded it.

That’s not true I have some
Do you mind sharing some with the rest of the class?
Are there pics on her curiouscat ?? Otherwise I aint making an acct. This chick is gloriously fat - if anyone has a collection of pics they could share that would be awesome ... Thanks in advance.
What is the best file site
wetransfer or MAB
She’s got a goddess of gluttony thing going with those fat underboob wings
She actually reblogged a GoG post on Tumblr saying she was absolutely set to grow into her shape if she kept gaining.
She does and it’s awesome. She looks amazing, 10/10 belly.
Guys she’s a real person, none of you probably well her well enough to judge her intelligence and even so why are you belittling her for it. Imagine if she read this, let’s talk about her huge fat belly and want to become immobile and no bully her.
Real? She’s more unreal than real.
most sensible thing said in this thread
pointless belittling of a hot young blob. I'm never gonna meet her, so idc about her personality that much - but ya'll chatting shit for no reason will either chase her off or make her quit the scene for your pointless retardation.
If mocking her for being dumb/addicted enough to be an out of control glutton for wrong herself into immobility makes her change the life ain’t for her.
She’s a mindless eating machine, a Gastropod roughly the size of 3 normal people.
She's an idiot according to her words herself. One tumblr account impersonated her for a long time because she was too dumb to figure out the report button. The fake didn't even have to do anything to evade her
Holy shit I think we all understand that she’s a retard can we just go back to sharing pics and talking abt her epic gain
>enough to be an out of control glutton for wrong herself into immobility makes her change the life ain’t for her
Imagine calling someone else a retard when you're typing shit like this.
she has an insta but its private and your profile must meet certain requirements to see it i suppose (i tried and heard of another fella who tried but we both weren't accepted 😭)
she has a tiktok as well but the videos she posts aren't anything you'd actually watch if she wasn't good looking

She accepted me on insta a while ago, no idea why. She only posts the occasional boring pics or vids with a skinny friend she always hangs out with, nothing interesting or hot.
because we get off on the helplessness. She's so fat, so addicted to food, so unable to anything for herself. She just eats and lays there. Hot
No, I prefer the retard talk cause my life sucks and it makes me feel better.
More pics and less talk about her mental capacity
I speak to her quite a bit and could meet her if I didn't have a gf.

What this guy said is pretty accurate (you sure you're not a psychologist lol). She's heavily into feederism but wants a bf to live with and sick of guys using her as wank material lol.

She's really sweet and not as stupid as you might think. Although imo she's retarded for not making content cos it would be free money for her. Kinda hot she's so lazy she doesn't even wanna do that lmao
+1 on making content. She's built up a decent following, it could honestly work as some good passive income. She just needs to recognize it's not as much effort as some make it out to be. Hell, only the professionals recognize you need to have a regular update schedule and they don't even do it half the time.

Whoever bends her ear on this, just tell her it's as easy as posting in outfits & lingerie, and the clips can be as simple as eating or belly play. Guarantee she'll see some funds trickle in. I'm positive the extra attention will bring in a decent guy to the fold and she'll be making bank in the meantime.
Hopefully she's reading this haha

Tbf if any guy in this thread wants to wife her up, all you need to do is:

- Move to the Midlands
- Be a nice, normal guy
- Be reasonably attractive
- Have a job and a house
- Be under 30
- Be willing to look after her

And she will gain as much as you want
if she ever gets a feeder bf she'll probably do content then cos he can do all the work, she cba atm cos she's such a lazy slob haha but all part of her appeal I suppose in a weird way
You laugh but her putting herself out there might actually bring in someone who will do exactly that. It's not like putting the cart before the horse is working so far.
That's why I said I hope she's reading this because it's a good point
. >>68084

Bro, if you’re giving up hitting this because you have a gf I hope for your sake that she’s a 450+ waddler. Otherwise why wouldn’t you pass it up? You only live once after all.
It's so tempting to meet her even just for belly rubs and feeding but I'd feel too guilty afterwards lmao
How do you know she’d meet up with you anyway, she agreed to go on a date with me a month ago and now I haven’t heard anything from her

So you’re giving up on being a hero to everyone on this board on account of a little bit of guilt? Is your gf at least a decently sized chubster?
Not sure I'd be a hero for that lmao
I would personally write the King about getting you an MBE for that: assuming that you can get her done.
I would second this demand to the King to get you the MBE you'll deserve
This comment is the true L
So I'll break up with my gf, shag her and upload a picture here so that you can wank over it?
Lool are these the 10 commandments for going out with bigbellybridget
That's the plan. Any questions?

Precisely. No we’re finally on the same page.
(397 KB, 640x719, IMG_4122.jpg)
i know a lot of you love her so much so i thought i'd drop this discovery, good luck everyone :)
Finally you're starting to understand
Damn she's really cute
She is only 22? This girl tho reminds me of Lyric, she used to go by flutteringfanny on feabie
Change the location to wherever and those things will get you literally any decent looking fat girl

yeah they’re very alike except that one is a pasty englishwoman from the Midlands and the other is a Native America Lakota who grew up on the reservation. Also…one of them has an ass.
Yeah it's really her, i asked on her curiouscat. Not matched with her yet and even if I did she seems to have thousands of unread messages
She definitely seems like the type to speak to you for a couple weeks then ghost you when a date is arranged. She seems quite messed up in the head.
She doesn't live with her parents, she lives with her grandparents so it's even more impressive
Let me guess, she's a Popworld kinda girl?
Someone with access to her feabie privates, please post them here oh my god!
What's her tiktok?
What's her tiktok?
is she dead? No activity on her feabie in over a month.

She found a local feeder and asploded.
She's alive because she matched with me on Tinder a week ago lol. But she ignored me after like 2 messages
another fallen soldier to the battleground
If this thread is any indicator, she's probably not very interesting to talk to. Really makes me wonder what she's looking for with dating apps if she doesn't want a conversation. Occam's razor though, maybe everyone who matched with her and told BBWchan about it sperged at her.

And for those just saying she wants to hook up, usually they reply to A message to indicate that.

I remember years ago I chatted with plumpprincess on online dating, she stopped messaging back when I brought up her content
Maybe its the same thing with wanting to keep their separate lives and all that
Fair, but there might be a distinction between "Hey, I saw your content on TikTok!" and "Hey, I've seen your stuff on Tumblr/Feabie/BBWchan!" Unless she doesn't want anyone to know her prior? But she IS on a dating app meant for fat people.
I've looked at many of her posts and curiouscat. She's obviously low IQ and would be a total NPC if she wasn't so extremely obese. She complains so much why guys just want to pump and dump her as a bag of lard when she literally is just that with a brain not put much to use. She's not like retarded, in fact she has potential but it's sad how she keeps fooling herself, and I don't just mean by she'll croak by 30. If you're gonna look like a circus sideshow act, get into philosophy or art or something too to discuss when not in heat. :/
>>70483 Like a monkey? What does Monkey mean? What do monkeys having sex have to do with hippos?
mf is literally on a site about fat women, man isn't a fuckin homo he's probably just done a lil reading lmao
Every model I’ve ever talked to or fucked, i never bought up their content

Y’all are fucking spergs
If you didn't meet them in a place where they're selling their content, then you DO NOT BRING IT UP. If they're very obviously putting themselves out there to sell content or play into the fetish, then it's fair game. You gotta know your audience.
All I was saying was that this girl is basically a normie Brit that got a binge eating disorder pretty severely and then she whines very often why thousands of guys only want to shag her for the novelty of her freakish extreme obesity, and be too embarrassed to be her real gf (or doesn't want a relationship for ~5 years before she has a stroke, seriously it'd be a miracle if she makes it to 40).
I didn't know she had any appreciable amount of content- just a few ten second clips and some pics
Its not really relevant… I think it’s a waste of time :/
Not worth it my friend

Thanks. Quite worth it.
those are ancient
what's location on woo, can't see her
Yeah I'm aware they are ancient just thought I'd try to contribute for once, she seems to have vanished sadly
she is active on her tumblr. I sent her a message a few months back so in the inbox it shows you who is online. Says 'online at least an hour ago' regularly.

I think it may be likely she has found a partner, and therefore is on things like Feabie and CC less
What's her height on there pls? So I can filter down and have a crack.
Is she still alive?
She’s still alive and just blobbing out
wobbly blobbly. she’s easily one of the fattest looking girls around. 97% saturated flab and climbing.
Is she back on feabie yet?
this kinda happened to me actually. spoke with her for a bit on feabie saying we should meet up etc.she agreed. Then when i was like "cool, sometime soon?" she just kinda blanked and stopped speaking

how recent was that?
It might just be the fact that I've dated a zoomer or two but this reeks of severe social anxiety. Will talk a big game (or even a medium amount of game) but when shit starts to get real they bounce. When you factor in all we know about her upbringing and school history it starts to make sense that she's more than shy, she's socially terrified.

I mean, it's another thing when you're courting attention actively and you pull that so she's not entirely blameless here.
Yeah I mean it's kinda sad but like she actually seems like she's less publicly socialized than the average bbw-channer

That's saying a *lot*. She has like no social experience whatsoever, she's just been getting fed to death by her grandparents for years.
Venus of Wolverhampton
what is that? something you say three times in the dark and she appears? but instead of eating you, you have to eat her, then feed her?
I wish. It'd be easier than trying to talk to her through normal channels.
Does anyone have her Snapchat?
Sadly…this thread has degenerated into a bunch of mindless chatter and zero content.
There isn't any content of her that hasn't already been posted.
She’s holding out for a date with Adama Traore
Creasing at this haha
the really annoying thing about her lack of posting is that you just know she’s still getting fatter every month. Just staying inside and ordering take away every day is going to get her to 600 easily.
She might be at a point now where she is getting too embarrassed to post new pics
She already left Tumblr because someone was basically posting her pics FOR her. I don't think she knows what she signed up for putting herself out there in the first place.

What's your take on her being genuinely into this? She ain't asking for money and she's too shy or anxious to court attention from the FAs, so what's she getting out of it all?
She gets off on getting fatter. And she couldn’t stop anyway if she tried.
She might be a the point where even taking them is becoming a bit of a struggle you know even fitting herself in frame that much.
She's so fucking beautiful and so young wtf
The patron saint of blobdom
Posting random shit in hopes someone drops her privates
mf gonna need her countryman, Alan Turing to decode this
This thread is like a town built around a well and the well dried up over a few seasons, and only the old and stubborn (and the odd passerby) remain.

Hopefully she'll return before she has her first heart attack.
One must tell the tales of better times, when life flourished around that well..
A shit ton of takeaway was pitched down that well.
>>75072 this was when lockdown was starting to end for the first time
fuck this weak ass thread just look up ssbbwladybrads and imagine its bigbellybridget
ladybrads and her misshapen frankenstein belly ?
I don’t see anything wrong with it.
At least she makes content unlike the slapper, incel in this thread who’s undateable lol.
She'll never post content i sometimes chat to her. She is so much bigger than any of those pics it's actually insane. Truly the holy grail of ssbbws
can you show a recent screenshot so we can ger an idea of how big?
How do you talk to her without scaring her off? She seems skittish.
what is this….the blob whisperer? And dude claims that she is much bigger with a substantiation whatsoever. Claims he chats with her. I call bullshit.
Isn't that the tumblr account that impersonated her and got her to leave tumblr? Or was that a bunch of nonsense
Those look like bad morphs
these aren’t new either. I’ve seen these months and months ago.

Typical bullshit.
Yeah that's the fake account. She deleted her Tumblr a long ass time ago. Someone's not keeping up.
Can anyone reup the vids posted here?
I had heard she died and her sister is the one who removed her account.
Bullshit. just another hoax.
keep hope alive
I heard she’s 450 now.
You better have a heckin peer reviewed reliable source for that claim, bucko.
Someone claimed on this very thread without evidence that she had croaked. I don’t need any evidence at all. I just happen to know that it’s true.
Both & neither are likely then. Cool.

Wonder when she'll return to her socials
Ok…let’s look at the available evidence…either she really did croak and if so, RIP gorgeous🥲🥲🥲. If not, the accumulation of time and mountains of take away have had their effect…450 minimum.

She must be chatting to me from beyond the grave then. Or even via seance perhaps.

Don’t peddle unsubstantiated rumours without hard evidence. Especially about someone’s death.
So you're just speculating.

Screenshots or fake.
imagine being the poor shmuck in Britain tasked with having to cremate that bloated tank of lard. The whole town smelling of bacon.

I'm not even making a dark joke that actually happened in an incident with a 600+ woman some years back who wouldn't fit in the oven. Foul greasy odor infested the local area
It’s not a morph - I she posted the exact same image to her Feabie account. She really did become that fat last year!
She’s 100% bacon.
>>85137 Niggers 101. Alright! Gather around class. It's that time of the day again when we learn to analyze how the nigger thinks with his corrupt and warped mind.
Then maybe does she uses morphs on Feabie too? Didn't you come to that idea?🤔🤨

The face looks clearly photoshopped and possible in both pictures, just as the lower tummy of the second one (is unnatural).
She might do, I’m friends with her on Snapchat and she posts some pics of her out and about and she looks no where near as big, although it could just be angles 🤷‍♂️
Yeah but why use slimming angels on Snapchat then...? sus
Because she's a 21 year old girl and still wants to fit in.

So you’re confirming that she’s still with us?

When as the last time you were in contact with her?
You mean she is fishing?🤨😉
Then she would rather apply filters I suppose, as these are more proper now.

>I don't know left from right.
4chan, 2023.
COVID really did turn a lot of normal women into pigs, and it turned all the pigs into whales
She is lol, I haven’t been in contact with her in a while but she goes out clubbing a lot
She was out last night
Clubbing? I thought she was a total homebody. How does someone that flabby go out clubbing? Can you imagine her wobbling across the dance floor?

With her heavy breathing louder than the music, and the smell of her sweat stronger than the smell of alcohol
I work at a nightclub and yes they do, Ive seen huge chicks there midriff fully exposed. seeing it more and more often.
I wanna see what kind of tent she wears to a club
Love this girl even if she is stupid af I can fix her. And today is her birthday
What is even the realistic thought process of these normie fatass women who go out in public scantily clad yet hate their bodies? Just trying to attract black men?
don’t you just want to show up with a mountain of take away and let her loose on it?
im gonna assume body positive tiktoks and yeah theyre there for black dudes.
unless someone provides photographic evidence that she goes clubbing…it didn’t happen. She looks like she can barely walk..
Here’s hoping she spends her birthday stuffing herself with cake until she’s about to burst.

That’s her everyday activity

What's so difficult to understand about "She's a cute fat girl"?
She’s easily one of the blobbiest low 400 girls there is out there.
When’s she coming back
If she’s still among the living…which is an open question…she’s certainly ate her way into the 450 range and is nearing immobility.

She’s living.
She actually appears to have lost a considerable amount of weight. No, I will not be linking.
Not even a screenshot? You can't drop that and expect us to not want proof.
Can confirm that she is losing weight, that is why she has disappeared off feabie

How can you confirm this?
I don’t buy it. That girl was a fat production machine. Sher give up breathing before giving up take always.

Agreed. I don't think she will giving up take always, either.

This was obviously pure horseshit.
I know, it's a shame. She could have been the perfect blob.
No. She's off grid for a reason and I don't think I want to share pictures of her when she's been around the scene and turned away from it. If she was some rando who never posted I'd feel a bit different but she seems to be trying to put it all behind her. If that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry, guess I'm dumb. It makes sense to me.
lmao cope.

and your claim to knowledge is based upon what exactly? We’ve seen this kind of flimflam before. One guy who claimed to know her said she had croaked. Now you’re here making up a cock and bull story with zero credibility…when asked to show the goods you come up with nothing more than dumb excuses. If you could have, you would have.
I’ve heard she’s got a bf now from feabie, think I saw him post something about her

Heard where? So many unsubstantiated claims. I heard that she joined the circus as a fat lady…dyed her hair blue and also stars at Sea World.
She obviously got a boyfriend why the fuck else would she stop being active on Feabie, absolute autists jesus christ

Who the fuck knows why? You surely don’t.
Because we have Anons out here with evidence that amounts to "just trust me bro"

Literally a cropped screenshot would do the trick.
My claim is made based on the pictures I've seen. I think I may have overstated her weight loss though. She's still obese, just not the blob she was.
I'm not going to post pics from her private social media. You can accept this claim with no evidence or you can reject it because you personally haven't seen the evidence. You can still pretend she is how you remembered her if you want. (why would I lie lol)

That would make sense but he doesn't show up on her social media. I'd like to believe that though. Hopefully, she's happy.
But you DO see how that doesn't answer anything for the rest of us definitively right? There's no evidence, it's just you telling us to trust you because you want to respect her privacy. It would have been better if you didn't say anything because no one can take anyone here at their word. It SOUNDS plausible but then again so do a lot of proposals.
It would literally be more believable if you just claimed she had a heart attack.

Like you can't even blot out any of an alleged photo in mspaint? We have no reason to believe you.
Where did you see the pictures? Also, if you had any ethics about content sharing you wouldn’t be here now would you?
If you go to her feabie profile and click on the last user who posted on her page that’s her new bf and there’s a couple pics of her in his page
There we go. Sleuths, do your thing.
Says “In a relationship” on his profile so it’s likely why she’s been quiet.
Considering the junk food on the bed, she isn’t going to get smaller.
Girl stops being active on a dating site, what is the most logical reason?

And now theres pics of the boyfriend, get out of your bedroom more it’l do you a world of good you fucking mong
Junk food and a Fortnite toy. What age is she mentally?
what the fuck do you expect from a gargantuan zoomer?
(149 KB, 669x1000, imago0094418154w.jpg)
God damn you people are just fucking miserable, aren't you? schizoanalyzing and bitching on a porn site, holy shit
>>89931 Most Americans aremiserable, but nobody likes to talk about the truth here. Just start lying and talking a lot. You'll fit right in.
Fortnite made me LOL. Play a REAL wacky shooter piggy, like Team Fortress 2.
look at all that squishy fat to squeeze and play with. this dude must have a blast getting to squeeze all that fat. hell, his arm is sinking into it, because it's so plush and squishy
She seems genuinely happy, that's nice to see. Hope the guy is feeding her well.
after the honeymoon period girl is gonna get big.
She’s still the wobbly blobblyiest.
What's that guys username, is it off feabie?
I give her a few weeks before she splits up.
She’s a complete fruit cake.
Feederboi I think

How’s she a fruit cake? Because you tried to talk to her and failed so deciding to spread hate instead?
Nope I’ve never been interested in her.
Her intelligence is pretty low, she’s basic.
Even Bobbi Jo is better in conversation.
Go out and get some pussy
Someone on feabie is saying she's dead anyone know if it is true or just shit talk ?

Total shit talk.
Got married and died? Something tells me that she decided to go have a life offline.
Similar as Kalli and Madeline Grace (Leah Nicholson)?
Dudes…this has been debunked..really.
>I heard she freaking died?
>no, she got a fucking life

Yeah. Now her takeout obsession is indulged privately. She’ll be 600 before long.
She’s definitely one of the wobbly blobliest girls out there…even more than peak Gatsbysgal
Has anyone seen her recently or got her private insta? The boy she was with still has those photos up on feabie so guessing she’s with him
You carry a great responsibility, you are the vessel. Be good and update is frequently.
she could fit inside her own stomach
What does this prove besides the fact she is really fucking fat?
By they way is/ was Kalli the daughter (in law) of Milla (from My 600lbs Life) with the huge lymphoedem on the inside of one thigh (which was bedritten, even after weight-lose)?
Any supportive brother who can upload some content, photos and videos or just words?
Classic KiloKraut, always speaking in riddles.
hi guys I’m new here to the chat but I’ve know of her for awhile now. does anyone know her insta or Snapchat? It’s always been a dream just to talk to her for me
Not even some relative, like wife of her son or niece?
As I think in the return to Milla, 1 - 2 years after start and losing a lot, there was one younger woman in the hospital with her, which was pretty fat with a large belly and possible boobs too, which has darker skin and was way bigger than Milla at that time. So this had some similarities to Kalli in appearence. If it was a different BBW, I am curious what her name is.
Damn she's even fatter. Her belly is hanging so much lower now
You should probably work on your grammar first.
What’s her Snapchat
Screen cap? I looked through both ‘Milla’ episodes and found no one close to this description.
When Wolves win she celebrates with a McDonalds takeaway. When Wolves lose she consoles herself with a McDonalds takeaway. When Wolves doesn’t play she relieves her boredom with a McDonalds takeaway. The rest of the time she just blobs out.
She ain’t anything special.
The perfect woman
Anyway I can communicate with her? What social media platforms is she active on?
I have seen her on the reunion episode last time, which was maybe two years (or over one/ 19 months) after the first attend.
That was at the end of the rehabilitation/ physical therapsy in a kind of hospital, when she got picked up by her family to drive her to the rented home (or to theirs).
This young woman has a really big belly and pretty large boobs. But later in that episode I didn't notice her appearence again. So she was maybe only at beginning shortly in it (like 5 minutes or less)
She had a similar shape as the sister and mother of Cichon on another episode, but black instead of hispanic.
Need more of the Wolverhampton Wobbler
I meant just the body (shape), as his family was also pretty fat.
But it is the woman in the middle. Is this one modeling too? I think she look also like a Yotube content creator, which a friend of Schenee and her nick is something with BBW and a "P" as 1st letter of the second word (but she has lost significant weight during the last few years).
(248 KB, 1170x939, IMG_9593.jpeg) (8.1 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_9577.png)
No offense, but this was a wild good chase. It’s like the black version of asking of asking if John Cena and Jon Hamm are actually the same person. They have sort of a similar look, but cmon

Why are you talking about this shit? Get back to the wolverhampton blob
If you can read, I never claimed anything more than that they appear similar.
But my considering was, if this woman is Kalli (which claimed to be deceased) or a fetish model in general.
She's been answering a few questions on her curiouscat a few days ago, could be a sign she'll be back on feabie soon
Did she not work as camgirl for several years and pretend to live in Berlin on the profiles there?
No that wasnt her but its really bugging me that I cant remember who youre talking about. I def remember a profile like that
That one is still active caming and possible model too; she is in her late thirties (like 37 - 40 years old) and is for a woman tall, like 1,80m.
She has also a pretty tummy, which may be a little bit different than this but the thin face is like this here, in my view.
I think that one had changed the location now (as USA seems rather true) and her nick is perhaps like Sublance or something like it.
Häng dich auf, du machst hier jede Kpnversation kaputt und hast nicht den geringsten Anstand!
Die Anderen waren an dem Austausch interesiert, wenn dir das nicht passt, dann verlasse den Thread/ das Forum gefälligst oder am besten verschrotten alle deine Internetfähigen Geräte!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Wartest du schon auf mich Spast?
Kannst schon mal dein Testament auf den neuesten Stand bringen, bald bist du tot!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
I mean one which is around 1,80 -1,85m tall and around 35 - 40, but looks a bit younger, has also a cute and tiny face, but large tummy (maybe double-belly), just as thick thighs.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Ernsthaft bist du etwa 15 Jahre alt, Fressetroll?
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Schnauze Fressetroll, Fressetroll halt die Schnauze!!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
I've never seen a German trolled so much since attempting to invade Russia in winter.
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!
Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699
I saw her on the bus one time. She sat on my freind on accident and he died.
Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!
Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Her nick is Lady Subline (found a video of her on a pornsite).
Totally happened, the bud story. He’s better now but the at fucked him up big time.

Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast!! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast! Halts Maul Spast!

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She is called Lady Subline (got likely recorded during cam shows).
She gobbled till she wobbled after that she blobbled.

man looks like "The Weekday" 💀
Anyone got the full archive of her private feabie photos? There’s like 100 that haven’t been released on this thread
she claims to be starting an instagram account.
too much jabber, not enough links itt
anyone happen to know her Snapchat username?
It is Lady Sublime
She was for 9 months not on Feabie... maybe as she no interest anymore in entertaing🤔
She’s back on insta now under bigbellyBridget
Can someone confirm these aren’t old images being used as a fake profile

agree, this account looks a bit fishy and the pics are not new.
She's had imposters before and I'm hoping this isn't a MsChubbyKat situation all over again
She mentioned the account on her long standing curiouscat account a few posts back - it’s legit!

and now she knows you're showing off on bbw-chan. Good luck with that.

How can I prove I thought the pic was enough
What did you order for her? Curious if she cares how much she eats in public?
We ended up getting 4 pizzas, one for me, three for her and she ate them all without any problem

And I asked her if I could mentioned it and she said yes so >>96662
She was camgirl, till 2014 or 2016 and is from Texas I think.
Lol good story
I dated her too and she ate 20 pizzas all by herself in 5 mins
Fuck you
Jup this woman was not into feederism and retired actual because she is against fat fetish and was possible going to have a gastric bypass.
She was when like in her late twentiy or 30 (at least 25) and barely showed her huge tummy in camshows (you had to wait long for that).
I mean bro I got other pictures to prove it
Lmao sure buddy, post some proof. We’re all waiting with baited breath
This thread is a train wreck lmao
Those pics don't lie you pathetic lousy virgin basement dwellers. It might seem unreal to you but some of us actually have lives and date women.

Good on this dude for getting that.

Oh and fuck you in particular Kilokraut, you retarded motherfucking faggot.
So funny when nobody believes very mundane stories about dating fat women on a forum about fat women. I also posted that I was dating a curvage model a few years back and got half a dozen replies calling me a liar lol.
That's because most of them are no life cucks or fags.
dude is actually dating a goddess gg
Irl soyjak
I'm the guy who posted >>96662 and I believed him from the start

but unless he has permission to tell this, it's a TERRIBLE idea if he wants to continue seeing her
All I want is to hear her breathing heavily in my ear
I’m happily married to a gorgeous 400-450 ish (haven’t checked in quite some time) but I still like to come on here and see if any new, super fat models are coming onto the scene. There are definitely some turbo virgins on here tho for sure, good on you bro for landing a date with this beauty. Are you still seeing her? Also, I agree, fuck kilokraut. I know the mods can’t really do too much to get rid of him permanently, but my body wants to cringe inside itself when I read one of his gibberish posts lol at least it brings the chan together somehow through our mutual hatred of him
take care of her dude
This reminds me of the guy on discord who posted top secret Russia Ukraine docs because some guy didn’t believe him

Hope you hand got a big gift, on your weeding & aniversary...!

We know you are a fake and you just try to scam people.
What a proof...
I don't see any pizzas nor other food here!
(68 KB, 500x801, 4stquf.jpg)
I am amazed, holy shit he fucking did it
God bless this man.

Hooting and hollering. Godspeed, brother.
Toasting in an epic bread.

I'm so happy that's the first time I can post that without irony in years, Godspeed... I hope you shook her bountiful rolls mate
Kino couple pick
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!

Congratulations, you're the man! Keep her for life and make one another happy!
Just want to be clear guys, she’s single. She’s not with this boy. Don’t know why he’s saying he’s with her as some cry for attention 😂
Soll uch hier eine Update posten, wenn ich bei dir auf der Straße bin und dann nochmal wenn ich vor deiner Haustür stehe?

I knew it was a photo-montage (edited), as it was pretty obvious for anyone with a decent human sense and eyes!
lol, you won't do shit. it's all just empty threats.
Anybody got the pics off her new Insta? It's private now.
Because it's impossible to be single and go on date with someone?
sus. I don't think it's her
She literally confirmed the Instagram account was legit on her curiouscat account (which itself is linked from her Feabie account)
Yeah 100% is her, new pics, recent story posts. She’s just been away piling on pounds and wants to balloon more
Curious cat hasn't worked properly in months. How can she confirm it?
Before her CC page went down the other day, I saw her post mentioning the Instagram account by username. Her CC account is linked on her Feabie page, so it’s legit
Whats her insta?
She is posting on her insta. It’s not the greatest stuff so far but boy she is a fucking blob of a woman.
(334 KB, 1169x1765, IMG_5456.jpeg)
Still alive…still incredibly obese.
I wonder what she’s weighing these days… gotta be upwards of 400 maybe closer to 450
When I do a google search for "bigbellybridget instagram" I don't find her account :(
Go to instagram and search it.
Go to instagram dumb fuck
Imagine seeing her in person if she looks this fucking fat in photos lol

Definitely 400+…can’t say how much bigger but she keeps binging.
Top 3 belly button ive ever seen
Has anyone here managed to stuff her since she came back on the scene? I’m trying to have a consistent chat with her to arrange something but she’s patchy with replies, and I’m wondering if I should just send her money for food to start things off

Definitely send her money. Her only interest is food so you know it’s just going to make her fatter
Poor scam try... her only interest food; did you mix it up with money?!

If she would be only interesting in getting fatter, then we could also send her food, not money!
This is a fake-feedee!
She’s not a fake feedee, I’ve sent her both money and food in the past and she doesn’t mind either, she just wants to gain.
Did you chat to her first or was it a case of just dropping some food or money for food in her inbox to start the connection?
We spoke on feabie first, I asked her if I could feed her and she said yes. After a few months of feeding her we ended up meeting up because we got on pretty well
She's not only fking fat and fking gorgeous, she also has the most beautiful hair and damn sexy nails
dude just keep fattening her.
How did the meet up go? Did you get to feed her in person?
Keep doing it, be the hero we deserve.
I really enjoyed it, I think she did too. She’s really nice and easy to talk to if she’s comfortable with you. And yes I did feed her
I think you are rather a fake fat admirer and want to scam us, as "manager" of her...🤔
Honestly man I’m just a feeder and I’ve been trying to find a beautiful feedee like her the same as most of you on here I imagine. Like why you gotta be such a buzzkill man
Anyone know what's her health like these days?
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Don’t listen to that jackass. This girl is the holy grail if you’re a feeder…she would surely let you grow her to 800 pounds if you felt like it.
Ich werde niemals klein bei geben!
Du spamst hier nur die Foren zu und ärgerst die Anderen mehr als mich damit!
So we shall pay for something what we can't be certain for what it will be used, but not sending food to her instead?

This appears pretty honest...😉
I would wait it out tbh, lots of people have had flaky experiences with her after initially replying then she just ghosts. Guarantee she wouldn’t reply any quicker after receiving the money either she’s just one of those people
Don’t wait it out…just send her gift certificates for take away and sit back and enjoy the ride. She won’t fail to grow.
She doesn’t make content though

She has an instagram account that she posts to: Where have you been?
imma need that insta update and repost of wetranser link please boss
I’ve known her for years and am aware of the insta. Pics are one thing, she doesn’t do video content though which is arguably 100x better with someone her size. Sorry I should’ve been more specific haha. She lacks any real effort on that front, she’s a lazy blob in most ways in her life tbh

Do you honestly think that no one knows that she’s a fucking lazy blob? Look at her for christ.
I’ve brought her stuff and received a video back, think you just need to a patient with her. Like she’s over 400lbs, lives alone and is incredibly lazy.
Let’s just say…she isn’t trying to create a business empire based upon the sexual desires of a few deviant simps. She’s kind of helpless…totally addicted to gaining and with the right guy enabling her she’d already be on my 600 pound life like one of those bedbound blobs from Mississippi.
What pervert fantasy day dreams...most of these models are looking for the money mainly, not like that (being deep into the fetish), the rest is simple minded and childish.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Can somebody just post the photos please
can you fuck off spamming every thread

It’s not a fantasy. It’s reality. It’s right there in front of you dipshit. Look at how she lives her life. Some people are just addicted to shit. You and me are addicted to fat girl porn. She’s addicted to junk food. Whether she really wants to gain is an open question…but she is blobifying whether she really wants to get fatter or not. That ain’t a fantasy. It’s reality.
Damn, he even is a good looking fella
Respecting fellow kings. I feel pretty good about myself rn. Also I'm probably just a faceblind autist but he looks exactly like the last guy she was with
You know what? I'll stop it already. But you'll have to live with uncontained Kilotroll sperging all over the place and shitting up every thread with his weight denialism presented in plain broken English.
What are her farts like?
something tells me they feel smell and are experienced, as farts. I can't for the life of me figure out why 🤷‍♂️
Thanks for helping dude, but just report his shit and I'll kill it that way
Pls post the video you bought off of her, I need to see that blob in action
>> 97864

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!
She’s chunky…chunky and funky.
She moved out of her parents home? Thats kind of a shock. Thought she was a severly morbidly obese neet
She’s a bit over 400 but her blob ratio is very high so she looks heavier than she really isz

She hasn't lived with her parents for years... she lives with her grandparents according to her old tumblr posts
>>97894 how do I "report" him and how will it FINALLY kill it? I don't see any action taken against him.
Click the play button beside the post. We banned 40,000 ips to get rid of him. That starts affecting legit users
wait what? There are legitimate users?
>>97939 interesting. thanks!
>> 97084 she's posted videos on her Instagram story literally talking about it and confirming the account is hers. I don't know what more you want lmao
end times bbwchan is pretty crazy

everyone is losing inhibition
You're my man!
I’m so jealous lol, fml
Champion, I'm so jealous
wow…I love these “man in the street” newsflashes. A better iphone might help for next time.
The shit camera and dark clothes makes you think it could be anyone, until you see the hand resting on the belly...
I’m sure you waited for her to finish so you could viddy her waddling out right?
this shit is so creepy tbh, she's not a model or anything bruh
Is she aware you're with her only because she is fat as fuck ?


please stop with the creepshots
I saw that creepy picture that guy put but I didn’t have a chance to say anything but now that it’s gone I’m glad. I just wanna say screw you man, I was literally with her in that spoons today and you seriously need to just back off man
Fucking wild that this girl JUST CAME BACK from being creeped away by the community and people think posting creepshots is a good idea. You're genuinely lucky you have an insider like >>98212 to do damage control before she takes off again.
It's actually just a singular spoon.
>>There is no spoon you fool.
She’s still single lads someone needs to feed her Iv fed her In the past all she cares about is this fetish she doesn’t have a life outside of it. She’s a fat obese slob
Anyone who can make her immobile is the luckiest man alive, but she needs somebody who’s serious like buying her food constantly and driving her around.
What was the picture?
I had the pleasure of dating her back in 2018, I fed her tons and she is actually really ace as a person if you get to know her and she’s genuinely a feedee. I unfortunately fumbled the bag with her and I regret it.
Sooner this place gets nuked the better. Socially inept grown men taking creep shots of a girl who’s probably half their age
Any top stories of feeding her?
The Wolverhampton Wobbler strikes again.
I’m still in love with her. Nobody is like bigbellybridget
Has anyone fed her recently how much does she weigh now
put me on brotha "llew2104" on insta
You people are idiots she’s still single and this man is playing you all ! He is a creep he posted a picture of her eating
You mean the guy who is claiming he has been dating her and putting those pictures up in her house is the same guy who posted the picture of her eating that got deleted?? Seems like a weird thing for him to do so I doubt it
Then you woke up and your be was wet...😋
nah, zillenials here lap it up. there's someone who "dated her back in 2015" on every second thread here. as sure as kilotroll at this point. since zillenials never leave their homes and have no idea how world works or real life looks, or ever had any actual human contact, you can feed them this idiocy and they will buy it.
Get Grape'd on.
Her instagram ain’t great but it’s good to see her blobbing out
Can someone post the pics from her insta pls
My shorts moved significantly
Have anyone a Package of her pictures?
All we got is the stuff thats on here, in essence we are creeping about some fat girl some of us occasionally see in bumfuck england wherever that is, she posts pictures sometimes but im not aware of any actual content production. Which does mean she has an actual kink and isn't in it for the money which i appreciate.
So no we don't
I missed the creep shots. Somebody saw her in public and posted it?? Christ lmao
>which does mean she has an actual kink

Not conclusive proof at all. Myriad reasons someone would conduct themselves like she is. Laziness being one
yeah for sure dude regular lazy people are always posting their massively obese side rolls to their instagram stories with the caption “i’m so flabby and covered in cellulite🥵"
The madlad that was banging her no less

lmfao "laziness" is definitely not one of them.

There are literally three reasons in total someone would conduct themselves the way she does.

1. She has a fetish for it. This is occam's razor. She acts like she has a fetish for it so might as well believe her.

2. She is insecure but needs external validation so she feeds into the fetish to get people to compliment her. A handful of fat girls do this once in a while but usually they will have semi-public breakdowns about that insecurity eventually, something she's shown no sign of.

3. They are gearing up to sell content. This has been going on for far too long to be believable, though it's possible that at some point she was hoping to sell content and then realized she was too lazy for it
Here’s the facts. She is both a food addict and a feedee. She doesn’t like being either of those things but she can’t help it, it gets her off and she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to.

Also, she’s one of the blobbiest people I’ve ever seen.
What makes you say she doesn’t like being a feedee or a food addict? Everything she’s said on the matter indicates she loves being out of control and wants to gain weight…
Cool conversation, anyone got more of her stuff tho?
Anyone heard from her or has just gone off the map again? Looked as if she’s at least 450+ now
Does anyone know how to be accepted to her feabie
Any updates on this blob?
Got accepted on her insta but she's not posted anything since October. She does look bigger though & has said a few times she's trying to get bigger and she's into death feedism. There is a story highlight of the stuff she was eating when she was active, and it's absolutely crazy. Literally family meals of takeaway every day, sometimes with a day or two inbetween, and she did go out to eat a few times with friends (I bet that'd be a sight to see). So God knows if she'll post again, but one can only hope. Still saying she wont do OF though, so I guess this is actually how she lives. Gotta love it. Just thought I'd update.
She's still my favourite hope she posts more

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