
Did you goof the upload and leave it early Dave? Destiny was one of the greatest and I'll share my own vids of her's if you fix your upload.
dump it

uhhhhh yes ur bad
Is she back? I thought she dropped weight to have a kid and just kept peddling old videos.
Any news or is she gone?
(16 KB, 201x333, 1.JPG)

She never really left. She did get fairly small for a while, but she is genuinely helplessly a glutton so she's put back a significant amount of weight on. Into a 4X I think she said. Just put out new contend yesterday I think.
Are you saying she's actually ... outfatted WLS ... twice ?

What you see is what you get.
We need to see some of this new content.
reup on old links?
WLS is not a person. It stands for Weight Loss Surgery (or Bariatric Surgery). It's not uncommon for people to regain some, most, or maybe all of the weight lost after WLS. The rumor is that she had WLS twice, and gained back twice.
Any chance of that MAB link working or?
Winston Leigth-Smythe, the inventor of fat
Dang twice? I can understand once but if I regained it all back after the first just stay fat. Because if she regained it all back then wouldn’t that mean she would have to loose some to have the surgery? Only to regain more? I just gotta wonder how hardcore of a feeder hee husband is.
Alright lads this is some of her best vids from my collection. I ask anyone else that has content of her 2014-2016 to up it. One of the greats.

Makes me wonder what kind of condition her stomach is in lol, since most forms of wls involve modifying the stomach in some way. If that's the case, she has essentially had her stomach surgically shrank twice, but stretched it back out again through the process of overeating... twice. Imagine the scar tissue after that lol, her stomach has undoubtedly taken some abuse. honestly tho it's kinda hot
>>70579 What would you recommend besides hot baths for inflammation?
>>70579 Would a massage help? Or perhaps some pussy juice?
I'm not one to speculate usually, but there are a lot of factors involved with someone's weight. Some are environmental, others individual. It's probably a combination of the two. However, considering the cost of bariatric surgery (insurance won't cover it entirely in America) I get the feeling it probably wasn't intentional, since it's easily 50k down the drain between the two procedures. Though, maybe her husband is just loaded, (he isn't much to look at, that's for sure) and money isn't an issue. I'm probably reading into it too much though.
When you put it like that, yeah it is kind of hot in a messed up way
>>70579 My stomach becomes inflammed every once in a while and at times it has lasted months. Usually I will stop eating spicy food and wait until the pressure of the swelling goes away. Would drinking pussy juice help?

Pah, cursed are you, this nonsense of fiddling with the URL in addition to encoding should get banned. Unbelievable nonsense.
Try gratitude instead of your entitlement and maybe I'll upload more of what I have
Ty for the drop!! Any way you could upload any squashing videos of hers? would be much appreciated
Does anyone have her 'Oero Donut' Video? It was one of the last one where she is at her bigger. In a hotal struggling on a bed to eat the donut
Sometimes these threads devolve into a back and forths between sad sack guys who failed out of medical school and then life in general.

just post some pussy please.
Because you asked nicely I got you.

I got you. One of my favorite videos she did around her biggest.

always forgot how big she got, she could have really been in her Adeline era if she didn’t get wls damn

Hoping some of her stuffing or try-on videos get posted.
Please is a magic word. Most have her guy in them but this what I have of her explicit.

clearly you fall into the latter category lmao
her husband looks like someone tried to draw Mike Stoklasa from memory lmaoooo
Has somebody her stuff with pleasantly plump about the year 2009, please?
Rofl I need a pic of the guy.
Yes, I'm asking for a photo of a male.
Guy looks like he lost his job 6 years ago and just eats Doritos and watches rick and morty. This is sad
Nah. He used to be a realtor. Now he manages his local Walgreens.
maybe not Walgreens, probably DollarTree
Holy shit that does look like Mike
fr yall are just shitting on this guy because of how jealous you are. dunno why youre shitting on him when he is literally enabling the porn yall watch.
literally silly business

These are facts. But seriously, this is the Chan, man. Do you expect logic and appreciation?
I’m going to be 100% honest. He’s just got a stupid face. I’m sure he’s nice in real life or something like that but he just has a really stupid face. I don’t know what it is but his resting face is very silly
He looks British
What was in this drop? not sure if its down or I decoded it wrong... if its down can you reup please?
you decoded it wrong it's still up. It got 4 videos, 2 masturbation + 2 b/g videos
>Still one of the least retarded looking FAs I’ve seen.
Can anyone share her fart vids, here’s a bunch of vids from different models in return YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVVpaV0VwMVdHdHRVa289
Didn't even know she had fart videos lol
Didn't even know she had fart videos lol
any stuffings with burps?
Here’s a trade does anyone have her farting vids from manyvids?
How long til she stops the yo-yo diets? She’s a lifer, for sure, but I wonder when she just goes all in and pushes into the same territory as Adeline and the others.
She will never go all in now that she has a kid. But getting back to 500 is a small possibility with the $$$ she was making.
Bump for more destiny, definitely worthwhile for this bimbo blob
Does anybody have her vids when she was at her biggest?
this. needs. to. be. shared. a belly like no other when she was at her biggest
Destiny was the bomb…too bad we can’t resurrect her .

Your not helping
Uploading a handful of her good vids in her biggest years. Give it an hour or two.


Requesting any vids of her from 2014-2016. Spread the love bros. Her double chin and belly got truly glorious in 2016.
not with that attitude
thank you brother, there are a few in there I haven't seen before. wish I could offer something that isn't just a reup
Bump for the new content
Cannot stand her new content. She used to be hot before losing, but rather than retire with dignity, she was selling that deflated balloon content. What's worse was that she tried selling that she was getting so much fatter. Don't pee on our collective legs and tell us it's raining! You've lost weight and are still BBW, but don't pretend you're on some weight-gain journey, particularly when there are no signs of growth.

I generally believe live and let live / to each his own, but this one was just such a ridiculous lie that I couldn't stomach her newer content.
Please can we get a reup? Sorry I dont have anything to offer
Say what you want, but this girl has been making great content for 15+ years. She is a person. so I would cut her some slack and let her enjoy her golden years.
The first time I ever came was to a Destiny video. Her old content is goat tier
at what point are we also people that don't like to be lied to?
Does anyone have this vid?
Could someone post anything they have of her i would share some of her stuff if i had anything that was rare but sadly all i got is the stuff from SDB
On her peak weighted Destiny not more than 170Kg.
Though she pretend to (me) be currently on her heaviest, but she appeared about one decade ago and more (on that talk show of Tyra Banks,before 2010) much fatter than recently, especially the double-belly, when you compare this to the pictures of her cruise.
incorrect. She made it to 500 pounds. Idk what that is in metric gobble gook. She's been regaining since she deflated to looking somewhat fat again. Can hope it continues back to her highest.

She was never on Tyra Banks, you must have her confused with someone else.
>>77272 Nope around one decade ago (somewhere between 2010 and 2015) when she was visible on her biggest (maybe also earlier) did she claim to weight 370lb.

Just recently, when she had apparently lost something (a certain amount) she comes up with these huge numbers. 500lb are almost 227Kg, but she was most likely never over 200, as Ellie is much fatter than she ever was (they are comparable, as both are just belly-models and have flat buttocks, Ellie is even fatter on the head).

She was on a talk show, arpund 2007 - 2010, with other fetish models (not sure if Teighlor or Queen Racqui).
need destiny braps!
It was the Dr. Keith show. She was on with Gaining Goddess, BC Jacki, Huge and Hot. I have it somewhere.
She WAS on Dr Keith yes. He asked her if a wizard could wave a magic wand and make her thin, would she do it. She said absolutely not ....... and then proceeded to get WLS twice lmao
Then she lied when she pretend (to me) around 2017 or 2018, that she is be at her heaviest (in a private message) 🤔?!

I think she appeared simmingly slimmer after 2015, than she was maybe in 2010.
That show could be even earlier, but not before 2005 (as she started modeling not more than 20 years ago). Was that also on Dr. Phil or is there a rivality between these?
As somone mentioned Susanne Eman was on both shows.
My guy she was the fattest before deflating in 2017. Do I really need to explain different body types, height and how that can change fat distribution to you? Big cutie Ellie is in no way comparable to Destiny, other than saying they are both apple shaped. That is the simplest of similarities. She was definitely fatter than 370 pounds. I don't know how some Europeans on this chan have such a bad eye for weight. Language barrier really hitting that hard with the weight conversions?
Does anyone have this and her other farting videos? Here’s this in return aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9IMnlMdkFwT1JHMi9ldTE=
I guess you Yankee-Doodle-Dandies are just used to get lied about weight, as it is commone buisness in your country, therefore you overexaggeret all these bodies, as you come from a wrong starting point and move from one lie to another lie, which makes is plausible to you.

But if you had sex with some BBWs in real life (like me over sixty times) and read their number of weight in profiles, you can estimate the numbers much better.
Maybe you are just naive/ simple minded and can't notice that they do this mainly for promotion to sell your fantasies.
For me it is pretty obvious that Lailani does not weight 272Kg (which is in pounds a too round number as well) and that Plump Princess or Rayni are not SSBBWs, as they are most likely below 130Kg.

And by the way is Ellie overall fatter than Destiny, even in the face. They have both not much arse (Ellie possible more) and even when Destiny is taller, Ellies bellies oughtweight the double one of Destiny by about twice of the wideness.
Sheself had fixed 370lbs, when she looked slimmer but found out the tricks of other BBW models, so she copied this.
I hope someone throws hydrochloric acid in your face, over sixty times.
so what happens is that white people in white countries have been indoctrinated into thinking blacks and black culture is just the best thing ever, they're just as smart and creative as whites etc.

All of this boosts the ego of blacks and they massively over estimate their ability and constantly feel the need to brag - making up bullshit to keep the image going. I like to call them 'inflated ego negros'

All this to say that this poster is the prime example of an inflated ego negro.

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