
(161 KB, 544x792, C1BED29B-DC2A-4438-8274-432D4EB367E8.jpeg)
I know it’s the iPhone camera distortion and maybe a filter that’s making her head look tiny but I’m still going to imagine she’s 7ft tall and absolutely massive.
It definitely looks different than what's on her IG.
>>65911 (OP)
She seems to be about 7 1/2 to 8heads tall.
She just has a very big body crazily proportioned body and a comparatively very slim face.
I think her small head makes her particularly
absolutely attractive, awesome to look at her.
Are there any pics/vids where she is eating?
(174 KB, 1108x805, unknown.jpg)
A similar counterpart, unfortunately not yet in the same weight class. I already love her for that cute face, hopefully she can pack on a lot more pounds.
Does anyone know her name?
She probably has a regular-sized head and her body is so tall and fat that it's dwarfed by the sheer enormity of her. Were she thin she'd probably be waif-ish. Y'all always find something new to harp on.
Do we know how tall she actually is? Is she shy with that information?
Wow, absolutely stunning body. How horny does she have to look when she gets pregnant,someone who can needs to make a morph-pic of it.
Is your goal to sound as creepy as possible? Because if so you are succeeding.
what the fuck. how?
girls always look taller than males of the same height for some reason and don't forget morning height and sneakers.

Morning height? What part tells you it's morning? Plus she doesn't seem like the type to get up early.

Also, any height the sneakers are supposed to give her is compressed away under the massive vertical force they're under.
i meant, how is she that short? she looks like she should be at least half a foot taller.
Wow, I'm a cooked cunt xD sorry, wrong post

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