
(777 KB, 2016x1512, lisalou 2.jpg)
As a genuine thank you to the mods for deleting the last thread (and hoping they fucking block that troll's IP), here's:

Too fat for my jeans
Massive Makeout
Consequences of my weight gain
Double Milestone weigh in.

Double milestone is her most recent weigh in and that was in May 2022 so here's hoping she does another one soon!

Thanks for the content
Can someone re-up that 45min taco bell stuffing from the now deleted thread?
Anyone have the funneling video with Aurora and willing to share plz and thx
>>65636 (OP)
I reported the old thread cuz it got so bad lmao

Thanks I missed it when it got uploaded in the sadie thread
Greate vid, thanks!

Correct me if I'm wrong here fellas....but did she just chug a 64 fl oz bottle of coffee mate creamer? Because if so that would be 126 servings of 1 tbsp each (35kcal), so 4410kcal in 12 mins?!
Seeing her do this really got me wanting a mochiibabi style big stuffing vid of her. And I honestly don't know what stoppes her from doing one? Is it just laziness...?
>she hasn't done something I want so she's lazy
not sure how you sussed that one out
anyone got that shower struggles vid?
Damn, well I can only hope someone grabbed it or is able to update the coomer.
yall think she and aurora are a thing? they be making some hot ass vids together and aurora really seems to like groping lisa. Would be hot af if they were together
Why’s there no sound on the 45 minute stuffing?
LisaLou has had a schizo bf for a long time, aurora is just a feeder or simp for fat women going by feabie
I'd much prefer Aurora to some fat dude or a guy who won't shut the fuck up. Aurora has got a nice ass too.
Can someone upload "Comparisons with Aurora"?
Is she still with the same dude she tried to hide forever and pretend like she was single or did that guy get sick of her too
Has she ever talked about health effects on her weight gain?
There was one video she made a few months back, “consequences of my weight gain” but it was never shared here
OP here. I literally shared the Consequences video when i started this thread lol. And i never paid for it either I got it from a previous thread. Sounds like you just need to be more diligent about what gets posted on bbw chan. I can post it again when I get home later today anyways.

Also for whoever cares, I messaged her on OF a while back, over summer i think, asking if she's single and she said she has "multiple partners and isn't looking for anyone new." So I assume she's at least partially romantically involved with aurora, who is hot and has a nice huge ass. Idk anything about any guy/ guys tho. Hey all I'll say is I prefer LisaLou's situation over Kelly Kay's, aka trying to start her own little personal sex cult that she can post pictures on IG with right next to pictures of her KIDS which is weird as hell. (or sisters kids or whatever). LisaLou dating some guy and Aurora seems normal by comparison. Just my 2 cents
So she's with him still
Got it 👍
Got my laser scope on you fucker.
Too many dicks in the soup for me
the bf that goes off on feabie all the time counts as 72 dicks at least. fucking psychopath
Reup on the funneling vid pretty please
Definitely the sexiest waddle of any of the ssbbws.
>>66105 Some fst girls are meant to get a dick in the butt. Others are meant to get just a finger in rhe butt whole you are making out with them.
Can you reupload please?
Kellie kay is too skinny and sucks like why she posts sex next to her kids like disgusting I want to throw up
WTF? I swear a lot of the people who post on here are retarded.

Everyone watch out for laser scope guy. He’s obviously too much of a pussy to man up and fight someone with his fists cause he knows he would get beat down like a red headed step child. >>66106
oi who got her work video
Hi folks, does anyone have the recent masturbation vid, it would be more than awesome and I`d be more than happy.
Merry Christmas :-)
any king want to reup this funnel vid?
Did the “Consequences of My Weight Gain” video ever get posted? If not I would appreciate it if someone shared it :)
its crazy how somebody who was relatively small became so fucking big. it blows my mind how people are able to grow their body that much.
Anyone got anything?
Well at least its not littlepumpkinssbbw trying to boost sales
Can please reup lisas funneling clip
Can anyone upload the make out video with her and Aurora, it's a site or two, but the sound is messed up.
Been dying to see that. The way she waddles on the treadmill … fuck
when i got the time maybe 4hrs from now on, ill upload it.
haha that was quite good one
True legend of you do
Is Aurora a trans girl
(151 KB, 768x1024, 109boberry_all-768x1024.jpg)
I think you'd need a strict puberty blocker regimen to end up with a body like hers. This reminds me that I was once convinced Nadia was trans and actually asked Boberry about it on Tumblr and she responded.
is aurora a tranny or not
Why do you care so much? You don't find her attractive, we get it, just don't buy the clip.
Thank you kindly! Lemme provide showering vid of Lisa with Aurora:
Take this question someplace else, please.
Who cares? Just wank off to Lisa like the rest of us only faggots like skinny girls
This is unironically true
>>67246 I hope so 😈
If you can't tell then why do you care?
Porn is a visual medium, it's not like you're actually fucking her anyway.
Hate to ask, but is there any way someone can put this up onto wetransfer, or at least compress it down so it doesn’t take forever to download? Hate mab and their forced slow speed downloading for larger files like this vid, haven’t been able to download it yet since it keeps erroring out.
Put the download on and put your phone/laptop/whatever away for 2 hours while it downloads. Worked for me.
Hey, Im that troll, dearest apologies for ruining y'alls thread. As a geuine apology here's my entire collection(over 250 vids) including multiple Lisalou vids, gonna be quitting this addiction so get it before it's gone because their will be no reup.

Don't use incognito mode, use a normal tab. MAB for some reason constantly crashes with incognito tabs.
No, just download more ram
Has her workout with Aurora been uploaded yet? I'd love every video they've done together
>>67807 hey bro, actually is not worth it :( idk what's going on with those two, but aurora seems hesitant to touch her too much and they just do 4/5 workouts and the only hot thing is seeing lisa out of breath but we see that in almost all her vids.
Actually it is worth it….follow my logic here:

Lisalou wants to keep growing. Growing costs money because she needs more and more calories to keep gaining. She begins to put less time into content in order to put the additional time necessary into getting fatter. Thus, while your short term interests aren’t 100% fulfilled, your longer term interest in watching her turn herself into an immobile blob is.

Yea, like Lisa said... be happy with shitty content 🙂
She begins to put less time into content in order to put the additional time necessary into getting fatter

I don't BUY that(lol). 90% of vids are much more effort than they are work. Lazing about all day eating? look in the mirror, brush your hair, point the tripod at you (turn the fan/television down) and be pleasantly engaging after you plop back down to snack.
Content is ostensibly the sexy parts of the girls day. gonna eat a big meal- record. feeling horny- record. I've set up a camera and just let it record me and my partner like a security cam. eventually we'll be fooling around and it'll be real good and I remember "oh yea, the camera. let me shift over... move this leg to get a good angle" it's fun to re-watch that shit later too. Laying in bed browsing through it "oh you liked that part damn turn down the volume. we're fucking sexy. you look so funny sometimes after you cum."

creators can do whatever they want though. make clips, don't make clips- but "I don't have time" is such crap. that's like saying you're too busy to do the dishes or mail a letter. you do, you just don't feel up to it, which is a big part of making content- you need to feel good. if you're a bummer you don't feel like filming and even if you made footage, it would be sub-par.

this jeremiad isn't directed at anyone in particular and though I'm not trying to rustle feathers, will I attract vituperations?

oh wait. I remember why I came here: I'm surprised I haven't seen someone post "so stuffed and super wet". that clip looks awesome.

Lastly- the thumbnail for showering sweeties- that fold down bench on the right side of the shower... that would need to be against a solid concrete wall with giant anchors to hold her.
I like the lady silhouette tile though.
sounds like a fantasy and weak cope abt simping for one of the most overated models in the game

Why do people text their entire life stories on here SMH
because this page/fetish is their whole life
What's the beef between her and Caitidee? Lisa posted something on instagram calling out Caitidee who accused her of racism, then said it's actually Caitidee who's racist and said something racist to Lisa's boyfriend.

Caitidee's social media is full of BLM stuff so I don't know who to believe. Roxxie was also supporting Lisa in the comments. Anyone know the drama?
I can’t imagine whatever awaits you at the end of the drama rainbow would be worth the quest to get there.
...of Caitadee, Lisalou, and Roxxie together.
What's Lisa's IG? I click on the link that's on her linktree and it comes up as no profile
Not much to it, Caitidee just supposedly is pretty shitty to associate with and spreads rumors.
It's not worth wasting your time on. You've got a collection of retarded women who don't have the mental ability to communicate properly; getting confused at each other and then yelling 'wacist'. In an angry attempt to save face.>>68363
All I have seen is her being normal and nice. Sounds like she rejected you or something.
Don't believe everything you read unless you hate the model then you should repeat it, often... here.
They should fuck about it
Yikes. Anybody who writes ‘wacist’ must be special indeed
>not brain damaged
>not spreading lies or worse: the truth about each other
Also a lot of “racist” calls are done by black incels trying to get a pity BBC shoot done or crab mentality mudsharks.
as an outside party not involved in this at all saying racist is a term most often used by black incels is absolutely rediculous and complete BS
as an outside party not involved in this at all saying racist is a term most often used by black incels is absolutely rediculous and complete BS
even if she was racist that would just lead to black men not having sexual access to her. the goofball screaming BLACK LIVES MATTER BITCH in her DMs and doing a complete 360* calling her beautiful after she denies Caiti's claim is just thinking with his dick and misusing BLM which is supossed to be about systemic racism.
Usually white women who say blm are either closeted raging racists in denial or snow bunnies, no in-betweens
or their just normal white women who are against the injustices and violence against African Americans in the U.S.A
also I swear people fall for bait so much on the thread of this woman graced to us from god. Shaped from the mightily sexiest fattest women of them all. Seriously, can we get a flood of people ACTUALLY POSTING CONTENT so we can weed out these trolls and show them we are above them and their low level shenanigans
Yo nigger, fuck off. That's white mans internet you're using.
Go back to 4chan you cuck
The fact that people think there mist be something wrong with anyone that stands up for a group that doesn’t include them is very telling
There’s nothing wrong with BLM or people who support anti racism. But usually, white privileged liberal women, aka Caitidee, who are over the top about it putting BLm in all their bios, randomly accusing other people of being racist with no evidence, just generally being very “showy” about it, are themselves racist. Not to mention the only people Caitidee seems to have had issues with (LisaLou, Roxxie) are direct competitors of her, which says to me she probably has a jealousy problem and is just using “racist” to attack models she’s jealous of. Remember, LisaLou was a nobody at bigcuties, then she quits and works with Caitidee, and all of a sudden she’s way more famous than Caitidee. For someone with a jealousy problem that’s just too much to handle psychologically. So yeah of course she’s going to attack LisaLou randomly
There’s PLENTY wrong with BLM the organization, BLM the movement is something else, misguided or ill informed is generally the worst you can say about the social movement but the organization and it’s leaders are corrupt and exploitative to the point that they fuel racism for $
Fuck BLM
All this over a woman neither of yall gonna fuck.
Here's what I believe. I believe Lisalou is a lively girl. I got the impression that she was a loving and caring person and that if she wasn't lesbian she would've let me soak inside her very big, very wet vagina for as long as I pleased.
Fuck niggers they raise the value of fat white women. Can we get back to sharing this bitches life around through videos we didn't pay for
Believe me when I tell you that it is all a lie. There are many things hapoening all around you all the time that you don't even realize and you go about your day not noticing any of them, but fat women being "mord valued", I can promise you, is one of those things that you are imagining. It's a lie, and it's not true. Nothing ever "changes". Liars pretend changes.

I aint a nigga and I intentionally raise their value. As an entrepreneur I deliberately hired fatter people. I treated my girlfriends with utmost respect and spoiled them rotten.
I was proud to bring 400 lbs to fancy events I've attended.

I want fat white women be the most valued, most sought-after type of a girl. I'm doing my very best to glorify obesity in all ways I can.
What's your problem with that?
<groan>Please don't feed the trolls.</groan>
y'all some racist, go back to Alabama and having sex with your cousin we don't need you inbreds here
can we stop being racist and share sum content :( maybe a coomer update???
Here's the aurora funnel vid and the aurora workout vid YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl2TkhoNlVWZHRPRUowY0E9PQ==
I'm halfway torn between whether this is someone doing a bit or if black people literally write like they talk, which is incomprehensible either way.

I think the anon saying that word are not using it ironically but I have never heard anybody talk like that b4

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