
>>65184 (OP)
Wow. Not sure this is WLS related, but another one gone not too long after WLS. Could just as easily be her eating habits and poor health overall. Or even something else.
>>65184 (OP)
Did we ever get a confirmed weight from her? I remember at one point on Feabie she was claiming she was 800 pounds at some point, which I severely doubt. I remember her back during her BigHotBombshell days, bummer.
they belong in bhm
She used to swear up and down that she didn't have WLS and lost it all without surgery (claimed a 3-400 lbs or some such)
If she weighed over 800lbs, the damage to her heart was already done, y'know? I'm sad she's gone but that's overclocking your body.
I always found it weird that despite her losing hundreds of pounds a couple years ago and bragging about it on her social media, she would periodically come back to her Feabie profile and pretend she was still 800 lbs. Not sure what she got out of doing that. Oh well. R.I.P.
I think she was never above 300Kg and so far didn't lose as much as it was alleged (by keto claimed she, where she made some promotion on her Youtube channel around one year ago). She was still between 150 and 200 kilogramme (in the Morning Show was she 230 - 250), but she still had trouble to move and did her videos on a chair, like cocking and stretching her arms.
Only the make-up for Mama June, earlier this year, was she/ he doing standing.

So will be the reality show now cancelled (the number of lost weight was possible idea of the channel)? As there were only about 3 or 4 episodes available now I think.

It is still in question if who was a transgender (hermaphrodit). But whoever, it was very looking for making money.
This was a dude, right?
No, it was a chick. She just put on enough makeup to look like a drag queen.
I think a lot of people get WLS without fully understanding what a serious and risky medical procedure is. Losing weight rapidly also puts a strain on your heart, it’s why so many anorexics end up dying of heart attacks too. Rapid weight loss plus extreme obesity is a double whammy, it’s just not safe. Really sad.
Seriously, she looked like Divine. I always wondered.
It like Mama Cass from The Mamas and Papas, which gain and lost often weight (although there was a legend that when she was in Paris, she couldn't get breath due to a sandwich what she was eating) and died because of the fluctuating weight, but was never that extreme (not a SSBBW).
Some patients of My 600lb Life also died few months after surgery.
Maybe didn't Jamie Lopez enough vegetables, as on a filming by a magazine, when her Afro-American caretaker (she claimed chef) made her a salat, she was only eaten the (turkey or chicken) meat out of it. Even with the kenola was her habbit possible pretty onesided.
RIP Jamie, i used to feed her a few times a few years back. i wonder if now is the time to share what she sent, it wasnt much which was why i stopped.

a friend i showed the messages to said it was probably a catfish tho, if so some of those vids with my irl name might be a bit awkward lol
>>65224 You are a bit awkward.
>i used to feed her a few times a few years
you mean you gave a woman on Feabie money for nothing LOL
FTR, Cass died because she was taking loads of diet pills (aka speed) plus drinking and doing all kinds of other drugs, plus burning it at both ends touring and doing multiple TV and recording projects. The ham sandwich thing was an offhand joke that became canon, because people were monsters way before the internet.
It was WLS. It usually is.

WLS is really hard on the body, which is part of the way that it makes people lose weight. But a lot of organs are placed under extraordinary stress and can begin to malfunction. Death in the first 18 months is high, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing if you’re an insurance company.
Any content on her
WLS + The VAX Sad because she really was a great lady.
usually mab works like a charm for me, but not on this one. can any kind anon reup it on a different platform please?
Sorry, not necessary. It just took ages for such a small filesize. Thanks to the uploader
Wait was she an anti-vaxxer? If that’s the case, she deserved it.

How extremist of you lol.
RIP, but a damn shame we never got to see any pics of her at 800lbs.

She also claimed to of beaten heart failure about a year ago on her YouTube channel.
That's the thing about having heart conditions - you can survive an attack, overcome failure, live with conditions, have a pacemaker installed, all that crap. There is nothing on this planet that will make your heart stronger after those things. Your heart will always be weaker because the damage is done. It's not a muscle you can train, you can just take care of your body better to accommodate it.

Also, all of y'all fuck out of here with the vaccine shit. Not applicable in this circumstance. Save it for Twitter.
Sad news. We will never know if there was really a woman or a man behind all that makeup and wigs.
Stop pearl clutching, dude. She shat all over this scene and now she’s worm food. World keeps spinning.
This thread went to a disgusting place almost immediately. Stop speculating about her cause of death and saying she's a man and just pay your respects, or shut up.
>>65432 stfu dude I hope no one takes your argument bait
Is there and sign of a cock visible?

I think the main reason was the jojo-effect, as she gained and shrinked. Though she possible took LSD too, but she weighted maybe 100 to 130 kilos (or even partly just 80), was short, but died like with 27, what means she was over a decade younger than Jamie Lopez, which was also far taller and around 40 (at least), but who burnned likely the candle on both ends as well (I guess the keto didn't help for everythjng).
These are from like 2005 or 2006 (when she claimed to weight around 180Kg).
Just find it so gross that this community is straight washing a trans plus-size icon.
She’s not trans, for the last fucking time. Read her (bad) autobiography
"How I Lost Over 400 Pounds in a Year to Extend My Longevity and Then Promptly Dropped Dead" by J. Lopez

She made her comeback on social media when, March this year (or was it February), where she promoted her weight-lose, after a little bit absence.
Though this one was possible older than official published, as already modeling via Myspace and on Bombshells like 16 - 20 years ago (in the videos appears the face partly masculine), I guess was possible when in the mid-twenties. But looked at the end bigger than at that time.
I suppose the last weight was about correct, but not the starting point of her losing journey for sure.

Though Mama Cass might have taken diet-pills, but Jamie Lopez maybe something similar, in this keto-foods. But we can't be sure about this death, especially not of the circumstances.
WLS and vaxxed, she never stood a chance, RIP Queen

As gross as all the pinkwashing, blackwashing and genderwashing going on in movies these days?
Ironically, WLS poses less of a risk to people who barely need it and for whom it's likely not adding any years to their lives. Women who start in the mid-200s who get the surgery because it's less of a hassle than diet or exercise never seem to suffer serious complications. People in the 500-700 pound range to whom WLS is sold as "a crucial life-saving measure" stand a much higher chance of suffering complications that end their lives probably much sooner than their weight alone ever would.

Even those who barely need it get way more harm than good from wls. It screws up your body a lot.

If people who were offered a WLS did some research no-one would agree to undergo WLS. It either adds a potentially life-long permanent issues to your body or kills way faster than weight ever could.
Wait she’s trans?
she had tranny make up, she wasn't actually trans
No, she just dressed like a drag queen.
Insensitive, I know. Fuck you.
all these convid vaxxed dropping like flies, NPC retards still in denial until their propaganda tells them otherwise, what a waste of a life, she should have followed the science and not the propaganda
>morbidly obese woman dies of heart issues
>"sEe tHa vAx KILLED hur"

You retards are desperate for a win. This thread was a fucking mistake.
Anyone have the pic from her book

The one where he takes off the wig?

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