
>>62566 (OP)

Fuck off man. We already have a bash thread. And as usual, it’s just the same thirty photos of trashy 40 year old women from ten years ago and 500 replies that say something like “any hero got anything new????” and one or two dickmunchers saying shit like “bro imma go to a bash real soon”

If there was new bash content, you’d already know about it. Take this nonsense to /booty/ and stop clogging up the good boards
you clearly wasn't in the group. Imagine crying on a thread of ass

Those of you OG's who know what's good you know how to join on telllle
(1.7 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1668812379356.mp4)
So much this. When you're clamoring for months for grainy old pics (not even vids lmao) of random people smashing, it's time to fix women IRL, get money, and do productive shit. And you just know this goofy is trying to scam people out of their money.
seconded. its just spam at this point, this isn't even board appropriate content for /ssbbw/
fuck off back to your containment board
Says the one on bbw chan scrolling and commenting within seconds. You wasn't even in the group you vegetable. The amount of deflection is incredible. You have weak content you wouldn't even know what's good. niggas packing content and personals, you stay mad in your scrolling corner

Do you keep making references to your mysterious “group” because you want these fools to beg you to let them in? Because I assure you, nobody cares about your group.
Go back to /booty/ you mouth breathing retard
Heres the thing the group owner is a literal bozo thinking he a top g gatekeeping a landwhale telegram chat. Ill literally pay someone a bag to leak. Bozo

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