
(285 KB, 900x1200, jazz.jpg)
noticed that there wasn't a thread for this beauty. I'll start off with a couple Jazz vids. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVGQ0ZERsbU5qUnlWRTQ9
there is already a thread for her, u just need to open your eyes
Is there? I can't find it either
>>62280 (OP)
ah yes. two threads for the same model because one poster can't read the catalog, and the other refuses to use proper keywords when starting a thread
never change, bbwchan
Can some upload the new sharing and snacking set
That confirms here are children/ teenagers active...
Hoe does a family guy reference confirms that there's children active here?
because only a teenager like >>70949 would project like that
I mean does this really come as a surprise to you? most kids ain't able to pay for this type of content so they come here to get it for free
Family Guy is hilarious and has had some fat girl content over the years. I doubt teenagers even find it funny.
Because it is supposed for kids and a childish cartoon series (narrowly any cartoon is for children, maybe despite few animeé).
I have watched it maybe twenty years ago, when I was teenager.
Nobody over thirty would regulary watch it, if who is not mentally slow (handicapes).
No it isn't, as I maintained, if you read accurate, it just verfied that thesis.
But as them believe anything what models are fakes are posting/ pretending (like absord high numbers, which doesn't suit to their body type/ propotions), it was for me very likely that at least half of this "community" are non-adult.
For who else is shall be supposed to be?
It might be similar as South Park (which is more disgusting) and I liked it around 2000 more than the newer Simpson episodes when (which was only at his best till 1997).
But the spin-off with Cleveland has maybe more fat women contend, even of black mamas.
O. K. you exposed yourself here; are you 15 years old (if you are honest)?
family guy is the fucking funniest show.
my seventy year old father watches it too. where else am I gonna get awesome hitler jokes anyway
Maybe in Louis de Funnes Le Grand Restaurant (where who speak German in the original French) with a sillhouette of Adolf and changing the sound of the voice, during he repeat a recipt for a German police commissionar?

But was your father already over fifty when you was boorn?
Try Reddit. You'll fit right in.
Watch Shannon from Mercedesbbw and Onlyfans: aHR0cHM6Ly9wb3JuaWNhLnNpdGUv
Videos will not be deleted
How can I download it i can't understand
Can any one re-upload the old videos
please reupload :)
doesn't even seem like a custom
looks like a clip from somebody's insta live
hope that wasn't too pricey
lol, that custom was a 150 bucks! definitely a waste of money
out of curiosity, what was she supposed to do?
Any hero have new content of jazz
Lol she took yo money and waddled away
>>77554 Wow yeah. You're very funny, and she should feel very proud of herself. You 2 should hook up. The both of you would make a good couple.
He meant what were the instruction he gave for the custom, dumbass
Findom and its consequences have been a disaster for porn. If there weren't so many disgusting losers getting off to being degraded, cuckheld and blueballed this would never have happened to you.
How much she weight now, please ? She released a new weight in video
what are the odds of Jazz really weighing 672 lbs? How fucking tall is this chick and how is that skinny white dude not dead yet
>>83900 (Cross-thread)
Can’t blame em, this place always sees people disappearing or breaking down over way less
She’s tough, too tough for internet shenanigans apparently
Also breaking the mold of extremely flighty personalities via her consistency and mental fortitude as public figure is something I find highly refreshing. Literally takes some weight off my mind.
I love jazz
Any update

Do you have the weigh in
I suppose this woman weights most likely between 170 and 250Kg.
No need to suppose when >>84348 just dropped the weigh in
Thanks, man
I love the way the scale bounces around between 672 and 675. Jeez, what's 3 pounds to her? 4 tenths of a percent? LOL. She's gonna break the scale soon anyway.
And I suppose that he had watched the video but as the stupid kilogram troll he is, he didn't believe it :/
There is a need, as it might be entertainng but unbelievable (not confirmed) nor realistical:

In my view does her tummy look smaller than in previous videos (of maybe last year or 2020), when she alleged to be a little bit lighter.

Over 200 kilo is possibpe. But she is far away from around 300Kg. If she would be that, then she will be complettly immobile (bedbound).
What is she, are you kidding?
She is maybe 1,85m tall (at least under 1,90m)!
Therefor could she weight 200+
If she would be 1,70m, then I would estimate it of 130 - 180Kg.
Fucking hell das gibts ja nicht. Ist der Saudodl schon wieder da.
Ganz ehrlich. Manchmal würde ich mir einfach mal wünschen das während er wieder dabei ist diesen Mist zu tippen mal eine 300kg+ Dame auf seiner Brust ihn vom Gegenteil überzeugt. Ich glaube dann würde der beim nächsten Mal zwei Mal drüber nachdenken bevor er wieder Mist schreibt.
Jesus Christ now we got people claiming Jaz to be 450 lbs, I don't even know what to say

No way lol. She's 6 ft tall and her last weight-in puts her up at 673 lbs.

I'm not kidding. She weights like 4 men together. Jazz is the goat. Jazz is a GODDESS
Ich hatte schon welche die 160 - 200Kg waren und auf meinem Schoß saßen (auch glaube Stacie/ Scarlett). Die waren genauso dick wie Jazz, manche sogar noch üppiger (die Jugoslavin in Hamburg, welche 180Kg bei 1,85m wog, die blonde bei Dortmund bei unserem ersten Treffen, die 206Kg wog und eventuell auch noch 1 - 2 andere Damen).

Ihr spinnt euch hier eine vollkommen unrealistische Fantasie zurecht, obwohl ihr noch nie eine SSBBW getroffen habe (Sex hattet mit einer solchen):
Wenn die 7 Fuß groß wäre, sind das 2,13m, damit wäre sie möglicherweise die größte lebende Frau weltweit; so groß wie Nikolay Walujew oder Shaquile O'Neil...
Man muss da doch nur mal ein bisschen gesunden Menschenverstand benutzen, um zu merken, dass das Rummgespinne ist!
Und wenn das Gewicht stimmen würde, wäre sie so schwer wie Echo...
You could say, that this might be true, but I would apply a wider spanne; she is somewhere between 330 and 550lb (150 - 250 kilogramme).
As most models seemed to make her numbers 200lb heavier than these are actual be, then you can calculate it accurate...
(23 KB, 615x410, JS95874149.jpg)
der Kilogramme schlägt zurück 😂🤣
Lass dich nicht von deinen Betreuern erwischen, Heimkind!
Kg guy must be banned and executed

Your kind are not welcome here. Speak English.

Jazz is beautiful and gorgeous and so sexy, please marry me or at least adopt me jazz I love you
quit with the fucking swedish chef speak and use English
Are you a disabled child?🤨
I do think so!
English is a Germanic dialect actual!

Jazz hat vermutlich ungefähr die gleiche Größe wie Mary Boberry. Jemand hatte bereits bestätigt, dass ich mit der ersten Einschätzung nahe dran war (daher könnte man das auch bei der Waage glauben). Sie sah hier dünner aus als in anderen Videos, meiner Meinung nach.
Mehre andere Benutzer haben bereits ausgeführt wie Reenaye Starr und ihre Geschäftspartner beim wiegen betrügen (mit Fuß auf der Waage oder zwei Models auf einer u. a.), daher kann ich nicht glaube, dass man so naiv sein kann und immer noch jeden astronomische Fantasiezahl glaube kann, wo beinah jedes Mal ein Rekord den nächsten brechen soll.
Thank you, sir! Wish there was more people like you.
I can’t remember the last time she did the stuffing video
have her valentines videos been posted before? the one with her and flatjack looks amazing
what about the one with her and flatjack
we need that one w/ her and flatjack
I don’t got the flatjack one that never got shared. Can anyone share her newest stuffing vid though if they have it?
Anybody have the shower vid?
Anybody have the shower vid?
(148 KB, 800x1191, 048jazz_all.jpg)
can anyone reup this please? mine got corrupted
She looks familiar. Yup. If Michele Obama ate whatever she wanted...
Thanks, you a real one.
LMAO i can kinda see it
You shouldn't really be asking for brand new content. You've shared an old video that has been shared before by someone else, and you're expecting someone to dip their hands in their pocket and buy the new content in return.

If someone has new content, they would of already posted it.
getting strong kung-fu panda vibes in this one lmao
Love how she just fucking man handles him. What I wouldn’t give to spend my life with this lardass goddess
guys does any1 have any folder of jazz i really need it
Can someone reup the shower video?
What is your favourite set?
Did the thread die?
What's her weight now?
Why does jazz post many clips?
Share those clips please bro
This looks hot af, someone can drop it here?
Bump this beauty

They gonna kill that little white boy one day and then there gonna be police involved and all kind of shit they don't want. Watch what I tell you. Even if he tell them he running out of air they big ass can't get up in time. Wait and see.

It would still be totally worth it though. I'd sign the waiver and die happy with a big smile on my face.

IIRC, Amazon Amanda had someone request that they die that way with her. Just sit on them until they enter the great beyond. Obviously, Amanda rejected the request.
you never got sat on by a ssbbw, have you? this guy is going to be just fine.

That's a lotta beef on there though bruh. I hope he be OK, I got a cousin that lost all his air in a BBQ rib eating competition and he hain't never been the same. This dude living the life though.
There's definitely worse ways to die. I wouldn't mind going out like this
Out of all the threads, this one has been the most dry as far as content. Why is that? Are her videos comparatively more expensive than others? Or less desirable?
Literally all her Videos cost 21 bucks...
Anyone can share pics of her?
no pls some1 share vids
i beg u guys pls
Anyone have a collection of her BigCuties pic sets?

I’ll post the vids I have of her later
(146 KB, 864x1152, 066jazz_all.jpg)
This new video looks hot, hopefully it gets posted.
it says that I need access to get in
thanks, but my gmail address is nonya damn business. why not make it unrestricted?
My bad, rn its public
Any1 have the all eyes on me picset and vid?
anyone got her recent squashings?
APPRECIATE IT!!! btw would you happened to have the vid #39 and the newest vid #66

Nice stuff, but half of this isn't Jazz?
I'm trying to find our now, but it's gonna take a while
Hopefully this shit stays up by the time I clean out my files again. I can't hold 19 GBs rn but awesome drop nonetheless.
nice thanks for sharing
Jazz said if we knew of any short skinny girls who were willing to do a size comparison with her then she would do it. We need to make this happen ASAP

From today on I identify as a woman. And the fact that I am about 6x times lighter and more than 4 inches shorter tan Jazz makes me the perfect candidate!
jazz needs to smother a small female while she is at it
Be more of a snuff film than just watching girls like Echo struggle to breath in some assisted living facility, to be sure
Hit her up then
I hate to be that person but can someone upload some of the newer stuff?
Can someone have this pls ?
What was in this?
Reup please??
All jazz vids to 61 plus some other random stuff
So you weight around 40Kg or less...
it was missing vid #39
Hate to be that guy, but...

The link is expired now can someone please upload
Anyone know how much she and Eve are weighing these days?

Does anyone have this video

Missed it, unfortunately. Any chance of a re-up? Would be greatly appreciated!
(276 KB, 1200x972, IMG_2836.jpeg)
Can someone pls share pics of this giant?
Can anyone upload some newer stuff?

that sounds awesome. I'd do it just for the novelty. A ussbbw offering squashing? Sounds cool. I'd probably panic like crazy cause I can't fathom that much weight, but I'd still want to experience it.
(176 KB, 800x1191, 067jazz_all.jpeg)
Anyone happen to have her latest arcade gaming vid? As an offering, here's one that has been asked for a lot, but never shared on this thread.

Actually it was shared in that large MAB link a while back but appreciated all the same. Would you happen to have vid #39
thanks, finally something good after a long period of drought!
who is the chick on the left?
All I have
What that includes?
Got a site where I don't have to make an account?
You don't. Read carefully.
(164 KB, 864x1152, 068jazz_all.jpeg)
anyone got the new squash video?
Can someone PLEASE share some pics of her? Thank you
I have squash vids of Jazz, I will upload but can PLEASE share pics of her sets?
4 squash vids of Jazz, I have other 3 but pls share PICS of her sets
I wish I had the privilege and honor of being squashed by 👸🏿
could anyone upload this to a different service?
Hoping some hero can share these before the Chan goes is gone for good
To see the video
(104 KB, 702x1200, IMG_6906.jpeg) (142 KB, 800x1200, IMG_6907.jpeg)
Can someone pls shares pics of her sets? Few times ago I shared vids
does anyone have the new vid, set 70?
Thats Brianna, but ull take that any day :)

From 63 to 70 pls
Man that housewife video looks so good ngl
Thanks bro!

Someone has videos of this goddess til vid_70 ?
could someone reup anything after 63?
does she spread ass in any of them?
I missed these, did it include 050, 065 and 066?
Sadly I don't think it is...
Does anyone have the picture sets, specifically were Jazz is naked? The one titled 'Painted on Pink' is what I'm after, but any nude sets will do. I'm really just looking for HD images that arent compressed down to poor quality.
(164 KB, 800x1191, 064jazz_all.jpg)
Any1 got this vid and pic set?
Here are my Jazz picsets: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22


Would be interested in picsets after 22 or videos after 63
anyone manage to get their hands on any of these ones?
Why this thread is dead
not sure. shame, because jaz is one of the hottest ssbbw models out there.
sharing some of the content i have
Pic sets 1-22: https://mab.to/t/9wybZ1MnIyM/us2

really looking for pic set 23 or some of the new videos
sets 12-16 not available?
Nah, haven't gotten them yet. Pic sets are a reup from earlier in the thread, which didn't contain them.
Everything I have.

Just cause I got bored of nothing happening here. Maybe someone can upload this to somewhere more permanent. I don't have this much free google drive


Heroic share, thank you!
can anyone send jazz vid 64 to the last pls ?
New video uploaded now
(184 KB, 800x1191, 023jazz_all.jpg)
Anyone got picture set 23 (Hot Pink Hottie)?
Does anyone have her belly button video?
That new set looks damn good

I did one of Kass' sessions a few months ago and it was awesome. Shame cause I would saved my money if I knew she was doing some with Jazz a few months later.

I would sell my car for an afternoon with those two..
How do these sessions actually work? Do you feel rushed at all, is it just the two of you?
(234 KB, 506x311, ssbbw jazz frieend.png)
wish i knew who her friend was in her new set. jazz is obviously sexy, but so is her friend. she kinda looks like dzire moore, but that's not her. bet both of their fat asses were a lot of fun to squeeze,
Her arms had to be fucking enormous in person. A sight to behold probably
can you upload the video 👀👀

can you please put them elsewhere? Utter shite this platform. How in the world does one even download from there, after one has fought gazillions of pop up ads.

Use MAB or wetransfer
Here's a reup of picture sets 1-6, 8-11, and 17-22, plus the associated videos. (I don't have the missing sets, hoping someone can up them)


Merry Christmas
Anyone have her PoV cowgirl video?
any1 have the all eyes on me pic set and vid?
(226 KB, 864x1152, IMG_6411.jpeg)
Could some kind soul please send a video of these two goddesses?
Was bored so I started clearing out my phone and found a random 12GB folder labelled "Jazz"

I believe I got it from here a long while back so these aren't mine. Just passing them along. 66 files though it looks like some are dupes, probably closer to 50ish. Enjoy.


Her prices may be different but you can just ask her on the email for her sessions


It's pretty simple! You just wait at the elevator for the hotel she is at and she will take you up to the room at the time you both select. From there it just depends on how much talking-to-squashing ratio you want during the time you have. I never felt rushed.

She was also really chill and cool to talk with. As long as you aren't a creep and still treat her like a human being (looking at a lot of people on this board), you'll have a great time.


Her arms are mind-boggling in person. Well worth it.
Ok enlightened one, show us the way. how do we contact her? Is it just the bigcuties email?

Oh this is for Kass specifically, not Jazz. Kass can be contacted in the email she links on her session posts. Like from >>102057

this is the jazz thread, why you advertising squash sessions with someone who isnt jazz?
I was referring to jazz, not Katt. I've had girls like Katt, but never has huge as Jazz
Someone have set 65 to 74 ?
Need reups
If a hero could share this, along with her other recents, would be a legend
The thing is this Beast of a Model started her BigCutie Journey with a whooping 633 pounds at her 3rd Update... She pawnd all other models with her 3rd Update... Ill guess shes around 640-644ish
She was 673 her last update, so she's def above that. Probably close to 700 now. Can't wait to see, wish more of her new stuff got shared here
Scale was broken smh so no new number till the next weigh in
Oh shiiiit can you share the video
Do you mean actually broken or just maxed out?
Someone is willing to share sets from 63? Jazz is a Goddess. Mother Nature.
Someone has the last weight in???
Yah 5 months last update
She owns anything... Big boobs bigger belly biggest bott🍑
I call that the Perfect 3!
Is bigcuties.com down? Can't open it, on any browser
it's definitely up, bro... dump those cookies & cache then refresh.
Then she would have around one-hundred more than Jackie or Donna Simpson and half of it more than Zsalynn at her peak. She is taller than them, but not that much.
Can I get a re-up of anything I lost all her files
Thanks brotha appreciate it!!
This thread is dead ?
this was quite literally one of the best nuts ive ever had. My life of coom has been leading up to this moment. I favor squashing content and this is the best squashing video i have ever seen. probably the best ssbbw video ever. it tops any other content being produced right now. Salute Flatjack. He innovated the game.
Plz 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 shareit hero
Thanks, great drop!
Would you by any chance happen to have 69,74 or 75?
Better than our favs, sure. Better than Eve, nah. Eve is definitely BC's best content creator w/o question.

Also, thank you for your generous contribution. BTW, would you happen to have any of the sets/vids after #64 not included in your link?
Damn yall really gatekeeping the weigh in video?
Yes I am. Her standing on a scale is not content to fap to. Grow up.
This is such a wild fucking take, man.
If ur gonna gate keep at least spoil how much she weighs lmao
thanks .got to lmao at some site that wanna only let friends see thisvideo .But anyways blessing for the drop bro
You blind? This is a Big Cutie Jazz thread... request it nicely in Eve's thread and I might upload it if I have the time

So is this an angle you'd like to see more often?
(482 KB, 638x371, [g]_wide_load.png)
to me this perspective nicely reveals the amazing width of her hips and rear end.
Yup with Sadie and Eve too

Could you post your Kass & Kayla vids on your MV for the people who can't buy on OF?
(2.6 MB, 1920x1080, DELETE.png)
this shot where you can see both her ass and gut at the same time has made me lose it for weeks
Never ever thought id see a black girl that big on top of a white dude
Anyone got the vid for this?
Can anyone re-up all her vids
No problem friend, thanks for sharing the vid anyway. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

For sure! I know I've been lagging on that. Will definitely upload those soon!
Any1 have the eyes on me video and pic set?
Hey I think you are really nice and cute do you mind if I have your number
this is not a dating site.
to contact someone, go to their website and register.
(181 KB, 1200x866, 005jazz_020.jpg)
hi i am big cutie jazz i give you my number for $500 paypal only please

imagine your tiny white cock under my massive black ass crushing you. you can have all this if only you send me paypal $500. you won't regret baby,
Can someone reuploud all the videos?
I don't know why I can't access big cuties and jazz has me thinking wild

is she... smaller? looks a bit deflated in my eyes... but shes got so much i wouldnt really mind a bit of it sagging...
Agreed, there’s something going on there, but I don’t know if it’s weight loss, more sagging, or just different angles and camera lenses
I thought I was going crazy
>>110070 >>110097 >>110143
yes, it's very strange, especially since it's a known fact that all footage is released strictly chronologically, and that camera angles/perspectives/lenses can't be changed.
clearly some mind trick by the illuminati. the fat is out there. and so on.
We need the video to judge

thanks king

also, looking at 034, yes, she has lost weight, her belly is smaller and she moves with visible less difficult, shes also kinda rocking that mommy shape, u can see it very well on 1'51 when she reclines back, she also looks a bit older, which is one of the effects of losing weight. thats my perception

and yeah, she might be even hotter now, she still huge and might be able to move more in videos, she looks healthy still and the "aging" wears very nice on her.
No she is bigger.... Just the angle of the camera
I have the all eyes on me video
are we supposed to fap to your post?
of will you share?
how much are these session and how long?
>her tummy look smaller

>is she... smaller?

>Does she looks smaller??!!

looks like we have a new sports. every few weeks a concerned "does she look smaller" guy appears.
Can you send the 2 sets pls
(200 KB, 864x1152, IMG_5419.jpeg)
Can I have this vid ?
Please share the video 🙏
Any body got those vids?
Who gives a fuck if her body changes in a way that doesn't appear fuller or heavier. If you need an inflatable in your life, grab a blowup doll. Rejoice in how massive she already is and parades it around for us.

complaining about ppl obsessing over a woman body on a forum about obsessing over womans bodys lol

i get the complaint but this is the exat type of shit we could and should be discussing here, it shouldnt take away the enjoyment of worshipping those girls, much of it comes thru those changeon theyr bodys, let them be they gettig bigger or even smaller
Who have new videos?
Jazz is the mother of natural
Well, prove it by sharing the vid
Please 🙏 shear The video
nah im good. shits kinda lame. not worth saving and uploading.
Please can you share the latest updates?
Her and Jae collab when? Someone needs to rehabilitate Jae ffs… jazz looks big and fun, why not her???
Can someone share all her bigcuties vids please and thank you
Any1 have the all eyes on me set pictures and vid?
Thanks a lot!
Do you have 65, 66, 69, 70 or 75?
Our hero ❤️ Sometimes heroes are not convincing
(184 KB, 864x1152, 065_all.jpg)
By chance any King have these
Do you think she will break 700 lb and more than 90 inches of butt?
Can anyone re-up all her vids here??
Is anyone able to re-up all her vids please???

Bro you're a hero! Many thanks

Do you also have the following sets? 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 75
Does anyone have a mega link of her content
Does anyone have a Google drive or a mega link with all her content
APPRECIATE IT! Do you happen to also have #69, that wasn't included sadly :'(

You don't happen to have 64 and 69, do you?
Is anyone able to reup everything that we have on her???
Damn kass's arms and legs are on a different level...
Thank you, Anon. Do you also have vid #69? It wasn't included w/ the rest sadly...
You are not doing anything but begging, your retard!
Kass,s arms are unbelievable and jazz boobs and stomach and butt are in the next level...... If jazz has kass,s arms she will be Heaven walks on earth
Any one have these measurements video to collect all jazz video in a mega like This video is the only one I'm missing
Any one have these measurements video to collect all jazz video in a mega like This video is the only one I'm missing
What is jazz measurements?
Can someone post all her content we have in one big file please
(173 KB, 864x1152, 042jazz_all.jpg)
These is the only video I need to complete her mega folder with all content and bounce videos I will post the link after complet the folder
Anyone could make a re-up?
Are you able to post the link to the folder now??
For when the MEGA link with all the videos of Jazz?
When are you going to post the mega link
look up it says gullible on the ceiling
(204 KB, 864x1152, 080jazz_all.jpg)
...we need this, fellas
Glad you realized lol theyre so fucking slow
Can u put the link to the mega folder please
I Seem to remember there being a mega of jazz's content somewhere but I can't seem to find it. Not sure when or if the other anon will post what they have so I decided to upload the Jazz content I've managed to accumulate, here's a gofile of what I have-


(gofile was acting a little wonky today so I ended up having to upload to two different links)
You are a legend man, but do you have the videopack with bigcutie eve maybe, same like this with jazze?
Have all of it. They cant delete it quick enough
Most of the vids I uploaded actually came from other anon's that posted them here over the years.

Is this the vid you were looking for?

Actually Gofile uploads seem to stay up for a long time, I uploaded my Jae collection in another thread and it's still up over a week later. I have a few really old gofile uploads bookmarked that are from 2022 and still up, all using guest accounts too.
The only ones you didn't have were sets 9,39,44,51,64,65,66,67,69,70,75 and 80
really need that set 64 vid and pic set <3
I'm looking for her facesitting, squashing videos, i have only few of them. I would be grateful if you could send it if you have any
I wanted to fly out. Got excuses. To make me look bad. Oh well
Thank you man
One thing about me when I take life. I want for you to go first. Then its my move. I kill everything when its my turn.
does anybody have all her pic sets?
Don't know but her last weight-in was 683 lbs (310 kg). OMG I'm still excited about how huge, heavy and fat she is.
Does any1 have the all eyes on me pic set and video? That one is always left out.
And i need th videos from her set 65 and 66. Please post them.

Pretty rude way to ask for something
Sweet now we just need set 64 pictures.
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Anyone have videos please, there the only ones I need to complete my collection
The new video looks so hott
She looks in the video of this time so much bigger than now.
But I would like to watch the other Jasmine naked, when she was on this shape (a SSBBW).
5 pounds of pressure on the trigger all needed.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
As we see she was when barely able to walk, but is now more mobile and she had apparently lost in the last year some weight.
It is a pitty, that they show the other Jasmine in this Too Large episode not showering (like on My 600lb Life), just as of this Jessica, which was the biggest one (only USSBBW here).
According to statistics, the numbers mean that she weighed at least 750 pounds . I do not think so, as she now weighs 690 pounds.
(184 KB, 864x1152, 44f2ec17243d6d2f8bc428e009fb48665775f5d7351724dec796f96bf06d147e.jpg) (146 KB, 864x1152, 1909a0d96e31a7fbac79636b9294312877f75cfb476d6f8e4524d8bb94d4cd65.jpg) (176 KB, 800x1191, db56ca0eaa39a843297df3f368bed78487ec9ba081033218a48035d11ab8f044.jpg) (148 KB, 864x1152, 142ee5e9757b0f7b05b0054af7bcc5e5a53bb13fc5d0c2fd85e36847beb49b8e.jpg) (157 KB, 800x1191, 7f79f62abf37942ab2ba89bd2c8591f0248bc437c86125e54a402cec23e886e7.jpg)
Does anyone have this sets videos please, there the only ones I don't have
Her double belly compere with kass is massive it's growing very fast
Any king have the last video!?
New video with other ssbbw
Any one have the last two videos
Here's the picture sets I have: #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 54. They've been shared before in the thread. reupping them.

anyone has the other sets, particularly set 23?
>>62280 (OP)
how can i use that compressed code?
God damn peasant home depot sell pavers
Any new sites
it's long dead but for future reference, it's Base64. pretty straight forward, copy the code, open base64, paste, decode.
Hows your on going investigation. Heres a curve ball.
Folder says it’s not public
Shw will break the 700 pound soon and more than 90inch of pure butt
She's already over 700. She broke her 700lb weight limit scale
Is it just me or did she shrink down several sizes in the last 2 - 4 years? I mean around 2020 or before was her peak, when did she weight maybe 230 - 250.
Now it is maybe 170 - 200.
Especially the tummy appears tighter and shorter, but also the thighs seems not so wide anymore.🤔
A quarter tone, but this would be the maximum (maybe was it less, like 230), this was maybe during the filming of Too Large to live (as one of the Heavy Hittas, I think in Chicago maybe).

Now she is likely below 200.
Any new content!?
Any new content?
Is Jasmine on a diet or had she gotten a weight-lose-surgery?
You bitches is delusional Get out of your small town. Closed mind
Do you have something else to contribute apart of offensive rudeness and vulgary, little child?
The closed mind one seems you!!

Jazz appeared much larger 3 - 6 years ago, especially the tummy and arms.
This is probably not dacor to your fantasy, but suitable to reality...
You guys are only doing role-play, but close the eyes for obvious cheating!
Big butt no legs. Ok ant. 🤣 celtics vs dallas

I do and the fat-apron was here apparently clearly longer, but even the bottom seems more pillowed.
Do you need glasses?

Though she was not nude here, but in these of 2020 - 2022 looked she wider too.
It’s a crime jae never did a set with her
I would have liked a nude video of this other Jasmine at her peak (from the Heavy Hittas too), as she was possible a little bit more volouptous. But not just her weight-in at Dr. Procter.
Any new wins,?
She tit for tat. If she see you do it. By honest mistake. She will do it too harass you. And say oh you do it too. Or you can do it. Bro wtf zhe wasnt god sent telling you right now. Because this is every day problems. Harassing nature!!!!!!
>>119945 This is the only place I know of where saying someone is on a diet or losing weight is “rude” and “vulgar” lmfao! 😂😂😂
Does anyone have Eve and Jazz squashing flatjack that is a Jazz set?
I guess all she does is squashing sets now... Lame :(
My dream is to sit with her.... Long time ago from any new wins
(166 KB, 864x1152, 086jazz_all.jpg)
The new weight in!!!!
Does she break 700 pounds 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Any one know the number!?
I think it's 693 pound
These thread is fucking dead
Anyone makes new thread!?
Does anyone have her newest weigh in?
Who got the new weigh in #?
Let's make a group buy for 25$ to share the new content
Are you attempting to prove the first sentence here and show how sick you are?

Jazz was around 4 - 6 years ago much more vollouptous, particular the tummy and calves (maybe thighs as well). Around 2020 and before in Heavy Hittas looked she huge compared to now. Maybe is she currently on around 170Kg
Guys are we dead? Do we have a hero uploader of any pic sets?

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