
>>61864 (OP)
She's awesome!


Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist ASAP. Your vision might be impaired. It could be dangerous, don't postpone it and take care.
>>61864 (OP)
Does anybody know which model that SUV is?
>>61864 (OP)
Thanks for vid, she is underrated.

Who is shooting that video, Jackie? They were huffing and puffing bad.
bruh did you just really upload 6 pics and then demand that people should talk less upload content?. nah, fuck that let's banter as if we're on /gen.
That was all that came with the pic set and i started a thread with a video. I would've uploaded the video with the pics if i had it goofy. Why dont you post something?
Here ya go, lets keep this thread rollin
Here ya go, lets keep this thread rollin

She is top five, we need more vids
Gigi:s best features in face, is seen in closeup content. Nothing special far away, but a cole look, whoa 🙂
Smh i want to buy a sub but ccgay doesnt take my cards ……
Why don't you harass the customer service email like that other faggot did?
Everyone on this site must be gay as shit to not have a sub of her

I fancy myself as fatsexual. As I am attracted to obesity and plethora of forms it takes, to that alluring fatness and tender comfort it possesses.

But I don't care about gender that much.
Person becomes attractive with weight. With changes fatness brings along. Flat-chested blobs are the very bested. Short people rock. Oh and I despise any forms of body hair but the one on the head, regardless of gender.

Reup please sir?
Well at least ur honest with urself
When i get a chance perhaps, kinda waiting on someone other than me to contribute something
>>"When I get a chance perhaps, kinda waiting on someone other than me to contribute something"
Well, now u have the chance, coz pretty much everyone is just waiting on someone else to do it
Considering im the only one who has posted any content on this thread i think ill wait. Im not missing out.
(267 KB, 891x1200, 046gigi_030.jpg)
She's hot as fuck. Surprised more people aren't into this pig
>>63573 Yeah, she's cute.
People on this site braindead
Would rather buy gigatribe subs instead of subs for her
Anyone have the new goddess vid
so fucking sexy, I hate that bigcuties limits the way to download photos now
Someone post gigi or everyone dies
Shes very beautiful but man her content sucks. Bigcuties in general have this problem but it's especially tragic with her because of how hot she is

Once I had some of her stuffing videos, they were pretty mid and maaaan does she has a weird way to burp 😂
I have some videos like below vid 20, anyone care to share some newer stuff?
Need new content
How can we get sumer vids but no gigi ?
Thank you Ive been looking for that ramen video. If you have any other stuffing vids would you mind uploading them ? Ive shared all I have multiple times but the only vids I want that I'm missing are sets: 41, 47, 51, 60, 68.

Here is a reup of all the vids + a few photos ive posted in the past. https://mab.to/t/eDfTL00j5Kc
Anyone have her new weigh-in?
Id send you a gift if i could. Legend !
>>64658 btw I accidentally typed 47 instead of 46 would you happen to have that as well ? No worries if not youve done enough
Youre the man. Much appreciated!
i’m disappointed that i’m just now finding this fat pig. her face is hot and her belly and ass have incredible proportions
Does anyone have her pic sets
would anyone happen to have picset & video #73?
Awesome, thank you! She got that thick East LA accent
On TikTok had she few videos with her twin sister together.
Can some please post her new burping video ?
Does anyone know what her most recent weigh in was?
What she pretend it is or what it really looks like?
Does anyone have any of her bikini pic sets or latest pic sets?
give me 48 hours and i should be able to upload any sets but my internet is garbage
thanks bro

24 hours to go. If all the videos are 300mb it could take a while but ill try and get those two uploaded asap
Absolute legend

Doing the lords work my friend. No idea how much I appreciate it. Keep it up.
You're awesome, m8! Would you happened to also have set #73 vid?
do you have all of her squashing content?
from BC yes, would be easier if you can give me set numbers
Since you're being so generous, could you throw up the most recent measurements and weigh-in videos? 77 and 78?
Doing to lords work bro, do you happen to have 76, 67, 49, 55, 62 and 74 as well?
bro my internet is dogshit, i'll give it a shot
also would be cool and greatly appreciated if someone with fast internet could reup the already sent vids once they expire so i can use all my crap internet for new vids

>also would be cool and greatly appreciated if someone with fast internet could reup the already sent vids once they expire so i can use all my crap internet for new vids

Sure thing bro..I have downloaded the vids and will reup if someone requests.
You did an amazing job bro
You have the most recent ( last 2-3)sets to? Amazing job man !
Do you maybe have set 79?
Do you have 69? Would be much appreciated
Also interested in 79, thanks in advance if you do share it! :)
>>69476 the set numbers for her squashing content are 9, 10, 20, and 38. Thank you in advance.
she's got another more recent squashing set. anyone got it?
A true legend! Requesting a few videos to fill the holes in my collection: 45, 48, 59, 61, 75 & 79
set 79 is her more recent squashing video if you have that as well that would be greatly appreciated
Thank you very much! Does anyone have any of her photo sets? I don't have any, just videos.
all bc photo sets
also i have all the BC marilyn content too, if youre interested in that, make a thread so i can reply because im a noob. make sure to get a good photo for the thread thumbnail ofc 👍
may i request set 43 and 65
(162 KB, 800x1191, 048gigi_all.jpg)
Thank you!! That included all the photo sets except for Set 48 - Tiny Bikini Squeeze. Does anyone have that set?
Agreed on the stuffing vids.. it’s great to
see. Keep it up Gigi
Anyone have a link to her photosets. I don't mind buying a sub but GD I HATE that you can't mass download the pic sets
I love it that she always wears pants that look like they´re about to bust off at any minute
Who got that new video tho
can we get a mega folder of everything uploaded here
Facts a mega is needed
rip of her sis's insta is needed too. both so hot
Anything guys ?
Don't let this thread die plz
i was the one posting all the content before, i have all of the BC stuff but my upload speeds are terrible. send some set numbers and tell me if you want pics too and ill up them. wont be able to start uploading them until tomorrow tho
Kindly update Skylar's stuff too if possible?
Cotton candy one pls
>>74610 Sets i would like in order (videos+photos); 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 25, 29, 34, 37, 38, 47, 49, 74, 75, 76, and 79. I really just care for the videos but if you have the photo sets too that would be nice.
you have to open each set page individually unfortunately but once you have all the tabs open there is a downthemall button for all tabs and just select the images filter
>>74750 the fuck is wrong with you?
I mean, besides that the link has been dead for over two weeks…..
Nvm im dumb ignore this idk how to help with downthemakk
>>74809 Very nice. Do you have the vids of her in a red bikini shaking her body indoors and walking in the middle of a desert by chance?
Perfect time for someone to make a mega. Ill leave that to the pros though since i have no idea how lol
Can someone upload her sets on Google drive ?
please reupload :)
Anything new ?
Any possibilities on a re-up for this one?
Her sister's body is more jiggly and she does not have a double belly
Real talk, I wonder if stardusttocheetodust was approached first to be a model and then Gigi took the opportunity when her sister turned it down.
Can anyone reup the content that was posted on here?
please reupload
Does anyone have any squashing video of her ?
Her hotter sister is a teacher, that's why she does not make content I guess
If you have set #86 can you upload it please
My last video is 82 if you guys have between 83-88 can you update
I used to have everything uploaded here but I lost my drive, can anyone upload the best of her videos?
For fuck's sake that was JUST shared.
Can anyone upload her videos on MyAirBridge instead of WeTransfer ?

So we can watch online
Thanks dude
You're the best

Uno dei patanoni più promettenti degli ultimi anni, troppo bona
I know this is Gigi but does anyone have this I’m trying in the other threads for Sadie but nobody answers
If you asked in the Sadie thread and no one replied, what makes you think posting it multiple times in the Sadie thread and threads OUTSIDE the Sadie thread will make people send it to you?
Mentally deficient anon.
>>83761 (Cross-thread)
thanks bud! i will never understand why people care so much about what these models do with themselves, as if their stances matter...
i'm self-aware to know that being that morbidly obese is absolutely terrible for long-term health, and honestly, i'm glad that some people drop out of the game and lose weight so they can have a better life. if i had to choose between me getting a nut and someone doing what's best for them, i'm gonna choose for someone to better their health, but then again, maybe i too am being too para-social about it.
my favorite model of all time, trysta, dropped out of the modelling game and lost weight. i was glad to see her do that, even though i know we'll never get content from her again. luckily, for a lot of models who exit, we have years of content from them to enjoy forever

im going to shut the fuck up now and enjoy what you shared. thanks again!
Does anyone have set 79 ?
Can anyone reup stuff that was shared here?
This no set! Only the video from set 079. i miss the pictures, but your post is still fine, thanks!.
does anyone have set 86 or 87?
(153 KB, 864x1152, IMG_3592.jpeg)
Anyone got her new set ?
Ahhahahah. Sei italiano?
Anyone got the new set
can anyone make a mega of the stuff that's been uploaded here?
Does anyone have a mega folder of her stuff?
Appreciate it man, do you happen to have set 90 as well ?
Anyone has set 10 and 23 ?
That face is perfect wow, not enough go really big in the face, and I've always loved huge double chins and massive chubby cheeks
I'm obsessed with fat but only female I can always tell even if their so big you can't see their face. It's kind of a shame because I wish I could turned on by superxlchubboy he's so big but like I just don't like men at all lol
She's getting very wide, I think she could be massive one day
For real shes getting huge. Belly is spilling over her legs now i hope someone can post that aet
Does anyone have her naked weigh-in? Or anything else to share?
Imagine if she hit 600 💦💦💦
Can someone reupload the mega folder
Anyone have the "Fattest gym rat" set ?
Bro there is no mega youre bugging
bump this fatass
Looking for anything of this amazing beauty!
Did you get that from ants?
Squashing videos of Gigi, anyone?
What’s her latest weigh in number?
Does anyone have anything?
I'll probably upload something when I'm at my PC
pls reup
You're a king
Do u have any squashing videos?
>>92248 would you please upload these videos on StufferDB so they can be always available?
tysm chief, just discovered her and can't find content anywhere
g can u reup
What is her weight these days?
Anyone have a mega with photos
anyone have any out of breath, stair, or workout vids of her?
send the set numbers you want and i'll upload
Can you upload set 90 please

Videos 90-95 please

sorry, my sub was a while ago, I only have up to 89
>>89194 (Cross-thread)

Could you upload any of these: 22, 29, 52, 53, 57, 65, 66, 71, 72, or 83? Those are the wholes in my collection up to 90.

Those are all the sets you requested but no. 83.
Schnauze, Fressetroll!
Schnauze, Fressetroll!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Anyone have the pics for set 18?

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!
Does anyone have any of her vids from 90 up? Also, let's get a collection set up with all of her vids. Maybe a mega?
Be the change you wish to see
Does anyone have her recent stuffing video and set 90
bumping for any of her content
Any recents?
i only have up to 89, you want?
Would you mind sharing any of these? 83, 82, 79, 73, 70, 69, 67, 45, 38, 37, 33, 32, 24, 19, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1
Has she mentioned any goal weights? I’d love to see push past 500lbs. Her eating challenges are great!
(189 KB, 864x1152, IMG_6404.jpeg)
Anyone have this video ? I posted a few of her videos in the past I have most let me know what y’all want and I’ll see if I have it
Any of these sets 79, 73, 70, 69, 67, 45, 38, 37, 33, 32, 24, 19, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1. Is anyone currently subscribed to her site?
Really hope she keeps gaining!!! She looks amazing 😋
Anyone have "Massive Views" , "Lazy Sunday & Squeeze" and "Fattest Rat Gym" Full sets ?
They're 41 and 51
But I don't which set number is the Fattest Gym Rat one
Does anyone have her latest 490lb-ish weigh in?
Sets 30, 41 ,49 and 56
and for you. i skipped 41, thats above already.

sorry i forgot to upload these earlier, also look at the size of this transfer and the time since the above post, thats my upload speed lol, slow af
Man, you're the final level of GIGA CHAD
Thanks King 🫡
Anyone know what her most recent weigh in was?
anyone have set 57 ?
Set 18, 54 ??
anyone got any sets of her cosplays?
Does anyone have her recent sets ??? I can reup old stuff
does anyone have set 23?
Set 101, please ?
Does anyone have set 24,5562,67,70,84 and 100?
thanks for sharing, at least one or two things in there we haven't seen before
i have gigis content b!gm@rvb on t3l3gr@m

Yeah, and I'm the King of Nigeria and you've inherited $100,000, hit me up on Myspace to collect your prize.
These are not gigi vids
I know. Just misc. all the Gigi I have has been posted here many times
Way too underrated. Can we please get some new stuff
Can someone upload her photos & videos on Drive?
Anyone has set 19 ?
Has she hit 500lb yet?
Next weigh in will more than likely be just over 500lbs. She was 490 something in the last one.
This looks perfect! Would love to watch that as well
new vids anyone?
I have her older sets if you’re interested. Do you happen to have set 90 ?
Some of her older sets would be great!
(186 KB, 864x1152, IMG_1116.jpeg)
I’m uploading them now. Does anyone have any of her recent stuffing sets ? Been a while since we had anything new.
Can you post the one before please
Post new vids or I delete bbw chan
Can someone drop a large Google drive with most of her sets
She’s an amazing eater. Got to be among the top if there was ever a challenge between models
For real. Her stuffing vids are insane we need the new ones
I feel like we in the community should pony up some money and entice these girls into an annual eating challenge. Winner gets to take home something like $500-1000? Food is covered also. It would be great if 4-8 girls participate. Who would come in the top 3? I think Gigi could be top 3.
yeah I'm thinking this is based
Good idea but if nobody here can afford $20 for a subscription to get site, I doubt anyone’s going to be able to pay for even half of a meal for them forget about the cash prize.
What a babe. I wonder if we'll see her break 500 soon?
the latest stuffing vids would be great, if anyone has!
I’m praying someone uploads her latest stuffing videos it’s been forever.
Here’s a bunch of misc https://gofile.io/d/OG29rJ
Weigh in anyone?
This thread been lacking I know someone has a sub the way she been eating…. I can keep reupping but bc doesn’t accept my card.
Anyone have the last weigh in/eating videos?
new weigh in came out, any heroes please help and be so kind
fuckin incredible, thank you.

does anyone know how tall she is? trying to figure out what this means for her BMI
Thank you sp fucking much hero, I see there ate already 800 downloads bit no one has thanked this great American hero. God bless you and your family fir giving us sexy ssbbw weigh in video
Can anyone reupload the most recent weigh in
any re-up
This beautiful hog now has an OF and a new jumping jacks video on Clips4Sale
I can't believe it
The last one looks gorgeous
Can someone upload all her squashing videos?
She looks incredible. Imagine her in the 600's! Wow. Hopefully she'll get there!
Sad that I’m the only one that contributes to this last time I upload smh
Fucking god can we get a new video she’s so hot I know one of y’all sub now come on. Over 800 downloads on my last upload and not even a damn thank you.
Recently discovered she has an OF account. Says it has content she "Can't post on other platforms".

Has anyone suscribed to her OF? Is it worth suscribing?
Sharing this in hopes someone can upload her other Clips4Sale videos!

Here is her Jumping Jacks video from C4S that has never been shared + 2 other videos.

Damn she been eating good she looks huge in that jumping jacks vid thanks for the drop. Hopefully we can get recent bc updates.
I think she’s got a cute body
I just can’t start her voice. Sounds like she just crossed the border yesterday
Her Mexican accent is so thick and deep. She could grow a beard and shave her head and pass with just that voice alone.
Is the Mexican accent supposed to be a bad thing, anon?
This just in: Mexican SSBBW living in SoCal has Mexican accent

Actually just yappin stfu

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