
I’ve spoken with her before. She is from Sioux Falls and is Lakota. I bought her a few meals on feabie but she never did any content. She’s pretty flaky but her body is amazing.
she's gotten fat af over the years
Last I checked she said 434lbs
What’s her name?
What’s her ig?
her real name is Lyric something.
Her name is Lyric Elise and she blocks you after scamming, she and I knew eachother for over a year and after a few stuffings I did a big one for her and she never got the content lmaoo, after asking about it nicely she said she spent the money already and to send her more. I got blocked after asking for my money back, hot as hell but beware if youre ever purchasing content/doing a stuffing for her.
I once was gonna buy her a meal but I didn’t have much money to spend a lot for her and when I told her she got all bitchy and said to not waste her time. Ever since then I don’t rlly fw her. Plus she doesn’t post much and when she does it’s mediocre so she ain’t rlly hot shit

Man, you should've known better than disappoint a hungry girl.
Why do people on this site assume that interacting with fat fetish models on the internet isn't going to be purely transactional? She isn't going to humour broke niggas.
>>62011 Please refrain from using such a word. I don't have a VPN and everytime I used to use that word I got banned. When I see other people not get banned it makes me jealous. Back then I was being way funnier than you though so maybe that had domething to do with it. Maybe when you use that word you can't be too funny or else they clamp down on your ass. I am not sure. If you're too funny you got to go. They steal your shit and then you see old, ugly professionals sucking your dick on tv and netflix but you got to go.

Awww man, shut up nigga!
>>62015 Please refrain from using that word. Not all of us here are african american. A large portion, certainly, but not all.
does she have any vids?

I don't think it's a large portion either. I personaly know some patrons of this *lovely* place and I also know about some other patrons of this place. Aint many are African Americans. Aint many africans as well.
Yeah it's no secret. Blacks and hispanics are the majority. I am talking only about the users who post comments and not about the plenty of bots.
Literally who cares? Blog about this, or go and start a discord to talk about your normies/african ratio.
The loud, annoying minority.

Nah you white people are just jelly because you have bird lips
if i was white i’d be mad too, lol
Say those with the ugliest nostrils
I was still finna but her food doe thats the thing, shit I would’ve spent all of what I had if she posted more and shit that ain’t mediocre
She's genuinely a lazy ass bitch that plays video games all day. You will send her money and she doesn't want you to expect shit. Cus if you ask for it or mention it she will be pissed off and depending on her mood she will block you.
(87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
for all the black haters- do you deny that blacks have really nice teeth and fingernail beds?
obv in addition to being physically stronger (or brute monkey, as you perhaps would say.).
imagine how lame the world would be if there were no blacks. music, sports, comedy... that shit would all be so lame.
picture if everything on tv and the internet were just like being locked in the back of that truck
"Twin Lakes Polka". "Yamahoozie Polka", AKA "Kiss Me Polka". "Polka Twist"... try to imagine how bad the farts in there smell.
get this garbage off my lard forum. Go to /gen/
Lmao physically stronger? The biggest and naturally strongest people on earth are Northern Europeans, not them little skinny African twigs.
I sometimes wonder if people come here for the girls, or to racially abuse strangers.
White people are weird what can you say they always find ways to be racist
no fucking way some of you managed to turn a porn sharing thread into a racial argument? Like wtf jerk off and get off the site?

Some white people are racist weirdo trashy scumbags but not all of us.
>>61782 (OP)
Is she some kind of native american? I can kind of see it in her eyes. I'd love to get to know her, I honestly think she's pretty cool and stuff, besides being really pretty and stuff.
she's pretty lame when you start talking with her, close to no personality at all...
Anyone else notice how she postions her hair to cover her double chin?
That way no one will notice she's fat.
She is definitely native American; Lakota actually…from Sioux Falls SD
Apparently there isn’t anything to do there except get really fucking fat.
Well I'm from Bismarck ND so we have alot of nothing to talk about lol

Wonder what she likes to play , seems like a weeby gamer type except with extra nachos
Bismarck makes Sioux Falls look like Paris.
Too much toalking here and no content stop fucking up the bump order for nonsense
There is no content outside of what's already on StufferDB
What's on stufferdb?

I'm from Spain, but if you are refering to black people's nostrils I tell you what: their noses are way better than yours. No one finds the average white person attractive except for otherwhite people. Anglo-saxons are a genetic and historical disaster, pennywise ass looking degenerates.

As a white man from USA, can confirm
Spain loves bigger dick hahaha lol
I don't know if that's a joke about feminism but I can confirm that I have heard that they have a substantially large feminism problem in Spain now.
Spain loves nigger dick and boot lips lol
what’s her stufferdb?? I can’t seem to find it
Because real muthafucka's be fuckin these hoes on the reg
I aint pay a bitch for shit
Sorry u simpin
Man, you’re awkwardly happy about your own racist inanity
yeah im wondering how long this thread will act as the default bigot hangout for
Darn Skippy it does. Even the cereal tastes better here lol. I go to Washington DC alot for work now though. getting to travel and escape this place is absolutely amazing

Nah it's just a more social and tolerant country. Most of the spaniards will freak out with the conservative and retrograde ideals of muricans, your country is a nightmare
does she have any videos? she’s hot as hell

I have black friend who was racially assaulted literally numerous times on one trip to your country. And passed through a village that still did a medieval Catholic procession. Spain puts on a progressive facade half the time but once you get past the crowd of (hypocritical) screaming urban women, Spain still is very "backwards" to liberal ideals and makes even the American south look like Sodom and Gomorrah.

are you for real? Obviously there are Racists here, like in every country, specially in this time we're living, but a few cases don't make the rule. We've been having a lot of inmigrartion and, unlike your country, we don't have a race problem, it's something that isn't even a debate. You only have to compare data to see that Spain is one of the safest countries in Europe and the US is a fucking nightmare for any minority, specially if we're talking about police.

"And passed through a village that still did a medieval Catholic procession"
Yeah, Semana Santa, and it' made in every city in the country. Unlike you we have real traditions. Pointing that "a village still did a medieval catholic procession" gives me a clue that your friend was one of the millions of yankee tourists that visit us every year: people that don't have the minimum real interest in the country they're visiting, spoiled rich kids who use the south of Europe as their amusements park. Fuck off pig, your country is ta parasite to this world.
Wow you guys are fucking losers talking about this dumb shit. Post pictures or stfu.
The US is one of the safest countries in general. Nobody gives a shit about your skin color.

Seriously, it's like you people have never actually traveled or gone outside or something.

Now get back to the topic at hand
>specially if we're talking about police.
pro tip:
be cool and don't chimp out
There are any vid of her stuffing? Or her before?
who cares about her personality. What she’s selling I’m buying.
shes controversial and that's hot #mommyissues
she really is kind of a bitch but what I'd give for her to ride my face

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