
>It occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles (six-pack ab muscles) separate during pregnancy from being stretched.

Did your gf get pregnant without you knowing?
No, she had just gained that much 😁 its the darkest pic.
It comes from quick weight gain too.
>>61749 (OP)
Interesting. My wife has this (and has had 2 kids). But could also be a result of her being a pig.
A willing and encouraged pig?
Let's just say she doesn't love being fat, but won't say no to the junk I bring home for her. She put on 150lbs in 13 years together.
For me, its kinda dam hot, that someone eats so much that insidides make room themselfs and bulge out between abdominals.. extra hot when that someone is your woman 🥵😁
Someone that havent got the kink for anything weight or eating related..
My wife has a similar attitude. She and a friend were complaining to each other about their "problem areas" recently, my wife polished off 4L of neapolitan ice cream during their conversation together.
🤣🤣... Thats cool shit. That eating part.

My woman is quite ok with her size, but liked to be smaller. But doesnt complain it.. and looks like more and more like her growing curves..
Agreed, and she did so absentmindedly. Her appetite is infamous among our appetite.
>>61749 (OP)
man that 3rd pic woman has crazy arms

She's Lacey Hodder from My600lbsLife.
She was around 700lbs and lost about 400 but still looks pretty hot to me. She has an IG
She was so fucking attractive. I melt every time I see her early photos/videos.
Huh. I guess I’ve never noticed it as anything different than general fatness, wellp the more you know

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