
Can someone share this video please guys 🙏🏻
>>61168 (OP)
It stinks of money here. More fairy tales, of course.

- lies about real weight
- often several years old photos and videos
- gossip about gaining weight
- using variable depth of field

Did I forget anything else?

Yeah, not everyone is a stupid incel who doesn't know a proper big woman. The old aunts and grandmothers are not the top of the charts anyway. And whitetrash not to mention...
>>61168 (OP)
Where did they came from ?
Calm down you krank German, no one mentioned a weight number.
Where is that left pic from?
video from one of the recent BC Eve sets which nobody posted yet
Wow, she still does not give up, she is truly dedicated to be an obese blob.
She seems now a just a step away from being totally immobile, on oxygen even if just sitting and yet keep every time i see some new pictures she is bigger than the last time.
She is still a beautiful woman even after after 20 years of this health wrecking lifestyle. I would pay the subscription to her website to see some new good photoset and videos in sexy oufits or showing her stuffing with obscene ammount of fattening greasy food, a thing that, i guess, she must be very good at , given how huge she has become
>>61197 Sometimes you have to give the people what they want. Like a true king. Plus, ain't nobody got time for that.
she been very sick with long covid for long time
>Long Covid
So she is jabbed?
I think she caught it before the vaccine was available.
You say that like you're about to go off on a tirade and denounce someone you just thought was sexy as the devil.
The issue with 'long covid' is it's usually people who aren't taking good care of themselves in the first place. Bad flus and pneumonia fucked up people with questionable health since the beginning of medical history.
The whole jabbed meme only works for the younger people who get fucked up in ways they clearly shouldn't--and now the scientific stats are finally coming out to prove it.
>The issue with 'long covid' is it's usually people who aren't taking good care of themselves in the first place.

Beyond any other factor, long covid really goes after long-time smokers, vapers, and just about anyone with compromised lung capacity.
Look at her finger nails.. she got copd for sure.
>The scientific stats are finally coming out to prove it.

You fucking wish, man. This is all wish fulfillment.
Yeah maybe. The real wish though is that it didn't screw with anybody I cared about and that spineless bureaucrats stop pushing this bullshit. Fortunate for you you don't need to think that way.
Some of us aren't believing conspiracy theories about our governing bodies because we're bored with our lives. There's plenty to be distrustful about our elected officials. Just not this zero-sum Plague Inc. bullshit about intentionally crippling a significant chunk of the workforce. It's wish fulfillment on your side's end because you want to retroactively justify your hesitancy in listening to doctors and experts.
Can someone upload the damn video?
Yeah its frustrating cause ive got the money to join and see the video but i cant cause the shitty ccbill is restricting my transaction... fuck can somebody really help out.... i know that im not the only one having this issues
Heather, if you're really that much bigger than your last site update, give us a video showing off your gains!
Cant even stop gagging on that Big Pharma dick long enough to fap huh
(81 KB, 500x579, 4ltpyf.jpg)
if the queue for gagging on orange man's mushroom's too long for you, please feel free to gag on mine. that's the least I can do to help to own the libs!
Found Stefan Pearadise posting on bbwchan; shouldn’t you be on feabie looking for 18 yos to groom?

why you both bringing up cocks? lets get back to fatties
this post is so retarded I cannot tell which political autism spectrum it's trying to shun. Either way, dont do politics kids. It messes you up
all across the spectrum, the full rainbow of idiocy :) back to the subject, though: I am a literal nobody on Feabie, and out of the blue, Heather messages me and wants to chat! wonder if her account got hacked? or just looking for some additional marketing/revenue stream? I mean, my profile is rather less retarded than the norm, but I'm certainly no sex/feederism god suitable for an arguably top feedee in the global context...
The community is way smaller than you think it is and heather is an outlier in being willing to talk to others and Liberalism is a mental disorder

Kek. The proof speaks for itself. Spare me the 2 seconds.
Thats a Fat Ass Legend right there! Wow!

I love her so much. Wish we knew how much she weighs, especially considering Tara and Adeline as comparison points right now.
How does she do anything? Cook or get around the house being stuck in a massive chair?
In the archival thread there was an interview with her when she was just an escort talking about embracing her size.
She moved to an assisted living environment after she got Covid.

Does anyone have a link to that old Heather Article?
She was the second "Wide Angle Video" Dimensions put out, after Brie. She was like 20 years old and just over 300 lbs. Amazing to see her progress. And no, I no longer have the video. It was a VHS and I dumped those many moves and purges ago.
If anyone out there does have the old Wide Angle Heather videos, please share! Most of those Wide Angle videos are now lost media.

There was also a rare video that floated around Youtube and Dailymotion years ago which had several SSBBWs including Heather in a radio station in bikinis sitting on and crushing various things. If anyone has that video please share!

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