
She's psychotic but seems to be gaining at a geometric rate.
What’s up with her tumblr and being almost solely closeups of her face? It’s the dumbest shit ngl
yeah this chick is completely out of her mind, I first saw her on pornhub before onlyfans was a thing and she was like videotaping herself getting fucked by random dudes and like having emotional breakdowns in the middle of it and like pissing in garbage cans.
she definitely has mental issues…she used to be skinny, was sexually abused and got fat to protect herself. Now she wants to lose weight but can’t do it because she’s now addicted.
I went though a similar experience. She legit needs help
>>60967 She's an addict, you know what I mean?All Delilahs are addicts though. They also all got huge boobs. Cute girls.
I don't see why anyone here cares about her mental state. Especically since everyone is just going to end up jerking off to her anyway.
Kind of a part of the story considering she consistently says she’s trying to lose weight despite rapidly getting larger
Yeah, the fact that she's trying to lose weight and can't because she's too far gone, makes it 10x hotter
If it's helping folks get off, I guess that makes sense. I just notice how so many people on bbw chan seem to give a shit and straight up argue about things like that.
No one is arguing about delilah though. The only person being argumentative actually is you. You must not follow her on anything/ have been following her, becuase she really is unique in the sense that her insanity and mental unstability is a HUGE part of her whole deal. She's not just "kind of crazy" like 99% of all the other models. She is really really insane. So it's inevitable that its going to be talked about and also it's a big part of the allure to her. I know that before I left feabie I couldn't stop scrolling her insane posts laughing my ass off at them all.
I thought she had mentioned that the girl in the befores wasn't her, but I wouldn't put it past her to be so embarrassed about quadrupling her weight to lie about it.
That’s cool she’s unable to gain weight and is irrevocably ruined mentally.

Me personally I hope she keeps eating until she’s immobile and has another breakdown. Used to talk to her on feabie and she was just fucking crazy.
*unable to stop gaining weight
>>60934 (OP)
she's crazy but a high level functioning kind of crazy. i think she's really hot. only thing is she's said she doesn't like being fat. maybe that's changed. either ways shes a beauty
It won't protect her from me.
Not even when she's preparing a raw turkey in bed?
She is funny as hell.. really weird and crazy humour. She has depression and shit, she struggles with that. But still sexy stuff.. her arms are delicious 😍
I wanna see how she copes with being 800+ lbs or higher.
How long do you think we will have to wait to see her eat herself there?
Where can i find her talk about thus?
How long? Hmmm some minutes types on keyboard. Write some fiction is seems to be fast.

Welcome to real world Neo....
Does she live in assisted living housing?
I laughed at this more than I should’ve
>>65952 Not before but she is now. Sometimes I wish I knew what these nerds are saying but usually I don't really give a fuck. Btw, don't give a fuck abour your archlinux. You are sorely mistaken on every front. ALL of this has been in a development that started since 2009. I guess some of us were warned ahead of time by a loving creator. Good luck!
Crazy how? Examples? Not heard much of her
Definitely hot though
>>65958 (Cross-thread)
Don't expect anything interesting from her anymore tbh. You could give up on anything with significant movement or in public.
wrong thread lol
Are there any more pics of her when she was in those purple panties in the second photo? That’s definitely her hottest
I find her 350-pound weight gain so hot. I know she’s not a feedee, but I literally don’t understand how she doesn’t play that up more.
She seems like a retard

Now, now. You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.
>Haven’t checked in on her in awhile
>all her videos are removed
>looks like she hit the wall hard
You have to be an absolute retard to pay even a penny for this garbage dump of a bitch
parasocial retard, get a grip lmao
kinda hot imo

also the fact she's only 379lbs (as seen in her last weigh-in on coomer) is wild, I always thought she was waaaay bigger than that. Guess all those pool sessions finally made her loose weight, but she would be much nicer 150lbs heavier
Because you have no imagination what weight suits to which bodyform:
That was possible her heaviest; if she lost something, she might be below that, like 130Kg.
>everyone in this retarded bitches thread is a fucking retard
She is not 375 lbs she was 400 last year and is wayyyy bigger now, she is just lying about her weight because she is embarrassed and fucking mental, easily 450 now.
The opposite is fact; these fetish models make themselves usually bigger/ heavier to be more attracted to you, that you buy there contend.

Now weight she maybe 130Kg, which is still very big and morbidly obese.
Seriously dude, just fuck off. Nobody wants you here. Imagine being such a fucking worthless joke of a human being even people on a fat chick fetish board don't like you.
Nah she was slightly north of 400 at her peak during corona. She quickly dipped below that and is now in the mid 300’s.
She deleted all her old content too so i guess unless you have the videos saved you won’t have any visual proof of this.
I have seen her naked swimming and also on TikTok, at the house of Stefan73 I think.

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