
nope, i wouldn't gain anything from that cuz you don't share stuffz
mods really need to do something about all this fuckin begging

both /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ are basically becoming /booty/
>>60642 (OP)
if you're going to beg, at least do it in the thread of the model you're asking for. there's already a jenni thread >>40627 (Cross-thread). in the case there wasn't, you sould use the general begging thread >>1504 (Cross-thread).
the mods here do jack shit for organizational enforcement on any board, not just /booty/. they do the bare minimum of removing excessive spam, etc. but nothing more that would actually contribute to a better experience, such as enforcing policy that encourages users to merge threads. it doesn't help that most users here are cumbrains who want instant free porn so they don't care about posting etiquette and just do whatever. don't expect a change anytime soon lmao

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