
(71 KB, 600x870, gwen.jpg)
I'm looking for any BBW GWEN videos. I adore her. Would anyone have a videos with her? YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDKGxvdmVnd2VuKTkwTFRWSWExSnhVbEEzVjBjPQ==
You got any photo sets of hers
Only pictures available to everyone from imagefap, but I'm looking for her videos because she's fucking hot in them. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWFXMWhaMlZtWVhBdVkyOXRMM0JwWTNSMWNtVnpMemM1TnpFMU5USXZZbUozTFdkM1pXNDA=
Does anyone have a videoa of BBW Gwen?
(4.7 MB, 1280x720, BBW Gwen.mp4)
I've got a few. They're all low quality though, as with nearly all vids from the early/mid 2000's
I don't think people here would really care about the quality since we know what time they came out.
Quality doesn't matter, we all understand that these are old movies. If you can put them all in, please do.
>She looks like a fat version of the girl from Handmaidens Tale
Could someone post a videos of her?
Gwen left the scene after righting something called “Attending my own funeral” where she talked about why she was giving up making content. She mentioned that during the time she was modeling she had gained nearly a hundred pounds, to over 400, mainly to please fans, but that she wasn’t happy at that size. She then promptly disappeared without a trace. Presumably she lost a bunch of weight thereafter; whether she kept it off is anyone’s guess…Either way she had one of the best bodies ever.
dude, if you can upload, i would be so glad
Gwen was a good model, and is a good person. She was the woman to cement my attraction to bbws.
Some videos pls?
Thank you legend
Sorry for the bump, but this gem just appeared on a certain website

Hopefully we'll see more of her showing up.

While browsing around a certain site found this, sorry if this has already been posted.
Her body was one in a million
Indeed it was, hopefully more of her videos will show up in time.
PLEASE Reup BBW GWEN anything
Gwen was the quisatz haderech. Sadly it didn’t make her happy.

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