
Susan Enmann was back?
It's just too goddamn consistant how massive fatties start flaking and being weird as they blob out.
They are quite socially isolated, and I think get paranoid when they think they can't trust anyone.
The ones that do this are only doing because either trying to hustle up some cash real quick or there having some issue in there relationship and are just posting in spite.
>>59952 (OP)
Literally didn’t even know she was still around someone must have at least screen shotted smth right?
bruh why she look like chris chan
She’ll be back. If mainstream media shaming her and threatening to call child services couldn’t stop her, she’s got this in her bones.
Damn, she's officially Vanilla Hippo sized. I wonder if she can even walk.
There is a video of her at this size walking around her bedroom. She's sitting on her bed then gets up and tries to bend down. Hot AF. Poor quality, looks like it was shot with a cheap cellphone. Majestic body.
is it online somewhere or can you share?
Glad to see her Dr. Oz and I think Dr. Phil appearances got her on the right track. Nice and slim, lol.
In these probably not, but at her peak possible:
there is a lot of lose skin, so she might be around 250Kg.
Honestly shocked she hasn’t shacked up with someone. You know she can’t be that independent.

As for looks, they take a back seat to size at some point. I’d fuck the hell out of her and keep the kitchen stocked just so I can say I’m looking after such a land whale. Those rolls would CLAP.
She's been married this whole time
(180 KB, 1190x684, 60B145B9-E590-49E1-A216-24181CF20460.jpeg)
OMG, she’s so huge and has a massive body! I believe she had a other webcam that called https://bbwroyalty.com/
am pretty sure y’all don’t know she is a legendary of (USSBBW) model ever!
anyway, where did y’all get those pic of her stuffs?
That food rack in the same room as the tv is hot.
Probably just a byproduct of living in a shitty, small apartment.
Whats the number on the scale say? I can't make it out
Wow! Where can I find the video with the TV and food rack???
id love to see us as a community to come together for a model to get them to come back rather than scare them off and get rid of social media. unlike some (not all) of the other models i could tell she really wants to gain and seems happy about her size no matter what.
And living in what looks like an attached garage. Dude needs to work harder.
>>59952 (OP)
are there no vids of her at the insane fat size? did she only post pictures?
I think rather about 250Kg; the tummy is far more wide than long or thick, while the arse is rather BBW-level (not SSBBW sized), so she is most belly.
Also hangs a lot of loose skin on the fat-apron, but around 2011 it was fully-filled (hard, as the skin was tighten). Maybe she doesn't get these amount of foods so often/ many meals per day, as she used to have till 2015.
Hello. I'm the real Susanne. Those pics were not allowed to be shared. This is why I'm not online. I'M SO TIRED OF PEOPLE RUINING IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE! I love to show my size to others. I'm quite proud of how fat I am. It's just a shame I trusted a certain someone and yes I know who it is and he posted these.
Wow! So sorry to hear that :( we apologize I guess if you’re real…
No need to apologize. The only place I will ever post anything is on feabie. Right now I don't have an account, but I'm considering opening another one. If you see pics or vids of me anywhere else, then someone is posting without my permission. If they say they're me, they are not. I'm only posting on here because a friend told me the new pics were posted here.
you need an onlyfans 😜
Get over it and post some content
Suzanne is really cute!
Whether it’s her or not if she made an onlyfans she’d make onlybands
Idk y’all, but I believe that really her or might be a bot or something else
When I show back up on feabie, you'll know it was me in here. I'm not posting content on here. Like I said feabie is the ONLY place I will post. They actually take the time to verify it's me before I can create an account. Anywhere else people can pose as anyone. Yes I will post updates on there from time to time & chat with people. I have thought about doing the only fans site. I need a camera person.
well... I think you just need a camera, place it in front of you in a reasonable distance and make a couple of videos and snaps, put it to onlyfans for a reasonable price and everybody's happy... :)
Word of advice from a fan: simple daily routines and movements around the house are more appealing to us then you think. If you struggle through doorways or getting into a car, seeing that is a major interest. At your size, we'd just love to see you in more than a selfie or grainy/dark cell phone video.

A remote shutter would be great and you can edit out the parts you don't like afterward. Make it easy on yourself.
What about setting up a tripod and controlling it's shutter remotely with a button in your hand or something?
Just setting up a tripod with your phone is enough.
Have hubs take them for you, if he’s still a part of this.
Why hide content from people who think you're hot?
Do you have any other contact info maybe?
Nice greentext.

How come you deactivated your Feabie?
I would like a video, how you use the toilette; having to lift up the fat-apron to uncover the vagina.
Maybe also a belly-fuck filmed (and anal).
Bro just made all three wishes and ain't even got the lamp yet...
(1.6 MB, 1172x799, SusanneEman.png)
Sorry guys. I couldn't find love as a SSBBW, so I had WLS. I'm now a Skinny Super Model and am dating Tom Brady.
Where are the second and third wish, in your head or have you a reading-weakness?

She had also an account on TikTok, but possible was it too much skin shown for some people there.
I never had a rik tok channel. As far as the suggestions for what everyone wants to see, I will definitely take that into consideration. Umm you can hang up the sex on camera thought though. If you have been a fan of mine all along, then you know I don't do that. As far as that wls pic of me next to my sister, can't you tell a fake photoshopped picture when you see it? That was a poor fake job. Trust me, when I share content I believe it will put any weight loss thoughts and rumors to rest. I'm not promising it, but I am considering making an Onlyfans account. The suggestions I've heard on here will definitely be taken into consideration.

100% onboard with the onlyfans, please let us know if/when you do it and will come and subscribe
lol, that guy is good old German Kilotroll. Just ignore him.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Please make one….seriously fumbles with wallet just give me the link.
i'm going to come to your house in germany and fucking murder you if you keep posting like this
LMK when you're going, I'll help. We invaded that country once when they refused to act right, we can do it again.

Count me in, there's a few countries that need putting back in their box. The Germans need fucking over for helping Putin get so fucking rich he thought he could flex his muscles knowing backwards Biden doesn't even know what century it is. Real arrogant fuckers too. Fuck Germans
Wait a sec. I thought we where cool with germans? Don't german girls got like huge boobs?....and are beautiful?
Dich sollte man vergassen im KZ!
I am in Queens, Richmond Hills, soon...
Buf when you come, I cut of your coljones and let you bleed out!!
You are good dumb yankee simpledon, who just try to promote contend, to make money...
Well you was not even born, when the last golf war was...!!
WFT!? Yeah Bruh shut the hell up :/
Wenn es an deiner Tür klingelt, sei bereit, von den Eiern bis zum Kinn aufgeschlitzt zu werden!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Holy shit thank you. I’m about to cum to picture of her with the pig nose and the belly button plug so fkin hot
Eat a dick and die you disgusting fucking krauts
Damn, where’d you get these? Assuming the posts from “her” were real, it’s wack to see anything new, unless she has a leak who’s posting her pics. If that poster from before was really her, please for the love of god post new shit, literally anything she posts would be incredible. Lord knows she’s not getting any smaller.
Vanilla hippo level shit right here.
Klappe du Huso, geh dir lieber ne fette Mulle suchen.
Vuile kankermof
My god this is amazing and she is amazing please keep theses awesome pics coming
Damn where did you find those pictures ?
If Susanne is really reading this, do you know how much you weigh now?
I used to dig her, but I can't stand how dirty she looks.
I get discoloration and skin issues happen when you are that big. But I don't see Echo or FatMissT having those same problems.
Is she just too fat to shower or not having anyone to wash her?

Skin’s weird afaik, it’s a combination of genetics and physical care. Susanne might just not care as much about lotioning as echo does.
I guess so.
Aside from fluid retention and friction burns echo has fairly great skin.
It is weird considering when I jerk it to Susanne's older videos that she constantly applied lotion to her belly, so much so that she has like 3 or 4 videos of this and they are all pretty forgettable.

Speaking of which she always seemed to only ever focus on her belly. Like she has decent other parts like big legs, big boobs, a fupa, flabby arms, and a plump face. Hell she even had decent feet up until her more recent photos.
I know she isn't the brightest, but you would think that within the last 11 years that she would had done more about the other parts of her body.
You don’t have to be smart to make it in this scene. Besides, as someone with a 360ish girl, some of it is just to be expected. You can probably hear her breathing from another room, while we’re at it. Discoloration and dry skin? Her husband should be taking care of that (if he’s worth a damn).

Susanne is at a point where I wouldn’t hold her responsible for her own upkeep. Just doesn’t seem fair to expect as much from a ussbbw/infinifat.
The woman’s as big as a fuckin house who gives a fuck what her skin looks like, Lmoa
To be fair Echo’s skin is very discoloured in her latest videos. She was incredible in her early videos though. Personally I can get past discolouration but the wounds and oxygen tubes remind me to keep it a fantasy. But respect to the hardcore ussbbws and feeders out there who live this lifestyle
Yeah. These girls take work. Some men own sports cars, some have women who’ll need to be buried in a piano crate one day.
If anything, she should have an OF. I’m sure the income would help, or at least get her a better hair cut.

But yeah, more of our ussbbw should be showing off. Let us know the realities of maintaining a woman that fat. There’s a definite audience for it.
she would clean house with a decently priced OF. Hopefully it isn't a mzfluff situation charging $20 a month for sparse, shit content.
If one of these girls was smart enough to do a mukbang a couple times a month, they’d be raking it in.
Bumping in hopes that “Susanne” comes back to talk with us. You’ve got people who would pay for your pics; you’re the ideal some of us are working towards.
Just spoke with Susanne on feabie last night and she said her OF will be open this weekend! She’s already open to requests for videos and seems extremely excited to gain. Message her on feabie! She’s already as wide as a bed… overflowing the bed is next boyz let’s get here there
Under what name is she on feabie?
So we should message you on Feabie. Got it.
What’s her ig
when you are one of a kind with her size and cute face, she could easily charge $20/mo with just a few updates per month. She is the .01%. I personally have never seen a woman like this in real life. Has anyone else, honestly?
for anyone talking about skin, this is very common when you can't reach every inch. Typically starts at the hardest to reach areas ie lower bottom of belly. A husband or caregiver can help with that daily. I sure wouldn't mind!
Don’t spoil it all. She finally made an onlyfans I’ve subscribed let’s help her get bedridden.
Me too, though I'll just say worth every penny!
Are you really going to simp for an unshowered blob?
This is one I'm gonna actually agree on. You know how many 700+ lb women are putting out content these days? About 2, and the other one is insanely lazy and we get exactly one update from her every 2 months. Susanne put out 7 videos today on her Onlyfans. Give it a month or 2 before you drop the goods so she doesn't just up and quit and we are back to waiting on Adeline.
Let’s be on Suzanne’s side. Let’s be helpful and not share for free, coomer.party, whatever.
. She just came back. She needs the money. Do Subscribe. Please subscribe. Please support her It’s not too bad at $10 and it is worth every penny.

PS: I like free content and coomer.party like everyone here. I’m not being a hypocrite. But at none of that with her at least for now.
Her boyfriend could at least give her a spongebath before she films herself.
If she can make 7 videos she can use a rag on a stick to clean her skin.
Subbed last night and it's definitely worth it if she even puts one thing out a week at this rate. Let's not ruin a good thing before we see much of it. Remember Carmen Carmillo? Shit, she could charge $15-20 and it would still be edging on worth it because of her unique size, so I hope for her sake she's making good bank already.

If you want 600+ pound women without a single skin issue or any discoloration, stick to animation. This is not a shower issue, this is a whale issue. With that much weight you would certainly be able to tell if they were a chronic non bather.

We will see how things work out over the next few months, but I think she's actually keen on this. It took doughbellygirl so long to reach this level of video quality and suz is giving it to us off the bat. She's wearing wigs, which may not be for everyone, but clearly she cares about that aspect of presentation, and unlike massivelysweet her room doesn't look like a total sty. It's good shit, pay the fucking $10 once to see stuff we haven't seen since vanillo hippo, and she's still charging $20 ffs.
I honestly think your a troll going to every thread bringing up pointless or dumb shit, why wake up every day just to be negative?
Quick question how are you guys subbing? I tried using a prepaid visa gift card and it’s not working. I know there’s enough money on it and I just used it to buy something on c4s for a different model and it worked.
What sort of stuff is she putting out?
What’s more gross her belly or echos thighs 🤔

Hm, I’d say your comment is far worse than either on their worst day.
solvi vidi veni - I paid, I saw, I came :)
What the fuck are you talking about? Echo thighs are not even gross
Lmao they literally are covered in puss filled wounds and shit. These bitches that don't or can't do personal hygiene are disgusting.

Ngl I got a woody reading that

I told you I would let you know when I'm back! I'm fatter than ever and loving it! I took SOME of your suggestions into account.
I would love to see you putting things in your belly button, watch it swallow items. Might I suggest putting marshmallows and watch then melt inside
Marshmallows? I want to see a huge dildo go as deep as possible into that big belly button
I remember seeing mandalorieann put marshmallows in her belly button and it was hot how they melted in there
I remember talking to Susanne over one messenger or the other years ago, before the 'fame'--I thought she was huge then, this right here is just amazing. That belly is nearly Vanilla Hippo class.
(215 KB, 963x722, Fh8lqhTUoAALGTx.jfif)
Any opinion of Celestial New OnlyFans site. Looks like she's on an old Army Cot and poorly done Pics. Nothing Exciting to see here. BBWroyalty was much better.
Some men have sports cars, others have women the size of Suzanne. Like I get what you mean, but as long as the setting doesn’t look so bad that I can smell it, I don’t see a problem. She’s one of our biggest and I’m happy to see more content of hers.

Does she show pink on OF?
This place is autistic. I'm all for nice settings, but this guy is here for the furniture.
I subbed. Disappointing that I have to pay more for some videos, and don't understand why the subscription cost doesn't cover that.
My personal take - not that anyone cares. For $10 a month she gives much more content than other models, especially models on her level of size and her level of status. (Popularity)

Her PPV is simply extra treats. If you can’t afford it, she provides much more than $10 worth of free content
Are you serious dude? Have you seen how many updates she's been putting out? Have you seen other fucking models ppv system? There's this fucking model , "Jadey" or some shit, that bitch puts out ONE picture and charges $20 for it. I have no fucking idea who is paying for that, but that's the opposite extreme of what you're getting from Celestial so there's literally zero room for complaints for what you're getting for $10 compared to most other models.
She's only putting out loads of content because her OF is otherwise bare. Give it a month or two.
At bigcuties you can pay $10-15 on some sites and get thousands of photos and videos, the vast majority of which are professionally done, interesting poses, etc. Susanne has potential, but most of the content she's actually put out has been pretty samey. Same angles, same sitting on the edge of the bed shots over and over again - and then she drops a walking/waddling video and I have to pay for more it? Seems a tad lame.
You're outraged at my suggestion because you're happy with low-tier content, and expecting a full package for a reasonable price.
This is the real Celestial Susanne. Let me just address a few of the issues brought up here.
1. Skin.... first of all I do EVERYTHING on my own. I don't have help. So yes, I have skin discolorations. That is not from a lack of showering. I have a custom made shower because I'm to fat for a regular shower..I wash every day. You try hefting this much weight on your skin and it not growing darker. Tiger stripes are a badge of honor, after a certain level of weight so is darker skin spots. So to the uneducated over opinionated troll... yes those other people had better skin quality at high weights. They also had a lot of help. Because I've opened my only fans I will be able to hire someone to help me.
2. Pricing.... Most model sites are more expensive than mine. I am always going to post a bare minimum of 3 to 4 times a week. As far as your complaints about furniture... do you care to buy me reinforced bariatric furniture. Oh by the way I'm too wide for most bariatric equipment! So there's that. The price I charge for a monthly subscription plus the paid videos are going to help fund me becoming the world's fattest woman!
3. Camera angles and content.... yes right now I'm filming mostly in my room on my bed. I do not have a camera person just yet. So I have to keep getting up to move the tripod, sit back down, shoot and repeat. You try doing that at my size! I have future plans that are going to allow my content to be a thousand times better within the next two months. Yeah my old modelling was professionally shot. I could go to a hotel now and take pics. I think that's been done and over done. I want to show my everyday life. That's raw and is what it is. Like it or don't like it. I am working on finding the right place to shoot pics and vid. The issue is my room is only 12 feet wide. Obviously I'm very wide. So even with the tripod at the other side of the room, it isn't able to capture all of me. That issue will be resolved shortly. As far as the comment that I do the same thing over and over... seriously? What do you want? A 700+ pound woman standing on her head? I admit I am rusty. I'm close to 2 weeks into the opening of my site. I'm still getting a feel for what I can do at this size and as I continue to grow. I have a lot of cool things planned for my site.
Enough of me venting. I can't please everyone nor do I want to. I am who I am. I love my growing body and showing it off! Hopefully you'll enjoy my site. If you don't, then I hope you find what you want somewhere else. I've felt a lot of love the last 2 weeks from everyone! Thank you so much! Just be patient and bare with me because I have big things planned for content. 😘 (Big soft cuddly hug)
For one, we have almost no way of knowing this is actually you at first. It is really easy to impersonate anyone here. Secondly I have no idea if your skin was dirty or if it is a condition, the lighting quality didn't really help.
Hope your site goes well, and hopefully your skin and furniture situation improves with help and all.

But don't go about calling dissenters trolls. It is a really naïve way to ago about being on the internet, and I am not trying to get outrage or some reaction out of you.
Although lets be real, seeing a 700+lb woman doing an attempt of acrobatics would be really sexy, think about all of your fat jiggiling, you already jiggled from a single step when you where only 500ish.
If that is too much then couchrobatics could work of just you seated while bouncing as best you can at your size would be just as good.
You're right..I do apologize about the troll remark. As far as verification, even if I posted a pic of me it doesn't prove that it's me. So how would you like me to prove it's me? Bouncing on the couch is something I can take into consideration for one of next week's posts.
This a chan site, there really is no way to prove your identity, but we do have these IDs at the top of our posts. Yours is 53bd35 and will be so long as your phone or computer keeps it's same IP address for future posts.

As for ideas, what about a little series about your life at your size. Like walking through a door, how you get dressed, how you eat, how you get into bed, how your non-bariatric equipment handles all of you, what you like to wear at your size.
Or make some video where you talk about giving your viewer a "Big soft hug"
Those are really good ideas. I will see what I can do to show them. Thank you.
Hubs can’t help? Or does this mean that you’re single?
A live stream with you stuffing down a feast would be awesome
Back in the day, people would just have a pic of themselves with written note showing the date or saying 'hi bbw-chan'.
I agree with this dude, many models do not know that it is a turn on to see the daily life of a ussbbw,
...also I think it would be great if she said in a video how big she wants to be in the future with her near immobility
How about videos where you get cleanned, maybe in the bed (like bed ridden) and how you use the toilette?
This is something I would also be interested in seeing.
It would be cool if we could see you in the shower.
Binge. Eat with your hands.
Who posts links without context? Honestly.
I would love to see you get stuck in things. Chairs, doorways, cars. Would be so hot
It is questionable if she really is heavier than 10 years ago: the skin around one decade before was much more tight on the tummy, especially the lower fat-apron, because if was very filled (more than now) with fat/ grease.
At the moment it seems rather lose skin (like after losing weight) on the lower belly and celulitis there.
There is a scientific process we can use to get to the bottom of this mystery.
By utilizing a special tool called your eyes, you too can come to the obvious conclusion that she is significantly bigger now than she was back then.
I did use that tool several times one her recently and that always came to the conclusion, she was until 2015 significant fatter than now and likely heavier too (by one centner at least), as now is it lose skin, which is a strong indication/ hint for having lost weight; I guess she is now by a quarter tone (but was before Dr. Phil by a third one around).🤔

And she even admited, to not having a scale and it is just a estimation/ guess of her (she also gave in 2016 or 2017 information about her losing journey,.
I mean she was by around a third tone, like in 2014 and possibly previous.

You know Donna Simpson estimated also a much higher weight than what she had on scale in a talk show (on Tyra Banks maybe).
Donna Simpson had to lean into her weight because she didn’t have anything else going for her. Just this grub-like, bible-banging slob.

Seriously, she’s on Facebook and it’s public. I check in every once in a while to see if she’s praying for god to let her keep her feet.

What I’m trying to say is that Susanne was always the better of the two. A great ussbbw, all things considered.
Though her belly was much sexier pretty than of Donna Simpson (Tresure), but I think Celestial increased since maybe 2017 and her tummy got out of form, after weight-lose. It was far more definnated until 2015 (when she changed her mind to go on a weight lose journey, although she wanted just to go down to around 200Kg, according to her contend in social media at that time).
Both have just the feederism/ losing in ther lifes, there might be not much difference. Though Susanne Eman was clearly heavier at her peak.
I also like Candy Godiva (Exotic BBW) from till 2010 more than the later current one, as the skin on the belly got dark and it appears hard, at one interview (maybe from 2006 or 2008) appeeared it rather fluffy and the skin was better (but she try to lose weight since few years too).
Well not only the tummy appeared in the past bigger, but especially her calves (lower legs) were much larger/ fatter around 2014.
She looks great in these, the bright lighting certainly helps.
You can see every bit of Susan's body. Her double chin, squishy arms, wide belly and double belly rolls, squishy thighs, and pudgy feet.
I really like her hair in these too.
She is really cute than ever!
she looks like she's melting, but that's kinda hot in its own way
Still think the belly was larger once ago, at least more forward to the front (could be now a little bit wider) and the thighs/ legs were a lot bigger, with more rolls over the feet (that no knuckles were visible).

She might have had her peak weight already around 2011/ 2012.
She even put make up on. That’ll do, pig!
As a feedist, I just want to say that I appreciate Susanne. She never caved to media pressure to lose or condemn the lifestyle. She’s stayed huge and continues to contribute to the community. I’d be lucky to have a feedee as big and as driven as she is. I’d put a ring on that sausage finger if I could.
I would estimate her current weight of between 180 and 250 kilogramme (but in perhaps 2014 her weight was reported to be around 330Kg).
Not this retard again. 180kg, are you actually retarded? My wife is 185kg and she's hardly an ssbbw. Just stop with these absolutely horrendously bad estimates you fucking monkey.

You are way off with your estimations. Like 100 kg off. My ex was 190 kg at similar or lower height. Do I need to tell you she was absolutely nowhere near this big.
Well it is a wide spen; maybe does she weight 240 kilo, but clearly under 300.

When she lost weight on a mission around 2017/ 2018, she was down to at most 220Kg (possible below 200) and there is now still a lot lose skin on her sides (belly and hips). Possible was her peak even more than a decade ago, but after 2010.
You are an idiot; either you can not calculate or don't know what a SSBBW is; it starts with 130Kg, which used to weight for instance Destiny (when she attend in the talk show) and appeared bigger than now too.
Everybody who weights 150kg is easily a SSBBW, so maybe weights your wife just 85. With 250 you are an USSBBW.
That tummy is approaching Vanilla Hippo proportions!
Are you an actual special needs child? 130kg is not ssbbw you mental midget. Try to get up close to an actual woman first, before making an idiot of yourself.

Are you for real? What's wrong with you. 130 kg is where BBW starts for tall girls. I'm around 100-110 kg ffs. And while not exactly tiny I buy clothes at regular stores.
If I could, I’d put a baby in her. Good damn.
>>64988 You make a fool of yourself, as I bet I had at least with six times as many women sex as you!
Are you mentally disabled? BBW starts with 90, sometimes 80 kilogramme. Most women with 130Kg, if they are not over 1,90m tall, have like dress size 50 - 60 at least (from about 46 or 48 is XXL). But to make it more general for you; with a BMI upto 40 you are supersized. BBW is a BMI of around 30 or between 25 and 30.
With a BMI over 50 begins possibly already a USSBBW (with 70 for sure).
I think you have a high inteligenzquotient, similar as Teighlor (which had 143 I think).
Schiss dir in deinen Nischel Spast!
Did she drop off the map again or is she just starting to post at a more regular pace?
is her OF any good?
It’s hard not to fetishize how disappointed their children must be of their unbelievably obese mother
>>69408 I wish they would ban people who talk about kids on here

Nah, they'd better be proud as heck or they are getting a hard time.
We need more children growing up in super morbidly obese families. We need to normalise being a larder from the early years.

Glorify Obesity!
Sorry to hear that. It's just we worry when you vanish.
>>69569 I've never been much for gossip, but it seems to me like you have bigger things to worry about.
I'm fascinated by her sheer size, have you even wondered how deep her belly button must be? Can she even reach it?
哪裡可以看到最新susanne 的影片
Her onlyfans is apparently free for this week?
What I see it costs 10.
No, it’s a tragedy to burden your kids with a disability as an open fetish.
Watching her call on her son to pick up the phone she dropped while streaming on OnlyFans was mortifying, they don’t deserve that.
If the kids a minor you might want to call social services
Now that's rock bottom...but people fap to it anyway :)
can you share the livestream?
That's honestly hot. Any kid who wouldn't love that is an ungrateful brat. My mom is a self hating fat normie
Her children are adult and she pointed that her son has already left her home.
stay on topic
(133 KB, 1003x714, celestialsuzanne123.jpg)
Anyone have this 22 sec Video. TicTok banned it. WHY?
So, if is that really you, are you still activated in your Tik Tok account? I’m just curious about it.
How tall is she?
Anyone can update her only fan on coomer party please?
I think about 1,70 to 1,75.
I'll update it, whats her link?
its was updated?
her makeup looks so good in that! ik shes not the best looking ussbbw but i love how cute and sweet her voice is, she always seems genuinely happy to be so fat and squishy! absolutely adore her :3
u got the livestream? wanna fucking see that!
Someone needs to take a sample of her dna. Gotta find a way to get other feedees this large turn them into fat hippos like her. Imagine if that was the new norm where mens weights stayed the same and women grew heavy as cows
>>83567 You goddamn right, her body shape is so unique and when she sits i am just astonished from the fact that her belly is so big than it can legitimately be used as a table
>>83792 (Cross-thread)
Probably not saved (or if so, then on a externe disc on my PC), but on some platforms is it available, even for free (I didn't pay for it, but watched this at least 4 times). Unfortunately didn't show she the vagina (the fat-apron also hung a lot lower than now and looked heavier) and only shortly the buttocks, but these were really big at that time.
Not sure if it was before her trip to Japan and bein on a diet (had as new mission losing weight and was down to 180 - 200) or afterwards.
But as it was the first time she showed the bottom and was complettly naked, it have to be between 2016 and 2019 (before TikTok).

I would fancy to watch her on toilette, even when her arse is now just average/ small. Maybe does she just pretend (act) to gain weight and is in reality still losing it/ keeping the current shape.🤔
Fuck she's hot
Need to see more of her

Lo and behold, clip "On all 4's" for your pleasure.
I love how rare it is to find these massive women. Theyre like a different breed of humans in a sense
>>83792 (Cross-thread)
Not certain. Anyway I suppose it was from abozt 2017 (+/- 1 year) and her shape looked much more attractice/ hotter than currently to me.

Now are the side-wings on the tummy dark (not sure if by diabetis or some skin discolouration) and she has an oedem under the fat-apron, which covers the whole vagina (similar as of Joy, the former kindergarten host on My 600lb Life).
I would like to see, how she can use the toilette, disclose the pussy and get cleaned.
You know, I was really excited for this, but as soon as I saw her crusty ass crack and sores all over her legs, I turned it off. Didn't know when the time would come when I thought someone went too far. This is it.
Thanks a lot for that video!

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