
(68 KB, 407x509, bday.jpg)
Happy Birthday, thank you for standing by your kink and providing top content.
>>59561 (OP)
The Hospital should be sued and the person giving her that crap should be banned. It’s the hospital because of her weight. It’s no different than a cancer patient being brought cigarets. I am all ok with feeding out, but in the hospital you need to stop that shit.

How do you know what she is in the hospital for? Not every visit to the hospital for a USSBBW is weight related!
Speaking from experience, even if it isn't, the hospital will make damn sure to make it weight related.
Hey guys, it’s really not cool to go as far to call my hospital room. That’s beyond invasive and it’s by far one of the creepiest/scariest moments I’ve endured since joining the community decades ago. Please stop.

Additionally, it’s not necessary for me to post my medical information but just to put your assumptions fo rest, I’m not in the hospital for “obesity”. Does being an immobile whale exacerbate any health issues I may have? Absolutely, it adds many challenges, but it’s not the be all/end all. I’m here from chronic issues from long haul Covid. Covid attacked and wrecked me to almost the point of death. My nervous system was attacked and my already pneumatic prone lungs (issues since I was a child) are just ramped up to get infection often. So bad that I often need pulmonologist care and monitoring and strong iv medications.

That photo was part of a post I made as a fun/kink post on feabie. It was personal, not business related. As for the cake, it was my birthday and I had approval to have special guests. The nurses knew even shared in the celebration, snacks and sweets brought to me. My diet is not limited and I can eat whatever I want. I was just making a flirty/teasing post and honestly, I’m shocked that it got to my privacy being compromised on such a personal level.
What kind of psycho called her hospital room? You autistic fucks need to learn boundaries, holy shit..
Hope you are doing better now :) btw can you please upload the most recent video of you and Eve here? Thanks!
psycho shit, hope you have a speedy recovery

Holy shit, the balls on some of you autists. Heather posts here about a fucked up invasion of privacy and your response is to ask her for free porn? LOL
Hardly think he is asking for Porn. they would need to be naked, well that's my definition of porn anyway.
what is with the recent autism on this site? there were always a few retards here and there but it is really noticeable lately, especially with the krauts
Get. A. Fucking. Job.
I like ssbbw esthetically. I can even get the struggle to move thing out of breath……but needing air where you have heart attacks and hospitals is going too close to hurting people to get a boner. You can hate on me but you know I am right.
“snacks and sweets brought to me. My diet is not limited and I can eat whatever I want.”

The fact is you are suffering from great sickness that is not all your fault. It’s another fact that the above behavior is not going help recovery.
Good luck to her and whoever tried to call is a moron.
She have to be very rich; not only did she often flight in the past couple of years (first class) but I think she moved from Missouri to California, as at the first wasshe original (for decades)

That doesn't sound very rich. Regular well-off folks do that
It is absolutely appalling that someone had the idea to do that, let alone carry it out. You don't deserve that Heather, nobody does. Everyone who has half a brain cell will always respect you as the o Grand Damme of the fat fetish community, and seeing you blossom into a truly titanic blob of fat has been absolutely enchanting, stay strong.
She maintained once, that she earn a half million, which possible did Zsalynn too (or her adminitrator pretending to be her).
Regular people won't fly over sea first class to Great Britain and maybe now to Italy (occuping 2 - 4 seats ).
I think Jenny did this with Zsalynn together as well (as Misty doesn't fly/ travel outside the USA).
I mean 500.000$ per year, each of these adminitrators (webmasters)
Do you think Heather and Jenni make half a million dollars a year for their business each? That's a lot of money. If it were so, their laziness and gluttony would make them rich, spoiled women who can live in luxury. Do you really think it's possible?
Is this just some generic bot or is Heather posting this everywhere? how the fuck does she know the suspect is a bbwchan user? What's the point of even saying that here confirming what you're in the hospital for AND alerting any future possible trolls, I mean she got her instant white knights jumping up so shame of course but other than that???

That's a fucking no-brainer, dude.

Not every bbw-chan user is a worthless degenerate but every worthless degenerate FA is *absolutely* a bbw-chan user.

That's just how topical chans go.

Hope you get well soon.

I didnt trust on the vaccines, and dont trust them now.

I had covid on january, didnt go to the lungs.
Had to get vaccinated becouse my job, did get sick instantly. Far tougher sickness from the vac. One morning i didnt get air, allmost run out of it..

Get better, fight it Heather ♥️
Edit. Before first covid, didnt have any vaccines.

Had to take it 6 monts later..

Sorry for my english.🤦🏼‍♂️ im from Finland. 🇫🇮

yes... the vax probably bad. How you can use untested crap on yourself. Look at moderna history.

Your body will produce spike-like protein without control after vaxing. We see now excess deaths everywhere. I didnt vaxed myself and my obese wife also had covid - no complications. We had it only once and no problems (maybe just luck but all vaxed friends had it more than twice).

oh boy we got experts in the chat. Interesting how we don't vaccines but we just happen to dodge measele, mumps, rubella, polio etc. Like where is the track record?
This is a cursed thread

At this point it's well beyond tested. Millions have taken the vaccine and are fine. I had 3 Pfizer shots last year and the other day got a 4th shot, this time Moderna. No issues at all. I also don't think i have gotten Covid unless i had it right before the shit hit the fan in Feb 2020.

Anyway yeah sorry to contribute to the vax discussion, let's get back to talking about ssbbws
Big pharma baaad mkayy? Holistic sus medicine good mkayy? God bless Florida and nascar!
>vaxtard gets 4 shots of a “vaccine” in 2 years and thinks that’s normal, still able to get sick and spread the illness
Just say you don't understand the medicine, it's fine. We're all thinking it about you, we're just wondering why you're still pretending you know as much as the experts.

I Wish you the very best with your choice.

I wish you are able to distinct between different types of medicine (and vaccine types).

SuperAdvanced *untested shit* creating huge disturbance in VAERS database is not something I will inject to my body. Your body your choice of course (I have med degree).

Read the fucking room numbnuts

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