
A true goddess! I'll share some in a minute


>>59393 Could you reupload in .mp4 format?

Most files in his uploads are indeed mp4's. RAR archive sucks, but I don't complain. Use The Unarchiver app on Mac to open those.
too dumb to understand
I can't open up .RAR files on my computer
nvm it works im dumb
The first rar aint got nothing in it
>>59440 Open your eyes bud
Hi, guys would you be so kind and upload some content for pleasantly plump?
Thank you
thank you
Can I ask about some PP from different platform, like "mab", maybe? "we" blocked in my country.

Holy shit what a fucking blob
Amazing; thanks

Can you imagine bringing this girl home for Thanksgiving?! 🤤
You are beautifull being.
People like you - reason why hunanity still exist.
Hi, guys would you please upload some content for pleasantly plump?
Thank you
Damn, nobody's got nothing new on her?
PP wrote at her Twitter acount, that she had underwent a hernie repair surgery. So the mystery of her belly shape changes is solved.
Oh so that’s what it was
(135 KB, 966x762, FkyBH8sXwAAgK7c.jfif)
If only she got a Double Hernia, she would have a Double Belly
face will always be hot, body used to be, but her belly is so weird now.
She’s a whopper.
wobbly blobbly
Reup please
Down. Can anyone reup?
Is she taking the break now?
Complicated recovery from an emergency revision to a hernia operation.
Someone may share her last video from clip4sale please
No doubt the immobility of being laid up from the operation has her blobbing out like crazy…will she ever get off her couch again?

Meh you'd be surprised. If she has someone to dote on her constantly then that might be true, but a lot of times when you hear about people in the high end of SSBBW or into USSBBW range having medical issues, they actually no longer have the energy to feed themselves enough to gain any more.

Like yeah, if your only goal is for her to be immobile then her muscles will further atrophy and be less able to carry her bulk by the end. But if your goal is for her to be a blob... she very well could come back 50+ pounds lighter (and not because of some come-to-jesus "for her health" moment, just literally because gathering the immense amount of food she needs to nourish her existing fat cells while also helping her body heal from the surgery is too much effort for her).

I'm sorry to harsh your buzz like that but that's life. I've seen it happen to many models. If she was 300 pounds lighter then the opposite would probably happen and she'd indeed gain weight from the time off her feet, as expected. But she's well past the equilibrium point where gaining weight is easy.

A natural-born pig like her will always plump back up afterwards, though.
>A natural-born pig like her will always plump back up afterwards, though.

That's the thing, it's the long game with these gals — food-addicted with bodies built for hoarding blubber. Can't help themselves. Includes WLS if you have that kind of time.
Need more of her
What must be going through her head that she ate herself to this point? What does her family think?
Probably she same kind of thinking that anyone who ate themselves into that sort of predicament - they didn't think it would happen to them, they know people who are much fatter & heavier and they didn't have this kind of problem, that they didn't think their lifestyle was that harmful, it couldn't have been the weight or food it must have been something else they didn't catch, all sorts of reasoning that culminates to escaping blame.

The families usually wish they would have said something or intervened sooner whenever tragedy strikes. Some are apathetic, especially if they have been actively contributing to their loved one's gluttony.

I recall her when she was not as big as she is now complaining about how hard it was for someone as short as her to deal with such a huge belly and all the weight and that she needed to lose. But then she probably put on another 50-75 lbs since then, so the allure of eating must be too great for her.

I wonder the same thing myself about families, especially those young women in their late teens and early 20s who are 500+ lbs. It's one thing if you get there in your 30's or 40's, cause then it's your choice (and at most family can be an enabler). But parents exercise a degree of control and bear more responsibility when their daughter gets so huge at such a tender age. Not that I don't like the results, don't get me wrong, but as a parent myself, I am not sure I would like my kids to leave home that huge (because of all the problems it entails - including attracting pervs like us here on this board! :) ).
Y'all think shes gonna try and lose weight at this point? Not to moralize but goddamn. Obviously she is at the point of no return and even with WLS she'd most likley gain it back. I honestly can't imagine being in that position, she knows her life is being extremely cut short by this fetish at this point. Even if she lost the weight she would still be unhealthy for the rest of her life. If she lost the weight she would look like a ballsack and likley have no future. At this point what ther option does she have but to keep stuffing herself to make a living. Part of me is really sad about it but the evil part of me finds it really hot
I spoke to her on twitter and she said she was losing weight for health reasons. I guess she had a health scare recently wither either her or a family member and it got her worried.
(101 KB, 854x480, pleasantly plump.jpg)
Just dropped a new vid. She looks fatter than ever lol
She wants to lose weight? Now…I mean that’s kind a decision you make a couple of hundred pounds ago.
Me thinks she's going to release old, unreleased content while she phases out
I'm amazed more models don't do this. The Trysta method. Bank a few years' worth of content that you can roll out as you quietly lose weight.
She gobbled till she wobbled
That did already Vanilla Hippo, maybe Tiffany and Heather Boyle too.
most of them are both brain-dead and terminally lazy....
Forgot Sunny and Carmine Carmellow have done it as well.
damn, looking amazing
Looks like she's the ones of the most underrated ssbbw
She gets fatter everyday. Whats her favorite food?
Anything new?
(301 KB, 1200x900, 46.jpg)
Hi, im looking for the old website pictures. This is all i have so please post antything you got... Thanks in advance.. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkKG9pbGVkLXVwIGJsdWJiZXIpQzl0UWxoYVNGbEViblpSVUM5MWN6ST0=

How can i open this link
link doesn’t work
re up of posted pictures the complete webste bictures woold be good

some reuploads of videos?
Thank you, sir.
She is actual more lopsided than Ellie, as on her is narrowly the tummy everything for real. But I suppose she could weight a quarter tone, depens on her height.
Does anyone can share some news about
SOmeone can share news or video about her
Still alive. Seems to have had difficulty recovering from hernia revision still. Said she was working on a video. Follow her instagram or snapchat for the rare update.
Upload her fattest content?
Does anyone have the pizza delivery vid?
anyone have her fattest content?
anyone have a mega folder link?
Jesus she's looking huge. That belly! I wonder if it's the angle or she's actually that much bigger.
Here's her latest, a master class in shitty c4s content. I'd say "enjoy" but it's more like "despair":


Is it possible to make a try-on video where you stay in the exact same position and move nothing below your shoulders? Yes! Because this is the kind of grift where she paradoxically had to go out of her way to put in this little effort.

Did you watch the preview? Well that's where she begins and ends it. Continents are more dynamic.

And yes, that blanket and/or her stupid "Oops, it's too tight!" ugly-as-fuck, blatantly not-even-hers dress hides her amazingly bloated lower legs and lower belly t/o. Like, seriously — short of shooting in a dark room, taking a hedge trimmer to her face and losing 400 pounds, she couldn't have made this shittier.

Oh wait — she wobbles her belly for 3 seconds 3/4 of the way through. Don't sprain your metacarples, honey!

She shows her tits too, because that's why we're into her, right? Everyone in this thread just LOVES those flappy C-cups of hers, sure.

After a string of similarly static videos — that probably didn't sell — she seemed to have turned a corner. Just before she dipped, she had a short run where she put out content where she actually stood up, walked, at least rolled around a bit. You know, MOVED because it's fucking VIDEO.

I paid for all of them, happily, because I believe in paying for shit. Good shit. Call me a cuck. Well, you actually after I dropped $9 on this pet rock. Or at least a sucker.
I don't have time atm but I'm so fucking mad maybe I'll drop everything I have, which is a lot. Check this space.

I suspect that I enjoyed reading that more than I would watching the footage. Thanks.
That makes two of us. I can't even be bothered to download that video that I will inevitably just delete

Thanks for the 'despair' it made my day better
"bitch took my money" hidden in the b64 code haha
Holy shit that is a bad video your not lying WOW!
Thank you, How do I download this file? Always see these and never figured out how to download

download? just enjoy the letters like everyone else
Considering she's the only reason Ivy is still making content, this is only the second worst thing she has done.
Look, I never say this, but she took the gain too far. She's like a bloated slob version of herself now, can't even muster up the energy to move around.

Doesn't do it for me anymore.
Right? I could write 1,000 more words about this back alley abortion but I’ll spare you all.

Lol but don’t dis Ivy. I think she’s a genius at digging into the feeder brain (mine). Also I commissioned 2 videos from her and she hit it out of the park and was awesome to deal with.

Maybe she did — she was in bad shape in a couple of those videos but that got me off because I’m a degenerate. But I don’t believe she’s totally bedbound, and even if she was I swear she can do better than this.

Damn, that is not worth a purchase. Sorry, man.
Wow. Just... wow. I feel bad that you paid $9 for that, plus taxes and all that... just wow. Unbelievably bad video. She was clearly high as fuck and didn't even bother to rotate her torso let alone STAND UP to put the shirt on. Wow. One of the worst videos I've seen in a while.
Agreeing that recent vid was utter crap. Usually like her vids but there was zero effort or fucks given in that one, just a pure money grab. Maybe her weed fund ran out.
(213 KB, 1200x900, 100_0862.jpg)
i have these 2 videos of her with same yellow dress in sequence;

*pic not related
(2.1 MB, 1682x732, Plump.png)
Vide is crap as hell, but i think she's fatter at least

She's got a giant bandage over what is presumably a large wound that the blanket is covering up. Does that make this a good video? No it does not, but it explains why she was not moving and half covered.
Ok she have a Big bandage on the belly ... To me it's not a problem , but i can accept if Pleasantly d'ont want show this it's OK , but she Can show her body with à fatkinki toi hide the belly or just à belly play with a sexy dress ... But the biggest problem of this video it's the Price ! 9$ it's scandalous ... 3 min of talking ...
3$ it's the real price too see that ...
My dumbass just realised how to get this clip, thank you so much for sharing 👑
looks hot, buy it and share with us. Thanks
Yeah, not ‘us’, were not all useless losers that beg like you
Exactly, just lower the price. 9 dollars is not worth it. $4 or $5 would have been more appropriate.

She just posted another try on video, this time jeans. Looks like she'll be standing up and moving around but I'm not paying for it to find out
my guess the lattest Video was shot in 2018, the tats on her sholders are missing
Any chance for a kind anon able to share the vid for the image on the left. Thank you.
Bump for her vids how's she doing???
can u reupload this please? i was gonna download them but my pc crashed halfway now the tranfer no longer exists :(
Seconding this please reup
anyone have anything recent?
(181 KB, 1083x812, bscap0032.jpg)
anyone have this old video (from 2009) "Squashing girls" with destiny? Thx
Does anyone have a video of Destiny?? please
New or reup?
Nothing new, i guess she is done with with this industry and is focusing on size reduction...
Where did she go? some news?
Can someone reupload those immobile vids with the green top? There's 3 of them in total if i remember correctly. Those were great
Pleasantly Plump was never the most active model, and outside of working with other models usually only released her own content every few months.

She was at her largest from late 2019 to mid 2020. Since then she had a major hernia and surgery, and in early 2023 she had two back to back pulmonary embolisms and almost died.

I'm surprised she puts out anything at this point.
wouldn't be surprised if she's done for now
Any gofile uploads?
I think this friend is (a non-professional) member on Feabie

... a non-professional? Gianna has done tons of fantastic professional sets, she's just been retired for a while.

... actually, I checked out her site for the first time in ages, it looks like she came back briefly a year ago and then re-retired. She produced nothing between 2019 and 2023.
I’ve sucked her chin before
Another close death scare. Truthfully she needs a break. One of the greatest feedist legends. She doesn't want to stop but it's being forced. We should respect her for this and support her.
Yep it's over. I think this was pretty clear a full year+ back, when her Tiktoks made it clear how close she came to dying.

Then again, these multiple health scares haven't changed her self-professed identity as a feedee. So maybe she's one of those models who will eventually regain the weight after WLS. There are certainly examples of that: Sunni Bombshell, DestinyBBW. But given that Cryssy needs to have surgery just so that she can safely have more surgery, that is going to be a few years away at minimum.

It seems more likely that she stabilizes at 250-300lbs and accepts that as a tradeoff for a longer life. Whatever she chooses, good luck Cryssy, and thanks for all the content over the years!
What examples are there of sunny bombshell regaining weight?

Was absolutely gutted when she left the scene, my personal goat.
Sunny had WLS before she modelled and then was losing as she left the scene
Does anyone have this video ?

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