
Please upload the eating and crying video?
(439 KB, 412x552, embarrassedbitch.PNG)
please tell me someone has this. i never knew there was a video of boberry crying
There is no video of her eating and crying. Theres a video of her eating taco bell in the car, at the end she says shes feeling weird and ends the video. That's it. Literally zero tears are in the video, zero sadness, zero anything. The rumor of crying is 100% manufactured delusional fantasy on behalf of coomers on bbw chan.
I always thought that vid was fake, the one your screencap is from.
Hello, is it possible you could upload that video ? I saw it a long time ago and couldn't find it since then. Thank you in advance.
Sorry for the off topic.
just looked on her page and see shes in spain. it feels like shes on a nice trip 4 to 6 times a year! im jealous lol. shes got some cash for sure or just really money/travel savvy.
She 100% has cash - her day job pays well to live off of and she makes bank doing modeling.
>> just really money savvy

Lol. She isn't money savvy. Spending thousands on food addiction and traveling constantly isn't money savvy. On top of the tens of thousands of dollars thrown at her by guys online, she's also working and living in San Francisco, one of the most expensive places on earth, which means her job pays very well (I don't know what it is but it has to pay well if she lives alone in SF). Add to that the guy she's allegedly not dating, who also lives in San Francisco, and who is safe to assume is some kind of tech/software engineer (and a feeder of course, meaning he's more than willing to spend money on her), she basically has more money than she could ever hope to spend. That isn't money savvy
...do any of you know anything about her private life. I hate reading this drivel while looking for content before it gets taken down.
You can rest easy then. BoBerry is NEVER going to request to have content taken down. You can check once a day or every other day. She had a weigh in that cost $100 on her site - uploaded here in a day and included in every drop.
I mean, we have no way of knowing any of that. She appears to have a good job and she must make a lot of money off modeling, considering she was basically the most popular SSBBW model on the internet for many years. That’s all any of us know.
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hahaha that look....Wonder what that girl was thinking :P
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Just think about it guys she lives in SF California where living expenses are very much higher than the rest of US she Drives a new Van has a nice big house a house keeper in it she is a 550lb person so just ask yoursefl how much she spends on food and how much bigger the costs of living are in california... she travels a lot she will be on this roadtrip for a month so figure out how much a month trip to europe costs where she everyday eats out in a restaurants and stuff.... and she travels with a man friend but i really think they are a couple cause they always together ;)
That's hilarious, poor Euros. Where are these from?
Drop the video!

You should really get the subscription btw, it's worth it.

I think she thought about the fact that Mary was the only one in the whole bar wearing a tank top and leggings. Americans just don't know how to behave in public.
she dwarfs everyone, the metric system if made for ssbbw goddess!
true, Americans are always the loudest tourists anywhere you go. Just no social awareness whatsoever.

fucking hell, that's hot
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Do you guys think she gained some??
Look at this video. We only have a real sense of Boby's size when compared to normal people and not objects.

this waitress's waist is smaller than Boby's arm and Boby must weigh 5 or more times the weight of this average girl. SSBBWs are something really beautiful and fascinating.

Where are those from?
Wao she gain some weight! Please upload this videos!!
Holy shit yes! Where are these videos even from? Seems like that 600lb hovered isn’t TOO out of the picture anymore 🙏
Why tf did it auto correct to hovered lmao
Please can upload this videos!!!!
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Its hard to say really cause she is very active now sheve been so many places this year... on the other hand the picture when she was in the balck dress out and about we got the legendary video where she is climbing the stairs to that guys apartment... i think it was at her skinniest after the weight loss caus eyou can see how her back fat shrinked and that ass looked out of this world proportions...
and u go to a bar wearing a dress or a tuxedo? nothing weird about going to a bar in leggings or a tank top in Europe :D
its on her tiktok
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Imagine boberry sitting there in that bar in her final form :P
Absolutely love the skinny waitress reaction to boberry's obesity
His face its like "this beast its going to eat everything"
>in Europe

... said no European ever. Europe isn't a country.
Damn I miss this boberry so much everything was just the right size here. I feel like now she definitely is gaining again but she looks different. Still hot asf tho hopefully she’s hit 600lbs again!
and Europe not being a country has to do what with it?
It's not on her tik tok...
Wich tik tok vídeo is? I don't find it
Literally the most recent one lol
I just check here TikTok and it’s not there
looks like she took it down
it's still there... my bad
Thanks for sharing! Can you post a screenshot of the vídeo of her tik tok profile? I don't understand why doesn't appers to me

It means there might be shitholes in Europe where you can take to the street like that, but not all of Europe is the same. In most European countries people still have control over their lives.
How does that have anything to do with wearing leggings and a tank top?
Man losers in this website be looking for anything to go off in weird rants.
That explains the influx of attention. For a Sun article it's surprisingly tame. Guess they can't fabricate anything that's not on TikTok. Little surprised there weren't any mentions of her being a paysite model or there being other videos on the platform of her struggling to sit up & eating three meals in a tank top at 600lbs..
Maybe someone should tell Sarah, DM her on Twitter or something. Might be a fun follow-up...
They tracked her down to Instagram, too, where there's a link to her VIP page. I bet her subscription count exploded the week after the Sun article. Good for her.
It also explains the flood of two-chair content she has been posting since.
I think she just knows that will always get hits since it's something she does anyway. Like I have yet to see her sit in a single chair since her site opened - I would LOVE to see the overhang.

Guys, do you think she knows someone went out of their way to write an article about her? And not a derogatory one either? She's made it. She's going mainstream. Honestly the next thing would either be to have her featured on a celebrity's IG or on TV.
You obviously have no control of your life if you think women in Europe don’t walk around in leggings and tank tops.
Half the men over there dress more thotty then she does.
In poorer places (eastern especially) they dress worse too, not onlt metro but just generally shlubby as well.
I live in "Europe" (again, Europe is not a uniform country), and nobody here dresses like that. People here got their shit together.
Very strange post that leads me to believe you do not have control of your life.
At least know your lying about the dress code so maybe that’s why.
That waitress has been told she’s “thick” her entire life, and is getting absolutely mogged by boberry
Typical Eurotrash, making a lazy jab at Americans and then getting into a pretentious slapfight with each other.
>>59118 I am Spanish. This pic was taken in Basque Country (a beautiful place with very good food). The waiter is from South America (as many in Spain). About dress code. It is not a "european one". In Basque Country for example is very formal and well dressed. In my town, people use to go in summer with swimsuit in the streets. One thing more. In you go to Spain dont drink sangria as Boberry. It is made just for foreighners, made it with low quality wine. It is very difficult (I think imposible) see a girl like Boberry here. I think she looks wonderful.
No, you're wrong. Americans know better how things are in Europe.
and where exactly is "here"?
Does anyone know when and if she’s going to be in London? I’d love to catch a glimpse of her walking around
Is she doing a full-on Euro tour? What's the deal?
>Basque Country
It’s not that formal. Stop being gay acting like you will not see men and women, locals and European at large squatting all over the place in cheap clothes. It’s not a circus but it isn’t so high brow as you are inferring.
Acting like it’s period piece when you step in those shitty mountains and beaches lol.
If she ever comes to Paris I'd love to see her waddling around

Don't be a fucking stalker weirdo. Like seriously. Creepy fuckers on here man.
>Americans know better
>Stop bein gay [...] It's not a circus [...]

I love this, holy shit yes!
You guys are judging her clothes and not because she makes dumb vidoes!!

Oh no wait, you gurls. I can see your jealousy of her curves!
Oh and by the way TikTok is full of retarded angry Karens that want to fight because they are fatter, quirky and cuter .. so please don't put your fucking disgusting finger against them, theh know Boberry is pissing in the wrong territory and she is not allowed to touch their (UwU) sexy furry parterns!
I hope she fucking doesn't.. This country is an abyss. Stay the fuck away ye who hold dear your sanity..
why do chicks get so much luxury just for being born
Damn, this is like movie star living. Good for her!
OMG, she is beautiful, thanks for the video!!
>>60372 dang bro I know that thang baritone
Modernity takes away all real challenges and complexities of live and reduces it to crass consumption.
Because men have a sex drive 9 times higher than women and most men like women. Anyway don't whine about it, its not like this system can keep up forever anyway with how unsustainable it is. But thats enough doom posting from me
Boberry VIP Pt. 2, with new additions

The "Missing Updates" - List in this zip file must be a joke right? 49$ for a 5min cake eating Video? Are those her prices on her so "Special" Website? God damn wtf Marry
The luxury lifestyle she lives costs big $ bro
She's probably making a decent chunk of change from subs alone. Someone like her definitely has at least 250 regular subscribers a month. That's at least 3K a month after taxes. The vids are just gravy on top and she knows people will pay it.

I used to have a sub and I remember there being a subscriber count in that one q&a livestream, but I don't remember the number. Does anyone else know it?
According to Similarweb, her website seems to have had 39k total views during September, for whatever that's worth -- of which 43 % were from Germany, btw.
You assigned the number 109 to two different updates, is that intentional?
She stayed in the Puebloastur 5 star hotel 320 euro per night... not bad
It’s def better than a motel but it’s not lifestyles of the rich and famous. 600 bucks will usually get you the best rooms in most hotels not 300 bucks.
I just looked at the video…are you sure that’s just $300 a night?
The 320 you get a basic room there the most luxurious one is 849 euro per night
So the room she shows is closer to $1,000 a night and not $300?
for sure the 320 one is just a regular room
Detectives at work here bruh
No, it's not. And because I'm a sperg just like you, there will be a corrected upload.
And here we are: Boberry VIP, Pt. 2, with new additions -- best version:

Thanks for the donut stuffing video... glad to know this bloated pig still burps while stuffing her face.
Thanks for sharing!
I keep holding out hope we'll get #58- the cake sitting video- at some point, thanks for the upload nonetheless
Its kind of wild how she spent over 10 years online as a fetish model then spends 5 seconds on tiktok and triggers a thousand mainstream clickbait articles "she wears what she wants!" "She doesnt care what anyone thinks!" "Girl Power!"
Are there more besides The Sun?
I guess I exaggerated, just feels like she put one foot into toxic mainstream culture and they immediately started negging the shit out of her lmao. They act like she appeared out of nowhere like she hasnt been the most popular fetish model for over a decade. Maybe its just because she isnt a tess munster, loey lane activist who wants to guilt people into putting them into mainstream modelling.
Timestamp for the burps? Been a while since I've seen one of the iconic Boberry power burps
I went back and watched the new donut stuffing cause I love her burps but I couldn’t find any I just found bits where she coughs a bit and puts her arm near the camera

Rather see time stamp for the braps if u know what im sayin
What video number is the donut stuffing?
It's titled
93 - 2022-07-21 - �39 - Snack time
Smh that anon spread misinformation and got my hopes up
thats the power of tiktok really. stuff spreads so fast on there it pops up on the mainstream stuff way faster than any other social media can.

if she ever by some sort of miracle includes a brap in her vids i dont know if i would survive that nut.
I feel like tone of all the recent normie discussion of Boberry in the sun and tiktok is less “girl power” and more “let’s all gawk at this shockingly fat yet otherwise conventionally hot woman who isn’t even ashamed of her size”. Look at the comments on her videos, people are treating her more like a freak show. I find it exhausting that people are still so shocked a very fat woman could possibly be happy and attractive and confident.
She’ll also never break into plus size modeling because she’s still way bigger than people like Tess Munster and Loey Lane. You still don’t see any 600 pound mainstream plus size models. She probably knows it’s not worth it.
True - once most people find out her weight starts with a 5, they won't want to see her on the cover of Maxim.

Preach. Boberry brap vid when?
you've GOT to be joking. this is anything but a bad thing. normalising, or better yet glorifying obesity is the best thing in the world for people like us. i want fat women on the front cover of every magazine and the 2020s ushering in bellies as the new booty.
Thats exactly what i meant, the "girl power" is their sarcastic feminism and negging.
You dont understand, the second these girls get into plus size modeling the first community they shit on is this one.
I'd be surprised if Mary throws this community under the bus if she decided to move to being an influencer, either doing what she's doing now or a weight loss one. She's been wildly successful on it without having to do anything depraved; there's people in this thread who will kill to see a nipple or hear a fart when there's hundreds of fatties before and after her who will put that out there once their fanbase stagnates. Hell, she modeled for BC for 10 years and then DOUBLED DOWN by opening a private site when anyone else could just walk away.

I'm not saying her throwing shade on the community for clout is out of the cards, but she has built up quite a following and fanbase by simply dipping a foot in. Someone drowning in the deep end or spent too long in the pool I could see complaining, but she's literally traveling around the world and I'm sure this modeling gig is playing no small part in that.
Unrelated but does anyone have that pic of Jae barely fitting on the plane in a grey sweatsuit
Please, reup
Can someone pls reupload her new maid video seperate from the rest of her site rip?
Anyone have the last mega?
Those plus-size influencer bitches are always fucking ugly, though. And I'm not delusional enough to wish for more people to eat themselves to death, nor do I want the fats to get unwarranted self confidence. Fat bitches should stay niche for people like us.
Anyone knows if she has posted anything on her website content recently??..
Seconding this - I don't even need a drop this minute per se, but it's been quiet on her socials. And she tends to disappear for a week or so every now and then.
Seems like the Triple chin is coming back at last haha
Is that a recent picture
Please reup
does anyone have the file part 2 please
Reup ?
Did she get engaged or something? Surely she's not still in Spain - the only way I can see someone planning to be anywhere for a month is to celebrate getting proposed to.
>over a decade of eating nonstop
>thousands of pics
>whoring online like there's no tomorrow
>not a single pussy pic
What a waste of resources...
Is she even alive??? Nothing on IG nothing on tik tok not even a pic on her website.... this dont look to good... and to answer your question she is everytime with the same guy "friend" but im sure they are together
can someone please share content ?
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There was a short update video from her that she is well and currently in Portugal she spent like 6 weeks away from home in total 4 weeks in Spain 2 weeks in Portugal she will be back this week all this walking im sure she lost some weight atleast she looks like it
God damn she looks thin. Must have been a lot of water weight

Oh, you haven't seen her post about WLS yet??
Just saw it. Honestly, good for her - you never really know what someone is going through until it's laid out in front of you. Frankly I'm excited to see her transition to a paid travel blog as she seems to find all these nice spots. And I have a thing for super loose skin.
wls my ass yall two jokers got jokes

I seen it too. How else you going to explain all that weight loss?
Anyway you can post a screen shot of that post then?
it's not on her public tiktok or instagram, it's not on her boberryvip site. I think it's plausible she's getting WLS but proof would be appreciated. Hopefully she comes out looking good, but she'd probably see it as worth it to look a little deflated so long as she could move around more easily, weighing over a quarter tonne can't be easy.
>Hopefully she comes out looking good

She's been over 500 pounds for the better part of a decade. Whatever skin elasticity she had is LONG gone. But since she's built herself up being a beauty icon of sorts, expect some plastic surgery and skin work. The VIP website was a good idea to capitalize on some commission-free income from her diehard fans, but now that she's vacationing so hard she's absolutely going to reconsider being this huge if she wants to experience it fully.

Plus, not to stir the pot or anything, but y'all know about healthcare tourism right? I'm sure there's not a healthcare provider in the US that would deny her for bariatric surgery, but it probably would be cheaper to go to Europe for it. Less red tape, too. Maybe find someone sympathetic to her modeling gig and skilled enough to make the right incision at the right fold and be completely undetectable. Would explain why she was abroad for 6 weeks. I'm positive it was mostly water weight and being active in a country with good, nourishing food probably shocked her system into losing a lot of weight, but Christ I can't help but wonder looking at that physique... She looks ridiculously different.
Why would she try to cheap out on one of the most important surgeries of her life? I'm sure she has excellent health insurance and has 500+ pounds of reasons to lose the weight.
I know most people who do that do it because it's cheaper. I don't think Mary is one of them, I would suggest it due to the other reasons.

But even with that in mind, I think it's a very small chance if any that's what happened. I think it's the diet and activity abroad that caused her to shrink down.
(1.8 MB, 4096x3529, 20221115_112053.jpg)
Remember when we were all freaking out over Set 300?
Honestly I left and just came back to see this lmao
Tack on a pic of her youngest and her biggest, I wanna see these comparisons.
Not all surgeons are created equal so if the speculation is true and she has gone under the knife or is getting ready to go under the knife this could be a case of work quality not price.

I'm sure she could find a doctor in the states willing to give her WLS but that doesn't mean he's going to be the best around and something else that needs to be factored in is that for her to have a somewhat normal body she's gonna need a lot of work done, and I do mean A LOT of work, were talking skin removal, tummy tuck, BBL, breast reduction/breast lift, breast implants, ect.

So she may not be looking for one surgeon but many surgeons.
>>62167 im convinced you guys go in this thread and make things up just to see how far it can spread
Good point.

A better explanation is that one photo was taken at a “slimming” angle. Seems she likes to eat too much to get WLS.

People I know who weigh 200 pounds less than BoBerry spent months recovering from WLS. I think she’d rather get that at home.

I’m also hoping she stays huge as ever.
I thought she was finally starting to gain again then I see she’s losing more. You gotta be fucking kidding me
Three people saying they saw a post about her getting WLS, but no one is saying where they saw it or providing a screenshot as proof. Either show us that post exists or gtfo
I don't see the post about her staying in Portugal on her timeline so it was either sent trough DM or trolls be trollin'.
Ya'll people need a reality check
If she loses weight, she prolly want to be more mobile, good for her, u ain't got a say
She don't know u
U ain't her BF
She don't owe u shit
Just cuz you whacked it to a few vids, or bought some, still don't mean she owe u shit
She ain't a death feeder, why u expect her to keep gaining?
She fkn fine at any size.
Appreciate and respect
Yallz crazy
I like to pretend im black on the internet too sometimes.
Thanks for the delivery. Looks like she's almost as small as when she started modelling. Shame, but it makes me appreciate just how massive she was in the first place. Honestly its not a huge loss, her content was pretty lukewarm (as is 95% of BigCuties stuff), but it was nice to look at her for the time being.
They should make a ghetto keyboard with yall as one of the keys.
Perhaps a digression, but FWIW, in light of this (probably always inevitable) news, and taking as given that, yes yes, we should all applaud her for making her choices and living her life, can we all take a moment to appreciate Foxy Roxxie?

Good girl turned good wife, has gone from chubby to utterly massive, and has maintained herself like a fucking Ferrari, looking like a Victoria's Secret model who got hose-fed butter for a decade. She leaned into the fetish over time out of sincere interest and has stayed 100% out of any and all public drama while consistently producing interesting and high quality professional content. And she's still here, stuffing herself like a pig and cranking out top-shelf work while outgrowing her slutty wardrobe every six months or so.

I say this because I know they've often been mentioned in the same breath over the years. I just don't see viable GOAT argument for anybody but Roxxie at this point. Of the late 2000s/early 2010s superwave of ssbbw models, she's head and blubbery shoulders above the rest of that generation.

Moments like this should remind us not to take it for granted.
>I just don't see viable GOAT argument for anybody but Roxxie at this point.
I agree with you from the perspective of
>she's actively gaining
>into the fetish
>makes quality content
>makes consistent content
But I don't think she's the end all be all. Say what you want about Adeline's and Jackie's increase in boring content, but they are getting IMMENSE. Adeline is nearly 700 fucking pounds. But again, you're right. Roxxie's leading the pack.
does anyone have the video of her on a slip and slide
Isn’t it a old photo? I think I have seen this at last spring or earlier
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What is is about Boberry threads that attract the most unhinged schizos? I swear to god every time there is a thread there are people making shit up or some crazy guy rambling for no reason in particular.

Can't we just admire the beauty that is Mary Boberry? She's absolutely beautiful and she would look great at any weight. Not just that but she's got such a nice personality (at least from what we see). And a sweet loving voice.
So fuking gorgeous

If she was a normal weight, you'd never even know who she was. None of us would, so don't even use that look great at any weight phrase.
>>62253 Yeah I totally get what you mean- we're in a golden age where some already high-ranking models are cutting the brakes and sprinting toward immobility and the end. If, like, 7 years ago you showed me pics of Adeline and Jackie now, I'd have flipped out. But as you say, it's about the whole package, not just size/recklessness. Roxxie is not only polished, legitimately beautiful, likable, enthusiastic, and consistent, but she's also gaining pretty recklessly herself. BoBerry's GOAT argument rested on a similar argument, but then she A) ditched the scene she never felt totally comfortable being in, B) dropped about 100 pounds and transitioned from softcore fat porn to a body positivity lifestyle blog, C) announced WLS. Her argument is no longer viable, and I don't think anybody else puts up close to the combination Roxxie does.
When you've been on the scene for a while, you either die fat or get WLS. Shame but I guess she's not getting any younger.
>>62336 *chants* die fat die fat die fat die fat

(don't worry that's just German for "the fat")

That doesn't change the fact that she has a beautiful face and smile. It wouldn't matter if we didn't know who she was. She would still be beautiful at any weight. I'm just surprised at how much schizoposting there is.
these guys need to drop the proof of the WLSS
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She posted a couple short videos and some pictures on her website today. It seems like she really was just on a long vacation. No mention of wls anywhere that I can see.

guys dont believe the trolls there was no wls talk ever with her... she just dropped some weight from being active on vaca ;)
I genuinely cannot understand how or why she makes herself look so slender in selfie shots but in public she looks massive. It's like a fundamental misunderstanding of what your audience wants.

And the WLS trolls are either just that or they have access to some personal profiles, but I'm willing to bet money on the former.
yeah, I believed the WLS post at first but it's been a couple days and no evidence has been provided so it's 90% likely a troll
Can someone reupload her complete BC siterip? Including that final livestream?
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I’ve thought about this too. She doesn’t come off as a stupid person, in fact she seems pretty intelligent. I think there are two problems. 1- she carries most of her weight behind her. When she takes a selfie from the front she looks smaller than when we see her from behind. 2-her proportions are insane. No one else is built like her. Small wrists, ankles, thin-ish face, it’s hard to really tell how big she is until she’s next to a normal person. Probably why she posts so many videos in public these days.
Not sure if people where just trolling, but Spain is known for people going to get WLS. They do about 40% of all the surgeries. It is a thing for people to go for like a month and the resort is covered in the WLS package. She just looks like she dropped a little from having fun on vacation though.
If there was any truth to her considering WLS, whether in private or in hushed tones, the fact that she went to Spain for a month honestly supports that case. It's her first time in Europe and I don't want to assume her priorities and desires (it looks like she had a great time) but in my experience most people go for some of the more touristy places & countries. France with Paris or Nice, damn near everywhere in Italy or Greece, UK has everywhere but Northern Ireland really, even Ireland and Iceland are getting a reputation for being welcoming places for first-time visitors to Europe. That's not to say Spain isn't out of the cards, but a month in Spain, two weeks in Portugal (which is more typical of a vacation), and comparative radio silence for her online presence... I mean the girl's not hurting for our cash or business but it's not the most out-there theory for her exit strategy. Either that or an engagement getaway. Neither of which she would come out an flaunt as a BBW model.

Again I'm firmly on the side of that being trolling since there's been no proof, but it's genuinely not without merit. I'm a little more wary about that being a possibility.
But then the content she promised of her vacation must be either all clothed to hide the scars, or all shot in a short period before surgery, which i both doubt....
Plus maybe i am wrong here, but as a german Turkey would seem more like first choice for this. And she also seems to be kinda rich, so why don't try trough health insurance in the us?
The answer to that is pretty simple, she probably can't meet the weight loss requirement or follow the diet plan well enough in order to get the surgery done in the US, while on the other hand Spain might not be a strict as other countries when it comes to this but I'm certain, I know one thing given her age and the fact she's not a feede or hooked up with a feeder it's only a matter of time before she does something about her weight and it's coming sooner rather then later.
pls can someone share some content
Many Canadians actually go to the US for WLS because the requirements are less strict.
My wife is in the process of applying for WLS (paid by the government) and the steps are quite onerous.
(I'm obviously against the idea of WLS, but this has become a larger overall health issue -- I'd rather she drop some weight than die).
(187 KB, 1085x619, abf912d7d8d6ceaabd5b2cdc0aad48ef2c503f5aa1bcb03aaefae2742060ab08.jpg)
Whatever. If she were to get WLS, the impact will be pretty obvious, pretty fast.

Conversely, it’s pretty easy to make the case that folks here are used to seeing things from selected angles to make models (including Mary) look fat as possible. Vacation photos—or regular photos in general—don’t always make you look as fat. So it’s honestly probably not worth your time to speculate too much.

Case in point, this pair of photos taken 30 minutes apart, one in which she looks much more gigantic than the other.
I don't see what's so inconceivable about having a bunch of content shot in advance. Trysta did it and had almost a year's worth to release. Mary did in advance of her site opening, too. IF this happened, I'd wager she spent the first week shooting, the second week at her arranged consult & surgery, and the remaining 4 weeks recovering.
Relax, guys! She seems to be just as fat as before.


Thanks king
Wow that Portugal video is pretty great
my guy a legend :) THANKSX100
No kidding, wish she had more stuff like that where it was just being with her. Also kind of want her to do a drunk video, like a Q&A, but I can imagine why that would be dicey.
Indeed! Bless the king!
does anyone have the content of his site from his trip to jamaica please?
Waoooo holy crap 😍
Thats a big lady
Can someone please reup Boberry VIP Part 2 please? Thanks.
(441 KB, 1170x1446, 77A72499-C76D-496C-AF9D-E2015E66E2DF.jpeg)
She’s doing a live stream tonight.

Someone should ask her about the wls rumors. Although, I guess if she eats or drinks anything at all we’ll be able to tell if she had it.
Someone ask her if she would do squashing sessions!!
Please, for the love of god don't ask her!! This might be 1) triggering and 2) get this sh*t stuck in her head
Guaranteed someone who has a sub saw all this go down and was curious.
Fuckin' huge, sof t& happy hippo
I really don’t think Mary would get weight loss surgery. She seems way too confident and happy in her own body to put herself through that just to be a little less fat. She obviously enjoys eating delicious foods and spending her money on exciting vacations. And she’s always been remarkably healthy and mobile for her size. She’s perfectly capable of losing weight through exercise and eating healthier foods
Fuck it, I hope someone gives us a recap
Is this from a video?
>>58677 (OP)
Hope some one comes in clutch with the livestream from today. Would love to watch it.
Can you pls reup boberry vip part 2?
Anything juicy?
No highlights? Did anyone catch it?
pls reup boberry vip part 2?
there was a video with boberry and caitidee eating cake on a bed a few years ago. anybody remembers what set it was?
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Does this have the live stream or anything past that Portugal video from last week?
Portugal video yes, Livestream No :/
According to her Reddit she is going to release her Livestream as a PPV vid, so idk If she released it yet, and if anyone is going to buy/share.
Sunofabitch. Guess she learned from last time. Doubtful anyone is going to record it while it's going on, no pirate is that intrepid.
I believe the livestream is allready long over?
Can someone share The bests in a non-zip file please
does anyone remember the website with the boberry archive,? it had most of the bigcuties stuff
haha the comments are terrible, so much disinformation there. it's funny seeing people realising it's fetish content and clowning on the others though.
/holdmyfries/ has the same post but with an open comments section. Same deal, smaller audience.
How is she not on Coomer Party yet?
Why don’t you fix that you begging fuck
I didn’t see that anywhere.
Because she isn't on onlyfans, and coomer only rips of...?!
What didn't you see?
>"We dated for a bit"
>Shares something that has already been shared

You wanna be believable? Post anything we haven't seen. A selfie from her, a candid shot (we've all done it), anything.
mass downvote him, make him feel like an idiot lol
Sorry to ask but can we get a reup on her recent site posts? The hot tub, airport, her trying to climb the wall, etc.
bc she don’t have an OF
The edited ppv live stream is up on her site!
>>62895 With gofile the files stay up longer than wetransfer.
Well, tough luck for you I guess. You'll have to be quick again.

Daamn bro you are such a legend for all the content you [providing ive had to get it just to show my appreciation 4u :) here is the 50$ missing 3 donuts video enjoy!

Listening to Mary's voice is so soothing. And her singing voice is incredible hot damn.
is 6.9km in a day a lot for a 550lbs lady a lot or am i trippin guys???
Does anyone have the weigh in video where Boberry is over 600 lbs and/or the basketball one?

Here, the two highest weigh ins of her
would you mind re-upping that video please
the portugal one I mean thanks
sorry, nvm just her most recent weigh in (the one where she was like 533 i think) if anyone would post a link to that I would be extremely grateful thanks
Someone can reup boberry vip part 1 & 2? Plsss
Has she posts photos for Portugal?
go look yourself, the timeline is public
Hi! Everyone has this vídeo? Someone share it in here? In that Tik Tok account there is 2 videos of her in the airport that i never saw! And they are new!!

I know it's a meme to say Boberry content is trash, but holy fuck why did nobody tell me it had gotten this bad.
20 bucks a month to see her travel vlogs. if you're still paying, you're pathetic
I think what had happened was she launched the site, was expecting maybe a little less than what she was getting a BC (since she was relaunching a modeling stint after deflating a bit), got surprised by the enthusiasm, and made enough money to start doing some serious traveling. I can't imagine how much that stay in Spain & Portugal ran her.

Here's to hoping that we're through with the travel content. I know a complaint with some paysites is you're seeing Instagram+, but this wasn't an exaggeration.
I love the way you guys care do much about this model. I used to jerk off to her so much that I jokingly used to call her my "best friend", but some of these comments are straight ghetto from the projects. I cringe just thinking what she decide to do with her career if she were to read some of these after reading them. I don't want her to retire completely because to me she is still my sweet little princess but for real you fellas need to get out more andmaybe get a girlfriend.
Damn, I've seen a lot of people talking about how thin her face is for her size, but even she's noticeably fatter around the face here. no hiding that chin. And her standing on one leg for that long at her size isn't anything to sneeze at either. I wouldn't be surprised if she was still fairly mobile at 700 or 750.
Do you guys think shes getting so popular as an influencer she'll stop doing fetish content? It really looks it to me shes going viral like non stop lately
what fucking fetish content has she ever done? sitting on chairs? walking through doorways? do you know what a fetish is?
Are you retarded? Any of her weigh-ins.The videos of her stuffing her face. Eating an entire box of Uncrustables. Burping like a pig after eating a BBQ meal for 4. Balloon popping. Chugging beer. Finishing a platter of pastries and wine. Dumping frosting over her chest.

Not exactly "normal" modelling.

Fuck I need to go jack it to peak Bo again
>Burping like a pig after eating a BBQ meal for 4

I need as much information as you have about this
apparently there's a VIP video of her sitting on a cake (which surprisingly hasn't been shared yet), that's an obvious fetish. alternatively, some consider bigcuties to be a fetish website, but you seem to hold a mindset which doesn't regard obesity as a fetish, unlike others. like >>63953 said excessive eating/stuffing also falls into fetish territory for most people. something tells me you don't consider yourself within the category of 'most people' though, lol
The Portugal hotel video from the VIP dump is pretty damn fat fetishy, featuring stuckage, plenty of jiggling and belly play, and talk (if unsubstantiated) on how there was less walking and more eating than expected on her vacation resulting in her actually gaining weight there.
Probably referring to set 288 although the burps were mid and few
sure thing man
I just ask to you or anyone else for any VIP content preferably her weigh in, however if you don't want to share something you spent like $50+ for i can understand
Ill also throw in sets 293 and 294 from when she was at her heaviest

so i don't have a fetish? nice!!!!
Who can hook a brother up with the livestream?
does anyone on here have access to the MEGA folder containing all of Mary's Big Cuties sets and/or Part 1 of her VIP content? If someone could post a link to either it would be greatly appreciated
Was this one shared here yet?
Can someone re-up these on mab or wetransfer? Either mega doesn’t work on my phone or I’m a dumbass
does anyone have set 256
Here is a reup of some of the recent posts

Can confirm the Portugal vid was previously shared here, and is in this reup as well. Get it while it's hot.
This reup of her Vip Content posts it is not complete, December is missing.
It's what I had
Don't sweat it, bro. I'm sure everyone who missed out appreciates your generosity. :)

Maybe when I'm finally back on some WiFi I'll reup the $49 donut vid (#18) one awesome anon eventually shared.

Motion of the ocean
I forgot to change the name its called fullsizerender but this is where she walks around in northern spain and it’ll be gone in a week
Thank you for sharing!
Boberry VIP Pt 1 (with new material, thanks generous anon) ...
... and Pt 2:

Thanks! This is actually the first time I see a _video_ of an SSBBW getting on an airplane. All of them talk about it, but they only post a few shitty pictures at best. Finally we get to see the real thing.
I'm the uploader of the whole package, and I used the actual video file from her site. I think the other guy might have been careful enough to screen-capture the vid, so it's obviously bigger, but can't be of better quality than the original.
Or her used ai upscaling, all tough unlikely, would not be the first time in a boberry thread.
I always seem to have issues with “folder” uploads to WT. is the only option to download the whole thing? No way to choose? Or see what’s inside?
Seriously wondering how we haven't gotten some glamour shots of her, like how some photographers did professional shoots for other girls in the scene for some beauty project? Some of those poses are hypnotizing.
Same. Can the kind anon just upload what's new rather than the whole siterip each time
Please upload this video!!!!
i never saw it!!
which part is it in? what's the filename
Anyone can upload this video??
Fast wave
Please upload just the new video/files. I cant keep downloading 2 gigs of videos I already have on my phone. But the new content is much appreciated, so if it doesnt happen it's whatever

I appreciate >>64543 uploading the new videos, but some of us have slow internet speeds and don't want to download unnecessary files. here's the three latest videos uploaded on their own and not within a folder
cannot believe she charged $39.99 for that shitty 7min video of her eating
You're surprised? She's been doing this for almost a year now.
Now you're being unfair.

It was only $39.
What are some of her hottest videos?
Did anyone save the boat tiktok?
Also, when was she at her largest?
She is so fucking hot.
Someone post this
Was that for access to her site or for the one video?
I believe the boat tiktok is just a illeagal repost that someone ripped of her paysite. She adressed this in her first TikTok i believe. So the vid should be included in part 2 of the siterip.
does anyone have this?
How big does she plan to get now?
(2.6 MB, 256x144, videocompress-022-boberry-vid-91-highTrim.mp4)
she doesn't plan her weight, she just eats and if she happens to get bigger or smaller she keeps eating lol. I think she's gradually gaining again but not at a fast pace, she might lose weight since she's being more active these days. I would not bet on her gaining back to 600+lb
does anyone have the boxing vid
(51 KB, 640x676, tent.webp)
mfw ive only ever seen like 1 random gifset of her at her hottest and largest
Does anyone by any chance have Ellie 44 or Eve 74? They both feature BoBerry
does anyone have that video
I saw that video randomly pop up on Reddit, with a bunch of people saying terrible things in the comments. It’s ridiculous how shocked people still are at the sight of a fat woman who’s pretty and doesn’t hate herself
I saw that too, real shame.
SIMP you know if a video of you got posted online boberry wouldn’t pause to laugh at your goofy body
I kinda doubt it. She's the epitome of people throwing stones in glass houses; she can laugh with the rest of the Internet if someone is just living their life but looks weird, but she has receipts of people doing just that to her videos. Both the intentionally and unintentionally sexy ones.
ARGENTINA 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
>>65023 hell naw man shoulda been crotia or ronawdo sewy
france rised back from the death like the dutch team
Mbappe the GOAT
Argentina somehow pieces this one together too

Martinez low key won the World Cup for his country 🇦🇷
shut the fuck up about soccer get yall bum asses in the general discussion thread
If saying fat women can be attractive makes you a simp, everyone here is a simp lmao
Can anyone shares part 1 and 2 of Boberry´s Vip Site, until her last publication?
For real, I'm seeing new stuff on the discord of all places instead of here.
Share the stuff from discord here kang?
How is the name of the Discord? And can you share the new stuff here?
(8.0 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1293.png)
Found on Discord. However, just waiting for more from Lisalou and Roxxie together!

BTW, glad that Messi won the World Cup. Mbabbe will get another chance.
(8.2 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1292.png)
She might actually be the hottest woman in the world. Just her face alone I've never seen someone prettier like damn
Calm down buddy, her face is just above average. If she wasn't this massively fat you wouldn't have looked twice.

Now Roxxie on the other hand, has a truly beautiful face.

Yeah this. If she was skinny and you passed her on the street you probably wouldn't even notice.
She's getting so small

Fucking italians,
being delusional and obsessed with
only one fucking sport:
stupid retarded soccer people!! XD
i heard this bitch only takes bwc
I don't think I've even seen a picture of her with a black person so I'm wondering why you've come over from the Randalln thread to stir shit up again.

Here we go guys again,
haters gonna hate!
I'm gonna flip the table.

Hence why it says bwc and not bbc retard
She looks like the type to be all about mediocre cock with good money
Yep. Misread. I suck cocks.
Anyone can share her Discord here?? Thanks! :)
I would also like the discord
Hi guys, is she in europe or has she returned to the US for christmas?
mfw she doesn't need to turn sideways to fit through doorways anymore
Has she plans to make other trips in the future
or not?
Looks like they deleted that tweet.
Goodness gracious imagine that 100+ pounds ago
Can anyone shares part 1 and 2 of Boberry´s Vip WebSite?
Until the last publication of the month of December.
Any more wishes? Would you like me to wrap it for you as a gift?
Hi! Anyone can upload her recent stuff or share her Discord?
Discord please or drop it in a coded file so it’s not super out there
What´s her discord name? I can´t found.
Happy New Year!
Can someone sends her recent stuff, the videos of the pool?
Is the MEGA link still around?
Does anyone have an archive of her BigCuties catalog? Specifically set 255?
>>67400 Thank you! Do you also have any of the photos?
Hi! Everyone knows if she has post any recent photos or videos??...
Anyone have the donut set?
Yes, in december 2022.
anyone have the vid of her jumping in the pool?
Boberry is so underrated
Is someone paying for her website? At https://boberryvip.com/. I can't buy and access that site. If anyone could buy and share their latest posts made in 2022, I'd appreciate it.
I appreciate her a lot. Did something happen to her?
On New Year's Eve and at the beginning of the new year did you talk to her?
Her lastest post was 8 days ago and she gets in a pool of cold water nothing really intresting

Imagine a fart blasting out of that crack right into you're mouth 🤤
(148 KB, 800x1191, bo_prev86_both.jpg) (185 KB, 1280x853, index.jpg)
Does anyone have set 86 (just the photos) or Passion's Place photo set 60 "S'more Please" which had BoBerry as a guest? I believe it was called "Babydoll Babes". I'm sharing the videos that go with those sets and a couple other goodies: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9VTVZyNFM5aDh2eQ==
Mary is in the redwood forest national park in Cali
Well in the pic obliviously

Thank You! Were there any other times BoBerry crossed over onto other sites outside of BigCuties?
anyone have the mega?
did something happen to the bigcuties mega links? why are they all empty now…?
mega of bigcuties set 151-300. the rest are gone for some reason and it would be great if someone could reup them :3
Does anyone have videos of her in high heels? Or does anyone have her pink fishnet set where shes wearing the clear stripper heels?

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