
may as well make this the new jazz thread since the old one hit bump limit. here's the mega from the previous one

damn near 3/4 of a ton of luscious jigglyflesh?
jesus fuckin christ that must be some kind of record
Does anyone have the one where she gets in the car?
this looks good . do you guys think she does sittings better than eve?
a ton is 2000 pounds, genius
Yeah in retard land it is, but in the rest of the world a ton is 1000kg.
jazz is 650
eve is about 600
too advanced for ya, dumbass?
Two women weigh as much as 10 skinny women.
Nope that are only 906Kg; so 2210lb would be around 1t!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Das bist du du Behindi...Mongo
Ich bin in die Schule gegangen kostenlos, du für umsonst...
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Here we go again. More trolls and no content
Ich hack dir den Kopf ab, wenn ich dich sehe!
New lovely squashing content
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
This looks awesome; anyone have the vid of Jazz and Eve?
vids 29,30,31
Love bro. Do you have the following ones?
I don’t sadly, got these three from the old thread a while ago
I wish, I could be lie between the two, just awesome.
green_table3 on Instagram and blanket971 has some jazz content.
Jazz actually did a New weight in. Do you think she got bigger?
Can someone be a hero and upload the be weigh in
Stop dreaming, it's been months since new content of her got shared, everybody's talking about how good the new vids are while sharing nothing, as soon as my new card arrives I'm going to buy every interesting video and share it here, tired of seeing everybody flexing and nobody sharing, it doesn't make sense to me
Anyone got the new jazz stuff?
Some of her new stuff

Now, if someone would upload something new from Eve or Ellie, I would be really gratefull.
Officially my favorite, she's so fucking hot.
>>59839 could you reup those vids (29, 30, and 31)?

Also does anyone have the vid for set 35? It’s a car stuffing
Love her content honestly. Her thigh is MASSIVE and before she got up you could see signaling she doesnt need help tp get up. Thats crazy how much a fat hippo she is now. She gets out of breath so easily. If anyone has the last two weigh ins thatd be dope but this stuff is fire thanks for sharing.

Can I ask for a reup bro?
Who’s got this?
could someone re-up this and the other new stuff that was posted about 2 weeks ago?
didn't notice this thread lmao
Part 1: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWFIa21HSXM3SXQ=
Part 2: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVR1c3VqbzF6MEk=
Part 3 (the one video that couldn't fit in the other parts): aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWJaTFpyd0NHSUI=
Thanks for the drop bro im grateful bit is there anyway antpmmyone could upload each of the videos in mab
Does this include the new sets?
That's great n all but we need the new sets not the old sets!!
Who got the new sets?
i dont know but eves page is on fire with gifts lol
is she only 27?

thanks pal
has 40 or 44 drop here yet?
>>64616 These fellas are the future hope for humanity. The BBC revolution is here. The ladies can't get enough of those BBCs from what I hear.

Bro, shut yo faggot ass up. I swear you motherfuckers are obsessed with dicks.
I've only got one of them, the one from Eve's channel. Hopefully someone else has got the one from Jazz?
The link didn't seem to work, here it is again.
Merry fatty Christmas everybody!

Who's gonna be our Santa here, sharing new Jazz content?

Thanks in advance
Any re ups of tight chair challenge??
Bump this - looking for all jazz squashing
nobody has this?

Swear to god this is the hottest woman alive, her face and attitude is so sexy and she's incredibly big, a fucking behemoth
u dont have the new one?
No sir
Can't believe she already has another weigh-in. The pace she's been gaining for someone already so huge is impressive.
I got it boys. enjoy!
Thank you!
>>67441 Fucking Legend
any more jazz squashing vids?
Could we have all the files from this thread in a mega as a last year round up please?
Legion's black.
has that set ever been shared ?
nobody has her latest squashing set?
Some hero gotta share this
she needa start doin porn
HE PUT A GREEN HAIR BRUSH UP HIS ASS! Who is it? I'm going to fight this glord
Not a fan when guys enter the picture
Bruh he put a green brush handle up his shitty butthole. Who is this pervert? What is socials or Insta? I'm going to fuck him up
Thank you king!
Appreciate you to the moon, King!

Any chance of you sharing vids from sets:
50, 46, 43, 41, 40, 39, 36, 35, 33 & 32

Please & Thank You!

thanks do you have #46, 48 , or 50 or did these get shared aready?

can anyone please re-up? download shows error code :(
wt has recovered, at the time of writing this and it is still up>>69295

How. Damn. Hot. &. Fat. She. Is.
Any Re-ups?
look up green_table3 on ig they got it and a bunch of other stuff too
>turns around and starts to scrub her ass only to stop when she realizes there's no elegant way to do so in that specific pose with the current camera angle because she can't reach
pretty hot, but kinda disappointing we didn't get to see that shower wand disappear between those cheeks
Could anyone pls share her latest shower set?
can anyone reup the chair set?
In case it wasnt clear, I was referring to the "tight chair challenge", one who was posted here already, thanks!

there you go
thank you dear sir
Has anyone uploaded the new squashing sets with eve etc?
and how does someone post 51 the weigh in and not post 50 the squashing set
something ain't right....
Anyone got set 35, 45, or 48 ??
How do you download these files?
Don't ask me how it is that I do it because I only know that I love them. Same as I don't know how they do the things they do in that other world, and I don't want to know about their dark craft. All I can say is that there are times when I have been frightened by all these supernatural things, more so in the years past, but all I can tell you is that I didn't ever pay it too much mind when I was younger, not until they came to bother me and try to purposely make me paranoid. When I noticed them then I started putting two and two together. As of now I think of it as a blessing, but I am not sure what it is although I had some logical possibilities most of them became naturaly impossible when tested.

I stopped caring after a while. I close my eyes and pray at night that God protect all of those beautiful people and girls, and I learned to not worry about anything but my salvation. If I needed to know I would know by now. If it was truly important then I would know after all these years whatever it is that it is. I try to pray specifically in the case that it is a gift from God and hope that it does some good. There is no information online. In 2018 I saw what seemed to me an indication of a pattern, and felt somewhat relieved, but I saw that too quickly become an impossible possibility. Whatever it is, it's a miracle, and spiritual.

Don't let them fool you. They are hidden in plain sight. They are always lying. They were herebefore 2018, and before 2016, and even before then.
Iam asking How can i download this video you send it here i want to get theses video 🥺
Can any one upload her videos on Google drive or telegram it will be easier
if you're too retarded to figure it out, at least have the courtesy to not spam the thread
I'm so sorry 😑 but i love jazz and Searching for her videos from 2 month
Jazz is almost a 700 lbs yall. Probably the best looking ultra size lady right now imo. She could honestly fatten up to 800 with the right help. Great body but i think shed do better on onlyfans or manyvids where she can do more stuff than on bigcuties
Waooo is he her boyfriend or something?

Word on the street is that he was the stunt double from the movie Road Trip
No... or at least I'm p sure he isn't. That's FlatJack... he's a very popular "actor" or "stuntman" to hire, typically for Squash content but I believe he's also used for size comparisons, etc.
That's really funny... or do you really belive this nonsense?
Van Any one upload old video
Does anyone have her recent squashing videos?
shes gay my g x
old content bruvs.
in a Q&A a few weeks ago she said she wasn't ready for a BF and hasn't had sex for 6 months. she's bi at most plus she has a child.

Any of her recent 4-5 videos would be awesome tbh.
>female doesn't have sex constantly/isn't constantly chasing a relationship
>no reference to any public confirmation made by her, regarding her sexual orientation
>she must be gay!
classic bbwchan
Dude she has a wife what are you talking about
her Tumblr and her insta g....
Nothing is safe. The eyes are coming to your town next and the government wont do anything to save you and your elderly grandparent voters will not help you.
Any one can re-upload videos over her 30 video
jazz has like 7 sets that are 10/10 that no ones shared yet

here we go with the "someone else" agenda....if you want it buy it and share..dont shame others when you are doing the same thing
reread >>73787 and try again.
>no reference to any public confirmation made by her
I imagine it's challenging enough being illiterate and all, but you tards could at least attempt to link or post something to substantiate your claims
Are you fucking retarded? You could have used your fat greasy fingers to find out by yourself but it seems like somebody else already did the job for you, smfh

Wow guys it took almost two decades of English-language chans but we finally did it

We finally found the most retarded person on the internet
nice. a rare, genuinely constructive response
>literally 'no u' reasoning
>expecting someone to provide adequate references somehow indicates the person making such a request is illiterate themselves

did you... never learn how to appropriately reference an in-text citation in secondary school? or how to compose a coherent sentence which includes one? because that's a pretty basic fucking mutual expectation within written communication, especially if you're making a particularly specific claim
>You could have used your fat greasy fingers to find out by yourself but it seems like somebody else already did the job for you, smfh
attempting to trivialize the process of locating the information by suggesting how easy or simple it is to find doesn't really help your case. if it's so easy to include, why not just provide a link in the first place, as the person making the claim?
How much is she weighing these days?
Plz reup

Please someone has sets above 50?
we need a hero
Y'all seen set #57 looks fucking awesome some squashing/belly play
I am willing to drop the latest 5 Bigcutie Jaz sets in exchange for the latest Sadie sets
No trading. Share or GTFO
drop the jazz sets
ohhh wow we need this one ssbbw on ssbbw
bro drop it and then go to sadie section .
yall welcome! hoping for recent Sadie now
Bro look like et wit a wig
Holy shit this gotta be her best one yet
how tf jazz sets not floating around as frequent as boberry. shes 6'1" 600 lbs and does squashing videos. we need those other recent vids now!!!
She’s actually 666.2 pounds according to her last weigh in
She is obviously not 300Kg heavy!
Otherwise she would be rather immobile.

She might weight over 200 though.
I would estimate her somehwere betwen 170 and 230 kilos.
FatFantasy (Breathless_Fantasy on TikTok) is now on Feabie. She claims to be a feedee there
Mods please do your fucking jobs and ban this filthy German piece of shit lowlife retarded motherfucking mongeloid already goddammit
You are that apparently, you subhuman disgrace:
Nobody can ban me here, as I am not registrated, as I have explained it several times!
But that might be too high for your brain...
Your mother should've killed herself when she was pregnant with you, you filthy fucking animal.
You was supposed to be send to a concentration camp and deep breathing in the gas chamber.
Ah the true German Nazi pig reveals himself. If I was in a room with Hitler, Himmler and you, holding a gun with 2 bullets, i would shoot you twice.
For some reason this doesn't work for me. After I download it, it says "media not found". Can some be so kind as to re-up this in a different format or a through a different file transfer service?
Every. Fucking. Day. With this shit.
Enough already. Ignore the idiot making up random numbers and he'll go away. Why do you people keep engaging with him?
sorry to be that guy, but can I get a reup on that please
>>76380 This is the best reply I've ever seen on the Internet in a long time lmfao rn
Here you go
anyone have these?
Well won't won't worry, as you come to a gun fight with a spoon...
eutanasie would be a mercy for you.
Have a heart attack ya fool
I’m sorry but can I have a reup on all the newest content that’s been shared?
Reup of the new squashing pls

Can you reup please gentleman?

Too late, can you reup please sir?

Can we get any of the new jazz squashing please friends
never even seen this before.. its old too
Anyone got any goddess naughtia facesitting videos or bigcutie eve squashing
Anyone got any goddess naughtia facesitting videos or bigcutie eve squashing
yall do know Eve, Big Dee, and Superdomebooty have their own threads right? stop fucking asking for sets in the wrong places
Elite begging tactics
bump for content
stfu get that Hagrid bitch out of here this is a Jazz thread
anyone got the last squashing video?
anyone got this?
Any hero have new content of jazz
Sure I can, after you share squashing videos that haven't been shared before.
Could you share first bro because I’m certain I’m going to put videos on here and not receive any back
We don't do trading here you limey asshole. You've already been begging in the BoBerry & Sadie threads. Just post what you have and someone will be inclined to help you out.
>>80910 literally. niggas been begging in all threads for one weak ass video without even contributing himself
Why is there non-Jazz content in the Jazz thread? Stupid as fuck
I’m pretty new here how do I watch the vids
Anyone got that new POV squashing video from this Barney-built ass bitch?
Looking for bigdee squashing her slave vids
Mmmph... must be from a future set. Goddamn tho... just imagine if she could move that ass like that while you're inside her! Sheeeeeesh~
Yes we need the full video link to that
Whoever sending shit that ain’t jazz y’all mad annoying wtf 😂
Can any mods please ban this guy. He keeps spamming and posting models into threads they don't belong in. It's mad annoying it's everyday with this coomer.
This is a Jazz thread, stop posting shit that ain’t related to her
Didn’t realise mukkas
anyone have this??
also interested in >>78013
Link doesn't work
(232 KB, 864x1152, IMG_9342.jpeg)
Does anyone have this? I’m visiting this thread daily in hope that someone will post it.
I'll reup when someone uploads the after shower vid or the baby oil vid I've been asking for for months
(58 KB, 600x600, 1335904232659.png)
>>83811 (Cross-thread)
>>83811 (Cross-thread)

People like you are the reason why the US has gone to shit. You're proud of being uneducated, proud of of being unable to speak foreign languages, proud of your boorish stupidity.

You despise striving for knowledge and excellence. In a word, you are degenerated.

China has already overtaken you on many levels. Soon they will be your masters, and they will force you to speak chinese.

I'm OK with that, you just get what you deserve.
Anyone know what her most recent weigh in came in at?
>>83849 (Cross-thread) You're so smart. Go get a girl pregnant woth that big brain of yours, fucking rat.
Niggers make ass boring. Like it's just ass wtf. Nasty. Niggers make me not want ass anymore
That would be a long journey, which may last her years...

I don't think she really is, but rather below 300Kg, possible around 240 or 250, as that was Zsalynn at her peak, which is taller than her.
>>83758 (Cross-thread)
Her last post 7 weeks ago said she was going to ghost for an undetermined amount of time due to a health scare. Any one know more?
on her website she posted a short video from an airport from today about going for a" Month" long birthday trip...wonder where she is going...she bout to be 38yo tomorrow damn our legends getting old almost pushing 40...and some of you guys in here thought she will be depressed and low right now lol
Ok guys, i got that Handbrake and somehow downsized the vid (from 3gb to 1gb now) so i'll upload it to... idk maybe Spankbang or something.

In the meantime, i found this one,

dont know if you already have it, i feel like a scavenger searching any sign of this whale's humoungus ass across the whole internet.

BTW, if someone can re-upload that vid whit Big John (i missed it when it was posted here) it would be pretty much apreciated, thanks.
does anybody have the mega link with her bigcutie sets?
and its shit thats been shared a bunch of times before
anyone have this
Any update
If someone has the new update, they would of already uploaded it, so there's no need for you to keep begging.
bruh only asked once how is that begging?
You know what those coloured boxes are? They are ID numbers, and by clicking them you can highlight your other posts, and you have been begging more than once.

Besides that, you ignored the rest of my post...
If someone has some new content that they have acquired, they will find the models thread, scroll down, and see if anyone has posted it, and if they haven't, they will post it themselves.

This way we don't have to put up with beggers like yourself. In other words, if someone has new content, they would have posted it, if no one has posted it then no one obviously has it.

The irony of your begging, is that your saying "Hey, I can't be bothered to buy this content, can someone else buy it?"
Which is ironic, you are asking others to do the same thing you won't do yourself.

A lot of people like yourselves, think that the board is just constantly full of people buying new content, hence why you expect brand new content to be already delivered.

It's not like that at all. Most content uploaded comes from other websites, and the odd time, people will buy stuff themselves.

TLDR: Stop begging.
bumb for new content
This enormous lard ass queen deserves more sharing
Post something yourself or let the thread die.

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