
to bad she dipped again
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damn ok, i may have over stepped there. just checked insta
Mother of God
Hopefully we get new vids tonight 🤞Think she’s still gaining? 600-670 only took 6 months, and 3 months have passed since then. Might already be over 700. Hard to tell from the one new pic.
> Might already be over 700.
God yes. I hope she reaches 800.
She’ll probably weigh again around the new year. I’d have to guess that she will be 700 by then
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New pics on her OnlyFans.
For someone with no job besides onlyfans you’d think she’d actually post
no vids...... sadness
Look at how fat she is. do you really think she is disciplined and energetic enough to do that more than a couple times per month?

The ssbbw chicks who are active online and post regularly do so because they have boyfriends that do all the harwork. All they need to do is eat and look pretty. Some of them probably don't even need to bathe themselves bc the boyfriend does the scrubbing for them.

I shit you not, all some of these women is consume (food and entertainment) and move sometimes to prevent bedsores. Boyfriend takes care of everything else.
>I shit you not, all some of these women is consume (food and entertainment) and move sometimes to prevent bedsores. Boyfriend takes care of everything else.

You make that sound like a bad thing
Anyone seen the new pics? Look any fatter?
eat enough food to feed a small village in a 3rd world country on the daily, barely move, tv / video games all day, someone to wait on you hand and foot 24/7 who would do so freely.rpbably wipes with rag on a stick. now thats livin
hungr hungry Adeline please? anyone has it?
Hasn’t she spoken about her job before? I haven’t been following her recently but I know she’s mentioned that she used to own a store and then got some kind of government job.
Didn't she mention a bf in her struggles with getting in her car to the hospital vid?
holy fuck she is massive. i would lose my mind if i saw her live in the flesh
Holy Moly! She is so Big!!! It really impressive about her weight!
Thanks, but this is already up on Coomer. Says it released August 18th so it's pretty dated now.
Oh man. What I wouldn’t give to see a Patty-style fail getting in and out of the car. I need documentation, not just reports lol
Again, it's freely available on Coomer.party.
honestly just let them suffer
does she have anything new on of? Im sick of waiting for new manyvid, like how fucking lazy can she be ;(
i think its fairly obvious at this point that nearly all these models are taken in one form of another. to get into pron by ones self entire is a very bold endevor.
> like how fucking lazy can she be ;(
did you watch her recent measuring video, she LITERALLY can't stand up for long and she needed help from a guy to get her body measured (thanks god the guy never talks or shows his face) lmao I know this shit can get some people hard over here but still she's barely mobile at this point so don't expect much from her, even if she's making good dosh out of simps she's not commited I mean shes barely capable, lmao
At this point ill get hard to video of her just lying in hospital bed, anything would be good.
Ill guess you lost relation to reality
Adeline is over 650 pounds what do you want her to do? a backflip? Holy damn let this woman be, if she makes content good, if not stfu.
She is clearlynot above 250Kg...
Jamie Lopez wasat her peak 230Kg and was much bigger.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Right. They won't sell as much content if they let it be known and talk about their boyfriends or husbands. Let the buyer fantasize they're single.

some here can't wait for her to die. I mean when word comes out that "She died from being so fat." they will jerk off to that sentence.
Der bist du, du mongolides Wesen!
Idk about all that, i would just prefer she actually makes content

Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Schieß die eine Kugel in den Mund, Hilfsschüler!
I'm not going to lie, if she dies soon-ish from being this fat, I'm gonna jerk off to that.
Anyone who takes pleasure in the death of another is a psychopath. I hope the admins remove this discussion before before it attracts unwanted attention.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
From whom? Whiny, hand-wringing scolds?
still no update but here's something
Reup please
(51 KB, 854x480, a45989845998604564566.jpg)
She's just put 5 new videos on her manyvids!
Here's a reup on a semi-recent one (not the picture, that's her new weigh in):

I was now going to post about her new uploads
here are some older ones that are seldom shared.
Let's get the content rolling!
drop the video. Thanks for the number though.
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>a heckin chonker
Hi All, please do share any of her five recent vids. Here's some stuff:

>the same anonfiles spam that's already been posted 10 times
Fuck outta here
Had the audacity to edit out her standing up for the weigh in 🤦‍♂️
they really did that?
So if the number is kegit her BMI is 110... WoW
I fucking love it. It's like watching her inflate in real time.
I am putting myself in his shoes, doesn’t he feel guilty for stuffing her so much? Like at what point does the fetish take a back seat to concern and the reality. Or is it like “I will find another to stuff after her?” Not trolling really trying to understand.
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How the hell did a *600 pound* woman put on *100 pounds IN A YEAR?* Like, that isn't even feederism at this point, she is genuinely just addicted to food and too fucking fat to move and burn any calories - she's even said on camera that she's not really attempting to gain. Her boyfriend must be RICH to afford to feed her
What’s interesting is that since the beginning of January when she weighed in at 604, she’s put on approx. 2.4lbs A WEEK! She busted her knee soon after the January weigh in, so it’s cool to see just how consistently she’s being a glutton whilst she’s been struggling to get around.

Feels like this is her stuck in a cycle of gaining now, reinforced by her mobility issues. I genuinely can’t quite comprehend how much someone needs to eat to gain that quickly and consistently when they’re already over 600lbs
It's not even a year. It's 10 months. That's insane. Even if she isn't moving much, she has to be eating incredible amounts of food consistently to gain that quickly.
She really needs to dive more into how she eats daily.

Given that she can polish off a whole cake in 5 minutes, I know she's a glutton. But she has to be inhaling food daily to grow like that
She's put on more weight in 10 months than she has in years of her fucking career. She started in like the high 300s/low 400s in the late 2000s right? And she only crossed 500 in like 2018 I think, only reached the 600 threshold this year. She's literally growing exponentially. I gotta see that weigh in, man.
i had this same thought. i get the impression he's rich from what i've seen of their place and the fact that he can presumably afford to fully take care of her.

but adeline is arguably one of the hottest SSBBW models of all time. so i find it hard to believe he'd be sure he could replace her... plus that's kind of psychopathic...

i'm still not sure what to make of it. maybe she's got a fetish herself and this is just what she wants. it's not impossible.
Can we not do this whole “concerned for her health routine”? Like I just want to see the video and honestly see her gain more. Don’t want to see the theories of how Mr. Feeder is secretly the third anti christ
To trust this, you really have to live in your fantasie (world).
Subrathed 200 from it and it seems rather plausible.
Maybe will it be nex week 1000; there can be shown any number...
To keep/ contain her weight, she have to consume 7000 calories per day.
This is not even for gaining, for what it have to be much more...
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
The weight troll came back before the new contebt dropped. It's always entertaining here
Wasn't it only a couple months ago she weighed 670 or something?
Depression is a helluva drug
Anybody have to consider for yourself, if such gains are possible for humans (without sickness).
Well if someone claims to be 140 years old, people might believe this as well...
>Not trolling really trying to understand.
Sure. GTFO, sincerely.
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Fick dich ins Knie, Spast!
Halt die Fresse, Troll!
Holy shittttt....did the scale errored out with 700lbs limit??
lmao she is literally eating herself to death i love it
someone upload the weigh in
Adding to this, any other new vid would be nice.
fingers crossed for her reaching 750 after new years :))
The crazy thing is that at her current pace, she’s gonna be 750 by mid March, so it’s probably not a few years away ;)
Not the same, I shared different stuff, I'm just missing her newest 5 vids and the demanding ssbbw one. Also, since it's just me and one or two other people sharing content, it's hard to not re-share what I've shared before. Just trying to get the ball rolling.
Naw she might not be over 700 guys but definitely heavier probably between 680 to 690
Scales start bugging out whe you start reaching the cap and are super inaccurate but damn she’s getting up there
Is she at least standing in any of new vids ? I realy dont want to spend money to see her upper half sitting still;/
Feel like she'll become immobile in the next 1.5 years or so. She has gained 100 lbs in 10 months & has a fuckd up knee, there is no way she could move around at 750+ if her knee pain continues (which it likely WILL, because she's gaining weight, which applies further pressure and makes healing harder!)
She started in 2013 at about ~310, gained like a 100 pounds in 10 months within her first year, gained another 50 in the 12 months after that and reached 500 around late 2016. She's already proven to be a serious gainer straight from the get go, it's just insane that she's not just stumbled into gaining 100+ pounds in less then a year AGAIN but that it happened immediately after reaching 600, there's barely any precedent for that as far as I know as far as models go
And just to make things clear I'm one of those fucking autists that makes like spreadsheets with this stuff
Yup that's the concern lol, some legend wanna share please?
Kinda seems like you are tho buddy
I know it's not the weigh in lads but it's 2/4 new vids

boobies vid: so we 3/4 now


Thanks but down faster than lightning
I will re up them later, she's literally reading this thread right now
Hi adeline
Thanks so much for sharing guys but im using my phone for downloads is there anyway someone can make the adeline file smaller? If not its all good. Thanks anyways
Where did I state the opposite
Oh my bad, thought you said you weren't one of those guys. Fair play.
(3.8 MB, 3440x1440, notitle.png)
Just this...
lol, lmao
Still up for me. Literally downloading right now as I type this.
i paid to subscribe months ago so i got the new vids free of charge. to download

The files downloaded fine for me. They aren't down.
Can safely say Adeline becoming millennial/elder emo Goddess Patty is my favorite story arc in fat porn rn
What the motherfuck are you blabbering about
Please do share when you get the chance
The files still there...

You're right I made a large mistake when I pasted the links
ehm im sorry but does anybody explain to me how to use these kind of links: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzkzWkVoT1VsZElTRlJyTUE9PQ==
Each number or letter is two spaces off from the actual numbers and letters you individually type into your browser. U=W, 1=3, e=g, etc. In case of Y or Z, you have to start over from the beginning of the alphabet: Y=A, Z=B. Equal signs represent a blank space. Enjoy!
To gain that amount in 10 months, she’d need 5200 - 5500 calories every day, depending on her height. What’s her height?

5'7" according to her recent vids
somebody need to tell her that the lower angle that she always uses is not good.

it works for some girls but not her.... if shes sitting down, the camera needs to be at least 4 feet high and angled downward to really capture her size.

right now she does the opposite, has the camera like 2 feet off the ground and angled slightly upwards.... it pisses me off lol
Her legs are literally her best part and you can't see them in her videos...very weird choice.
Seems Adeline has reached the old catch-22 of being an extreme glutton model. As exciting as it is/was to see her absolutely explode in size; it’s also the reason her content has gone to shit. I mean, what do we really expect a 700+ woman to be able to do? At this point I just want to see her in a standing position so we can see her gigantic figure in all its glory.
703 confirmed in the weight gain story video. Holy fucking shit. Honestly, I believed it right away, her face is noticeably much fatter already.

But yeah, we gotta see that weigh-in. I want to see her react in real time.
(2.1 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (412).png)
She stands up for about 45 seconds fellas
Anon fucking delivers!
Thanks! 🙏🙏

if i was her cameraman i would make you guys so fucking happy i swear.

I'd capture all of her ridiculously fattest angles...perfect lighting... even if she just sits down all the time, you can capture it properly
dude she is literally shaking when standing up without her walker thing

her legs wanna give up so bad from all that 600 extra pounds of weight

so morbidly hot to see someone make their life so hard.

Only 30 years old, panting from having to stand up and needing a geriatric mobility walkers to avoid collapsing under her own weight. What a time to be alive
Thank you to the generous mfers in this thread. Doesn't anyone have the 5th video she posted?
Seeing her use the walker for those brief few seconds was the hottest thing I’ve seen all year.
I'm assuming the weird edit where she cut out the part where she actually got up is because she couldn't do it without her cameraman helping her, as nothing else really makes any sense.
I just watched it and still can't believe what I was looking at. Belly so heavy it pulls her forward. Thighs pushing each other apart. he whole body was shaking on the scale.She could barely keep her balance and got completely out of breath from just that little movement, Best of all, she knows she's past the point of no return. The fact she didn't even remember the last number and low-balled her gain, makes it even crazier. What are we witnessing gents?
and on top of all of that she's actually super pretty.

so many really huge women are ugly. but adeline has always been gorgeous like maryboberry.

i almost can't believe a woman this hot (from our perspective) exists in real life. but i know she's real because i've been jacking it to her since i was like 16 several years ago
i'm afraid she's not showing her legs because they're getting kind of fucked up... rashes and infections and so forth. hope that's not the case
she got nobody to tell her that. her husband is the cameraman
703 pounds. To think about how much she’s gained since returning after surgery is hard to fathom. She is addicted to food and killing herself while documenting the whole process. gg.
Adeline is, bar divine intervention, well past the point of return. What we are seeing is equivalent to those sad, ugly blobs on my600poundlife, with the exception being that Adeline is extremely pretty and seemingly isn’t crying every day about being fat. She’s as addicted to food as anyone on that show, you could probably keep giving her McDonald’s all day and she would be unable to say no.

As evidenced by the video, she’s on her last legs of mobility. Another leg or knee injury and she’s going to root herself to her bed. She seems completely unable to leave her house without insane logistics, she def isn’t going to the mall, store, anywhere without being in her car the entire time or a motorized wheelchair.

It’s amazing what’s happening, a model who started around 300 pounds with a gorgeous face is literally going to eat her way to immobility, and she is powerless to stop it. I’d imagine her dating life (and according to a relatively recent video she does have one) only consists of dates visiting her at her house, as that woman is 100% not going anywhere that requires walking more than 50-60 meters. Enjoy it while it lasts fellas, because one of two things are going to happen: she’s going to continue down this path until she’s eaten herself to death, or she’s going to lose weight at some point, if only down to 600. I only say the first option because she is clearly addicted to food and can’t stop herself.
To think about how much weight she has put on in such a short amount of time since her return from surgery is hard to wrap your head around. She is addicted to food and killing herself all while documenting it on camera. gg
She’s never going to stop. I bet for as long as she’ll be on the internet creating content it will be uphill in terms of weight. Over the last ~10 months she’s been gaining at a clip of about 10 pounds a month. She’ll pop on with a new weigh in every 4-5 months and go “oops I gained another 45 pounds” until she can’t get up to weigh herself or can’t find a scale big enough. I’m guessing by this time next year she’ll be close to 775 or more and be almost completely unable to walk
As incredible as this is fellas you are low balling her gain, she had dropped down to 550 from 570 at the end of October start of November so in 1 year its been 150 lbs in 12 months!
fuuuuuck, it got taken down! Ny chance for a reup?

That didn't last long. Any kind soul willing to reup?
In the Weight gain story she says she stopped the physical exercises a few weeks back, because it was just too much and even admits to knowing that she will become even bigger this way. I never thought that about any SSBBW model ever, but she might actually know she's on the edge of her mobility and will lose it unless she's getting WLS and somehow she seems content with it or just resignated. It's incredible and to me she's the best and most attractive model of our community ever.
She s the hottest model alive and she uploads 5 identical videos of her sitting (one of them is standing for 30 sec).. its like she s being filmed by someone who isnt into fat fetish:/
If you want her to be immobile you have to be ok with her doing only seated content. There's no leeway here.
If you legit have all her vids that are currently on her Manyvids can you upoad the rare ones on AnonFiles? I can drop a request list too.
Can one of you guys upload the weight gain story?I know it's a hassle but I think everyone int he thread would really appreciate it.
shes so heavily addcited i forsee her at 800 pounds easily

Thanks for the effort, kind anon, but it's gone already yet again. Probably it's futile to upload to wetransfer. Would anyone pls reup it on mab or other alterntives?

It's insane to me that, unless there's WLS in her future, we're going to watch her gain to 800 and then likely die. All documented in HD videos. What a time to be alive.
Fucking hell, how are there so many fucking psychotic retards who get a hard on from fantasising about someone dying. You should be ashamed to have even been born.
stuck at 5% upload for me
This woman is documenting - for pay - her extreme weight gain while scantily clad. She openly discusses her diminishing mobility. We all know where this is going. To me, this is arousing.
Maybe that's fucked up, but my peepee likes what it likes.
She's a food addict and this is probably one of very few sources of income for her. Wanting her to die just so you can jerk off is sick bro.
Yeah, she really looks like she's destitute and desperate. I'm sure the second the camera is off she's crying her eyes out, wishing a namefag like you would save her from this prison she's eaten herself into.

Need anything for your soapbox while you're up there? How about a nice cross and hammer & nails?
She is very clearly doing well for herself. She lives in a nice, clean place with clearly an unlimited food budget. She likely still has her government job, plus whatever her boyfriend earns. She has chosen this life. She would have the means to turn this ship around: if she wanted to.
Nah this thing is completely out of her control, she's going doing with this ship whether she wants to or not.
I don't care about saving anyone you faggot. I'm just not a psychopath like you who wishes death on someone and jerks to it.

Some addition to society you are, your parents must be proud.
I'll ask them and let you know what they say.
Maybe Netflix could do a show about you, Dahmer is only one season long after all.
We have no fucking idea exactly how she feels about all this or what her life is like. Yeah, we get little glimpses and can make guesses, but no more than that. She might be doing great, everything might be fucked up, who knows. I think all we know for sure is that her appetite is out of fucking control, and she either embraces that or is resigned to it.

But no one's forcing her to make content, and know one's forcing you to consume it. She chooses to put it out there, and you can watch it or ignore it for whatever pure or fucked up motivations you have. Models know better than any of us what this business entails, and if she's still on board with it, that's her choice.
Yeah i have no problem with her or her content dude. Just with some mentally handicapped idiots on here who get aroused by death. Maybe they'd do well to rid us of themselves.

confirm stuckage at 5%. Doesn't bode well.

You, namefag, seems the one obsessed with death and wishing it on others. Maybe you should let a psychiatrist enlighten you on the subject of projection.
Here are 3 of the brand new vids: The weight gain story, the boob video, and Lazy Growing Adeline.
There does not currently seem to a link to the new weigh-in that is working right now so if someone could upload that I would really appreciate it.
My apologies, the link directly above does not work but this one does with those 3 vids:
Now we just need the weigh-in.
What did she do to her knee? Ligament damage?
Thank you so much for getting that uploaded.
One of the only vids that's never been posted seems to be Hangry SSBBW Girlfriend Demands from a few months ago.
Anyone have it?
Does anyone out there have Adeline's content organized by year? I would love to see her progression in order!
Maybe we can get a numbered naming convention for Adeline's Onlyfans content like we did with BoBerry's so that can be viewed in order too.
What must her parents think?
I'm going to make a wild guess that her Mom is also fat, and her Dad is probably not in the picture. Going to presume that being nearly immobile at 30 is a sign of an unstable family situation.
Yeah can someone upload the hangry SSBBW video ?
Lookin for. Her new massive heavy belly vid, break room binge and the oiled up by her bf vid
Not to be judgmental but yeah 9 times out of 10 I assume this lifestyle is directly connected to a less than ideal family background. Like you knoooow all those “saw my family for the first time in years” vids are usually made up stories.
she's clearly married to a rich dude. they both have rings
Hey all, the mab is getting to 31% and then getting stuck there. Using chrome. Not sure what the issue is.
don't use incognito
Don't have to be "rich" to rent a decent looking apartment. But they're definitely doing well enough to support their lives comfortably.
Anyways, my previous point was that she is doing well enough that she could change her trajectory, if she wanted to. WLS, food addiction rehab, etc.
She clearly is happy with how things are.

I agree. All it takes is a major health scare - heart attack, major complications from diabetes; not talking about things hurting, as I doubt that would change her mind at this point, but talking something that brings her close to death - and pretty much guaranteed she will go from not caring how much she gains to wanting to lose weight. Recognizing you have an unhealthy lifestyle that notionally could result in an early death is abstract and easily ignored; staring death in the face, not so much.
I think you underestimate just how depraved some people can be
She will face a fork-in-the-road moment health-wise. And she will decide if she wants to lose weight, or not -- and that will be that.
(The knee injury, and the fact that it has her using a walker at her age, may have already been such a turning point.)
aaaaand just like that the funs over. well for me at least
WTF, over 700lbs!!! I don't know if you guys realize how much it represents in real life... I bet most you haven't even been with a girl who's a third of that.
Facts. My wife is 340, and she's considering WLS due to mobility issues. I just can't imagine her being twice as heavy and still being alive.
Could some literal God please upload that postdate cake video. All I can find is some corrupted shit.
I need her fatter than the sun!!!

Mobility issues are an inconvenience, not life-threatening. You really cannot equate that because she is ok using a walker and even becoming immobile she will also be ok with eating herself to death.

Mind you, this highlights one of the big differences between Adeline and Boberry. Adeline seems much less interested in her health/mobility than Boberry, who even at over 600 was pretty mobile (and I expect it was either health issues or having a hard time getting around that got her to stop eating and start losing).

Though I'd love to know why Adeline came to the conclusion that she did not care anymore, as I recall when she was somewhere between 400-500 lbs that she said she was big enough and didn't want to gain more due to how it would limit her mobility.
I don't think she came to the conclusion. She injured her knee and put on well over 100 pounds while recovering. This is just the end result of that. Off-camera I'm positive she's teetering between continuing to gorge and fretting over her worsening physical condition.
She NEEDS to do a video where she goes into depth about how much she is eating. Not even necessarily while eating, I just want to see all the fast food wrappers and bags she burns through in a day/
bro you need to get your ho in line. WLS is not an option.
I think people are underestimating her literal food ADDICTION. It’s not even like what one may call being “addicted” but she is literally dependent on food 110%. Clearly she has valued her fast food more than even a fraction of mobility. I seriously doubt she will ever stop or lose the weight due to her addiction to eating. She’s admitted fine after time of herself trying to slow the gain but just loses control and can’t stop herself. No way would she be able to stop ordering DoorDash on her own terms
True. WLS should be illegal and do not ever allow your girl to lose weight
i can't believe they convince so many people to get their organs cut up for medical industry profit
eating better is not just free, it actually saves money, and everyone who gets WLS looks sickly, not to mention the rate of medical complications that get brushed under the table
Ngl I truly believe WLS has claimed more lives than overeating has. Almost every story I've heard about WLS, other than Mayra Rosales, has ended in the patient dying. If you're willing to die to losing weight, you might as well be willing to die from gaining at that point.
did mayra rosales actually survive and get down to a reasonable weight just by getting WLS? i've always wondered how just the size of the stomach changing can change a person's brain's response to food.
>>12 (Dead)f096

IIRC she got down to what was considered a "healthy" weight, through WLS, and is living what normies would consider an ideal life. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, she was one of the few recorded cases of WLS actually working at her size. However, this was also because she was tried with criminal charges, so it most likely was imperative for her to be of small enough weight to be held within a jail cell.

The state of obesity that Adeline is facing is unburdened, so unless it's Gina Girshwin levels of manipulation (her feeder threatening her into gaining), she must want this to some degree.

Immobility is close, and Adeline is barreling toward it.
>Immobility is close, and Adeline is barreling toward it.

Immobility seems more like /bbwdraw fantasy if anything. I can't think of any USSBBW immobile models, megatons like Enourmous PEar, MzFluff, Pauline Potter, Vanilla - were/are still mobile.

Broader point about WLS being more dangerous than advertised is accurate, but you cannot say that it is fatal in nearly every case. More often than not, it works, at least in the short term (most seem to eventually gain back, particularly if they are addicted to food).

Agree 110% that the women after WLS always look sickly and older, like a deflated balloon. That one pic of Trysta posted here post-WLS was shocking, for example. She looked 20 years older and unwell.

It can't. It limits digestion performance and screws metabolism. Body that's unable to receive necessary calories from food starts burning its fat deposits on a huge scale, screwing or significantly straining kidneys and/or liver in the process.
Brain has to deal with plethora of issues and thus why many people covertly or openly admit to regretting doing that surgery.
I, personally, understand all of the risks with WLS and have advocated against it.
Sometimes life gets in the way of a fetish.
Not being able to play with your kids because you are just too fat is depressing for her.
And at a certain point I'd rather my kids have a mum than me having a whale to shag.
Can someone please upload hangry SSBBW video please ?
Here is Hungry Hangry Adeline:
If someone else has “Hangry SSBBW Girlfriend Demands” that would be great because I’d be interested in that one too.
Gone already, wtf

Echo is immobile because of her enormous alien legs

WLS is rough on a person, but that IRL photo of Trysta showed her without her modeling regalia. Less makeup, no false eyelashes, no recent dye job. She looked older, agreed, but I didn't think she looked unwell. Of course, give it time...
We need updates for these, but we might not get them because she's probably too big to stand and take pics like that.

You can make your own using her pictures..
She has no comparable standing photos at her current size
Anyone got caps or stills of the weight-in video?
I'm from one of those shitty countries where you can't use most file sharing sites, but shitty enough to allow us to navigate sites like this.
(66 KB, 735x754, 4.JPG) (75 KB, 663x758, 1.JPG) (92 KB, 656x760, 2.JPG) (69 KB, 650x758, 3.JPG)

That's pretty shitty bruh.

This is about as good as it gets. Not a lot of movement.

Seeing these pics reminds me how better it would be if she did more videos in underwear or even better nude. You're selling porn, so give the audience what they want! I know it is hard to get undressed at that size, but she has to do it at some point during the day, so do the videos then. Would have been so much hotter to see her belly hanging down as she hunches over her walker. And I want to see more of her legs (agree 110% with the guy who expressed disappointment that she did not get filmed standing up - like, what the hell? no extra effort required and more creaming our pants opportunities! :D).

Not to derail the thread, but 340 is a better lifestyle/diet, and then introducing exercise. My wife got up to 350 (and is huge for her weight even now), and coming down to 280 to 300 made a world of difference. She's now a UK26/US22 and only really gets out of breath from 10 minutes on a rowing machine every few days.

Back to Adeline, as much I love cracking one to her, these last two rounds of releases has shown once the mobility goes a little, the content sure gets boring. Just look at Ash, fucking always loved her but those last 40 or so updates were the same thing over and over, thankgod she was half naked in some of them.
i want a video just about her fat fucking face and neck…
She said in the video that she gave up on physical therapy. I don't think she cares anymore.
What would you pay for a video of real ass struggles, attempts to move and failures caused by her giant size at this point.
this is exactly what we need to see. All the struggles at her size. From getting dressed, to walking, to even showering. She could even have a stuffing video where she orders food, waddles to pick it up, takes it back to her room/couch then demolishes it all. Getting up from the ground, if it's even possible at her current size. There are so many video ideas she could do, but she's probably too fat and lazy for any of them to happen anymore
At this point the most trivial things would be incredible to see. Simple things. Walking from a chair to the couch, up a few stairs (if she can), trying to get in the car, getting out of bed, etc. I liked the idea of her ordering food, struggling to walk to get it and then being out of breath back on the couch and demolishing 5 people’s worth of food.
This is not the same woman; the left one is the sister of a patient of My 600 life (maybe of Amber), I think
I really wish she’d make more eating videos, just because I genuinely can’t imagine what someone would have to be eating to gain 100+ in a year when they’re already over 600 pounds. And we know she’s eating a lot. Obviously she’s not gonna be doing like, workout videos at this size, but eating videos would be easy. She could just set up a camera and go about her daily routine. I want know what this girl’s diet looks like. Not even for purely sexual reasons, I’m also honestly just curious.
dude the after date cake video is a great example of why i want to see her eat more.

you can see her eyeing it off camera and she is so down to finish the crumbs out of the container and her cleavage.

she looks at food like i look at her, and its lusty as fuck and i want to see where she can go with that.
30 years old, 5'7", 700lb, with a sedentary lifestyle gives a "daily calorie needs" of 4700. That's the amount she needs to eat to not lose any weight. If she's gaining 2lb a week, she must be eating at least 1000 calories more than that every day. So I'd guess she's eating around 6000 calories every day, 3 times the normal amount. Absolute hambeast.
reup of the latest measuring and some other stuff
someone should update coomer
Plus i wonder if any of these formulas have been really made for 700lbs women. Like is moving your 700lbs body, which is like 565lbs over your "ideal" weight, even a tiny bit, still considered sedentary?! Because just standing up for a couple mins a day would look like a small workout...lol
>>58175 (OP)
Iam honestly kinda miss those Clips4Sale days where she had Videos where she stands more and shows more of her whole body. But at the other hand its quiet nice to see her go past 700pounds. win/win i guess.
Yeah, calorie estimations are reasonable for average body compositions, but there is so much fluid retention there you can't really tell what should happen. Like how they get extra retention just from doing car rides and hyper sodium-ized fast food or can lose many pounds per day in other instances. At her size I'm sure any of that extra walking and moving would make a big difference compared to being in bed all day.
She already has passed that point IMO. Immobility isn’t some WG fiction story where you just can’t get out of bed one day, it plays out much more like this, where you heave yourself up for fewer and fewer steps, then something happens like the injury and that increases the spiral.

Plus she’s not in the driver’s seat anyway, because this is absolute addiction territory, complete with her having already thrown in the towel on it turning out any other way. She’s doing the food equal of an alcoholic who has experienced negative life consequences like a job loss and keeps hitting the 7am bottle anyway, or heroin addicts that realize they need a dose that’s approaching an OD to feel it, yet do it anyway.

She’s totally in the part of the spiral Chris Farley’s friends talked about like “yeah at a certain part we realized he lost the battle already and was going to see himself out soon” but instead we’re talking about getting out of bed.
This site needs more people like you and less LARPers.
Does anyone have break room binge ?
she mentions doing homework in 'lazy growing adeline'. for what??
Is her OF worth it? Or is only good stuff on manyvids?
I think she meant house work.
She did mention being a student in previous videos. Online courses maybe.
Surprising she's still gaining even though she has to do physical therapy for her leg like she mentioned in her last weigh in. She must be really pigging out constantly. Hope she gets a new scale soon so it can keep track of her gain!
Would anyone be so kind as to reup these three? I have most recent videos of hers and many olders, feel free to request and I'll see if I can reup for you too.
yeah, let's hope she hurries up and dies while eating eggs and bacon for breakfast next Wednesday. That'd be hot.
Seconding this request, the average lifespan of videos in this thread seems to be about 24 hours
What do you think he tells family, friends and colleagues when they ask about her. She barely can stand on her own, that it’s a Herculean task for her to get out of bed and walk to the fridge? What would a work Christmas party look like? Imagine her wearing a dress and walking in with the walker and her dangling belly just jiggly with every step, face completely surrounded by fat. It would be a spectacle. Or a neighbor watching her try to walk to the driveway to get in the car for PT literally the size of 4-5 people.

I do agree on the videos, full body and stand for a minute, get the husband there and let him sway that belly, play with those thigh rolls. Get her on a bed and roll her around, a shower video, a walk to the fridge then pig out. So many options that we aren’t talking 20-30 minutes of movement here.
She said she quit physical therapy recently.
Sure, why not. pretty sure these are the 3 requested. sorry meant to upload yesterday but man upload speeds are slower.

she's hot and this deserves to be seen.
A walk to the fridge, then she hits on the floor or a small chair and eats right out of the fridge... a classic she could absolutely do.
also agree to her rolling on the bed, or even more laid down on the couch or whatever. she needs to let that fat hang and make it visible.

Here's one, watcher her struggle to lotion up her actual full belly.

There is a lot of stuff she could do at that size that would still be so hot but her OF is pretty quiet except for some pics and a rare video and i would pay more for more. Shes a spectacle and it's hot.
Anyone got a re up on the weigh in?
Its so disgustingly sexy how she literally blew up... damn i what a time to be alive
No model has ever done a true "Day in the life" video.

C'mon Adeline!!

Mamiee did a few years ago and it was pretty good.
Who? How can I find it?
In one of those shared videos she sad moving farther south helped gain weight. It’s crazy when these SSBBWs comment on how fat parts of the country are. Ash talked about it a few years ago when she moved to the south and they had an enormous convenience store of junk food.

Also, Adeline has to make her elbow a right angle just to put her hands at her side sitting down. And her hands are still on top of her side belly. That’s cartoonish.
reup on weigh in?
I wonder if she's as big a stuffer as Thicksadworld?
Adeline has eaten an entire cake in 5mins and she's over 700 so she's gotta be constantly eating with some massive stuffings in between

Love the fridge idea. Kellie did one recently where she ate the cake off the floor, with great view of her fat ass/thighs and her belly hanging down. Not sure Adeline could hack it with her knee problems, but man that would be hot!!
Surely we can get a reup of the newest weight in please
Holy shit that's insane. No doubt whenever she's back home she's the fattest person in the entire country. Assuming she can fit on the plane at all.
Is her onlyfans worth it?

kellie is losing weight. poo poo. thumbs down
Here's the last 4 videos including the weigh in. Some plz update coomer <3

She doesn’t finish the cake. She leaves quite a lot of it and makes some excuse about having a big lunch or some shit
You're talking about an older vid, the one where she got a cake to celebrate hitting 600. The newer one titled Adeline Wolfs Down A Whole Cake has her eat the entire thing.
Yeah, while most ssbbw models exaggerate how much they actually eat, even including past Adeline, 2022 Adeline is the real deal for better or worse. Weight gain this crazy literally wouldn't be possible if she wasn't eating unbelievable mountains of food. She ended up with an even bigger appetite than the one she used to fake.
You mind reupping my hood man?
(345 KB, 729x409, image_2022-11-04_182055162.png)
Does anyone happen to have her video of her breaking her furniture? I enjoyed several of her videos but this one seems to just, not exist?
whats the name of the video where she is in a wheel chair and shows other walkers and stuff? does anybody have that?
latest weigh in is 703. fuck.
It's called mobility issues I believe...
I can upload later after work. Woukd anyone mind uploading the pack of 4 videos, including latest weigh in, that was uploaded a Lil while back.

Btw, Gigatribe is a great tool, users have TONS of content that anyone can get quite easily.
Could someone reup the 700-weighin? :)
(13 KB, 301x330, 980.jpg)
Johnny is right, she needs to stop before she dies. If he really loves her, her hubby will help her stop.
Fuck you and fuck Johnny Cage.
(8 KB, 239x297, f73.jpg)
Adeline and her husband aren't taking advice from well-meaning randoms on the Internet. Stop deluding yourself that you're doing a public service by telling a fatty to put the fork down. You knew what you signed up for being here.
Maybe she's a true rock 'n' roller and longevity isn't her top priority. Which would be perfectly understandable, because the future is going to suck anyway, and she might not be keen on eating ze bugs.
if you don't have that one, then how were you able to screenshot it?

Thats probably a manyvids trailer screenshot, notice the video is only 10secs
heres the latest 4 videos as well as the immobility aids one and the post date feeding vid

Thank you very much, you are a champ!!!
holy fuck, you are a LEGEND
thank you
do these transfers have a 24h time window where they're available or are they actively getting taken down? it never says anything about a takedown notice. and it always seems like they last exactly one day
Was thinking the same...
She has a horde of DMCA agents that watch this place and everywhere else. Unless people use MAB then the videos are gong instantly.
could someone reup this on MAB?

I wish Mercedes would take some of the money she spends on policing her videos and spend it on having her photographer turn off his camera during video shoots. That is why I refuse to buy her videos; I hate hearing the camera sounds and flashes from it during the video.
nah, seeing her quivering just trying to stand long enough for the scale to give its reading made me :L more than anything. kinda just sad and alarming at this point.
man i cant believe i missed it
could some kind soul help me reupload it
Say what you will about Adeline. But she is - as far as I know - the only one presently gaining towards immobility, and producing REAL feeding videos like I like. The one in this zip of her being fed cake is - to me - already legendary. THANK YOU for your post! YOU are a legend too!
hottest feedee ever but she needs to stop. for real. Legit worried about her life at this point. She can barely stand.
Anyone got hungry hungry adeline?
She needs to stop. She's the hottest feedee of all time but I'm legit concerned for her life at this point. She can barely even walk. What is her plan here? Just keep going till she dies? She's so young and beautiful regardless of this fetish, not worth throwing your life away for dudes jerking it online. I really really hope she has an exit strategy once she makes a certain amount of money or something.
ummmm... can someone reupload the immobility aid videos, please
here's some random stuff thats a lil older. I'll reup the newest 4 vids later once it uploads.
reup of the latest 4 plus a lot of her newest videos that have been shared before. I would be stoked if someone updated her coomer
Reupload the furniture breaking pls
Can you reup those 4 again
I'll reup the furniture-breaking, hungry-hungry Adeline, post-cake date feeding, immobility aids, and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff...
as well as the newest 4 videos...for the 4th time once they finish uploading...Can someone please update her coomer I'm dying to get her new pic sets :(
just did, last day of my subscription. go get 'em.
That’d be great if you could reup those
When I go on coomer there is only one new upload after the measuring vid, is this the same for everyone els?
It isn't you alone. The other pic sets and videos are missing
The pics and vids load for me . Does any one happen to have Adelines break room binge
She’ll be immobile before the end of 2023!!!

What a fat fucking pig. I’d kill to see how she acts in front of doctors.
Everything is great!
It is! Hopefully her boyfriend keeps putting food in frint of her because given her gluttonous ways, she’ll just keep eating. Lord knows she’s not moving, so she’ll continue putting more beautiful fat on her already blubbery body!
Depending on how good here thanksgiving and xmas are, it'll be before 2022 ends
She’s gaining about 10 pounds a month. Likely will be around 720-725 by the New Year. I bet she will be pretty close to immobility sometime next year, around April or May. Likely be 760 or so by then
absolutely incredible. Her humongous belly rests on the WHOLE thighs, and then spreads even further. How does someone gets so comically big, so fast?
(35 KB, 653x528, adeline.jpg)
Got damn she's so massive now. It's so hot too see. I hope she does some pictures from a bit further or nude/standing to realy show her proportions.

It is sad that a side effect of becoming this fat will always be stuff like this. But at 700+ lbs we can't complain about it
I'm "worried" about all those spots that are appearing on my tummy and legs...maybe they're simple bruises, or at worst they're being created because the circulation is getting more difficult and some areas of the skin are not being reached well by blood...
Don't worry, those are cat scratches :)
Jesus Christ, she's so f huge that it actually looks like a morph. What a time to be alive, fellas
The spots on her belly are keyhole scars from surgery she had a few years back. They fade over time. If you look at photos from last year they're much more prominent then.

That first and second photo... Seeing her entire body and being able to size her up proportionally... Good lord. Almost feel bad. She's enormous.
Why does she mostly do cropped in videos so you can’t see her belly hang and see her full size? Let’s say she is a circle you never get to a full circle in the frame naked. She did one but it’s 6 to 1 in clips? Anyone know why?
Wish she would show off the undercarriage 😔
God, this actual shows just how fucking gargantuan she's gotten
Image all of our Ancestors looking down to this... UNIMAGINABLE for them to get this Monstrous/Big/Fat/Huge for no reason other than pleasure... thats what makes this fetish so GOD DAMN FUCKING HOT
I don’t think in any time period in human history would it be possible for someone to get like that. Just say fuck it, blow up to 700 pounds because of pure addiction and gluttony, to shove down thousands of calories a day and barely move. That in itself is hot


Thank me later!

Thank me later
It's nothing. What was it?
(2.0 MB, 1929x1073, Untitled.png)
She can't undo this.
She will never be able to go back to being conventionally attractive.
She is several hundred pounds over that point of no return, and admits herself that she's unlikely to turn back, because she's addicted.
We're gonna see her reach 800 sooner rather than later, and I can't wait.
She's not only addicted, but she seems to enjoy the result it has on her body, and she still provides decent content.
THank you for posting, but
the link is dead. Any chance of a reup?
Appreciate the effort but if you were sharing someone else's MAB link... remember they only last like 2 or 3 days. If you have its contents, please reupload them to MAB, kind sir.
>She can't undo this.
>She will never be able to go back to being conventionally attractive.
There are no "conventionally attractive" 300+ pound women.
>She is several hundred pounds over that point of no return, and admits herself that she's unlikely to turn back, because she's addicted.
>We're gonna see her reach 800 sooner rather than later, and I can't wait.
I doubt this, 700's gonna be a huge plateau I think
>She's not only addicted, but she seems to enjoy the result it has on her body, and she still provides decent content.
This isn't true. You can tell in her videos where she talks about her eating that she's visibly depressed that all she does is stay in and eat. She's even gone on record and saying that while she is into feederism, she's never intentionally gained. That's what makes it so hot to me. She's completely ruined herself.
She's beautiful bruh
Honestly, she's one of the hottest over 700+ women out there. Most who reach that point usually end up looking pretty terrible. Meanwhile Adeline is a 700lb blob who not only still looks her age, but just looks like a 700lb version of her younger self
still waiting mate
shes always been so adorable but watching her blow up like a parade float has been the hottest gain by any model by far, crossing my fingers she starts ramping up overstuffing her fat ass and breaks 1000lbs in the near future. would love to see this beautiful whale inflate herself till she's bigger than a Honda Fit
>>62828 Honda Fit is a car?
On that subject I would pay good money for a car related video at her current size. Bet she looks huge next to a small/medium size car.
It would be incredible to watch her try and get in a car. The fact she can hardly stand at all combined with getting into the car, and likely not being able to fit at all would be unbelievable. That’s something I’d drop money for
I'd kill to see her in a car and going to a drive thru
I'd kill for a video of her at Thanksgiving with her family. "Hi! I'm 700 pounds now! Let's eat!"
Her just walking into the family would be 💯

She needs to get in a car and do the Big Smoke order from GTA

Big Smoke was ordering for everybody, not just himself.
leakedzone.com search adeline
This is what the crowds want
Somebody mentioned a site like coomer.party before the site went down for maintainence but it looks like the post is gone - anybody remember what it was? I didn't bookmark it or anything, and it actually had content on it.
It seemed real shady and I guess the mods thought so too. It had less content than her coomer page does anyway, you didn't miss anything.
>>63148 it was actually pretty legit anyone have name?
I'm pretty sure it was leakedzone
Can anyone re upload any of her videos as all of the rest have expired and I want to see her in her full beauty
He still ordered about 4 things for himself, plus a large soda and then ate everyone else's food anyway during the mission that followed.
Has she stopped smoking? Her skin doesn't look as pale as before. There are no yellow stains on her walls, and with her current mobility issues, it's hard to imagine she would regularly go outside to smoke.

More than likely. I seen a vape fall outta her tiddies in one of her recent vids.
ok so adeline's probably getting a scale that goes to 1000 lbs. let's assume she does another weigh in after the holidays are over. any guesses on weight? 750? 800?
725 is the most logical answer. Steady 10lb/month gain with maybe an extra few for the holidays. That is if she can even find a scale that reads over 700lbs
I wouldn’t click on that link if I were you, they’re just randomly posted on every thread so probably a virus
I don't get why she isn't uploading anything.. People will still buy her contents even if they got nothing in it..
You can always just use 2 700lbs ones with one foot on each scale. I honestly find it strange that no model has ever thought of doing that, since it's a) cheaper and b) you can make the space between the legs as wide as you want.
Kellie Kay and others have done this before. There's always someone who joins the conversation and says, "tHaT's noT hOw ScaLes woRK." That's exactly how scales work. It's why big trucks are often weighed with scales on separate axles.
That's not how scales work idiot
You're the idiot. If she uses two scales it will only show half her weight. What's the point
Your command of physics is obviously lacking. Yes, one person standing on two scales can be weighed if the readings of both scales are simply added together. THE trick is to get a steady reading on both scales at the same time.
theoretically you could just add up the number on both sides, but the problem is that some scales can get messed up results when the weight is off-centered so it really depends
Does anybody have her semi old sets right before she blew up I wanna see for comparison
I can't get this idea of my head. She can barely walk as she is right now, yeah? And she only going to get fucking bigger, without a massive change and that's not happening.

She needs to document her descent into immobility. Like every time she notices it getting harder to get up, take a clip. And then paste the clips together into one video, and at the end put a current one of her too fucking big to stand up.

What weight do you guys think that will be at? I bet dhes closer than we think.
I love this hippo she is far and away the top fatty model in the world. Gorgeous. Anyone got her break room binge video?
It's fucked up, but it's kind of hot because it's fucked up...
I don’t think you’ve ever experienced anyone become immobile before. Immobility happens on a spectrum, it’s just how much help you need or how hard it is to do them.

It’s not like 799 pounds you can walk and then at 800 you can’t lol
Isn't she barely walking because of an injury this year iirc, not just the elephantine weight itself ?
Let's be real about something here - she put on nearly 100lbs while recovering from that injury. She'd need physical therapy to work with her leg while also needing physical therapy to overcome her tremendous size, which is already one that most would be bedbound by. She's eating herself out of mobility while her leg is healing.
She also admitted that she gave up on the physical therapy for her knee really early into it. She can’t even stick with pt temporarily for her knee, much less to actually stick with diet/exercise enough to lose any weight at this point. She’s way too heavy for that, she can barely take 3 steps and it isn’t because of her injury. Either way I’m sure it’s only up from here
Anyone have her last two weigh ins?

She is FUCKED and it couldn’t be hotter.
I agree. I'm sure it's not healthy (for my brain) but the fact that she has destroyed her body is the hottest thing ever. No turning this ship around.
I sometimes image my ancestors looking at me roaming this site.
can someone reup this? please and thank you
I have to say I'm literally obsessed with her these days. I keep checking her Manyvids almost daily for new updates. Hopefully there will be a few new ones before year's end.
Me too. She is breaking new ground in this fucked up little online corner we inhabit.
30 years old, 800 pounds, can barely walk. I love it.
could somebody please re up her last weigh in? I thought I had it but i can't find it on my pc
sadly is already down. thanks though.
New pics on her OF. Anyone got them by chance
just check coomer, theyll show up sooner or later
How do you update on comer?
I’m on a ipad
If it's true that each scale will only show half the weight if she uses two, then why not just simply add them together?
It’s 5 photos with 2 different angles basically.

She’s gotten a bit bigger it looks.

I’d update her cooker, just not sure how.
You could also just upload the pics here too. Whichever.
Damn! How long before she’s completely immobile? It’s apparent she’s addicted to food, I just hope she continues. Would live to see at least another 100 lbs. on her!!!
Wow indeed. That almost looks like a morph. If you have the rest, I'd love to see them. She was 703lbs but that angle makes her look a lot bigger, although I wonder how much she's gained since the last weigh-in.
Adeline's looking like she's straight out of Deviantart.
I really wonder what her average calorie intake is to grow like this. How is this even possible.
I mean she’s likely eating thousands and thousands of calories per meal, at least 3-5 times a day I’d guess. I would not be suprised in the slightest if she was hitting upwards of 10k calories a day. Even at 700+ pounds that’s so far beyond her maintenance is will just continue the rapid weight gain
Zut alor! 🇫🇷
I plugged her stats into a calorie calculator to give the autists on the site some numbers to salivate over. It's me, I'm autists.

At 5'7" and 703lbs, her Basal Metabolic Rate (which is basically if she got absolutely no exercise and stayed in bed all day, not getting up for nothing) to MAINTAIN her size is 3,941 calories a day. Assuming she counts going to the bathroom, kitchen, and living room as the only exercise she gets for the day, she's most likely as sedentary as can be, so moving on her own accord accounts for a stunning 4,730 calories a day to maintain her weight. If she were to consider weight loss and shoot for 2 pounds a week, she'd need to cut down to 3,730 calories a day.

The rest of this is just rampant guessing on my part, but she put on another 40 pounds between the last two weigh-ins, which are about 100 days apart. Given that 3,500 calories are stored as a pound of fat, and the sedentary calorie intake for a 660lb Adeline is 4,496, she'd have to eat roughly 6K calories a day to balloon up that fast.

You can make your own assumptions of what she's eating to get to that point, but I just looked up what a regular bacon cheeseburger with fries & a Coke from Applebee's would net you as a baseline: 1420 calories. A hand-tossed medium buffalo chicken from Domino's is 2,080 calories total. Draw from that what you will.
just stunning. adeline we know you monitor this thread, put on another 500lbs of blubber on your cute self
Can someone invite me to the bbw chan discord?
>Adeline's looking like she's straight out of Deviantart.

this. She's basically a morph of herself 2-3 yrs ago
That clearly shows how most of these feedees are fake, or do it just for money. Adeline is on the other hand a true feedee + addited to food + husband feeder only encouraging her to eat more + apparently they have lots of money to keep life going.
Lack of money for food and the need to work could hold some of them back, but yeah, it's not actually all that hard to put on, say, a hundred pounds a year. It's disappointing more girls can't achieve that.
needing to ask or try and get money does not make a feedee only doing it for the money, most of these bitches would get more money doing porn as the skinny versions of themselves
Are you insane?! It’s crazy hard to put on one hundred pounds in a year. It’s something that happens super rarely—I can count on one hand how many times I’ve heard of it happening in real life, intentional or not.

Some of you need to get out more lol
I mean, I don't know how it can get any clearer than >>64591
Just eat a lot and don't move. It's like four and a half normal Applebee's meals a day.
I want to get smothered in her breasts, belly, or rolls.
The problem is the community is a lot more known now, and it’s become saturated with girls that were already chubby/fat and now have an outlet to get paid to eat. Many of them do not like their own bodies and especially aren’t into feederism so they pretend.
Dude I feel sick after eating ONE of those. It's 4 Double Quarter Pounder meals from McDonald's with a large Coke and large fries A DAY. For a YEAR.

My heart would stop in protest.
This, honestly. Refer to the olden days of YouTube (pre 2010) where you could find gorgeous, budding feedees shaking their guts or actually anally inflating. The fetish has gone pretty mainstream, and sites like Feabie and FantasyFeeder have definitely commercialized it faster than if they didn't exist.
>>64739 I for one do not pine for the good ol' days of anal inflation
I'm not saying it's healthy, but a death sentence? No way. Also, for what's it worth, a girl just starting out wouldn't need to eat at that level to gain a hundred pounds, since she'd be smaller and thus need fewer calories to maintain her weight.
Yeah, it's objectively not hard. I put on 55 lbs in 8 months on my first bulk, with little body fat gain, eating extremely clean. Plenty of guys have done better than me. And eating shitty food, not working out, and getting fat as shit is a hell of a lot easier. Tons of male gainers do it rapidly all the time. If my gf (not at all close to just starting out, 330ish) ate as much as I do, she'd be pushing 450 by 2024.

The reason why you don't see female feedees do it is as often isn't because it's hard to do, it's because they don't have the level of sexual motivation men do. So they have more self-doubt; hence, stalling periods.
Seems like the content from the bed era is beginning
Holy facking shit! She's spreading out in all directions now.
how is she even able to have a. sex life at that size??
Maybe overeating becomes sex.
On that note, I've wondered if you could condition your brain to link sex/orgasms and food together. Like having sex/an orgasms while eating food. Kind of like linking smoking cigarettes to stress relief and leading to nicotine addiction. I think i.e. the rush of postive feelings/uncontrollable sounds an u/ssbbw like BoBerry seems to experience in videos of her eating sweets, seems ideal for this...?
And if this is true/possible, how would that affect your ability to orgasm. Would it be harder to achieve orgams without food arround? Would an Orgasm witouth vaginal/clitoral stimulation be possible...?

I guess we'll never know unless some model decides to share genuine details on this, or even better, someone were to conduct a study on these effects.
ssbbw stuffer here very interested in conditioning my mind similarly..
i wouldn't say my experiments with this are complete, but I do believe my brain is permanently affected by my gluttonous eating habits. for example ever since i was young I drank milk with all of my sweets, not just cookies, so i get genuinely annoyed when i can't satisfy that connection/v strong urge in my brain to drink milk after my Reese's cups, etc. Another one is soda. I'm always so grouchy in the morning until I have one. It's not even caffeine addiction like I pretend it is, I instantly feel better after the first sip, kind of like a cigarette as you mentioned. I hydrate enough during the day, but when I eat I seriously can't imagine my meals without a sugary beverage. It tastes almost disgusting to my brain to drink water with pizza.
As far as the orgasms, they're far more intense when I'm full, the best of my life. And honestly, if someone tries to seduce me before I've eaten, I'm almost not interested in it.
64775 got it right, overeating is like sex. It gives almost the same satisfaction and endorphin rush to be as full as humanly possible. Or a good bite of something making you moan, even vanillas do that but it's turned up far more for someone like me that is totally in love with food.
Yeah the rate she's gaining, she can say bye to mobility next year. Every time I look she's noticeably bigger.
Literally a dream.
I spoke to Gabi (only a few times, probably a decade ago) and she was an attention seeker, a compulsive liar, and a total spastic. She's still around on feabie, with bright blue lesbian-style short hair. I'd take anything by her with a pinch of salt.
Feedee here, that’s definitely the case lmao
What’s her handle on feabie?
You should add edging to your stuffing ritual, don't release until you're done, or ever (I love denial lol) and as time passes you won't even need to edge with fingers/toys, it'll just happen naturally.

I don’t think its as simple as the numbers they give. I plugged my food into a fitness app just to see how many calories I eat in a month and my usual caloric intake is 4,000-6,000 on most weekdays and 6,000-8,000+ on weekends. I also never work out and I only weigh 230lbs. I think she’s eating a lot more than what caloric intake calculators would suggest.
Uh, buddy? How much have you weighed in previous years?
>>64591 I like how on this site some people are here jerking off and other people are on here doing math lol
>going to look like FatMissT
God I hope not. I would much prefer she stayed attractive.
Can someone upload her recent OF pics? Dying to see how much she’s grown in such a short time. I know she’s closing in on 750ish soon

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