
Forgot about her. I thought she quite because some health issues?
Has she ever burped in stuffing videos?
Mega is asking for a decrypt key?
I think I read she died around 2017 (or earlier), if I don't mix her up with Aiken.
No she still updates but is clearly losing weight but I think its because she wants to have a kid but with fetish models who knows
She's still alive. You're thinking of Madison Aikers
In her recent updates, it actually looks like she's started to gain some of the weight back
Then I think she was recently on Chatrubate.

Agreed. She's most def put weight back on
you know her username?
Still the best. She’s 🥵 sooo hot.

She looks about 80% belly at her biggest, and is working her way back up by the looks of it.
I think she said she was losing weight because she wanted to have a kid
maybe that plan didn't work out. if you look through the previews of her latest sets compared to a year ago she definitely appears to have gotten fatter. maybe not back to her highest weight tho
Wasn't it health issues? I'm almost certain she's said she likes being big.

It was health issues. Something with her thyroid that they had to put her on medicine if I remember right. Her husband is a hardcore feeder though, so theres no way she is staying below 350 for long.
Can any genius sperg tell me between which number sets she was at her biggest?
Her biggest was at 400.4 lbs, and the last time where she was this big is in the set 195
Does anyone know what set it is, or have the set, where she works out wearing a galaxy print sports bra
I swear to god the 195 set is amazing, she was just a morbid mountain of lard at that point

Anyone care to share 195?
Suggestion for upload service?

It must have been content matched as it had only been a few minutes.
(165 KB, 864x1152, 214marilyn_all.jpg)
Does someone have 214?

and in general: why is she slept on in general?
Hank Hill butt prob
Does anyone have Marilyn 89, which also has Foxy Roxxie in it?
Thank you! Do you have the pic set that goes with it?

fucking hell stop it with these. Pretentious bullshit
I lost interest after a few videos where she was smirking and laughing like she thought it was dumb. I'm not expecting an Oscar winner, but it wasn't even a roleplay she was ruining. Just a fat chat.
if anyone wants videos, request the set numbers.
if you have any other BC models that would be appreciated too
some people laugh when nervous, this can be especially true if your on camera. You can bs all you want but you dont join a feedee website and balloon up over 400 pounds if your not into it
do you have set 261?
Whatever is her smallest and biggest, tbh. More clothed the better?
Do you happen to have 229, 235 and 246 good sir?
Do you have 241 242 243 244
uploading now, if u got any of these that would be cool


yours will be in the same link, just to be quicker, but my internet is shit so i will be back in a while to post link
thank you so much, absolute legend. still a while away from being done so i'll have to send link in the morning
You’re welcome if you have Marilyn vids between 200-260 you can share if you have enough time
faster than expected, here it is.

i should be able to upload 200-260 over the weekend with faster wifi, do you want me to start from 262 and go backwards?
Sure thank you king
Thank you! Do you have the photo set that goes with it?
would you be so kind as to share 138, 175, 182 and 196 >>69769
heres the first batch
What a leg and thank you so much
Anyone has set 70?
do you have any clementine?

i don't know how many sets i'm missing since her site is gone now, but i don't have anything between sets 7 and 43.

i'll upload some bigbunny when i get home if anyone's interested

clementine and bigbunny would be amazing, thank you.

really limited time atm, give me like 8 hours and i'll upload
sorry think i may have misunderstood, no i dont have any clementine, only marilyn and gigi. would be cool of you could upload the clemintine stuff you do have tho :)
> thank you kinggg! would you also happen to have the pic set for 239?
video from set 70 and pics from 239

also why doesnt this thread have a thumbnail?
sorry i forgot to upload the stuff while i was working today. i'll get to it hopefully tomorrow
wow thanks a ton! do you also have her latest pic sets? THis would be a dream!
Is she back up near her highest right? Or at it? Any recent weigh ins? Thanks!!!
all good

i dont have the very latest one, my sub ran out right before, i have everything up to 262. no time atm, will upload in 9ish hours

i think her highest weigh in was set 147, i'll check when i have more time
here's all the clementine i could fit in here; which is most of what i have. i'll upload the last few soon

Bro that caption was NOT it. Stop putting these models on a pedastal and yourself down, remember who YOU are and not just the virtual titty that she or any models show
it's a joke
it took me about two confused minutes to open the WeT link and comprehend what this "don't put them on a pedestal" stuff was about.
the funny part of this whole thing to me is that someone would put a message FOR Clementine in a link to pirated Clementine content.
Why would she be browsing here and download her own decade old content?

actually, can anyone give me any info as to what the terms BC models enter into with the site regarding their compensation?
I assume the model gets a portion of any subscription to their sub-page. What's the rate and do models have the same rate?
What happens after they stop being active on the site? the site still owns the content, but do the models still have the same rights?
I notice that some of the retired models aren't listed anymore- rey, vallery and aspenare no longer represented. how does that happen in relation to the modeling agreement?

wow, I just looked at bigcuties... their stable is at an all time low. beccam marilyn and sadie are still technically active, but they're pretty much either doing their own thing or done.

I think with most of the c4s, MV, OF agreements the website gets 20-30 percent (I think c4s is 30. anyone know what curvage charges their models?)
thanks for that, much appreciated

if anyone else reading this has any good collections that would be great
Came for the pics, left cause the text.
Thanks so much for the shares! Any chance we can get Marilyn pic set 192? Always wanted to see those compares.
why she drop all that amazing beauty??? in the past inspected she reaching the 500lbs or 600lbs i thoe she was a truly gainer FA like mochii babi
Is anyone willing to share videos of her at her heaviest?
point remains the same, too many people on this site act like these models are goddesses and the best thing since sliced bread. Some people need to chill out, and stop putting pornstars a tier above themselves. People don't realize how much thinking pornstars are above you eats at your self-confidence, bc at the end of the day alot of these models are everyday women
>>70445 Why do you say that?
(94 KB, 1200x872, 213marilyn_035.jpg)
That’s no moon, it’s a space station
she did 47 sets in total btw, some might have been pic-only
Kinda funny cause clementine is fatter then ever and has a YouTube channel
Clementine got huge fast, from set 1 to 47 its like atlleast a 80 lb gain
and you're not going to share the link?
I got here late and only managed to get some of the drop; any chance you could reupload batches 5, 7, and 8, please?
any chance of a re-up of 89?
I had a hard drive failure, saved a few but her biggest at 195 I've lost - can anyone share (and / or new sets now she's gaining a bit)
(10 KB, 269x271, 2023-04-08 16_17_20-murican _fundies_ - Google Search.jpg)
I've been working IT for two decades now, and over that time I've seen fewer dead drives than guilt-ridden murican fundies "experience" here; face it, you had a vision of your savior jesus christ after you fapped, you hit delete, and now you're back for more, sinner
My all time favourite, it killed me when she started losing weight

Let's hope she is on the up again
^ this. Even when a drive does fail, most of the data is recoverable.
I'm Orthodox but that's out of pocket dude
i have everything i can upload in a few days. you want 195 and up right? or just lmk which set numbers
That's it, thanks!
Any earlier ones people want that I can share?
#55, #60
Mind re-upping set 205, 223 and 229, haven't got much of her stuff post 200 tbh
(879 KB, 800x600, 004BC277-7458-4A11-8E86-A081F5C84C00.png)
If we’re doing requests, I’d love to see the photo set with the comparisons from set 192. She was just gargantuan at this point.
Link me to it, I'll get it fam
Does anyone have Pantyhouse Destroyer or Pov Rub down? Those ones are great
>>83759 (Cross-thread)
plump princess is from ontario in canada which is slowly turning into bangladesh anyway
It's 150 and 80 :))>>83992

gotchu fam

(313 KB, 800x1191, IMG_2207.jpeg) (179 KB, 864x1152, IMG_2206.jpeg) (171 KB, 864x1152, IMG_2208.jpeg)
Idk how to find the set number but I’m looking for these vids. theyre called queen of halloween and pov belly play and pudgy pov present

If there’s a way to get the set number from the preview page that I’m simply missing I’d gladly get the numbers for you, I just don’t know how

Thank you so much
I use to love her but then she got like a old granny haircut and started wearing really shitty bright red lipstick

Lost a ton of weight, cut down content production, tried to adopt the style of a Dollar General Rockabilly chick and kind of alienated everyone that liked her. I mean it's her life if that's what she likes - but it's not for the masses obviously.
I have all the vids, I'll do my best to get some up, slow internet and pretty busy tho. Give me a few days

Also yeh her change in style somewhere around sets 190-200 is a bit mid, imo sub 200 is the good stuff. Around sets 180 something has some good content, the SDB folder got removed too, I got a lot of catching up to do
Good luck Brother looking forward to seeing some more of her 🫡
>>84318 if you’re still busy don’t worry about it but would it be possible to upload these (>>84137)?
The set number will be in the web address when you click on the preview image on her site. It will end with something like "225preview" where 225 is the set number. As it is I believe you requested sets 221, 236, and 261. They're uploading now. Give my slow internet some time though....
Thanks for uploading so I don't have to 👍

Sorry >>85612 was busy, I keep saying I'll upload but I don't. I will have a bit of time soon, if there's any more sets you want lmk
55 and 60 please
>>85618 would be greatly appreciated if you could man
I missed it because the site was down on the 27th.
(156 KB, 800x1191, mar_prev09_ff.jpg)
Anyone got any of her older content, when she was skinnier?
Yep, give me a few hours, any specific range of set numbers you want?
Can anybody reupload the videos? Please
Does anyone have any of her picsets?

Would be happy if anyone has these

Anyone got sets 235, 265 amd 268?
The videos I am looking for is 251 and 143 if you have them I'd be very happy :)
this thread sadly seems dead
Not yet. I'll upload 143 soon, I don't have anything higher than 200 rn
this has 143, 176 and some other good ones.
(283 KB, 2062x1063, IMG_4529.jpeg) (274 KB, 2062x1047, IMG_4525.jpeg) (281 KB, 2059x1060, IMG_4524.jpeg)
This clip never ceases to amaze me. I mean, look at the size of this lady! A big beautiful woman at her peak, right here.
Does anyone have the big cuties Marilyn one of her in the shower pressing her tits and fat belly up against the glass ?
Sad she deflated some still. What vids was she at her heaviest and most fat do you all reckon?
Pretty sure it’s on Spankbang
Can you tell the link. Does someone has a video of her?
both of you and anyone else, provide the numbers of the sets you want and i will upload videos, because I'm not sure exactly what video you mean and I have very slow internet.

To find the set number, go to her BC page and go to previews, put mouse over one you want or long press on phone and look at the url, it will have the number in it

makes finding the right vid a lot easier, thanks
also mods surely you can remove the spoiler from the icon so its not just a question mark. thank you. or maybe I should just make a new thread?
She posts once a year why is she in the active updates section

Same reason Heather is listed under Occasional Updates when she hasn't made an update on her own site for years.
Can you reupload the link pls ?
>>96625 Maybe she and John did have a kid.
And that is why.
Or she's having one currently. Noticed she's back to being a little bigger in her recent sets.

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