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I don’t have any one in my personal life I feel like I can talk to about this so I’m gonna ask follow people on this site that also have a fat fetish. I obviously love fat chicks. But I love them so much that I want to be one. Is that weird? Is it weird that I want to be a girl and start gaining weight cuz I love fat chicks so much? If I could turn into a woman rn I would 100%. I really want to be fat but I’m a guy. 400 lb guys aren’t attractive. Couldn’t make this thread without a pic so that’s what the fall wallpaper pic is. But my mental health has been struggling because of this and I really don’t know what to do.
Definitely feel that way sometimes. Have fantasies about being a fat girl and gaining a bunch of weight. Maybe play around with pillows and padding to get your fix.
I'm not a therapist, but I've been married to one long enough to know you should try to find someone you can talk to, to help you think you through this.
>>56586 (OP)
do you have a discord? i’ve definitely struggled with my gender and i would recommend finding a therapist to talk to about gender issues; it helps to seek out gender affirming therapy for those types of thoughts because you can really find someone who has worked in the lgbtq+ community for years and can help you work through those types of thoughts.
omg i have, for years and years, felt exactly the same way! turns out i'm trans LMAO
>>56586 (OP)
When I was 16-17 I had similar thoughts, and it was fucking with me too. Ultimately though, you just have to take a step and weigh up the situation. Take this with a grain of salt as I'm not a therapist or anything like that

Do you think this because you want to go through with the day-to-day and lifelong consequences being trans and gaining a fuckton of wieght. Or is this something you only think about because it gets your dick straight. Imagine your day-to-day routine in a few years time as an obese tranny and the implications it will likely have on your standard of life, and if your guts feeling is some kind of dread or disgust, its probably better to keep this to fantasy.

Maybe transitioning is the path for you, but don't let it be guided by your dick. Your life is so much more than what turns you on.
It's just your mind pulling a rib on you, look up AGP. That's what happens from too much porn
>>56586 (OP) not meaning to be dismissive at all of your dysphoria, or to suggest that it isn't possible you may in fact be trans, but as a person who has lived his entire life with an extreme fat fetish, I'll just say that because the fat/feedist fetish can be so absolutely all-consuming and intense, it can, like other obsessive fetishes, manifest itself as a desire to embody the object of your fetish, simply as a way of getting more of the thing you crave so intensely.. That is not the same thing as being trans or wanting to be a woman. Because if I'm reading you correctly, you don't want to live your life as a female- you want to be a FAT woman, in a specifically sexualized way. Your obsession, in other words, may be with feminine fat, rather than with being a woman.

My main advice would be to have a dialogue with yourself about the barriers between fantasy and reality. Consensual roleplay could also be a good way to scratch the itch. I agree with those who have suggested therapy- though I think there's a high risk in that scenario of being misunderstood (ours can be a tough fetish for people, even mental health professionals, to grasp). But if what you're trying to ascertain is whether or not you are actually struggling with true gender dysphoria, you should talk to a qualified professional.
yet another case of the mods letting this shit outside of /gen/
Good luck with it all.
>>56586 (OP)
I've had feelings like that. When I was younger I would stuff my pajamas with pillows to simulate legs, belly, butt, boobs, etc. It was a phase for me, though tbh the idea still excites me. The joke is that I have a super-heavy beard (5 o'clock shadow at 10 AM), very broad shoulders and chest and skinny legs, etc. so I'd make a really bad woman.

Transexual folks get all the press these days but there is such a thing as transvestism, where you don't so much want to be a woman as embody one. A lot of "trannies" are gay but there are straight ones as well. Maybe get yourself some plus-sized lingerie and clothes, either make or acquire the requisite padding, and try a little dress-up. That might be the outlet you're looking for.
>>56586 (OP)

Definitely seek out a therapist in your area if you can. Like other people have recommended, try finding someone with experience with gender and LGBTQ+ issues. I would also try to find someone comfortable talking about sex and kink stuff. Not all therapists are going to get this fetish, but some totally will.

Also, plenty of people find 400 lb guys attractive. Probably nearly as many as find 400 lbs women attractive. I get off to picturing myself weighing 400, 500, 600 lbs all the time. And I get off to SSBBW porn and SSBHM porn too.
Thank you all for the advice. I think the porn is just getting to my brain. It would be great being an ssbbw but I should keep that as a fantasy, focus on my life and not let porn get to my head and ruin my body. I’ll try and reach out to a therapist for additional help too but thank you all so much.

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