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Hey, last thread got owned, so now its time for a new thread. You know the deal, post stuff you got. And look, if you're gonna have a bunch of thirst posts and shit, at the very least, post content as well.
here's some stuff to kick it off
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How generous of her to allow us peasants to finance her food costs on the road trip! Are we gonna get another sitting down video next month of her eating a few pieces of candy? Can’t wait!

Couldnt haves aid it better Myself. It's too bad Men are so Beaten down in this Era. Low Testosterone Epidemic
You’re on a board dedicated to women whom other fat women look at and say “I’m fat, but she’s HUGE.” You really think this is the place to complain? Plenty of these girls do the same thing.

You don’t have to like it, but don’t get mad that a 500+ woman with no day job and no impetus to get up and be active makes videos where she’s eating and staying off her feet. Fuck, man.
If she did more content then that would generate more income. Problem solved
More interesting/engaging content = more revenue. I would be so much more willing to pay her to buy a video if it looked entertaining. Most of her recent content just isn’t worth the price tag. Sure, it’s got to see her eat once in awhile but she’d rake in huge numbers if she did more videos moving around, showcasing her size.
>I would be so much more willing to pay her to buy a video if it looked entertaining.



Here's a list of videos that either never got shared here or I didn't obtain trough other means. Exactly 50 videos. Guessing from the titles there are a of them where she moves in. Are they all boring to you?
So don’t watch her new stuff. Most of us aren’t even paying for it, so what does it matter?

And she’s 500 fucking pounds! What do you expect, handstands and cartwheels?
Lol. Argue if you want, but the dude’s right. While I’m not expecting a lot of physical activity out of a 500+ to nearly 600 lb woman but I’m not paying $10-20 on a vid of her sitting on the couch doing nothing for 5 minutes
she should do a shoot with a tiny woman feeding her.
For the guys that say it’s hard for her to move….You have to off the bed sometimes, then show that struggle. Just sitting is boring.
Agreed. Just watching her struggle into the car for a drive-thru run is more than enough for me to get out my wallet
God, you guys are so good at missing the point. She's done sitting content, she's done that type of shit before, duh. But the problem is the shit she does while sitting down is straight up unentertaining. Like, I put in the mab link vids that have her sitting on her ass, but the difference here is, these are ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING AND HOT. lets be honest, stuffing or eating videos are lame as shit on their own, they only work if the model can do something hot with it. And as of late, she hasn't been doing that. And no-one is asking her to do fuckin backflips n shit, just for her to do something REMOTELY more interesting than just eat on camera. In fact, in the link, i put some sitting down clips that proves you can actually do somethng interesting with that.
Sitting down AND the shitty fucking camera angle! Invest $10-20 in a tripod so we don’t have to see the repeated up angle shot. And it doesn’t need to be close up. I’d rather see more of that gorgeous fat body!!!
Can someone reup the content in the original post?
When she started, she was already really fat (attended often with Luna Love together), but probablly didn't weight more than 180Kg.
But she seems to have gained in the past 5 - 7 years like 30 - 50 kilogramme and looks now like being over 200 kilos.

wtf is kg motherfucker are you foreign??? speak American
He is a scientist, and kg is a measre used by science.
lol, what is "speak American" :D you are speaking English u moron
She's actually gained closer to 90 kgas far as I can tell
Just multiply it by 2 to get a rough estimate in lbs
How dumb you are/ poor educated?
kilogramme is not American nor something else, it is a measurement of mass which is international, just in most countries used (like Australia too), even some American do and it was a coincidance that Columbus had lost on a ship the pattern kilogramme, otherwise would use it whole America, but not Britain.
That would be very inaccurate (an RTL TV calculation); to lb would it be from Kg 0,45359; so most use in the opposite direction around 2,2.
She was about 160kg roughly at the start and again roughly is about 260kg now (guessing mostly as don't know latest weigh-in) . So a good 100kg of fat on an already fat girl. She must be absolutely massive in public now.
I actually once spoke to her way back like 15 years ago. She told me she weighed about 370lbs (around 2007). She’s put on about 200lbs plus since.
yes I know but that's why I said *rough* estimate (in going from kg to lbs)
She possible started as early as 2005, but I thin she was rather around 140Kg, as she was not as big as Luna was (more pear shapped, with bigger hip and arse).
260Kg seems to be a very high number, considering that Donna Simpson weight just 230Kg at her peak (was weight in the Tyra Banks Show) and that Ellie and Diva are still just around 190Kg (at their heaviest), while the second got the Guiness World Record of the widest hips: In a reportage (on RTL, Extra Jenke im Land der 200Kg-Frauen) was this number said and maybe later too (on the magazine Explosiv) which was like 2011, but she now lost weight. Even Lady Seductress (Sarah Messey) was below 225Kg.

So I think, when you compare her with other SSBBW bodies, Jaquline should be under 250Kg, maybe around 220 kilo.
Are we going by what her scale said or what we think the actual number is
Both might be similar accurate or rather inaccurate.
But the estimated number is often closer to the truth when what a electronical scale says. Donna Simpsons scale showed over 600lb, but that of Tyra Banks showed 513.

By the way I think Lady Seductress weighted just 205 - 210 kilogramme at her top (she had much bigger buttocks than Jacquline and similar tummy).
Ass is the same size, everything else is bigger on Jackie so the proportion makes seductress ass look bigger
Why are we doing this? Her last weigh in was 567. And that was in Feb. 2021, about 18 months ago. She’s gotten noticeably larger since then so I don’t know where you guys are getting these numbers from
luna and she were about the same size when she started but different shapes. weighed almost the same in their first weigh in
I'm pretty certain it's the same guy stirring shit up over on DoughBellyGirl's thread saying she's less than 400 pounds when she's looking downright BLOBBY.

Kannst Du bitte mit diesen dämlichen Kilozahlen aufhören?
Kilos bringt einen in die Realität zurück wie schwer unsere geliebten Models eigentlich sind. Aber Pfund oder Pounds, ist schon abartig geil wie "groß" die Zahl werden kann einfach im Bezug auf das Gewicht einer Frau. Herrlich
Holy shit, it doesn't matter to anyone who knows how to work a calculator.

Je nun, unbenommen, aber hier läuft halt seit ein paar Tagen einer herum, der uns alle mit seinen lächerlich niedrigen "Schätzungen" trollt. Wenn der recht hätte, wären einige meiner Exen deutlich schwerer gewesen als so manches bekannte Model hier. Das wäre enttäuschend und widerspräche auch dem optischen Eindruck.
Goddamn. I leave the juicy jackie board for a few, and the Nazis invade
>people bitching over numbers
oh my god you people are fags, why do you care about the exact number of her weight. fuck are you gonna do, jack off to numbers? she fucking huge either way, it literally doesn't matter as long as she's visually fat.
Nope Sarah have had a much bigger arse and lower body; she hold possible the world record of this.
The tummy and maybe the thighs are around the same size, the arms were even larger of Lady Seductress.
While SexyMae, with who she shared a bed/ room (in Las Vegas) was a lot bigger than her, but had weight lose surgery (possible financiated by her porns).
I think Luna was fatter (though a little bit shorter is she), but Jacquline was maybe not a SSBBW when, just a BBW on the border, as she was very propotional (like she appears as thick/ plump due to it).
Nein, das ist viel mehr genutzt als Pfund, was eine ungenaue und völlig veraltete Maßeinheit ist (aus dem Mittelalter oder davor, wie Elle, Zentner und Fuß).
Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Lailani ihre Waage so eingestellt hat, dass für Kilogramm bei ihr eigentlich Pfund erscheinen (obwohl sie aus Kroatien stammt und in Deutschland lebt); also diese 272Kg in Wahrheit 272lb sind.
Ich glaube dass eher einige von diesen riesigen Zahlen, die einen mit Beleidigungen zu Schweigen bringen wollen, Trolls sind (wie die dass alle BBW Models plötzlich gestorben sind) oder das die einfach etwas verkaufen wollen, als entweder für das Model arbeiten oder diese selbst sind.

Mal zum Vergleich Destiny wog als sie begann so 135 - 140 Kilogramm und ist jetzt immer noch unter 170Kg glaube ich. Die war früher dicker als Jacquline und ist um ein vielfaches so fett wie Plump Princess, beide haben etwa die gleiche Größe
Also kann das mit 195Kg nach gesundem Menschenverstand bei letztgenannter gar nicht sein (zumal Ellie noch vor einem Jahr 187Kg wo, der ihr Bauch allein ist schwerer als Princess). Ich hatte schon mit so 2 - 4 200Kg-Frauen Sex und mit einem halben Dutzend um die 170/ 180Kg, daher kann ich das denke einschätzen.

Ich glaube, da irrst Du Dich.

Klar, Lailani ist eine Luftnummer, daran zweifelt, glaube ich, keiner.

Bei allen anderen muss man aber in Rechnung stellen, dass wir einerseits oft ihre Größe unterschätzen -- und die macht viel aus! --, und andererseits Dicke auf dem Bildschirm viel, viel schlanker wirken als in Wirklichkeit.

Ich hatte mal das Vergnügen, Boberry im echten Leben zu begegnen. Ich sage Dir -- da fällst Du um! Überhaupt kein Vergleich damit, wie sie auf Bildern wirkt.

Ich hätte mir bis dahin nicht vorstellen können, wie gewaltig ein Mensch sein kann, obwohl ich auch schon genug Erfahrungen mit 200-kg-Frauen hatte, die ja bei uns schon quasi als Naturwunder angesehen werden können. Das ist eine ganz andere Liga.
Bei Mary Boberry glaube ich schon, dass die über 200Kg gewesen sein kann (auch wenn einige einen wesentlich gewaltigeren Bauch haben, auch die ich traf).
Aber bei Plump Princess halte ich das für ähnlich unglaubwürdig wie bei Lailani, die auch ähnlich groß sind (viel kleiner als Boberry).
Ich habe mal in Hamburg eine aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien besucht, die größer war als ich (mindestens 1,80m, glaube sogar 1,85) die so 180Kg wog bzw.kurze Zeit vorher vielleicht 170. Die hatte einen riesigen Bauch und Arsch sowie auch Schenkel, beim Bauch sicherlich mehr als Mary Boberry. Der ihr Exfreund hatte ihr in den Bauch gestochen mit einem Messer, mehrmals, ich habe die Narben gesehen (da war wie ein zweiter Nabel) und die Ärzte meinten wenn sie nicht so viel fett dort gehabt hätte, wäre sie tot gewesen. Damals sei sie aber noch nicht so dick gewesen sagt sie. Ich sagte ihr, dass Adipositas bei einem BMI von 30 anfängt; den hätte sie bereits gehabt.

Was mich stutzig hier macht, erst behauptet der Jacquline hätte 90Kg zugenommen, dann solllen es auf einmal 100 sein (10Kg sind ein großer Unterschied für mich); da weiß ich nicht was ich glaube soll. aber 260 scheint mir zu hoch, die sollte noch unter 250 sein.
While there are models that are notorious for faking their weights (Lailani for sure), I firmly believe some of the more USSBBW-sized ones like Jackie & BoBerry are reporting numbers closer to what they actually are than what you're lowballing them at. The size becomes apparent when you see them compared to normal people or conventional furniture & gateways. Jackie looks downright blobby - she's absolutely closer to 600 than you're giving her credit for. She's ballooned in the past few years.
That's so unprompted...like u okay...this is not a normal reaction to have when you see another language
He needs a shvitz

Nah. If there's one thing we're good at it's destroying ourselves to feel morally superior. Germany and its government are full of retarded anti-nuclear degrowth activists. They don't give a shit if people starve or freeze
They need to be re-elected, unlike the "politicians" in other countries, like Russia.

I don't agree, but I don't begrudge the Germans for getting spooked by Fujiyama.
>I don't begrudge the Germans for getting spooked by Fujiyama

Yeah, because you never know when Germany is going to get hit with a massive earthquake and tsunami. Greens were looking for an excuse to kill nuclear and now Russia has them all by the balls. It's retarded.
Why are y'all talking about international relationships between Germany in Russia...

On a fat fetish forum?
yo why is this whale playing with her supporters where TF is the content... She posted like a month ago 2 vids on the same chair that absorbs around 200 farts daily (her gaming chair)... Like where is her god damn career management team ://
Von Plump Princess habe ich keine Ahnung. Die finde ich schon seit 2005 oder so uninteressant, als sie noch bei Hot or Not (lol) war.
Insgesamt ist Speck an Hüften, Beinen und Hintern offenbar viel dichter als am Bauch (fühlt sich ja auch fester an), so dass Frauen mit Birnenfigur schwerer sind als Äpfel, die auf Bildern gleich dick wirken. Ich glaube, Du unterschätzt einige Models hier wirklich stark, und zusammen mit Deiner Verwendung von Kilogramm wirkt das auf einige hier wie Trollen, nichts für ungut.
Insgesamt meine ich, wir sollten bei lbs als internationaler Maßeinheit für dicke Damen bleiben. Wir beide werden es eh nicht schaffen, den Chan auf Deutsch und Kilogramm umzustellen. Auch wenn's lustig wäre.
is moronic to hate lailani if she fake or not. shes great. as somebody say here some while back shes fat as a pig and very beautiful
Do you know Teighlor claimed to be at her maximum weight around 250Kg and she appeared far fatter than Adeline and Jacquline, also was she possible taller (at least than Adeline).
Zsalynn weighted at her prime around 240Kg (so did Patty) around 2002 and before, but she had a much bigger belly than Jacquline and arguable bottom too.
Sable (Kim) had also a larger tummy and was just around 200Kg.
I think there are some SSBBW models with legit weight-claims as Ellie (who is on Feabie always between 187 and 199) or in the past Destiny (not now as she looks much slimmer currently than on her beginning).

So I suppose Jacquline could be at the moment between 213 and 225 kilogramme. But Adeline is probably lighter than that.
Well yu tommies and le Yankee have actual created the war, as your Ousama Obama said, Russia is not a super power and you attempt to put their neighbours to the western alliance.
225kg = 500lbs

Tell me how models fake a filmed weigh-in or just STFU.
Ich weiß nicht genau ob sie damals schon (bei Bigcuties) Model war, aber die war lange im Internet als Collegestudentin (macht es wohl nun seit gut einem Jahrzehnt professionell), bei der sind die 195Kg wirklich sehr unglaubwürdig, die wird noch weit unter 150 sein, denn so sehr hat die sich eigentlich nicht verändert, seit den Tagen mit Gainining Goddess (die viel mehr zunahm; eine echt Feeedee war, und immer noch dicker als sie wäre) und Caitlin.
Bei einer richtigen SSBBW ist alles dick, da gibt es keine schlanken Körperstellen, selbst bei Diva (Mikeal) ist ein ordentlicher Bauch, bei ihrer Tochter umso mehr und ebenso sehr viel davon bei Sarah Messey.
Bei dieser Südamerikanerin hingegen sollen nur die Hüften abwärt breit sein, die Taille hat vielleicht 80cm; niemals ist das eine SSBBW.
Das mit den Beinen mag zwar teilweise richtig sein, aber eher bei Elephantiasis; Teighlor hatte auch dementsprechende gewaltige Schenkel aber ihr Bauch bis zur Brust rauf war voller Rollen und an den Armen hing überall Fleich (Fett), sie hat aber kaum mehr als 250kg gewogen.
180 kilo ist nunmal sehr sehr fett, auch 150Kg ist schon extrem adipös.
Bei Nicole James (die ürbigens aus dem gleichen Staat stammt wie Madeline Grace bzw. Leah Nichols damals noch) kann ich die 300Kg glauben (wenn auch nicht 400), ebenso inzwischen bei Echo (durch Lymphoedeme), aber da ist ein riesigher Unterschied von denen zu Adeline und auch Jacquline.

Kilogramme ist die internationale Maßeinheit, lb wird eigentlich nur in 1 - 2 Ländern noch verwendet, die das aber anscheinend auch langsam teilweise lernen. Die Minderheit sollte sich anpassen und nicht die Mehrheit, sonst müssen wir bald noch in Stone (6,35Kg) umrechnen.
No 227Kg are 500lb.

I have explained it mainy times, months ago already: digital scales use progammes, these can be adjusted.

Hier sind wir die Minderheit, Brudi.

Und Du solltest wirklich mal über den Teich fahren und so einem Landwal persönlich gegenübertreten. Du verschätzt Dich, indem Du Frauen, die Du nur von Bildern und aus Videos kennst, mit solchen vergleichst, die Du persönlich getroffen hast. Bilder und Videos täuschen jedoch. Sie geben keinen realistischen Eindruck von den Größenverhältnissen. Danach sollte man nicht urteilen.
never really understood the fixation with numbers some people have. actual perceived size is obviously going to vary greatly depending on the person's height and it'll be visually relative to the frame they appear in, like you've mentioned. all this makes weight kind of a hollow comparison without knowledge of their other measurements. however, when models like jackie get way bigger relative to their older sets, that's enough for me personally. with lailani misrepresenting her weight, i don't think she's really changed much in size from her older stuff so she's probably not the best model to look at if weight gain progressions are your thing. i personally just ignore anything about her weight lol
Den Echtnamen zu verwenden, muss nicht sein. Ihre Mutter wusste zumindest um 2010 herum nicht was ihre Tochter macht und es ist unnötig diesen Connex nach ihren Tod (Unfall) herzustellen.
>But Adeline is lighter than that

The same Adeline people are drawing clear parallels to Goddess Patty's peak in size and mobility. Okay, this is a clear troll. Pack it in, everyone.
When the rest of the world starts spitting out fat chicks at the same frequency and magnitude as the countries that typically make use of lb, then you can start pulling your weight in that argument.
Um 2010 herum hat sie das auch noch nicht getan und meines Wissens war das bei ihr auch nie pornografisch: Ich habe mit ihr um diese Zeit herum im Sommer 2010 (plus-minus ein Jahr) über Yahoo Messenger gechattet. Sie hat damals in einem Café gekellnert (in North Carolina oder South Carolina) und da war sie mit ihrem eigentlichen Namen angemeldet. Deswegen hat mich die Nachricht von dem Tod sehr mitgenommen und ich hoffe noch, dass sie diesen nur vorgetäuscht hat (als sie überfahren oder in einem Auto einen Unfall gehabt haben soll), denn ihr Arbeitgeber der Heart Attack Grill hat erst eine falsche Nachricht verbreitet; dass sie bei dem Amoklauf auf dem Strip dort erschossen wurde (dem Amokläufer zum Opfer fiel).
Dass sie dort gearbeitet hat, wird ihre Mutter auf jeden Fall mitbekommen haben.

Sie hatte mir Bilder geschickt, wo sie vor bunten Tellern (mit gelber und blauer Farbe drauf) sitzt, mit weit offenem Mund. Aber damals war sie nur pummelig (leicht). Sie hatte auch auf Youtube mit einer Perücke für einen (Musik) Kostümwettbewerb geworben, wo sie mit einer Gruppe landesweit teilnahm und für eine einspringen musste, die plötzlich verstorben sei.
Manchmal sehen die auf Bildern oder Videos auch viel dicker aus, als in Realität, wenn diese bearbeitet wurden (mit einem Bildbearbeitungsprogramm); es gibt sehr viele Morphs, einer der bekanntesten war Fran (vom Fat Trio) mit blauem Oberteil und Leggins an.

Jedenfalls finde ich dass man glauben soll das Adeline soviel wiegt wie Summer zu ihrer Hochzeit, als diese mit dem modeln begann (bzw. um 2010 herum) total naiv und leichgläubig. Summer war viel größer und ihr Bauch hing bis zu den Knien (auch schon vor der Zeit bei Bigcuties, wo ich ihre private Homepage fand; welche zeigt, dass sie Fan von Nielpferden und Giraffen war, aber da sind keine Nackbilder von ihr, selbst vom Bauch kaum).
These people are possible fools (idiots).

Although when Patty attend on the Maury Povich Show, she weighted just around 240 kilos.
Since this guy is insistent on bringing up specific names... I think I get it. Buddy, you think these old names look bigger and are more truthful about their weight because their skin isn't anywhere near as elastic. These newer names, at their current peaks, are a good 10-15 years younger than your Teighlors and Summers. Their skin looks younger and is more firm. You're conflating sagginess with size.
What's with all the German?

Crack on and post in German all you like but fucked if I'm going to stick in google and translate it.
Very funny, but I think you just attempt to divert from the point that some are faking high numbers.
Not their skin was less elastic, but their were just more honnest and brought up their true weight and the other difference to these current ones is, that they had a much larger sitze:
Teghlor weighted including till the mid 1990s maybe just 180 - 225 kilogramme, she never claimed to be over 270.
Summer never claimed to be over 300 and she is actual almost a present model, as she was active till 2017 or 2018. She was about 1,80m tall, Adeline is not taller than 1,70m, so she is supposed to be a much higher BMI, if she really has the same weight as Summer had (at her peak).
And I think you're too stubborn to accept different body shapes means two women of different ages, heights, fat distribution can mean they weigh roughly the same. Your data relies way too heavily (lol) on the older models. I won't deny there's number fudging, but we've already addressed the worst offenders. You're not some expert carnival barker that can guess someone's weight on their looks - neither of us have access to the secret scale at the booth. Stop pretending.
Well you show you are simple minded and believe every absurd number that got shown up!

If these numbers would be at least somehow realistic, then I wouldn't mind to comment and it wouldn't be so offending (to make fools of the customers), but some of these models doesn't even bother to effort a number which is close to reality, but partly twice as much as they are.
This looks great. Hopefully more to come of this kind of videos, showcasing how huge she is and that wheeze is unreal
Dude this vid looks unreal. She’s finally doing more interesting content. Hopefully a legend will share it here lol cuz I got nothin 😔
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Damn she is fucking HUGE!!! Look at those thighs! I’d love it if she did a measurement vid. I’m curious as to how many feet around they are. Also wonder what size those pants are…6X? 7X? Hope she keeps piling on the pounds! The GOAT!!!
Germans look at this and go "Eh, can't be more than 150"
Are you able to read?
I don't think so, as it was Plump Princess which is supposed to be not heavier than 150...!
This is not Plump Princess here, if you noticed it!!

But I pointed that Jacquline is probably below 250Kg.
Don't get your hopes up yet.
Tf are you talking about she is definitely above 600 lbs, she was around 570 when she looked small compared to how big she is now
(89 KB, 765x647, jj.jpg)
Shocking!! The house cat got fat :D hopefully she will reach 600 this winter season!
you talking idiot language
>>56945 i mean you
you talking idiot language
(19 KB, 439x431, foot.jpg)
I will drop this here and mind my business...
That cankle....
You got the video? If so…
Will you up it King and help the non arguing brothers out?
You guys are Insufferable.

Link doesn't work

Her legs have gotten fucking huge. I want to see them without those pants on.

Thanks bruh
Would you happen to have the full video of the blue underwear?
You guys think she’s gotten bigger since her last video?? It’s hard to tell because of the types of videos she makes
holy shit, how/when she did fat as fuck this year

thank you very much sir
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Love the way she’s gasping for air! Damn, she’s out of breath from just standing up. And the fact that it doesn’t appear to bother her and she just keeps eating is so hot! I hope she packs on another hundred pounds of glorious blubber!
Escucharon su respiracion con un minimo esfuerzo donde ya casi no puede su cuerpo que genial y sus piernas wow enormes
The WHEEZING. Christ alive.

Not sure if we've ever considered a heavy breathing top-5 but Jackie may be the GOAT in that regard. It's one step away from a full deathrattle. This is not a girl who's gonna be walking much longer.
War in NC, irgendwo bei Fayetteville. Ich weiß nicht mehr wer es mir sagte, oder war es sogar aus der Zeitung, sie ist mit dem Auto raus aus Vegas nach dem Shooting und in den Bergen von der Strasse abgekommen. Sehr traurig, war ein toller Mensch.
I'm endlessly fascinated thinking about JJ's social circle. Does her family just ignore the fact she's gasping for air just from standing up? Must be surreal to have a family member get so catastrophically large.

Who else is even close in this category? JJ takes the cake, easily.
She’s never been this wheezy. I mean it looks as if she can barely walk at this point, can hardly fit in the bathroom and decides to sit down and eat. Her and Adeline are full blown food addicts who can’t stop
She has a husband/boyfriend? I don't know what the family of Jackie may think of her.. and the family of her boyfriend and friends of his... I will love to know that! Jackie it's a very beautiful women, she has a perfect Barbie face
What's surprising is that her parents are thin (no pics).
>>57002 I mean, all these enormous pigs breath heavily, especially when they move around. But Jackie's got the husky wheeze that trails every breath- even when she's just seated. I think she just must be in worse cardiovascular health than the others - and when she actually moves, she sounds like she's about to lose consciousness.

There's a possibility she's hamming it up a little (other models definitely do that), but you can't fake that wheeze. I appreciate the fact that she's willing to share her struggle to oxygenate that massive hog body.
There was an old pic from when Jackie was maybe 20? Shes in the photo with her brother and dad. I don't remember if anyone else was in it. But I think they were also overweight. But that was a long time ago and years since I saw the photo so I may be misremembering.
This vid is hot asf thanks man. You can tell by the ways she walking and especially to the bathroom that it’s such a struggle for her to walk . She’s out of breath just be sitting down and eating. Fuckin love it.
I mean, we were just talking about how models lie about their weight. Why wouldn't they pretend to wheeze, too? I don't think she's nearly as out of shape as she looks.
And she could still easily fit through the bathroom door! Lame.
Iron Law: "If she can still fit through the door, feed her A LOT more!"
Just kidding. Or am I...
Hello, can someone please explain how to open these sorts of links? Iknow base64 but I don't know what to do next. I know I am probably stupid, thank you.
can someone post the following juicyjackie videos. The videos are these. Made of cake POV mp4. Playful dancing Mp4. Pink donuts stuffing Mp4. Tight dress try on Mp4. Cute Feet Floating Away Mp4
She is so special and mobile for her size :) This women literally looks better with every new pound :))
can someone share greedy cake moans, would be greatley appreciated
Can someone uploud the link of the new video in a we transfer?
thanks for the upload, also thanks for the collective ignorance of the retards/insufferables
No way! She is much smaller than Summer was, which was also clearly taller.

Jamie Lopez was reported to weight 230Kg, when she attend on Morning Today, but was a huge mount of meat and looked like she narrowly burst, as she appeared so fat, that she barely could move at that time.
Although he weights before and after weight-lose are frauds (and ludicrious), as she was not noticable heavier on the photos which were meant to show her bedbound (she weight at start of her modeling career around 2006 on Myspace 180Kg, so gained 50 - 60 kilogramme in over a decade, but didn't lose that amount in one year).
Du meinst Leah Nichols (Madeline Grace)?
Ich habe gelesen, dass es in Las Vegas war, nur einige Kilometer von dem Heart Attack Grill entfernt.
Sie war auch sehr lustig, hatte einige Fallenvideos (Pranks) mit versteckter Kamera gemacht, glaube auch für Youtube, mit einem Jungen (vielleicht ihrem Neffen) teilweise.

Aber ich glaube nicht, dass ihre Mutter hier mitliest. Andererseits wird es früher oder später sowieso rauskommen.

Ich glaube in einem von den Bildern, hatte sie einen spitzen Kinderhut auf (weiß nicht ob aus Pape, wie bei Geburtstagen oder aus Plastik), wie eine Schnabeltasse, nur falsch rum.
Because them are competing against other models and some guys (here/ fat admirers) get horny by the weight-in videos and mastrubate the higher the number get. So it is a contest for them, to get always higher and higher numbers and beat up the other BBWs.
I've been a fan of JJ since the beginning when she duets with Luna. But with the last video I'm at my limit. She doesn't have an ankle anymore. She is unable to walk a few feet. She is in a handicap situation. There is no more sensuality in the videos. Just a "teenager" who refuses to grow up. For the relations with her close relations. I think that things are simple. Her guy must be fantasizing about her huge goddess. He must work his ass off to support his girlfriend. He looks tired and has gained 20 years in a few years. His family must be desperate to see a loved one commit suicide with food. Sorry if my post is misspelled I use a translator.
She is at her best now bro USBBW status is knockin at the door and she is hotter than ever!
How odd that this is your last straw and not watching her struggle to get on the floor and eat cake naked. I'd imagine that's a bit more shocking whereas this one is "Hey I'm in a hotel look how I can't fit in normal areas"
No, it's just that from now on her body is becoming deformed
Her body is evolving to new dimensions man she got tons of old stuff stick to it...
His boyfriend work for her literally
Bro if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Go back to the old content. Some people have been waiting for her to get this big for years.
"His boyfriend work for her literally" do you have any information? ;)
Well... She doesn't work 😂
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Exactly shes been a model for over 13 years and she got content starting from 370 till now so im sure everybody will find something in such portfolio... shes been gaining very slow in comoparison to Adeline But you guys look on how fast she can move for her size she dont need No help she is very mobile
Dude there was a post on Jamie here not too long ago and the pictures were hot. I can't find the thread anymore. Do you know where I can find pics of her at her biggest?
Your not wrong half the wheezing in her clips is just her boyfriend huffing behind the camera Jackie's no where near the level of immobility she puts on for the camera
We need Jackie to make a video of her showing her heart rate. Show how much it is with her just sitting down then see how much it is when she’s walking or even exercising. Would be hot asf.
Yes, I like this outside the box thinking.
You guys are a bunch of crazed death feeders hoping her heart beat is pounding like a v8 engine.
Meanwhile here I am just thinking that she is a cute bbw who has a body exactly like some of the best drawn art in the last decade.

Not going to deny that Jackie is obviously unhealthy and is likely suffering from cardiovascular problems, but can't you guys just savor the moment? I'd rather see Jackie live another day and keep making sets, even it means that she ends up losing weight in the future; than see her die of a heart attack in the near future.

Don't kink shame me. Keep your opinions to yourself. I don't go to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth buddy.
She ain’t gonna drop dead. Stop trying to be a “savior”. In all likelihood she’d be this fat anyways, in this case she just had an avenue to make money off it. She’s a good addict and people pay to see her get fatter, not much else to it. Don’t like it, stop clicking on the thread and let people enjoy what they want without trying to ruin it
>>57214 being a crazed deathfeeder is precisely how I savor this moment
I agree. I don't think she is ever gonna lose weight. She enjoys her obesity too much, plus she supports diversity, and embraces the fact that she is different. The only reason if she ever decides to lose weight will be because of the mobility issues she will have to face (I am sure she faces already) or perhaps to ease her (obviously) obesity induced lymphoedema, which can be extremely painful on her legs. I don't think she is gonna drop dead any time soon either. 1) She is still too young and can sustain the weight 2) She is extremely flexible and mobile for a woman her size. 3) Surely, she is unfit and pushes her heart and lungs to the limits but she is resilient. Notice how terribly she waddles but she lifts herself from the couch without any problem.
MFs like >>57214 think if a woman reaches a certain weight they have 30 days left to live. She's not going anywhere anytime soon. We'd be hearing of more regular deaths among models if that were the case. The fact that she's so fat but also mobile is part of the appeal. Anyone outside of the community would shriek anyone posted on /bbw/ is headed to an early grave anyway - there's no reasoning with them, there's no need to make us see the light.

Tl;dr: Stop pissing in the pool
>>57248 exactly! under all those layers of fat there is a good amount of muscle, developed over the years. They are like weight lifters. Especially this goddess who has grown slowly but steadily. I only hope her man treats her well, feeds her the foods she loves, keeps her clean when she can't reach, and keeps her sexually content and happy. This is all we should care about with USBBW this size that they have the servants they deserve close by.
Honestly I love fat women but here she is on disability. You can divert the subject but it becomes frankly sad. No one would want to see a friend or family member in a similar state. It's the same for Adeline.
No one is diverting anything. Who is pointing a gun and forcing you to jerk off to her?
I wouldn't want my sister to be in her situation, but that doesn't stop me from jerking it to Jackie's plight.
You can use a search machine, but also is some contend on Youtube, partly on her (his) profile.
Although the last might be a half year ago.
There was maybe also older stuff on Dailymotion and pictures of her in a swimming pool around 2006 (so she have to be between 37 and 42 now/ faked the age too), like of Miriam Lurry.

But I am not certain, if this one with the large legs on bed, turned the back to the camera, is the same person, as it looked differently (longer legs, but not so wide thighs).
She was in my view never heavier than 250Kg, but is now at least around 170Kg, as she is still very limited in walking and have to sit down when she prepares meals or make make-up of someone else.
So he/ she cheated on both, highest weight and lost weight.
But on the starting page here you might find the old thread of Jamie still.
Yeah I mean I only jerk off to ssbbw/ussbbw’s every now and again, and get heavy post jerk clarity and disgust about it. Tbh there are a lot of times where that clarity kicks in beforehand and I gotta dial in back a few hundred pounds.
>>57279 I wouldn't want my sister to be in her situation either, because this world is tough for girls her size. It's not her fault the bathroom is too small. If the video were not recorded in this hotel but a six star resort with a big luxurious bathroom, you would not be saying this about Jackie. Because she would have had abundant space to walk in the bathroom, take off her clothes, and get in and out of the shower (which would have been three times the size of this one). I had a 300 lbs girlfriend who had problems with toilets because they were too narrow and too close to the wall. True, she is massive, she is wheezing, she is waddling and she can't stand for long or walk far but she is so well maintained for a woman this size.
How many people are on here? Let’s for argument’s sake, say 200. If every one of those 200 people sent her 10 bucks, that’s 2 grand. Imagine the food she’d be ordering? I guarantee she’s not ordering Salad Works. That 2 thousand is a lot of pizza, breadsticks and mac & cheese for the Queen of Carbs! I picture her gasping for air as she rubs her severely overstuffed belly, moaning and groaning due to her sheer gluttony.
I imagine a world where she uses the ridiculous ROI gained from posting a 6 minute clip, that hundreds of people spend $10+ on to buy herself food.

For days now this vid has been top of C4S. Not too in the fat niche, top on the site.

I wonder how many purchases it takes to pull that off.
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rare based pepe
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She devoured 600cal in under 5minutes like is nothing!
Do you have the video?
600 calories is nothing. Adeline finished an entire cake and a bottle of milk in 5mins.
Yeah but Adeline is in a different league tho
600cal in 5 mins..: I’ve also eaten a king sized candy bar while drinking a soda.

uhh that's not a lot for her but cool I guess
is it me or are her vids starting to get boring
It's not just you, aside from the Hotel video she has been flat
A smaller one; Jacquline seems clearly bigger than Adeline.
well what do u expect, given her size and that she gets out of breath just be breathing, there is not much what she can do
Have you seen Adeline recently??? No way Jackie is over 670 lbs.
Nah I’m sick of that bs excuse. She goes to the car doesn’t she? She got to that hotel somehow. Wouldn’t hurt to just film it. There’s literally no excuse to her putting out boring/bland sitting videos chatting/eating (very little) other than sheer laziness.

I mean, I get it… If you release a video doing absolutely the bare minimum but make bank, sure why not? The only excuse is being lazy.

Just annoying that she doesn’t really do any content other than sit there (aside from this hotel video which wasn’t much, but something a little different.)
100%. There really isn’t a lot of creativity needed. At her size, doing the most normal tasks get her exhausted and out of breath. It would be a lot more enjoyable for her to do videos like walking, stairs, car video, etc. Even remaking older videos when she was smaller would be more entertaining than her sitting and eating some whipped cream
Bingo. When you're this deep in the game, remaking your older content is easy money
Neither of them, Adeline is not heavier than 200Kg; Jacquline has a larger frame and is taller.
Everything on her is big. But Adeline has only an equal belly as her, she is like Luna 15 years ago.
If Jackie was as immobile as y'all think she is she wouldn't be doing all these shoots in hotels and places. She puts all her effort towards her custom clips these days her clips4sale basically gets the leftovers or resold customs. If you wanna see more you gotta pay more
How would one reach out to her for a custom clip? I don’t see anywhere to reach her reasonably
dm her on twitter about it
Turns out a 600lb woman is actually just very lazy, shock. I'm not defending the shit content but some of you really need to understand that she obviously has low motivation to do anything
your on every thread doing this shit

Thanks for the drop
is there a mega for her
Did not really realize this until my wife started to get quite fat (325 lbs +). The motivation to get off the couch just completely drops, and every decision is made based on the physical effort required. Can't imagine how much more of a factor is for someone 500+ or 600+.
is there a mega for her
Does anyone have CEO Fatties?
Mine is still trying to fight it and tag along to places where there’s plenty of walking. She’s shorter, and it makes for a cute waddle. I’m not saying encourage them to jog, but letting them see how being so active is a bad idea goes a long way.
Yeah, my wife topped out at about 340, and every ten pounds after 300 was like she got exponentially lazier.

Never got depressed about it, though, so bullshut to anyone who tries to infer fatties are all secretly self-loathing. My wife isn't even into being fat, she's just a pig and doesn't give a fuck.
You are a little toodler who scrub the small cock when high numbers got in your mind, which are just fantasy and not realistic.
Even you should notice, that Patty appeared much bigger, not only the boot, but even the fat-apron (lower tummy) as her leggins are a lot wider than the dress of Adeline. She was also taller and had far larger hips and hanging arms.

She was narrowly immobile, while Adeline is rather acting like this in my view.
You are either fucking retarded or a virgin. Probably both. My wife has literally been to the dietician yesterday and she weighed 184,1 kg and she is waaaaaay less fat than the women you mentioned.
Trying to maximise those gains I see.
I have no gaining fetish, I just like fat chicks. Her health is most important, it's my wife dude.
>>57654 how fucking delusional are you, why do you have to think it’s all some big conspiracy and they’re all lying, Adeline clearly can barely even walk why the fuck wouldn’t she be insanely huge
Just stop talking you have content post something if not shut up no one cares except for you guys
good LORD! If yall wanna bitch about her health so damn much, watch some fucking TLC! Besides, it isnt like Reenaye, who has gotten so fucking massive that shes literally at an assisted living facility and recently posted a vid of her having a cardiac attack on C4S!
Bro that's all roleplay
Some of the shit I read here while realizing I’m into the fetish it makes me think am I also fucking retarded
Anyone know if JJ ever goes to bashes? Always wondered that.
Why are y’all comparing Jackie to Adeline? Adeline is 5’7-5’8, so her BMI is 105.
Assuming JJ is at or near 600, (cuz she’s hinted at a new weigh in), her BMI is 103 (because Jackie is only 5’4).

Tbh, looking at both of them, it’s pretty clear there is more fat per muscle on JJ than Adeline, JJ is a legit blob
When did she hint at a new weigh-in??
Let's get back to the basics here. I would love for Jackie to shrink me down to the size of a gummy bear and torture me before eating me alive.
What's stopping her from doing a weigh-in if she's 600lbs already?
Just stop refreshing this site, no one is going to share content just like you.
Nope with a BMI over hundred you would be either narrowly total immobile or dead, maybe both. At least your state would be like of Nicole James few years ago (before being at hospital and shrinking) or at least Echo.

I assume Jackie between 200 and 230 kilogramme. Adeline 200Kg at most (rather aroind 180).
bruh... adeline hits 303kg last weight in, idk if she is bigger now but that was her last weight i've seen, and talking about jackie, 230kg its just too low, i assume that she is around... 276kg jackie is way less bigger than adeline but she looks massive because she is short
I am no brew....!!

And you really believe in Santa Claus and the Eastern Bunny still, if you trust these numbers.
Actually is Jacquline taller than Adeline in my view and therefore also heavier (as Adeline has only a big belly, but her arme and legs are thinner than of Jacquline).
>In my view
And now we've stumbled upon the crux of the matter. Adeline is 5'7". Jackie is 5'4". Your perspective is wrong.

You sound like you have no idea how much a kilogram/100/200 kilogram is. 200 is not that much, not much like at all. Girls still shop at general apparel stores weighting 200 kilograms.
It seems for me rather the opposite; you either have no imagination how heavy 200Kg really is or you just try to promote some contend, which is supposed to be sold out:

200kg is always super morbidly obese; with an average height for woman of 1,67m, you would have about a BMI of 70. The normally scale goes just to 50, as that is adipositas typ II (fat-addiction). This is the medical case of a sickness, which most with it are unable to work and disabled because of the body condition.
Many people would die before they reach such number.
Nobody who weihts 200Kg can buy in a casual shop clothes which fit; one man of my retraining weighted first 206Kg and is 1,70m tall; he wore 9XL at least. He had to get a surgery to lose weight.
Please don't feed the troll.

Take a closer look at Adelines inner thighs on the newest vids, they huge. Thats why her walking is hard.

Dude, 200 is not much. No, it is not gonna kill you. Yes, you may get disability papers and park at those marked spots. But that's it. My ex wife was was 200 kg on divorce. At her 1,77m it did not limit her everyday ability to do pretty much everything but sports. She did not run and avoided stairs but that's it. And no, many people would not die before reaching this number unless their cause of death is unrelated to weight. That is not a big weight.
What? Thats only 440 lbs... r sure you have your conversion right? That's not a shocking weight at all
Yeah bunch of retards on here lately who have no understanding of weight.
yes board is full of meth math genius morons and amateur ssbbw sherlocks
Tbh, 440lbs can go either way. There are women who sport that much weight with only minor lifestyle adjustments, and others that are nearly bedbound. 600PL had a few women on there that were in the upper 400s but managed to be stuck in bed (“Penny” for example). Kinda depends on the person I suppose.
Can someone post too big for hotel please 🙏🏼
Let look when they are staying together to each other, then you will know who estimated their heights correct of us.
I doubt you have measured them both yet...

You guy have no clue about weights nor the subject; 200 kilogramme is extremely fat, it is the mass what 3 average women weight together.
You can ask any physican, that will say it is the highest grade of obesity and even created as a new level of it, as the previous ones were not enough. Who will also maintain, with that weight you have a high risk to die before you get 70, you lifetime would be with such a high obesity shrinked off 7 - 10 years at least.
Someone have an account for the jj site? I got like +50 videos to share in exchange
I don' think anyone here has an account for her site. I believe the main deterrent from getting one is how her focus has been on clips4sale since her site only gets like an update every two to three months.
Plus another thing to note is that she removed a good chunk of her older stuff from her site which many users were a fan of.

Thought I would help put to rest misinformation. Adeline is 5'6"-5'7" range and Juicy Jackie is 5'4" confirmed. Not what I thought just the facts. (At least fact based on what they have said their own heights are)
can somebody upload Lotion Love, Cleaning and Cake and SSBBW Obsession conditioning?
This is why some people joke about circus tents for clothing.
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Please bring back Michael Myers content for this years halloween them videos was one of her best work!
Go message her on Twitter and pay her to do it or something
I thought she gets livid when men ask her to do something, or was that just the tumbler days.
>make career out of pleasing men
>get mad when they ask you to do something
woman moment
Just be polite about it
This is pretty cringey, even by BBWChan standards.
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Love how her belly sits between her thighs now YUM :)
Cringy but true. Like many things one could say about women.
Enjoy bro!

Anyone have a re-up of this almighty video?
Yo! Broski! Catch!
Can someone reup lingerie seduction
does anyone have the Lusty Lounging set?
Can a kind soul offer pushing myself to eat more?
can someone make a mega of some of jackie's sets
She posted a pic on her OF. Good indicator that she maybe starting it up fr fr
Does anyone have CEO Fatties?
can someone reup a private dance video?
anyone has the Lady in Red set
ok but the mega files have all of the sets and videos
does anyone have the alien princess videos
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New Halloween Video has dropped. She looking bigger than ever x
We got millions videos already like that same angle sitting down... :// the pumpkin video she did 2 years ago had a far better angle
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Her face and arms look HUGE
She should do an updated version of her Halloween Store visit
I dont think it is possible since she needs to sit down like every 20 steps
Yeah she looks better with every new pound lets hope she will add like 10+ lb this winter season :))
Can someone share previous clips like
SSBBW obsession conditioning, stuffing time, or cleaning and cake?
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About time her upper body started to catch up with her lower half :)) just like Mc Donalds Im lovin it :D
Can you share the clip?
Her face got so fat it turned into Luna Love's
do you guys realize that she's sitting on a two person bench and almost filling it up?
You could fit 3 small girls on that that bench
anyone have the video
We need more gifs of her naked moving jiggling about
Someone does. Will they share it? Who knows.
She would literally die.
That Punkin's got a itty-bitty face!
Canadian Pumpkin
Charlie Kirk pumpkin
Could someone share the love uping the pumpkin video? I have older vids I could re-up if needed.
to celebrate halloween
does anyone have all the alien princess sets and videos cause there's 4 of them
Anyone wanna be a legend and upload her latest video? I only have a few hours to nut until NNN starts lmao
That pumpkin is like: :D
Weird times we’re living in… Jackie posts a new video and people aren’t going insane purchasing it and clawing for scraps wtf
The video is expensive and may not be what many were looking for. Those who boughy it might be reluctant to share. If she drops a weigh in or something with lots of movement, I'm sure it will be up in no time
its like the same video over and over with the same camera angle... so aint nobody in a hurry to get it
She simply becomes less sexy. Almost unable to move. Her body is deformed whereas she had a sublime body 2 years ago. I have had a fetish for this girl for a very long time (way too long). But now things are really different.
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Her body is just evolving with time she is 37 now so it is what it is... she gained in a same pace for about 13 years so on every step of her career you can find something for yourself either if you love bbw's or ssbbw's
really wish jackie and roxxie would do a video together. that'd be unreal
because most of her newer clips are her just sitting and doing shit
this is why wanting these models to just keep getting bigger is fucking dumb, because theres a point where their mobility gets so fucked, they literally cant do anything else, leading to boring ass videos. It happened to ash, it happened to luna, and unfortunately, its gonna happen to Jackie. When will people realize that the high 400s to 500 is the best weight for these models to be at. Just big enough to be hot, just mobile enough to make good content. The moment a model hits 600, their content goes to shit, prove me wrong
I think a lot of people are looking too much into this - she's basically releasing a new clip at the end of every month. Some are different but most are her sitting and eating. The hotel clip was shorter but it had movement and heavy breathing and we salivated over that for a good week. This one is her carving a pumpkin and eventually sitting on it. The summer treats and the latest pizza stuffing vids were also shared pretty rapidly and it's not like she was doing a huge amount of movement in those. And every time there's a drought we always get the naysayers that tell us she suddenly is terrible for reaching 600lbs like they're not going to rave over the weigh in when that finally happens.

I'd wager the usual customers who also share on here were scared off by the price point is all. I've been considering buying it just to see her ass crush a pumpkin but there's other clips from other models I'd want more.
Pretty much. There are so many models out now that it's crazy to get mad about a veteran being lazy or too fat. Many of these girls are so addicted to food that whether or not they want to become immobile, they're going to end up really close to it.
Plus, if you think a model looked better or had better content at a certain age/size you can stick to that part of their catalog.
Anyone have her Domme Tease video?
I saw a video of jackie years ago with cream pants/trousers pulling them up i never see it anywhere now
I agree if anyone has any of the vids in the left pic please share for the brethren.
I like her old vids when shed do old small clothes tryons. One she had a really tight pink hoodie it was awesome, it was back when she still have a
body shape and wasnt all bumpy and misshapen.
private dance reup plss
weird request but can you upload ssbbw obsessive conditioning on wetransfer?
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>>55482 (OP)
Which video was this from? I see the photos posted, but I don't think I remember seeing the video.
Sent her a DM about a mobility scooter; she said she wants it because it’s getting too hard & laborious for her to walk, and doesn’t want to change her fat & indulging lifestyle…

Immobility confirmed!
if true, that's amazing but not surprising. She has to record a video of that when she gets it.
I asked her too, we’ll see…

She just looks like she’s struggling so much, and believe it or not immobile people can live for 10 years or so, so I thought she should enjoy it while having no worry about walking.

Her step count going to 0 though HAHA
>>61249 I remember when kellie kay made those eyes when eating, it was so hot!
I seriously have never wanted someone to have a heart attack so badly in my life. My hate boner for this bitch is unreal. If I got to read the news she finally croaked from her extreme gluttony (of even better, even died on cam) my cum would hit the ceiling. A fitting cinematic send-off for her descent into Hell.

>inb4 janny surprised im fucked up
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>I seriously have never wanted someone to have a heart attack so badly in my life. My hate boner for this bitch is unreal. If I got to read the news she finally croaked from her extreme gluttony (of even better, even died on cam) my cum would hit the ceiling. A fitting cinematic send-off for her descent into Hell.
Agreed, I would love to see her go from snobby bitch to desperate sow begging for her next meal.
If that is what gets you going, then you should look for other models that actually are showing signs of congestive heart failure, like extreme fluid retention in the legs or hard stomach.
Don't make me worried about the best USSBBW because you want to see her croak.

Have you noticed that side to side ass "dance" when eating, lots models do that.

When my gf did that for the first time, that was so hot. Becouse she doesnt addmit that she has fetish, but all the signs are in the air..

To be fair every fat girl I’ve known (dated or otherwise) has done this. Even if they don’t have a fetish they’re usually fat because they love food lol. Don’t disagree that it’s very hot though
Can confirm, my partners always do this. It's kinda cute.
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Ok guys so if anybody is interested in buying custom video from her the price is 20$ per minute + if you want a stuffing you must buy the food and also if the video involves much movement the price might get higher.... Your videos should be done in 2weeks... hope this help you guys save some time oh and if you actually want a special video that only you will got the rights to it and she cant post it in her store you must pay clip price+ 4X its value so lets say a clip is 100$ + 400$ is the price
Wow that’s fucking ridiculous lmao who would pay that shit?

Considering how fat she made herself she's going to heaven regardless of bitchiness as a reward.

Her indulgence and gluttony is in fact an indulgence (pun intending) for sins she had.

Whenever she peacefully dies a happy sphere of lard and gluttony some three decades or more from now she'll laugh. Laugh at those who expected her to croak back when she still retained mobility.
lol sounds steep but what were you expecting, content creation is her full-time job from what I can infer. i've chatted with persons who have ordered several customs and they can't be the only one. i'm guessing that a lot of clips with a scenario where once customs though she doesn't always mention it.
You want her to do cartwheels? You gotta pay up. I've paid for customs from other models.
damn why you hate her so much...
If anyone here pays for a custom from her can they pay for a goddamn weigh-in? It's ridiculous she hasn't done one in over a year. Or at least ask when one is coming.
My man expect is next year She knows she will break the internet with it so she is holding it until next year when she will need funds for her wedding.... duhhhh....
No I want her to stand up and not just sit every video lol. Fuck I’m not 600 pounds but if I knew I could just stand up and walk around or go squeeze in my car and make bank I’d do it lol. She’s gotta make this type of content before it’s too late cuz if she keeps this up, at some point she won’t be able to make interesting content at all
She had one filmed months ago she had poll on Twitter about what vid to release next and that obsession video won out. She never released the other three clips either
Anybody able to upload all of her weight gain videos? I watched a Boberry weight gain compilation a while ago that really emphasized the gain and I want to try making one with Jackie.
does anyone have a mega of jackie?
This is why I got banned, they think I hate women when they literally goes here just to yell bullcrap like angry karens!
Second pic. What I wouldn't do to lick those darkened folds.

Those darkened folds may be bleached back to snow-white complexion at many facilities.
Maybe she's a saint behind the scenes and runs a soup kitchen for blind puppies, but I doubt that Jackie is going anywhere but down tbqh. She doesn't have the sweetest aura as far as fat girls go. She's just a super-hedonistic liberal unmarried white woman that took it up 10 notches. She wants a good time not a long time. RIP
Just deepthroating whatever ideology the YouTube algorithm throws at you, huh?
How recent is that?
She is all for the hedonist lifestyle. She is pushing it and she will eat herself to death. Which is fucking hot.
Does anyone have that chocolate delight video or whatever it was called? Have been searching for that one for a while now
>>61787 Wow real nice and dick burn, dude.
oh my god can you woman-hating losers ever just give it a rest and quietly jerk off like the rest of us?
Another fully clothed video guys better get your wallets out HAHAHA
Probably hiding all those brown shit stains on her body
Show me you’ve never seen an ssbbw naked in person without saying it.

Seriously, photoshopping fat girls has ruined some people’s expectations
another really interesting video...
I like coming in here every now and then to see the highest concentrations of hypocrisy on the planet in action.
Criticism of videos that you weren't going to purchase anyway. Lol. Idiots. Why are you saying anything at all? Just to try and pretend like your opinion matters?
Share or GTFO.
But she is so beautiful 😍
Lol whatever man. I’ve paid for plenty of her videos in the past. I don’t rely on sharing from this site, since it hardly happens anyway. But, while I’m not the one on here complaining about it, saying that her only releasing fully clothed videos where she does literally nothing and charging 11 bucks is okay is a lie and you know it. Nobody is a fan of non-arousing porn
she is physically and psychologically in a terrible state
Hey everyone have the new juicy jackie video pls ?
We just want some good quality close ups of her dangerously obese flesh, her waddling around naked and some standing up shots with some upward angles of her whilst she shakes, jiggles and squeezes her mass around.
Here's the pumpkin vid can someone upload the newest vid?
Thank you for posting bro, so we don’t have to pay actual money for this. Show her that vids where she don’t do jack shit or show any skin ain’t gonna sell
>psychologically in a terrible state
can you elaborate how you have come to this opinion?
Bruh they all look like that
Not every SSBBW can be like Roxxie with a bf who works and can afford to help her get skin lightening treatment
Idk she seems to be doing much better psychologically than I would be If I were as big and out of shape as she is
The guy dont know what he talking about Jackie is happily engaged Glowing & Growing :)
this. the original video >>62230 is from is low effort af. she has several ass focused videos with more movement and better angles. hell, there are previews on her c4s that are better than whatever she's doing in this one
Thats epic bro thank you! can you do some more of her belly and thighs?
Can someone upload that Lotion Love video?
can anyone reup ssbbw obsessive conditioning?

I got you covered like maple syrup. I threw one of her on the floor eating too. Looked for the Obstinant Conditiner too but I ain't got that on here.

Im so sorry bros.. CAn someone please reupload the pumpkin video..?
What is juicy jackie new weight in her new vid?
I dont know what to say cause she looks bigger than she was in her last weigh in but on the scale it says like 4 lbs more than last time... wtf
If that's the case, now we know why it took so long.
Unless she starts dropping more interesting videos, it's safe to say she's plateaued in more ways than one.
It had to be like a water weight 567 in 2021 and she dropped the water weight in the summer and she was probably like 559 or sumn so she was working on gaining that real weight on and now when she is 571 you can see its fat her thighs and calves are so much bigger and developped a lot more rolls she looks great but to be honest i dont know if she ever reach 600 she is like 29 lb short... and it might take her ages to gain that amount
If I may further opine - You know how it's been murmured that models tweak scales to deliver bigger numbers and generate hype? That could have been done for the previous weigh-in, and what we're seeing now is a more accurate number.

You could also tell she knew it wasn't going to be a huge jump. She kept talking about how she's gorgeous at any size.
She'll stay here for a while and eother lose a bunch or gain a lot quickly. It all comes down to if her appetite grows and hits another level or if she gets lazier
Planning on sharing the vid then, since apparently you've seen it?
how accurate is that scale anyway?
ofc she doesn't weigh 600lbs if she continued gaining at the same pace as the last few years she would've already dropped the vid. here's a "red pill" though, that number is only so important in bbw world because the bbw/ssbbw/ussbbw classification system is based around round numbers and lbs. anyways, still the goat in all around quality of the vids and looks afaik.
I’m gonna go as far as to say it looks like he’s smaller.
damn that leg fat is crazy
It is fascinating how fat distribution works in the super-obese. Like, how your body decides to just add an enormous thigh roll vs. just making the gut bigger.
My wife is 340lbs and her body just decided 75 lbs ago to make the left side of her belly hang noticeably lower. Fascinating stuff.
Someone's gotta leak this....right?
her face/neck are noticeably fatter
Would any kind soul happen to have her new blueberry video please?
Any chance you could try reup again please, vid won't play says it's restricted due to copyright ☹️

Thank you! Amazing how strikingly fatter the boss bitch has returned!
Wonder if anyone has her November weigh in
There's no audio in the wetransfer video wtf

Thanks this vid was so hot!
(267 KB, 1343x701, comp2.jpg) (207 KB, 1270x703, comp.jpg)
Now thats a 250 lb gain here boys
any chabce of a reup of Boss Bitch 2? 🥺🥺

Kek. Like a hungry dog biting the hand that feeds her. In this case a fat buddha dog. A fat buddha turned into a dog, viciously eating and chewing mindlessly until it eats itself. I'm stoked. The sooner more of these models fuck up the better.
thread is bumplocked
Does anyone have the juicyjackie bigcuties bonanza sets 4 and 5 thanks

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