
(138 KB, 1024x682, 41_Good-Bodies-Pool-Party-_-Adri-Guyer-Photo-294-1024x682.jpg)
Tomboys are supposed to be athletic, but are there any other examples of tomboys who look like they sweat when they eat like the porker on the right?

(Assuming she's a tomboy and not just a guy who got hit hard by seed oils and phytoestrogens. When these hogs grow fat enough it's hard to tell.)
J Aprileo.
Transitioning to male, I think. Now has facial hair.

I am disappoint

She already ate herself into a genderless amorphous blob, is the facial hair really necessary?
Holy shit - the one in the green top - didn't she used to be a BigCutie?! Fuck she's gotten HUGE. I can't remember her name but that cow skull chest tattoo is a giveaway.

her social media handle is FatGirlFlow. Have at it!
Yup, her nom de stroke was Clementine. She's the partner of the trans dude the OP is crushing on.

Other way around, I want her to crush me
She's clearly already on hormones in these pictures. You can see the stubble.

>nom de stroke
That's not a phrase that means anything to an English-speaking audience
>>55350 (OP)
oh shit, I thought Ralphie May died
>>55350 (OP)
Anyone know who the red headed girl with the bangs on the far left in the pink bikini is? She’s purdy
Might as well change the name to megachub trannys.

Get this shit out of here.

Go to a fag porn site
Does the girl in the black check swimsuit have any online presence? She’s cute.

I quite liked the nom de plume joke.

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