
Anyone check her Snapchat lately? She must have one hell of an NDA or impending lawsuit to even deny being on the My 600 Pound Life trailer. I know there were complications about her time on the show and that led to her not having the procedure & treatment by Dr. Now, but there's tangible evidence out there. That can't be disputed.
Wait what? She came out and said it was someone else in the trailer? Lol
>>5862 yep, she claimed "it was someone else that looks like me". Pretty ridiculous
She is one of the least likely people in the world where that would be possible

The thing is, she never said that, why would you make this lie up?
Forgetting how we replied to other people, Sam?
y'all are dumb as hell. no shit it's her in the trailer, but obviously she doesn't want to talk about it. leave her alone for crying out loud.
Since it’s so obvious that it’s her in the trailer why can we not poke fun at the fact that she tried to deny it even though the chances of someone looking anything like her are almost nonexistent?
She just got tired of people asking over and over and over so now she's just giving a sarcastic answer. She's said in the past that she would say what was up once the NDA was up. She seemed mad at Dr. Now. I'm imagining her attacking him physically as the reason until I hear otherwise. I think it'd be funny if she smacked him with his gilded stethoscope and got called out on his bad dye job.
Imagine that mountain of flesh coming at you, I'd shit my pants. Luckily she'd probably be too tired to do any real damage after just a few seconds lol.
Just walk briskly away for ten seconds and you'll be safe
She also can choose to not broadcast an answer. I've asked questions that didn't get answered because I'm sure she thought I was sarcastic. This smells like a "I was only pretending to be retarded" troll on her part that backfired.

I'm almost certain she didn't like how TLC was manipulating her and making her look more miserable than she actually was. She probably was mad at Dr. Now as well - her bariatric surgeon seems supportive and was willing to perform the surgery quicker. After all, she got within spitting distance of 1000lbs while filming happened, I'm sure they were going to write her off as a failure on the show and no one needs that kind of attention.
idk about you, but water in your lungs which feels like you're drowning sounds like acutal hell she went trough.
Oh damn, I forgot about that. I maintain my original point that TLC was trying to make dramatic TV, but whatever they were doing before medically didn't help.
Wait, what happened? Was this at 950?
Failing heart. Getting better now. Weigh that much and you push organs to their limit. She probably has really good genetics to not have croaked at her weight.
>>5533 (OP)
If someone could I would really apreciate a Re-Up
Thank you if you can.
For real, I’ve shared in multiple threads and been on here forever and the shameless and, oftentimes aggressive, begging outside of the DESIGNATED begging thread is pathetic. People will upload if they have time and are willing, people who bloat the threads with begging or incessant bumping should be banned imo
Either buy it or wait. Youre asking pirated content.
what are you on about? i started this thread and i've gotten nothing out of it. i don't give a single fuck about the politics of these models. i'm here for the porn
Dude, relax, I wasn’t even talking about you. The replies have changed for whatever reason since I replied to 5989 who called out a beggar. He called out the demanding, broken ass English begging for someone to upload everything of hers with nothing in return. I have a decent amount of vanilla so I will upload later for you OP because you shared and have been patient, I won’t upload because some asshole says “give all content now plz sets 1-5 billion”
(417 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200906-212204367.jpg)
She thinks about opening an onlyfans. She just psted it in insta stroy. In her bio she claimes being 900 pounds. Idk but one week ago on her YouTube she mentioned she's in rehab. But now she's posting a ton oft promo for her bbwroyalty page... strange to say the least
I saw this on her snapchat too
She’s asking if she should do a x-rated only fans !!!!!
XXX is well over due from this fat sexy hippo
wondering if this is a last minute gambit to cash out on being this absurdly fat before she really has to buckle down and straighten her life out. or if her options have dried up and she's just saying fuck it.
(676 KB, 800x600, nilla.png)
sub to her bbwroyalty if you like her stuff
1-64 (20-22&54 missing but 54 ain't worth your effort)
This is a new fucking low for this board...
Definitely a cash out before she becomes too thin to have the same appeal. It's like Kayla Colleen on Instagram.
Can't tell the l's from the 1's. I got close but no hex translator will touch it.
hahaahh sorry for the badly readable text lol, I went a little overboard. Here's the text so you can actually copy paste
Removed 2 text segments between marks, still a malformed decrypt.
Check the directions again.

Thanks, >>6084. Drops like these are rare here and I thank you for your service. Anything you're looking for, content-wise?
do have the pic sets from 44 onwards?
>>6085 thanks man, I hope I uploaded it safely. I love ssbbw sadie and mercedesbbw stuff but I just uploaded cause I download so much from here and wanted to do something back I guess.
Thanks dude!
Fuck this shit
What directions?
I got it but sneaky as shit
Poster from >>6083 here, got it to worry. Thanks for the treasure trove of vids. Here's all the Sadie I got, coded the same way you got it.
how the fuck do you decode these
For some reason they keep encoding it with hex and then with base64. Put it through B64 first then put it through hex after
thanks mate
Any hint for the password? I've tried the word after the B64 conversion but that doesn't work?
Capital M captial B
Hint for the "special"?
Are other people having trouble downloading the last two Drive drops? It keeps saying quota exceeded


I can download by the password doesn't work.
(54 KB, 1242x1193, 1htemhh633r21.jpg)
Aaaaaaaaaand the Onlyfans is 20 per month
onlyfans lists weight at 740. she's being honest about losing
Yeag instagram also got adjusted to 742lbs.
It's not working for me? Weirdly enough no password combo from those hints given are working out
I'm actually dumb, nevermind.


Here's 20+22 since your upload doesnt have it:
Can someone just post the link to this because I have no clue how to decode it
For those that have subscribed to her Onlyfans , what is the content like, is it really x-rated like she alluded too?
Yep, feels that way.

Wish more of the 900lb era could have been documented along they way though.

Don't worry about it, you can't get into the file anyway, the provided password doesn't work.
big props

apologies. i was aggravated mostly about the posters before you who just talked about her without contributing
worked fine for me
Idk why yall are having issues. follow the instructions in the pic and it works ezpz
Well since it works so well for you why don’t you post the non satan level difficulty link to prove it?

It's not that hard, man. Decode from B64, which gives you a hex code and the password for the zip file. Decode the hex code to get a link to a google drive. Download the zip file. Unzip it and enter the password from the B64 decode.
What in the fresh fuck is a hex code?
Password still doesn't work.
I hope she uploads some new content to her onlyfans, or at least something nude. Of the four videos she has up now, two are from her bbwroyalty content, one is literally the exact 39 second video from her insta that was posted above, and one is just her kinda showing how big she is in bed. Which they're hot, don't get me wrong, but if you guys want content you might as well drop the $25 or so on her bbwroyalty page because you'll get your money's worth of content. It's still very early into her onlyfans being open though so I hope good shit gets posted and I can eat my words, but opening it up at $20 for pretty much nothing doesn't bode well.
>It gives you a password for the zip file

Wat. I'm getting the hex code but no password.
Hexadecimal. Just google hex decode.

The link in >>6084 has the password hidden in the Base64. The link in >>6107 has the password hidden in the hex part, so there's nothing to remove after you decode the B64, only once you've decoded the hex.
all of this is over complicated and pointless. the models know we use b64, so why nit just encode them normally?
Where do I even use these passwords because I get working link when I don’t use the only one I could find in b64 but when I download the google drive thing I cant actually view any content
It's not really that complex
Except the password obtained from the B64 does not unlock the zip file.
Then what is it for and how do I even get to the zip file?

It worked for me.
I’m having trouble with the link, I got the password and hex code but when I put in the link it doesn’t find the google drive
You know if she dos customs?
I deleted the file, it's had a long enough run. I will keep the posts in this thread up though, so there's not a whole bunch of posts frustraingly referring tho deleted ones.
(I wanted to say this so noone actually decyphers it, to find out that the treasure's gone)
Have anyone seen her onlyfans contend ?
is it any good thou?
Hate to be a beggar, but does anyone have a reup? The last guy deleted everything in the folder.

Nah, her Of isn't worth it, especially for $20. Every week or so she posts some stills or more rarely, a clip. The only thing I've seen on there that wasn't already on bbwroyalty was that 39 sec vid she posted to Instagram, which had no additional length on Of. If you want good content of her and you're willing to pay $20, just resub to her bbwroyalty to be honest, you'll get the exact same content x1000 for like $5 more than the OF.
bump to see if someone has that pack
So she had the stomach removed - excess skin.

We done here?
I just checked her IG n saw nothing. Where you saw that?
Good to see she got her life turned around tbh
You got the pics?
I guess. I do still wish we got to see what they filmed when she was at her biggest...
I don't have a smartphone, so can someone post proof? It's extremely dissappointed if she already chopped the belly off before it deflated.
(29 KB, 1378x156, firefox_2020-10-16_18-32-24.png)
Nevermind, I found out myself. Literally worst news I've had all damn week. Giant belly apron kink is such a hard one to satisfy because they always get amputated. I really wanted to see that gut hang even lower.

And no, don't say "there will be another"
Vanilla had a belly bigger than Ellie's, MassivelySweet's, and MJ's. Of those 4 names, only MassivelySweet was a new introduction to the internet in the last 5 years. I have to wait so long for these kinds of women to show themselves.
I wish her well, but I'm not going to share in her delusion that she will be able to sell her content the same as before. Her main draw is gone and if you weren't in for the apron, you can check the Jade thread on how surgical removals look later.

It's not the same.
if only we could save it, stitch it back up, keep it healthy, and make sweet, sweet love to it
Delete this and get off the computer now
family guy was right

it's exactly what it looks like
Hahaha that’s exactly what came to my mind too
post the pic pls. I dot have her ig or snapchat

Could someone please upload it then? It's not available here.
.....upload what?
Damn it’s sad seeing how much pain these ppl are, and kinda sucks how vanilla was huge but she had to lose all of it, but hey at least her life is saved

The documentary. It won't be available on TV or online in most of the world, but would nevertheless be much appreciated.
I hope they show Vanilla getting really bossy when she wants food.
Tbh models like her who knowingly make themselves super fat and then go on these shows just show how retarded they really are. Like everyone knows the risks of being super fat but then to cry about it on the show for sympathy. Fuck off with that shit
that's showbusiness for you, good sir/ma'am (oh who am I kidding 😂 )
Where can we watch this show? Will it be upload somwere on the web ?
She still ducking us from showing that new body after WLS? Her IG & Twitter has nothing updated. My guess is she's contemplating on what to do, retire or sell old clips or try and sell new vids hiding it somewhat idk
(59 KB, 428x515, A5010.jpg)
She showed it kinda on snapchat. Says the surgeon didn't close things right on the apronectomy so it partially reopened and got infected. Doctor decision was eventually to just kinda clean it out and let it heal itself shut, slowly instead of tearing it all open, cleaning up and sewing it together. She showed she has baggy bandages across her lower abdomen, kinda like the furry fringe at the bottom of santa coats. There won't be new material any time soon.
Probably healing. Even if had the surgery, diet, and belly removal what could she possibly be down after weighing 900+? 750? 600? No matter you may she's still going to be 3 o4 times the weight of an average person, but that daggy deflated skin will look like shit.
Any captures from that snapchat?
This is what i'm waiting on
Yes, we are the bad guys here.
Can I download this episode somewere?
It's like saying ...my huge weight gain was feeders fault, not mine and eating like there was no tomorrow it's because they found me beautiful
some links have appeared on youtube ...but they don't actually send to anything and the chapter can't be played on the tlc page
There have been a lot of women who have been in this community who have left and slagged it off... From what I've read from Vanilla, she started becoming seriously ill from her incredible gains, and if that wasn't the case then I believe she would still be getting larger.

From what I saw in the trailer above she's done nothing similar to this, she's admitted that modelling made her happy and feel appreciated, and she enjoyed it - she did acknowledge that it may have caused her harm and fueled some of her worse habits, and I don't think that's unfair of her to say. Over-all Her and her daughter seemed to agree that she was happier as a result of what she was doing.

Tldr; Vanilla did nothing wrong, provided quality content, and is taking action to save her life. Stop feeling hard-done-by.
She had become infact seroiusly ill. It got so bad that the water in her body started filling her lungs. And let's face it. Weighing 940pounds with a ton of unwanted fluid in your body, isn't healthy in the long run. Also in her snapchats from that time she looked very ill and scared to die.
She's also privated all her social media accounts (apart from her TikTok. What I can gather that she's had lots of hate and trolls from being on the show, and by the sounds of it she will come back at some point.

Already gone, did anyone catch it?
it's on the volafile right now.
im about to upload the 1080p version. its actually first time we see her body in true high definition and proper lighting
Unfortunately almost everything is censored
I dont really care about all that. I just wanna see what that tummy looking like now tbh
I watched the entire thing. I guess I am thinking about it too much.

Basically everything is censored so it is not really a jerk off material if you are into that.

I feel kinda bad for her because she is obviously not happy with herself but she loves food and being fully above everything else. She is in hospital and orders a shit ton of fastfood. She finally gets let home and orders a shit ton of fast food again. The Dr.Now seems to me like a cartoon character than anything.
Her heart is super human. We have people in the US who are 75-100lbs overweight having heart attacks, but Vanilla Hippo keeps on trucking lol. I know she is 6’2” and everyone is different, but you have to admit this is some top level kek.
That episode was straight up depressing
You guys are acting like a documentary about the super obese on TLC was going to be a 90 minute jerkfest.

There's usually about 10 minutes of footage in SOME episodes that are worth watching, provided you ignore your sense of empathy for another human. You think Amber was going to parade around in a bikini and talk about how her trunk-sized legs are her best feature? Or Tiffany/Gamergurl having zero regrets about being 500 pounds while in high school?

This is semi softcore porn if you're already depraved. Some of us are at that point, but we're all on the same site.
Man, I love my fatties as fat as the next dude, but I have to say I'm glad to see she's finally doing better. Good for her! I wish, Echo would do the same.

After all, those super-fatties aren't in this world for our depraved pleasure, they're people with a God-given purpose just like we all are. And many of them are sick and miserable -- who'da thunk? My dick certainly doesn't begrudge it to them.
Just watching the first 5 mins of it and already it’s like your so full of shit
Try not to overthink what you see?

This shit is so intentionally edited—almost everybody who appears complains about it when their episode comes out. The producers have their formula and jam everybody into it.
did you upload yet?
Nobody dont have that snapchat pic of her nnew tummt?
Any possibility of a reup to the volafile?
Can someone re-up the episode?
Yo where can I even buy the video of her with that guy and squashing and shit? Can’t find em.
this was on her insta. think its the full thing
I feel like alot of people are going to be mad when they see she has shed so much weight shell have a hard time trying to make a comeback in the community
Well yeah, no one was subscribing for her baritone voice. She got rid of her main attraction. It was for a good reason but still.
Unless she's really that addicted to gluttony, she won't be back in the 800s and 900s range
She can't even give us the courtesy and show us her new tummy/body? Smfh
She got a chunk of her belly removed according to her tiktok and is still in rehab, so I think she won't show it to avoid threaths/hate.
She already gets hatemail and threats. It's being in rehab and healing that would prevent her showing the different belly.
Thats very sad. Personally i miss her being giant and huge, however she does not deserve hate and threats i guess i feel sorry for her in that Instance and due to her shitty childhood however im not sure tlc misconstrued that and the whole story all together
This is a porn thread not a pity party
Well, hopefully shes stays in porn after this
God this is bizarre. Why would you send death threats to someone you're jacking off to?
some idiots here get really mad if someone that's nearing 800 pounds looks like they might die unless they reduce their weight, and then take it personnal as if they just couldn't turn around and jack off to someone else. porn parasocialism at its worst.
“I am not your friend” at its finest
>Still super wide
>No longer lopsided

Honestly, not mad
Honestly, I’m still interested
That bitch should just stay away from here. Healthy for everyone
No hair? Maybe just paint it. Rock bottom is nothing..
Go be mad over nothing somewhere else loser
I didn't expect THAT much belly to still be left intact. Really only 1/3 of Ms Belly left, she made it sound like all of Ms Belly was amputated. Was something like 30 pounds, she said for what was removed. A total removal would've been over 100 pounds. There's enough here that if Vanilla managed to lose 350 pounds (since she's still hovering around 615), all of downsized Ms Belly would still reach down to Vanilla's knees. She won't go that far, though, since she expressed a desire to just be a manageable size and not seek being under 300 pounds.

However given her frequent sliding to weightgain before the surgery, she seems like she'd pop a lapband anyway and creep weight back on to 700. I don't think I'm making shit up on this, it was the total disablement if she ever fell and the circulatory shutdown that pushed her for weightloss and the panniculectomy. That is to say, it was only when her lifestyle was imminently becoming extinct that she took desperate measures. This is the mindset of people who get on TV solely because of their obesity, they wait til the crisis already struck to seek medical intervention. Ms Belly wasn't going to be removed when Vanilla first reached 850 pounds, nor 800, nor 750, because if she wanted that she first had to lose weight. It's only when she was resuscitated in an ER was the weightloss requirement set aside, in the life or death timetable of an ER, that this amputation could be performed. And I have to put the story like that because all we were told is it was a life or death situation. This was not an elective surgery, it was a life-saving surgery. Because it was life-saving and not elective, it implies Vanilla was not going to change anything to prevent her own flatlining in the ER. We have an episode of Dr Now's show to corroborate this behavior. She wants to stay big, but she doesn't actually have control over how big she is, and that always is a recipe for becoming too big.

Thanks for the images, I'm still gonna follow Vanilla's progress. I was on her OF, but was disappointed it was only old content.
where do you guys download it
not bad at all. although she looking a little old, maybe the glasses
someon gut some rups?
Bumping in the hopes someone knows where the episode can be found.
No dumbass she got half of her belly removed tf?
gosh!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
just chill
it almost looks the same. ust a question but whatever
Can someone upload the 600lb episode
You guys think shell get that fat again? Or is she gonna stay determined to the end. I liked her super fat, but shes gotta do what shes gotta do. Also does she make content anymore? Did she quit bbw royalty?
Her body, her life, her decision. Few people praise her for that. Great theater, how to make money on health care and weight loost. And the 600bl series is part of it. Its big business, fairytale, aboute weigh gain, gifts, photoset, video serie, interviews and money already flows...

She did it for herself , for health.

She may end as many model before. Thinner, old, ugly, poor, forgoten. It will be interesting how she accepts that her new self does not interest so many people.

For FA is now history.
yo, whats the episode of her my 600lb life?
is there a mega folder for her
What a travesty. I'm so glad I banged her out while she was still whole.
There's no longevity in being her size. We know how it ends, she knows how it ends and took it upon herself to (probably) save her life. Respect and support for that. I wish Juliet Summers had done the same and I'll never knock any model who decides enough is enough
Whats the latest with her? She still on onlyfans?
Is she still doing stuff??? I don't see her much.
New set is out!
New set. Shes skinnier but is still big! Anyone wanna upload it
hoenstly a little hype, loose skin is an underserved niche

i'd be happy af finding a site dedicated to loose skin
I'm with this guy. Someone must hear our cry lol
Her face was cuter before the weight loss that’s just scary
Yeah, I don't mind her losing weight, but the thinner face is just a shame. It's like she suddenly aged a decade or so, you can kinda see the wrinkles now.
Nah. She looks better with a thinner face.
I think this is more down to bad makeup than anything else
The vanilla ice cream has melted
tbh I always thought her relatively thin face was part of her appeal
I think it is more that she has 10k of make-up caked on her face. Also photographer should have known better and considered different shots before settling on the meh.
Can somebody drop Vanilla vids?
She’s still pretty but you might be retarded.

Wtf she was 974lb? Surprisingly mobile for that weight
I think that's when she was hospitalized and at that point needed a lot of assistance to maneuver. Figured I would point that out for the inevitable "she was so close to a half ton!" comment - she was in the hospital for that point with fluid retention. They weren't going to let that happen.
Nah, you just have shit taste with no prospects.
I think it helped she was like 6’3” or some shit.

But after 900lbs, She wasn’t very mobile at that point.
According to her Snapchat, her highest weight was 998. She is 543 as of yesterday.

I know I said that thing about anyone complaining she was almost half a ton and she was in the hospital and weren't going to let that happen... But to know she was 2 pounds away, that hits different. That's a meal. She was a meal away from being quadruple digits in weight. Terrifying to almost all, save for the fanatics in this thread, myself included.

But yes, 445 pounds down is also an achievement.
would wager she weighed 1,000 pounds at some point then. it's pretty easy to picture some wild fluctuations when a person gets that big.
Does/did she ever talk about what it was like to be at 998?
Not in the least. I'm sure she regrets all of it - ballooning to that size, going on the show, probably evening modeling in the first place. She don't say nothing.

I ignore her stories most of the time anyway.
yeah, she was never really into being that fat, at least from what I've seen.
I'd rather hear about what it's like to be a half ton from someone like Echo, who wants to be that huge lol.
Echo has said on her tumblr doesn’t want to be fat either, most models this big are playing it up, although there are certainly a few who do gain intentionally.
Exactly they sell a fantasy
Her Tumblr is private, what has she said about her weight? Id be interested to know!
does anyone happen to have Vanilla’s first few original tumblr posts? I remember they were kinda low quality and of her standing in a doorway

crazy to see a 6’2 amazon that was already so fat, go on to add 500 more lbs
Seconding this question
Is she 6'2"? I was always under the impression she was "only" 6'
Does the daughter Bella model at all? Her body looks great on the show, and with those genetics, her potential is through the roof.

I swear to god sometimes this is the cringiest place on the internet

It's not unprecedented. Bonita and Goddess Patty.
Isn't her daughter like 13 or something?
Any video regarding her deep belly button?

If has happened or not isn't the point
Does anyone have the full My 600lbs Life episode?
It’s on moviecrumbs
Her daughter turning into a 600 pound bedridden hog would be just about the hottest thing I can imagine.
I was more alluring to an actual video file, rather than streaming online.
Ffs stop touching yourself and go touch some grass
couldn't agree more
Y'all seen her tiktoks? It's a shame what happened to her, really gone down hill
Show of hands, who saw this coming a mile away? Even some of her Snapchats show her having regrets.

She wasn't going to be happy either way.
Please re up vid 6, 13 and 9
In which of her videos was she at her heaviest?
hi baby

u sooooo fat but i need u fatter ok???

pls get fatter and ill fuck u every day with my BIC as payment
I haven’t. What happened on her tiktok?
Designated shitting streets.
Fuck off, retard.
Just a bunch of really shitty stuff happening to her at once. From her daughter getting into an accident, to some creepy stalker after her, she's just not in the best of places right now.

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