
videos, pics, whatever relating of echo
Fuck You begger.
(31 KB, 470x470, Le fancy monster.jpg)
giving the link on a begging thread, absolute lad.
(203 KB, 1200x900, 167echo-007-2.jpg) (171 KB, 896x1200, 171echo-020-2.jpg)
Don't want to reward a scummy beggar that doesn't want to share up front, but that being said Echo is criminally under appreciated and poorly represented on this site. Here are all of her weigh-ins from her first a long while ago up to her most recent, along with a few hits from when she was near her biggest. Enjoy!

Oh dang, just realized you posted pretty much everything already! My bad lol
Do you have those pic sets? I'm on vacation so I can't upload anything but I'd really love some pic sets.
Anyone got 161 and 168??

Here are a couple in return

>>5528 (OP)
i need the clips of Echo 4,15,21,25,28,33,40,47,56,57,68,73,75,76,78,83,85,94,133,135,136,151 onwards please
so go buy that and fuck yourself begger
Why don’t you buy it for him. Upload it. Then take it up the ass
This is a sharing forum not a charity so go blow it out your ass
all that are not begger what are doing here? the haters ,the nosy
Reeks of India
can you re upload the weigh ins when you have the chance?
Damn I missed it. Reup?
(210 KB, 1280x720, #2019-02-17-11h27m57s825.jpg)
Super random, but does anyone have the photo set for set 86? I somehow only have one photo. Anyway, here's a favorite video of hers for the trouble.

Were the pic sets ever uploaded here? I don't have any.
Please Video 179 weight in!!!
(200 KB, 980x1200, 070echo_019.jpg)
I don't usually condone begging, but since that guy helped me out:


Wow, thanks never seen this vid. If you didn’t know her you’d say she absolutely enormous. But then think of her today trying to do this. She couldn’t.
no news from her?

She's still regularly online on feabie but I have no infos from her :(
(104 KB, 400x395, 1427425633085.png)
Here you go you filthy animals. 1.36GB of more recent echo. Good to hear she's active.

please those videos up
this isn't your personal porn service, those videos will be up whenever they get up. If you keep coming in here and clogging the thread then maybe nobody will upload them. So (and I cannot stress this enough) SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I swear to God, at least use a verb when you mindlessly beg. Try not to deprive that brain of too much blood with your constant stiffy.
nice image, I feel it
>>6845 I dont know why you are here fucking goes to the pay the 07cd2page site and dont fuck here like all the stupids haters and dont pay anything goes to pay all not beggars
mods, can you IP ban this fuckwad or something? Jesus fucking christ.
Echo told us her Snapchat username in one of her videos. (I think she said it was Big Cutie Echo or something in video 172) Does anyone have her added on Snapchat? What does she post?
Here's some later Echo stuff, im missing video 179 of the weigh in if anyone has it.
Anybody have Weighty Waddling (set 170)? I've got several Sadie vids including two of the sets with Eve and some Boberry vids.

No trading! Just post the content and then hope someone responds. Those are the rules.
How can it be that the oldest of all links is still active whilst all the newer ones don´t work anymore??
For whatever reason that mega doesn't expire
So any real new news on her,like will she return to big cuties?
Last we saw she was playing the prize in a "crane game" at the hospital.
a reup would be appreciated, don’t see much echo out there
If i recall, due to Covid she's isolating and her photographer hasn't been able to see her
Anyone know the date of her last update?

March 2020. Probably won't get anything new until it's safe to do so.
Looks like I’m a bit late here lol
Any reups please if possible!
There were some marks on her legs in 176 that are consistent with surgical preparation. I assume she had some amount of her legs removed.
I can’t say for sure, but it actually looks like Kinesio tape/kinesiology therapy tape. It’s a stretchy material that sticks to the skin then you stretch it over the skin to relieve pain in the joints and swelling. For most people they would use it for exercise related pain/edema, but for Echo it seems that they are using it on her legs to help keep the swelling in control.
Could someone please share some of the newer stuff before she was in the hospital? I’d post something but it would just be reposted from the mega
I saw that her last confirmed weight was 850lbs. Can anyone verify?
No? It was like 802.
I wonder how much she weighs now, gotta be a good bit bigger since her last weigh in since she’s essentially immobile now
bump for any fresh links

Not necessarily. It takes a lot of calories to maintain that kind of weight at that size. To increase in weight is something else entirely. It doesn't matter how little she moves, if she's not consistently increasing her caloric intake (and god knows who's even paying for it at this point), she's going to hit a wall eventually. She may even start losing weight unintentionally if her intake isn't consistent.
When was this? (I don’t remember seeing the content)

In one of her hospital vids. She was in a supersized bed with built in scale and that's what the number read.
It was set 179, but I've never seen it posted.
Awww here it goes.

"She's essentially immobile"
No, she wasn't/isn't. You can't be "essentially" immobile, your either immobile, or not. Sure, she might have low mobility, but as for true immobility overall, it's alot rarer than you think

"Not necessarily. It takes a lot of calories to maintain that kind of weight at that size"
Her size and weight are mostly due to her having Lipodemia. Don't get me wrong, she could very well be a glutton, but that isn't the main reason why she is so heavy and so big.

Thanks for saying this. That is the truth. People literally go wild in their fantasies. Even Mayra Rosales at 1000 lbs was carrying 400 lbs of fluid according to Dr. Now. I think Echo is similar with retaining fluid vs being all fat. She is not a huge eater compared to most of the other ssbbws. Coming from someone who has seen her over the years.
Her face literally looks like she aged 20 years since her last update.
It just looks like she has little/no makeup on. Also I think that double chin is bigger than ever
>>14549 on that note, who's a big eater?

Lol, I love people who keep saying this. To maintain and gain that kind of weight you have to eat a ton of calories. I don't care what percentage of her girth is fluid, she still eats a lot.
of course she eats a lot, the comment said not much more than other ssbbws. People have no meaning of context these days... earlier comments above had her eating 20 cheeseburgers and 12 pies at once, or some other stupid quantities in a meal. The point is, she is a grazer not some huge binge eater.
anyone got echo 181 to share? ty a fuckkton in advance from all of us.
Seconded will upload some echo stuff in a bit
Hope someone will come through with the new video.

In the meantime, here's her last 10 videos or so:



thanks a ton! you're a legend
Not 181 but my face video. Her legs look like they're about to burst.
She said she hurt her knee twice. I know of the first time which was in the bathroom but what was the second time?
(1.8 MB, 438x194, generous god.gif)

(266 KB, 220x142, notworthy.gif)
Thanks a lot, man!

I wish she'd tell whoever's holding the camera to shoot in landscape mode, though.
She looks so massive. Wow.
Which set is this video from? I can't find it in her previews.
Thanks so much!!! One can see how wide she is compared to her sets #156 and 168. And she was even bigger last year
Amazing — Thank you!

And whoever said she doesn’t eat a lot is nuts. I remember back when she lived with (fat) roommates, they complained that she would clean out the cupboards and fridge on the daily—leaving nothing for dinner for the rest of the house
Another video immediately deleted. She's disgusting now, who's aroused by this?
Legend. Do you have the pics too? I need to see her spreading across that entire bed
Echo and Hippo are just superior diesel-locomotives. They weight about six times an average person and they just still move around with this walker. I think they are the 2 only females which are able to walk (maybe Enormous from Mercedesbbw too but I dont know her weight).
Enormous Pear was supposedly 840 pounds. But Vanilla was like a whole level above Echo and Enormous with walking on her own at 800 for months and still beeing able to walk at 940 with a walker.
Me, and I'm disgusted by this website. If people want Echo to keep growing, please buy her fucking stuff! Maybe she'll come to her senses and post more.
yeah, youre right but Samantha was a real Hippo with 6'2''. Btw is Enormous still alive?
Agreed. This is her first update since a year ago. Please show her some love so we can get damn content!
I think the update is fantastic. Echo is gorgeous and we’re so lucky that she keeps getting bigger and sharing her life with us.
Where did you get that info from?

I've been following Echo for a very long time. I even remember her blog where she used to "test" meals in restaurants around the Jersey area yet I don't remember her ever living with roommates...
Weren't Ellie and Echo room mates in the past? I'm not sure.
I also was thinking that maybe Ellie was the "cameraman" for the latest vid. She left LA a few month ago.

There are some fanfic people who have no idea what they are talking, combining kernels of truth with loads of fantastic rubbish. It’s what it is.
I think in an older video you can hear a TV turned on in the background when she gets home. I suppose you could guess she lives with other people.
179 video please
They all lived with Heather for a moment, but that was several years ago in Massachusetts

Ellie is in Michigan now and Heather is in California

How do you watch the video using these kinda codes? I tried to find out many times.
I finally found out a decoder, but cannot figure out the next step. Is there a guide how this works? I can't find anything on this.

A big mysterie or a secret to me 😉

Thanks in advance!
fuck off greg chambers jr
Fuck... already down. Hope for a re-up lads.

Already? That was posted last week.

Thanks for not helping me out 😡
Someone send the latest video of Echo! PLS

You ignored the sticky post with all explanations. That means you did less than zero effort to figure it out by yourself. But you did find the time and effort to come asking. You may have not realised it, but that way of figuring things out is not exactly welcome here. So whoever does that gets yelled at and gets shunned.

Don't worry though. Once you figure it out you can pretend it never happen, its anon community after all.
>greg chambers
I like how this guy still makes bbw-chan seethe. I don't think he and his anti-piracy site have been a problem since Lt. Barclay took over this image board, which has been what, over 4 years now?

He's still the dude that gets most of the we.tl links "expired" before their 7 day period is up. He just doesn't get our comments deleted anymore.

Sorry, but I never found this explained in the siterules or stickies. So, I searched for it, googled for it, even used other sections than this SSBBW section to look after it. But cannot find it explained. So that'a why I'm asking! Any link would bw appreciated. Or perhaps a new smartphone, LOL

You didn't look hard enough.

>>1505 (Cross-thread)

Try again. Go slower. Ask your handler for help if you don't get it a third time.
Whats the most exercise we ever see Echo do? Or most out of breath she gets?
Probably the most exercise we’ve ever seen her do would be those standing and stretching vids she did when she was like lower-mid 700s, but most out of breath would probably be the most recent walking vids since she’s just so heavy now tbh

I give up!
If noone, even Google, can´t explain what to do with the decoded Base64 codes, than I´ll quit. If you have to study for website builder first to understand this, the fun is all over
This isn't supposed to be fun, dumbass. You want to avoid paying for porn? Learn. Otherwise you can do the easier method and just shell out.

The only other hint I can give you is if the result still looks like code, you have to keep decoding. Try not throwing a tantrum next time or maybe LURK MORE.
When you do base 64 past code & if you see another code copy & if you see something unusual words delete ( example) & connect the code the copy then paste

That's all I'm giving cause I don't want to say to much if you don't understand just keep trying dude I didn't know what to do at first but I figured it out but if link is dead at least you know what to do .... hopefully!
Paste ..I meant paste not past

Treasure will disappear soon,

damn, must've just missed it
I'm uploading 181 to Vola now. Give it a few minutes
Actually I have quite a few Echo vids. I'll put them all up over the next couple of hours
182 is out
Great to see another update hard on the heels of 181. Good girl!
Dang...she looks like Lexi now.
Echo is looking great, but I wish she'd get rid of those dress things she's wearing in recent sets.
And wear what? Nothing fits
May somebody upload her new video?
anyone has the new set?
The new set is on Volafile boys
Could someone kindly reup 181?
Where is the volafile link? I don't see it
How do I download these hash codes? I tried adding them to a magnet link but it doesn't work.
Holy shit she’s still spreading

It's amazing the limits the human body can be pushed to.
Seems like she lost a lot of weight to me
have you seen those knees
It seems like there's even some kind of rewards program that she has to use to have snacks based on the signs on her wall in 181. It's clearly some kind of weight loss time management thing. She just seems less fat to me than before hospitalization although these comparison pictures are taken with 156 so the before pictures are missing like a year of fat before her peak weight.
Maybe the excess weight was fluid retention and she managed to reduce it?
That is almost always the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if whoever takes care of Echo was told to put her on a strict diet.
If she has a boyfriend, it's recent. She likes the attention her sets get her, so I bet if she had a boyfriend she would have had him taking pictures this whole time.
fat yes but i want she even fatter
could someone please reupload the latest (181)? thanks!
Can someone please reup some pre hospital stuff?
I only have these 2 pre-hospital videos, but hey, it's something

>> 17863

Bro thank you I kiss you
Does anybody have a collection of echos older vids my collection got deleted by mega for some reason
That is awesome to see
Wow, I am really curious to see this set now.
Would you mind sharing the video?
Can you share the video?
She still looks like she lost weight to me.
Nothing short of her looking like a Saxxon picture is going to convince you she's still fucking huge huh? She wasn't a ball of fat when she was admitted to the hospital, I'm certain.

As an aside, it is fucking wild we're living in a time when women over 800lbs are willing to showcase their bodies on the internet for cash.
Hey, she found her niche. She's staying this size because of the encouragement (I'm sure a partner is involved, but all of this definitely helps). I hope she maintains.
She's probably not even still over 800 lbs. She was only 802 when admitted to the hospital.
What makes you sure?
because these women take the path of least resistance. Why change when people are fawning over you and paying to see you shuffle down a hallway?

You can tell by her face and her stomach that she's gradually still getting pumped full of more fat over time, but her weight is going to go up and down more drastically in spite of that just because of swelling. Every so often she swells to the point where her legs are literally bursting and her fat pockets are too pinched, then they put her on water pills, a somewhat special diet, and use compression to reduce the swelling. After things feels better for a while she'll blow back up like an edema balloon and start it all over.
I would recommend buying her stuff so she encouraged to upload more frequently
Ehhhhhh, at her size I doubt anyone here, or even herself, is going to actually notice any difference unless it's very drastic. Though some like to jackoff to numbers I guess.
You underestimate my autism
Funny how some of these corny dudes stick a 300 pounder and call her huge and blowing up and with Echo they are fairly meh about her size... deflating c’mon give me a beeak
fuck man she so fucking skiny right now im crying WHY GOD CANT YOU JUST LET ONE GODESS KEEP GETTING FATTER
Can someone upload her newest video if they have it?

Go to the waffle store asshole! I’m actually asking a genuine question. If you’re going to be a asshole about it then fuck out of here
Can I PLEASE just get some waffles?
People like you guys make the thread no fun. Because you guys act like y’all are being tough, funny or toxic but y’all really not. Y’all just on the same boat as me. Broke and can’t afford her vids so y’all can keep asking for waffles because y’all too broke for that too

Thank you.
So...anyone can upload the new set?
Looks like she’s lost a bit of weight.
Looks just as huge to me

Yes, actually bigger. The legs beyond doubt and the black dress is hiding how big her belly is now. She is barely moving compared to even the most recent 800+ lb videos
Do you happen to have any of her two most recent vids? A contribution would be very apreciated.
Can someone please share any videos or picsets? Because my pc died and I dont have anything...
There is a file at the vola with two links with a few videos. Jus search "echo" and you'll find
Ngl i don't have any idea how to use links like that one
There's plenty of them in the topic. Could someone pls explain how do i use them
You decode it using base64 just type in Google base64 encoder/decoder and paste it there, probably doesn't work if it's too old anyway>>19685
Remove bracketed text and do it again.
Thinking isn't that hard, right?
The link work, but there is nothing - no data
>>19703 hey i'm sorry imma dumb one. I still can't figure out where do i supposed to paste the link. Is it Mega.nz or another site? Sorry again(
Does anyone have her pic sets
Man I’m right there with you. Everyone acts so elitist like we’re not here for the same reason :(
1: Copy code
2: go to b64 decoding site (I use https://www.base64decode.org/) and paste code
3: Output is more weird code (with brackets or actual words in there sometimes)
4: Take output and remove the brackets/text etc
5: Put the edited code back in the decoder
6: repeat steps 2-5 until you get a link
7: coom your brain out

Can this just be added to the sticky?
>i bet is a prank, it does not work.
Anyone have all ECHO sets???
(1.1 MB, 1287x403, Capture.PNG)

Yeah, we're blind lol. (drips with sarcasm) echo in the black dress is totally smaller than she used to be. Some people on here are terrible at noticing weight gain.

Kind of an illusion... it's not her waist that has shrunk, her thighs incredibly are bigger than they already were.
What would be great is if we were able to judge on the basis of having seen her latest two sets. Anyone?

Would you happen to have the video for that earlier set in the picture??

Of course she looks bigger today compared with set 156.
But look at her previous sets from say last year or 2019 and you'll see that she lost weight.
Do you even see how wide her hips are dude?

Where are your pics for proof other than saying everyone is deflating lol
(536 KB, 382x815, echo compare.png)

First pic is set 170, second is the newest, third pic is set 180...
god I hope this clears up the necrosis look
The right pic is two years old. Unlike you I live in 2022. Try turning down the retardation.
The right pic is two years old. Unlike you I live in 2021. Try turning down the retardation.
I think you mean acanthosis nigricans not necrosis unless there's something I didn't notice
Only retards live in the present.
Bruh she's a fatter you can even tell on her arms and face
How the fuck is she even bigger, she much have a team of feeders and carers
Good grief, Echo looks like she is about to explode!! Here's hoping for even bigger. :)

No no, she’s deflating like a balloon remember?? Haha lol jk
Can you upload the video please
And the one before, as you're at it? :-)

I got you with the previous set!!
You’re welcome and for the guy who screenshot the video, can you upload the video? That would be nice
Whooaahh! You're the man. Any chance of the previous set with the pics while you're able to (set 183)? I always think that pics are better for dwelling on the pure glory of her fat.
I don’t have the pic set for 183 unfortunately, but I do have the video if you want that.
(47 KB, 577x631, Ika-1345017015835.jpg)

Buy it please! I want her to keep getting fatter and fatter and i want to see it!
Sure, that would be great. Many thanks again!
Be my guess then. How’s the new video? I’m guessing you’ve seen then? If you haven’t then stop complaining because you’re seeing it now(her vids that is) and if you don’t like it you’re more than welcome to leave this website or thread for that matter.

Here you man
Holy shit, fuck you and this website!
Imagine being triggered for people sharing content on a thread that is exactly like the other threads? Could be you😂😂
But no joke tho can we get the new video please? We already got the other ones that came out. It would be nice to see the new to be honest.
She must be so close immobility surely
Could a chad please post 156??
Can someone upload the newest set?
Like you've never made a typo before
What Echo should do now is have a set dedicated to her titanic booty. It's the largest thing on her now so she should show it sitting and standing with less of a tent dress on and shake it around some. It's probably the most interesting thing she can do now at her weight.
>>5528 (OP)
>where is Echo
On a bed in Massachusetts, I’d guess

I want her to do a REAL stuffing set. Not the kind of 'oh I've eaten a slice of pie and now i'm soooo full'.
No I want to see real gluttony. She should just order 6 or 7 burgers and eat them all, that's what I'm hoping for.
That would be an amazing video but I highly doubt she would do it. The closet videos she's done like that is the one with her eating a bunch of sushi and the McGriddles gorge video oh and I forgot about the deep dish Little Cessers pizza.
Yeah, I agree. It’s sorta frustrating because you know that she has to eat a crazy amount of food to get to the point that she’s at and still continue to gain, yet she seems kind of coy about it like she doesn’t want to show herself eating as much as she’d actually like to on video. I guess it goes along with also not wanting to show herself nude at all, or do any shower vids or anything super intimate like that
For the zillionth time, her size is mainly due to lipidemia.
Yes, there is a likelihood that she eats a lot of food and is a glutton, but that's now why she is as big as she is.

Go look at a peak weight Lacy Hodder and a peak weight Susanne Eamann, they are both just 50lbs lighter then Echo's current weight and yet there's still a huge difference.
I know that that’s true of course, but regardless of the lymphedema she’s still enormously fat which is the main contributor to her having such severe lymphedema. I find it very difficult to believe she doesn’t eat like a glutton to get to this point, even if a lot of her more recent (meaning the last 3-4 years I’d say) weight gain is from lymph swelling she still had to eat herself to a crazy big size before it got that bad.

I can't hear anymore those folks using lymphedema as an excuse for obesity.

Skinny as well as fat women can get lymphedema and it won't make them gain 500+ pounds. There are some people out there honest enough to tell you that they have lymphedema but that most of their weight is due to some sort of binge eating disorder or overeating.
Most will of course tell you that its due to DA DISEASE while they're hiding piles of pizza and ice cream under their bed.
Everyone who has been following Jossie from her Eats&Seats time up to now, knows she is a really big eater. She even downs a whole package of cereals with sugar for breakfast. Let alone all the dishes of food during the day. It is obvious some of you just started to watch her. The real fans know her from over 11 years already from those BBW dating sites and Eats&Seats, where she was
A: much smaller
B: blogging bout food and BBW friendly restaurants
C: showing big dishes of food

Her sister is a true foodie as well, but stayed alot smaller
Well that's enough of the discussion guys because it seems like it's about to get heated so let's just kill it right here we've all made our points we've all said what we think. Now let's get back to what we all come here for and that's the content.. I would like to see the Pastry Party video does anybody have that? if so post it

Of course sir. Here it is

Thanks a lot! /r/killthecameraman ...
What happened to eats&seats? Where is it? What is your source for the box of cereal a day?
Never mind I found it. Whats the source on the cereal?
yeah, if some of you gentlemen would shed a light on this matter I would really appreciate it.

What is "Jossie from her Eats&Seats"?
Wow, this is great! Thanks a lot!!
Do you or anyone else happen to have the 2 before that too? Guess I've missed those, if they have been shared already?
(121 KB, 600x227, stages_of_lipedema_600.jpg)
OK, lets put this to rest, we have the uninformed give more uninformed information.

"Like it or not, at the end of the day, lipedema is stored fat. And this fat comes from eating either big meals or binging endlessly as (in my opinion) Echo is doing."
No, it's not just stored fat, it's the way that the fat is stored, which causes the swelling. She might be a glutton yes, but that's not why her legs for example, are so big.

As I proved before, go look at people without lipodemia who are roughly the same weight as her, they do not have the same mass.Fat from obesity is not the same as fat from lipodemia, that is one of the biggest myths that gets pointed out.

"Skinny as well as fat women can get lymphedema and it won't make them gain 500+ pounds. There are some people out there honest enough to tell you that they have lymphedema but that most of their weight is due to some sort of binge eating disorder or overeating."
Lymphedema is not the same as lipodemia.
Besides this point, your obviously unaware of "stages". The simplest of web searches would of told you this.

Go look at the people who have lipodemia they do have different stages...
Love Randelin, BigCutie Echo, Beccabae etc.
Ssbbw echo wasn't fat enough she coulda gone another 100 pounds
It's really pretty simple.
Lipedema causes *weight gain* due to fluid retention in fatty tissue.

Lipid = fat
Edema = fluid retention

This is why severely obese people can lose or gain huge amounts of weight without significantly changing how much fat their body has. It's altering the amount of fluid retained in their fat.

It's also why their fat is swollen and sagging - it is much heavier due to fluid retention than "normal" fat.
>>21118 (Dead)
This faggot is spamming a link to a virus
>>21118 (Dead)
Bro this guy is a loser LMAO. Imagine uploading a virus. Yeah you’re so cool(not ugly ass)
Can anyone please share the walking vids 156 and 170?

Sure, here you go:


Anyone has 184 and 185?
Anyone reup please??
Here they are again.
Still nobody with 184 and 185?
Oops, forgot the actual content

And make that 183 and 184 please

Damn, so much errors, guess I need some sleep now.
Does anybody have the 800lb life vid? I may order you a trade? Guess that is the first ask here for it. Thanks.


For trading, can you provide 183 and 184?

Site Rule 9: No trading. It's gonna get you banned. Either post content or don't. Holding content for ransom defeats the purpose of imageboards. The more content that gets posted, the happier everyone will be. Sharing is caring.

He did post content. Police ass muthafukka

"For trading, can you provide 183 and 184?"

Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit.

Yeah but he also dropped content straight up. You don’t have to give him anything in exchange. Just take the videos.

But nah, you had to go and copypaste some rules like a fuckin snitch lmao. Cringe.

The site has rules for a reason. The poster is requesting a trade in violation of site rules.

If you don't like the rules, maybe this isn't the place for you.

Cringe. That rule is to stop idiots clogging up the board with “does anybody have any…” posts. What this guy did now is not that.

Punch yourself in the face, my man.

No, I don't think I will.

Apparently neither is it yours.
The trading part obviously was for the previous posting anon.
Therefor I just posted the content he asked for instead of holding on to it.

Now...back on topic...183 and 184 anybody?
YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV0p6V1VKd2QzaFBjV2s9 183 184 if i am right
I assume he wanted 182 and 184 seeing as those are the ones that have never been uploaded. Thanks for 184! Now we just need 182.
Guess you missed it (way) earlier.
So here's a re-up

Any news from her?

The thread would already be bumped if there was.
Anyone mind dropping Belly Waves? Thank you so much, in return.
(216 KB, 800x1191, 185echo_all.jpg)
Anyone have her last Set #185 - Pastry Party
Here, my contribuition, the last videos:
Thank you in anticipation.
183 184 please
>>28301 any chance you have the pics from 183?
Unfortunatelly I just have only the pic sets until 172 set
What’s the deal with this chick why she barely comes out with content?
Could you upload those pic sets to 172 please
Too busy eating
Immobility tends to hamper content production.
anyone have last picsets?
I think she died sadly
We go through this every few weeks here. If she had died, Heather would have already taken down her site. She’s just gotten too fat and therefore too lazy to make any content. Honestly, at this point if she can’t produce any content, she needs to just retire her site already.
Hasnt she posted anything on her feabie profile recently?
anyone got some of her newer vids?
Seconding this request! Anything after 172
It sure would be the best Christmas gift to get a new vid from her! Maybe being a little bigger?
agreed, but it must be hard for her to record by now lmao.

I would kill for a video of her daily life tho. Just a 30 minute video, short vignettes of her trying to walk, maybe even going out in public! Or just her eating a big meal.

Or really any content by now, I miss her.
I’m not holding out too much hope
does anyone have a file with all her videos from 150 on? I'm missing quite a few.
Anything new?
Shoutout to whoever created the Mega for Echo. It’s still active
Anyone heard anything about her recently? It's been half a year since the last update, at this point I'll gladly pay for a month sub just for something new.
Pretty sure it’s safe to say she’s packed it up. She’s essentially not able to get out of her bed anymore
You know, I would be thrilled to support her if she just wanted to do like Twitch streaming. That goes for any model who gets too big to do usual content. I think it's a good way to sort of retire from typical BBW modeling into something more their pace while still keeping an income going. She's gaming anyway, why not profit from it?
Same. I’m not going to say anything about whether she’s “taken things too far” or not, since she’s an adult and can live however she wants but I know I’m still attracted to her and wish that models that get around Echo’s size felt more comfortable doing things differently to make it easier on them instead of just disappearing
Yeah, same. Like, I don't know if they understand how hot a lot of us think they are, even just doing basic shit. Gimme a video of her just like... doing menial tasks, I'd eat that up lmao.

Not every video needs to be "hot stuffing belly jiggle video 8463"
Anyone willing to post another Mega of all her videos? It only goes to 150.
Anyone have the Mega Echo link?
literally the second response in the thread

but like I said, it only goes up to 150.
It's kinda mindblowing how Echo has an entire room and home basically revolve around her being barely mobile and how she treats it casually as if it were a normal bedroom for a normal person. Just compare her living situation to the stuff you see on shows like My 600 Pound Life. How can she afford to have an entire home revolve around her weight?
according to a person I knew, she makes blowjobs all the day (of course not true)

She lives in MA where there's generous disability and she lives in an assisted living facility.
Yeah she lives in an assisted living home for disabled and very elderly people, it also seems that she has caregivers. The only way I can imagine that she can afford to stay there, afford the amount of food she has to eat to continue gaining at this point, and round the clock care is that she must be surrounded by family and friends that enable her food addiction on top of government disability. Kinda confusing and hot that she lives like this and doesn’t seem embarrassed or ashamed in the least lol
We're still making assumptions at this point: if she's happy, if she's being actively enabled, if she's ashamed, how much care she gets, if she's intending on gaining, and others we're not even considering. She's not active anywhere.
Anyone ever meet her in person, like at one of the vegas bashes before she got too big to go?
Doesn’t take a genius to figure out it’s going bad, she’s done making content, should just go on tlc she saves her life we get a good nut win win
She’s probably over 900lbs now.
She’s been over 800 for a while now so her body is probably very weak now and unlikely to get out of bed on her own now.
>Kinda confusing and hot that she lives like this and doesn’t seem embarrassed or ashamed in the least lol
It's like something out of /elite/. She's basically living in the fatty equivalent of luxury housing. Oversized motorized bed with nice sheets, entertainment setup in front of the bed, extra large bathroom with giant walk in shower, etc.
And thats hot as hell.

Just wish we got to see it.
Could someone upload her last video ?
Or really any videos lol
yes we're friends why
I had this strange dream in where I was reading Echo´s obituary. It was saying Jocelyn (her true name) died from a heart attack, due to her massive size of over 800lbs. It was stated by her sister. I know it is weird, but some come true, right?

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