
This is now the official Fluffymaya98 thread
>>54425 (OP)
does anyone have a clear picture of her mouth open? I like her body but dental wise it's not looking good.
the moron never get close of a woman and think about her teeth...Pathetic
>the moron never get close of a woman and think about
finding women with nice teeth/smile is retarded according to you,
Don’t give a fuсk about her teeeephfth.
Christ man, get some standards.
ah yes i too, enjoy the halitosis caused from tooth-rot. imagine the smell
You guys complaining about smells on the internet are so precious.
especially since they won't ever get close enough to a consenting woman to smell her
Standards are for wimps.
are you retards too stupid to brush your teeth? poor oral hygine is repulsive regardless of the individual

Yes, but there is no reason to suspect she has poor oral hygiene. She has one missing tooth. All other teeth are actually in a great condition and shape.
There are many possible reasons for a missing tooth. Regardless of those reasons you can fix it in a couple hours at any decent dentist’s.
>>54719 it should be sooner than later with all the onlyfans buxxs
>there is no reason to suspect she has poor oral hygiene
It's a fair assumption. Missing adult teeth are usually attributed to decay as a result of poor oral hygine or some type of physical trauma. It takes quite a bit to knock a tooth out, but sure maybe she fell or something
>All other teeth are actually in a great condition and shape
Unless you have other examples, the only thing we have to go off of is the OP. It's blurry but she is certainly missing at least one tooth above, maybe another on the bottom. It's hard to make any further evaluations. I understand you want to give her the benefit of the doubt here, and maybe she just can't afford to get it fixed, but it's a stretch to claim leaving missing teeth unrepaired is proper oral hygine, gone unchecked they can cause even more issues.

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