
>>54297 (OP)
>It looks like she has gained some weight...
Provide a comparison then, because she always looks the same to me.
This is an old pic, but I dont even know where the rumors that shes back began circulating. She hasn't updated any of her sites in over a year and whenever I ask for proof people go ghost. Way I see it people are just trolling for whatever reason until its proved otherwise.
A site-rip can redeem this pointless thread.
Her OF was atleast updated in Feb 2022 if not more recently. Just going off coomer.
She's sort of on and off, she posts occasionally on feabie and her OF updates every month
I posted this on another thread, grab it while it's hot
Shes been “ on and off “ since she entered the game on with BC. My point is right now shes *off* yet people keep talking like she’s regularly posting content again, which she isn’t.
>>54297 (OP)
Anyone got anything to post or reup?

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