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I've never seen a Creamymalaya thread on here, so I thought i'll start one. Here are two vids of her, does anybody have some other stuff?


good one!
>>5414 (OP) great, saw her once in feabie, and wanted to get more content but never did
Can we get a reup? Gone so fast
What're her stats?
5’7, 825 as of this month’s weigh in at the Dr’s at 19 hrs old
For real, this has reached the unbelievable territory.
Is anyone going to re-up on the content
There's no way she was 825
Yeah sorry I don't believe that at all. She's big but not that big.
Well pay for her premium snapchat, at least she records her weigh ins unlike people like FatMissT
She was in the 500-600 range less than a year ago. Highly doubt she gained over 200 pounds in under a year with no pics showing her that size. I don't need to pay money to know it's wrong.
I believe Tara because there's more than just out of focus vids of her out there. Fuck outta here with that.
Can I get a re-up?
I’ll take the side of someone who weighs in on a 1000 lb scale at the dr office with a recorded vid , the premium Snapchat are way better than the free snaps she does. Duh
Waiting on proof
She’s blocks if you try to save her premiums, plus they cost a lot... not worth running the blockade lol
Someone show proof of FatMissT weighing in at 775-800 and then I can try to get in a Malaya weigh in video
i need to see some of this girl. 875lbs at 19... so hot
I don't even think Miss T is 700. I haven't seen a weigh from her either. I'd be happy to eat my words and see that she is in the 800s but the little you can see in her videos definitely does not look over 600 max and that's being generous.
There’s plenty said about childhood obesity. But if this girl and MissT are any example, the future of SSBBW and USSBBW is great. I mean even if there “only” 600lbs at 19-21 years old, that is unbelievable. Not even old enough to buy booze and already struggling to walk.
>>5614 seriously, and just imagine how much these girls are eating, the greed, its crazy hot. id love to see any content of this cremymalaya girl
I'd just like to see her snapchat
those links/codes aren't working. Can someone resend them?
Y’all getting played
Regardless of if her weight being legit, she's still a part of the super rare "teenage SSBBW" category. Hell, perhaps even the almost impossible one-in-a-million "teenage USSBBW". Youngest SSBBW I've seen with my own eyes in the wild had to be at least 22-25.
tf dude why are you focusing on her being a teen?
I'm 19, I like my girls to be same age as me...

I make a less big deal of her age than many others in this very thread. Just look at that guy talking about childhood obesity. Or well, in general I feel like childhood obesity is one of the white elephants in the FA community. Which, well. Isn't without reason.
yo, based fellow 19 year old
Youth is sexy, boomer

Good point, I just meant you keep hearing stories that everyone in America is getting fatter and the younger generation is included. No way do I mean being interested in them. It’s when they are 20-25 they are already super fat and only getting fatter by time their 30. Hell 18-21 seems too young. Just meant there are some SSBBWs who are entering the game already huge.

If you look at old pictures of existing SSBBW models many were huge by the age of 18-21. But there are few models in that age and size. Only ones on my mind are Creamymalaya, MissT, Porcelain and that Katri girl from Feabie.
If all of them are mature enough to do modeling of that sort is another thing.
yeah all this weight discussion is pretty neat but can anyone re-up the content please?
I second this
Reup :

thanks, you're the man! Finally I got to see some videos of her, shame she uses that angle and doesn't show her face. I couldn't imagine paying for it myself.
any reup on some of the stuff in here?
newfag here, what do I do with those 2 long codes?
Well if you're a newfag then why haven't you read the rules which would explain what the codes are? smh
Is giving her pro Kik out classed as doxxing? Just thought it would be handy for people to get a contact point for her
Can I get another reupload and maybe some extra videos if anyone has some?

Here is some Boberry:
I got you all:

Great upload, thanks. She needs to work on her camera work.
anyone paid for content from her? she legit?
I paid $45 for access to her instagram account, and she only has like 3 photo’s on there. Appart from that you gotta stay active or she threathens you by removing your access.
I’ve never bought content, but I can say that I really regret spending those $45 on basically nothing.
no, she is not. not one simp anywhere saying anything good about her, but stories from different people about her cheating them are everywhere. the way she runs her accounts means they're guarunteed to be deleted (charging feabie private pics) or things like like
>>7891 says
Don't do it man. I paid her for five videos and the autobiographical weight gain story doc. She sent me three crap videos and no doc. When I asked her about it the next day she either was playing dumb or had forgotten entirely about me.

Would still like to read that doc if anyone has it and it even exists.
any reup on these?
There's something about how soft some girls get at such a size that makes them look so cute. How is Echo around the same weight, but so much larger? Maybe I have my numbers wrong.
Because she's not as big as she claims
Fuck it expired
Ofc it expires it's alerted when the links is shared/copied and she deletes them yall put that on urself
OR, and bear with me on this one, we use sites that delete after 3 days or so, and the last thing that was shared was on 10/05. Now, using our brains we can figure out that was a MONTH AGO.
I agree with her deleting them so many models get back lash from this site i have every folder of hers & I wouldn't share unless I had consent
But she does do free videos and stuff on her thing for awhile I've been watching and she's definitely improved
She's still outright lying about her weight as a marketing tool. There's fantasy and then there's taking your audience as idiots.

If she WAS 850lbs I'd be satisfied. If she WAS Mz Fluff or even Tara sized I'd be intrigued. She's giving us a number and that's it. I may as well jack it to a calculator.
I actually have a weigh in video of her she's not lying I was not Beliving it either so many people on this threat compare to others which is why I had to see for myself

I do not know how to send video links here however but if I can post my contact info here I can send
And I did get permission to share, but I do not know to much about how I am supposed to share a video here
Most of us use https://wetransfer.com/ Just drag and drop what you want to share, click "get link" then encode, then send. No muss no fuss.
Hours later...
Ok I have that but it is a file how do I encode I am on mobile phone not a desktop? I could share my social and link with u on Kik if that is allowed

And ya hours later cause I don't sit on a bbwChan site and try to scope out free content my Instagram is whatsnotknownisknown2829
base64encode.net is a good one
If you have her permission to post, you don't need to encode. Just post the link.
I just need to watch it, I really want to believe is true her weight and age!
Looks like she has an OF now. I'm guessing it's just a paid insta. Anyone subscribed know for sure?
She claimed to have hardcore vids, does anyone have them??

there are some longer videos (a handful of 3m+) but it's mostly super short vids and pics. somewhat worth it, but generally low quality
Show them vids!!
Comrades, enjoy all the lard of this whale
Does anyone have her bj vids or any hardcore vids??
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Thanks for the considerate messages. But man there’s a lot of trash in there

Still look at THIS photo. I have no words to say.
On a scale of 10 to 10 how soft is that blubber?
Any more from her? that body is impressive! Would like to see something a little clearer but I assume she films her onlyfans stuff herself, which can be troublesome given her size, can’t fit in the frame
Guys help the links won't decode. What am I doing wrong
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Personally this pic of hers is my favorite, you really get a good sense of how massive she is. some more from her, or re-ups would be appreciated, would love to see something with her eating, she seems like a real glutton. I've seen her on a discord I'm a part of but she never really posts anything significant.
also 19 y/o, I agree that the age + size thing makes her seem more impressive.
I paid her to send my sperm so she could inseminate herself with it and get pregnant. Let's hope this works :)
here's johnny WVVoU2UzcGxjbTk5WTBoTlczTnBbR3JlZXRpbmdzIGZyb20geW91ciBCcmF6aWxpYW4gZnJpZW5kIHdobyBsb3ZlcyA4NTAgcG91bmQgYmxhY2sgd29tZW5dZUYxTWVTaHVhVzVsS1ROYVV6VXdZa001TUV4WWNFcGhhM1JiZEdoeVpXVmRaVlpPYVZWRVZUMD0=
Hey, content, I appreciate it! That’s one hell of a neck
Does anyone have her giving blowjob vids?
Buyer beware. She’s the type to take your money and provide little to nothing for it while still pushing for you to give more.
Ya those are all public pics & nothing fascinating what's fascinating is her private pics YAll are getting the bare minimum and it's funny I don't blame her tho. I prefer the private ones & she just released a weigh-in video on her Snapchat but we can't promote that here
Why are you so obsessed with wanting to see her give a blowjob, I love when she gobbles down on my dick 😏 But you sir are obsessed simp

YALL just gotta accept the fact you won't get any of her real top tier content cause of people like this on this feed lol
Damn these videos suck. Thank you for sharing though. I've sent her money before and just got old shitty videos so I won't be doing that again. It's funny how I always hear about a weigh in video but it never surfaces. Probably because there's no way she's 850. She obviously doesn't care about making good content, which is a shame because if she actually tried she'd probably be more successful.
How retarded do you think we are? Stop trying to advertise on here, it's not working.

I downloaded an earlier dump of your crap for free and I still felt like I didn't get my money's worth.
can we get a reup
the way you talk is so recognizable haha
she has so much potential why is her content so short??
I think she has no idea of that. She uses the excuse that she doesn't have a good camera, and other lame excuses of the genre, but it is enough just to put her cell phone on a piece of furniture already recording and swing the mountain of lard that she has in her belly to please everyone. I gave up her OnlyFans because she doesn't really seem interested in producing content with minimal quality.
Can someone please re-upload some videos?
She's recently mentioned on her Twitter that's she's currently in the hospital and has been for two weeks so far. This is a little scary..
why is it so scary? why do you care? every day 25000 people die of hunger, 10000 of them children. is that a little scary? is it more scary than some random person being in hospital? or are you just concern trolling?
It comes with the territory. You can't be that fat and not risk some health concerns. I like them huge as much as the next guy on here but it's the price you pay when you're that big.
This is a really dumb take so here’s a better one. The time of death is uncertain but death is certain, knowing this, death is nothing to be scared of it’s just the undeniable truth at the end of the finish line, death isn’t scary it’s just death, nothing more nothing less.
She’s posting on twitter again, so she should be alright. Still looking pretty massive, hopefully she was able to sort things out with little complication.
Kind of hot she’s too big for clothes and they have to gut out the back of the car though.
Can we get a reupload? Of anything? Pls and ty
I don't want to be a bad owl, but there is a large probability she's dead, or very close to it
As we all. Probabilities are cruel.

Where did this even come from? she posted to twitter literally 4 days ago
Well, 3 days ago she messaged me, saying that she was getting worse and, since then, I've never received any answer...

Don't wanna be mean or anything, but do you always presume girls dead when they ghost ya for some short while?
“Don’t want to be *anything*, BUT” yeah ok you fuckin liar.
You're an idiot, she told me explicitly that there could have been that possibility. Of course I hope to be wrong
Apparently she had Covid last fall when a mishap occurred trying to meet with someone
She’s alive n well lost 50lbs tho
I've seen bits of her content around and it all seems to be videos mere seconds long. Is all her content like this? I almost thought about getting her OnlyFans until the saw that.
what the fresh fuck did you do to this thing the shit in the brackets is unintelligible
Get rid of one, do simple arithmetic for the other. Got it on my first try.
(46 KB, 800x795, Angery.jpeg)
Nobody said there would be math! I'm too stuck on the second part
Yeah I don’t get it, what am I doing?
That didn’t get me it, so I just remove the brackets over the other thing too? Am I just not separating it right for the key?
I mean this in the nicest of ways

Maybe you should just pay for your porn if this is too hard

This isn't exactly Hackerman
nah take that out completely and then put the answer to the math problem where the question was
Look, I’m removing the brackets over bk, I’m doing the same for the other one but I’m changing it to a 1, it’s not working, invalid key, what’s up with it?
Ok I got it just remove everything in that bk bracket, thanks (:
Wow, all I had to do was remove the [bK] thing first, then I replaced {}8-7{} with 1
Anyways, here ya go lads
How the fuck is this already down
Don't worry, it wasn't nothing much worthwhile.
Any re up? Curious to know what she's got.

preferrably on MEGA or so? Not sure how that Encoding stuff works.
None of her stuff is really worthwhile
Apparently she have hardcore vids, does anyone have them?
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She is out and getting very hot & Bothered, anyone have any of her new stuff?
Any re ups?
But then she starts doing fart/toilet stuff. Surely you aren't interested? .. Just me?.. Never mind then.
I'm only interested in the fart stuff
Any hardcore vids of her??

looks like she's only doing as a custom video. And if others are asking for it.
as someone who is a member of her onlyfans page, i have no idea.
is it worth the money? how frequent does she post vids that are > 1 minute long
Very rarely. She's incredibly lazy
Finally found out, she only posts videos to people who are on her only fans, and she still charges you for those videos.
If she find someone gullible that's super interested in her she'll also try to ask for more and more money from them, playing innocent and playing the guilt card

Wouldn't recommend interacting/communicating with her at all
Sounds like another entitled whale overplaying her hand. why oh why must we make these nasty lard balls so popular and full of themselves...smh
I think it would be a different story if she actually tried and made decent content. She just expects people to pay for nothing. She's not worth the time or effort.
Please give us it when you get it.
Please share all of here toilet clips
I'm interested.
She’s been sighted on FetLife trying to trick folks into giving her money using her regular username

good god why are these chicks such scammers???

like seriously, doing bbw porn content is sooo fucking easy. damn these whores are lazy and have no morals. damn obese niggers
She's the worst offender. It's not everyone. Crackheads doing crackhead things.

Can we get a reupload of this mega link?
I told her about this site and how all she had to do to make money was say she was like 18, 19 which at the time she was and so was I and 400 pounds, but I did not realize she was going to be a scammer
Did you also know about the crack? This might explain things.
Hahaha, top kek!
Hell no she lived like 30 mins from me I was trna fuck, she clearly was trna just get free food or money from me so i said a McDonalds meal for a quick nut ain't bad but I'm glad I never slid her way
Genuinely wonder how long till missT kicks it. She's in and out of the hospital all the time.

She may as well keep that in and out habit till she's in her eighties.
Makes me wonder how many times she begs for money and claims she never got any to others. I honestly wanna expose more of this woman. I bet she's scamming others still today.
shes posting on fetlife again trying to woo folks into giving her money
she just chased another model off of an ssbbw discord a bunch of people off the volafile have migrated to.

Damn this one is hard to decode.
Also heard that someone got scammed from her of $2,400. That is insane i honestly feel bad for the guy

dam imagin that
lol did you get it?
what the actual fuck is this decode?
All that for a mab mab link. Malding.
Y'all think she's ever gonna replace that smoke detector battery?
What the hell is this decode
>Also heard that someone got scammed from her of $2,400

Sounds like natural selection to me. If you’re dumb enough to get scammed out of that kind of money without alarm bells ringing, you never had a chance. If she didn’t scam him out of it, somebody else would have.

Do you happen to have the answer?
>Y'all think she's ever gonna replace that smoke detector battery?

There’s an extremely long and stupid argument somewhere on /booty/ about black people neglecting to change their smoke alarm batteries. Have a look for it if you fancy killing a few brain cells.

Seriously why did it have to be this complicated
Here is the decoded version aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8veHkxTkNUTmxy
that just sounds like good old natural selection
man so many people simp hard for her. lol
Can we get a reup of this?
Help me find the discord please
She looks disabled independent of her morbid obesity. 🤢🤮
She has announced a KoFi page!

I can’t believe this!
She has a Kofi since 2 years ago
Re-up gowan gives something
I interacted with her briefly and she's a strange and litigious person
Why do you want the discord?
I'm just curious.
She is the reason feeders don't trust like that she is a con and a cheat. Everytime I see a post of her content it people talking about how they got screwed over by her
Very. I'd honestly just meet and fuck her, call it a day.
Do have more of these?
I heard she renamed herself again, anyone know more?
based off her twitter feed it seems she's plateau'd / getting smaller

that, or shes just not making anything new and is recycling smaller stuff to try and scam more folks for 'recent content'

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