
I have it but I want you to share some content first.
i'll share some asshlye shit if u have this vid
Don't care. Everything you have is guaranteed to be from here or SpankBang. I'm just trying to teach OP board etiquette.
Thanks pall, but you don’t have to “teach” me anything.
I know board etiquette.
You misunderstood me.
I wasn’t asking for a free handout.
I was asking for the link so I MYSELF can purchase the video and SHARE WITH EVERYONE, FOR FREE.
You understand what I’m saying?
I don’t know why the syntax blocked out the text when I used

IM TRYING TO BUY THE DAMN VIDEO- NOT LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT genius. Then I’ll pull a Robin Hood and share with all.
I just can’t find her c4s


You can't buy it from her C4S anymore, she removed the store without an explanation (please tell her about our displeasure with this on her OF).
>(please tell her about our displeasure with this on her OF).

Not you in particular, but anyone who has a sub.

Sir you're a very kind man. Bless you for this sharing.
re-up please?
uploading now, check back in 10 minutes

and that fast its gone..why doyou people continue to use these sites taht dont' keep the files up..what is the purpose in wasting effort even uploading

Bro you responded over a week later, do you have mental problems?

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