
not fat enough to be considered an ssbbw
What happened to katiedeluxebbw? She was her way bigger frien, huge belly, and then they must’ve fallen out over a guy or something
She got a man and hes not super into the feederism thing. He just likes fat girls. I remember her posting on layla snap about it.
Could someone update her coomer? I think she is considered a ssbbw being 400lbs?
requesting her sumo match with sexy signature and her most recent weigh in video please?
Hopefully katies still fat as fuck
If someone has the fattening up office girl roleplay I would be very grateful if you could upload it please
Coomer update
that update was from some weeks ago
LOL at Layla being on the SSBBW board. She's not a SSBBW and she probably never will be lmao
I guess it depends on what your definition of a ssbbw is lol
last update was june 28
I honestly consider her to be an SSBBW now. I know she only weighs in the 300s, but she looks bigger than what I would consider to just be a BBW because of her height.

Nah. Look at any photo of her with other models. She’s still tiny
I would regard her as chubby/ plump, probably under 100Kg. Some of the wifes of users here are much bigger, apparently.
Agreed, she stuffs herself a lot but still is within bbw threshold iml
you think she is only 220lbs ?? come on now
You have to a different kind of retarded to think layla is under 100kg, which is a little over 200lbs. I agree she’s not ssbbw, but holy shit man
I’ve seen her in person. She looks like an average fat girl IRL, not noticeably fatter than any other random fat person on the street.
I don't care if she's an SSBBW or not, is anyone going to post anything or is this just a whining thread?
I've always had the impression that she was bloated and not very fat.

She's normal-fat for an American

She's as big around as my wife but she's taller so definitely weighs more

She's pretty damn big for an australian. Not nearly as big as TubbyToni/nyanfat/jigglykitty92 is these days, but she's probably the biggest australian she sees on a typical day outside.

Anyone who thinks she's under 100kg is literally injecting purified into their veins
Seems to be just a discussion thread 😂
Apparently I would estimate her to weight 85 - 90 kilogramme (100 is 222lbs, not 220), as she seems to be very short too, like she is not taller than 1,60m.

Anyone who support these fake-numbers is either promoting her contend to make money or is simple minded and the believe is rather wishfull-thinking than realistical.

C'mon only her belly is bigger than average, the rest appear narrowly slim.
You obviously have never seen MissPuss...

There are even some Australian girls on Feabie which are than her and also SSBBW comedians and fat-activists which outgrow her in doubling the size at least.
have you even fattened someone before? lol.
You can tell just by her size, clothed.. that she's above 200lb.
I've been to Australia, that place is loaded with fatties. The stats that don't have Australia very high on global obesity ranking lists because it's being offset by a huge colonial Chinese population.
If Layla is here then Chloe should be too. Move that beluga over here
And Aliss imo
Lmao wdym everybody knows Chloe is losing weight

I’ll believe it when I see it. That bitch is a WHALE
There are less ssbbws in Australia, but still massively fat 200-250kgs ones bob up on feabie and fetlife from time to time. Once they realise there are suitors into women as big as a house out there they tend to get more sex than the average plain woman probably
She could weight 95Kg, but certainly not much more than 100.
Did you have ever with 200kg women sex? I had it at least a half dozen times.
how about someone drops some content instead of everyone debating her weight
I've been with quite a few women in the 200 - 280 lbs range (90 - 125 kg) and Layla looks much fatter than they ever did.
I had over 60 times sex, maybe 50 of it with women who are over 90Kg (rather 100), and I am certain that most women upto 120 kilogramme look fatter than her, especially on the legs, hips and arse.
Belly is not everything, it can only deposit a particular (small) amount of weight, but thighs are usual heavier than this.
TFW she posts messages from this forum on her snapchat.
Tell me you've never fucked a fat woman without saying you've never fucked a fat woman.

Bro it's so obvious that you're the same person as >>55564 and have never had sex in your life

Just stop

It's totally conceivable that Layla is lying about her weight but it's also obvious she's at least 300 pounds at this point.
I fucked mostly fat women, likely more than average sized and than you did
Don't mix up me with yourself, little boy!!

I had in the past 11 years 60 - 70 (or more) times sex, with over 50 different women approxiametely, often African, sometimes Latinas, but also white ones (1 - 2 Asian).

You just can't estimate it, as you are a teenager at best. This woman here is below 130Kg and her height is clearly shorter than 1,70m.
So what youre saying is youre a grown man arguing about body count with a teenager online. Take your meds unc.
No one believes you, KYS
are we suppose to clap for you. honest to god you are pathetic
Imagine bragging about fucking fat women lmao. Anyone could fuck a fat woman
Time to break this cycle by uploading actual videos of Layla that i have.
If anyone is willing to update her OnlyFans on coomer.party, it would be appreciated.
What I maintain is, you are imature and you can't judge here anybody, as you are mentally not stable to do...
I don't care a shit what little children believe!
I know how often I fucked about (thought stopped to count after 50 - 60) and I had sometimes in Barcelona in one night sex with 3 different women, one after another (althought barely BBWs there) in 2012.
Small penis behaviour,
This post was written by melanated hands
Just because you masturbated to three different women in one night, doesn't mean you had a threesome.
Im not mentally stable ? Learn how to complete a sentence with correct grammar before YOU question anyone’s mental state. I promise you nobody cares about your sexual experiences, delusions or not, so pack it up and shut the fuck up ffs. You’re bragging about having sex to strangers on the internet. Honestly getting second hand embarrassment.
Right, you don't give a shit. That's why you keep throwing a tantrum over all the imaginary women you've fucked like a teenager.
I know your one is almost as little as your brain
You know it is not possible to correct Postings here, when you are not registrated and the verification takes some time too here, that errors/ mistakes have to happen? It has not much to do with "knowing grammar" or not...

Also I don't question it of anyone, but just of you, as most of the offensive replies were most likely made by you/ one person, under different identities.
And if you are not interested in it, I am currious why you doubt these and pretend first to have sometime sex with a SSBBW... After that I shared my experience and you got probably jelous about that...
Well as you alleged first to have meet a SSBBW once..., if you go back in this thread
I just maintained you refefence is nonsense and if you put this as proof to be an expert, I can estimate the size of women even they more because of my (superior) experiences.

You are legitimately the most mentally ill person I have ever seen on bbw-chan

And that's saying a *lot*
lol if you really think all the replies to you are by one person, then you're even more delusional than I thought.
Give it up loser. No one cares about you, and all that will happen is you will continue to be mocked. Post content, or shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

Well you have to be ablte to judge that, which says a lot about YOU!!

Though you try to disturb from the point, you put first into conversation to have been few times with (SS)BBWs together. So I just disproved your reference and showed I can estimate the frame of a SSBBW even the more, when in you view it is needed to meet such to do so...
Well maybe let you do your 12 years old brother some work...or dudes of you class.
Take one advice, put a gun in your mouth and give it a go (Russian roulette),,,
This shit is hilarious. Some kind of foreign retard fighting with annons on a porn message board. What a pathetic fucking loser. KYS
Like a Eurotrash Chris Chan
>>56519 (Cross-thread)
I think it is here like kindergarten and most which commented here are under 20, maybe around 15 years old (or mentally handicaped).
She’s just put out a weigh in, has anyone got the number or video?
Not now everyone's busy arguing
I posted her latest Onlyfans the other day, but this brain case has been spamming the tread with "how many time the sex" he's had.

It's still up for now:

Sorry, the transfer is down
anyone could, but a truly monstrously obese ssbbw is harder to find in Australia for sure
What was the latest weight in number? Did she make the 400lb club?
Laylas definitely getting fatter, I think she did escorting for a small time, I wish I tapped it

Lol there’s no chance
bruh wtf this doing in ssbbw board? i dont wanna see this chubby plump bitch. take this shit to bbw board wtf
She’s too fit for a ssbbw, seems like she’d suck a mean dick though
Echoing a previous poster about loving her super fat friend Katiedeluxebbw, beautiful face, shockingly fat gut
Layla definitely isn't fit. Say what you want about her not being fat enough or whatever, but there are women who are bigger than her who are more fit.
If Layla still smokes I would bet her arteries are well on the way to being ridden with plaque, or even if she doesn’t with all the cola and Big Macs
I think there is a problem with her Coomer.
I try to download her videos but it says "Error: Prohibited".
Anybody knows how to solve this?
What was her new weigh in number?

ShEs An SsBbW nOw
All good things must wait.

But why is she on the SSBBW board now?
She actually does look like one in that picture.
She actually looks like barely a BBW and weight under 100Kg
Just stand back and watch the show and if you don't like it then don't watch, shit person too
Because she's "extreme" I guess.
I bet she will be 400/500lbs one day, I believe she will.

Lol so anybody who could hypothetically become a SSBBW one day qualifies as a SSBBW today? That’s retarded. Also Layla gains extremely slowly. She’ll be 50 years old by the time she gets to 400. Don’t hold your breath
Does anyone have any of her 2012/2013 stuff?🥺
Is there any way to actually preview or see descriptions of her content?
All I get is one image, a title, and every other thing you could possibly click just takes you to a "Pay $20" page. I don't want to pay anything without knowing what kind of content she's been putting out.
previews have been gone a while. I was willing to pay once and then found out it would appear on my bank statement as something like "BBWLAYLA" and noped the hell out of there
who cares if its your card and your statement?
Obviously fat-liking but closeted men who aren’t honest with their probably thin wives about their preferences and do the dumb thing and/or share cards and accounts instead of maintaining their own for privacy.
Retards, the lot of you.

I can't wait to see her hit 400 by the end of the year.
requesting her messy thanksgiving 2021 remake video please
anyone got the fattening up office girl??
Can anybody tell me which of her videos have farting?
What does she weigh right now?
does anyone have her sex video where she was getting fucked doggy style by the black guy
You all realize that this site has basically most or all her stuff, right? If someone has an account for this, please share
Posting a password for a member site on a public board would be retarded, please finish school.
the original poster can just change the password if some dickhead tries and changes it, why the fuck would you NOT want access to her complete cataloge
Lol. She’s been pretty much the same size for like 5 years
Yeah she doesn't have to try and gain anymore because her competitive advantage is her willingness to just binge eat once a in awhile. Tbh she's fine at the weight she is, don't really need to see her get fatter.
372 was her last
...for 10 years I would say, once I told her when she was selling lies and she said that she wanted to gain a lot of weight and she blocked me, also I think that she does not have a pretty body to stuff herself with fat, she is just a belly with skinny legs
Thats crazy that no one asked what you think
yall mad shes the same weight but she's perfect at the range shes been at(she has put on about 30 lbs in the last few years) hottest bitch in the game at this weight and if she packs on anymore that could change. As more of a round then a double belly guy shes my wet dream
youve got to be kidding me who the fuck cares about her legs were lucky their as skinny as they are so her belly and tits could be as hot as they are
for 10 years? You can argue she doesn't gain fast anymore, but you can't really dispute the fact that she was one of the first ever feedees to go from a skinny 130 pounds to over 350 pounds of fat. Sure there are heaps of feedees gaining now but back when Layla started, she was one of the only ones.
It doesn't have any fucking content.
alr this is becoming a shitshow, so heres some content to hopefully get this thread going in the right direction
np man, returning the favor to many who shared before me
Pretty sure she was waiting to go to Canada so she can go full hog, which is gonna be hot as hell if all goes right. Imagine her family reaction video after she comes back even fatter than she was before. She is closer to America so she's got better odds to balloon up to her goal weight of 600.
No one has the video of her getting blacked?
looked through her entire coomer/stufferdb and could not find that video may be on her website although you'd have to be willing to spend $20(per month)
It’s def not on her site can confirm.
thank you man and merry Christmas to you and your family

Dude this is bbwchan nobody with a family comes to this shithole

Still not SSBBW.
Bro I have a family. Not all of us are 400 lbs with neckbeards in our moms basements.
rant about her status somewhere else man

Why? Seems appropriate since we’re on the SSBBW board and she’s not one
well SSBBW is debated, some say its above 350 some say above 400 and others say go by BMI. Going by 350lbs she fits, and by BMI, however some say SSBBW requires a weight of 400 lbs. I personally say 350 because 350 is still big AF but you can go by 400 all you want

Yeah I just looked at photos from over a year ago and they look about the same. Face it, Layla gains very slowly. You won’t see 400lb in the next five years.
Someone has got her latest video?
for the love of god can we just take her off the SSBBW board so idiots like this can stop complaining. BBW Layla has never even claimed to be an SSBBW herself.
We need a coomer update, plz, for Christmas
Is Layla her actual name or just a model name? Curious because when I see her name I either think about Leia, or Laila which every trashy aunt in my country that smokes and drinks way too much is named.
Did any Perth bros here fuck her when she was escorting ? I’m sure she was at least, mentioned having a bush puss
Her website still says "current weight 355 pounds" and has done so for like a year... how can she have a goal weight of 600 pounds if she hasn't gained a single pound in a year?

Theres also no fucking way shes 355.
yeah most likely even higher than that considering her height
also why do people complain about her weight so much(and its only this board). Like i couldn't care less if she never gains another pound at this weight she's so hot. She has a higher chance of ruining my attraction to her by gaining weight that dose'nt look good on her than just maintaing what she is now

Doubt. I'd bet money shes closer to 330 than 350

Because shes a BBW on the SSBBW board. Of couse it was going to be debated

In the past a new topic on BBW/ section was created but nobody used it. Don't complain for that if you don't use it
by BMI she is a SSBBW, I have seen semi-recent weigh-ins of her above 350 and she hasn't lost weight so unless you have any content to disprove that pipe down
most people wondered why this wasn't on the SSBBW thread. Considering she's a SSBBW by BMI

Cool. Except there is no SSBBW BMI. Thats just soke arbitrary shit you're making up
Instead of complaining on her being a bbw or a ssbbw UPLOAD HERE HER LATEST VIDEOOOOOOO
When these people are lying or simple minded.
She is closer to 100Kg...
Can you all just stfu this conversation happens every month and nobody cares. Shes hot and shes fat both checks on this site. i don’t see what the problem with you retards is.
For once in your life try and rein in the autism. Why the fuck does it matter what board this thread is on you gimp.
do yout research before you comment dumb stuff. And honestly she's hot as all hell regardless
anybody got the fattening up office girl or the messy thansgiving one?
This place is completely soaked in autism so idk what you are expecting tbh
How much does she weigh?
I mean, it does matter when posting threads, but like some posters in here wonder, it depends on how much she weighs.
Isn't the SSBW cutoff at 400 pounds?
400 pounds, minimum.
general rule of thumb is 400 but some say 350 is the minimum
40 rather

In general about:
BBW = 90 - 130KG
SSBBW 130 - 230Kg
USSBBW 230 - 300Kg
MUSSBBW above 300Kg

It’s more like:
Not a bbw = <120 kg
BBW = 130 - 200 kg
SSBBW = 210 - 300 kg
USSBBW = 300+ kg
I have no idea what’s MUSSBBW. Mega? Macro? Mini? Modernized? Mucho? Multi?

>conversation happens every month
>nobody cares

Idk man, sounds like people care

Why have different boards at all if it doesn't matter? You cool if i post scat, weird 3D rendered blueberry art and shemale shit on the ssbbw board too? Yeah didnt think so
Fuck that shit. Reminds me of all that LBGT++-+-+?#€&+ fucking nonsense where they add some random letter/number/symbol every fucking week.

To me it's just fat bitches and super fat bitches.
In this conversation of lords and milords, can someone update her coomer or upload here her latest video?
Trying to break up an argument with shameless pathetic begging never works out
Imagine spending your free time arguing about porn on the internet lmao
>>71620 This wasn't a thing until Americans became so gay at producing quality
Definitely need someone to update her coomer 💯
Bumping this thread, as it’s quite funny how triggering it is over the months
I hope Layla is enjoying the Canadian winter lol

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