
Who is she?

... I can understand how your brain might just mentally filter that word due to spending too much time here with your base64, but her name is actually "decode", on curvage, as OP said immediately.
Damn she's cute
How do I decode on Curvage?
Are u serious? Decode is her name on curvage

lol the first guy was just an idiot but the guy you're responding to was clearly leaning into the "who's on first" joke.
Some stuff from her onlyfans

Thanks! It’s a bummer she doesn’t share more photos with her face in them—she’s cute as shit
how come there are animal noises and shit in her cake eating vid? it is a code...her name is decode
Maybe "decode" never existed, and this is just a very obtuse ARG.
Don't you have farm animals in your house? Jeez, cityfolk.
I try to keep it secret because what I do to them might not be too well appreciated by the damn libs in mah city. Sanctuary city 'fo messicans, but we gotta have little church house safety manger for the goats n sheep?
That's why I take em on the road as a pettin' zoo outfit. Let the young folk who all nice and eye level with the special parts see what the beauty of ranching is.
A bit gutted after downloading all the videos… no face, no fap.
My god
Any news vids?
Btw in some of her curvage vids she show her face
Anyone has her weigh ins?
What’s her curvage?
Buy it 😂 broke people smh 🤦‍♂️
Why do you come to a piracy board to tell people to go buy stuff? I’m sure you feel really good you spent $7.99 buying a video for yourself that it makes you feel like you have some moral high ground… share or just gtfo
Those girls need the money to buy more food
Someone got offended lol just watch free porn if you can’t afford it
it's all free here man
If yall not gonna post content or discuss her, just dont say shit. Nobody cares about your little bantering.
reup please
>>53951 that didnt answer the question why are you on a piracy sub to tell people to buy it? Youre like a cross between a narc and a simp
also begging because this girl is gorgeous

Here you go (2 parts):
Does she have any burping content?
thank you broski

decode this:
based and 64pilled
is the stuff that she sells on curvage the same stuff that's available on her OF?
Cause there's a new clip of hers that I really want, but her OF is so reasonably priced that for a few bucks more I could just have access to her whole catalog.
I remember I bought a mamahorker vid once then subbed to her OF a short time after and thought "damn, I coulda saved six bucks if I had just subbed here first"
not all her vids are the same! but she does post a lot of private pics on her OF, def worth both
not all her vids are the same! but she does post a lot of private pics on her OF, def worth both
Someone has "Struggling To Get Out Of The Bed: ?
>>52866 (OP)
>calls herself decode

she knows, shut it down
Just wish she’d show her face more in videos. How am I supposed to wank to this.
Does anyone have any content of her? She is really quite hot
Any reup legends?
coomer created
Thanks. She's really cute.
(2.6 MB, 360x231, BigBellies_feedeedecode_10p87pi.gif)
I want that new clip where she's riding on top of that dude
its funny I let my OF sub lapse (by accident, cause she gives you any one of her paid vids if you're a re-sub) but eh. I can wait a few months.
there's only two girls that I steady renew my OF sub to...
I really like decode, but I wish she would show her face- which is cute. additionally in trying to pixelate her face, she ends up fuckin it up more. I bought a clip of her on top POV, and there's a bunch of stutter frames in the beginning plus this super blocky obscuring filter on her face which moves around to over her belly.
I would really love her if she moaned and cooed in her vids and showed her face.
Such pretty hair (pink and black) and I love the stretchies on her sides.
holy shit she's pretty. unironic wife material. She already shows her face in some pics, why not just make proper videos too then? No point in watching them if I don't see her nice face there too.
i have her funnel feeding and breaking the bed vids but idk how this website works upload wise 😩
Try Mega no or wetransfer
if anyone has her force feeding vid i’ll trade her struggling to get out of bed, funnel feeding, and straddling her feeder vid for it
Bruh there’s no trading here. You either share or you don’t.
Yeah, does anyone have more content with her face in it? Sounds weird to ask, but for some reason I find attractive women attractive.
k sorry won’t trade then
Not showing her face is a dealbreaker for me… and it’s a sham anyway because she’s so cute.
She doesn’t have any content with her face in it. She had only some pictures but they are old af
anyone know her current measurements from her recent vid?
Could u upload them?
It’s incredible how nice and generous she is with her content.
She just did a 1h live stream for free where she would eat pizza rolls, a large pizza and ice cream, you could really see her getting full and she’d kindly answer requests and questions.

God damn has she gotten huge!
I wish that these were recorded
It is - she posted the recording on her OnlyFans
It’s wonderful when they eat themselves to this level.
So nice
Anyone got the last weight in? Where she reach 200 kg?
Possibly in 15 years...
Depending on her height she is either close to that or even above that now.
Huh what are you talking about? She said she reached her goal, she’s either at 200 or more

You know we are about kilos, not lb?🤨
If she has a height of maybe 1,60m (or 1,65m), then she has not even 150 reached here yet.
Maybe rather 130.
Do you know Bigcutie Ellie is still slightly below 200Kg, according what she claims on Feabie...

So this one is at least 50 kilogramme lighter than her in my opinion.
Oh my fucking god why has nobody banned this retarded kraut
cmon bro im from uk and i still use lbs for bbw. literally use Kgs for everything else. weird that i can guess a mans weight in kilos but not lbs and vice versa for women
Any reup kings? Or new vids?
A mega link could be appreciated
Are you stupid? She literally posted the video showing the 200kg
You must be new. That's our self-proclaimed weight expert, the only person on the planet who can accurately tell a woman's weight. Everyone else is wrong, 112% of women lie about their weight, the metric system is the only system worthy of respect. You are now caught up on their rules
Any hero have her new clips?
any re-up?
It's so incredibly hot how she gets really out of breath from just standing around and talking
YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk9HSkdSM2hDYVVRamJFZG1lRk5CYXpGaGRrNXhOSEkzZVRoTFJVdFJkRTB5VG1rdFMxOVNMVEpOUVUxWlJGSnROMU5MT0E9PQ== would be great to have the funnel feeding vid.
I appreciate this very much.
you know the video in pictures one and three is available for $2?

if you were the generous fellow who shared the video in picture number four I would gladly share it with you.
those would be gold
is she French
Re-up anyone? This went down as I was downloading it.
I usually forget, but if I don't, when I'm back with my collection hard drive I'll post up the funnel vid.
I really want the vid from the image with the burger in her hand

I wish I knew what videos she posted on her onlyfans. is what's on coomer the entirety of her content actually posted there?

I’m subbed on her of, she post there more nude content and most of her videos frm curvage too and some videos she send over ppv I realized she send mostly ppvs only with more expensive content she sells on curvage
im subbed on her of and her content is very sexy she post more videos where shes naked on there and most of her curvage videos. I realized that she send ppvs with the videos she post on curvage that are more expensive but else she post everything on her feed on of
Does she show her face?
for sure ! she already has 250 subscribers on Onlyfans
you can’t even see her face tf u talking bout
oohmann I wish she showed more of her pretty face. even just the bottom portion that's in her vids is enticing.
and that body... big fat ball belly laced with stretch marks, and those fat rolls on her inner thighs
what's up with including that gnarled Gypsy gargoyle
She was live with Decode wish we could see more from decode than her
This girl is absolutely at her peak - and she’s clever to produce plenty of great content while at it, even though she mostly manages to do sitting videos at this point, she heaves her huge body around for us 😍
Couple more months going at this rate she will be huge. Already looks like a goddamn balloon and seems to just be rapidly expanding
I’d have bought so many of her videos if she only showed her face. Gutted because she ticks every box for me. But… no face, no fap.
I still fap her content is fire
She’s really getting famous
> I invest in crypto and let people I trust do the work for me.

My sweet sister in Christ!
I don't see anything wrong with that
The best part of this article is how they talk about her as if "Feedee" is her first name and "Decode" is her last name
well I think they didn't have an option to use a different name since this is her onlyfans name but they could have used just decode
her new content is so hot!
do you have it? 👀

I gotta say, I disapprove strongly of discussing feedism with "outsiders". It is a relatively taboo kink, and it only attracts negative attention. Let me be a disgusting pervert in peace please. I don't need normal people telling me how fucked up or gross my kink is.

It's not even real journalism, it's a tabloid, so they're just looking for freaks to take advantage of. Why make a spectacle out of yourself like this? Is she that desperate for more attention?

I also think it's amusing how she is discussing all the financial and professional benefits of being an onlyfans girl like it's somehow self-empowering or makes her financially-independent. As though she's the first person to discover that selling your body is easy and lucrative. Yes, you make your own hours and have more freedom and make lots of money... because you're an online prostitute who is being used by strange men for your body. You are not financially independent, you depend on men for every dollar that you make. It's fine, sell your body if you want, but don't brag about it like that makes you a genius.

Anyway, end of rant. I normally keep my opinions about models to myself, but I think that speaking to outsiders about feedism is crossing a line.
You’re really insecure and it shows. She never mentioned how independent she is, she just said that she has more free time. In every job everyone depends on someone, you dumbass. Obviously you don’t know what a prostitution is, since you probably never even touched a woman so you’re online looking for models to jerk off to and you’re mad they make more money than you. Maybe next time just keep your opinion to yourself and work on your confidence
why are you hating?
Does anyone have burping and stuffing content of her
and she has a cute face, it's one of her best assets. Makes no sense. Like people who know her IRL couldn't figure out who the enormous manitee is if they stumbled across it.
Burping or fart content anyone
Having a cute or hot face is pretty much the most important thing as far as I'm concerned. People will be simping over these huge women with nice bodies but disgusting faces. Makes no sense unless they hide their face their vids
I for one love obese faces.
And Decode is so cute too. I wouldn’t have even known if it weren’t for this thread. I’d have just assumed she wasn’t showing her face because it was hideous lol
I always assume it's cause they're either ugly or because they want to model and not not get discovered by their job. But if she's showing her face in other places then idg it
She said she doesn’t show her face anymore because of her privacy and that she’s sad people don’t respect that
Okay? You can choose not to show your face because of privacy, but fans can choose not to spend their money on a girl whom they can’t see her face. It goes both ways. I’m personally one of those people who want to see the actual girl I’m fapping to, I’m not going to pay with out seeing face.
Yeah exactly a face and the expressions it brings really add to the watching experience. Just like how I wouldn't buy content if I knew that there's no dialogue or music is playing over the video.

I respect her decision to not show her face via privacy. But in a way this is already a risky type of content to make if you want to stay private, and it's going to hurt her sales.
Oh come on, that's just weird.
I think it’s more the principle. We’ve all already seen her face. We know what she looks like and the general consensus is that she is good looking. It’d be a different story if she NEVER had shown her face then people would drop the subject. But the fact we all know what she looks like defeats the “privacy” argument
I respect her decision and her privacy. I’d just buy a lot more of he content if her face were in it.
Okay? Then don’t buy her content lol you’re being a hater for no reason and wasting your time in here trying to find her free content.
what ur saying sounds kinda stupid ngl in facts not everyone know shat she looks like
Anyone have the funnel feed vid I posted some time ago? I lost it:/

Not everyone in the world knows what she looks like, sure, but anyone who gives a single fuck about what she looks like knows what she looks like. Her face is literally in two pictures at the very start of this thread, and this thread is the 10th google result for "ssbbw decode".
This lady is smoking hot! Thanks for sharing!
Any reup kings? Or anything new?
Wow, she’s so gorgeous.

Where did the link go?
Any new vids?
I can’t believe she looks like that and still never shows her face. She’s so cute
Anyone have Waddling & Jiggling With Decode from her curvage?

Also blessed be he who updated her coomer. Just wish she had more actual vids on there too.
Any reups or anything new?
here's a little something. a taste. i've been loving this vid.

I don't know if I'm a nice guy or an asshole here. Probably both.

I'm tryna get funky like female funk


She's like another freak named Renee
You get her alone and she'll make your day
Like Burger King, she knows the play
But a freak like Renee, you can have it your way

I met this girl, thick as hell
Only sixteen, said her name was Linell
I took her to my house, I could not wait
Her shit was much tighter than a central safe
Is there any chance of a re-up of these face pics? Link is gone already unfortunately.
She said she doesn’t want to share her face pictures anymore why are you not respecting that? It’s a bit creepy having someone’s face pictures you don’t even know after they deleted them
To the person that is moderating this thread is also not respecting her. If you would you would delete the face pictures since she had bad experiences and it could lead her not making content
man, if this got uploaded, I'd love a re-up.
I could certainly find it in my heart to cop one of her new clips like the candy feeding or waddling and jiggling
She become from a chubby girl to a fking blob, so hot
good god, judging from the double chin in the current vids, her face must have really puffed up compared to this!
(931 KB, 3087x2316, Decode - 9a3c4743-ebb3-4349-b61b-3ec22d351e5d.jpg) (869 KB, 2877x2136, Decode - 1353fbb7-d717-4b6f-9284-f7219bb538bd.jpg) (60 KB, 720x720, e16a02c7-63b4-4321-805d-4018511a7039.jpg) (61 KB, 720x540, 9fc538c8-d1aa-4069-a6c6-351cc390e738.jpg)
god she is so, so pretty.
I love so many of her features... the hair, eyes, nails, rolls on the thighs, the massive tummy, stretchmarked sides.
and the face is one that to be lavished with kisses. although with the amount of enticing skin she's got overall.... that's like fifty thousand kisses.
Here you go, bro
Love her face, but is it me or her belly and the rest, was so much tiny compared to now? Jesus she become a blob

Can I get a reup on this?

guys we need the donuts + weight in one
any reup pls?
Can someone just re-up something
Some of the threads may be dead but not to mention. Some of the moderators on here keep deleting our comments when we say the thread is dead as if we were hoping we can get something new but then later, it becomes silent.
Anything new?
can we get a reup on her face pics?
can we get a reup on her face pics?
any chance for a re up on her stuff?
Any chance for a re up for her stuff?
Any chance for a re up of her stuff?
Cause she seems like a nice looking lady from the pics
Everyone needs to step it up. I need more free porn
Anything new?
She definitely is
Wish the dumb mods here would stop deleting my messages when I’m just curious to see this thread up and running again
Anyone have her latest clip?
bumping for any content. she the hottest in the game rn, ez
bumping for any content. she the hottest in the game rn, ez
there were one or two of here videos on spankbang maybe someone saved them.
anyone know her recent weight? she just posted a weigh in
She's just exploded in fat

Good God

I know this is old, but could someone please re up this. I’m just seeing it 🙏🏻
Wow. Anyone know why she started choosing not to show her face? Wish she did.
because some people harassed her and she decided she wants privacy but some people don’t respect that
Anyone have the funnel or the forced feed?
you talking about the donut forcefeed where she's wearing a white tee shirt with blue writing/graphics on it?

god she is so sexy. love poppin' to her.
you, my friend, are the fkn man. You've got credit banked with me ( now all we need to do is figure out some way to prove that you are in fact you lol)
That body is giving more Luna Love tho
did someone know why her livestreams aren't upload in coom3r yet?
Certainly has those Luna "camera on the table" shitty angles vibes.
You’re the best! She’ll be 500 in no time next year
Why does she place an opaque watermark in the dead center of her videos?

> charges money for videos

> slaps an ungodly watermark in the center of the content basically ruining it

> value???

Whoever edits her videos is lobotomized.
She’s biggest ssbbws models in Germany I don’t think people mind the watermark
I actually didn't even notice the watermark and I watch her vids with regularity.
I do notice the abscense of her face, although since she's shown it my brain fills it in... still irritating and a huge shame.... love to see those chubby cheeks move in tandem with her double chin.
a re-up would be appreciated
Anyone have her most recent vid?
Anyone wanna update coomer?
Anyone by any chance has her vore video? I think she made one
Has she been active
She's such a prized pig. Hope she gets well over a quarter ton.
Anyone have stuffing vids from her?
anyone got some videos?
Thank you! She's so fucking sexy!
Any coomer updates?
Here's the first bed crush.

Safe to say. I think a year's worth of stuffing has absolutely ballooned the girl

I can't thank the uploader of these files enough. seriously- genuine appreciation and respect. if there's anything (specific or a style/type) that you're seeking I will attempt to fulfill your request.
(4.2 MB, 360x202, IMG_2120.gif)
She’s 475lbs already. I just can’t 🥵
If there were a face to this, it’d be the most epic B/A of all time
Anyone has this by any chance?
Wait green guy lap dual said for new faces? Supers dont have that power. There is a group of black men in new york who walk around in black clothing. They are savages if they pull up to your business. Just know. They know what you have done to me. Ruthless boss over and out.
My lord, do u have more vids from her?
Mab link just died:( reup please
Great stuff. Wish someone could unblur her face though. She's actually cute.
Anyone got more of her stuffing videos?
In desperate search of 454 lbs SSBBW Crushing A Feeder pt. 2
Anyone got some of her newest videos?
I like gentle lesbians not tough ass lesbians who dont know how to do shit!
Is this thread dead because it would be cool if there was more content being shown here
Will add content in the morning

Thanks for the gofile share man
No problem.
My only request is that her some of her newer content gets shared here. Thank you
The strange thing about that is that it reminds me of the days when this type of stuff done by amateurs on Youtube.
Is there any burping content to share?

Reup, please? 🙏🏻
I should have the file somewhere.
I post it later in the day

first time i post here, just to say thank you
I hope she is encouraged to make videos showing her face, anyway we all know her face
YES!!! Now only if we saw her fat face as it is today, it must look twice as fat and cute
yeah i wasnt here sorry but i still have it for the next reup
I have some problems uploading the other two videos but here is this one.


She's so huge that she can't even stand on all fours, it's incredible
New vid looks hot at, anyone going to get it? Thinking about it myself
>>122564 I enjoyed it, her first walking burst lasts no longer than 20 seconds
Could you be a legend and upload?
Thinking of buying her treadmill walking vid if nobody has it already?
Thank you brother. Brothers? Can't tell if same not but regardless.

Goat shit right here
may the lord bless thee
and may thine wanks be splend'rous
Any new content?
She should really start c4s as well, so that people without a credit card (a lot in her home country Germany) get access to her content as well
No idea if she follows this thread here, but if so:
Please go on c4s, I'd love to have more content available ^^
(39 KB, 581x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
Okay, before my dad catches me on here and grounds me again, here's another Decode vid I don't think has ever been shared, "I ATE MY CHRISTMAS ADVENT CALENDAR"

Thank you broski. This is a treat. No pun intended
Do have to ask but doubt anyone night have it, does anyone have her "vore date" video and wouldn't mind sharing it?
something new?
Thanks for the pics, good to see something of her. I wish she would share more face pics
I broke my brain cooming repeatedly
Can someone update their coomer please?
Why does she censor her own fucking face?
Germans and their false sense of privacy truly makes them the biggest retards of Europe
I assume you’ve been living under a rock or just in denial, coomer has been dead for months for onlyfans.
Well anybody who doesn't care about privacy should get stollen the identity and lose everything; hope you get homeless soon (or stay in prision several decades!
As this is one of the most foolish posting I have ever read!!

It’s not too late to execute the Morgenthau plan. Kraut pig.
My point is that Germans are being secretive about things for dumbass reasons. Her face is already on the internet so why should she now suddenly hide it! But of course that's to be expected from a people that think that mileage of an used car is considered private information.
Sonnentau is a meat eating plant!
Maybe does she expect there is no connection of these different causes or at least that not many people would be create one, but if she didn't hide, then it could be far more obvious...

And this is not an exckusive German thing at all, there is a bigger SSBBW which wore in most of her naked video content a Venezianic mask, just on nose and forhead (it doesn't cover the mouth or chin), but not in all, so most viewer can have watched her face few times

Also is on TikoTok (or Feabie) an Afro-American big butted SSBBW, which wear mostly a sock on the face, like a bank robber
This one is perhaps American or Canadian
I mean the first, with the Barock mask is from USA or Canada too
fellas. please lets stick to content dropping
Would love for someone to post this video to see her day to day life

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