
All the pics I have of her from Supersized Bombshells. I have more somewhere. Gotta look for em.

All the videos I got of her from Supersized Bombshells

There is a video of someone helping her to bed. The person is making her laugh and she says something like it's hard for her to move because "I'm heavaaaay!" She finally makes it to the bed and she burps before she lays down. I can't find it anymore. I'd love to have that again.

Here's some TwinMaison.
A bunch more of what I got of Goddess Patty. I'll keep adding more when I have time.

Much appreciated for all of it!
It's called thronetobed_xvid.
I found this while looking through this site on the wayback machine. it still works.

Anyone have any pics from closer to the end before she started losing?
Like the really far gone stuff lol
This shopping video is really boring and a waste of time: I hoped that there was at least filmed inside the changing room (like other creater do even on Youtube, despite them are just influencer and no erotic performer), but she is always covered.
Also had she at that time already lost apparently some weight (was likely below 200Kg).
By the way was Patty probably original from Texas, but had moved to Reno. Not sure if she was maybe before from San Antonio or El Paso (it is also possible, that she lived some time at California).

Here is a video of her in bed the channel has 6 really good vids!!

I’m looking for the one of her in leopard bottomed stuffed into a chair then she goes to the couch.

There’s also a really good one of her riding a luggage cart through a hotel.
In my opinion, one of the hottest videos is her sitting on a super wide chair, stuffing her face with donuts and rubbing her belly. She takes up the whole seat! I think there's a strawberry on her shirt. Does anyone have this?
Yes!!!! That's it. Appreciate it if you could share the video.
I possible first noticed her, when she attend on the Maury Show, wearing a thong and her small (& thin) boyfriend maintained previous to her appearence, that she has two arses, one behind and one in front of her. Maury said afterwards, he now understand and want to get blinkers.

I also liked her at a BBW Bash in Las Vegas, where she wore a pink bikini and she drived a scooter, all on her way. There was also a twerking-contest at night. That might have been around 2004 or before.

She was first in media in a music video (about a tree, with something alien-like).
*sigh* I wish I got to fuck her when she was this big...

Oh yeah, Seether's "Remedy". Lushes Thunder was in it too
She was also in a scene in Jackass 2 when she smothered Wee-Man. I had to pretend like i didn't know that was Goddess Patty, a woman i had jerked off to, when i saw it in theaters.

She was supposed to be in a movie with Ben Stiller where she was going to play his character's mother. She had posted a picture of her and Ben Stiller sitting at a table. It never happened, whatever it was.
I mean on from about 2003 (or before), but it was few minutes longer than that what I found (from 2009) than I watched it last year via a link on Patty's CV.

But the first video of Misty what I have seen was, when she walked naked around a swimming pool, with two smaller BBW's, one of these was older with curlies and was pear shapped (was rather thick than fat, as had mainly wide hips) and the other with half-short hair and just a chubby belly. That might be around the same time, just after 2000 when she was in her early twenties (looked similar as Brianna).
>>52689 (OP)
Shame she died. I got rid of all my stuff of her since I always feel uneasy jacking off to someone who's deceased. I wonder how her daughter is doing, Bonita was absolutely stunning looking girl especially how her weight wrapped around her.
Have to agree with you about Bonita. She is absolutely gorgeous and her huge doughy belly is awesome
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Yeah, shame she vanished years ago. I wonder if her mothers passing caused her to look into losing weight.
I think there was also an encounter with Stu that may have turned her off, iirc?
I think she likely lost it already before, as Pressila had in some videos and on photos very lose skin, which are likely older than a year (and had a long break/ retired).

When I saw her first, at an interview of her mother at home, she said she never want to go in her footsteps but rather becoming veterinair (animals doctor). Perhaps changed the money her mind.

I wonder how Patty survived at her highest weight so long (with around 300 kilogramme), if she was born with diabetis typ 1. And then few years after losing about a third of it (being under 200Kg), she died.
Care to elaborate? Everytime this creepy french canadian fuck resurfaces there's always some shitty controversy he responsible for. Grabbin and harassing women and shit. Wasn't he married to Jenny and fucked that up? Then he's with Lacey and fucked that up too?
Imo Bonita is the biggest missed opportunity for successful BBW mode perhaps ever. She's a 10/10 who could have easily made mad bank off of our fetishes (well not us since most of us don't pay for any of this, but you know what I mean)
I thought I had found this on StufferDB because I missed this upload but it's just an image rip lol
Would greatly appreciate a reup
I used to have Patty content but it's on my old computer in another country so I'm just begging ;-;
I've always wondered what it'd be like to be the parent of someone who grows so phenomenally large despite having been slim when young.
Honestly, WLS is really hard on people. It’s nuts the perceptor people who die or have serious issues within the first few years of undergoing it.
Me too. Glad I'm not the only person who had this weirdly specific thought.
I always wonder what parents of gfs think of me. I feel like I'd be pissed tbh
I think she didn't have a weight-lose surgery, at least she claimed this. But she said she lost it naturally with the aid of her son.

My wife was fat before I met her and her parents aren't as big as her but they're fat too

They encourage her to eat as much as she wants when she visits home

It's great lol
Does someone have the UK daytime TV interview with Patty for the royal wedding years back? It’s gone off YouTube and I’m in the midst of trying to make a Patty compilation video.
Gf was chubby before I met her, 5'4 190. Her mom was a bit heavier and a bit shorter. Three years later mom is a little lighter and gf is cresting 330. Never said anything AFAIK but definitely isn't encouraging either. I've seen little looks and suspect there are conversations behind the scenes, because rapidity of gain has led to more mobility/health issues than you'd expect at that size/age. I mean I myself worry
My wife was always chubby -- 5'5 and 220 when I met her. Her parents were also chubby, but not fat. And have both lost weight as they've aged.
13 years later and my wife is now 340 with growing mobility problems. Needs to sit after several minutes of walking. Her dad actually took me out for a drink and said they were worried about their daughter. Had to play along that I wasn't the cause.
100Kg is already fat (obese), if you are not over 1,85 tall. It is not plump/ thick (as the BMI was likely at the start over 30).
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Here's my Goddess Patty archive Drive.
It features, Supersized Bombshells, Queen Adrena, Bonita, documentaries, and full length clips.
The site-rip of GoddessPatty.com now includes all the sets in order and also higher quality pictures (including her last ever two sets)

If anyone can share any more of her full length videos/DVD's I'd be most grateful, or indeed anything else that isn't included here, like older clips/pics (and I'll update the Drive to preserve her legacy)
Code didn't work.
(67 KB, 800x600, IMG_0705.jpg) (49 KB, 600x800, IMG_3700.jpg) (51 KB, 800x600, IMG_5147.jpg)
Whoops! Sorry about that.
This one should work now then:
There are some in the Recents (around the #20) that are missing. Do you not have these yet or was that an oversight?
Still Code didn't work
The code works, its just that you have to remove some text in parenthesis after initially decoding it, then decode it a 2nd time
The second decode link should be working still

When I check, all the GoddessPatty.com sets are showing as there and uploaded. Is it showing empty folders for you or just that they aren't there then?

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