
>>51544 (OP)
Gina, a.k.a.ARealFG. Her husband and her were known in SSBBW community about a dozen or so years go. She passed about 2014 or 2015..
Wow thats amazing
Was she immobile?
You know that guy had his dick hard the whole time he was modifying that master suite
Damn when we start posting such skinny chicks?
Anyone got any real ssbbw content?
They made and sold a couple of video tapes, that's where the getting up clip comes from. I hope someday they will surface online.
She lost about 200Kg, in the (late) ninties. Her husband was hoping that she regain it.
But she didn't have a gastrical surgery, as far as I know.
The boob slap is gold.
She must have impressive aim.
>>51544 (OP)
Damn Mark is a true schizo, I don't know whether to be disgusted or to show respect. Either way I'm going to beat my meat to some 600+ lbs woman
These are from pre-internet days, sold from an ad in the back of Dimensions and BUF paper mags. At least that's how I found them. I ordered both videos, which are long gone now with multiple moves and an LTR in between.

When I first saw the tiny bw pics of her in the ads I felt I'd found my holy grail, porn-wise. I couldn't believe there was a pear-shaped woman on Earth bigger than Teighlor. I ordered them with a money order and actually got a voice mail back from Mark... Something about me miscalculating the postage but then halfway through the message he talked himself into letting it slide lol.

Excited as I was when the tapes finally arrived, I realized immediately they were not my thing, and I'm not sure I ever watched either of them twice. Right away I saw I'd mistaken the severely discolored skin on her thighs in the ads for stockings or something. I did get off on watching her struggle out of bed and around the room but her totally assless body shape and the firmness of her fat were also a turnoff.

Overall, as I think you can see in the doc, there was something snuff film-like about them. I'd bought other SSBBW tapes by this point, porn as well as Dims/Bountiful cheesecake stuff and though low-budget, they were "productions." Like, the women looked clean and wore makeup and there was some attempt at lighting and stuff. But her room felt like you could smell it, her hair was filthy, and she was pasty in an unhealthy way. It felt like death.

I know, I know, I shouldn't have been so naive, but this was the 90s, a more innocent time lol.
>>5169 (Dead) what a review, you told it almost like a story
Anyone have the weight gain timelapse?
The same one whose fat ass kept growing? There was a gif showing she was a lost cause.

Hot take: I wish I could win the lottery to mantain such goddess.

Has anyone made a compilation of Echo through the years?
Does anyone have the half ton killer in hd
Holy fuck I've been looking for this for YEARS. May I have a reup please? Is it 1080p???? I've been literally having to jack it to the HD ad.
we need this reup for science
Just get it off youtube like they did. Its not really HD. Probably never was. It was from the era of after film and of low quality digital. It'd be like DS9. Though like DS9 people that want it bad enough could try AI upscale
Also linked to titty.
Fun fact: "Killer" and "Mom" aren't the same word.
What the hell is wrong with her skin?
When skin gets that stretched out, in some people, it doesn't know what to do with itself anymore and the pores and colour go haywire. You can see this -- in smaller samples -- on models like Jackie and Candy Godiva. The skin in this state is reportedly quite firm and bulky.
(33 KB, 900x506, The_More_You_Know_0-0_screenshot.jpg)
Well, uh, since you asked...

It's actually a combination of a couple things:
circulation and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic vessels of the body (lymphangions) don't have a pump - the heart - like the circulatory system does. Instead, lymph fluid is pushed through these vessels through a vaccum and one-way valve system that is generally activated by stretch of the skin, alongside movement of our muscles, joints and fascia.

As you can imagine, being unable to move very well - or at all - can be extremely challenging to our ability to circulate lymphatic fluid. This fluid tends to then build up and then leak outside of their vessels into the space around the vessels under the skin, called the extracellular space. The resulting swelling of the limbs is the phenomenon you may know as lymphedema or lipidema.

Now, lymph fluid is very protein-dense - protein are very large compared to other molecules, so they don't tend to move back into intercellular space well. This causes this swelling to be difficult to manage without continuous medical/lymph-therapist management. Therefore, the fluid tends to build up to the point where circulation to those areas ends up quite compromised. There's way too little space for capillary blood to circulate very well due to all that lymph fluid hanging out in that extracellular space.

The firming and changes of texture of the skin (including those pores) due to a lack of circulation is called "scleroderma", where the skin becomes yellowed and firmer. Finally, the discoloration of the skin is a leaking of capillary blood into extracellular space right under the skin, as there is too much pressure against the capillaries among all of that lymph fluid to circulate efficiently, which causes some of that blood to get squeezed out of the capillaries into the surrounding space. That is why the skin tends too look like a combination of yellow, purple and yellow in patches.

I hope this helps!
*Yellow, purple and red, that is.
I ordered the Gina videos BITD (pre-internet). All I had to go by were tiny thumbnails in a print ad, and I assumed she was wearing pantyhose or some sort of long underwear. Freaked me out when I got the video and realized it was actually the color of her skin.

Great explanation — thanks! I have lipedema questions but don't want to derail this thread further...
comüpletely off-topic, but I've seen the DS9 doku "What we left behind" were they talk about how it WAS shot on film, even was framed for wide screen and could technically be remastered in 1080p. They got enough crowdfunding money to have CBS scan all the scenes they are using in this doku in 1080p and is it is heartbreaking to see what could be possible if the a**hats at CBS would be just a little bit interested in Star Trek. If you like the show I would really recommend getting the Blu-Ray.
So in theory, how would an extremely obese person prevent this? Or is it impossible?
What's the white stuff though?
Yes! Since the immune system doesn't have quite as good access to the skin in those areas due to compromises in blood flow, coupled with the lymphatic system being unable to do it's job well either (catching and circulating bacteria, waste, metabolites and other products for proper disposal), bacteria and "flora", as it's called, easily develop on the skin into mold, sclerotic overgrowths and sores. The most common product of this, aside from the mold, is the extremely high risk for cellulitis, which can happen frequently in people of this size and further damages the quality of their skin.

As for the question regarding if this happens to all people with extreme obesity - yes and no. Yes, you can practically expect at least some lymphatic compromise as you age, but it becomes more and more mild and manageable should you especially remain as mobile as possible, wear compression garments, and use acidic lotions on the skin often (see: Eucerin) to improve/maintain skin quality and to reduce the presence of too much skin "flora".

Thank you for your questions - I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening!
I'm sorry, I answered your question a little differently than what you had originally asked. I believe my answer still covers the flavor of your question, I hope. If its not quite what you were looking for, let me know and I will answer it more clearly!
Do you still have the Gina videos?
I really hoping those old tapes of her's surface someday.
Never thought I'd learn something "intellectual" on a chan site. Thank you Dr science!

this place has come a long way from the "FUCKING WORMS, MAN" days
Sorry, no, this was the late 90s, many moves and porn purges ago. TBH the tapes freaked me out, I wasn't ready for the reality of an 800 pound woman. Pretty sure I'm still not.

Fun addendum: I miscalculated the tax or shipping or something and got a call from Mark himself — Gina's husband. He left a long voicemail on my phone, trying to explain my math error, and in the process talked himself out of asking me for the $4 or so I owed him.
>porn purges
Why the fuck?!
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>>58 (Dead)>>58063
that's the us for you :D twisted evangelical "christianity" poisoning everything... no-nut novembers and what have you, all coming from there. the fear of sky daddy locking you up in hell for all eterninty for jerking it to some fat jpegs... we came a long way since the days of Judean desert :D
I'm still hoping that the arealfg tapes will surface.
If they exist, they are the holy grail. I'm honestly sufprised Mark isn't hawking them in the current market.
I honestly don’t think they exist anymore. Many have searched for years even before Gina died to no avail. I tried messaging Mark on Facebook but he didn’t open my message. Tracking them down was more about preservation than fap material for me. There was definitely something fucked up about their relationship but I first saw her when I was just starting to use the Internet and her she mass blew my young mind
What a douchebag you are. I am from the US (you figured that out, yay) but a lifetime atheist, one who's secure in his unbelief which is why I don't have to clap my cymbals like a toy monkey every time something tangentially religious comes up. I'm also a liberal/lefty raised in a sex-positive hippie household and I don't even know any Evangelicals, much less subscribe to their bullshit.

But if you'd ever been in a serious relationship with a woman (not "you've" because... you haven't) you'd know even the coolest among them can get a little queasy about their guy keeping a stash in their space. It's not like now where you can keep a year's worth of spank shit on a thumb drive, because...

...porn back then was on VHS tapes and in magazines and thus took up a lot of physical space. Over the past 30ish years I've moved five times and Iived with two different women. This meant besides being less dependent on porn att, I didn't feel like having a stash I'd have to explain. Plus, as I wrote in the original comment, I was never into the Gina tapes in the first place so I didn't see it as a loss. And even the stuff I liked, I was kinda over after 100s of viewings. Little did I know in the 90s there would be a site like this where I could share it with my bretheren.

Are you guys finally talking about Christianity?
Have you finally understood how stupidly retarded Christians look like?!

They talk about religion and worshipping new goddess, they don't even know how blasphemic and satanic all of you look like by simping for fat ladies: Luxury is not a good THREAT for you.

But hey I'm not Christian, I know italian people love so much to hate and destroy this community because feminist "trans LGBTQ" don't like us very much .. they don't like leaving people free to simp for huge women.

>>61421 <= this guy speaks about religion and again, blasfemich shit just to end like "it will be your fault" AAHAHAH you guys make me laugh so hard: go fuck a chicken instead, if you are not even allowed to breath and enjoy your time like us!
At least one person has them on Gigatribe. I burned my copies of the DVDs long ago and shared them with someone on there.
Do you still have the files???
>He left a long voicemail on my phone, trying to explain my math error, and in the process talked himself out of asking me for the $4 or so I owed him.

I am shocked, shocked to learn that the OG of extreme feederism is also an extreme autist

Tell us again how Mark left you a voicemail bro. It wasn’t a good story the first time you mentioned it in this thread, but hey, you went for round two. Please. Tell us again.
I'll believe it when I'm having a shameful fap to it
The absolute saddest part about Renee (half ton mom) is that she would have literally lived longer with a feeder or enabler than she did by getting the surgery.
No kidding. Same for most of Dr Now’s causalities.
it'll be hard to find them on Gigatribe. Too bad they aren't a torrent.

bruh how tf that toilet not explode on impact lmao
>>51544 (OP)
some documentaries of ssbbw teighlor Gina etc
(29 KB, 450x450, coomer.jfif)
>>61292 Ok Coomer, lol this is some cringe reddit tier atheism
Sounds like your problem is paranoid schizophrenia
I mean Christianity is a huge problem.
He’s an idiot but religious assholes are way dumber and annoying.
To say Christianity is a huge problem is quite a dumb view.
Lets not continue this discussion tho. Be considerate and keep this for fatties, we all love them x
Religious people are generally way smarter than people whose only identity is whining about religion
Just realized you resurrected this thread just to make your views on religion known. Cool story bro

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