
>>51433 (OP)
That would be great ! When do you think you will have it up? That’s Very nice of you.
Wow i think shes immobile now she just poster a video themed about immobility
Here's the link. Decode as usual. Please if anyone has the requested videos, share!

>>51433 (OP)
It's up now, still uploading but it's accessible and there's a nice chunk of videos already.
I respect the hustle and generosity homie, but probably about half of the drop is available on coomer.party, just as a heads up for anyone looking to download this in search for recent content.
Sure, I feel like it's more convenient this way, plus there's many new videos and oldies as well. Also, managed to get one of the videos I was looking for. Just one to go!

It is gone. Better to use MAB or MEGA to share this (or even torrent).
Not gone. It works.
Confirming, it is actually gone. Was able to access it 15 mins ago.
Okay, can't access it now either. There is just no practical way of sharing that much content at once. So... Any requests? I just have one.
Love that we get to relearn this lesson about sharing her content every so often.
Using MAB to upload her most recent and some of my favorites from her.

Transfer is still uploading @ 7%. Hope it will be completed soon.
I have a bunch of stuff from her too and I really want to order it by date but the C4S wayback archive is incomplete. I will drop a link in the vintage thread of the vids I could ascertain a date of shortly.
gone already, this land whale take these links down faster then how long it takes her to get off her ass, LMAO
any re ups to a better server?
I'm looking for those only fans clips specifically
It's not gone, its just uploading stupid slow. Also if you're after her Onlyfans stuff the coomer.party is pretty well updated, naturally with a big gap for her injury hiatus.
fuck I meant to reply to this one >>51436 the drop box one, also I checked her coomer party and its mostly pics, no videos
Whatever this was, it is already down.
It was an 80GB collection of Adeline, part of which I'm reuploading to MAB now.
and by the time the download is done she'd DMCAed it at least a dozen times
Podrías poner bien el código para poderlo decodificar crack
No sabes usar base64 crack?
Me sale error, nose porque
Which one is her most recent?
Any of her newer stuff in there? I cannot tell tbqh.
Most recent Adeline videos.


Looking for:

SSBBW Adeline's Im)mobility Aids
Post-Date Cake Feeding and Belly Jiggle
2022 Health Update
Beautiful when we all share content like this instead of braindead arguing all the time. Wish we had the same happen in gigi/ caitidee threads
Do you happen to have the full vidoe of this ?
She used to be so mobile its crazy
It’s time to slow down a lil bit tho I ain’t gonna lie
A 60lb gain in 7 months is a firm indicator that the HOG TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES.
Is she fucking immobile now?
Someone got her after date cake feeding
Transfer’s already dead. Any chance you could reupload it?
i just bought the newest video but cant play it or download it something is playing up with manyvids
holy fuck. she is hot, but surely not long left for this world in that state
Thanks, but Already down :( and chance for an upload somewhere other than WeTransfer?
Yeah, I guess at 660 your mobility is gone
Once encrypted should work aswell with WeTransfer I think, for at least a few days
Try logging in on a different device. I had that issue. Or you can download the video.
begging for some reup. TAT
Guys ffs stop uploading Adeline's content on Wetransfer, it gets nuked in the minute
Reuploading. Still looking for:

SSBBW Adeline's Im)mobility Aids
Post-Date Cake Feeding and Belly Jiggle
2022 Health Update

MAB link:
WeTransfer link:
I gotta say, this thread has been fantastic the past couple days, thanks. I actually respect her game in nuking these so fast, it’s pretty impressive that she’s sitting there between snacks firing off DMCA’s as fast as she’s putting down calories. I mean it.
NP man. I'll reupload as many times as it's necessary. I have nothing better to do, and she does take them down fast. If Manyvids made it easier for me to pay I wouldn't have to resort to sharing online and begging others to buy it for me, but that's life.
I woulde like to buy the two new videos but i cant because many vid says error
>>51564 That is usually a Debit card issue.
You have to email Manyvids and let them know.
Then they email you back and they say to try again and it will work.
(134 KB, 761x767, adel.jpg) (783 KB, 1170x658, IMG_2438.jpg) (193 KB, 1280x720, 2158.jpg)
Any bigger and she'll have to live in her pool for mobility
I'd feel bad for whoever reads my email and knows I'm trying to watch a 700lb woman eat herself into oblivion.
I wonder if she even could fit in a car anymore. Hell, maybe she couldn’t even make it to a car because she’s so damn fat now. It’s unbelievable how in a short span she went from about 550 to 670 and has no signs of stopping. Diamonds.
yeah this woman is legit gonna eat herself to the point she doesn’t exist anymore, and I kind of hate how much it’s hot af
In all of her latest videos she goes out of her way to not show how large her belly hangs by covering it up when she stands. She has no problem showing when sitting?
Right? Manyvids fucking sucks to buy from. If Adeline still used clips4sale I would buy all her shit but for some reason she only does manyvids so I never pay for it
Serious question, how is she getting these links taken down *so quickly? I feel like it takes a long time to fill out forms or whatever, no? Does she like know someone.. ?
I hate fat people and think they are cringe and dumb as shit,
Why they gotta be so hot though 🤦‍♂️
I've never downloaded from manyvids but I think youtube-dl should work with it.
Manyvids also has a direct link to download from the site. If you purchased the vid it's right there. You can't miss it.
Saving from Many Vids isn't any different than the links provided when you pay on c4s. But Using a Browser videodownload helper will work if you don't want to right click and save the links. There are Normal and compressed formats. Best to save in both formats, as there can be playback issues.
Super thankful for all the content but holy fuck guys STOP USING WETRANSFER. MAB has same upload and download speed and stays up for a guaranteed 3 days. Adeline gets we transfer links literally within minutes, i mean if she cant fucking move what else does she have to do all day. Its honestly a waste of time to upload there with how fast it gets taken down. No reason we shouldnt be using mab.
That's why I uploaded on both.
You're a hero man thank you. First time watching the new weigh in for me and holy shit she can literally. barely. stand. She is definitely not long for this world in that state. Feeling conflicted about hot hard that makes me
You’re literally one of the cringiest type of mf around in this communities, stop being a coward and just like fat people you cretin
>mab has the same upload and download speed
lmao no
Holy shit she looks like an exact copy of patty except like 20 years younger
But let’s be real lol we know how it ends:/
For some reason, I was never really into Adeline to be honest. But holy fuck I think I’m addicted now.
Nah MAB is slow as fuck. But the links stay up longer, so it's the only choice for some models
I'd argue Adeline is way prettier and has a better bodyshape.
Also, here is a link with a few of Adeline's weigh-ins over the years. (Including the latest one yeah): aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vbklyaUgwV3A2

Still looking for:
SSBBW Adeline's Im)mobility Aids
Post-Date Cake Feeding and Belly Jiggle
2022 Health Update
here is SSBBW Adeline's Im)mobility Aids:
Extremely grateful for this my man.
Also included is:
2022 Health Update
SSBBW Adeline Fat Chat Jiggling
SSBBW Adeline's Shocking Weigh In
appreciate that bro she needs to push a bit more to 700 she is so close looks amazing if Tara can handle 700 im sure Adeline can :)

Thanks Bro. I think in her next vid with the walker, if she placed that massive belly naked on the shelf as she walked would be insane.
Thanks for the contributions. I'm uploading my personal favorites of her eating. Now just looking for: "Post-Date Cake Feeding and Belly Jiggle"

My grandmother use a similar device for walking, maybe shorter (puts just one elbow on it and makes her back very binge), but she is 87.
But Patty was likely also older too (like 15 - 20 years at least) at that time.
Are there any videos where she burps?
It’s just a shame she’s in so much pain because of her weight, my prediction is she’ll start to loose weight while doing physio therapy. I hope I’m wrong and she just eats uncontrollably
She's too big now imo. Granted that's just my opinion.

She used to have one of the best bellies in the game for a long time. Now it's just gotten too massive and lost it's shape.

Though I will say she's probably the hottest to ever hit this size. Specially considering the ones that usually do are either in their 40's or weren't that hot to begin with. Adeline's gotta only be around 30 right? It's insane how fast she's gained out of nowhere
does anyone have that car video?
Lol not gonna happen, I’m a physiotherapist and if I had a dollar for every patient that *forgets* to do the prescribed exercises I could retire today
Who refers to it as “the game”?

Anyway, I personally can’t even imagine anything better than right now.

Also, that cake video? I’ve never seen someone scarf down 2,000 calories in 2 minutes like that. Just delightfully insane.

Huh. I didn't know they got married. Good for them.

The way she wolfs that cake down is fucking impressive.
>marrying a near 700 pound blob who's on the verge of immobility and potential heart attack
either the most retarded or enormous brain play to get her assets once she bites it. But has to basically baby her along until then.
By the time Adeline is patty’s age she’ll either hit 1k or be dead
I'd gladly do it and not even care for any money or assets at all.
Damn she looks like she ate all of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, she is huge!
Yeah who knew I found it so hot to essentially witness an addict spiral out of control but there’s nothing I want to see more. Any of the unpleasant aspects of being this size are totally overshadowed by watching her double down on being past the point of no return IMO
Fuckin' spooky.
daaaamn we need this amazing video complete pleeeeeease is a super goddess
I never would have thought Adeline would be the new Patty. Maybe Heather or Ash or Reenaye. It's crazy how much she has gained.
IKR!? I’m prettty sure Adeline hit a drought for a long while where she packed on the pounds really slowly. Then only to skyrocket 100 pounds in record timing.

I always thought that Luna would be the next one to go Patty levels (well outside of the ones who entered the scene at like 600 pounds) but idk what’s been going on with her as of late.

Brianna and Jae as well, but they’ve seemed to sort of stabilize around 600, and plus they’re close to 6 feet so they’re not even Jackie levels of huge yet. Brianna still has a chance but I don’t think Jae ever will let herself get that huge.

Who’s next? I’d probably bet on Jackie. I haven’t been catching up on Leighton so idk if she’s still gaining or not.
I feel she’ll be 700 by start of next year at least, I think she’ll recover slightly with the physio but won’t get her level of fitness back and just give in to the life in bed/around the house. And with her eating like she does she’ll continue to blow up.
I think the real key is genuine food addiction. Sure, getting to as big as even ~300+ pounds requires a certain amount of loss of willpower, especially if you're not into being fat. But to nearly hit *700 pounds* and never truly identify as a gainer is an otherworldly appetite, the presence a limitless enabler, or both. To my knowledge, Jae, Jackie, and the like don't have significant others, and while I believe Jackie is into gaining and being fat, I don't think her appetite or resources to fuel it compares to Adeline's. The only other model I'd say has a chance of hitting where Adeline's at is Roxxie, because she has a bf, is genuinely ravenous, and is ACTUALLY into gaining, or that's the act she puts on. Obviously she's 150+ pounds behind Adeline, but I could see it happening.

Jackie has a significant other for sure. Just not married as far as i know.

Adeline seems to at least identify as a feedee.
Jackie to me comes off more of a hedonist and someone who isn’t just a bit slobby and lazy so she kinda fell into it. Adeline however seems genuinely interested in gaining and/or has a serious food addiction which when coupled with her injury is a cocktail for weight gain lol. But she must be putting it away to be gaining this quickly at 600+ like it takes probably nearly double the normal calorie intake to just maintain at that weight nevermind continue to put it on at 10lbs a month, she’s gotta be in 7-10k a day
Yeah, you guys just say that because you're thinking with your dicks. Give it some serious tought and suddenly a 650+ lb sick, immobile woman at your care doesn't sound as sexy anymore.
I know why you'd say that, but yeah. It makes no sense but I've done it before and I'd do it again. Happily.
Also, here's one of Adeline's first videos. The comparison with her current size is amazing.

um no. i have a health issue that makes me impotent and a fat farm with dozens of girls and the skinniest ones are at least twice as big as adeline. fattening these hogs brings meaning to my life.
(148 KB, 780x1124, post-131183-0-93221300-1366547493.jpg) (111 KB, 683x1024, 891dc595-a9d7-4805-a76f-ae2968152d60.jpg)
She went from ~300 to over 400 in less then 12 months after starting modeling despite saying she just kinda rolled into gaining. Went from 400 to 450 the next year. Gained another 100~ pounds over the next three years to get to 550. Stayed around 550 for a year while she went through medical procedures / surgery only to again gain 100 pounds in less then a year. I don't think she ever plateaued, she's really been on an insane run from the start
Pretty sure she came onto the scene sometime in 2013. So she’s been gaining for roughly 9 years, and has gained about 370 pounds (300-670) in that time. Which is unbelievable compared to some of the other long time gainers, like Brianna whose put on like 220 pounds in 11 years and Jackie who has been around longer and still hasn’t hit 600 officially. Safe to say she is a full blown food addict, and no matter what, I don’t see a stop or even a significant slow down soon
Don't forget she smokes. Muh appetite killer.
Can someone pls reup the post date cake vid on mab? It's already gone.. Fuck DMCA and We...
Even crazier than the date vid is the cake wolfing. She is on another level. Dick/brain conflict for sure

Seriously can we stop using this ?? Not everyone can be on the site 24/7 I have work and missed the drop. Again MAB is the way to go it is not that slow yall gas it. If your internet is shitty say that.
I agree that Adeline is a true feeder, as far as anyone can tell. But I think it’s about more than food addiction: she’s always seemed to be into the self-destructive aspects of the fetish, into degrading her health and her ability to do stuff. Ditto with the smoking. I think that’s part of why she’s still going so hard at this size.

Adeline: deathfeedist avant la lettre?
I would like her to be my wife and ask me for a lot of food and then sex in an infinite cycle hahahaha, I mean she is a beautiful woman, she seems to have a good sense of humor, she has a huge appetite, she burps, probably a lot of farts too though I've never seen any of them in her videos, I really envy her boyfriend or husband or whatever he is hahahaha I wish I was him
(21 KB, 112x109, __COPIUM.png)
I think it's just people trying to trigger others and derail threads for fun or whatever.

Or maybe I'm just high on copium.
I was actually wondering this too. Someone who is only addicted to food, and not a feedist or it’s sexual for them at all, they wouldn’t be filming videos like this for us at her size. They would be panicking. So I think there has to be a sexual or kinky aspect to this for her. That said, at this size, it occurred to me that maybe she is a death feedist . If so then 2 things: 1, she’s the ideal girl for it as she’s actually cool, has a very cute face, huge tits and a nicely shaped body, UNLIKE ninjah who is also a death feedist but is fucking insufferable, hideous face and literally zero fits and weird/ugly shaped body. If you’re into death feedism then these 2 are really your only options rn and Adeline 100% takes the cake on that one pun intended. 2, if she is into it, then her guy HAS to also be into death feedism, or he’s in for a ride awakening when all this fun comes to and end soon. (In like a matter of months at this rate) there’s no way he’s not into feedism too as has been pointed out numerous times, I’m saying it seems like they both might be trying to kill her
yeah, like I don't know if she's literally trying to die, but she seems interested in riding that line and putting her health and mobility at the bottom of her priority list. I guess the distinction between those two things gets thinner and thinner (so to speak) the farther she goes, and I obviously can't speak to what's in her mind. But, damn, you have to wonder.

then again, what's the different between this and someone who's like 'life isn't worth living if i'm not free soloing'? Some things are so important to people that they're willing to risk everything, up to their own lives, for them. This might just be a weird version of that.
The only thing good about the constant DMCA’s is that you know this greedy piggy is also seeing all this chatter.

You’re doing great sweetie, go ahead and treat yourself to another entire cake, you’ve earned it.
So can someone reup that cake vid on mab so its stays up for more than 2 seconds
Finally got to watch the weigh in, and it's interesting, she doesn't frame it as a deathfeedist thing at all, just as someone with a bottomless appetite who wasn't even trying to gain. She seemed a little overwhelmed by how big she'd gotten and how quickly, and kept saying she needed to slow down, but worried she wouldn't be able to. Honestly, it was really fucking hot. You can tell when Adeline's acting, and this wasn't one of those times.
(781 KB, 543x978, letgo.PNG)
history never repeats, but it often rhymes.

did you fuck her belly button or rolls? Or just get BJs?
I remember one of the first videos I saw of her. Probably from 2015 or so, she had moved into a new house and was showing herself walk up the stairs, and then down and back up another set of stairs which was narrow and steep. Just thinking about that, she probably can’t even walk up stairs anymore. I don’t think her massive body would even fit in that small staircase anymore. God her gain is just magnificent
The fact that her neck is SO long gone is so fucking hot. It’s barely distinguishable from her CHEST of all things, and when she moves her head you can see how much fat is bunching under it.
>sub 500 kb/s isn't slow
what third world country do you live in?
Dude I dont suppose you can upload this vid or updated her coomer.party page? That new OF vid looks hot!
Is that an entire bottle of cream she casually chugs at the end of her latest cake devouring video?
Hi y'all, here's all the Adeline shit since her hiatus. Someone please save this and reupload it, this is huge news and everyone needs to see it. enjoy



I live in US NE to be specific, maybe you should just leave whatever hole you're crawled into and come out here where we have google home/ xfinity/ verizon etc…. Cause ive never had a problem with mab
Not the anon you replied to, but I've lived in New England my whole life and MAB easily gets the shittiest download times, hands down. I'd rather everyone use the efficient but finicky download site that works for ALL than spend triple the time to download a couple videos. For me, it takes less time to upload 5 videos to wetransfer than it does to download ONE from MAB. (yes, I tested this)
You act like people OWE you these Adeline videos, like some dumbass didn't have to actually go out and buy them and spend his time uploading them so you can blow your load for free. How about uploading some shit first? Can your internet handle that?
mab is better because it let's preview and even watch while downloading
She should show off her undercarriage more
People are dropping content so frequently that we’re arguing about which links to use, instead of the usual arguing about no one dropping anything. We truly are living in a blessed time. Thank you Adeline for making this fire porn and as I said previously I would have paid for it if you used clips4sale LOL
Live in her town,
Apparently she was rushed to er so let’s hope everything ok
I’m sure you do.
Shut up and kys. Just because mab is bad for your shit dirt tier wifi doesn't mean its bad for everyone else. I get great upload speeds as well so sounds like youre just retarted, again have shitty wifi, or both. I dont act like people owe me anything, its just inane to me that you all would rather have slightly better download speeds instead of having a file last for three days over 5 minutes if youre lucky. Not everyone has the time to be on here all day coomer brains, some of us have jobs.
Really shouldnt be an argument that mab > we transfer for many reasons for adeline specifically but people like being idiots here. At least we’re getting shit though
Don't click on this, Not only do you probably have this stuff already-it will be sniped up in an hour.
For those of you who have followed her content releases closely, when did you first think she had hit 600?
She was 603 at the start of January - so it’s a 66 lbs gain in like 7 months
All links was dead :(
Please, reup
(89 KB, 683x1024, 46EAC339-D6EA-40AB-9219-C867F9334BF8.jpeg)
I hate angles like this. Tilt the fucking camera! She’s in the bottom half of the shot, the wall’s in the top. Tilting the camera would allow to see more of that beautiful fat on her thighs. How fucking hard is it?
È un porco colossale
I wanna see the green and brown mess around her undercarriage
Can there be a re up of this??
Just back from vacation, missed it to.
YOOOOO ME TOO thats crazy
Two anons on vacay together?
Am I allucinating or did she actually post (a while ago) a video crying about how she'd have to stop gaining immediately because of her health? And then she proceeded to gain a ton. Did this really happen or did I imagine it?
anyone gonna reupload these?
What?! You don’t like the I-dropped-the-camera-and-left-it-on-the-floor angle? But it’s ALL THE RAGE
Anyone have the adeline feeder cake stuffing video?
So no re-up on the cake vid
(838 KB, 792x676, 1.PNG) (718 KB, 647x683, 2.PNG) (685 KB, 620x687, 3.PNG) (767 KB, 743x640, 4.PNG) (1.0 MB, 880x750, 5.PNG) (990 KB, 892x716, 6.PNG)
Is she crippled right now? She's been walking weird lately.
(866 KB, 935x608, 7.PNG) (915 KB, 948x663, 8.PNG) (910 KB, 1011x531, 9.PNG) (962 KB, 1046x546, 10.PNG) (841 KB, 976x482, 11.PNG) (923 KB, 1014x546, 12.PNG)
She’s so hot. I’d love to see how long she can walk around for
If these are screenshots from a video, I humbly request the upload 👀😳 I have most of the recent manyvids uploads if someone has this vid and wants to request something in return?
Assuming this isn’t a joke, she broke her leg and has been immobilized as a result since then. She said in a video she’s been spending $100 at a time on food orders and eating lots of dominoes. She weighed 600 in hanurary and 670 in July so in six months she put on 70 pounds from sitting and eating basically the entire time. So even tho her leg has healed she’s unable to walk and carry 670 pounds the same way we can walk around normally at our normal weights. It’s hot as fuck
Video is on the coomer
For real what happened to her? Is she dead?
Anyone got any of her smoking/vaping videos?
Can there be a re up? Missed it sadly.
plz share
I'm absolutely in love with her face. Her huge cheeks and jowls, and that massive double chin. It looks like she's almost got a triple chin sometimes. It's so hot.

I honestly think it's fair to call her face "hoggish." When she's tilting it a bit, moving her head around, she looks more than a little like a pig in a wig. It's extremely erotic.
I think she's the hottest feedee around. Absolutely gorgeous in every way and I hope she keeps making videos! Ya'll don't like her, move on to another thread.
Keep this man away from farms.
Lol in my opinion the more pig-like the better
same, she's grotesquely fat in a hot way.
naa let this guy volunteer at the petting zoo all day
although her content isn't nearly as good as it was a while ago. the erotic level and even the video quality have declined sharply
She has an incredible body but I find most of her content to be incredibly boring.
Hope she gets the fluid thing where her legs are different 🥰
Fingers crossed!
What the fuck is wrong with you "people"?
I honestly think it's just usually what happens when these models end up hitting 600+ pounds. Due to the weight there really isn't much they can do since everything has been more exhausting to even the simplest of movements.The only exception might be Boberry but that's just due to her thunder thighs actually being partially muscle and how her weight was distributed. Thankfully it isn't as boring as Ash's content since there's actual effort being put into this.
I'd like to see her on a seesaw and see how many normal people it takes to move her
This genuinely sounds amazing. I assume this is in either her weigh in or health update, and while I'd love to buy one of them, I don't know if I can afford both. Do you know if it's more featured in one or the other?
Please re-upload this and the other recent videos. Too bad that during the one time in years that i'm on vacation, the best stuff is shared.

She really became pathetic in a hot way
>>52632 My god a 600+ pound health scare video with actual legit panicking, sobbing, and crying? I doubt it does exist, but that'd be the holy grail.

Adeline, I believe you sometimes watch these boards. If you see this: I will pay any amount of money for that video. Make it a $100 C4S download. It may be a challenge to make, but if your'e up to it, what do you have to lose?
I think Adeline weights most likely less than 250 kilogramme (maybe 180 - 200).

But Echo may weight currently weight around 300Kg. There is a big difference, if you look at the legs/ thighs, hips (pelvis) and buttocks; Echo is almost one and a half time as much of the size as Adeline.
She should do a heartbeat recording vid or asmr saying how obese she is
You didn't but it wasn't legit. It was a fake audition for something like the biggest loser or something like that.
What are you talking about? Adeline is over 300kg, she weighed in at 670lb.
You fucks just need to kill yourselves. I've no other words for you freaks.

You all literally ruin this fetish for the rest of us.
Goddess Patty was of quoted to want to reach over 800lbs, reckon Adeline could do it?
Adeline has Patty's mobility (or lack thereof) at 670ish pounds. I don't know if her body can take another 130 or so. She seems like a waddling corpse already.

Adeline is acting more immobile than she is in these videos, because it sells.
God I hope so.
I don't know. There was a pre-injury video of her waddling through her house to the pool. She already looked she was distrustful of every step.
While she certainly has been playing it up, there's no denying that she's at a weight where she can't be that flexible or mobile for too long. The comparisons to Goddess Patty are apt despite, what, 15 years between them when Patty was modeling at that size?
Anyone got the vid where she lays naked on the couch? (last one I guess?)
/bbw is that way mate.

/ussbbw board when?
LOL! if u cant take the heat then get the FUCK out the kitchen bro... this is the best part of the fetish, this is a Dream come true for a lot of people, leg injury that forces immobility for a while leading to constant eating and extreme weight gain.... and for the extra kinky like me thats not even mentioning the fact that shes probly been hopped up on painkillers the whole time which is why shes just been mindlessly stuffing day in and day out...

A-fucking-men. Preach. What’s happening to Adeline is one of the most incredible things we’ve been able to actually see in the history of feedism.

Totally, I’d love to hear that enlarged, floppy thing working double time as she shoves in another burger.

The fact that she’s basically an addict is also a huge part of this self-destruction I love so much. I want this to be like Chris Farley where all his friends knew he fell off the wagon for the last time and wasn’t getting back on.
>>52739 an audible heart monitor video that is also a burger stuffing vid is a genius idea some doomed hog who wants to make money needs to get on.
There's a fart in this video, but no cake:

There’s no fart in this, you liar

There is, at 0:37 min.
Love it when a model has a very conventionally attractive face and is just a science experiment gone wrong neck down
Can someone re-up the good video's?
its the couch moving, how fuckin sad are you to hear farts that you invent them

Make it "The 700lb Club" and Adeline, Juicy Jackie and Fat Miss Tara can see who gets there first.

Just give them some weight gain shakes to go with their usual meals.Once they all hit 700lbs, they can celebrate by going to The Heart Attack Grill.
FatMissT won’t ever go to the Heart Attack grill (she has said this before) and she has already over 700 lbs.
> won’t ever go to the Heart Attack grill
shame, I'd like to see more fat models gorging there
Is it because she’s literally getting too fat to ride in cars and probably couldn’t find any transportation to the restaurant? I’m sure she is way too big for any scooters and definitely can’t walk more than a minute or two
Probably has more to do with not wanting to fly at her size.
Don't be naive/ let yourself trick; she weights at least around 100Kg less than Echo:
Only her belly is huge, the rest is big/ normal.
But Echo has much bigger arse and even the tummy (which is seppareted in two parts) is larger.
So to believe these number is just fantasy and fake!
She has about the same shape as Sable had (what was one of my top 5 favourites), which weight around 200 kilos.
So if Echo weights now maybe ~280 approxiametly, then you can calculate what Adele is right now.
Anyone who was with women together of 150 - 200 kilogramme and have seen +300 women (which are mainly immobile) know the difference.
Can someone please re-upload these video's?

she looks at least 230

I was with 210kg / 165cm woman (not once).
This level of retardation is epic.
Echos last weigh in was around 802/365
And her sets after she was still looking even bigger
Any reup pls?
Anyone got her latest video ??
Anyone got the her latest clipsforsale video ??
Heads up guys she’s just released 3 new vids on her Manyvids page - including a measurements vid!
Any re ups of this one?
I like the 3 new videos and I would be very happy if they were here. The one issue I have is they all seemed to be cropped in really close. I think the camera man needs to pull back around 3.5 feet so you can see her. Like plump princess where you can see her. We got a few at her new weight but she is dressed when They show her stand up. We love to compare. I want to old compare standing belly hang with something new. This just constructive criticism so she can break the internet.
(536 KB, 876x498, cnczczn.png)
Sharing latest Adeline videos. I'm looking for "Hungry hungry Adeline" (pic related).

Can't view them. They won't load for me.
anonfiles sucks dick, I don't know why anybody uses it
Just from the trailers it seems clear that she is truly addicted to food, which is so hot. It’s really hard to fake that kind of thing with acting and as we all know, none of these models are good at faking things. Her need to eat is so clear and she has to be into this fetish too. Hot
Why would you load videos that don’t decode. The only one that worked was the cake one and that was up on here 2weeks ago. Thanks for wasting 10 min of my life.
What’s so hot to me is, while she is so clearly hopelessly addicted to food, is her total lack of regard for herself. Her enormous belly is hanging out of that bedsheet of a skirt and those side tits are bulging out of likely the largest size top she could find online. Soon she will hit 700 pounds and not long after she will be immobile. I don’t think it’s an if it happens scenario, it’s just when
Guys chill, I tried anonfiles for the first time. That said, they all work for me. Here's a mf reupload. Still looking for that video. Also yes, I originally shared these a week or two ago when trying to get her latest video. If anyone wants any other video just ask, I have everything else she's done. (And also, I'd buy her manyvids videos if I could, but I can't and it's not money-related, cheers).

I had no problem with the links, some people just speak faster than they think.

And do you legit have everything she's done? All vids and pic-sets from BBWAdeline.com plus all C4S vids? Could you show it?
Sorry, I wasn't specific enough. I have all her videos, no pictures (not really interested in them). I believe I might be missing some videos from her time back in vavavoom but I have combed the internet for those to no avail.
Do you have them sorted by date? If you do a filelist made with the help of cmd(easy) would help me out a lot.
I do not. I'm cleaning duplicates at the moment, since they come from various sources over the years they have different name formats and whatnot. I'm not the best at this. If you have any specific request I'll upload it.
Could I humbly request “Nude Candid Cleaning” from her Manyvids page? It’s a vid I’ve never seen shared before and I’d be great to see it finally!
Sure, here it is. I uploaded two other videos I haven't seen around much either. If anyone else has any requests, just let me know, I'll upload later. Still looking for Hungry Hungry Adeline. Cheers.

Anon files worked for me so thanks player 👍
Also I'd request if they are going, Adelines break room Binge and adlines BF oil rub
Do you have her 3 new videos?
Thanks so much man, you’re a gentleman and a scholar! Don’t suppose you have “Dripping in Gluttony” (where she covered herself in chocolate) from her old C4S store? I never bought it and then it disappeared, but looked hot AF! Thanks in advance if you do have it!
>switches to a much better host
>then just goes back to shitfiles anyway
None of those links lead to the Nude Candid Cleaning video though?
half of those uploads aren't even her? why bother?
Does her onlyfans has same vids as on manyvids?

Most of the content is different.
Ty, so if i want manyvids content i should by every vid? Or there is subsription?
Each line represents a code that is supposed to be put into 64?
I get this
Y[[WАPY[[KQ] P] RY[˛\
No you are supposed to decode the whole thing including the == at the end.
why encode? anyone think these models don't know how to decode?
Well we found the newbie.
Because the scripts that scan the site usually can't ya dingus.
>scripts that scan the site
you still on this schizo shit huh?

the reason people encoded was a very long time ago wetransfer and files.fm would automatically delete any files that got traffic from bbwchan so encoding was put in place to force people off site to decode it and solve the problem. nobody uses files.fm anymore and wetransfer no longer automatically deletes things so encoding is entirely pointless now but spergs have tricked themselves into thinking it somehow makes links last longer. it doesn't, adeline and any other model that has people to watch the site for them have their links down within an hour. the only way to actually keep files up is to use mab since they dont respond to dmca.
omg - best then and now comparison
Thanks so much for this upload - returning the favor my man!
Ty this is best content ive ever seen on this site.
Gonna buy few of her new videos please let me know if you want some exact
I humbly request her 3 newest Manyvids videos (where she’s wearing the pink top and that huge tent of a pink skirt).

I have a bunch of her 2022 vids. If you’re missing any I’ll see if I have them and upload them as a thanks in advance!
C o o m e r . P a r t y

Now can we stop upload content that's already on Coomer?
>>53233 her last one measurements in pink dress hope everything works fine

And yeah dont realy care about her older videos, i like new once much more xd mobility aids was peak i really hope for more stuff like this, measurments seems boring, ill get hungry adeline tomorrow but it seems boring too:/
For the measurement video you are a king! Some constructive critism that has nothing to do with King. People without the intelligence or wealth of King stop reposting stuff that is on coomer. As for the cinamatograper and tripod in measurement video. Her greatest asset is her huge size and you can’t see it when you are only seeing part of her due to the camera being so close.
(997 KB, 3264x1671, CF43E944-5450-4E82-8A1B-59FA62A830F2.jpeg)
I love this site and I love the models. I have one problem. Why do so many models film too close?
It seems obvious that you should want to please your fans to make more money.
Not sure what's happening, but I show the Mab file stuck at 99% uploading. Been like that since yesterday.
Don't do it in private/incognito mode, it should work just fine otherwise
i still have the issue
SAME - Not sure what it is, but tried multiple browsers - still stuck at 99% uploading.
It's not on your end. It's just another dipshit putting up a link before the file finishes uploading successfully
can someone pls reupload the measurement vid on mab? it is already gone:(


Does anyone have Hungru hungry Adeline?
i would actually pay to see her pussy at this point, not even joking
SO CUTE. It’s crazy seeing someone that is this attractive at this weight.
She does private customs x rated?
fuck off faggot
Nice dragons you faggot
(4.8 MB, 828x1792, IMG_0833.png)
Yes, I have a video of her playing with herself. Mods removed my post last time
Holy Crap, she is starting to look like a morph.
She looks like cute cartoon with this big pointy nose and goth gf hair xd
Wow I cummed so hard to that vid
I never ever had an interest in adalaine until I saw how big she is getting
She needs to make the move to xxx now
she looks kinda like one of those weird indoor ponies that retards get for emotional support animals.
Yeah she's gota do a LOT of stuff now, she doesn't have that much time left. Now is the time to work with any of the other models you wanted to work with, Adeline, and now is the time to make some hardcore videos

Oh a Microhorse?

I saw one of those bite the shit out of a dude that had a heavy case of the DS a few years ago. They put a Party Hat on the horse, like they wanted it to be sweet but it had a bad case of the Mondays or something. That guy took off running and yelling - he sounded like a broken fire siren going across that lawn.

She don't look like no pony though. She's adorable. Usually https://we.tl/t-IPfuU7ziIr people at this size start to look like some sort of Barnyard Animal (Livestock to the layperson) but she's fucking perfect. Maybe them Icelandic genes. I'm just jealous of how she can eat a Cake. I want to be able to do that.
I know what you mean. I love how she's losing her mobility slowly https://anonfiles.com/bfu9t742y4/0gn0egfgxi7je1iswd7nc_source_mp4 because she used to be able to walk around with relative ease https://anonfiles.com/a2u2t645y8/Compressed_ssbbw_adeline_Adeline-Testing-Hotel-Furniture_mp4 and it's so hot to see her knowingly turning herself into a pig (her words) https://anonfiles.com/hauft049yb/Compressed_ssbbw_adeline_Adeline-Stuffing-Cake-on-All-Fours_mp4
Does anyone have the vid. Sex at my size?

That video where she’s fed is great because the angle is from the side. You can see how huge her tits are then realize her belly goes much further out. She’s beyond enormous. And her reaction when eating shows why she’s packed on so much weight this year, she is fully addicted.

Crazy her 600lb milestone weigh-in is now a “smaller” size.
my god how big is that choker

What the hell, the link is already expired just a day later?! Can someone reupload whatever was in that? Thanks!
She looks way smaller than Jaimie Lopez at her peak (which was supposed to be around 250Kg, in a Morning talkshow).
Please, share the video
I find the over 800 hard to believe, and even much over 700 strains credulity. Same thing with her losing over 400 lbs; she lost a lot, but only way she could have lost that much is by way overestimating her original weight.

Where did you get this content tho? I always thought she was hot, but never saw anything other than the g-rated stuff on YouTube.
I saw Adeline recently post on Instagram that she is in Florida. Anyone happen to know what part? It would be great if she was in Orlando!
Why do you care? She's not single you creep. You goin to stalk her or some shit?
>>53712 wasn’t Jaime Lopez well over 6 feet tall though?
Can you share the weigh in video?
scraping site contents is trivial, moron, it would not be hard to make such a thing for this site
And you believe really this obvious fraud/ fake (are that simple minded) or have you a different reason to promote this (like to sell her contend)?

She was rather under 250Kg,as the belly looks not really huge (just SSBBW level, below USSBBW) and it is most likely physical impossible to lose over 100 kilo withing one year without a surgery. Even these with gastric-bypass lose in average 90Kg in 1,5 years, said Dr. Procter.
I suppose she lost around 50Kg and is now at around 170 kilogramme, as she still can barely walk.

By the way appears it like she wore a wig in your second picture (and the others maybe too), possible to hide that she is pansexual/ hermaphrodit.
Life is hard when you have shit for brains, isn't it pal?
That choker is about to get choked by a fat neck
Thanks for all the uploads, even the old stuff but Imo all the old stuff is good for us to show how far she has come. I used to love it but these last gains have made the older stuff redundant, SO much hotter now
She probably meant it at the time and tried to slow down, but her appetite came roaring back while her brain and stomach wondered why there’s not as much food coming in anymore. Like an addict in withdrawal, the hunger pangs were probably just too much to ignore and she attacked the buffet with a vengeance just to make the pain stop. Tale as old as time.
What vids does she burp in?
Anyone know what vid is?
hey champ, you still have them?
Anybody got the “ Adeline Getting Stuffed with Cake” vid please?
70 lbs in 6 months is no small feat for a 600+ lber. Think she’ll keep gaining? Intentionally or not, I could see this snowballing into Bigcutie Echo levels.
She was down to 550 and put on 53lbs in like 10wks then in the next 6months another 70lbs so it's really like 120lbs in 8-9months!
That is insane. Has to be some kind of record
If she is still gaining at the same rate as between the last two weigh ins then she’ll already be up to 685lbs right now!
Not really. FatMissT went from 550 to almost 720 in a similar span, just was underrated.

Or, more importantly, does anyone have the crying video? It is needed for…science purposes.
Hideous face & disgustingly disproportionate body. Accurately rated
Can't keep your rageboners in your own thread? Why not shit up another models, she'll definitely notice you.
>>54342 I think the "crying video" that's been referenced was just her "My 600 Pound Life" audition video, which is hot but where she doesn't really cry.

Which means a real crying/panic video has never been done by an obese gaining model. It's a barrier waiting to be broken.
That record of pretending/ fraud has rather Lailani.
What is the deal with this chick? I only found out about her a month ago, though this site. I have been browsing old pics today and saw that she used to look at the large end of “normal” until quite recently. I mean like the size of chick you might see at wallmart regularly. Then I looked at the dates and it was a few months ago!!! Is that for real? How does someone blow us so much so fast? And especially at her size. She must need 5000+ daily calories just to maintain!!
Her face has gotten so fat, her double chin stops her looking down much. Belly is just enormous is all directions. Can’t seem to stand up real much anymore. Just…. How? In 4 months…?
She probably burns around 3.8-4 k cals a day, eating 5-6k would be pretty easy for someone her size
Jodie did one that was pretty genuine, considering she's mentally ill and is conflicted on the fetish.

The one where the BigCuties model - something mama don't remember her name - she panicked and cried because she couldn't stand up and get to her baby. That shit is floating around here somewhere
Welp, I guess now's the time I ask for a reupload.... at least for the weigh-ins.
(767 KB, 743x640, 4.PNG) (1.0 MB, 880x750, 5.PNG) (990 KB, 892x716, 6.PNG) (915 KB, 948x663, 8.PNG) (923 KB, 1014x546, 12.PNG)
that second picture. jfc what a total blob
To think she used to have a personality and interests and hobbies. She used to be into music and emo and tattoos and that whole scene. now her entire life is consumed by her addiction to food. its amazing and hot and crazy all at once
Can you share this video? It sounds good.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s put on another 10+ pounds since her July weigh in. Her whole day revolves around sitting around and eating endless Uber eats orders. Said she spends well over $100 a meal and probably does that 4 times a day at least. I’m betting she’s immobile by this time next year if not earlier

you are what you eat
Her knee injury is never going to heal because of her weight. Immobility is almost guaranteed.
The real question is whether she lives to see 2025.
Goddamn anonfiles fucking sucks. Can anyone upload these to a real website?
What's your problem with the website? It always works perfectly for me.
Yeah I don't get what people complain about Anonfiles. The bandwidth is perfectly fine, the interface is simple, and there's no bullshit ads or consent forms.
knee injury kept her bedridden

looks like her ownly interests now is her husband an his money
Perfectly fine? That shit never exceeded 10-50 Mbps. we transfer gives you 150-200 Mbps per download. mab can reach 700 Mbps per download.
Oh, and neither does pesky pop-ups like anon files.
50mbps is alright for this kind of stuff, plus the links don't get pulled after 2 hours so you actually get to download it.
The same retards that complain about mab vs we transfer when they are virtually identical except that mab gives previews and has a guaranteed 3 days. Retards like to complain. Just ignore them and maybe they will go away.
>we transfer gives you 150-200 Mbps
That's great... if the files aren't DMCA'd 10 seconds after their links are published. Put up or shut up, anon.
This filehost whining is ignoring a major detail: piracy isn't supposed to be easy or accessible. Some people are going to use WT since it uploads faster. Others MAB for staying up for a few days. Google Drive, MEGA, Anonfiles, etc. Just be alert and ready to download if you don't want to shell out for porn, you lazy shits.
>we.tl and mab are virtually identical
You can't be this stupid.
You can apparently. Not arguing with with you on this, Kys or move on
>no u
Sick comeback
Always thought she was like perfect partner weight in the early days. Hot girl that basically happened to be a little bit bigger. That being said I would so tap that right now. Looking very hot in that cake eating shot. Although being honest I couldn't care how fat my partner got. I like a greedy girl and as long as she's happy and healthy.
hate to break it to you fam but she aint healthy
Honestly, watching her rototiller through an entire cake in under 3 minutes was crazy. I couldn’t decide whether it was concerning or hot tbh
Maybe both lol
That’s what I want to see more of. Just the unrestrained glutttony. I’m sure not everyone can down a full cake in 3 minutes but it’s fuckin hot to watch and a million times better than those videos where a girl eats a normal slice of cake over the span of 15 minutes rubbing her belly and shit. Just go all in that’d be more enjoyable to watch
She looks like the type to not clean her chicken down to the bones, simply because it's too much work and she wants to get to her other food as quickly as possible.
it appears like she lost some weicht, as the skin is lose, like of Bonita currently.
Not a recent clip
Apparently she weighs 500 bars of gold right now?!!!!
Where is Bonita posting now?
jesus shes a just a huge blob of lard
There you go, pal
Thanks, incredible vid. A long remake now with the same angle and lighting and, no music or background noise, cakes visible and eats at least most of each would be insane.
Not precisely what you're searching for, but another cake video
Damn, both gone already. Seems to be a trend on her content.
Whatsoever her fat-apron looks very slackly, as it seems rather skin than fat to me. Like she was when likely under 200Kg, maybe around 150 kilos.
Reup please
I don’t think she goes out much and tbh I doubt she will ever walk again
Hi Guys, Is Adeline's only fans full of good content? Is it worth subbing to?
It's got a good backlog, only sub on sale though, she uploads good shit like once every 1-2 months.
She is so hot now

Anyway to get a reup on these :D
I think she doesn't is a big as Aria, let alone Ellie.
Wow I need it
How old is this ??
I don't know the time, but it must not be that old, a couple of years I believe
I don't have the hungry hangry adeline, I really want it too
I don't like begging, but does anyone have the older video where she tries on a bikini that a fan sent her or something, and then walks around?
who else wants to see a new "sex at my size" video? like seriously, how do you fuck at 670 pounds? she can barely move so the guy has to do all the work for sure.
Yup. Cheers.

Somewhat old, but still one of my favorites.
I thank you so much friend
Any chance if a reup?
i cant wait to see her hit 700lbs and be completely immobile, god she's just so hot now
Honestly I’m most likely to buy a video of her struggling into the car and going to the drive thru
>>55405 a king amongst men
A God amongst Kings.
Upload Hungry Hungry Adeline already cmon xd
This is what the crowds want
I made an addition to the end of her cake eating clip. I felt something was missing in that display of utter gluttony.

Enjoy! Or not...*shrug*

She is something else alright
And just in case anyone was wondering, the burp is from a female. :P
well it's a tranny, if you count that as female
We get it. You’re pissed because no one will fuck you.
Careful with that edge, son.
I’m so confused. Is this person trans?
4chan logic is usually based but wow is the cycle on trans people retarded af. It always goes:

>Hey she looks like a MAN
>She's not
>Lmfao why do you like trannies kys all trannies must die

Shouldn't you be in school?
...shouldn't you be in class at some university going for one of those fake degrees all the weirdos get that leave them w/o job opportunities?
Mans really typed this all out and still posted it thinking he had something 🤓
The way I see it, if you’re a man and you think you’re a woman then first and foremost that’s very sad. Nobody chooses to be born that way. But don’t think you have any right to dictate what anybody else thinks you are. Why not just fucking get on with life like the rest of us until they box you up and drop you in a hole, and stop making it everybody else’s problem. It’s only 80 years isn’t it? It’s not that hard.
None of those links work
because anonfiles sucks dick. still baffled why anyone is using it
They all work for me still.
This platform works and the links don't neither get pulled after 2 hours like wetransfer or a day like MAB
I'm looking for the video where she eats her bosses dohnuts in a leopard print top -airlines breakroom binge

Also adelines BF oil rub if any one can help thanks
Adlines breakroom binge
Do you have her hiking vid? She wears a green dress/clothes in it.
Goddess Patty has reincarnated within Adeline.
With half of her size (at peak)...
adeline much prettier IMO
And patty was just 40lb heavier than Adeline is now? (And 1000% prettier)
Patty definitely wasn't prettier... dunno what rock you were living under, nigga but she looked bout 50 or 60yrs old at best w/ makeup on. And if my memory serves me correctly... her voice sounded worse than Norma Stitz's. Adeline still sounds cute & looks adorable
He likes them ugly bitches
Oh no, I meant it the other way around, Adeline is 40lb lighter but 1000% prettier. Patty was an ugly blob while Adeline is pretty enough that you could take them to a family meeting and it would almost be acceptable to date her just because of how pretty her face is.
Few years back maybe but now she's at a size where she's going to be frowned upon by everyone except FA's, no matter if she's pretty or not. Sad but true.
Meh, I'd still gladly take her to meet my family. There are plenty other models that I don't feel that would be the case.
I couldn’t take her to my family. They would say why did I rent a van. Then she would get stuck going up steps. Once she sat down she would be gasping for air. Would she fit in the bathroom? Would have to help her? It would be very uncomfortable. I would like it better to secretly meet with her so I wouldn’t have to deal. Plump princess I could take to my family because she moves normally. She also has confidence in who she is and I wouldn’t feel I was with a sick person who is sad.
I would happily flaunt Adeline in front of my family. Fuck, I'd spoon feed her in a five star restaurant in front of my grandmother.

Homie you just listed all reasons why bringing her home to the fam would be hot as hell and a great idea.

Don’t be ashamed of the women you’re attracted to. You don’t *have* to date huge women just because you’re attracted to them, but saying you’d only want to meet Adeline “in secret” (in the unlikely scenario you ever had the opportunity to be with her at all), and wouldn’t allow your attraction to her to be witnessed by others, and then cranking down to her anyway, is lame.
Honestly I think I'm with the first guy. I'd have no problem showing off ultra-morbidly obese women off to the world, but there's a line where sexy morphs into concerning, and I think Adeline passed it about 75 pounds ago
It’s easy to say you’d be happy to have her meet your family in a hypothetical.
But when you start thinking about stuff like can my parents chairs hold her, will she fit in the door, will their toilet break, it starts becoming awkward. Even if that shit turns you on.
It’s one thing to call ahead and say, “hey mom, heads up, my girlfriend is fat” and another to ask them to gird the couch with cinderblocks.
I am not a care what the magazines say is pretty kind of guy. It’s the struggle to function because you weigh so much in public somehow crosses the embarrassing line for me. Plump princess is like a normal hot girl who just happens to be fat. The whole spectacle thing with the walker is just a hard swallow. That being said I still think she attractive. I guess I am alone in this.
“my girlfriend is fat” and another to ask them to gird the couch with cinderblocks.”
I think Adeline is hotter than ever. The mobility problem stuff gets me rock hard.
But I would be embarrassed to be out in public with her in her current state. Despite the cute face she is not in a good place.
Everybody sane in their head would say the same, going out with a girl like her it's literally impossibile, I've seen a girl her size waddling around once, people at that size can't do the stuff average people do, not even sitting in public places except for sturdy benches or, you know, on the ground...
So it went with Echo & Ash, so it goes with Adeline. She's reached a weight and level of mobility where only the USSBBW lovers and deathfeedists like her, even among her fans. No sense in debating what it would be like to take her home - her feeder/boyfriend/fiance? has a hog for life.

Let's be real here - she's almost 30. She doesn't have a strong enough conviction to the size community to justify staying this size, nor is she old or maladjusted enough to just resign and be this size for the rest of her piggish life. WLS is on the horizon. Naysayers would do well to simply enjoy a glimpse of that summit, because no one is going to enjoy the ride coming down.
at her size she's not going out in public lol
Nope when Prince William married and she celebrated it on Morning TV, Patty weighted over 300 kilos (maybe 320), at least it claimed the channel. So she had to be over hundred kilogramme heavier, as Adeline appears like below 200.
She looked pretty sexy on the Maury Povich show, at the BBW Bash and possible Jackass too.
Though her face might have appeared 10 years older when she had to be 39 (or she changed her age), but that is not everything.
Although when she lost weight, she aged a lot more.
Well Plump Princess is also not a SSBBW in my view, therefore she named herself plump.
She might fake her weight, but is probably under 150Kg still.
I can see where you’re coming from but I don’t think it’s in the cards for her. Even with my biases hoping she continues this monumental gain I don’t think she has enough willpower to ever stop. She is a full blown food addict, has likely shot up another 10+ pounds since her 669 weigh in. I don’t think she’ll ever be able to put down the fork to even lose enough to be eligible for WLS. I think it’s a one way trip at this point
Watch Adeline's weigh-in. I've posted it like 6 times now, she's over 300kg.

Also to everyone: Please do share stuff, let's not leave this just at conversations about Adeline.

This topic has me strangely intrigued. Would it make any difference to you all if you started dating here when she was smaller? Then when she gets fatter you could play it off to family as “Yeah she’s gotten absolutely enormous but she’s still beautiful to me and I still love her” etc etc.
(33 KB, 600x338, obese-crashdieet-e1559199634402-600x338.jpg)
>She might fake her weight, but is probably under 150Kg still.

Pic related is 151kg/332lbs. It's from a weight loss show so unlikely to be played up and really helped me to ascertain weight better. As you can see PP legs store way more fat than hers, are you still sure she's faking it?
No, for me it wouldn't make any difference.
Are we failing to consider the height of the models we're discussing about? Plumpprincess is 178cm (5'10") and Adeline is 168cm (5'6")
Yeah, I think (for me) it would make a difference.
At least then your family gets to know her before she's a sideshow attraction, and get to know her as a human being.
You bring a 700lb girl to dinner, and your family is going to be in shock.
You bring a very fat woman, they get to know her, and then just come to terms with her growth over time.
My wife has gained 150 lbs since we've been together, and it's never come up in conversation. They just know that I started dating a fat woman, and over time - shocker - she got fatter.
i guess you are full blown retarded if you think plumpprincess is under 150kg...
Unfortunately for all of you, you don’t have to imagine much about bringing Adeline home to your family—some other guy already gets to do that.
ideally I like to start small and build up. Seems more meaningful to me in the feederism aspect. idk like this is the woman I built or something in that nature. But I think >>56181 is spot on when it comes to socail situations where its best they know her as her smallest first to know her as a person and not just some fetish product of a family memeber, before I end up fattening her beyond comprehention
Plot twist, you bring home Adeline to your family. You Dad already knows her - he's a subscriber.....
>>56145 WLS is inevitable. Theres really only two options for an ussbbw, lose weight or die. It happens 100% of the time to all of them at this weight. You can't coast at that weight for a long time like a 400LB ss/bbw can
LMAOO this is the most likely scenario
If your mom is 500 pounds it would be less embarrassing. The more fit your family the harder the introduction.
Why no of update
Lazy bitch fr

“She’s fatter than I am!” -500lb mom

“Yeah mom, like a regular sized woman fatter than you. I got a good one, dad!.”
Anyone saying they’d bring home a 700 pound woman and “it would be so hot seeing her struggle” and “I’d spoon feed her in front of my family” are fucking retarded or living in a fantasy land. I don’t care who you are, you’re not bringing her home to your family without it being extremely fucking awkward and weird. If she was smaller and got bigger? That’s a lot different, my gf started at 200 and is 250 in less than a year and no one says anything about it, but they got to know her first.

Yeah Adeline is hot as fuck, but I can tell some of you have never been with a larger woman or dated one before. These “hot struggles” 9 times out of ten aren’t hot when they happen, they’re just sad and pathetic. FOH with this stupid ass talk, 99% of you won’t even date a larger woman or are in a relationship with a skinny chick anyway.
I agree that most people into this are scared to be seen with larger women (you are a bunch of pussies honestly). I've dated a chubby girl and seen her grow and I've dated a bigger one. Both times my family (it's all gym rats, fitness influencers, bodybuilders and literally two nutritionists) was awkward as fuck, making inappropriate comments (even when my girlfriend was just as heavy as I was), offering them diets, etc... So a while back I decided to just not give a fuck.

And those situations are indeed very hot for me. They are awkward when they happen but they are hot. Having your mom talk to you in private about your girlfriend's dress being inappropriately short for her fat ass? Yup, it's weird but hot in a weird way. They now know I'm into this, so yeah, I'd take a massive girl any time.

Oh also, I haven't dated a girl nearly the size of Adeline, my heaviest partner was barely 200 kg (440lb). People that size aren't a common sight here.

So insecure... must be ashamed to be here fapping to fatties
Another reality here is that most 700 lb women aren't on the dating scene anyway. They either get fattened over time to that point by a committed boyfriend/husband, who's not going to give up his prize hog, or they're a weird recluse you wouldn't want to fuck anyway.
Fat or not, you're not going to bring a girl home to your family just because you're banging them. They have to be at least somewhat palatable.
In most cases your family will meet the hypothetical woman before she's a carnival attraction.

No, with skinny i cant do it its repulsive.
Like I could do 450 but they would have to be very attractive. Like plump princess. I wouldn’t want two strikes fat and ugly.
Society is cruel. If you're at dinner with a very fat woman (even if she has a cute face), as a normal-ish dude, most people are going to think something is wrong with you.

Who gives a shit. Society is not in the bedroom with you. Live for yourself, fuck everyone else.

Or keep jerking off stalefish and never get some fat ass. Your call.
Going out with a super fatass is essentially an act of exhibitionism. Most people can hide what they're into, but not so when your girl is the size of a circus fat lady.
It's that, plus it's extra work. My girl (330lb) would be considered small by the standards of this page, but we have to scope out restaurant tables before going out to eat to see if she'll fit. Booths are out of the question. You've gotta be up for the extra shit. I just think lots of fantasyland blokes on here don't think about the realities of it all. It's not just the funny looks -- it's never knowing if you're gonna have to race home cuz she can't fit in the toilet stall.
Right? Who here massively obese women who can’t walk, but thinks it’s weird society is gonna look at a healthy normie whose girl is too fat to wipe her own ass.
Ohhh no, people are going to think I’m into unhealthy women who lack self control. Damn right I am, and watching them be humiliated is a fucking turn on for anyone whose not a simp in denial.
Hottest thing ever is the look on a girl's face when she realizes she's too fat to do something anymore. Tying your shoes? Not anymore, fatty.
Honest question, how can she not fit in a toilet stall? Like she actually can't fit between the two walls? This is an issue for a 330 lb girl?

A common complaint I see from big girls is "you better be ok with being seen in public with me", and while I do agree with them... Can they at least first acknowledge that it can be uncomfortable to be seen in public with a big girl? It obviously isn't normal, so please don't pretend like it's no big deal. We're going to get stares, and I'm revealing an extremely personal detail about my intimate life to complete strangers.

I think this is a good analogy: if I was gay, but I wasn't out of the closet yet, would it be ok for a man to tell me "you NEED to be seen in public with me"? What if I'm not ready for that yet? Again, I agree that if a guy wants to date a big girl, he should be comfortable with being seen in public with her. I just take issue with the stuck up attitude a lot of these girls have about it. Give us some space about it, jeez.
This is a very subjective situation, some people would be cool with it while others would be disgusted. Depends who you are as a person and how you were raised. Now with that being said can we stfu and post hungry hungry adeline, not here to read essays about yall fantasies
Yup, post Hungry Hungry Adeline pls
My girl is short and wide. Some stalls don't give you much room to work with in terms of getting past the door to where you sit, especially depending on placement of the toilet paper. Even if you do manage to sit down, when big thighs are involved you need some room to spread your legs to actually wipe yourself. A narrow stall is a non-starter for her, and she's not that big.
To be fair, when you're seen in public with any romantic partner -- fat or thin, short or tall, pretty or plain -- you reveal your sexual preferences.
If you're holding hands in public, people are going to presume you're banging them. And people will judge you for that.
Lucky me I love fat chicks and exhibitionism. Never been a problem parading my 450 lber around. Stare all you want folks, only emboldening my preference. I’m sure I’m not alone w this.
You're not, and it's even sweeter when she gets off on it herself. Disapproving stares can be extremely potent.
“Afraid to be seen with me in public” is not actually a thing. These hoe ass women are fuck-buddies and sidechicks with huffing copium and making up reason why they can’t find a man.
Fat women with low self esteem make it too easy to fuck them and not commit shit.
"hey i think you're hot and everything but im nervous to be seen with you in public"
cmon dawg. i get that it makes you nervous at first but after about 5 minutes you don't care anymore. You're allowed to be nervous, but there is no reason to bring it up to them, it's just gonna make them feel like shit because you're literally ashamed/embarrassed to be around them in public. why would anyone put up with that from someone? other than horrible self-esteem
>>56301 yes and no, most people dont give a shit you like fat girls but at the same time going to a restaurant and your girl can't fit in the booth is can be embarrassing trust me
Are you making oney with this contend?

Otherwise I can't believe anyone to be this simple minded, as I pointed a half dozen times here most digital scales are fixed to show fakes numbers
I suppose you are either a scammer like her (maybe you are one person) or have an IQ below 80, if you trust her to weight more than 200 kilogramme...
She weights probably around 120Kg in my view, the high numbers are just a kind of pervers fantasy to get money from naive, pupertary customers, which are just unexpierenced.
Jup I am, as of weight lose shows it is especially used to put higher number in front of the begin, that the later lower numbers are regarded more impressive than these are would otherwise

Also are the arms and face of this woman fluffier than of Princess. She is the most obvious fraud in it besides Lailani, which doubled her actual weight.
You’re an entitled pussy
By the way Donna Simpson (Treasure) did a weight-in on the Tyra Banks show at her peak and was measured to be 513lb, when she pretended to be over 600 pounds at that time. This video is on Youtube, where I watched it recently.
I think she was also fatter than Adeline.
>I think this is a good analogy: if I was gay, but I wasn't out of the closet yet, would it be ok for a man to tell me "you NEED to be seen in public with me"? What if I'm not ready for that yet?
That means you're looking for sex but not a successful relationship, which is a hell of a lot more than merely being with them in public. That's fine if it's where you are, just don't be in denial about it.
>>56290 same here dude. Really bums me out to see all these self-hating dudes tremble at the thought being seen with a huge woman.

Let me tell you, I have *never* been more turned on than when I’m out in public with a huge woman. Your family will deal. Or they won’t. Who cares.

You are a humongous jerk and no, your point is not anywhere near valid.

The only actually abnormal/isnt't normal thing is you demanding other to "acknowledge" your hypocrisy and tolerate you being a jerk.

Yes, it is no big deal to be with a big girl in public. If it is for you - you are totally unready for any relationship, be it a date or a one night stay. Because if it is a big deal for you - you've got a problem.

For pretty much any grownup it is obviously normal to go out with a girl, big or not. You don't get to hide your own immature behaviour by calling normal things "obviously isn't normal".

Its not other, who should give you "some space". Its you, who should finally grow a pair.
I mean he has a point. I’ll agree that you need to just grow a pair if you’re out in public with strangers. However, at least imo, I wouldn’t be comfortable bringing a 300+ lbs girl home. One night stand only.
And why not? Embarrassment? Shame? Worried about what friends/family say?

You're pathetic. Own it and live a happy life
I'm starting to think this site attracts a lot of "children". Adult adolescents who suffer from low self esteem, unable to make plans, and afraid of what strangers think of them. You're not men, let's get that straight.

You want to know why some dudes get all these massive women? CONFIDENCE. Theyre men of ACTION. They never make their lady feel like shit about their massive size because they have a plan to please, and don't give a fuck what other people think of them.

Make reservations ahead of time for the table. Call ahead about the concert seating arrangements. Make sure that rental car has enough space for her. Put in the extra fucking work, and reap all the rewards. There is nothing sexier to her than a man who takes her special needs seriously. "Don't worry babe, I've handled it. Enjoy yourself."

Whats with you simps SURPRISING your family with a massive chick? That's a God damn recipe for disaster. You don't talk to your family beforehand? You don't give any forewarning? "Hey I'm dating this new girl, she's really really big, I just wanted to make you aware so your not surprised by it". Simple sentence, makes all the difference. Put yourself in her shoes. How incredibly shitty must it be to show up and see the look of shock on your partners family's face like you're a circus act. For fucks sake, set the stage people. Common sense. Then your family is prepared and less likely to make rude ass comments to your woman.

And lastly guess what, at the end of the day, nobody fucking cares who you date/fuck. You really care about what the strangers at the mall say when you take her there? You're worried about being judged by some nobody you'll never see again? Worried about what your friends will say? Here's the crazy thing about life, you can choose who you surround yourself with. If your "friends" make shit comments to you about it, are they really friends? If your current friends or family don't accept the choices you make in your life, GET NEW ONES.

It's really not hard people
you're truly pathetic.
>"this site attracts children"
>proceeds to shitpost like a child

Yeah, so anyway. As I was reading above, if I could have the chopice I think it'd be best to meet someone at like, 150 and then build her up from there. I'd rather my friends and family identify her as a person first, before the weight gain and inevidable identification as a fetish partner. I could date a fat chick, but my parents are very judgemental and as much as I hate to admit it, it would be a pain to deal with their constant shit, when trying to establish a relationship. i just know it will falter things, though once shes established idgaf if she ends up like echo. I understand how that can be confusing, so I will identify my sub autistic mentality as the subject to blame.

Finally someone being reasonable and logical.


Someone would rather wait 10 years for the girls to become admirable just to avoid a little confusion with parents. Seriously? Dude, your relationship might not last long enough for her to grow. Do yourself a favor, grow a pair.
yep, be mad about it, faggot
>>56345 Every word of this is correct. This thread is full of guys telling on themselves as terrified cowards completely unready for a relationship with any woman of any size. My HOPE is that they're young and will grow out of it. But I suspect these are grown men who just fucking suck.

I don't envy the huge gals who have to navigate the dating landscape these days. Bummer city.

All that said, can we get back to posting some blubberporn?
OP of the long comment here. Felt like replying:
Ain't pathetic at all. Ive slept with a few models on this board and am in a happy committed relationship with a +600lb goddess. Just trying to spread some knowledge to help. You just can't handle that you don't have the balls nor the intellect to be with a ssbbw.
Tell your parents to pound sand and respect your choices in life.
Ain't mad at all bruh. Just dropping some realism on you

My point is, it's truly pathetic that some of you are on a ssbbw porn board, but terrified of being seen with a ssbbw? Your life could be infinitely happier if you be authentic, treat your ladies right, and have the balls to give society the middle finger. It's your life. No one else has a claim to it but you.
/gen/ had a discussion about the difficult of SSBW toilet use.
My bitch can’t fit in our shower no more. We have to get the door modified. It’s fucked up bruh
I would possible show up with a SSBBW, if she is famous, like Chrissy Metz or Siddibe Gabourey, maybe Natascha Crown or this celebraty of Brazilians' Sex with the Ex.
this thread gets weirder and less about adeline everyday
I made a new one because it shows like the thread is bumplocked, sharing the latest content, but the mods deleted it.
How often does she post, last many vid content was like 2 months ago, same for of as i know:/ i mean she will be immobile till the next year either way, but i want to see some progress steps
Can you try again?
Does she turn 30 today? birthday has cake
start a new thread.
I hope she does a birthday cake stuffing.

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