

Here's everything I gots of hers. Still my favorite of all time I think, Passion is a close 2nd. I don't give a fuck about what she has done, is doing, or will do in the future. I look at her vidjas on my pooter.




I don't care if it's a cash grab, I want her to open up her C4S again. There are a few bathing suit / bikini videos I don't think anyone has and I would buy them in an instant.
(73 KB, 640x539, ABSOLUTLY HALAL.jpg)
Holy shit my coomdrive died ages ago along with all of her vids, absolute king.
based contend fairy as usual. she is my 2nd fav behind trysta

I know that video, I could pay a good price to get it
How Many videos are there with Macy?
Can we all’ agree that if this chick opened a OF now it would be the worst one of all time lol
>>51164 (OP)
God bless you, sir. As for anyone else: Remember that clip she posted later on where she described herself as a "jiggling flash pile" in her C4S reboot? anyone have that? I've been searching forever to no avail
*jiggling flesh pile
Fuck this kindle
Thanks bro. Much love
this kinda cringey wtf lol with thesong playing the whole time
Pls share more
Any updates
That's not BBB.
Rumors are she once killed an entire platoon of navy seals bare handed.
I would believe this. Have you seen the state of the us military???


oh damn she's back that's crazy
This is monumental
Holy shit! She's back! And still looks amazing!
Hope she does an OF
She's back, thinner and more fully clothed than ever. Great.
fr call me when this pig bulks up aint nobody buying this shit
Well that's depressing...
I don't get why she keeps coming back pretending to be a gainer when she's smaller every time she returns.

She'd be better off just releasing her old videos in order again pretending to be new.
Link for OF page please ?

Doesn't have one, as far as anyone knows.
Im glad shes back. Hopefully she starts gaining and stuff, maybe shes not huge right now but she pack it on if she keeps it up.
where can i even get her old vids
please do reupload kind sir
I'm glad she's back, and looking as pretty as always. GF material
does anyone have the video where shes in bed talking about her shelf ass and jiggling it
This bitch still 400+ lbs and still got one of the fattest asses around and y'all complaining she lost weight.

Oh shit. I missed these! I was still checking the other thread. Any chance you can reup? Thanks.
Because she could have been fatter by now and she's not. That's pretty much it.
She looks better for the weightloss
She’s beautiful. Yeah she’s look better with another 50-100 pounds but I’m so glad she’s back. Please marry me jaye I don’t even care that you’re racist I need that ass every morning and every night
(198 KB, 2000x516, BBBvTime.jpg) (73 KB, 720x405, 2022 LooseSkin.jpg) (203 KB, 1500x649, Front Side.jpg)
Just trying to do some fat math here. If I had to ball park it I'd say she's closer to 350 than 400, with plenty of that being loose skin at this point.

If she gains it back and plumps that ass back to round, I'll happily eat my words. Right now she's looking a decade late and 100+ lbs. too light.

Yeah she was pregnant in the bottom pic. Any time her belly was looking larger, she was knocked up. Bitch has 5 kids.
She looks more like jared leto.
Does anyone have the new content? Or nah I am willing to volunteer just tell me which ones you guy think is the one I should get?
The snack one or the donut one look to be the best bang for your buck. I'll try to upload some older stuff later today
Probably the one where she explains where she’s been right? That way we can all know
That way we can know... what? Her invented story for why she disappeared? Dude, come on.
Lol I get why you’re curious where she’s been but you gota remember she’s like borderline sociopathic and over the last ~10 years has displayed a near addiction to lying, which means two things:
1 she can’t hold down a job (among all the other quality of life aspects that sociopathic behavior inhibits) and is why she periodically returns to modeling to try and soak up some more money
2 she’s just gona lie and make jo a bunch of shit of where she’s been. The truth would be a 10 second video of her saying “I’ve been trying to raise these kids but it’s impossible when you’re as stupid as I am and have no job but luckily I have a cute face and a huge ass so I’m back making videos again.”

That said, if she does start gaining again and that’s a big if, would be awesome
Here you guys go I know that the donut is messed up the next vid she uploads that is actually interesting I will buy it and share


The parts where she talks about failed diets and prescription pills is completely believable. Same goes for the part about being a food addict.

The part where she says she was only down to 369 is questionable but plausible.

The part where she says she's gained 40 lbs. in the past 2 months has to be an outright lie. And of course she adds that she "doesn't have a scale" so once again we just have her word on that. No surprises there.

Judging by how she looks she has to be the lowest weight she has ever been on camera, and doesn't want to show that actual number. If she really wanted to impress us she'd show us, even if it is lower than what we might like. That way we can clearly see how much she gains if she legit continues with this. Honesty with your fans goes a long way.

My expectations are below floor level, but I'm willing to be surprised.

Thank you good sir.
Sooo she didn't say anything about jail?
does anyone have the video where shes in bed talking about her shelf ass and jiggling it
Anyone have BBBPerfectFeedee?
Amazing girl
Any chance we can get a reupload of the old vids? Links seem to be expired. Thanks in advance!
Contend Fairy, you mind reposting the old files you have of her?
>>51177 Didn't know how to tag, my fault.
I don't get the logic in uploading to something that disappears in a few days. Mega exists

I don't get the logic in telling others how they are sharing their uploads incorrectly.
Because some sites are worse to share on than others? How is that hard for you to get?
New vids and a weigh in!!
Could anyone upload the POV of her in jail or school or whatever the fuck that room is?
Her newest weigh in: 414 pounds
She claims her scale is broken and that it only does kilograms so who knows how reliable that is. The scale said "188.2 kilograms." Idk how she could have possibly broken a 700lb scale so something is definitely fishy there. always with the lies and deceit with this one
She looks like she is in the 410s in my view. Still fat and big, but not the biggest we've seen.
Which isn't a strong sell in this fetish. I'd believe it if she were gaining again but we're all pretty secure in knowing that won't happen.

Jaye, for real, upload your past library for sale. Label it as old stuff, whatever you want, just know some of us missed out.
and in the video they say that about the chair and so on? :p

No they don't. It's only her eating at a Wendys. Even as a huge fan of hers it's a shit tier video
here's a bunch of random shit. thanks for the wendy's video
it expired right before my very eyes

Then you better see an eye doctor.


Thanks mate
Over/under on how long she lasts this time? She's posted 21 videos in the last 17 days. She's either completely broke, actually Definitely completely broke, or her husband/boyfriend/baby daddy randomly decided to start forcing her to pump out content again. Either way this isn't sustainable, and knowing her, it isn't gona last long. My money's on this fizzling out by the end of the month at the earliest, and by the end of the year entirely

Why on earth do you care? At least shes posting stuff and doing it consistently. Shes back thats what matters and by the looks of it she wants to gain more supposedly. The whole reason she left is because of people saying stupid crap like this. If the board wasnt so toxic then maybe models would stick around longer ffs.
(223 KB, 659x1014, stfuretard.PNG)
does anyone have the video where shes in bed talking about her shelf ass and she starts showing it off in different positions and jiggles it. i cant find it online cause she purged everything
The chan never disappoints
Dude. what is this your first day on the internet? this chick has came back and left like 20 times, each with the exact same pattern: lower weight and a bunch of bullshit lies. Shes a fuckup white trash literal, medical, definiton of a retard who just so happens to have a huge awesome ass. And before the schizo trumpers sperg out its okay to be white trash im just sayin thats all she is, nothing more. she doesnt "want to gain more" she doesnt give a shit about any of that. she just has kids, needs money, and knows chumps like you will buy all her scams

Why are you bringing politics into this?
the psycho bit really does it for me. nothing like peoples frightening realities to make me pop off
leaving and coming back... not white trash. White RECYCLABLE
His father never spent enough time with him growing up
See, the projection part makes it really obvious. This guy never had a dad growing up so he’s got a chip on his shoulder
The way you talk leads me to think you've never had sex. Your dad never teach you how it works, huh?
Because i can speak fluent english? Not going to school is even worse than not having a dad
>Thinks finishing school is an accomplishment

Between that and having a dad, you don't have much to be proud of do you?
What do you have to be proud of? Your dad never saw you graduate. How’s mcdonalds treating you? They let you use the ice cream machine
I had sex with my dad once and then he gave birth to my mom
anybody got the weigh in
where is she uploading?
What’s her onlyfans account?
Doesn't have one
Someone please post the new ass shaking vids she posted on her site
She does custom content!!
I don’t care how hick she is, I’d hit her back walls. She also seems the type who’s too lazy to really act on whatever shitty conservative ideology knocking around in that skull. If she acts up, it’s because her guy is shit at handling her.
anybody buying her new ass shaking vids?
What is her website?
would you mind sharing?
Ya got that right! Lmao
>>53797 yes yes we all know shes a abusive scamming scumbag but who got that new 2022 content though
can we get a reup of the recent videos shared
I'll upload everything Sadie & Jackie for BBBXXL
Excuse where is the videos of your upload
Send first then
Is it just me or does she look enormous in her newest vids?
Can you upload the last vid
Whats her new site??
Her Instagram is Bigbootybeautyxxl500, does anybody have access to it?
It’s a bummer she’s a bit deflated hopefully she porks back up - also a shame she doesn’t have an OF
Ah she's looking really hot to me

Dam this beluga is so out of breath in every video. Hot af.
damn, we need some new vids asap...
I don't care what the fuck kind of person she is or the things she's done, I need this girl to grow again and surpass her peak

honestly. she is just 10/10 hot. ridiculous
She's always been the absolute hottest ssbbw of all time in my book, just a shame she keeps disappearing. Shitty person isn't particularly a problem lmfao
This whale has to have one of the greatest bodies ever, she's literally perfectly built to store blubber. I wanted to watch her fat ass eat herself past 800lbs soooo bad
Does anyone have her most recent videos from her new clip4sale?

I heard this bitch racist is it true???
who cares, you gonna go be friends with her or are you gonna lay in bed being mad at her thoughts while she dunno you exist?
Not really gonna be stressing over a racist bitch who looks like she could die any minute from a clogged artery lmao. Still gonna beat my meat to her
She’s the most racist model I know of
how is she racist? i actually don't know
Don’t mean to be the stereotype chan moron but she genuinely looks bigger or I’m stupid
Nah,she’s 100% smaller than she was.
Bigger than she was two months ago when she showed up looking emaciated (comparatively) yeah. Her double chin is bigger and she has more width. Her booty is starting to reinflate.

Bigger than the last time she showed up or her peak, no way.
Well what else is she good at? Besides popping out kids, I mean. Vast majority of these girls are in this because they’re food addicts who’ll never break the cycle. They know this is their shot to either make money, find validation, or land a man. Let’s not pretend to be shocked she’s back and she’s fattening up; not like she picked up a book.
Someone pls reup chicken stuffing video
re up anyone?

Better than being a misogynistic incel. Stop calling women bitches and get some pussy.
content or shut up
>calling other people incel on a pornography piracy board
kkk grand witch domme set when
>>59193 when youre a well known racist scammer I think its okay to say bitch she earned it
Anyone know the new weigh in?

She is huger than ever

This is going to be the time she gets immobile
share the video
How is such a rapid gain possible in such short notice?
White magic
She has been posting vids that were filmed pre-gain and is now posting more recent ones. Course with this chick, it could be the opposite and she is posting in reverse chronological order. She is not known for being bright.
any proofs on this?
does anyone have the video where she tries to work out? would be really nice
(236 KB, 892x361, Screenshot 2022-11-13 190005.png)
anyone got this? or in general, all her new stuff looks crazy. the snacks and stories one someone uploaded was wild because she talks about how quitting and dieting is basically impossible given her food addiction.

Then she gave up dieting and gained 40 pounds in 3 months...
Someone got the new vids?
A huge ssbbw bundle to the kind soul who will share
Imagine filming content where you take up the lower right corner of the frame, and then having the gall to sell it.
Please for the love of god, put the most minimal amount of effort in, you colossal useless hambeast.
Some of these models who flit in and out of modelling and don't really care make it real obvious.
You'd think if you were creating content, you'd try and put some pride and effort into it, no?

Don’t have to put in effort if people will buy it regardless.

Source: every Randalin video ever
That and her videos are consistently in the top 10 of BBW C4S vids sold. Her studio is like #4 in that category. Face it - her simp fans don't care about quality.
I find these videos hilarious. Who is paying money for these? hahaha!
There’s an appeal to an idiot like her. There’s an implied laziness that also suggests that she’d never challenge you. Keep her fed and she stays docile.

Like I’m not gonna hitch myself to a girl like that, but I’d certainly fuck her brains out and shovel a value meal or two down her throat.
You've nailed it here.
She presents the fantasy of the fat, dumb wife who is happy to let you be the boss. Keep her fed and she will be like a little puppy at your feet.
Damn she's really put some weight back on fast. Hope she keeps it up.

Considering she's so high up in the C4S rakings - someone has one of her new ones to share maybe? That one where she's by the Window would be fucking tight. If someone has it and wants to share.

Since I am begging, here's almost 2GB of newish SSBBW Contend - I ain't a mooch. Well I am I guess actually.


But…didn’t she get arrested for beating the shit out of her husband?
Yes, haha, but you don't see any of that persona in her videos.
She needs a stronger hand
Anyone has new videos of her ? Please ?
How can you get beat up badly when all you need to do is walk fast and she wouldn’t be able to get you?

Maybe she likes wearing strap-ons. It's seldom seen here in the bbw communities, but trust there are plenty of freaky bbws. I have met a few in real life. None of them have done me up the butt though.... but they would!

What if she starts beating you when you are cornered or in some confined space. You can't expect to be able to push her out of the way if you are a scrawny 80 lbs fella.
anybody got the weigh in
if fatties practice, maybe they can really get their weight behind a punch. perhaps not though
I can't imagine her being very agile, or having any stamina. twenty seconds of just fucking around fist fighting and I'm gassed out. I can however stand indefinitely, run obstacle courses etc-which she can not. Honestly, if any dude is getting his ass kicked by a non-UFC/kickboxer bitch, you should get the trans surgery. at least you'll be a little safer then.
It's not right to hit women, and therein lies the dilemma- what to do when they're hitting you?
This bitch friend of an ex of mine got it in her mind to fight me and I was definitely not trying to hit this little maniac so in an effort to get her to back up I started spitting on her (that shit's gross, I wouldn't wanna be spit on, might make me reconsider how much I wanted this conflict).
hopefully that never happens to me again, but if it does- vomit all over the bitch.

Hey buddy, go to therapy.
All she'd really have to do is quickly grab you before you expect it or push you to the ground and get on top of you.

If you're somehow strong enough overpower your way out of a 400+lb woman's grasp or to push her off of you, then you're strong enough to defend yourself

But yeah unless she flat out warns you that she's going to kick your ass, you're probably not gonna have the chance to escape if she doesn't want you to.
>>63420 damn I missed her big fat scammer ass, does anyone have the full vids?
Who’s got her most recent vids?
anybody have any new content from this chick? she has the best shape? i have old stuff, will upload what i can when I get home from work

Please do. I lost my drive along with all her old content
No one ever has her newer clapping / spread videos
You’re a real one ☝🏾
Video is black...

Why it always got to be about race
man I keep thinking i might see the pov fuck vid I saw on spankbang so long ago but it never shows up on these lists. Im starting to feel like somebodies gaslighting me. I know it was real!
I have a POV vid but you dont see dude actually smashing.. but that ass moving POV is amazing though. Im gonna drop the link. Its loading up as we speak.
Does anyone have the new oiled-ass vid? I'll upload the new ass-shaking if you load the recent oiled ass.
Anyone got the old vid where she's eating a bunch of cheeseburgers? I think it might have been a 2-parter.
Can you send it in wetransfer or mab
Also they’re the new uploads from (BBB XXL)
Got the Arby’s manager build
She has definitely put some weight on since she came back - holy shit.
Can you share for us???
She used to be a thing.
Does anyone have any of her old Weight gain encouragement/Mutual gain videos?
Bump for anything new

Heres something
Can we get a re-up?
I apologize for asking but could you reup it again? I didn't have the space to download it but now I do. when you get the time please.
Why isn't everyone using Mega for uploads?
Because it is shite
how about gofile? Waaay better and easier than mab or wetransfer...
reup pls. missed
+1. I used to have all her old videos :'(. I need them back
Has anyone her fat farm clip?
In one day:

- Five guys for breakfast?
- McDonald's, 2 cheeseburgers and fries to "hold her over" till lunch
- a burger, two hot dogs, fries, a milkshake and coke from five guys for lunch
- coffee, 6 pack of cupcakes, 2 cheesecake slices and a pack of popcorn on the way home from five guys
- pizza, bread sticks and custard for dinner

Fucking insane
Thanks, thanks, thanks !!!!
what video is this from?
Is she at her biggest or not? I can't tell.
Even if she’s not that ass looks great
(1.8 MB, 854x480, prev_27243925.mp4)
god just imagine how much of your body would get crushed at once if she sat all this on you

I don't think she's at her biggest, I'd love to see that new belly play video.... She's put a lot of weight back on though that's for sure. I'd love to see her really blow up this time. One can only hope.


The Juan in the link bruh. Watchoo mean?
(2.3 MB, 854x480, prev_26629023.mp4)
How does a guy even gets past that?
Easy. Unless you have a shrimp dick lol.
Can we have this re-upped? Please
Please… Can you share It more???
I can say that as long as she can open her legs up, you only lose like 1/2" if that to the fat pad at this girl's weight once everything's compressed at speed.
Sounds like me when iam High
God i love this Fetish, PEAK HUMAN PHYSIQUE.
Somebody post the new stuff please. Especially the booty shaking
imagine the smell
Again, you've got 3 days before I delete most of these (unless the upload fails). Godspeed lads
please re-up
New weigh in
Daaaamn I'd love to have one of those new ones. Does C4S accept pre-paid cards?
try and find out
*try and find out
Does anyone have the latest weigh in or the 'Fatter Mate' video she did a while ago?

How can I post her videos on here?
(230 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mmtdeeWk9f1s8gsuho4_1280.jpg)
bbbxxl is in my top 5, so naturally i have a ton of her stuff. reviving the thread by sharing some videos you don't see around much...
I love how dumb and dull she is in that Tool Time video. Thanks man
To me she will always be that model that attacked a guy

Cool story. Jackoff material just has to look good to me I don't give a fuck about who they are.
Only makes it hotter for me
dumb and dull gels with this fetish so perfectly, especially with her whole look.

Never cared for the whole "boss babe" thing many of these models use, I prefer the darker (morbid?) aspects psychically and bbbxxl checks allll those boxes just by who she is
How can I view those videos on here
She's talking about shutting it down again
Guess whatever she made off doing the same video 5 times got her out of money troubles. This would be her, what, 4th time leaving?
any chance for a reupload? Please
>>80161 Source? her twitter is down as well, although it only serve as to promote the c4s
(266 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mw3t7rfzjB1s8gsuho6_1280.jpg)
i honestly don't even remember exactly what videos i posted, but sure, i'll reup the ones i do remember (tool time, bbbxxl walking, etc) and some others i don't see a lot.
thanks, these are updates from c4s? anyway nobody is forcing her to make videos at a certain pace, i thik she should release updates sporadically then. but what do i know
>I've gotten quite heavy and lazy, making it difficult to constantly make new videos

Jaye you make the same 3 clips over and over on a timetable no one is demanding, don't make it sound like you're too fat to shake your ass on camera.
it's not surprising that she releases a weigh in then does this.
weightloss coming...guaranteed!
I just ate the best Mac and Cheese I've ever made in my entire life.

Don't buy that shit that's the mark of the beast.

>weightloss coming...guaranteed!
I'm betting she got knocked up again. That fucking breeding cow.
my inkling is that this stint wasn't that profitable for her. when you post a barrage of vids doing the same thing is hard to stand out and now she's trying to squeeze out a few last sales with this announcement. she could learn a thing or two of how Lisa and JJ schedule their content
(25 KB, 640x480, hogs-of-war-suply-drop.jpg)
>>51164 (OP)
Here are some very recent drops.
For that i request only 1 Video: it was around her peak time (2014-2016is) and she focused her belly. She was sitting on a couch perfectly infront of the camera and played alot with her belly. If someone know what i mean share it. I loved it.
Sorry i request 2 videos actually. The second one would be where she smashes Toast and eggs on a Table. Around the same time ~2015ish.
decryption key?


Is this biggest she’s ever been? I don’t remember her legs having such deep rolls (or maybe old vids had bad camera). I wonder if she’s still a home nurse. Truly fat part of the country when your health aid can barely walk without sounding like she ran a mile.
wdym? just download it lol
put in the whole link. it got cut off and went to a second text line
I suppose to truly match their income she would have to follow in their footsteps and do “meet-ups”
(503 KB, 320x240, generated_12062293.gif) (152 KB, 1567x449, Leg.Vid.jpg)
I could only find 1 of 2 requested Videos with Wayback machine... Does anyone got them? The attached Picture is obviously the Belly focused one. The second Video is where she Drops her Belly on a Table and crushing toast and eggs,,, pretty damn hot but i guess i need to wait for a real collector since its around 9 yrs old!!!
Thanks for the drop with the new vids.

Hot take: she's pregnant in those.... I'd betcha.
This is the Belly focus i mean
But thanks.

& in addition to thta i search for the belly plopping one.

Anybody have the vids where this clips are from ??
Does anyone have the 'fatter mate' video she did a little while ago?
>>51164 (OP)
How do i summon one of the old Chadlads on here who been around forever, so someone can help me with those 2 Videos?

Belly Food Smashing/Plopping on a Table & >>80467

I shared the drop above...
please share the full videos
(4.0 MB, 1280x720, bbb1.webm)

Checked my inventory, I don't have them Sorry BRUH.

Wonder why she won't show her belly from the front in any of her new vids? Like I want to see the whole fucking thing.
She is really deflating nowadays huh?
most of the angles/shots she chooses to use in her newer stuff are pretty bad. who knows if it's intentional or sheer incompetence, but terrible camera work isn't exactly an anomaly with this sort of stuff lol
Reup of the mega pls
In the spirit of starting a share train here is the newest weight in, https://we.tl/t-QcmSjtLnHG dont let the interest die

Beautiful person bump bumping
could someone re-up the new weighin (april I think) or other new vids?

Bruh - I gotta be honest with you. As someone that's upped pretty much her whole back catalog on here many times (most of which I bought myself).....

Her new shits is just some of the laziest, shittiest contend I ever seen. She was in sweatpants, told you the number (no I don't remember sorry) stepped on the scale and then said she was from God's Asshole Ohio and this is all you get.

If it don't get reupped, don't be sad is all I'm sayings.
Fr tho, I lol’d at gods asshole Ohio. Her trashiness used to be part of her appeal but her recent stuff is just not worth it
Does anyone have the 'fatter mate' video?
We need new mega folder),:
More please
We need more
Some elder lord around here?
Any mega folders of her?

Here is a mega.
(61 KB, 740x559, IMG_1536.jpeg)
Does anyone have the video this image is from?
Was an older video, but anyone happen to have the one where she talks about being too big to ride.
Doesnt work for me
If she did an only fans for like $12.99 a month with a video a week, and some pics and updates on what she is eating, she would make a killing and it would be better than her current clips that are uploaded like every other month of her showing her ass.
>Wonder why she won't show her belly from the front in any of her new vids? Like I want to see the whole fucking thing.
It probably looks like a wrinkled deflated balloon.
Bump in the hopes of seeing this vid again

video someone asked for, 480p only but here you go, she talks about (mutual) gaining
anyone got the vid of her stuck under the table? it was on youtube for a long ass time but vanished a while back
Do you have an old video of hers called Hog Roast? It was about her talking about being so fat that she can’t escape a house fire, and the firemen coming to the scene and smelling bacon. I’ve never seen it posted anywhere and I’ve always wanted to watch it out of morbid curiosity.

Because this bitch is a breeding cow and doesn't want us to see the c-section scars from her 6 kids.
I'd love to see a mri Scan of this hog. I'd love to see the ratio between the fat tissue and the lean tissue. Imagine the colossal difference
My understanding is there’s a video where she squats down in a dimly lit kitchen and takes a steamer on the ground before saying something about “all that kfc”. This is at least what I remember from the video but I was drinking a lot back then.
I have the hog roast and will upload but I’m currently tied up looking for this cow pie on the tile video from 2016.
This place isn’t for trading post the hog video and maybe someone will post the video you want.
Bumping for this if anyone still had the video
Does anyone still have this video and will you please post it.
Sorry for asking guys but didn't she had a video called "1 ton butt, 1 ton truck" where she climbed into a heavy duty ram pickup that kinda sunk with her weight? i'm pretty sure i saw it somewhere but i haven't been able to find it in over a year and just wanted to ask if anyone else has heard of it or has seen it,can't find it for sale or anything
I saw people talking about something similar in the trashy girl thread. Is this real?
I’ve got a pretty bad quality version on an old external hard drive if people want it. But you’re sick man
Please post the hog roast.
Oh im aware im sick, and thats why i have no prob askign for it please!

Wtf nah theres no way thats real
Fuck me sideways
well now I have to see it.
I’m not even a scat guy,but my morbid curiosity is getting the better of me
Seriously. I just want to watch it once now to check it off my list.
Does any1 have her one video called mega ass clench? Or any other ass spread videos.
Nah there's no way. This is just a myth like Fart Cake or the video where Layla eats so much that she shits herself
i'm pretty sure i've seen it at least once on spankbang a long time ago

I can promise you that you did not. Just another douche that's doing the fart cake starting something elsewhere.
Extremely underrated comment
Anyone have the bikini try on?
Does someone have a working mega folder of her stuff??
Just received an email from her c4s newsletter. The bitch is vanishing, again. I just hope nobody here were fooled by her and gave her money.
I can't even buy her shit before c4s deletes it. In salty

That was a misdemeanor technically, Chris.
Why does the US take zero privacy meaures with regards to felons, if it happend in any other country we wouldn't know about this.

What?! Why would you ever ever want privacy for felons?
Seriously, wtf?

The point of it that others should be able to know someone is a felon.
Was anyone here actually excited for her comeback? She's put out the most repetitive and bland content I've seen in years.

I was until I saw how shitty it was.
(5 KB, 58x48, Screenshot 2023-09-06 164039.png)
>>51164 (OP)
Sorry i cant share since i got nothing of her after deleting my old Stuff, ´just collecting "Gems from the Past"
Iam still missing both of these, is anyone around here who knows wich they are and got them?
Would make my day!

Yeahhhh… That totally isn’t going to be a bullshit scam page. Definitely no shitty content on there for sureeee. At 17.99 with 15% off to start? Totally worth it… She doesn’t have a history of anything like that. Nope
Please share all her videos specifically the old ones
I am looking for her stripes videos , looking forward for your kindness
Lazy output. She’s always looked decent, but the minute she opens her mouth I can’t imagine her having a complex thought. There’s an appeal to an idiot that size, but still
Put some fucking make up on, though. You’re trying to get eyes on you. Christ.
Do we know what specifically happened there?
To me she will always be that model that shat on the floor
Do her vids not even have audio?
There is no proof. This bozo just likes riling y'all up. It's all cap he does this every month or so to bring attention back to the third, stop biting >>94460
does anyone else not have sound for her videos?
Share motherfucker and stop chit chatting

She was arrested for home violence. A guy she lived with pissed her off and obviously lost a fight to her. I don't know what caused it but she give it to him good enough to be arrested.
How the fuck do you get the shit beat out of you buy a 5’4 Ssbbw lmao? Like did she sneak up on him and sit on him? I’m fr trying to figure out how that would’ve gone down
It was against a 3ft midget obviously
She’s nutzo. He probably didn’t want to go to jail for DV. She lays into him and he calls the cops instead of hitting back and having her call them on him.

It may break your bubble a bit, but ssbbw's and fat people in general are NOT less capable in a fight.

In fact they posses a benefit of additional mass. Even if they know nothing about fighting that mass can easily make them victorious. You think you could push around or drag someone twice/triple your weight? Think again, kiddo.
That alone may make most of your "fighting technics" entirely inapplicable.
But the soft fat tissue you say? Ok, you hit him/her in the gut. What'd that do beside driving them mad at you? Sure, it will hurt. But you will never cause as much pain as you would to someone skinny.
On the bright side - you will probably be able run away from a fat person if you are skinny. But beating a fat person in a fight sure won't be easy, even if you are a brawler.
do you have any videos where this big cow gets fucked ?
I too can fix her
>fighting fat person
>kick their ankles
She won’t be so uppity when she’s more dependent. Some housebound sow isn’t gonna bite the hand that feeds her.
Drunk skinny guy vs larger sober woman. My money goes on the larger woman. Drunk, skinny guy will get tossed around like a rag doll. Will spend more time on the floor than on his feet.
Nah bro, I once got into a fight with a very tall fat dude. I lowkicked him so hard in the side of his knee that he buckled under his own weight. As he came crashing down, I hit him square in the jaw with a good one, two. Needless to say he went down like a sack of potatoes.
If a woman can’t get up from her seat without help, how is she supposed to throw a punch?

Listen, I’m sure we’ve all seen them struggle at that size. Scariest thing she’d do is clumsily roll to the side and slowly push herself up while getting beet red in the face.

It’d teach this girl humility, at least.
Look, they were about to break up. Probably had a particularly nasty fight. She gets aggressive, guy probably eggs her on and she gets violent. Does he fight back? Of fucking course he doesn't because why the fuck risk any chance of getting charged with something because you hit a woman that can barely walk a few hundred feet. And afterwards what better way to get back at her than have her charged for it.

I have no idea how you strongfat idiots and durrhurr dude lost to a woman idiots manage to keep this conversation going year after year.
I am looking for her old stripes videos , looking forward for your kindness
source: punch out
Where I can find her old videos in high quality?

You need to summon the Contend Fairy. I have seen him drop like 12GB of old stuff of hers a couple times. I don't have any of it saved though - someone around here surely has it.
i bet Contend Fairy or Daffy Duck has the Belly Bread/egg drop one... its super rare since no one remembers xO
How to contact him ?

Conjuring? Kill a goat over a copper bowl or something I don't know. Haven't seen him in an a while. Maybe speaking him into existance is enough.
How does one even view anything on this site?
Cant figure out how this site works :D Is it just for downloads or can you also just watch? The latter doesnt seem to work
Fuck that i aint paying for that, i know someone on here has got all that just stitting on his drive.
Looking for the remaining
Now we just need a way to use paste.ee
Oh no, I'm dumb! How does paste work?
Could be wrong guys, but is this maybe just this one dude's content and he wants people to fill out the stuff he doesn't have?

Usually people use it to post what they are able/wlling to share.
How to use it ? How to download? How has her videos?
Does she reply to emails anymore? I emailed her to make a custom video for me for a pretty penny but she didn’t even reply, she is active on Instagram maybe I have to contact her there.
Pls post the videos you have
F @ c k. U for nothing
Where is the superhero?
Bbwchan is going down, any King willing to volunteer
What’s her name?
any reup?
Any reup?
When you are sad and looking for something to cheer you up
Can someone please update her coomer
This. Also any random video drops will be nice. Especially old videos like weight gain goals. Hearing her talk about wanting to get so big and heavy was amazing.
What’s her real name?
Does she do meet ups and/or customs?
She mailed in her last run at making videos, so I seriously doubt it.
Merry Christmas
Who are kind enough to post her old videos?!
How fat is she really?
Can she buckle her shoes?
Like what size toilet, if any, does she still fit on?
What’s her doctor say?
Her doctor writes her a script for a XL toilet to go with her... XL shoe buckles.
From the spec sheet: Static weight load of 2,000 lbs (908kg). Yup, 1-ton ought to do it :)
1000 pound limit won’t work for me bro.
I’m 400 pounds and like my 601 pound wife to ride me while I ‘m unleashing the chocolate hostages.
Reading comprehension: 0/10
While you're dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool?
I am really angry with you guys, you share all kinds of crabs but when it comes to her no one shares.
(11 KB, 350x263, zoidberg_jesus.webp)
not sure what's funnier, your pajeet reference to "crabs" or your zillenial entitlement and being "angry with us guys"
Does anyone have that video where she waddles through her room? I havent seen it online in years. Also, theres one where she sits and lays down on the floor and pretty much spreads like a pancake.
>>51164 (OP)
Iam still on the hunt for the legendary Table plop video where she squashes food with her belly... anyone?
(2014ish era)
Anyone have her burping videos?
Probably not going to get it but is it possible to get a reup of all these?

Thanks for that drop, alot of old stuff in there
You think you got this one? >>104987
Please anyone can update her coomer ?

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