
nice thanks, sadie is really the greates, i hope she stays longer in this business
Video for set 62??
YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV1ZhUTIxS2JrSjFjM1k9 this should be vid of set 62 i think
anyone have some of her latest vids?
thank youuuu. you are the greatest
What number is her too big to buy set?
You have video for set 63 too??
(168 KB, 800x1191, 144sadie_all.jpg)
New group 144 I'm still looking for groups of pictures from 112 to 144 ??
I do
never fear
How heavy is she now anyway? Has to be in high 500's/low 600's I haven't kept up with updates for a while but she looks massive.
(185 KB, 864x1152, 143sadie_all.jpg) (168 KB, 800x1191, 144sadie_all.jpg)
Does anyone have her latest two sets?

She is very short, I'm not sure but I think she's in the high 400's
actually I was wrong, she's 525 in set 118, probably a bit more now
Anyone have her set 69 vid?I think it’s the too big to buy video
Why does Sadie not do stuffings in the length of 20+ minutes or burping?

Tis all fun and good to see how big she is, but I want to see her PIG out.
>>51430 she has a couple of videos eating a sandwich, but i wish too that she would pig out, ... drive thru, eating challenge, anything. Her videos are well done but are pretty boring.
Pretty sure she's a grazer. Would love to see some kind of "day in the life" kinda thing.
anybody got that one bdsm vid she did a while back?
anyone have some new content of her?
Can someone kindly upload sone content of Sadie. No cap the best ssbbw
If anyone is willing to share set 126 “Caged Curves” that would be mad appreciated
Sets 140, 141 and 142. Looking for anything newer:

Pic sets sadie 112-144 ?
Can someone decode that thing the one dude sent
i'm gonna boot up the quantum computer, we need heavy gear for this one.
Thanks a ton for the drop!
anyone got set 143, 144, and 145? thanks
Bump for new content
Does anyone have her set 79 vid?
Does anybody have the bbwroyalty era I wanna compare them to today
Bump for something new
Can someone upload Sadie vids
Hey anyone have mega link from Sadie
Post the getting in the truck vid ?
>>53090 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXZaQzlWR3dPV0M=
Set 079 - Pics and vid
(199 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20220908-174733_Photos~2.jpg)
Sadie when she first joined bigcuties vs now!
(If anyone has the new set please share! I'm dying to see the new fatter sadie from more angles and in motion!)
What’s the instagram name?
>>55278 it takes 1000x times longer to type that and wait for a response than to just google ssbbw sadie insta lol
Anyone have recent sets?
Looks like lots2luv from the back now
It’s not on her page dumbass. That’s why I was asking for that person insta whomever posted dude
how do you view the videos that are just a bunch of random letters and numbers?
Learn to decode
None of the links work either anyway anymore.
Anyone got some new content of her?
"Walk" has been pretty subjective for Sadie for a while now.
How I can use this weird codes YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZZakoxVUhSWGFXOVQ=?
This is hot, ngl. A video of her in this pose eating ice cream would probably be the end of me.
How do you guys get her videos?
I don’t really understand how to get her quality videos :(
>>55692 for those who are new here, you can use base64 for decode them.
Not everyone is aware of darknet stuff...
Thank you !!!
Please you have a video 143 and 145 ?
Anybody have set 112?
Thank you !!!
Please you have a set pic sets for groups of pictures from 112 to 145 ??
Does anyone have a map of many of her sets?
How I can use this code YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZZakoxVUhSWGFXOVQ=? And get the content?
Use Base64 decoder
And after i decode I get a weird code
Just kill yourseft.
Some gate-keeping fuckheads like to double encode. Additionally if the decoded link expires, you only get random charakters.
Just Google Base 64 and if you cant figure it out then stick with crayons because it isn't rocket science.
Tight Truck video please!
Guys you should offer the Ellie vids which he asked for, that's how it works, you can't expect to get everything for free, unfortunately I don't have any Ellie vids
could someone re-up this?
Can someone upload a zip with most of her sets?
For some reason the last few times on myairbridge it keeps interrupting the download
That's because it doesn't work when you download it in icognito mode

but the two sets sucks ass her content is always the same boring shit despite having potential with her body
I've said it before and I'll say it again: whoever the hell is giving her guidance on modeling needs to cut the shit, because it comes off to me that she doesn't want to be a model like the other BigCuties. The overproduced music videos aren't a revolutionary idea for porn; it's painfully obvious she's not comfortable acting and putting on the fantasy for the camera, so she's told to move around or touch herself for a minute and they'll dub over with music, slow down the footage, and slow pan. Which is insane because I love her roleplay videos, for instance.

Any other model can rub lotion on their body for 5 minutes and talk about how soft they are while also teasing new growth - Sadie & her production crew can somehow make a 3 minute video with stock porn music & extreme close-ups of the same 3 angles caressing one fold. It's insane. Let her be dorky, it's part of her charm.
You answered your own question she doesn't really want to do more on camera than she's currently doing. Sadies boyfriend is a xxx camera man so if she wanted to do more she clearly could. Same thing as Boberry she probably has a really decent job and doesn't want to jeopardize it. What she's doing is clearly sexual but not something that you couldn't pass of as nude modeling
Pls upload truck video. Someone can help us? Truck video is the best.
Her bf is a really creepy guy. If you know you know
Which is kind of my gripe about it in the first place. We've seen her bare ass get paddled. We've seen her eating McDonald's in her underwear. We've seen her haul her huge ass up stairs and through narrow doorways. I'm not asking for her to do hardcore or even show off her nips, but at least in Sadie's case the more production that goes into her content the worse the spank material gets. FFS we could have had a vid of her dancing along to a video game and we got a glamour reel - I wanted to see some fucking wobbling.

And as far as jeopardizing careers are concerned, BoBerry and Sadie are absolutely doing something that would raise eyebrows with their current jobs already. There's absolutely no way their respective HR departments don't know about what they have online. The difference between the two is it's apparent Mary could get by on her modeling gig alone and keeps the job since it's steady solid income, with the modeling being more than supplemental. I don't know what Sadie does for work, but what they've both done so far is still fetish modeling and that's probably just as taboo to an employer that cares.
I dunno man. If I found out my colleague did foot fetish modeling, for example, I’d have a way different reaction than if they had a bunch of videos out there doing hardcore.

I hate to tell you this, but different women have different comfort levels. I always figured Big Cuites didn’t get enough credit for bringing in models that would have otherwise never done anything at all. Having dated a few models, I have to say that not all these women actually even enjoy this all the time—letting them do things only as they feel comfortable is probably better than forcing your horny will on them.
Yeah, but what's more shocking/strange and maybe even disgusting to most normal people...A woman doing foot fetish porn or a Ssbbw doing softcore feederism porn(or like doing any kind of softcore porn (at her size)) .
I think most companies have the same reaction to both from a professional standpoint, but you're right it varies. That's besides the point though - Sadie has some good content, it's just the overproduced content we're seeing more often that's more about showing off the editing than the model is just confusing.

Devil's advocate here - fat women are already starting off lower due to most people being repulsed by obesity. And foot fetish is somewhat mainstream as far as people knowing it exists... But you still have people surprised that fat women are doing porn instead of hiding at home.
For someone so hot. Her content is so fuckin ass. Waste of potential really.
anybody got that one bdsm video she did a while back?

just for you
She's has posted a new weigh in, any hero wanna step in for the fam?
Can someone bless us with a re up on the photo sets
Living in the golden age of short fatties.
Sadie & Jackie both 5'4 and over 500 lbs. Jackie prolly pushing 600 too though lol
The hero we don’t deserve. Many thanks.
Thanks a lot :-)
Reup on the latest vids? Please...
Pls someone truck video
damn, gone already?

didn't know bigcuties took down stuff from YT lol

Also, anyone got a mega of all her vids? I got like... a couple, but they're all over the place numerically.
Reup of the weigh in plsss
Anyone know if Sadie still goes to bashes?
I remember she used to but that was pre Covid and all.
May you share the video?
What did she weigh in her last weigh in?>>57380
Anyone have the new Sadie squashing set?
can we get a reup on this?
Anyone can upload something
119, 147, 149
Only vids. Planning on updating the Mega with all the photosets.
There is mega with sadie content
There is.
It's unencrypted. It's in the very first post in this thread. It's alive and active for two years. If you're hungry for content, I suggest paying some attention for it bears fruit sometimes. ;-)

It's not complete nonetheless. It's photosets only and even then some are entirely missing. As I said, I intend to do something about it. Patience, please.
Hate to be "that guy" but how does one decode the link above? Base 64 wont do it for me.

Run it through base 64 twice, copy the equal sign as well from the first decode
Dunno how to reply using the code properly, but I uncoded it no problem
Sadies bf is cringe
Thanks for the bed struggle video. I like hearing her struggle and grunt. It's cute to me. And that ass wobble.
I wonder if the truck video was like that.
Here ya go, enjoy: aHR0cHM6Ly9hbm9uZmlsZXMuY29tLzIydTkxZEg2eTgvU2FkaWVfMTQ1X3ppcA==
I love how Sadies fat changes it's density. She even talks about it in one of the weigh-ins. Here her belly appears particularly fluid and I am very into that...
Is anyone getting an error 504 when trying to download, or is it just me?
It's a 164 byte file. So yeah not real.
Not able to fetch from anonfiles. Can you please do us a favor and upload on mab,wetranfer or gofile
Anonfiles works for me just fine and the file is 154.42MB, but whatever, here's the WeTransfer:
I’m sorry to ask guys but how the hell does the codes work ?
Thank you so much
Do you also happen to have the Suv vid?
does anyone know what was her weight in the latest weigh-in?
She lost a bit.
Thank you buddy.
Do you have her new photo collections ؟
Does anyone have a video of Sadie in a dress? I think it was red and she was in a photo shoot or something.
Could you please re-up?
What’s the deal with Sadie’s IG situation? Is she still banned? When is she coming back? Is there another place to actually contact her online?
Seconding this.
Esh im trying to send out set 153 it's honestly great but I'm mobile and accidentally put that link y'all don't scam me lmao lmk how to send vids so I can hook it up I
Use myairbridge or wetransfer and upload from there - you'll get a link to post here when it's uploaded.
Please upload 143 if anyone has it
Can anyone repost any new videos of her, or videos in genaral.
Can you reup the link
>Mr. Torgue joins the conversation
For your pleasure.
Link is broken
Thanks for sharing the video, the pictures are icon sized unfortunately.
Link is not working, it’s broken
Yes, link is fine, and transfer is still up ( ~2:30 PM EST)
Since you said please:
Thanks for the drops. Do you think you can share 153 as well?
(1.5 MB, 1280x720, preview.jpg)
Does anyone have this video by chance?
THIS! Not that I'm unappreciative of whoever shared it earlier... but it was screen-recorded incorrectly on a phone.
This should do it.
I'll upload #154 soon.
Here goes:
Thanks, dude. Think you could possibly reDL & reup Set 152 picset? All the images in the one you upped were extremely small
Any chance at pic sets 115 and 131? And vid 150? Please and thank you!
Any chance of getting pic sets 115 and 131? And also vid 150. Please and thanks.
Give me the number and you'll receive any set of your liking. But update "king" to "queen", please. :-*

Sure, that ass must not be minimized.
But it's kinda tedious downloading it manually. Any ideas about automatizating it...?
Also: don't call me dude, dude. Unbelievable as it is, there are girls here, too. ;-)

Since you're so polite, here's the vid: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOVtTYWRpZVZpZDE1MCldMExWRXlSRUpZYm1vd1dIaz0=
The rest will have to wait for now.
What I wouldn’t give just to have a set where she binge eats from a scooter.
You are such a queen, and I wish nothing but good fortune on your queendom this year.

I'll check my archives and see where the gaps are, but is there anything you would like from anyone?
148, 149 and 151 would be great, thanks Queen
Now that's what I like to hear.
Here they are, vids only for now (patience): aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXVGR0pxdXc4Y1Q=
(174 KB, 864x1152, 133sadie_all[1].jpg)
If anyone has 133 I'd be most grateful. Thanks.

>But it's kinda tedious downloading it manually. Any ideas about automatizating it...?
I use DownThemAll on Firefox.
Thank you Queen, you got 129, 122, 105, 110 and 111?
Do you have 144, 145, 146 that you could please upload Queen?
For your kind advice, here, thou shalt receive a blessing:
(the addon works a treat!)
to the anon dropping all of this gold-youre a legend cant thank you enough may something extremely good happen to you soon
>>64119 Something tells me that he's already had plenty of "good things" happen to him already, unlike most who choose to share nothing or post spiteful, malicious, or overall corny comments.
*She. She's already corrected us about that. And I'm curious if she wants anything in return from anyone else.
Well, you all could provide me with something - please, send me a vid from your collection that you consider hottest. ;-) Do that and I'll keep slapping your faces with Sadie's wonderfull ass. :-*
*to her. ;-) I know, it's not demographically plausible, but there are girl on this chan, you know!
#144 and #146, here you are, my loyal servant: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTAoW3R3b291dG9mdGhyZWUsZ29vZGVub3VnaD9dKUxWWlpiR0pwWTFCU1luWT0=
105, 110 and 111:
and one of the 12[?]:
Ohmygod, thank you! ...now I must knight you, or something; you can be my white knight.

As said, as a barter token I'll gladly accept any vid you consider hot (since we're here worshipping the same girl, we might have share a common taste in girls ;-))

Especially if you have something sapphic/lesbian? This one does things to me, for example: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2xpcHM0c2FsZS5jb20vc3R1ZGlvLzE4ODcxOS8yNjkzMjc2Ny9mdW5uZWxpbmctd2l0aC1hdXJvcmE=
>she calls me her white knight

Oh god anything but that -_- but yeah, let me see what fits the bill.
I am sorry for my sense of humour, I wasn't meaning to offend.
Thank you in advance. :-)
Thank y‘all for sharing so much Sadie stuff!!!

We need more heroes like you.
>>65137 (Cross-thread) Hmm what a coincidence I was just finished thinking about smoking a nice long cigarette.
Thank you queen. Do you have the videos for 126 and 130?
Can we please have vid 138, dear queen!? You making this thread going 🔥

This queen rewards politeness.
I do, and now, so do you.

Link, all 3 there:
Thank you very much Queen for everything! Please don't forget Pic sets 115 and 131.
How could I forget:

this link doesnt work
>there are girl on this chan
Only males who pretend to be. You can't fool me. I can tell you're male just by your typing. YWNBAW.
Motherfucker take your malding ass back to /trash/, she can be anything she says she is if she's providing content, which is more than what your broke ass is doing.
Shut Up SnowFlake
Saying I identify as is the same as I pretend as....
I ain't hearing shit from broke faggots. Since I know how to properly thank people for giving content for free, here's a collection of girls doing things to other girls for the queen. Merry Christmas to all, even the poor fuckers. Give it some time to upload.

...whew. And I can tell you're amab based solely on the energy you have invested to sharing your bigotry on a chan site. Based on my typing. Please. Why would I want to fool anybody?
Also, thanks, I learnt a new acronym today. Unsurprisingly, it nicely adds to the picture of a sad, close-minded person, the stance you clearly took here.
Why don't just enjoy Sadie, tho? That's what we're here for. Or so I thought.
Pls just stfu, all those videos u have are from anyone else, and u probably way more broke than them
Lmao guessing you're not a fan of LisaLou & Aurora otherwise you'd see what hasn't been shared yet. Try again.
Thank you very very much! We've transferred this thread into something wonderful.
Special thanks for the LL funnel vid with Aurora. Bless you.
That link doesn't work. Could you kindly re upload please?
I see, sorry, let me try again:
You rock Queen!
Could you please send set 30, 68, 104 and 106? Thank you
Sorry meant 27 instead of 30
Despite her womanhood being disputed, your Queen returns bearing gifts: here's number 104 for now:
Thank you, dear Queen
For your enjoyment.
#27 is vid only; uploading here:
#106 here: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWZWTWxRbTlnVUo=
I envy her figure. All I get is ass of Hank Hill. Women should look like Sadie; wider than sumpter horses and very beautiful at the same time...
What number is her most recent set, anyway?
Does anyone have her too big to buy vid?I think it’s #79 iirc
The most fresh is #154 with some BigBigCherry. Take a look:

The queen is too lazy to check, but here is #79 nonetheless:
am still looking for her photo collections from 112 to 155 ?
I do, here it is

Looking for the set 152 video
Does someone have both candid videos and treadmill video? Thanks
(0.6 KB, Missing Videos - BigCutie Sadie.txt)
If you provide me with the set numbers, it would be helpful.

I have all videos that are not on the following list, so ask what you want and, if anyone has them, please help me fill up my gaps.
That sounded way dirtier than what I intended
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nice thanks for sharing is #150 available
Here's the treadmill video and the three candid videos I do have. Not sure if there's more. These are my favorites. I love watching Sadie waddle.
>>64351 Isn't waddle what ducks do? I think you meant wobble.
When one gets a butt this big, one does waddle like a duck. :p
bruh how this bitch toilet not EXPLODE on impact when she sit down lmao
That's one I do not have, otherwise I would've uploaded it. Sorry, mate. Hopefully someone's got it. I'd also be appreciative.
>>64363 She uses a cane?
Thanks a lot queen!
Do you happen to have the following vids:
#96, #97, #98, #112, #113, #114, #115, #123, #129, #145 and be willing to share please?
very fat people do waddle and tf they're cute then its cute
Dear do you have 74,81,100,107,111 vids.
You doing god's work. King
Here's #100: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXc4U3dHOFRXWXg=
I have sets 98, 112, 113, 115
(Set 114 is pictures-only)

I have 81 and 111:
(Set 74 is pictures-only)

Much obliged :)
Pic sets sadie 116-155
thank you to all of the people sharing this godtier content

sadie is beyond cute her shape is perfect and she has the hottest waddle ever, i want her blow up another 3-400lbs and see how big she can really get, she'd be the cutest immobile blob with the fattest ass in history
dear Queen can we get this video
Is that a statement? Or do you think this is a search bar?

....is it a threat??

If it's a request, you'll have to ask more nicely than that.

I'm not the queen you called, but I'll provide what you seek:
thank you for the Blessings!
can you please upload 97 and 103?
I don't have those. In fact, here's the list of the videos I'm missing. Anything else, just ask.
And if you or anyone else has something I don't, please help me complete my collection.

Set 96 - Do I Measure Up?
Set 97 - Bedtime Babe
Set 99 - Cookie Cutie
Set 103 - Massage Oil Moisturizing
Set 107 - Pearfect Fit!
Set 123 - Berry Cute Bikini
Set 125 - Just Peachy!
Set 129 - Christmas Miracle
Set 132 - No Pants, Just Dance!
Set 134 - Too Big for the Bed
Set 135 - Too Tight Troubles
Set 136 - Sit and Smother
Set 137 - Massive Massage
Set 139 - Fittin' this Fat Bod
Set 140 - Door Jam!
Set 141 - Butt Wait, There's More!
Set 142 - Soft as Velvet
Set 143 - Tricky & Tight Truck
Set 145 - Cutie With a Booty
Although I'm noticing there's more missing than two videos...
I'm still missing these:
Set 140 - Door Jam!.jpg
Set 096 - Do I Measure Up?.jpg
Set 097 - Bedtime Babe.jpg
Set 123 - Berry Cute Bikini.jpg
Set 125 - Just Peachy!.jpg
Set 129 - Christmas Miracle.jpg
Set 139 - Fittin' this Fat Bod.jpg
123, 129, 139, 140, all wrapped up here:
I request the whole damn thing. lol Just kidding. Maybe just thunder wear set 23. thank you
Anyone follow her on Snapchat? Does she post often?
(872 KB, 864x547, sadie-vid129.png)
here is your video!!! sadie-129
lay out the promised!
(5.5 MB, 640x360, resolution_360p)
(5.3 MB, 640x360, resolution_360p)
Find the video for me
(5.3 MB, 640x360, resolution_360p (1))
Here's the one when you don't remeber
Did you bigcutiesadie videos on the mega folders?
Can anyone share Sadie 21 with Luscious or Sadie 49 with Foxy Roxxie? Would be much appreciated!
Does anyone hace pic sets from bbwroyalty sadie?
Thank you!! Do you by any chance have the photoset that goes with the Sadie 49 video?
New set, does anyone have it?
Hero of the day – Merry Christmas 🎄
Sadie is such a wazte. Literally the perfect body and she only does boring ass bigcuties cintent. Is she still dating that cringe mf tofu? lmao
I need more videos of Sadie on mega.NZ
Anyone got sets 2, 9, 11, 13, 49, 61, 66, 74, 77, 82-97, 100-102, 105, 108-110, 114, 116-130, 138, 144, 146, 148, 151, and 153?

asking for a friend.
Who put her weight at 617 on her wiki? That’s about 100 lbs more than she is lol
Thank you, do you have more videos from 30 to 100?
Can anyone shares Sadie´s Set 155 and her pics?
A lot of the weights on the wiki are fucked. They've got cherries at like 310 when she's never weighed more than 275. I swear dudes just go on these wikis and type in a weight number that they fantasize about these girls at lol
Can anyone shares Sadie´s NewSet 155 again?
"sadie? yea, she'd be hot at 41471lbs, write that."
I downloaded but I can’t open the file even with vlc?
Have any of you talked with her through bigcuties or in general??
Does anyone have the candid vid where she uses a stick while walking?
(163 KB, 800x1191, 157sadie_all.jpg)
Can anyone uploads the new set?
Thanks Saint Nick!
Could anyone please post the bartender video if they have it? Thanks
Gotchu brodie

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing to us!
does she have any squashing vids ?
Does anyone have the latest shower set
Could you trip the newest set plz
(178 KB, 864x1152, 158sadie_all.jpg)
Can anyone share the newest set?
wow stunning!!!
I think Sadie will end up immobile if she keeps up the gaining. She can barely walk as it is and her body type screams future echo style blobness
The sweater is what's making her look super chunky. She's about as large as last set, she did not gain 60lbs in a month.
>I think Sadie will end up immobile

think again, she's been the same weight for years
weird seeing her without makeup lmao

Nah she’s been merely maintaining her weight for a while now. We know she’s massively insecure about her weight and doesn’t want to gain any further than this.
She's more attractive w/o the makeup
She's definately super hot without make-up. The perfect girl next-door. A natural beauty
Could anyone please share her latest shower set? Would be amazing, thanks!!

Really? That's a shame, when were her insecurities apparent?
anybody ever post the car chat vid?
(170 KB, 864x1152, 159sadie_all.jpg)
New set is out. Does anyone has it?
We need this!!!!
Also, how the fuck that guy is not dead or with some bones broken!! He is quiet skinny!!!
They have to put him in a compression chamber for a while then pull him out right before the video. Without their weight that man would literally die of the bends.
Tall skinny white guys have strong backs from upholding Western civilisation during its twilight years.
Stop. You give me boner.
>>7236 (Dead)
I don't think so haha, but for real, i don't know how he can handle sadie and Eve.... Even Jazz!!! What is his secret... Not everyone can do that, specially someone like him!!!
Wow hot af, how does one get a job like him
Soft couch and even softer asses, I assume
That skinny white guy? Is that Becca´s guy?
oh for the love of god someone just post the videos, both so we can have something actually relevant to talk about here and to shut these dudes up
(170 KB, 800x1191, 160sadie_all.jpg)
Can anyone uploads the new set?
Where's the queen ?
Homophobes scared her off. Funny how they're all well and good with being assholes to someone providing content but will never contribute anything new.
anybody have set 155 the shower
So she's a homophobephobe?
Wow, thank you!

Anyone has sets 158-60?
Here you have

What´s the set?
thanks King!!!!!

>>73644 thank you
Is it just me, or do her legs look like they're more dimpled now? She's really developing those USSBBW Leg dimples now.
I agree. She looks bigger. May she keep it that way
(1.5 MB, 1200x796, 159.png)
many thx for vid159
How to download only the videos and not the pictures? I don’t wznt to download zip files.
Anyone have that vid??
I am willing to drop the latest 5 Bigcutie Jaz sets in exchange for the latest Sadie sets
anyone can share the last two sets, pls?
Stop spamming every tread with fake links!
(75 KB, 622x1104, FtIHzXJaUAMODYn.jpg)
is this video of her and Boberry on flatjacks OF?

Sadie is so much hotter than BoBerry. And wider. Is it true shes jewish?
Who’s Jewish???
fat ass, big nose, jew princess <3
Both are cute and hot. Stop trying to divide the fanbase.
Plz any videos for sadie

the fuck sorta question is this? Why is no one on this site ever normal

Anyway, which Sadie vids are her getting a massage? I like vids like that
does anyone have the vid of her and Boberry yet?
Wow that's amazing
(1.5 MB, 1200x796, eves.png)
Anyone have this vid???
jeans fabric for 8 people at least!
(491 KB, 600x396, 005835.png)
new pic
anyone got that sadie and boberry content?
I echo this. Any hero?
Bump for new vids
Does anybody have that bdsm vid she did?
wheres the vid of her and Boberry?
Look for it in the Boberry thread
Is there link for her vids in mega ?
There is a new video set out of her with Boberry. does anyone have it?
Have a good cup of shut the fuck up. If you don't have the money for a 20$ subscribtion you can't help us out with anything.
Have a cup of fuck off u muppet
(238 KB, 864x1152, 76DD8E6F-8D95-4305-A1E2-555C5D272419.jpeg)
Any hero would like to share her new set 🍑💕❤️Sadie (feat. Boberry)❤️💕🍑 Hopefully y’all have a great weekend.
Thank you.
its been posted in the boberry thread
It hasn't, only videos from Boberry's site have been shared there, and nothing with these 2 on the bed.
its literary the same vid, that Boberry has on her site, and that was shared
is it at least in HD?
it it tho? the vip version was 11 min, this bc vid is 6 min?
There isnt a boberry/sadie vid on the boberry thread
y'all a bunch of goddamn beggars. Now watch and weep

anyone know her weight in the latest weigh in?
All of this fuckin potential. Constantly wasted.
Please tell me there's more they filmed. Just wasted 11 minutes of my life hearing them talk about their fat family members. Wasted potential indeed
What do you expect? Sadie's a little awkward on camera and they weren't doing an activity more than just fitting on a bed. The family members thing was mildly hot... it's good knowing Sadie's got heifers in her family so she's probably going to keep gaining and no one's going to "get concerned" about her. And Mary being the fattest one by far is I guess a little surprising.

But I'm not terribly surprised that's what they did on camera. Why do you think Sadie's videos are usually heavily edited with music?
Maybe trying on some outgrown clothes like jeans. Or taking turns trying to squeeze in chairs, helping eachother get unstuck.
Anyone have this please been trying to get this for so long
The photo of the video I went above
does anyone have sets no. 161-165
is there a full vid of this
So fucking hot, I need this bad
Same does anyone have it

Fr. One of this bitch ass cheeks take up a entire car seat got damn
Would make my day if someone sent a link to this
man, just go to the begging thread, and dont spam here
tell your friend to go ask in the begging thread
I have it but i'm not fucking sending it you because you've been begging on this thread on a daily fucking basis
And other model threads. Seriously, go fuck yourself you beggar. Either be patient or post some content like the rest of us.
Well what fucking videos you looking for in order for u to send the link to the vid I want
Just upload something that isn't already accessible online Jesus Christ how new to this place are you
Ok I’ll upload some have lots tbf
My bad for being a begger just want the vids that’s all nobody ever listens to me
It's not that people aren't listening to you, it's that people simply might not have the content you asked for.

The problem with begging, is that your crying out for someone else to do something your not willing to do yourself, which is hypocritical.

On average, people here and there get themselves a one off subscription to BigCuties or might buy the odd clip here and there.

You seem to be under the impression like there is some kind of steady stream of people buying content and that they can't be arsed uploading it to you.
Nah, I have the content he's after. I'm just not sharing because he's being a beggar. 13 posts requesting the same video since the 9th is way too much. We don't need this post bumplocked because this guy "needs" one video.
Ok what vids you all looking for
I'm not the guy who's been begging, but if no one posts any of her content, then whats the point of the fuckin thread? why do we have any of this if its not to share paywalled content lmao. Bros gotta help bros out
Also not the beggar, but I'm trying to back fill my collection. Does anyone have sets 108-125?
I have those
I would actually help u out here but nobody is helping me out I only beg right now because this video I’ve wanted for years what I put on a few days ago
Oh shoot my fault, I have that set:
much appreciated
Can you reup please or it’s the link because I’m putting it in base4 and it’s not working
It says the server cannot be found

Did the link work for you brother
I’ve literally just downloaded it and it ain’t saying the video is there
If it worked I would fuck of soon as I have this I don’t need to come on this no more
Any chance you can send it on anonfiles or mega
I promise I’ll fuck off them
Well I originally compressed the files as a .rar, but I guess Apple doesn't like those. Recompressed as a .zip, and uploaded to anonfiles:

I’m looking for the video of the Summer squash bro I already have the photos
I’m looking for the video of summer squash please someone already sent me the photos before
(131 KB, 792x740, image.png)
I double checked just to be sure if I actually forgot to include the video, or if you lack the brain power to take all of 10 seconds to look through the files in the .zip... it's definitely the latter
Do U have it or anyone
What the absolute fuck is wrong with you? This has been provided multiple times now.

Mods, please ban this jackass. This has gone on long enough.
Jackass lol u daftun
I'm not the pants-shitting retard that has posted 33 times for the same vid in this thread alone that's been provided 4 separate times. How the absolute fuck did you even find this site without understanding how links & downloads work, did your handler help you?
This bitch is Huge now , and all the fat goes to the ass n hips
(7 KB, 255x198, download.jpg)
Shut UP already ffs man

like I want videos of her too, but you're actually making it less likely anyone will share shit. Do you have any idea how petty the internet is? people are witholding content out of pure spite for your dumb ass.
Kys you daft cunt
I literally stopped coming on here and u still write something what was from like 1 week ago or less so shut ya fucking mouths ya fools
So, I feel like it’s been way too long since a new set was posted. Anyone know if anything’s up.

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