
She is almost not too skinny. I hope she gains 300 pounds FAST. We'll finally have a good-sized BBW.
why are fatties in american-flag clothes so hot
Obligatory comment asking for the video when she farts on a shark
It's not the flag, it's the tits
why is anon so clever and cool and cooñer with every comment?
She farted on a cake and ate it
this is hot to me
I love that these photos depict a milestone in any true feeder's journey -- when you have to put the mattress and box spring right on the floor because your bedframe is about to crumble.
here comes the "fart cake" moron again and again, and again...
You have a problem, sicko.
Don't kink shame. You're fapping to women killing themselves with food.

The fart cake is basically the only thing I can cum to these days.
>The fart cake is basically the only thing I can cum to these days.

Time for nofap.com son.
I'm not a brainwashed NPC, sorry.
Anybody got The Farted Hand?
Only NPCs care about whether or not they're NPCs. You are so one dimensional you may as well be in the first village.
Post the vid pls if you have it king
can someone explain what all those spots on her stomach are? they really distract me lol

They’re cat scratches and not diabetes
Seconding the request for the shart cake vid. Also The Farted Hand.
She's also not fat. That's hair.
Manny approves
And however according to her, she's not diabetic, and I don't know why she should lot about that, considering how many people in this fetish find these issues hot
She got bit by ticks in her native Ohio about 3 or 4 years ago. The ticks had a disease and when she gets a recurrence she gets scabs on her stomach and arms.
ticks? really?
It IS just scarring from cat scratches, but somehow the people won't accept that. Like you said, if she were actually diabetic there would be no reason for her not to lean into the whole deathfeedist angle. So I guess that tick disease she got a few years back is plausible for enough people.
Already way more believable than the cat story lol

Maybe she doesn’t want diabetes so she’s trying to kid herself that they’re cat scratches or tick bites. The whole thing could just be copium for her.
Maybe she doesn't want cats so she pretends that the diabetus blisters are cat scars.

Anyway, it's copium. As long as she gets bigger it works for me.
>"Maybe she doesn't want cats"
>Has cats

What the absolute fuck are you talking about? This is why I can't take the diabetes theory seriously. She would have everything to gain by playing up bad health - no one is subscribing to the 700lb girl because she's healthy. Instead we have this genius purporting she doesn't want her own pet.
Imagine having sarcasm the size of tara in front of you, and still not getting it.
When you have retards on this website saying the dumbest shit to slight models and trigger libs, using sarcasm puts you in the crossfire.
>>49993 I see. So are you saying that sarcasm is what gets me banned sometimes? Or do you think it could be something else? When I get banned all of my comments get deleted as well every time. Do you have any idea what it could possibly be? Or are there anon randomly reporting comments they don't like and then the mods automatically do the bans without checking first?
Wtf? You're thinking too hard about this.
>>49997 Oh, okay. I guess I will just have to get banned again and wait the 3 or so weeks, that's all. Sorry to bother you
Can you primate mongs stop bickering about her diabetes blisters and post the farted cake shark video
somehow every time this cake video gets brought up, it devolves into pointless and stupid arguments instead of people actually fucking posting it
Because this motherfucker thinks he's funny
When I was in the gulf war I witnessed sepsis up close it looks like an exact copy on her belly
💨 🦈 🍰

why there brown in her crack??? is it poo or skin condition
do you like, not look at enough fat asses?
lots of darker skinned girls get it. it's from friction.
Someone generous to share those videos please?
Is that creamymalaya? And do you have more videos of her?
they're on coomerparty
Acanthosis nigricans
Happens to pretty much all fat chicks when they get big enough
Yea it happens when they get too lazy to clean up
It should be here. And yes, I've something
New to this how does she wipe?
Bidet or rag on a stick?
I would genuinely pay to see her wipe her fat ass with rag on a stick
her legs are a bit weird but i would kill to fuck the pussy under her massive belly, just imagine hiding in there and eating her dry
Probably just leaves it up there since she has no one to do it for her
>it's from friction.
Acanthosis nigricans has literally nothing to do with friction.
Why would she cover her crack with the logo? Holy shit that's so obnoxious

She doesn't seem super hygienic. She probably doesn't.
I've notices she's started getting this "strawberry texture" around her naval cavity which many models her size also have. Besides the discoloring from this nigricans, what's this specifically?
Large pores from skin stretching
Love the science experiment vibe she has
Peau d'orange, I believe.
You guys DO know she has, like 6 showering vids on OF right? I don't think anyone with a shower chair and a whole ritual for drying off is just refusing to use it.

Seriously, how many of you think she's a complete bedbound slob because she's over 700lbs? You can tell when those types are selling content, and usually they're on BBWRoyalty. Tara seems put together, which is more than I can say for some Tumblr girls half her size.
You got those vids for proof? Otherwise I’ll just have to pretend she’s a barely walking dumpster
Check the coomer
She's like a mix of SummerG and Teighlor nowadays! And she almost makes Summer look small, heheh
\ wtf are you talking about?? Shes SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than Summer. She like 100lbs bigger at her peak, currently at least 30 pounds heavier and Summer was 5"10, She is only 5"4/

Bruahh, I do love SUmmer. RIP but how can you think she is bigger than MissFatT????
>Last pic.
Photoshop error en the blue boob.
Probably covering the cat scars? Maybe she is not THAT big and her size is enhanced?
Trust no one.
Anyone have the video?
Whatever echo is bigger
What awful news. RIP queen.
Fake news she uploaded on her OF a few hours ago

nah, she just posted yesterday on her OF
The drive thru video isnt

I never said Summer was bigger than Tara is now! Probably lost your glasses before reading my post? I said 'She almost makes SummerG look small'. Almost, because Summer was also around 700lbs!
expired again, hi tara
This is son fast, i need it please
Hey Tara instead of sitting here and DMCAing links all day why don’t you create some content, notably why don’t you weigh yourself
So she could stop us from sharing those too or give those incels over on the Adeline thread in /gen/ more fodder to hate her? It's clear she reads this site and we're actively making it harder for her to do sex work.

Also, since the high end of home scales go to 700lbs, weighing her might be moot. Even if she got one to weigh herself on just for a PPV video, no guarantee she'd make a return on investment.

...that being said, more content Tara. Please. More than twice a month.
this chick is bald or dead or something last I heard
We need more brave souls like you.
FMT “grew” on me tbh. As she got fatter/older, she started to have easier features and got a little better with beauty products. Honestly, she gives me “no one ever showed me how to do my hair or makeup growing up” vibes.
Car drivers reup please
She’s been open about it on her IG. Actually really sad but she got through it but she’s like $1mil in medical debt or something absurd. She deserves good vibes (and $to pay off the medical bills lol)
Dude just upload it on mab it keeps getting taken down

That's not how medical bills at this scale work. She needs to get with the hospitals charity program and negotiate forgiveness. Her end cost should be almost nothing.
For cancer treatment in America? You need to have spectacular insurance to walk away with a manageable cost to you normally. Joy either had bad/low insurance or she got charged hard for top-notch care, and that's probably not factoring in the bariatric accommodations someone her size absolutely needed to have. I don't know how she can walk away with most of it forgiven if she and her husband have a modest income (my understanding is the charity program is for those that could not possibly pay those debts in their lifetime), but it's worth a try in either case.
She should start cooking and selling meth
>Jesse, we need to eat
>but Mrs. T, we haven't even cooked a single sheet of meth yet!
>the only "sheet" I wanna see is a sheet cake with Bavarian cream. Get me the phone
My DoorDash driver is the one who knocks
She’s prettier than the used to be. Less awkward and young. More hot and heavy. Her latest videos really capture that.
Did anyone get the car vid?
Anyone have the fart cake?

Down, please use MAB
Like I was saying that ass don't fart
Bro I thought it was a joke this whole time but she actually eats it after farting on it?? 🤢
timestamp on the fart?
Things you will only read on the chan
I hate to be the one to ask since It's been posted a number of times already but is there any chance on getting a reup on that cake fart video?
seen the vid like 4 times, timestamp on the fart? im not hearing it

All of you into the fart but I’m a “cat scratches” man myself
Only Redditors could beat a joke to death this hard
Crazy how her cat only ever pokes her to make those red welts and never makes any long scratches
reup fart vid please!
What is craziest is how her cat has been beating her for years non-stop.
Like, what the fuck does she do with her cat?
She even has "scratches" on her back and thighs! (>>52850 2nd and 4th pics)

That cat is a real menace.
Idk man, cats can be assholes. Especially ones raised from kittens.
White women are mentally ill.
that mutt is not white
She's as white as Obama
Bro she is Le 56% Face La Goblina de las Americas, La Luz Extinguido incarnate

t. a fellow spic
Obviously not, 'bama's black parent was from Kenia with likely no white admixture while I expect Tara to have 2 mixed parents or a white parent and a Afro-American parent who is as mixed as the average American.
Same! what a pesky cat... totally couldn't be from untreated 'beetus, oh no it must be the cat
My cat is totally chill and would never do that. So either her cat really sucks or she has the beetus, either way not good!
Christ, imagine malding over a model's quality due to how her cat behaves.
It's pretty clear she has beetus or pre-beetus. Why would her cat only scratch her on her belly? I don't care, I just think it's stupid to defend m'lady's honor with the cat cope
You can go back there any time

Anyone have the car video?
Because she's 50% belly? And others have pointed out there are marks on her back and legs as well? Clearly you care, you and the others are dredging this up because you want it so bad. Meanwhile since she's over 700lbs she could easily just announce she has diabetes, do a video or two on it, and put the whole thing to rest. Literally no reason to hide it with the kind of fans she attracts.
When fat chicks pushing for fat acceptance talk about not wanting randos to play doctor when they see them, they are talking about this exact situation.
I’ve actually known fat girls who were still fairly flexible. Not this fat, but still. Idk why it does for some and doesn’t for others, but body fat doesn’t necessarily make you less flexible.
Ok I’m genuinely not trying to be mean, but I feel like if FMT learned to do her hair and makeup better she could be so cute

Every fucking MissT thread this shit comes up. Who the fuck cares. Shut the fuck up! Share content or get lost
Because her kidding herself over her deteriorating health is all part of the boner, my man.
> not wanting randos to play doctor
That could definitely be said for a lot of chicks on here
>When fat chicks pushing for fat acceptance talk about not wanting randos to play doctor when they see them, they are talking about this exact situation.
Boo hoo. Maybe get better at lying, or try honesty for once.

Since you asked, because she's kind of like a jester. It's hard not to laugh at the nonsense and it doesn't really get old. Also she symbolizes the retarded, woke zoomer and a lot of us are jaded millennials/boomers that have pent up contempt. I understand your frustration, though. It is pretty shitposty, and it'd be cool if people would stop.

The fart cake is the better bit anyway.
THIS, right here
I know homie needed like 6 shower after that
Sex tape. Given the reaction, I'm genuinely wonder why you guys are even in this thread. It's not even that extreme.

What did you all think it looked like when a 700lb girl gets fucked?
Is this a new sex tape
Or the old one with the guy fucking her belly ??
What was her peak weight? She's listed her weight on Feabie as just over 700 now but she was way more than that before I know
Tara has covid (as you can see on jer insta). I think that could end pretty bad for her at that size. What do you think? Has anybody some experiences with such infections on that size? I hope she gets well soon

With the size of her nostrils she will be just fine.

Lot more factors than weight in complications.
At her size, even a mosquito bite can end up bad.
Who asked and who cares?
Any chance of a reup pls?
Chance reup Uber diver?
Where is that last pic from?
Anybody got more from her peak like 2 years ago?
She’s actually bigger now. You can clarly see that.
IDK I feel like she's stuck in the same 50 lb rage indefinitely as long as she stays mobile. Her legs def keep getting fatter but if she's getting bigger anywhere else its happening really slowly. Can't really complain, it's gotta take so much to maintain her size.
It takes us to maintain her size. It's our responsibility to help this girl lose her mobilty. She's like 21 i think and that would be so amazing and impressive. love this girl,

With someone that huge, it is going to be difficult to see changes in weight. Her gaining 75 lbs is like a 100lb woman gaining 10.
You'll only see hints of it. And the likelihood she would gain quickly enough that we can notice are slim.


I like how you think! I am in on that. (Well, I would do that for pretty much any USSBBW. :D)
She's lost like 70 or 80 pounds from her peak, she was almost 800 pounds and she's barely over 700 now, she even changed her weight on Feabie to being like 705 or something recently.
Pics/vids at her biggest?
everyone recognizes that URL by looking at it
Anyone has „ FatMissT‘s Naked and Obese Cooking“?

I love this set of hers so much! I want all young people be this fat.

she is morbedly obese
Uh hey buddy you're not her doctor /s
Is trick of kamera angle. She is mere 67kg. Can tell from hair, direction of light and size of towel.
My dude... literally EVERY SINGLE GIRL we post about here on the chan would be considered morbidly obese. Most of them, like Tara, would even be considered super morbidly obese
She looks like she's about to die. I'm actually impressed too how her face has such pig physiognomy. Like she was meant to eat until she explodes. I can only indulge this dark side for so long though, a small part of me does feel bad for her and wants her to get lipo and feed the blubber to the wildlife or something.

Highest IQ coomer
Anyone has her before pic when she was thin (slightly chubby), iirc she used to say that was her before starting to work on wendy's.
Hero. Fourth pic I what I was looking.
I don't get why all these BBWs gotta lie lie about their weight and pretend they're SSBBWs. She's nowhere near 700 lbs. 400, maybe 425 at the most. I watch My 600 Pound Life all the time. Those women are disabled. She might reach that point some day, but she's definitely not there yet.
C'mon man!! Don't you realize she's i her twenties and that her knees might have some years of life still in them...?
Half of the people on that show are disabled. Half aren't. Amber from Season 3 was 650 pounds and it was primarily in her legs. Tara has slightly smaller legs but they're still covered in rolls and her stomach is way bigger. Amber wasn't disabled and neither is Tara - they just walk differently. You genuinely can't fathom that people carry their weight differently, can you?
You really think she's 400 pounds? Do you think she's 3 feet tall too?
(9.5 MB, 608x1080, ffd85b68-9269-47d4-b825-24d7eded9b37.mp4)
*I come to this page to complain about the weight of the models when I'm here to ask for free content ...I am a genius !!!*

...dude come on, there's always a guy saying "she's not as fat as she says" with every model
(86 KB, 600x800, ab5c7da190acfa8f31dd7fb50e311a4649bca9e0c9cf91eb4d32f776c7f8793a.jpg) (67 KB, 600x800, a51cc3b3d4f0b7ba33adec2646591f08808e2b3957d3d536dc0afe20cb0acee5.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1816x4032, 262dfc55-f143-4930-88b2-6a0bdb752579.jpg) (37 KB, 564x846, 5294c24a3174f97e698bc8ecb5680d08.jpg) (31 KB, 306x447, 9531162-6679463-image-a-27_1549572864123.jpg) (36 KB, 634x526, 9531158-6679463-image-m-13_1549572602663.jpg)

make your own conclusions
Um, here's the thing, okay? My girlfriend looks almost as fat as her, but she's way more disabled. By the time she's off the couch, she's already exhausted--wheezing, trying her best to catch her breath, sweating, red-faced, etc--and guess what? She's been hovering at around 510-515 pounds over the past month. Simply based on their mobility, Tara must be 75+ pounds lighter.

I know you aren't going to believe me. I have been profoundly gifted my whole life, so I notice these sorts of thing. I can tell she's lying. I can tell when anyone is lying. You're going to think that I'm lying because you see her as some sort of authority when it comes to her weight. Plus, she scale tends to agree with her. Guess what? Scales can be manipulated too. I'm used to not being believed, so I'm not wasting my trying to prove it.

It's so sad, really. No one can critically think these days. I'm a millennial, but I've met maybe a handful of others from my generation that can keep up with me in conversation. No one younger comes even close. It's like you were all born retarded or something, and lack the intellectual curiosity to question, learn and improve.

>I have been profoundly gifted my whole life

Fake and gay.

Tara is fat as fuck. Too fat to live a normal life. idaf if she's lying about her weight to her followers. She's lying to herself and that's what's hot.
I think you're mildly autistic for having these die-hard opinions about women you've only seen through pictures. Tara has given multiple angles for how huge she is, from being crammed into a passenger seat to her shower chair videos. If you don't want to believe her or anyone else about their weight, that's fine - but most of us here disagree with how wild you're lowballing these girls in favor of your own girlfriend. She's an authority when it comes to her weight because it's what she lives with. You're not some arbiter of truth because you disagree. Unless you send her a scale and demand she record herself opening it and using it, you're not going to be convinced either - and I'm fairly certain even if she recorded every second with no cuts you'd still claim foul play.
post gf pics or gtfo
This is the writing style of someone that has never touched a woman.
You do realize that all human beings are built the same right. There plenty examples of mobile heavier ssbbws who don't have the problems your suggesting.
Links won't work for me
I'm fucking done. You things (I can't even call you people) are so fucking stupid.

Believe what you want to believe, sheep.
I wonder what those close to her think. Like, just her sheer size and her continual growth. Friends and family couldn’t just be idle while a 24 year old girl rapidly gains to 700+ pounds? Like that’s unprecedented even for this community
Can you share this video?
Just check 5 answers above the one you just responded
I think she could weight 250Kg, but clearly not 300, as she is a shorty.

Would be also interesting about Ninjah, whos mother did already took her under pressure to eat less, when she was like 50Kg lighter, 5 years ago on the videos.
Also was her uncle she critisizing, that she broke off the contact. Would like to know how they deal now with her morbidly obesity in New Zealand/ Samoa.
has she ever done a weigh in? idrc if she 700 or not she’s a blob but im sure everyone has been wanting one
It's cropped tho does anybody have the full one?
Could anyone pls reup the ‘fart cake’ cake stuffing video she did?
Lol every fucking week
Does anyone have her cooking video ?
strawberry shart cake
even funnier the second time!!
can we express intention to murder on here?

That still is from just before the shart erupts.
The fuck?

The fuck? No. Go to /alt/ with that..
Shes pretty damn enormous for any age, don't you think?

Wait so she sharts on the fart cake and eats the fart shark? I thought she farts on the shark hand and eats the fart fart?
No, she discards the shart tart, harks to the shark, then embarks the ark while barking at a shard and lastly she farts on lard and eats it.
Swear to fuck Redditors are the worst
True. She did fart on the cake though
who got the burp video
So i guess it never got share here?
You mean the fart video where she farts on the cake and then eats the fart cake? It was shared here a couple of times already. I'd upload it somewhere but I deleted it because I'm not into farts.
i have the vid, no fart, id love to see someone post a timestamp on when this happens
It's not going to happen because it's a troll

you can't even see it muthafuka
Clearly, the sun does actually shine out of her ass
will we ever get a fatmisst weigh in all this hype over adeline gots me wondering if we’ll ever get one
What happened with adeline?
She hella fat this year. She put over 100 pounds in 10 months now weighing at 703

Imagine Fatmisst put on 100 lbs next year? That would be hella hot!
I think it's over boys, she's realizing how hard it is to gain at this weight and to do anything. She's obviously in this because she was already fat and wanted to bank on her body, I doubt how serious her fetish is. She's pobably gonna keep at that weight or gain a bit but she won't get to amazing numbers I don't think so.

"she won't get to amazing numbers I don't think so"

the girl is like 2000lbs she's about to collapse what are you talking about

She wasn't exactly fat to begin with. Slightly chubby at best.
She gained a glorious amount weight and she carries it proud and adorable.

Her numbers are already quite amazing. There aint that many 700-pounder among young girls yet. And while I hope there will be gazillion times more of those by the time I'll need a young lover I still respect Tara's admirable achievement.

Sure, gaining might be hard for her now, as significant amount of energy I needed just to maintain that weight.

But she's among the few who don't have to gain any more. She has reached the size when she's already a princess. No further adjustment necessary.
I'm also willing to bet they're saying that due to Adeline reaching 700lbs at breakneck speed, but let's consider something here: Adeline has a partner and thinly-veiled feeder. Tara hasn't given any indication she lives with someone. If Addy gets too fat to move around, she's got someone to help. If Tara gets too fat, she's kinda stuck. So I'm sure the plateauing lately has more to do with knowing limits and eating enough to maintain her size, which is a huge amount in of itself.
Yeah I'm sure that has something to do with it. There was a brief point where I was talking with her (This was before she got big) and offering to be her boyfriend but I just wasn't in a position to handle the things that come with that at the time

And I still am not, especially with this recession.
Already down!!?
This is still my favorite MissT video of all time. Something about her navigating “regular life” at such an enormous size
a great detail is how her neck is so fucking fat it's actually pressing up against the back of her ears
down already reup?
got a block notice - can't reup from the same account
(0.9 KB, 40x40, Purugly.png)
get it while it's hot people aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWRpNlgxW2hlaCwgbm90aGluZyBwZXJzb25hbCB0YXJhXTNySW1H
Sometimes when I gawk at her body I start thinking about the impact of industrial civilization on humanity, thank you
I’ve been trying to get my hands on that video of her in the car for the longest. Would anyone happen to have it?

Me too! I am mesmerised by these changes. Can't wait to see entire humanity evolve into blobs of fat.
She's the next stage of human evolution, homo obesus.
>>62958 reup pls, already expired
Fuck, just missed out. Reup pls pls pls
Will she live to see 25?
Peak abundance and peak fat. Decarbonization ensures lean times ahead

Exactly, energy-literate coomer! So enjoy peak obesity while you still can.

No it doesn’t. Why would it?
We are likely to get more fat people, not less.


Why in the world would you agree with that. It makes zero sense.


Yes, exactly. Can’t wait to see this become the norm.

here you go
Thanks! Anyone have the car video?

Isn’t that fart cake? It has already been shared like 500 times bro
Then can you upload it please
Nah, at this rate we all have it. Anyone who hasn't gotten it by now just doesn't want it enough.
(4.2 MB, 640x800, 2.mp4)
anyone got this vid?
Hey folks I've been looking for videos where she gets her belly fucked. Is anyone able to share or point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Prob should have shared what I have in advance. ..my b. There's three in the link below. Other vids not included would be great to add if they're out there somewhere.

Prediction: heart attack before Easter.

Nah, shes young. She'll be fine.
She looks bigger. If I want one thing in this life I want to see her step on a scale
Yall notice how she intentionally drags her content drops these days? She always says her "Onlyfans is glitching" and that her videos wont upload. No way she isn't just stalling for time so that subs have to renew. Lol.
She does not realy win a beauty competition, but holy hell is she on Blobdeline level... Shes monstrous what the actuall fuck?! But iam wondering when i look trough my collection, i got not realy good Video of her?! What about this Cake sitting Video, was it ever released or shared? Or do one of yall got something pretty good?
appreciate it
Not sure how she'll do that for a video. Might have to go on a public scale or doctor's office.
She is one of the most beautiful women in the world ssbbw if I had a girlfriend or wife like this it would be a dream come true and I would enjoy it too much in every way, although it does not have many fantastic videos there are several good ones, the sex video is good, watch it walk and have her whole body move so sexy in that size, by God, it's the best, in my opinion she needs a little more grotesque videos demonstrating all her power like breaking chairs, beds, eating mochii babii style, yes, 24 hours of extreme eating where notice how inflated from excess, belching, farting, breaking clothes, strugling places by her size, etc... i hope she keep bigger, i hope she can read this and make that kind of content and if she can contact to adeline and ninja make a video this 3 ussbbw daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn and i love her eyes and face i think she is super pretty and looks really funny girl but after i remember where i live in this 5th world (bolivia) without bbw worse ssbbw or ussbbw and fighting with the socialist goverment and remember when i move from Venezuela by the same reason and Colombia but the curse of socialist goverment infecting the world... and i wish not move to another country again!!! is fucking tired damn... i need this women who are heros betwen the critic society... i love it, and i wish someday can live that dream
What's the name of this kind of autism?
Why are there so many retards and absolute losers in this website?
There is a direct correlation between having this fetish and being on the spectrum lol
dude we jerk off to 700lb women, i dont really think anyone here has the right to feel superior to anyone

There is nothing wrong with loving the fat ones.
There are tons of wrong with socialism. That toxic shit is hella dangerous and must be eliminated.
Thats a fucking blanket wtf... BUMP for this
If someone has the video they would of already uploaded it.
But you've literally just seen the coomer page updated and you expect someone to have it, and if they did have they would of already updated that same post on coomer.

Dude chill. That is the most famous Tara video of them all around these parts. It will turn up eventually. You don't need to ask 500 times.
Loser mentality

Thanks King. Positively Massive
Anyone have the car video?
reup pls? its already down

She can measure the duration of the brap she dropped on the cake
Can you reup the car vid pls?
Shit I missed it. I'm really sorry. I'll check the thread faster next time. Would someone re-upload it again please? Is there a host less responsive to takedowns?
as a professional doctor I know shes extremely fat and looks like its diabetus not cats and shes too fat needs to loose fat for her health

as a professional fa shes NOT FAT ENOUGH I need her FATTER FATTER FATTER NOW

imagine connecting her to a sugered lard machine pumping it nonstop into her growing gut getting bigger and bigger rubbing lotions on her belly to make belly skin not rip fuck im cumming
you posted cringe
you're not a doctor
how's weather in Mumbai?
Can someone re upload the car video please?
What's her tiktok
This has to be one of the most sexy pictures of a ssbbw I've ever seen. She's a gigantic ball of fat. A literal whale. Incredible times we live in gents. Looking forward to the future.

When I am old I want this weight of hers to be a typical average weight for high school seniors.
>> 68193

The creepy old man 18 year olds need to stay away from. Noted.
So I hope it happens sooner when I'm not so old, or if so, oh well. I'll be a silver fox hitting on the 800lb cuties then and probably not getting anywhere but I still like the sound of that future

Can you reup this please?
(4.2 MB, 640x800, 2.mp4)
anyone have this video?
fuck, is she losing weight? I'm so scared she's losing weight
It does look like she's lost a good 70 pounds
Sorry, but Tara was and is caucasian candidate. That's reason why somewhere never win some hispanic, black, or asian bbw stars....
Tara has confirmed many times that she’s at least partially black
>caucasian candidate.
Retard. She is clearly mixed race

Adeline is more white than her
I think she is fetal alcohol syndrome
Tara, Caucasian? Are you blind, dumb, or both?
If you think she is losing weight, you got to take a good break from porn my bro xD

What images are you even comparing to?
If you think she is losing weight, you got to take a good break from porn my bro xD

What images are you even comparing to?
You realize you can have black women who are mixed race and majority white? It's not common but it's a thing. My gf is half aboriginal but completely looks like a white girl other than the colour of her hair.
Bruh fuck your girlfriend bruh
Can anyone re-up her belly fucking videos
I love how Americans still use the one-drop rule from the slavery days.
I am not interested in their gene profile or their family tree. I write how they look.
Many people classify Adeline as hispanic and Tara as caucasian. It's not just about the color scale of their skin, or their ancestors.
(43 KB, 300x291, 83BD0A33-1BF7-4F97-8C2D-FD1DEC960E8B.jpeg)
Lol Adeline is Icelandic. Your idea of race is just ludicrous. You can’t just decide what you want people’s heritage to be 🤣

Also, you know “Hispanic” includes white people, black people, Asian people, and all the rest, right? Ethnicity, not a race. Latin America is a melting pot yo.
Fuck I’m too late for this, can someone bump? I appreciate it in advance
>that time of day where the brown people try and figure out who is black and white
Giving internet to the third world was a mistake
I would be very curious to know what behaviors or qualities make you categorize adeline as hispanic, lmao
are you a projecting shitskin or something who can't relate to a model unless she has some technical minority status?
Can someone re-upload the car video please? Happy Lunar New Year.
Why did you get so mad about someone mistakenly calling her hispanic? Lol
Would you like it if somebody called you black? ......or bald?
I think that’s exactly his point. There certainly are some *interesting* worldviews on race floating around here

Dude you've been begging for fart cake for like three months now. Just buy itv
Could someone upload the video where she puts her giant belly on a table? :)

I meant to tag this...
Does anyone have the too fat to exercise video?
Shut the fuck up dumb nigger, stop asking
>>71055 They all do. I'd still date her though.... If she was my wife, that is.

She must stink.
No doubt. I bet her family is like “damn Tara’s coming over again, gotta hose the filthy stank off the couch when she leaves”
She's at least three of them combined
>>71063 Yes. Even worse, I have seen much uglier girls that were much younger and much more thinner. We just don't know.
Literally a mound of fat. Just a blob now. Tbh it’s really hot that she is that big now, like she’s what 24? And likely way over 700? I wouldn’t be suprised if she was closer to 800
Not for nothing, posting from a model's photos from her private social media, or from a family member's social media, is a pretty quick way to get them to quit. She's probably seeing those posted and considering it - the headshot is from high school of all places.

Mods, you really should take this down before someone gets creative.
Wow. How has she not had a heart attack yet? :o
The human body is a magical thing.
Women of this size usually don't croak until their mid-30s.
seems this has disappeared, anyone got it?
I'd rather be crushed by both.
Throw in Bobbery (at her heaviest), Echo (at her current weight), Rosie, and Briana and put the 7 of us in a small room with me in the middle of all of them.

Random guy's memes on Bbwchan of all places made me laugh. Please post more
Hi Tara. Do fart videos. Thanks
How do I download pornica.site videos?
Open the source code on the video site. There's a direct link to the video file in line 275 (the URL after the "ContentURL" tag. Follow that link, then download the video.
Anyone got some content to share of this living goddess?
12 videos NO DELETE:
Mother of God, she genuinely looks like she's just moments from exploding. I love it.
Is her of worth the 3 dollars?
3 dollars? You can find that much down the back of the sofa, anon
You have absolutely spent $3 on much worse. Just give her the money, support someone who is head and shoulders fatter than everyone you see online (save for maybe 5 people total), and feel good about paying for your porn for once. It's three dollars - you could get a drink for that much at a convenience store.
I would say yes because 3 bucks is stupid cheap for any OF, let alone a chick like Tara who could use her size to justify charging a lot more. that being said her coomer page has a very good selection of her stuff but you can't always count on those being updated in a timely fashion.
Hers is the only OF that I've bitten the bullet and subscribed to, because it's dirt cheap (got a whole year for like $30 or some shit) and because she's probably the biggest person producing regular content right now.

Anyways, there's a lot of PPV stuff on there, which is disappointing. But I still think it's worth it just because of the price point. Just be ready to spend a few extra bucks here and there for the PPV stuff. I don't buy all of it, only the stuff that sounds interesting.
what burp video

Coomer is pointless for her videos as she DM's them
>Reddit spacing
lol TLDR
this website is busted rn. if someone has downloaded these files pls upload. I will keep trying and upload what I can
That's not reddit spacing you fucking retard. Reddit spacing is if it's spaces between greentext lines or between a greentext line and the next line. Only fucking retarded Zoomer newfags like you would not double space black text paragraphs.
It'd be great if someone shared. I don't think I have seen it on here before.
Anyone has Naked and obese cocking?
I will upload the cake video later
Freudian slip there bruh
You said you’d upload the cake vid?
It says it doesn't exist. Does that mean it was taken down? May I get a re-upload please?
Anyone have the numbers from her measurement video?
God this woman is a goddess. Id give anything to fuck that bellybutton
I'm so in love with her, would kill for more belly button content. truely one of a kind blessing.
Why her coomer gotta be so barren of good vids. ;(

Coomer has the limitation that each entry must be associated with an OF post. Most of Tara's best stuff is conducted through DMs, i.e. not OF posts. Coomer doesn't allow that to be uploaded.

Honestly, if you want her stuff, just join the OF. It is stupid cheap.

Unfortunately it's gone. Are you able to re-up? Thanks!
Can someone maybe reup some of the belly fucking vids? I've only recently discovered this whale and I'm obsessed

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