
There are so many plus size youtubers now it's incredible. It's proof the obesity crisis is almost normalised now.
The Youtube Downloader I use is Y2Mate. Just be careful and click off pop ups as soon as possible, a lot of these mp3/mp4 downloaders have hidden malware.
I use this site for downloading YT videos


Just X out all the pop ups and you're golden. The mp3 option never works for me and the HD option is just trying to get you to download the app which I never tried to use since I don't trust it.,
Try looking up JDownloader, every link you copy will get added to your clipboard and crawled automatically if you desire so whether it's a playlist or a single video. It's seriously impressive that software of this quality that is continually updated is free.

If a video is NSFW you can't download it through the program with adding your YT account, if you don't have ones there's a Tampermonkey script you can use along with Y2Mate to grab it.
Downloading "HD" videos from Youtube. Nice joke. Anything you pull from Youtube ain't true HD, and certainly not more than 30 fps.
Good, let them seethe at sexy mountains of lard becoming the norm.
>>49545 (OP)
I use 4K Video Downloader

It's really fast and you could download up to 25 videos a day for free. Not sure about 4K but 1080p videos are free too. They look really good
Jesus Christ, we need more women waddling around like her. She’s doing God’s work promoting obesity in a way that the mainstream is starting to swallow

Lol the mainstream absolutely is not. The internet isn’t real life. Just like anything, there’s a loud minority that makes things seem widespread, but they’re in fact extremely niche.
Look, we haven’t reached a point where every woman is her size, but have you looked outside? Women need to see that obesity isn’t bad. We need it normalized, and we’re getting there. The HAAS stuff really helps, too.

HAAS is beluga copium and it’s far from mainstream.
It’s keeping them fat. What the fuck do you want out of this? Are you into ssbbw or are you killing time on here cause 9th grade doesn’t start til September?

Fatties are fat because they’re lazy and they eat too much. That’s what’s keeping them fat. Not inspirational quotes on Instagram. Stop kidding yourself
Dumbass. Positive encouragement lets them know it's okay to be fat, reassures them they're allowed to keep eating how they've been eating, and motivates them to dress in something other than sweatpants and baggy shirts. Without it, all they'd have is gym advertisements and shows like My 600 Pound Life to scare them into being thin. The HAES movement has been nothing but good for people like us. Seriously, is this your first time on the Internet? Did you ask your mom for permission?
Exactly. It’s a slow process, but I bet in two generations (if we’re still here), we could see fatter women who are more at home in such huge bodies. Who knows, they could be a bit more submissive, too (I mean, most of these women crave attention and relationships; makes them easier to work with). It’s a slow process.

Look around you. Look how many models preach HAES and then go and lose weight or get WLS anyway. Nobody wants to be 600lb. The only reason they are is because they’re lazy. Take your dick out of your hand for five seconds and think about it logically. Tess Munster isn’t brainwashing girls into becoming blobs you stupid motherfucker.
You're genuinely reading too much into that post - no one is pushing an agenda or brainwashing. Some people just want to be okay with being fat. There isn't a push to get every woman bedbound.

Go touch some grass.
This is purely observational, but I've run some experiments with girls I've dated. The ones that I insulted for being fat gained about 50% more weight than the ones that I told looked great; sample size: 18 (10 that I berated, 8 that I complimented).
Dude if you keep insulting them then that's probably the reason you've broken up with 18 girls

Lol ironic that you tell me to touch grass while you’re here thinking an internet movement with a relatively tiny following is going to have a huge impact on the female population lol. Go outside.
No, dude, I'm still banging most of the girls I insulted. Negging fucking works. It's like a Jedi mind trick.
Being nice to one of these landwhales will get you farther

Without a doubt the definitive way of watching and downloading Youtube content. Otherwise, just use invidious.snopyta.org since it has many more downloading options and is based in Finland.

just add ZZ between "youtube" and ".com" on the video link address and you will be redirected to Y2meta.com.
just install and adblocker to stop anoying popups and you should be fine.
she look like a golem

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